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Lulletje Rozewater
09-22-2010, 10:54 AM
Murderer drinks in bar with girlfriend’s head in bag – reports

2010-09-21 15:3

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Madrid, Spain. – A Spanish man calmly drank beer with his mates in a bar with his murdered girlfriend’s head in a bag.

After leaving the bar on Sunday, the 34-year-old climbed an electrical tower, was hit by a shock and plunged 30 metres to the ground, dying that evening in hospital, press reports said today.

According to a report in the ABC daily newspaper, citing witnesses, the man told friends in the bar in Cordoba, southern Spain, that he had decapitated his 30-year-old partner.

But he was so calm they did not believe him, despite bloodstains on his shirt.

“A while later when several customers left the bar and saw a pool of blood in the road, they immediately realised this was not a macabre joke.

Horrified, they discovered a bag near the bar, inside of which was the victim’s head,” the ABC daily said.

Police confirmed they had found the woman’s body with knife wounds, and that her suspected killer, identified only by his initials MRTR, had fallen from the electrical tower, later dying in a Cordoba hospital.

Near the tower they found a knife believed to be the murder weapon, said a Cordoba region spokesperson for the national police, Rosa Ortiz.

Police were unable to provide details about the murder because they were interviewing witnesses and had yet to file a judicial report, expected tomorrow, she said.

- Sapa - AFP


09-22-2010, 10:53 PM
Spanish-style ? Is this a fucking joke or what ? Plus the man was not even spanish

09-22-2010, 11:58 PM
The Spanish, are never ignored huh? or hate us or love us.

Lulletje Rozewater
09-25-2010, 12:15 PM
Spanish-style ? Is this a fucking joke or what ? Plus the man was not even spanish

It must be,but it happened in Spain(South)

Lulletje Rozewater
09-25-2010, 12:18 PM
The Spanish, are never ignored huh? or hate us or love us.

I just happened to like the Spaniards,but this story fits in well with the corrida de toros

09-25-2010, 01:16 PM
I must admit I´m not very fond of Andalucia, their backwardism and their, er...way of life. They seem to monopolize almost all for what the spanish have bad reputation.

09-25-2010, 01:21 PM
You are aware that these things happen everywhere in Europe, right?

Apart from that the murderer was not Spanish.

09-25-2010, 01:42 PM
It must be,but it happened in Spain(South)
The man was a fucking immigrant

09-25-2010, 01:43 PM
I must admit I´m not very fond of Andalucia, their backwardism and their, er...way of life. They seem to monopolize almost all for what the spanish have bad reputation.
Don't defend these nordicists...The man was not even spanish, and remember what happened in Austria with that crazy man who raped her daughters ? Crazy people like this happens in all Europe

09-25-2010, 01:53 PM
Yo es que no entiendo como nadie español puede siquiera de resfilón apoyar a un extranjero que nos venga a decir que esto pasa en España solamente y nos hable de corridas de toros cuando hay gente que sale a matar a decenas de personas por toda Europa del Norte por que se vuelven locos, o niños que matan a otros con armas de fuego en sus colegios, o niñas inglesas que matan de una paliza a una compañera, y gente de toda Europa vestida con pieles como la de las focas que las matan a palo limpio, así como países europeos que permiten alegremente la comida Halal donde sacrificas al animal de manera medieval para contentar a los musulmanes.

Y para colmo es que no se percata de que el responsable fue un inmigrante, desde luego es para mear y no echar gota.

Muy mal korbis, atacar a los andaluces que son tus hermanos por este tema solo para llevarte una palmadita de un extranjero que no sabe nada de España y que invita al desprecio, yo vivo en Andalucía aunque sea del Norte y puedo asegurar que la gente es bastante más abierta y sociable de lo que muchos norteños somos, y nuestra "mala" reputación nos la hemos ganado todos los españoles siendo traicioneros entre nosotros como es el caso.

Lulletje Rozewater
09-25-2010, 02:00 PM
The man was a fucking immigrant

And he liked drinking bloody Mary in a bar :D