View Full Version : More Cultural Marxism: This Time the Target is the Evil Male Patriarchy

10-18-2016, 04:02 AM
Australia Is Rolling Out an Education Program to Teach Children About Dismantling the Patriarchy

It's called "Respectful Relationships" and it will be taught nationwide.

According to Mashable, Australia is rolling out its “Respectful Relationships” program nationwide after a successful trial run in Victoria. The initiative, which will be taught in all public schools within two years, cost the equivalent of $16.5 million.

The curriculum will begin in elementary school and run its way up to high school, covering a range of issues within "social inequality, gender-based violence and male privilege." This includes, but is not limited to, sexual orientation, porn, and the pay gap.

The Herald Sun reports the program is meant to be “age-appropriate,” with the language of the lessons changing for students as they get older. Elementary school students, for example, will learn some classmates have two moms and dads and will be “encouraged to chant statements such as: ‘Girls can play football, can be doctors and can be strong”, and “boys can cry when they are hurt, can be gentle, can be nurses and can mind babies.’” By middle school, they’ll broach pornography and domestic violence.


Though the entire Victoria State Government press release is worth reading, it begins by noting “A good education is about more than simply getting good marks. It is about becoming a member of society and succeeding in life – knowing how to build respectful relationships is key to achieving this” and concludes with the sentiment: “The best relationships are respectful ones. By working together we can create real and lasting change and help to address gender inequality and prevent family violence.”

Australia Is Rolling Out an Education Program to Teach Children About Dismantling the Patriarchy (http://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a6491385/australias-respectful-relationships-eduation-program/)

10-18-2016, 04:10 AM
When the Turks got access to your youth, they kidnapped and made soldiers out of them...

When the Jews got access to your youth, they kidnapped and made cucks out of them.

10-18-2016, 04:17 AM
Disgusting they're brainwashing children. I'd never let my kids go to a public school.

10-18-2016, 04:28 AM
This is the result of Liberal Capitalism being the ruling order of the day. Thankfully Russia, China and Iran will spend large sums of resources to prevent this disease from spreading further throughout the world.

Everything past the 12 Amendment was a mistake.

10-18-2016, 04:34 AM
If you have white children then send them to private schools, or home schools.

10-18-2016, 04:51 AM
This includes, but is not limited to, sexual orientation, porn, and the pay gap.

They're still talking about that bullshit?

10-18-2016, 01:18 PM
Oh my God

Why must my taxes be spent on the destruction of my own society like this?

It seems Australia and Canada in particular are being completely fucked over by feminism.

If some predictions are correct, WWIII and/or renewed economic disaster may provide just the reset we need to deny feminists airtime.

10-18-2016, 02:20 PM
Oh my God

Why must my taxes be spent on the destruction of my own society like this?

It seems Australia and Canada in particular are being completely fucked over by feminism.

If some predictions are correct, WWIII and/or renewed economic disaster may provide just the reset we need to deny feminists airtime.

Australia is being turned into a pussified leftist multicultural mess. You guys should resist!

10-18-2016, 02:32 PM
Australia is being turned into a pussified leftist multicultural mess. You guys should resist!

Yep, it sure is. I'm afraid the only way out may be war or economic disaster, because there is a very strong economic element to feminism.

During all-out war, there is no time or money for feminism. Also, the death of thousands of men alters the sex ratio in a manner favourable to the surviving men. Obviously, the cost in human life for that reset is not something for which I can advocate knowing that I (or my children) could be among its victims. The effect of war on feminism is undeniable, however.

Should a major economic disaster strike, the welfare state may have to be dismantled, which would hopefully put paid to the constant attack of feminism. Feminism requires lots of money - primarily earnt by and stolen from men who make up most of the tax base. Were that money disrupted by economic difficulty, not only feminism but the entire welfare state would be in big trouble. Governments might move to cut welfare benefits and infrastructure, and without big daddy government to rescue them and forgive their sexual indiscretions, women might have to shift their perspective and improve their behaviour towards men.

Short of the above catastrophes, I can't see it happening, unfortunately. We're nowhere near pre-revolutionary, particularly where culture and feminism are concerned. Therefore, beyond online MGTOW communities etc. men are unlikely to unite to fight feminism any time soon, and in any case I suspect men are reluctant to unite for that cause when they compete for women anyway.

10-18-2016, 03:04 PM
Yep, it sure is. I'm afraid the only way out may be war or economic disaster, because there is a very strong economic element to feminism.

During all-out war, there is no time or money for feminism. Also, the death of thousands of men alters the sex ratio in a manner favourable to the surviving men. Obviously, the cost in human life for that reset is not something for which I can advocate knowing that I (or my children) could be among its victims. The effect of war on feminism is undeniable, however.

Should a major economic disaster strike, the welfare state may have to be dismantled, which would hopefully put paid to the constant attack of feminism. Feminism requires lots of money - primarily earnt by and stolen from men who make up most of the tax base. Were that money disrupted by economic difficulty, not only feminism but the entire welfare state would be in big trouble. Governments might move to cut welfare benefits and infrastructure, and without big daddy government to rescue them and forgive their sexual indiscretions, women might have to shift their perspective and improve their behaviour towards men.

Short of the above catastrophes, I can't see it happening, unfortunately. We're nowhere near pre-revolutionary, particularly where culture and feminism are concerned. Therefore, beyond online MGTOW communities etc. men are unlikely to unite to fight feminism any time soon, and in any case I suspect men are reluctant to unite for that cause when they compete for women anyway.

Actually, I see nothing wrong with the original wave of feminism. In fact, my mother earns more than my father and it's alright with us. In feminist metrics, us Filipinos rank very high In gender equality, since we have a lot of female people in positions of power.

In fact we were ranked 7th world wide in Gender Equality and the highest in the Asia Pacific.


Nevertheless, we still are very patriarchal and have the Latin Machismo culture.

We had feminism but we didn't let it go overboard and destroy the traditional family.

What I don't like is the third wave feminism that aims to exploit men which is a vastly different wave than the first wave which only sought equality with men. That's the useless kind of feminism I despise and that's the kind of feminism that currently infects western societies.

Women in western nations should really appreciate how they got it so easy. Women in Islamic societies for example, would be stoned to death for the lewdness of showing their ankles. Feminists should spend their time trying to liberate Muslim women instead of complaining to a western society that already considers them equal to men. But no! They actually defend these people for the interest of "multiculturalism". So sad.

10-18-2016, 04:24 PM
Along with what N1019 said, Feminism eventually will bankrupt itself (as its currently doing in the US).

It's very expensive and socially detrimental, especially to children.

10-18-2016, 04:42 PM
If you have white children then send them to private schools, or home schools.


10-18-2016, 04:47 PM
When the Turks got access to your youth, they kidnapped and made soldiers out of them...

Many were castrated and made into Eunuchs, so they were essentially cucked for Turkish genetic interests (besides the fact that they were made to fight against their fellow Balkanites/former compatriots).

10-18-2016, 11:41 PM
Actually, I see nothing wrong with the original wave of feminism. In fact, my mother earns more than my father and it's alright with us. In feminist metrics, us Filipinos rank very high In gender equality, since we have a lot of female people in positions of power.

In fact we were ranked 7th world wide in Gender Equality and the highest in the Asia Pacific.

Yeah well I don't agree with even the original wave of feminism. In my mind, women are not equal to men, therefore they shouldn't be treated as equal. They did not evolve to be leaders, they are physically much weaker which means they are not the ones who fight to defend our countries, their intelligence is more average, the statistics show that they are on average less productive and pay less tax. A few seconds of feminism can't make up for millennia of millions of years of evolution.

Nevertheless, we still are very patriarchal and have the Latin Machismo culture.
We had feminism but we didn't let it go overboard and destroy the traditional family.

Yeah? Just wait. If things go well economically, that won't last. Once women have the vote, it's only a matter of time and money before men and the family come under attack due to the promises of vote-seeking politicians trying to win votes from women. This is more difficult in countries where governments struggle to implement massive Western-style welfare systems. Feminism feeds on liberty and prosperity (the hard work of men) and therefore flourishes the most in the wealthiest societies.

Along with what N1019 said, Feminism eventually will bankrupt itself (as its currently doing in the US).

It's very expensive and socially detrimental, especially to children.

I think feminism will be a major contributing factor to the next economic disaster, although it may go unnoticed by the mainstream, who will point the finger elsewhere. In their minds, the glorious achievements of their progressive society could not possibly be to blame, but making the link isn't difficult for those with an open mind. If something costs lots of money and hurts lots of people, it probably won't last forever.