View Full Version : Top 10 messages in your Social Media news feed (Facebook, Vk, Twitter...)

10-03-2016, 03:30 AM
Top messages right now in my FB feed:

1. Ukrainian journalist Roman Sushchenko of Ukrinform news agency was spotted in the Moscow-based pre-trial detention facility Lefortovo by members of NGO Public Monitoring Commission of Moscow, OpenRussia reports.

2. Oh no... a dangerously familiar precedent!#LetMyPeopleGo
Ukrainian journalist Roman Sushchenko of Ukrinform news agency was spotted in the Moscow-based pre-trial detention facility Lefortovo, is being accused of "espionage."

3. I knew this first date was over when Donald Trump came up

4. Barbara Pierce Bush, daughter of former President George W. Bush, made an appearance at a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton in Paris this weekend.

5. See over a decade of Angelina Jolie's stunning photos from the Vanity Fair archives

6."Soviet culture", on October 4, 1956.

7. It's the kind of job where you make $1,560 a week and Sergei Lavrov stops by for coffee. That doesn't mean it's easy, though.

8. This gentleman spent two days on a beach wearing a homemade clear plastic bikini in which his genitals were clearly exposed.

9. Фестиваль "Made in Ukraine" триває у Житомирі

10. Breaking News: Colombian voters appeared to reject a peace deal with the nation's largest rebel group, sending shock waves across Latin America.