View Full Version : Race and IQ: Genes That Predict Racial Intelligence Differences

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-07-2016, 05:47 PM
For the past century, psychologists have recorded racial differences in intelligence test scores showing that Asians score higher than Whites who in turn score higher than Blacks. The causes of these intelligence differences have been heavily debated.

One challenge often put to the so-called “hereditarians,” those who say that the gap is significantly caused by genetics, is to name the specific genes which make some races smarter than others. Until recently, this has been impossible due to technological limitations and so hereditarians have relied on less direct evidence when making their case. However, in recent years, new research has come out which has pinpointed several genes that are probably involved in racial intelligence differences. This post will describe this research and explain why what has been found thus far provides powerful evidence for the hereditarian viewpoint.

The Genes
The research comes from 3 papers which looked at how 14 alleles (gene variants) which were previously associated with intelligence, or a proxy for intelligence, vary by race (Piffer 2013), (Piffer 2014), (Piffer and Kirkeggard 2014). In a sample of 101,069 10 of these 14 alleles were each found to predict higher than average educational attainment (Rietveld et al. 2013). The predictive ability of each allele was then retested again across 12 samples totaling 25,290 people. All 10 alleles were found to be associated with intelligence in multiple samples, though the the associations were not always statistically significant. Importantly, the samples consisted of only white people, which means that no genes arbitrarily associated with race will be falsely thought to associate with education just because race does. What were the alleles associated with biologically?

These genes were only shown to directly associate with education, but there is good reason to think that they predict intelligence as well. For one thing, intelligence highly correlates with education. Secondly, previous studies that have sought out alleles associated with education have found that they predict intelligence test scores even better than they do education.

The other four alleles come from more varied sources. The first is a version of the NPTN gene, which is involved in how the brain changes itself (neural outgrowth and synaptic plasticity). A particular allele of this gene has previously been found to predict lower IQ scores and less cortical thickness. The second allele comes from the FNB1L gene and has been associated with high intelligence across multiple studies. The third allele is a version of the CHRM2 gene and has been associated with high intelligence in 4 separate studies. Finally, in a meta-analysis of 77 previous studies, a version of the APOE4 gene has been found to predict better memory, perceptual speed, and general cognitive functioning. Each of the studies involving these four genes used different sets of controls and statistical adjustments. Because they have been found to associate with intelligence so consistently, a causal relationship between the allele and intelligence is likely.

The Databases
Data on the frequency of each allele across different racial populations was taken from three databses: ALFRED, HapMap, and 1000 Genomes. Each of these databases collects genetic data taken from samples all over the world. Combined, they have genetic samples from well over 100 distinct populations. They are highly reputable, and having access to three different databases allows these findings to be replicated multiple times. (The first ten alleles were tested across all three databases while the other set of four were only tested across ALFRED and 1000 Genomes.)

The Results
The 14 alleles were found to be patterned such that, based on this genetic data alone, Asians would be predicted to have the highest IQs followed by Whites and ending with Blacks. These differences were statistically significant and were replicated across all three databases. More extraordinary was the finding that all 14 alleles differed between Blacks and Whites in a way that would predict that Blacks would be less intelligent. This result strongly suggests that the hereditarian viewpoint is the correct one. The egalitarian viewpoint would predict that each allele should have, on average, a 50% probability of existing in a greater frequency among either Blacks or Whites. Therefore the probability of the first 14 alleles examined all favoring Whites would be a mere 1 in 16,284. Obviously, the probability of this happening under the hereditarian model is much higher.

Given the logic of science, this clearly suggests that the hereditarian viewpoint should be favored: we have two competing hypotheses one of which would make an outcome extremely unlikely and the other which would make it probable. We have found that said outcome has materialized and, on this basis, can declare one hypothesis, egalitarianism, highly unlikely; and the other hypothesis, hereditarianism, probable.

Below are charts showing the distribution of all 14 alleles across 4 racial groups. The data was taken from ALFRED but, as we have already seen, the pattern is consistent across other databases as well. (The first chart is for an allele associated with lower than average cognitive ability. All the others alleles are positively associated with intelligence.)



Piffer, D. (2014). Simple Statistical Tools to Detect Signals of Recent Polygenic Selection. Interdisciplinary Bio Central, 6, 1-6. doi:10.4051

Piffer, D. (2013). Factor Analysis of Population Allele Frequencies as a Simple, Novel Method of Detecting Signals of Recent Polygenic Selection: The Example of Educational Attainment and IQ. Interdisciplinary Bio Central, 1-31. doi:10.4051

Piffer, D., & Kirkegaard, E. (2014). The genetic correlation between educational attainment, intracranial volume and IQ is due to recent polygenic selection on general cognitive ability. Open Behavioral Genetics, 1-35.

Rietveld, C. et al (2013). GWAS of 126,559 Individuals Identifies Genetic Variants Associated with Educational Attainment. Science, 340, 1467-1471. doi:10.1126/science.1235488

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-07-2016, 05:47 PM
I feel a definitive thread need to be made for this, one used to be but I think it got deleted after the forum crash.

10-07-2016, 06:12 PM
Cant get most of the markers listed. Its not listed for me.
The first one I get T though

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-07-2016, 06:26 PM
Cant get most of the markers listed. Its not listed for me.
The first one I get T though

I get T as well.

Congratulations on us not being dummies.

Are you mixed? (no offense)

10-07-2016, 06:27 PM
I get T as well.

Congratulations on us not being dummies.

Are you mixed? (no offense)


Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-07-2016, 06:30 PM

Okay it makes sense then.

Of course even if you were not I'm sure some blacks do not have the dummy gene (a few don't for sure) it's just it's highest concentration is among them.

10-07-2016, 06:31 PM
First SNP seems rather linked to Alzeihmer, most would be T. Is there a link for the whole article/paper?

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-07-2016, 06:32 PM
First SNP seems rather linked to Alzeihmer, most would be T. Is there a link for the whole article/paper?

I posted sources. You may want to search for it idk

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-07-2016, 06:34 PM
First SNP seems rather linked to Alzeihmer, most would be T. Is there a link for the whole article/paper?


here's just one for example

you can click on the pdf

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-07-2016, 06:38 PM
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/260436834_Factor_Analysis_of_Population_Allele_Fre quencies_as_a_Simple_Novel_Method_of_Detecting_Sig nals_of_Recent_Polygenic_Selection_The_Example_of_ Educational_Attainment_and_IQ

here's another

all the sources are available - just search for them and you can find a PDF

10-07-2016, 06:43 PM
Okay it makes sense then.

Of course even if you were not I'm sure some blacks do not have the dummy gene (a few don't for sure) it's just it's highest concentration is among them.

Sure. thats a weird compliment though.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-07-2016, 06:45 PM
Sure. thats a weird compliment though.


it's not that bad, why would you take any pride in your dumb ancestors if you yourself aren't dumb anyways? If someone is half black half white but they lack the dummy gene they should be considered white for all intents and purposes, at least, intelligence is a pretty darn important thing. Racists I don't think would consider you inferior, either. Only if you do have the gene but you don't.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-07-2016, 06:46 PM
Sure. thats a weird compliment though.

I mean I have some Native American ancestors and that's fine and dandy (I don't think just because someone is dumb they should be killed - just segregated)

10-07-2016, 06:48 PM
East Indians in the states have the highest average IQs, followed closely by Chinese and Koreans.

10-07-2016, 06:48 PM

it's not that bad, why would you take any pride in your dumb ancestors if you yourself aren't dumb anyways? If someone is half black half white but they lack the dummy gene they should be considered white for all intents and purposes, at least, intelligence is a pretty darn important thing. Racists I don't think would consider you inferior, either. Only if you do have the gene but you don't.

Just stop trying to compliment me please its weird as fuck.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-07-2016, 06:51 PM
East Indians in the states have the highest average IQs, followed closely by Chinese and Koreans.

Yeah that makes sense.

The only really un-intelligent people are Negroids, collectively that is. Australoids maybe too.

North Indians are fine.

10-07-2016, 06:52 PM

10-07-2016, 06:53 PM
Yeah that makes sense.

The only really un-intelligent people are Negroids, collectively that is. Australoids maybe too.

North Indians are fine.

The average Indian in America is also probably more intelligent than the average white American and Latino.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-07-2016, 06:58 PM
The average Indian in America is also probably more intelligent than the average white American and Latino.

Probably. I see no reason why not.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-07-2016, 06:59 PM



i got you to admit it

thank you

10-07-2016, 07:00 PM
Probably. I see no reason why not.

150% guaranteed.

no way I consider most whites or Hispanics as smart as the Indian neurosurgeon my dad knows or the Indian physicists I have met at university.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-07-2016, 07:01 PM
150% guaranteed.

no way I consider most whites or Hispanics as smart as the Indian neurosurgeon my dad knows or the Indian physicists I have met at university.

Nice. Now have a cookie.

10-07-2016, 07:04 PM
Nice. Now have a cookie.

and they are probably ten times more intelligent than the psychologists who get paid to write papers on intelligence.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-07-2016, 07:05 PM
and they are probably ten times more intelligent than the psychologists who get paid to write papers on intelligence.

Probably. Probably.

Poise n Pen
10-07-2016, 07:06 PM
DNA is a social construct.

Poise n Pen
10-07-2016, 07:14 PM
150% guaranteed.

no way I consider most whites or Hispanics as smart as the Indian neurosurgeon my dad knows or the Indian physicists I have met at university.

The country of india as a whole has 85 IQ.

I would not assume just because they are doctors they are smart, either. Average IQ of doctors in the USA is only 110.

In India they have very aggressive affirmative action, as well. An applicant to medical school from the dalit class (the dark brown ones with the lowest IQ) can get into medical school with a 40% score on the entrance exam. Someone from the brahmin class (the whitest ones, who are as smart as whites) can't get in unless they have a 90% score.

Something to think about next time you go to the doctor. I have had doctors tell me some really stupid shit, including white ones. I don't think raw IQ is super important for a doctor but having people with IQ under 100 become a doctor is a joke.

10-07-2016, 11:02 PM
This is all very interesting, but do we have a definitive definition of intelligence to make this linking of genes to intelligence more than just academic conjecture?

Poise n Pen
10-07-2016, 11:17 PM
This is all very interesting, but do we have a definitive definition of intelligence to make this linking of genes to intelligence more than just academic conjecture?

There are many biological links that tie in with IQ scores so they do approximate "real" intelligence just not perfectly.

10-07-2016, 11:19 PM
Intelligence is definitely determinated by race, but in the U.S. whites are not even at the top. It would be Indians, Asians, and Jews that score the highest. Just like how those two groups (Asians and Indians) do the best on the SAT math scores, or Advanced Placement exams.

Poise n Pen
10-07-2016, 11:22 PM
no intelligence i would say is correlated with race, but in the U.S. whites are not even at the top. It would be Indians, Asians, and Jews that score the highest. So who cares? Just like how those two groups do the best on the SAT math scores.

Compared to white people in same professions, they are less intelligent. Compared by race as a whole, not even close for indians and jews, asians are just slightly ahead.

But the main reason people care is because most nigrants come from shithole countries and are mentally retarded which fucks up the whole country.

10-07-2016, 11:38 PM
Epigenetics play a crucial role, but denying that there is a biological element is silly. Of course there are differences between populations. That's natural selection 101.

10-07-2016, 11:39 PM
There are many biological links that tie in with IQ scores so they do approximate "real" intelligence just not perfectly.

That is all well and fine so long as IQ can be seen to be a good measure of "real" intelligence. There is much debate about that.

Colonel Frank Grimes
10-08-2016, 12:03 AM
That is all well and fine so long as IQ can be seen to be a good measure of "real" intelligence. There is much debate about that.

There isn't much real debate once you take politics out of the equation. Psychometrics is the only area of psychology that shows consistency in results.

10-08-2016, 12:24 AM
The genetic differences stem from environment, just like everything else. I'm sure the genes for this can be altered with time.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-10-2016, 11:04 PM
The genetic differences stem from environment, just like everything else. I'm sure the genes for this can be altered with time.

How long are we going to have to wait?

10-10-2016, 11:07 PM
Shillary knows what's up


Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-10-2016, 11:10 PM
Shillary knows what's up


She knows what's true - she follows the money though, no skin off her back if the country implodes. She's rich.

Poise n Pen
10-10-2016, 11:12 PM
Shillary knows what's up


Shillary is super-retarded like usual.

Success is a made up concept that has nothing to do with intelligence. Are you a success if you have millions of dollars but never go outside in the sunshine? My sister works 80-90 hours a week, all the time, then brags about how smart she is. Meanwhile she has just some online business degree and her whole life is nothing but pointless work to pay for an expensive house she barely visits.

10-10-2016, 11:15 PM
All this proves is that whites aren't superior, it's asians. :/

Poise n Pen
10-10-2016, 11:17 PM
No one cares about who's superior, just reality. And of course it proves some people should stay in jungle environment and stay away from civilized people until they evolve a bit more.

10-10-2016, 11:36 PM
If we didn't have a corrupt media/government establishment the debate on race would be over already.

White kids with family incomes under 20k do better on American SATs than African American kids with family incomes of 200k+. Impoverished, alcohol fetal syndrome Native American kids do better on SATs than African American kids with family incomes of 70k+. Many impoverished nations outperform Qatar heavily on PISA.

I mean, you can't make this shit up. The debate is over, the question is when the information will be released to the public.

10-10-2016, 11:44 PM
Yeah that makes sense.

The only really un-intelligent people are Negroids, collectively that is. Australoids maybe too.

North Indians are fine.
Wrong. North Indians are borderline retarded.

The US has 2.5 million Indians, the UK has 800k, Canada has 1.1 million, Australia has 500k. There are 1,250 billion Indians in the world.

Immigrants are usually the smartest of their populations, add onto most immigration from India is via employment green cards rather than family reunification/etc like from Mexico, it's not really that surprising. You can have 2.5 million SSAs with an average IQ of 112 as well.

Even though Indian immigrants may be smart, their children will be stupid. It's called regression to the mean, children only have a .45 correlation with their parents IQ. We see it already in the UK and other places.

ILEA, 1967 | Age: 11 | N = 43 | IQ: 87 | British Indians
Dickenson et al. 1975 | Age: 9-10 | N = 173 | IQ: 93 | British Pakistanis
Black Peoples, 1978 | Age: 10 | N = 149 | IQ: 91 | British Indians
Scarr et al. 1983 | Age: 11 | N = 173 | IQ: 94 | British Indians
Scarr et al. 1983 | Age: 11 | N = 32 | IQ: 89 | British Pakistanis
Mackintosh et al. 1985 | Age: 11 | N = 37 | IQ: 83 | British Indians
Mackintosh et al. 1985 | Age: 11 | N = 25 | IQ: 97 | British Indians
Mackintosh et al. 1985 | Age: 10 | N = 91 | IQ: 93 | British Pakistanis
Mackintosh et al. 1985 | Age: 10 | N = 170 | IQ: 96 | British Pakistanis
West et al. 1992 | Age: 7-15 | N = 560 | IQ: 88 | British Pakistanis
West et al. 1992 | Age: 7-15 | N = 330 | IQ: 87 | British Indians
West et al. 1992 | Age: 7-11 | N = 177 | IQ: 87 | British Bangladeshis
De Lemos, 1989 | Age: Adults | N = 111 | IQ: 89 | Australian mixed

The median is 89. White British children had a median of 100, black British had 85.


Pieke, 1988 | Age: 10 | N = 338 | IQ: 88 | Dutch Indians
Lynn & Owen, 1994 | Age: 15 | N = 1,063 | IQ: 83 | South African Indians
Chandra, 1975 | Age: 8-13 | N = 140 | IQ: 82 | Fiji Indians
Liu et al. 2003 | Age: 11 | N = 1,093 | IQ: 89 | Mauritius Indians

It isn't until you get to Indian South African university students you see IQs of 98, 102, 106.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-11-2016, 01:11 AM
All this proves is that whites aren't superior, it's asians. :/

Correct. I'll admit my inferiority to East-Asians collectively any day of the week. It's still facts. It's still science. Do I wish I was the master race? Sure. Reality is reality though. I'm White. Not as dumb as a nigger and not as mathematically skilled as an East-Asian. I am what I am. I accept it and move on.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-11-2016, 01:13 AM
If we didn't have a corrupt media/government establishment the debate on race would be over already.

White kids with family incomes under 20k do better on American SATs than African American kids with family incomes of 200k+. Impoverished, alcohol fetal syndrome Native American kids do better on SATs than African American kids with family incomes of 70k+. Many impoverished nations outperform Qatar heavily on PISA.

I mean, you can't make this shit up. The debate is over, the question is when the information will be released to the public.

Yet there are still retards who deny it.

de Burgh II
10-11-2016, 02:18 AM
One's intelligence via heredity does play a role to an extent that is quite innate and intrinsic in the sense will determine how one acts and such. As well as the prenatal environment the fetus is subjected to will determine the health of said offspring; I would make it very imperative to cleanse one's offspring from toxic intakes from anything that could cognitively affect the fetus's neurochemistry.

As Xenophobicprussian reiterated before, the field of Psychometrics is grounded in statistic analysis of correlations (which doesn't implicate causation) and correlational strength/magnitude between the variables under study which in this case would be Race and IQ in the sample size (n). We also have to realize that like anything else we genetically inherit (such as skin pigmentation, eye color, hair texture/color, height etc.) is polygenic (controlled by many genes) and multifactorial (that includes genetic and environmental factors) in nature so the empiricism does retain validity in its own right. As he said as well, there can be a regression towards the mean which in this case would be deemed the "average intelligence" of one's homogenous sample size that is studied. On average, even if one has two highly intelligent progenitors/caretakers, there can be some cases of any one of one's offspring to regress in the unimodal distribution/normal distribution of the country's average IQ which will nevertheless have considerable intelligence in their own right if lead/nurtured in the right direction. Nevertheless, the majority of people fall into the average with outliers that fall at the two extremes (being genius level intellect or being clinically mentally deficient). IQ quantification is only as good to the homogeneous/heterogeneous populations under study in the sample size.

In all, the primal antecedents of this I would say is their innate heredity; and how they develop prenatally that in turn predisposes how the offspring will develop in their natural environment. So, I would say decadence wouldn't be a good thing to promote in one's society; innovation, education and creativity are the paramount personifications of an ideal society one should foster in their society for a more better outcome overall.

10-11-2016, 02:26 AM
The country of india as a whole has 85 IQ.

I would not assume just because they are doctors they are smart, either. Average IQ of doctors in the USA is only 110.

In India they have very aggressive affirmative action, as well. An applicant to medical school from the dalit class (the dark brown ones with the lowest IQ) can get into medical school with a 40% score on the entrance exam. Someone from the brahmin class (the whitest ones, who are as smart as whites) can't get in unless they have a 90% score.

Something to think about next time you go to the doctor. I have had doctors tell me some really stupid shit, including white ones. I don't think raw IQ is super important for a doctor but having people with IQ under 100 become a doctor is a joke.

That is incorrect. It's 120 on average.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
10-11-2016, 02:33 AM
If we didn't have a corrupt media/government establishment the debate on race would be over already.

White kids with family incomes under 20k do better on American SATs than African American kids with family incomes of 200k+. Impoverished, alcohol fetal syndrome Native American kids do better on SATs than African American kids with family incomes of 70k+. Many impoverished nations outperform Qatar heavily on PISA.

I mean, you can't make this shit up. The debate is over, the question is when the information will be released to the public.



youre so edgy omg

10-11-2016, 02:40 AM
Wrong. North Indians are borderline retarded.

The US has 2.5 million Indians, the UK has 800k, Canada has 1.1 million, Australia has 500k. There are 1,250 billion Indians in the world.

Immigrants are usually the smartest of their populations, add onto most immigration from India is via employment green cards rather than family reunification/etc like from Mexico, it's not really that surprising. You can have 2.5 million SSAs with an average IQ of 112 as well.

Even though Indian immigrants may be smart, their children will be stupid. It's called regression to the mean, children only have a .45 correlation with their parents IQ. We see it already in the UK and other places.

Correct me if I'm wrong but, from my understanding and research of the phenomenon, regression to the mean is misconstrued by many psychometric analysts because:

1) It measures the IQ of children with either one higher than average IQ parent (who marries back into the average IQ gene pool)


2) abnormally high IQ parents whose lineage consists of average IQ ancestors.

Also, considering that children of exceptionally high IQ people from an average-low average population (Ashkenazi Jews compared to Southern Levantine pops. for example) tend to maintain their parents' intelligence, it doesn't make sense that it'd revert back to some arbitrary number. After all, that's how genes for intelligence get expressed more so in different populations from an ancestral base.

10-11-2016, 02:45 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong but, from my understanding and research of the phenomenon, regression to the mean is misconstrued by many psychometric analysts because:

1) It measures the IQ of children with either one higher than average IQ parent (who marries back into the average IQ gene pool)


2) abnormally high IQ parents whose lineage consists of average IQ ancestors.

Also, considering that children of exceptionally high IQ people from an average-low average population (Ashkenazi Jews compared to Southern Levantine pops. for example) tend to maintain their parents' intelligence, it doesn't make sense that it'd revert back to some arbitrary number. After all, that's how genes for intelligence get expressed more so in different populations from an ancestral base.

you talk real fancy

Poise n Pen
10-11-2016, 02:47 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong but, from my understanding and research of the phenomenon, regression to the mean is misconstrued by many psychometric analysts because:

1) It measures the IQ of children with either one higher than average IQ parent (who marries back into the average IQ gene pool)


2) abnormally high IQ parents whose lineage consists of average IQ ancestors.

Also, considering that children of exceptionally high IQ people from an average-low average population (Ashkenazi Jews compared to Southern Levantine pops. for example) tend to maintain their parents' intelligence, it doesn't make sense that it'd revert back to some arbitrary number. After all, that's how genes for intelligence get expressed more so in different populations from an ancestral base.

Good points but I am guessing that the population definition is the issue.

First off, unixed mena and whites are probably about the same IQ to begin with. So there is no more regression there than with whites.

Second off, jews are an endogamous population that cut off from others a long time ago. So they can't easily be compared to the whole middle east.

There's many populations in India but if you treat them all as one, then you will indeed see regression of the whole because the female is also involved in the process (and moreso than the male).

In addition to all that IQ is not 100% perfect measure and it can be studied for at least a little. So if you get some guy who works extra hard and manages to get an extra few apparent IQ points it won't translate to the next generation.

10-11-2016, 04:44 AM
Not as dumb as a nigger and not as mathematically skilled as an East-Asian..

Since when has mathematical skill been the sole measure of intelligence ?

10-11-2016, 11:50 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong but, from my understanding and research of the phenomenon, regression to the mean is misconstrued by many psychometric analysts because:

1) It measures the IQ of children with either one higher than average IQ parent (who marries back into the average IQ gene pool)


2) abnormally high IQ parents whose lineage consists of average IQ ancestors.

Also, considering that children of exceptionally high IQ people from an average-low average population (Ashkenazi Jews compared to Southern Levantine pops. for example) tend to maintain their parents' intelligence, it doesn't make sense that it'd revert back to some arbitrary number. After all, that's how genes for intelligence get expressed more so in different populations from an ancestral base.
Looking it up fairly quickly I haven't read anything about the first point. All references I saw were of "both parents have an IQ of 160" or "the median of both parents IQ being 160", etc.

The argument against regression against the mean I have seen is that extended recent family/generations(of how many grandparents back I don't know) will be more important than the overall gene pool of the race or ethnicity in question, so hypothetically, if each next generation kept breeding with a same or higher IQ person, the regression to the mean would be slower, the mean IQ on the opposite side of the parents IQ would keep rising each generation and/or regression would eventually halt, or has already halted/has a higher mean than other families in the ethnic/racial group because they already selectively bred. Of course, you can't keep breeding within your family and to significantly slow regression could mean having to marry into another high IQ family, not just another high IQ individual.

Seems to me like that would take very selective breeding, and a long time, quite similar to the Ashkenazi process(Jewish in-group, high class preference). It's safe to assume if two successful, IQ 110 Igbo Nigerian-Americans(the average Nigerian number being 84) mate(for the sake of the argument, we can assume there are not established high IQ families yet in Nigeria, the two 110 IQ parents hit the lottery), their kid will have an IQ of 96-97. The kid will most likely breed with another person around 96, who also probably had parents not belonging to high IQ families, but high IQ individuals. Completely hypothetically, again for the sake of argument, let's raise the base IQ to 86(perhaps that's being too generous, again, I have no idea) after one generation, with more intelligence related SNP alleles now because of the four new added grandparents, that still puts the third generation at an IQ of 91. Seems like it would take a long time and the unlikely eugenics commitment. That assumes your first point is wrong, I don't know.

10-12-2016, 12:06 AM
rs429358 CT
rs3783006 no data
rs8049439 TT
rs13188378 AA
rs11584700 no data
rs4851266 no data
rs2054125 no data
rs3227 no data
rs4073894 no data found in the chip
rs12640626 GG
rs236330 no data found in the chip
rs324650 AT
rs7171755 AG
rs9320913 no data in the chip

10-12-2016, 12:11 AM
That is incorrect. It's 120 on average.
Medical school isn't here, but going off of Physiology, it does seem to be around 115(with Social Workers actually averaging around 100 and physicists averaging 130).


Btw, I'm probably a good example of my previous point. My mother studied Chemistry and I wound up studying something on the far left of that chart. x_x

10-12-2016, 03:39 AM
Medical school isn't here, but going off of Physiology, it does seem to be around 115(with Social Workers actually averaging around 100 and physicists averaging 130).


Btw, I'm probably a good example of my previous point. My mother studied Chemistry and I wound up studying something on the far left of that chart. x_x

Interesting, what did you study? My dad also studied something completely different than me. I was originally going to become a mechanical engineer, but got more interested in the health and cancer research field.

Poise n Pen
10-12-2016, 03:51 AM

I've seen several studies and graphs that peg it at 110 for doctors actually. And the actual doctor IQ is not the same as the majors, because most of the doctors these days come from other countries. Mainly India and similar places that don't have nearly the same standards as american schools (which have also gone down a lot though).