View Full Version : Cambridge Face Memory Test.

Charles Bronson
10-08-2016, 01:59 AM

My result:


10-08-2016, 02:10 AM

10-08-2016, 02:16 AM
Cambridge Face Memory Test
Thank you for taking part in this experiment.
Your accuracy in the experiment was: 82%

The average score on this test is around 80% correct responses for adult participants.
A score of 60% or below may indicate face blindness.

Charles Bronson
10-08-2016, 02:17 AM

Congrats you are face blind.

Cambridge Face Memory Test
Thank you for taking part in this experiment.
Your accuracy in the experiment was: 82%

The average score on this test is around 80% correct responses for adult participants.
A score of 60% or below may indicate face blindness.

Pretty average.

10-08-2016, 02:17 AM

My result:


You should work for the FBI bro, you are very good. I read there is a special job field called super memoriser or super face memoriser or like that but Im not sure what the name was, but it was about memorising and picking up faces in crowds etc.

Charles Bronson
10-08-2016, 02:21 AM
You should work for the FBI bro, you are very good. I read there is a special job field called super memoriser or super face memoriser or like that but Im not sure what the name was, but it was about memorising and picking up faces in crowds etc.

I do not trust the FBI.

10-08-2016, 02:22 AM

10-08-2016, 02:23 AM
I do not trust the FBI.

London Scotland Yard has them too. I found it, its called super-recogniser http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-34544199

Charles Bronson
10-08-2016, 02:25 AM

You are also, a superior.

Nearly Summa cum Laude Note 1.

100 % bis einschl. 92 % = Note 1
unter 92 % bis einschl. 81 % = Note 2
unter 81 % bis einschl. 67 % = Note 3
unter 67 % bis einschl. 50 % = Note 4
unter 50 % bis einschl. 30 % = Note 5
unter 30 % bis einschl. 0 % = Note 6

Charles Bronson
10-08-2016, 02:26 AM
London Scotland Yard has them too. I found it, its called super-recogniser http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-34544199

Maybe I work than with Longbowman.

10-08-2016, 02:26 AM
You are also, a superior.

I found it quite easy tbh, the blurry ones were a bit difficult but you could still see the facial features...

10-08-2016, 02:39 AM
Maybe I work than with Longbowman.

Sherlock Holmes and Watson, but who is Watson and who is Sherlock?

10-08-2016, 02:40 AM
Thank you for taking part in this experiment.
Your accuracy in the experiment was: 88%

The average score on this test is around 80% correct responses for adult participants.
A score of 60% or below may indicate face blindness.

Charles Bronson
10-08-2016, 02:52 AM
Sherlock Holmes and Watson, but who is Watson and who is Sherlock?

I am James Moriarty.

Charles Bronson
10-08-2016, 02:57 AM
I found it quite easy tbh, the blurry ones were a bit difficult but you could still see the facial features...

Yes, you are a Alien.

10-08-2016, 01:55 PM
I got 75% lulz. I don't understand how anyone can do the last ones.

Charles Bronson
10-08-2016, 01:57 PM
I got 75% lulz. I don't understand how anyone can do the last ones.

The last one is difficult but feasible.

Acceptable Note 3.

100 % bis einschl. 92 % = Note 1
unter 92 % bis einschl. 81 % = Note 2
unter 81 % bis einschl. 67 % = Note 3
unter 67 % bis einschl. 50 % = Note 4
unter 50 % bis einschl. 30 % = Note 5
unter 30 % bis einschl. 0 % = Note 6

10-08-2016, 02:07 PM

Charles Bronson
10-08-2016, 02:22 PM

How nice, I am twisted with your result.

Very Good Note 1.

100 % bis einschl. 92 % = Note 1
unter 92 % bis einschl. 81 % = Note 2
unter 81 % bis einschl. 67 % = Note 3
unter 67 % bis einschl. 50 % = Note 4
unter 50 % bis einschl. 30 % = Note 5
unter 30 % bis einschl. 0 % = Note 6

10-08-2016, 02:22 PM
not bad ?

Charles Bronson
10-08-2016, 02:23 PM
not bad ?

Very Good Note 1.

100 % bis einschl. 92 % = Note 1
unter 92 % bis einschl. 81 % = Note 2
unter 81 % bis einschl. 67 % = Note 3
unter 67 % bis einschl. 50 % = Note 4
unter 50 % bis einschl. 30 % = Note 5
unter 30 % bis einschl. 0 % = Note 6

10-08-2016, 02:35 PM
I scored 68%, which I guess is pretty bad.

Charles Bronson
10-08-2016, 02:37 PM
I scored 68%, which I guess is pretty bad.

Acceptable Note 3.

100 % bis einschl. 92 % = Note 1
unter 92 % bis einschl. 81 % = Note 2
unter 81 % bis einschl. 67 % = Note 3
unter 67 % bis einschl. 50 % = Note 4
unter 50 % bis einschl. 30 % = Note 5
unter 30 % bis einschl. 0 % = Note 6

10-08-2016, 02:38 PM
Sufficient Note 3.

100 % bis einschl. 92 % = Note 1
unter 92 % bis einschl. 81 % = Note 2
unter 81 % bis einschl. 67 % = Note 3
unter 67 % bis einschl. 50 % = Note 4
unter 50 % bis einschl. 30 % = Note 5
unter 30 % bis einschl. 0 % = Note 6

What does those notes mean?

Charles Bronson
10-08-2016, 02:41 PM
What does those notes mean?

It comes from me, it is your school note.

10-08-2016, 07:05 PM
93%, was fairly easy, although i made a couple of mistakes i realised too late, and there were a few of the last ones that were quite difficult, guess i got some of those wrong.

Charles Bronson
10-08-2016, 09:37 PM
93%, was fairly easy, although i made a couple of mistakes i realised too late, and there were a few of the last ones that were quite difficult, guess i got some of those wrong.

Yes, the last are difficult.

Very Good Note 1.

100 % bis einschl. 92 % = Note 1
unter 92 % bis einschl. 81 % = Note 2
unter 81 % bis einschl. 67 % = Note 3
unter 67 % bis einschl. 50 % = Note 4
unter 50 % bis einschl. 30 % = Note 5
unter 30 % bis einschl. 0 % = Note 6

10-09-2016, 03:17 AM
Acceptable Note 3.

100 % bis einschl. 92 % = Note 1
unter 92 % bis einschl. 81 % = Note 2
unter 81 % bis einschl. 67 % = Note 3
unter 67 % bis einschl. 50 % = Note 4
unter 50 % bis einschl. 30 % = Note 5
unter 30 % bis einschl. 0 % = Note 6

I have Note 2, But thats very German, the 1-6 is german and even the Word "Note" is German, in English it would be grade, and I think they give their grades in Letters. Grade A or B or C

10-09-2016, 03:27 AM

I win this thread. I am great with faces and terrible with names. This was extremely easy for me.

10-09-2016, 03:41 AM
all white people look the same to me

Charles Bronson
10-09-2016, 09:22 AM
I win this thread. I am great with faces and terrible with names. This was extremely easy for me.

Summa cum laude.


I have Note 2, But thats very German, the 1-6 is german and even the Word "Note" is German, in English it would be grade, and I think they give their grades in Letters. Grade A or B or C

I growing up in the german school and not in a english school, Im accurate since as a child.

Zmey Gorynych
10-09-2016, 10:13 AM

anyone under 100% does not deserve to be on an anthro forum

10-09-2016, 10:43 AM
How do you guys manage to score so high???? This was so difficult for me. I did all right with the first few but after that it went downhill. I've always known that I have difficulty recognising people, but not that bad. I does make sense though. I associate people with places and if the face is in the wrong place I don't recognise people. I'm okay with neighbours (who I see often) and some colleagues who I see often, although not all. When they are at work I know who they are, if I meet them in the shop I don't have a clue. It can be very embarrassing and I feel like such a dick afterwards when I realise who they are. I also have difficulty remembering people I last met a long time ago. It seems I must see them very often in order to memorise them.

Even on the forum, I sometimes have difficulty remembering faces. I associate a face with a certain username. If the person changes their username I have difficulty figuring out who they are. I sometimes remember that I have seen this person before but I cannot connect them to a previous username. And some members just look the same to me. It's horrible to say that but I can't help it. If I met some users in the street, they are taken out of context (the forum) and I wouldn't have a clue who they are. Someone needs to have very distinguishing features in order to recognise them.

I would be the worst witness in a crime. People would go to death row because of my inability to recognise people.

http://i1162.photobucket.com/albums/q526/katzentatzen79/faces_zpsrecohr5f.png (http://s1162.photobucket.com/user/katzentatzen79/media/faces_zpsrecohr5f.png.html)

Charles Bronson
10-09-2016, 10:51 AM

It sounds like you have Prosopagnosia.



10-09-2016, 10:56 AM
Your accuracy in the experiment was: 82%

The average score on this test is around 80% correct responses for adult participants.
A score of 60% or below may indicate face blindness.

10-09-2016, 11:05 AM

Charles Bronson
10-09-2016, 11:15 AM
anyone under 100% does not deserve to be on an anthro forum

Summa cum laude.


Note 4.

Your accuracy in the experiment was: 82%

The average score on this test is around 80% correct responses for adult participants.
A score of 60% or below may indicate face blindness.

Note 2.


Note 1.

10-09-2016, 03:40 PM
It sounds like you have Prosopagnosia.

Hmmm.... but it isn't so bad that I can't recognise myself of my family! :lol:

I have problems recognising celebrities because they all look the same to me! Unless the person has some really strange distinguishing features I cannot recognise them. I also take hair style and colour into context but this can backfire if the person has a new hairstyle or hair colour. I also take cues from voices but unless the person has a strange accent or a strange voice pitch this doesn't work either. Even worse is associating names with faces, as if remembering the face wasn't bad enough! :lol: