View Full Version : A message to Serbs

10-06-2016, 01:32 PM
As long as they keep claiming lands in the balkans that are not really theirs then I really think deportation of the Serbs to Ukraine/Poland is the best solution for peace. Ive never seen people mass settle like rats in other peoples lands and be so ungrateful. Forge and lie so much about history to fit their political propaganda as if some of these lands they once occupied were theirs from the start, such as Kosovo and fyrom and even Bosnia and Croatia. You should be grateful you even have a country at all because last time I checked there were no slavic speakers here 1500. In the end, many of you ended up with much bigger lands than you had. Do you realize that you today are the driving force of all the conflicts in the Balkans? Who else is there to blame? Albanians are an indigenous population that lived there when you were roaming the Caucasus as Iranian tribes. Would we really have these political problems if it wasnt for your migration to the Balkans? Would we really have all these problems if it wasnt for all the forging of history and political prpaganda that the leaders and historians of your nation have invested in? You cannot even show one second of respect to an indigenous population can you? Its time for Serbian kids to learn in school that Albanians are an indigenous population instead of the political propaganda that you have installed it to your kids within the last 100 years. Once you learn to respect an indigenous population thats when there will be peace. You need to let go of the lands that you are claiming today as yours and work towards peace. If you cant do that then the best solution for you is to get deported back to were you came from. You are the ones who have been at fault for all the conflicts in the Balkans yet you cannot even make peace.

You claim you are mixed with the Ilyrians and Thracians but in fact they were simply just known as Albanians and Vlachs.

The Vlachs you discriminated heavily too. In fact Vlachs under your rule were seen as 2nd class citizens. They had much less rights. You burned down their villages and towns in the proccess when you came here with the Avars.

You were not even allowed to mingle with the Vlachs. In fact, The Vlachs were only forcefully asimilated much later after they had to espouse their identity due to all the discrimination under your rule.

For some people Ottoman occupation was like liberation from your rule. In fact, the laws of the Ottoman Empire were much humane comparef to that of the laws of Stefan Dusan for example. The Ottoman empire has gotten its bad reputation mostly due to the Young Turks or the late Ottoman Empire that slaughtered millions of Armenians like sheeps and conspired to do the same to the Albanians. In fact, your own leadets co operated with the young Turks due to their interest of Albanian lands.

You were the ones who invited the Ottomans into Europe. You were the ones who used them as mercenaries and you were the ones who fought on their side as Christian soldiers.

The battle of Kosovo is mythified: There were thousands of Serb Christians who fought on the Ottoman side.

You are the driving force behind all the conflicts in the Balkans. Nobody else. You invaded Albanian lands in 1912. You forcefully occupied Kosovo while it was mostly Albanian inhabited, and I can tell you you did that for the Trepca mines in northern Kosovo that you so badly want. Which is why Milosovic suggested to split Kosovo in two: North goes to Serbia and South goes to Albania. Even though at that time North Kosovo was mostly Albanian inhabited too.

You came from Poland/Ukraine and many of you even get that as top countries that you match.

Some people here say "There is enough blame to pass on each nation if we look enough into it"

No there isnt!!!!!! You occupied Albanian majority areas, in the proccess you killed thousands of civilians that even some of your own honest people hace later spoken about.

Instead of treating the Albanians good like everyone else you instead suppressed them of their language, culture and identity and that in Kosovo for 100 years.

You planned and executed deportations and genocide in these lands of the Albanian population. You planned and executed colonization. And all this to turn the demographics around in these areas. Whatever the Albanians did after that was in retaliation.

I dont hate the Serbs, I only want peace, but there will never be peace if you cannot see you are the ones who started this all.

You are the most chavunist brainwashed nation in the Balkans. Without a doubt. Your nationalism is filled with myths, that started in19th century, that you have bought into and which has played a huge role into your politics. instead of criticising your political leaders, questioning your beliefs you rather wage hate on your neighbors. Truth is, you have only yourself to blame!!!

10-06-2016, 01:34 PM
Well why do u care what they did with the albanians? You are a kosovar

10-06-2016, 01:37 PM
Well why do u care what they did with the albanians? You are a kosovar

What are kosovars you sensitive pussy who cant even handle getting trolled?

Most Kosovars are ethnic Albanians. If some of these Albanians instead pushed for a kosovar identity is something else. Their ancestors were still Albanians.

10-06-2016, 01:38 PM
What are kosovars you sensitive pussy who cant even handle getting trolled?


10-06-2016, 01:39 PM

Why do you care about Albanians, you are a Greek.

10-06-2016, 01:41 PM
Why do you care about Albanians, you are a Greek.


10-06-2016, 01:45 PM
O sa mire me qen tradhtar

10-06-2016, 01:48 PM
Ore ēa karin muhabete bėni? Latė koqen e namit. O Ujku, po lėre mutin se ėshtė bėrė dru.

10-06-2016, 01:55 PM
Ore ēa karin muhabete bėni? Latė koqen e namit. O Ujku, po lėre mutin se ėshtė bėrė dru.

Hiqmu prej syt, Greqi vogel

10-06-2016, 02:24 PM

I like Albanians men even though im a kosovar vut Tosks arent Albanians men. You are Greeks. Very obvious. This topic especially concerns kosovars.

10-06-2016, 02:26 PM


10-06-2016, 02:26 PM
I like Albanians men even though im a kosovar vut Tosks arent Albanians men. You are Greeks. Very obvious. This topic especially concerns kosovars.


10-06-2016, 02:27 PM

greku satemes

10-06-2016, 02:28 PM

How did you learn to speak Albanian, greco?

10-06-2016, 02:36 PM
How did you learn to speak Albanian, greco?

ik o bydalla

10-06-2016, 02:37 PM
ik o bydalla

Ik o Grek shqipfolsa. Hajt shko merrja ngoj golden dawn

10-06-2016, 02:42 PM
Ik o Grek shqipfolsa. Hajt shko merrja ngoj golden dawn

GD do deboj shqiptaret...its in our interest.