View Full Version : Dinaric is a full Europoid mutation of Armenoid and a sign of ancient West Asian ancestry in Europe

Bell Beaker
10-23-2016, 01:28 AM



Dinarid and Dinarid influenced type are a common Europoid phenotype in regions close or who had ancient contacts with Asian peoples, the Balkans, Greece, South Italy, Dinarid is present in every European region that scores somewhat higher or significant West Asian admixture, watch the map above for comparation, some anthropologists including Carleton coon have stated that Dinarid shared indeed Similarities with Armenoid types.

This tranformation started probably with the Neolithic revolution and invasion of Europe, therefore 9000 years ago, when West Asian farmers started to migrate to the closest and bordering European regions with Asia (Balkans, Greece, Crimea.....)

The Europoid mutation from original Armenid to Dinaric

Armenid (the original type that invaded SE Europe trough the Caucasus)



Mtebid (transitional Europoid-Armenid type)



Carpathid (3/4 Europoid, 1/4 Armenid type)



Dinarid (result of Europoid admixture and climatic adaptation of Armenid types).



Grab the Gauge
10-23-2016, 01:38 AM
The last guy is gracile Mediteranean, not Dinaric. The Mtebid guy is indistinguishable from Dinaric; Dinaric and Armenoid are essentially the same thing. All of these made-up anthrotard plates are anatomically inaccurate and do not display the physical types they intend to. I strongly encourage people to stop posting them.

This Gheg was described as the "ultimate in Dinaricization" by Coon and should be the go-to exemplar for Dinaric types, as he is the most extreme and therefore makes it easier for people to visually digest the features of Dinaricization:


There's nothing inherently European about Dinaricization, it occurred elsewhere among Native Americans and East Asians as well.

This book is a good source of information regarding them:


Bell Beaker
10-23-2016, 01:43 AM
I think Dinaro-Med is a fraud and it's a more tanned version of Mtebid/Caucasid.

Grab the Gauge
10-23-2016, 01:49 AM
Dinaro-Mediterranean is absolutely a fraud and a modern creation of anthrotardologists. It is a non-sequitur by its very name -- Dinarics were always partly Mediterranean. Dinarics in West Eurasia are an amalgamation of Mediterranean and Alpine/Cromagniform features, plus the associated mutations that cause the Dinaric features.

10-23-2016, 08:19 AM
BS, Armenids never "invaded" SE Europe.
Dinaric is just Atlanto-Mediterranean brachycephalized by Alpinid admixture, while Armenid is Irano-Afghan type brachycephalized by Alpine (according to Coon).
Dinarics are purely European, they definitely don't come from Armenids (or shit imaginary types like "Caucasid", "Mtebid", etc).

10-23-2016, 08:23 AM
There's nothing inherently European about Dinaricization, it occurred elsewhere among Native Americans and East Asians as well.
Even among Papuans :P


10-23-2016, 09:00 AM
I don't understand why people associate dinaric type with balkan, when protuding large noses are not uncommon in western europe(France,british isles)

There are a lot of englishmen with such noses


Whenever people from balkan/eastern europe are posted, they always get this mysterious "dinarid" classification. Whenever you say you are from a certain area people will label you with a phenotype that is associated with that area. I've also been classified as a dinarid because i don't have an upturned pig nose.

Grab the Gauge
10-23-2016, 09:09 AM
I don't understand why people associate dinaric type with balkan, when protuding large noses are not uncommon in western europe(France,british isles)

There are a lot of englishmen with such noses


Whenever people from balkan/eastern europe are posted, they always get this mysterious "dinarid" classification. Whenever you say you are from a certain area people will label you with a phenotype that is associated with that area. I've also been classified as a dinarid because i don't have an upturned pig nose.

Protruding noses/downturned (homosexual) noses have nothing to do with Dinaricization. Look at Coon's "ultimate Dinaric" I posted and tell me what kind of nose he has.


The most important features of Dinaricization are:

Broad forehead
Broad face
Relatively narrow jaw


The above features make the Dinaric face resemble an upside down triangle, which is the essence of Dinaricization.
Other than that, flatness of the occipital bone is the only universal trait of Dinarics that can be observed from above living tissue.

10-23-2016, 09:11 AM
Whenever people from balkan/eastern europe are posted, they always get this mysterious "dinarid" classification. Whenever you say you are from a certain area people will label you with a phenotype that is associated with that area. I've also been classified as a dinarid because i don't have an upturned pig nose.
True, most users around here are shit at classifying and therefore use place of origin as a "guide" for classifying. Totally erroneous.
I used to post pure Dinaric Norwegian a few times (folk singer Harald Foss), and whenever I just said "classify and pass him", all the classifications were like "Dinaric, Yugoslavia", etc, but when I revealed he is Norwegian, then classifications shifted to "Keltic", "Atlantid", "Nordid", etc. Just shows utter lack of anthropological knowledge, caused by learning from tard forums rather than from books:

10-23-2016, 09:20 AM
The most important features of Dinaricization are:

Broad forehead
Broad face
Relatively narrow jaw


The above features make the Dinaric face resemble an upside down triangle, which is the essence of Dinaricization.
Other than that, flatness of the occipital bone is the only universal trait of Dinarics that can be observed from above living tissue.

Hmm, what about these longer faced types though:
(broad forehead, I agree):


this guy has a narrow forehead though:

Also I thought nasal convexity was a part of dinaricization

An evolutionary process involving brachycephalization, flattening of the occipital region, and development of a long and prominent nasal apparatus, typically of extreme convexity. Dinaricization, whatever its precise nature, could be an adaptation to life in mountainous regions, and is allegedly correlated with herding populations.

I haven't read any books or anything, I'm more or less new to all this.

10-23-2016, 11:15 AM
I don't understand why people associate dinaric type with balkan, when protuding large noses are not uncommon in western europe(France,british isles)

There are a lot of englishmen with such noses


Whenever people from balkan/eastern europe are posted, they always get this mysterious "dinarid" classification. Whenever you say you are from a certain area people will label you with a phenotype that is associated with that area. I've also been classified as a dinarid because i don't have an upturned pig nose.

These British examples are Keltic Nordids.

The European phenotypes with Dinarid nose are the follow:
- Dinarid (Balkans, Central Europe)
- Norid (light Dinarid, Central Europe)
- Carpathid (Central Europe)
- Keltic Nordid (Western Europe, esp. British Isles)
- Baskid (Western Europe)

10-23-2016, 11:54 AM
These European mountain adapted types are very different looking from the types that we have in Caucasus.

10-23-2016, 12:14 PM
BS, Armenids never "invaded" SE Europe.

yes they did. They are Dardani, Lydians, Mysians > Mygdonians , Phrygians > Brygians, Thracians etc., there were certainly some anatolids among them.


it is historically attested.

https://books.google.si/books?id=7YNAAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA599&dq=mysians+mygdonians&hl=sl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwja_LGe8fDPAhVNGsAKHawCARwQ6AEIJDAB#v=on epage&q=mysians%20mygdonians&f=false
https://books.google.si/books?id=rboWBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA97&dq=mygdonians+mysians&hl=sl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjq4dj18fDPAhXpAMAKHcgIBEgQ6AEIZzAJ#v=on epage&q=mygdonians%20mysians&f=false

10-23-2016, 12:34 PM

Bell Beaker tombs, while in Britain, Austria,
Germany, and the Adriatic Alps a hundred or
more may be attributed to the Bronze Age. 3
Tomb forms and grave furniture indicate
without question that these people were im-
migrants from the eastern Mediterranean,
During the whole racial history of Europe
there is but one time when these migration!!
could have taken place— the beginning of the
Bronze Age, Even then the immigrants could
not have come In large numbers, nor as a
racially homogeneous population.



Indeed, Y-chromosomal data from regions to the north
(Kasperavicˇiute et al. 2004), northwest (Luca et al. _
2007), and west (Di Giacomo et al. 2004) to the Balkans
show signatures of demographic events that match archeologically
documented changes in the population size in the
1st millennia BC.

10-23-2016, 12:52 PM
Dinarid is full Europid after a nose job. Albos are so proud of their look that they keep posting in taxo sections the pics of lighter Bosniaks, Serbs, Bulgarians they assimilated. No surprise you just see only Kosovars or Macedonians in taxo threads.

10-23-2016, 12:54 PM
Dinarid is full Europid after a nose job. Albos are so proud of their look that they keep posting in taxo sections the pics of lighter Bosniaks, Serbs, Bulgarians they assimilated.

Of course a homo like you attacks more macho looks. We never assimilated those people and genetics show.

10-23-2016, 12:58 PM
yes they did. They are Dardani, Lydians, Mysians > Mygdonians , Phrygians > Brygians, Thracians etc., there were certainly some anatolids among them.


it is historically attested.

https://books.google.si/books?id=7YNAAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA599&dq=mysians+mygdonians&hl=sl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwja_LGe8fDPAhVNGsAKHawCARwQ6AEIJDAB#v=on epage&q=mysians%20mygdonians&f=false
https://books.google.si/books?id=rboWBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA97&dq=mygdonians+mysians&hl=sl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjq4dj18fDPAhXpAMAKHcgIBEgQ6AEIZzAJ#v=on epage&q=mygdonians%20mysians&f=false

Of course you are right. Harem's boy of GtG Cosmoo is biased becuase of his goatfucker heritage.

10-23-2016, 12:59 PM
yes they did. They are Dardani, Lydians, Mysians > Mygdonians , Phrygians > Brygians, Thracians etc., there were certainly some anatolids among them.


it is historically attested.

https://books.google.si/books?id=7YNAAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA599&dq=mysians+mygdonians&hl=sl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwja_LGe8fDPAhVNGsAKHawCARwQ6AEIJDAB#v=on epage&q=mysians%20mygdonians&f=false
https://books.google.si/books?id=rboWBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA97&dq=mygdonians+mysians&hl=sl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjq4dj18fDPAhXpAMAKHcgIBEgQ6AEIZzAJ#v=on epage&q=mygdonians%20mysians&f=false

Lydia wasnt armenoid back then (no turks). It was sardinian-like. (Farmers)

10-23-2016, 01:15 PM
Aren't Basques, one of the most pure Europeans Dinaric?

Certainly, they still speak a Dené–Caucasian language.

10-23-2016, 01:19 PM
yes they did. They are Dardani, Lydians, Mysians > Mygdonians , Phrygians > Brygians, Thracians etc., there were certainly some anatolids among them.

it is historically attested.

https://books.google.si/books?id=7YNAAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA599&dq=mysians+mygdonians&hl=sl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwja_LGe8fDPAhVNGsAKHawCARwQ6AEIJDAB#v=on epage&q=mysians%20mygdonians&f=false
https://books.google.si/books?id=rboWBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA97&dq=mygdonians+mysians&hl=sl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjq4dj18fDPAhXpAMAKHcgIBEgQ6AEIZzAJ#v=on epage&q=mygdonians%20mysians&f=false
There was never large-scale settling of people with Armenid phenotype in SE Europe that could be responsible for such a widespread phenotype like Dinaric. That's what I was referring to. Of course some settled, but not in enough numbers to be responsible for Dinaric phenotype (nor it is possible for Dinaric to come from Armenid, like OP's retarded theory suggests).

Of course you are right. Harem's boy of GtG Cosmoo is biased becuase of his goatfucker heritage.
You are so ashamed of your filthy sandnigger ancestors, hiding your ethnicity. GTFO half-Negro gracilemed boyo.

10-23-2016, 01:21 PM
These British examples are Keltic Nordids.

The European phenotypes with Dinarid nose are the follow:
- Dinarid (Balkans, Central Europe)
- Norid (light Dinarid, Central Europe)
- Carpathid (Central Europe)
- Keltic Nordid (Western Europe, esp. British Isles)
- Baskid (Western Europe)

Those are all brothers.

10-23-2016, 01:29 PM
(nor it is possible for Dinaric to come from Armenid, like OP's retarded theory suggests).

Why not moron? Tell me the big differneces between the two. Dinarics are just more Euro version of Armenoid.
Taller, with not so exaggerate nasality (but the most prominent among other Euro types) and more brown thank black pigmentation of hair. And with bigger number of mixed and light eyes.

10-23-2016, 01:32 PM
Why not moron? Tell me the big differneces between the two. Dinarics are just more Euro version of Armenoid.
Taller, with not so exaggerate nasality (but the most prominent among other Euro types) and more brown thank black pigmentation of hair. And with bigger number of mixed and light eyes.

Because Dinarics are Atlanto-Mediterraneans brachycephalized by Alpine admixture, while Armenids are Irano-Afghans (part of 'Greater Mediterranean' race, but with non-Euro admixture) brachycephalized by Alpine. But ofc this is too complicated for your small brain to understand.

Styrian Mujo
10-23-2016, 01:32 PM
Dinaric is a missused term. I think we should just use Baskid instead.

10-23-2016, 01:38 PM
Old news. This is documented in every book for anthropology, that Dinarides are the prolonged arm of the Armenoids.

Bell Beaker
10-23-2016, 01:39 PM
Dinaric is a missused term. I think we should just use Baskid instead.

Basques are Dinaricized Atlantids/Atlanto-Meds and those types are low in the Balkans or Central Europe.

Baskid is one of the most seldom types of Europe. It's core region it ranges from NE Spain to Aquitaine. Once you get away from those regions Baskid becomes rarer and rarer.


10-23-2016, 01:42 PM
Because Dinarics are Atlanto-Mediterraneans brachycephalized by Alpine admixture, while Armenids are Irano-Afghans (part of 'Greater Mediterranean' race, but with non-Euro admixture) brachycephalized by Alpine. But ofc this is too complicated for your small brain to understand.

Give me proof from morphology moron. Not some theory from 1939 which wasn't proven and Coon abandoned it in later works.

Everybody see smilarites with naked eye and even you can't disprove it.

Bell Beaker
10-23-2016, 01:43 PM
Because Dinarics are Atlanto-Mediterraneans brachycephalized by Alpine admixture, while Armenids are Irano-Afghans (part of 'Greater Mediterranean' race, but with non-Euro admixture) brachycephalized by Alpine. But ofc this is too complicated for your small brain to understand.

No it isn't you nigger.

Dinarid is associated with West Asian marks in Europe. And if you see the area where Dinarid is more present is one of the closest regions to Minor Asia (turkey), the Balkans.

Bell Beaker
10-23-2016, 01:45 PM
Give me proof from morphology moron. Not some theory from 1939 which wasn't proven and Coon abandoned it in later works.

Everybody see smilarites with naked eye and even you can't disprove it.


It doesn't make sense that Atlanto-Med/Atlantid plus Alpine will turn into Dinarid.

This Portuguese player it's an example of mixture of Atlantid/atlanto-med with Alpine. And he looks 0% SE European/Central European.



10-23-2016, 01:53 PM
Yeah, what is called Alpine-Med here isn't in one percent similar to Dinaroid morhotype.
There are hundred of photos and they look similar to above example not to hook-nosed, trangiular faced, flat-occipital guys.

Everybody who think Alpine and Atlanto-Med combo give you Dinarid, first must prove that all Alpine-Med combinations (many photos here) which are completely un-Dinaric morhologically are false.

10-23-2016, 06:03 PM
Anyway all Brachycephalized population in Europe are mixed with Asians , so not only Armenoids and Dinarids but also Alpines

Nazi's called them Brachycephalic subhumans

Bell Beaker
10-23-2016, 06:17 PM
Anyway all Brachycephalized population in Europe are mixed with Asians , so not only Armenoids and Dinarids but also Alpines

Nazi's called them Brachycephalic subhumans

Yep, the only pure European types are Nordid derivated like North Atlantid, Atlantid, Atlanto-Med or Gracile-Med.

The rest are all Asiatic subhumans.

And don't forget CM's who are Negroids.

Cristiano viejo
10-23-2016, 06:21 PM
Basques are Dinaricized Atlantids/Atlanto-Meds and those types are low in the Balkans or Central Europe.

Baskid is one of the most seldom types of Europe. It's core region it ranges from NE Spain to Aquitaine. Once you get away from those regions Baskid becomes rarer and rarer.

Is that Diego López?


Grab the Gauge
10-23-2016, 10:24 PM
Anyway all Brachycephalized population in Europe are mixed with Asians , so not only Armenoids and Dinarids but also Alpines

Nazi's called them Brachycephalic subhumans

Everything written here is a lie.

Not a Cop
10-23-2016, 10:27 PM
Yep, the only pure European types are Nordid derivated like North Atlantid, Atlantid, Atlanto-Med or Gracile-Med.

Thoose types are basicly climate-adapted levantines.

Bell Beaker
10-23-2016, 10:31 PM
Thoose types are basicly climate-adapted levantines.

Taxonomy: Dalo-Faelid/Sub-Nordid

Seems we have a little Asian admixture over there isn't it mr Matrioska?

Not a Cop
10-23-2016, 10:35 PM
Taxonomy: Dalo-Faelid/Sub-Nordid

Seems we have a little Asian admixture over there isn't it mr Matrioska?

2.34% and proud.

10-23-2016, 10:37 PM
Thoose types are basicly climate-adapted levantines.


Grab the Gauge
10-23-2016, 10:47 PM
Yeah, what is called Alpine-Med here isn't in one percent similar to Dinaroid morhotype.
There are hundred of photos and they look similar to above example not to hook-nosed, trangiular faced, flat-occipital guys.

Everybody who think Alpine and Atlanto-Med combo give you Dinarid, first must prove that all Alpine-Med combinations (many photos here) which are completely un-Dinaric morhologically are false.

Look, a hook nose really has nothing to do with Dinaricization. People associating hook noses with Dinarics has led to more people being incorrectly classified as Dinaric than these shitty race morphs ever could. The truest Dinarics make actually have concave and straight noses.

Bell Beaker
10-23-2016, 10:52 PM
2.34% and proud.

Is that you?


Grab the Gauge
10-23-2016, 10:57 PM
Look, a hook nose really has nothing to do with Dinaricization. People associating hook noses with Dinarics has led to more people being incorrectly classified as Dinaric than these shitty race morphs ever could. The truest Dinarics make actually have concave and straight noses.

Coon stated that nasal convexity in Mountain Ghegs was a feature of old age. Only a minority of prime-aged Dinarics were hook or hawk nosed.

Aside from the shape of the back of the
head, the most distinctive character of Dinaxics
is the nasal profile, the high frequency of hawk
beaks being distinctive. In our percentile series
a frequency of 50 per cent or over for convex

profiles is reached only by the late 20' s, it
remains fairly constant untd the late 50 1 s, and
then increases notably, probably as the soft
parrs of the nose thin out and the tip pulls
downward. The age mean differences between
concave and convex and straight and convex
are significant; so are the percentile differences
between the 20-24-year-old group and the 3
oldest categories. If one were to measure a
series of 20-year-old Ghegs, one would prob-
ably find straight noses in the majority, with
concave appearing perhap as often as convex.
The convex nose, so distinctively Dinaric, is
in part a feature of age. So is the long face,
so are the thin lip. The "typical" Dinaric is
a man past middle age.

Grab the Gauge
10-23-2016, 10:58 PM
Is that you?


That is an example of an ubermensch.

Bell Beaker
10-23-2016, 11:06 PM
cala a boca


Modern Northern Europeans= Blond Mongols.

Including Germans.

Bell Beaker
10-23-2016, 11:11 PM
Eu nem li, só quis postar. Doido :bored:

Entăo cala a boca tu também..... xD

10-24-2016, 07:51 AM
Lydia wasnt armenoid back then (no turks). It was sardinian-like. (Farmers)


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Armenian_presence_within_modern_Turkish_borders_in _early_1600s.png/320px-Armenian_presence_within_modern_Turkish_borders_in _early_1600s.png

From tribal and village beginnings, the state of Phrygia arose in the eighth century BC with its capital at Gordium. During this period, the Phrygians extended eastward and encroached upon the kingdom of Urartu, the descendants of the Hurrians, a former rival of the Hittites.

Dinaric arrived with Mediterranid race nevertheless.

Dates also coalescence nicely, 12th/11th century BC.


but your armenid-šiptar type comes only much later, that is why it is unmixed, reduced and purer in form, looks close to modern day Armenians. At least of those Lebanese Mardaites, they were certainly part kiro. :)

https://books.google.si/books?id=kTcRDKnYf2cC&pg=PA143&lpg=PA143&dq=he+was+of+mirdite+clan+which,+our+historians+co nfirm,+traces+its+origin+to+12,000&source=bl&ots=wiWfne8rEr&sig=atRoFp8fU29ujVCi0XLKXmamREs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzxc6W9vLPAhUEaxQKHcG5BeAQ6AEIGjAA#v=on epage&q=he%20was%20of%20mirdite%20clan%20which%2C%20our% 20historians%20confirm%2C%20traces%20its%20origin% 20to%2012%2C000&f=false
https://books.google.si/books?id=jYxi-PQiDL8C&pg=PA287&lpg=PA287&dq=Sathas+(11,+p.+vy%27)+asserts+that+some+were+se ttled+in+Epirus,+where+their+descendants+survive+a s+Mirdites.&source=bl&ots=Y32a-qGq4J&sig=aqMgzagrcLfXSVr8fGuuaviVOQ8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi596Xj9vLPAhWBvhQKHV16BdYQ6AEIHDAA#v=on epage&q=Sathas%20(11%2C%20p.%20vy')%20asserts%20that%20s ome%20were%20settled%20in%20Epirus%2C%20where%20th eir%20descendants%20survive%20as%20Mirdites.&f=false
https://books.google.si/books?id=3TysAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA361&lpg=PA361&dq=Khurramites+albania&source=bl&ots=18P4AbDohl&sig=gRlLfKemEFPp8CX9YetrU8GpAgA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjk7PS25_LPAhXG1hQKHStlC_QQ6AEIMDAE#v=on epage&q=Khurramites%20albania&f=false


10-24-2016, 08:18 AM
There was never large-scale settling of people with Armenid phenotype in SE Europe

enough to alter Mediterranean phenotype.

that could be responsible for such a widespread phenotype like Dinaric. That's what I was referring to. Of course some settled, but not in enough numbers to be responsible for Dinaric phenotype (nor it is possible for Dinaric to come from Armenid, like OP's retarded theory suggests).

both are planoccipital, meaning one derived from another. Alpinid is curvoccipital. I agree that Dinaric is probably admixed with some med or atlantean type but its still Asiatic.

it is amusing how you are able to sign up immediately that Dinaric is a mutated Atlanto-Med but not Cro-Magnon > Borreby. xD

and this from your own outdated author.

10-24-2016, 08:42 AM
Dinarid is a mixture of different roots - so they are not unique!

1) Paleolithic and Mesolithic ancestors - Balkan refugium during ice-age - (I1 and I2a Branch)
2) Caucasus hunters and gatherers - also mesolithic (unknown Y-DNA)
3) Neolithic immigrants, from Levante and Greece (E1b1b) and from Anatolia (G2a)
4) just a few Indoeuropean Invadors in Bronze Age and Celtic Invasion.
5) The Slavic invasion in the early Middle-Ages - Avar Invasion - most R1a1 are Slavic origin.

If you note this mixture of different ethnics, you will recognize that their phenotype cannot be unique.

Grab the Gauge
10-24-2016, 08:45 AM

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Armenian_presence_within_modern_Turkish_borders_in _early_1600s.png/320px-Armenian_presence_within_modern_Turkish_borders_in _early_1600s.png

Dinaric arrived with Mediterranid race nevertheless.

Dates also coalescence nicely, 12th/11th century BC.


but your armenid-šiptar type comes only much later, that is why it is unmixed, reduced and purer in form, looks close to modern day Armenians. At least of those Lebanese Mardaites, they were certainly part kiro. :)

https://books.google.si/books?id=kTcRDKnYf2cC&pg=PA143&lpg=PA143&dq=he+was+of+mirdite+clan+which,+our+historians+co nfirm,+traces+its+origin+to+12,000&source=bl&ots=wiWfne8rEr&sig=atRoFp8fU29ujVCi0XLKXmamREs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzxc6W9vLPAhUEaxQKHcG5BeAQ6AEIGjAA#v=on epage&q=he%20was%20of%20mirdite%20clan%20which%2C%20our% 20historians%20confirm%2C%20traces%20its%20origin% 20to%2012%2C000&f=false
https://books.google.si/books?id=jYxi-PQiDL8C&pg=PA287&lpg=PA287&dq=Sathas+(11,+p.+vy%27)+asserts+that+some+were+se ttled+in+Epirus,+where+their+descendants+survive+a s+Mirdites.&source=bl&ots=Y32a-qGq4J&sig=aqMgzagrcLfXSVr8fGuuaviVOQ8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi596Xj9vLPAhWBvhQKHV16BdYQ6AEIHDAA#v=on epage&q=Sathas%20(11%2C%20p.%20vy')%20asserts%20that%20s ome%20were%20settled%20in%20Epirus%2C%20where%20th eir%20descendants%20survive%20as%20Mirdites.&f=false
https://books.google.si/books?id=3TysAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA361&lpg=PA361&dq=Khurramites+albania&source=bl&ots=18P4AbDohl&sig=gRlLfKemEFPp8CX9YetrU8GpAgA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjk7PS25_LPAhXG1hQKHStlC_QQ6AEIMDAE#v=on epage&q=Khurramites%20albania&f=false


LOL, you are fucking retarded. Albanian Dinarics didn't come from Asia; Dinaricization arose independently in Europe, Asia and the Americas.

10-24-2016, 08:50 AM
how about armenoid is a "mutation" of some old caucasus hunter gatherers who went in europe? caucasus people are all mostly west asian but on the north they tend to have a lot of european looking people while on the south they have a lot of middle eastern looking people

10-24-2016, 09:00 AM
LOL, you are fucking retarded. Albanian Dinarics didn't come from Asia; Dinaricization arose independently in Europe, Asia and the Americas.

sure, Dinaricization developed independently but from Asiatic race, thats why Paleoindianids still have mongol inner eye corner. Just like they arrived in America, lard fatboi. :)


Grab the Gauge
10-24-2016, 09:07 AM
sure, Dinaricization developed independently but from Asiatic race, thats why Paleoindianids still have mongol inner eye corner. Just like they arrived in America, lard fatboi. :)



10-24-2016, 09:08 AM
..9000 years ago...

Early farmers had close to zero West Asian ancestry. The so called West Asian ancestry came later from the East, mostly with Indo-Europeans. Some populations were more affected, some less.

10-24-2016, 09:25 AM
I, I b-better log-off l-lads.

no need to run away mantits, Im just messing with you.


There's nothing inherently European about Dinaricization, it occurred elsewhere among Native Americans and East Asians as well.

10-24-2016, 10:23 AM
enough to alter Mediterranean phenotype.

both are planoccipital, meaning one derived from another. Alpinid is curvoccipital. I agree that Dinaric is probably admixed with some med or atlantean type but its still Asiatic.

it is amusing how you are able to sign up immediately that Dinaric is a mutated Atlanto-Med but not Cro-Magnon > Borreby. xD

and this from your own outdated author.
zoupan, do you have contributed in this article?

Živko D. Petković connected a range of toponyms with the Serb ethnonym, such as: In Russia: Serbino, Serbi, Serbinovka, Sarbaka; In Poland: Serbentinije, Serbentini, Sjerbovice, Sarbice, Sarbijevo, Sarbin; In Lithuania: Serben, Serbigal; Near the Baltic Sea: Sarbske; On the Caucasus: Serab, Servičaj; In Mesopotamia: Sorbatje, Serbis (river).[10]

In Afghanistan and Pakistan there is a tribal group of Pashtuns called Sarbans / Sarbani. Their name is similar to the name of Caucasian tribe named Sarban (Sarbani), which some researchers connected to Serbs.[6]

Some researches are also trying to connect Serb name with other somewhat similar names such are Siberia (region in Russia),[11] Sibiru (island near Sumatra),[11] Seri or Sereri (ancient people in Central Asia),[12] Montes Serrorum (old name for Carpathians), Sarmatia (ancient region in Eastern Europe), Sirmium (city in ancient Pannonia), etc.

It is possible that the Alanian Serbi in Sarmatia, similarly like other Sarmatian/Iranian peoples on the northern Caucasus, originally spoke an Indo-European Iranian language similar to present-day Ossetian. The Ossetian language is a member of Eastern Iranian branch of Iranian languages, along with Pashtun, Yaghnobi and languages of the Pamir. One of the Pashtun tribal groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan is known as Sarbans (Sarbani) and Pashtuns are believed to be of Scythian descent while their language is classified as East Scythian (Sarmatian language is also grouped within Scythian branch).

So, everything is clear. From Sibiru, Indonesia, servs arrived among the Pashtuni tribes. From there the journey continue until they feel under Iranian and Kurdish lords. Latter they arrived in Balcans. During all this century of migration, servs suffered the rape from various asiatic tribes.
About the connection of servs with Turks and Kurds, this video is helpful:

Servs are Turks/ Sırplar Türklerdir/ Srbi su Turci

Bonus to explain the strong relation of servs with turks is this video:


10-24-2016, 11:02 AM
...and nobody knows where the Dinarid phenotype come from.

Mikl Leitner - Austrian politican

Can you explain me the origin of Dinarid phenotype? (according to number 1 to 5 of posting #50 in this thread)

10-24-2016, 01:27 PM
Coon stated that nasal convexity in Mountain Ghegs was a feature of old age. Only a minority of prime-aged Dinarics were hook or hawk nosed.

Nobody said that all Ghegs are Dinaric type. He wrote about all sample. There were some minority of other types (Alpines, Norics, Meds etc) there and he wrote it too.
If somebody had concave nose he was simply of other type.
Transormation from concave to to other profiles is possible only in childhood:) Find me guys who had concave nose in their twenties and convex in older age (plastic surgery not included:)

The truest Dinarics make actually have concave and straight noses.
Nope. You mess data for all Albanian sample with Dinaric characteristics. Find me plates with concave nosed Dinarics in Coon:)

But of course straight nose is fully possible in Dinaric type.

10-24-2016, 02:03 PM
This is just another of pathetic attempts to destroy the unity of WHITE PPL.

10-24-2016, 04:15 PM
Give me proof from morphology moron. Not some theory from 1939 which wasn't proven and Coon abandoned it in later works.

- Coon never abanoned his work from TRoE. He just simplified classifications in his later works which dealt with races of world rather than of Europe in particular. Also, it is still the most comprehensive anthropological work on Europe ever done. Anthropologists from 1980-90s highly praised his work.
-As I already said, Dinaric is Atlanto-Mediterranean type brachycephalized by Alpine, while Armenid is Irano-Afghan brachycephalized by Alpine, you imbecile:
"The difference between the Armenoid and the Dinaric is that here it is the Irano-Afghan race which furnishes the Mediterranean element, brachycephalized by Alpine mixture." (TRoE, chapter VIII, section 6)
-Dinarics don't have downturned noses like Armenoids. Their nose is convex or straight (even concave sometimes, as you can see in plates from TRoE), but it doesn't go down like Armenoid, it is rather straight-projecting. Also more broad than Armenoid.

Yep, the only pure European types are Nordid derivated like North Atlantid, Atlantid, Atlanto-Med or Gracile-Med.

The rest are all Asiatic subhumans.

And don't forget CM's who are Negroids.

CMs are Negroids? What a fucking moronism.
CMs, out of all European types, are the most similar to Neanderthals, hence most distant from Negros.
Your Gracile Meds are microcephalic niggers.

it is amusing how you are able to sign up immediately that Dinaric is a mutated Atlanto-Med but not Cro-Magnon > Borreby. xD

Of course Dinaric is not CM-derived. Our CM/Borreby is unrelated to Dinarics, and it came here in 6th century, while Dinaric is older.
Thesis that Dinaric is CM-derived is only present among local anthropologists, who don't even know what a true Dinaric is (since we don't have many pure Dinarics). Their imaginary description of Dinaric basically matches a convex-nosed Borreby.

Grab the Gauge
10-24-2016, 04:51 PM
...and nobody knows where the Dinarid phenotype come from.

Mikl Leitner - Austrian politican

Can you explain me the origin of Dinarid phenotype? (according to number 1 to 5 of posting #50 in this thread)

There's nothing Dinaric about this woman.

Grab the Gauge
10-24-2016, 04:57 PM
Nobody said that all Ghegs are Dinaric type. He wrote about all sample. There were some minority of other types (Alpines, Norics, Meds etc) there and he wrote it too.
If somebody had concave nose he was simply of other type.
Transormation from concave to to other profiles is possible only in childhood:) Find me guys who had concave nose in their twenties and convex in older age (plastic surgery not included:)

Nope. You mess data for all Albanian sample with Dinaric characteristics. Find me plates with concave nosed Dinarics in Coon:)

But of course straight nose is fully possible in Dinaric type.

LOL, almost everyone goes from concave to convex in senility. The cartilege loses strength with time and sags. All a convex nose is, is sagging cartilege.

15 and 25 years old:



Same person, age 67:


Please face it cocksucker, you are wrong.

Grab the Gauge
10-24-2016, 05:02 PM
Nope. You mess data for all Albanian sample with Dinaric characteristics. Find me plates with concave nosed Dinarics in Coon:)

Coon's Ultimate Dinaric had a concave nose at age 45. At age 20 it would have been even more concave.



FIG. 5 (2 views). An extremely Dinaricized Zadrima Gheg; this individual may be considered an example of the ultimate in Dinaricization.


10-24-2016, 05:31 PM
There's nothing Dinaric about this woman.

I posted her pic a few months ago, and the experts here in this forum classified her Dinarid. Look at her nose and the shape of her face, she is 90 % Dinarid and the rest is kind of Slavic ;)

Grab the Gauge
10-24-2016, 05:38 PM
I posted her pic a few months ago, and the experts here in this forum classified her Dinarid. Look at her nose and the shape of her face, she is 90 % Dinarid and the rest is kind of Slavic ;)

There is nothing Dinaric about that woman and you did not talk to any experts about anything.

10-24-2016, 05:56 PM
LOL, almost everyone goes from concave to convex in senility. The cartilege loses strength with time and sags. All a convex nose is, is sagging cartilege.

15 and 25 years old:



Same person, age 67:


Please face it cocksucker, you are wrong.

What an idiot. Show me profile photo:)

10-24-2016, 05:58 PM
Coon's Ultimate Dinaric had a concave nose at age 45. At age 20 it would have been even more concave.



No idiot, no concave, you have only small shitty thumbnal for him:)

He had convex nose with hump in lower part of cartilage, or at least what is called concavo-convex (undulating) you redarted fat pig:)

this is concave moron

10-24-2016, 06:01 PM
Michael Spindelegger - the next one Austrian politican that is Dinarid:


10-24-2016, 06:09 PM
-Dinarics don't have downturned noses like Armenoids. Their nose is convex or straight (even concave sometimes, as you can see in plates from TRoE), but it doesn't go down like Armenoid, it is rather straight-projecting. Also more broad than Armenoid.

You are apart of GtG the biggest imbecile on TA:)

Here you have Ghegs from your beloved Coon. Count how many of them have downturned nose:)

Grab the Gauge
10-24-2016, 06:10 PM
No idiot, no concave, you have only small shitty thumbnal for him:)

He had convex nose with hump in lower part of cartilage, or at least what is called concavo-convex (undulating) you redarted fat pig:)

That is the definition of nasal concavity. You have now outed yourself as legally blind, in addition to being retarded.


Grab the Gauge
10-24-2016, 06:12 PM
You are apart of GtG the biggest imbecile on TA:)

Here you have Ghegs from your beloved Coon. Count how many of them have downturned nose:)

Mostly senile old males. Note that the prime aged men have concave noses.

10-24-2016, 06:12 PM
No this is concave, you imbecile:)


Grab the Gauge
10-24-2016, 06:13 PM
Michael Spindelegger - the next one Austrian politican that is Dinarid:


Not Dinaric, fucktard.

Grab the Gauge
10-24-2016, 06:13 PM
No this is you imbecile:)

I'm afraid you are wrong, faggot.

10-24-2016, 06:13 PM
ahhahah:) so what it is????????:)

10-24-2016, 06:15 PM
I wait for definiton:)

Grab the Gauge
10-24-2016, 06:16 PM
ahhahah:) so what it is????????:)

The exact same type of nasal profile as the Gheg. Concave.

10-24-2016, 06:16 PM
You are defetaed:)

Grab the Gauge
10-24-2016, 06:19 PM
You are defetaed:)

I'm afraid you are mistaken, Bambi. You gots to go to the gas chamber with your monkey Slav companions now.

10-24-2016, 06:21 PM
Open your ass for cosmoo. And don't cry.

10-24-2016, 06:33 PM
One more Dinarid guy - but I am not sure if he had been Austrian:


Grab the Gauge
10-24-2016, 06:37 PM
One more Dinarid guy - but I am not sure if he had been Austrian:


There is nothing Dinaric anout this man. Get off the internet for a few months and go read Coon's books several times over. Talk less, learn more. You're never gonna get your ugly mug in the papers just by posting people's pictures on The Apricity.

10-25-2016, 04:21 AM


Is that clear enough?

P.S: Dinarid (and other VARIATIONS OF DINARID, LIKE BASKID) are integral part of European people and WHITE RACE, you cannot imagine Europe without Dinarid component, not to mention a Noric phenotype which is a PURE HYBRID of Nordid & Dinarid, etc...

So... you pathetic bullshits to discredit ONE OF THE MOST COMMON AND OLDEST EUROPEAN PHENOTYPE; DINARID will fail, because it is integral part of Europe, and you just KEEP YOUR ARMENOID MOGNRELS for yourself, fair enough?

Fucking piece of shits, one more time; fuck you along with your MONGREL ARMENOID/ARMENID SCUMS.

In the end, here is a map from @Agrippa which proves everything I've said:


Also here is my map:


10-25-2016, 04:31 AM

Oh man just chill out, admit once in your life that you don't know some things, or better don't write about it if you don't know, because if @Agrippa would be here, he would tell you the exact same thing as I've wrote in my previous post, and you think you know better than @Agrippa?

10-25-2016, 05:05 AM
Oh man just chill out, admit once in your life that you don't know some things, or better don't write about it if you don't know, because if @Agrippa would be here, he would tell you the exact same thing as I've wrote in my previous post, and you think you know better than @Agrippa?

He knows what hes writing as he qoutes some serious anthropologists.

Its rather some of the others that have no idea. And you come also off as ignorant with your white race bullshit.

Your map shows Dinarics known today are a result of cro magnoid/borreby + med/atlanto med. And that caucasid is a related type which is again related to armenid?

Anyway, Dinaric is not really a race, but a biological process that can happen anywhere in the world given right circumstances. Its a mountain phenotype, Dinarisation. It is most likely a mutation. Dinarics in the Balkans are just Dinarised atlanto meds+cromagnoids/alpine.

10-25-2016, 05:24 AM
He knows what hes writing as he qoutes some serious anthropologists.

Its rather some of the others that have no idea. And you come also off as ignorant with your white race bullshit.

Your map shows Dinarics known today are a result of cro magnoid/borreby + med/atlanto med. And that caucasid is a related type which is again related to armenid?

Anyway, Dinaric is not really a race, but a biological process that can happen anywhere in the world given right circumstances. Its a mountain phenotype, Dinarisation. It is most likely a mutation. Dinarics in the Balkans are just Dinarised atlanto meds+cromagnoids/alpine.

White race "bullshit?"

WHITE RACE IS A FACT, and you should all leave white race alone, because I am sick and tired of you fuckers crawling around all the time trying to undermine White race, go around internet and undermine Black or Mongol race, discuss about various phenotypes inside of Black race or Mongol race, are you fucking obsessed with White race? You can try and try, but you will fail, because all the time you are just (many of you) trying to undermine what is White race all about, and like it or not, this are phenotypes OF WHITE RACE:

Gorids, Baskids, Atlantid family of phenotypes (N.Atlantids, AtlantoMeds, Atlantids), Tronders, Borreby, Hallstatt Nordids, Faelids, East Meds, Gracil Meds, Dinarids, Baskids, Keltids, Berids, W.Baltids, E.Baltids, Pontids, N.Pontids, SubNordids, East Nordids, AngloSaxons, CroMagnoids (as alpha and omega of White race), PaleoAtlantids.

THE END! Any other phenotype IS NON-WHITE PHENOTYPE.

And btw, I can give you thousands of papers about all of this, (especially about Dinarids, Jesus Christ Dinarids are one of the most common thing considering Europe) including Coon's etc etc..., the thing you don't understand is that @Grab the Gauge is a fucking Nordicist lunatic considering this things, and he is using all of his "knowledge" for his Nordicist agenda, so you better pay attention on that another time you agree with his views, because Nordicists are lunatics, in same manners as Liberals, only different sick extreme of same sick coin.

10-25-2016, 05:36 AM

This is PURE DINARID MAN, Dinarid European Ubermensch :D:




10-25-2016, 05:44 AM
White race bullshit?

WHITE RACE IS A FACT, and you should all leave white race alone, because I am sick and tired of you fuckers crawling around all the time trying to undermine White race, go around internet and undermine Black or Mongol race, discuss about various phenotypes inside of Black race or Mongol race, are you fucking obssesed with White race? You can try and try, but you will fail, because all the time you are just (many of you) trying to undermine what is White race all about, and like it or not, this are phenotypes OF WHITE RACE:

Gorids, Baskids, Atlantid family of phenotypes (N.Atlantids, AtlantoMeds, Atlantids), Tronders, Borreby, Hallstatt Nordids, Faelids, East Meds, Gracil Meds, Dinarids, Baskids, Keltids, Berids, W.Baltids, E.Baltids, Pontids, N.Pontids, SubNordids, East Nordids, AngloSaxons, CroMagnoids (as alpha and omega of White race), PaleoAtlantids.

THE END! Any other phenotype IS NON-WHITE PHENOTYPE.

And btw, I can give you thousands of papers about all of this, (especially about Dinarids, Jesus Christ Dinarids are one of the most common thing considering Europe) including Coon's etc etc..., the thing you don't understand is that @Grab the Gauge is a fucking Nordicist lunatic considering this things, and he is using all of his "knowledge" for his Nordicist agenda, so you better pay attention on that another time you agree with his views, because Nordicists are lunatics, in same manners as Liberals, only different sick extreme of same sick coin.

Europe is a mixture of many different phenotypes and which is what we call today Dinaric are. Your own map says Dinarics derive from meds + borrebies. Since Dinarics are mixed they can be very diverse. Your own map shows caucasid to be a related type. Armenids and Caucasids fall within the caucasoid race. My term of what is Caucasoid isnt solely confined to the areas within europe, which yours is. You seem to delusionally think there was some shield over europe.

Except for gtg and cosmo maybe, most people have been retards here.

Also Ydnas have nothing to do with phenotypes.

South Slavs got their Dinaric look from Vlach highlanders and Albanians.

10-25-2016, 05:47 AM
This is PURE DINARID MAN, Dinarid European Ubermensch :D:




He doesnt look that Dinarid at all. For real dinarids only Albanians can be posted or some South Serbs. Some of you just have no idea what Dinarids are

10-25-2016, 05:52 AM
Oh man just chill out, admit once in your life that you don't know some things, or better don't write about it if you don't know, because if @Agrippa would be here, he would tell you the exact same thing as I've wrote in my previous post, and you think you know better than @Agrippa?

Agrippa didn't know shit. He made up dozens of imaginary, non-existent phenotypes, like "West Baltid"... and his map sucks. Dinarics are not direct Borreby derivates, lol. They are Atlanto-Mediterraneans brachycephalized by Alpine influence.
Other than that, I agree Dinaric is a fully European phenotype.

10-25-2016, 05:54 AM


Is that clear enough?

P.S: Dinarid (and other VARIATIONS OF DINARID, LIKE BASKID) are integral part of European people and WHITE RACE, you cannot imagine Europe without Dinarid component, not to mention a Noric phenotype which is a PURE HYBRID of Nordid & Dinarid, etc...

So... you pathetic bullshits to discredit ONE OF THE MOST COMMON AND OLDEST EUROPEAN PHENOTYPE; DINARID will fail, because it is integral part of Europe, and you just KEEP YOUR ARMENOID MOGNRELS for yourself, fair enough?

Fucking piece of shits, one more time; fuck you along with your MONGREL ARMENOID/ARMENID SCUMS.

In the end, here is a map from @Agrippa which proves everything I've said:

Also here is my map:

Oh man just chill out, admit once in your life that you don't know some things, or better don't write about it if you don't know, because if @Agrippa would be here, he would tell you the exact same thing as I've wrote in my previous post, and you think you know better than @Agrippa?

Your armchair source does not measure up to the official sources by Grab The Gauge.

You lost the moment you started arguing against him and it makes you look like the biggest fool of TA.

10-25-2016, 06:00 AM
Your armchair source does not measure up to the official sources by Grab The Gauge.

You lost the moment you started arguing against him and it makes you look like the biggest fool of TA.

You lost the moment you stood up with a fucking Nordicist lunatic who use everything he can find to undermine every white person on this forum and in world who is not of Nordid stock, idiot.

Just like him, Hitler also used (manipulated) with various papers and various intellectuals from various fields for his agenda, the difference between fool and intelligent man is to know how to spot such person, and you obviously are unable to do so.

10-25-2016, 06:11 AM
You lost the moment you stood up with a fucking Nordicist lunatic who use everything he can find to undermine every white person on this forum and in world who is not of Nordid stock, idiot.

Just like him, Hitler also used (manipulated) with various papers and various intellectuals from various fields for his agenda, the difference between fool and intelligent man is to know how to spot such person, and you obviously are unable to do so.

Balkanites are not White. They are UNIQUE people.

Accept it and move on.

The same goes for the Middle Eastern Gracile Mediterranean nations of Europe - Though NOT UNIQUE people.

10-25-2016, 06:24 AM
Balkanites are not White. They are UNIQUE people.

Accept it and move on.

The same goes for the Middle Eastern Gracile Mediterranean nations of Europe - Though NOT UNIQUE people.

Blah blah blah blah...

Dinarid is INTEGRAL phenotype from France to Greece, from Portugal (in Baskid form in Iberia) to Russia, without Dinarid component (either in pure form or integrated into various european phenotypes), white race wouldn't exist as we know it.

And btw; Balkan people are White people, and btw; Croatia is not Balkan country, Balkan countries are those who were under Ottomans for 400-500 years, and as you know, we never fell under them. Balkan is not Geographical term but GeoPolitical, and it was invented as such from English, learn your history mother fucker.

CIAO RAGAZZO, spread your Science Fiction as much as you want, and as for that @Grab the Launge Nordicist, if he replies to me, he we will get same answer.

10-25-2016, 06:26 AM
Blah blah blah blah...

Dinarid is INTEGRAL phenotype from France to Greece, from Portugal (in Baskid form in Iberia) to Russia
None of these countries are White, except Northern French natives.

10-25-2016, 06:28 AM
None of these countries are White, except Northern French natives.



Cammon ppl, take a look at the fucking retard guy, now..., this sentence of yours should be placed amongst the most IDIOTIC SENTENCES EVER WRITTEN IN HISTORY OF not only this forum, but forums in general troughout Internet...


Suck my cock Nordicist asshole, blonde, blue eyed Nordicist scum :).

You fuckin Nordicists are worst plague for White survival than all Arabs and Negro immigrants combined in Europe.


10-25-2016, 06:33 AM
None of these countries are White, except Northern French natives.

10-25-2016, 06:34 AM
None of these countries are White, except Northern French natives.

When it comes to Europe, here are white people (in blue) and non-white European people (in brown). Just add France to the blue team and the map makes sense.

10-25-2016, 06:35 AM


Cammon ppl, take a look at the fucking retard guy, now..., this sentence of yours should be placed amongst the most IDIOTIC SENTENCES EVER WRITTEN IN HISTORY OF not only this forum, but forums in general troughout Internet...


Suck my cock Nordicist asshole, blonde, blue eyed Nordicist scum :).

You fuckin Nordicists are worst plague for White survival than all Arabs and Negro immigrants combined in Europe.



10-25-2016, 06:37 AM
White people (in blue) and non-white pople (in brown). Just add France to the blue team and the map makes sense.

I agree, add Russia to the brown also, too many Mongolian peoples in there.

10-25-2016, 06:37 AM

You just keep on going with your scummy Nordicist friend @Grab the launge, but remember... if you Nordicist scum try another of your pathetic attempts in Europe like in WW2, this time we will fucking erase you from face of this Earth.

Fucking barbarian plague.

10-25-2016, 06:51 AM
When it comes to Europe, here are white people (in blue) and non-white European people (in brown). Just add France to the blue team and the map makes sense.

Those in brown part are mostly dark-haired/eyed Levantines, while those in blue part are mostly light-haired/eyed Levantines+Mongols.
Only this map makes sense, native Europeans living only in areas marked with horizontal stripes:

10-25-2016, 06:54 AM
Those in brown part are mostly dark-haired/eyed Levantines, while those in blue part are mostly light-haired/eyed Levantines+Mongols.

That is an interesting sci-fi comment.

10-25-2016, 06:56 AM
Those in brown part are mostly dark-haired/eyed Levantines, while those in blue part are mostly light-haired/eyed Levantines+Mongols.
Only this map makes sense, native Europeans living only in areas marked with horizontal stripes:

THIS IS THE ONLY MAP which makes sence:


P.S: And don't let that those Nordicist lunatics ever brainwash your mind, they are: L-U-N-A-T-I-C-S.

10-25-2016, 06:58 AM
That is an interesting sci-fi comment.

It is a scientific fact that their phenotypes didn't originate in Europe. They may be considered Caucasoid/white, or European (in racial terms), but they are not native to Europe.

10-25-2016, 07:01 AM
According to Stears, Dinarid is a gypsy phenotype.

10-25-2016, 07:02 AM
According to Stears, Dinarid is a gypsy phenotype.

Hahahah, that's a new one, I hear that for the first time in my life.

That's like sayin Tronder is Amerindian phenotype.

10-25-2016, 07:04 AM
I agree, add Russia to the brown also, too many Mongolian peoples in there.

I would add north Albania to blue, can't forget about the Ghegs.

10-25-2016, 07:04 AM


Cammon ppl, take a look at the fucking retard guy, now..., this sentence of yours should be placed amongst the most IDIOTIC SENTENCES EVER WRITTEN IN HISTORY OF not only this forum, but forums in general troughout Internet...


Suck my cock Nordicist asshole, blonde, blue eyed Nordicist scum :).

You fuckin Nordicists are worst plague for White survival than all Arabs and Negro immigrants combined in Europe.


Relax boyo.

The guy you posted whats his name? As im a fan of fighting. But honestly even Zlatan ibrahimovic is more typical south slav dinarid who you declared as non white.

South slavs have a higher slavic admix than albos generally speaking. They are the result of slavs mixing with Dinarid Albos and Vlachs .i.e highlander Dinarics.

Since Dinaric features are generally dark i.e darker genes are predominant they got dinaric features as a result of mixing.

The south slav dinaric type is not an ancient phenotype. Its the result of recent admixture

The unmixed Albanian type, which are usually some mountain people, is an ancient type and is the result of ancient mixture. And is the "purest" type one come across. Oldest instead of purest is a better word here.

That guy you posted is the result of some vlachs mixing with Slavs. Now youre representing him as a pure ancient dinarid, which is fucking hilarious.

10-25-2016, 07:05 AM
Hahahah, that's a new one, I hear that for the first time in my life.

That's like sayin Tronder is Amerindian phenotype.

Search function doesn't work properly, but it was something like "ugly monkey face Dinarid gypsy phenotype "

10-25-2016, 07:06 AM
According to Stears, Dinarid is a gypsy phenotype.

Stears admited of having some gipsy ancestry,as do most hungarians.
https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRWxo8_zmPmv0PwGIFT5HvPUjfhSDbQp z0WLj7ugCGzPA8etEdr

10-25-2016, 07:07 AM
It is a scientific fact that their phenotypes didn't originate in Europe. They may be considered Caucasoid/white, or European (in racial terms), but they are not native to Europe.

Well, we can always go back in time and ask who is really native. Some features came with farmers and Indo-Europeans, but countries in blue have the largest percentage of native European HG ancestry as confirmed by genetics. Of course you don't believe that but retort to some old subjective anthropology books over empirical science, you believe you are pure paleolithic CM, lmao. Southern Europeans have more recent (probably Iron Age or even late Bronze Age or maybe even more recent Roman) invader ancestry compared to other Europeans.

10-25-2016, 07:09 AM
I have some gipsy ancestry,as do most Romanians.
https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRWxo8_zmPmv0PwGIFT5HvPUjfhSDbQp z0WLj7ugCGzPA8etEdr


<Join date October 2016
How are you Deymark?

10-25-2016, 07:11 AM
Relax boyo.

The guy you posted whats his name? As im a fan of fighting. But honestly even Zlatan ibrahimovic is more typical south slav dinarid who you declared as non white.

I am relaxed, and I dont have anything against you, but I hate Nordicists same way I hate Liberals, same sick scum.

Dinarid phenotype is pure European, there is no doubt about it, if someone would take Dinarid from Europeans, White race would vanish, because Dinarid is incorporated into various ways trough many other Euro phenotypes, not only as pure Dinarid form phenotype.

Btw the name of that fighter is Stipe Drviš, he is Croatian.

And about Zlatan Ibrahimović, my opinion about him is same: he is NON-WHITE, he is not Dinarid, he has Turanid and Armenoid features, the end.

Since Dinaric features are generally dark i.e darker genes are predominant they got dinaric features as a result of mixing.

You're wrong.

Dinarids are not dark, Dinarid ppl have pale skin like a fucking vampires, also continental Dinarids have brown hair, while Adriatic Dinarids have dark brown hair, both of them have ultra PALE SKIN.

The south slav dinaric type is not an ancient phenotype. Its the result of recent admixture

You cannot prove that, while on the other hand I can prove to you what ancient Romans were sayin about ppl of this area; tall, robust... remind you of someone?

That guy you posted is the result of some vlachs mixing with Slavs. Now youre representing him as a pure ancient dinarid, which is fucking hilarious.

Stipe Drviš is TEXTBOOK example of what is Dinarid, textbook.

Like it or not.

10-25-2016, 07:14 AM
It is a scientific fact that their phenotypes didn't originate in Europe. They may be considered Caucasoid/white, or European (in racial terms), but they are not native to Europe.

I have to agree that when I see those SLANTED EYES (in combination with blonde hair) from various ppl from Finland or even Russia, it makes me ALMOST PUKE.

10-25-2016, 07:18 AM
Well, we can always go back in time and ask who is really native. Some features came with farmers and Indo-Europeans, but countries in blue have the largest percentage of native European HG ancestry as confirmed by genetics. Of course you don't believe that but retort to some old subjective anthropology books over empirical science, you believe you are pure paleolithic CM, lmao. Southern Europeans have more recent (probably Iron Age or even late Bronze Age) invader ancestry compared to other Europeans.

"I may look like a nigga, but these shiny new DNA test say am 100% paleolitik Yuropian an shieet".
No one gives a fuck about your clustering. Your "empirical science" claims UP Europeans are "genetically" wogs, while Mesolithic Europeans are 100% European, even though both look completely same and even though later completely descend from former. Those are "logics" of your clustering.
Yes, we are more paleolithic Euro (since we look like European natives) than some baltoniggers or blonde-haired Gracile Meds who don't look anything like UP Europeans.

10-25-2016, 07:20 AM
I have to agree that when I see those SLANTED EYES (in combination with blonde hair) from various ppl from Finland or even Russia, it makes me ALMOST PUKE.

The sight of arabolevantonorthafrican looking Balkanites (Croats included) make me kill someone.:p

10-25-2016, 07:22 AM
The sight of arabolevantonorthafrican looking Balkanites (Croats included) make me kill someone.

No need for comedy :).

It is not the way to fight against Nordicists with sarcasm, they should be placed where they belong (and from where they came out); into cages where we Atlanto ppl will watch them fight as barbarian animals they are (along with Negroes), we would watch them as they fight like gladiators, fighting to the death for our fun :).

10-25-2016, 07:29 AM
Search function doesn't work properly, but it was something like "ugly monkey face Dinarid gypsy phenotype "

@Stears is ok guy but sometimes he goes ape.

I bet he said that because he don't like Serbs so he would invent anything to insult them lol.

10-25-2016, 07:38 AM
"I may look like a nigga, but these shiny new DNA test say am 100% paleolitik Yuropian an shieet".
No one gives a fuck about your clustering. Your "empirical science" claims UP Europeans are "genetically" wogs, while Mesolithic Europeans are 100% European, even though both look completely same and even though later completely descend from former. Those are "logics" of your clustering.
Yes, we are more paleolithic Euro (since we look like European natives) than some baltoniggers or blonde-haired Gracile Meds who don't look anything like UP Europeans.

Is that the best you got, lfuckinmao? Why are their wogs? If you allude to darker skin, the research was done on Mesolithic Europeans. UP Europeans 40 000 years ago differed quite a bit from Europeans 10 000 years ago. A random uneducated incel who knows nothing about genetics wants to dismiss the research of thousands of scientists because of his subjectiveness. You are unable to think dynamically, you think very statically, in black and white terms with no grey zones, making fun of yourself without you being aware. Mesolithic Europeans were first people with blue eyes, and maybe had darker skin based on several analyzed alleles (out of millions). It doesn't change their features and structure, they were not really wogs as arabolevantonorthafricans of southern Europe are.

No need for comedy :).

It is not the way to fight against Nordicists with sarcasm, they should be placed where they belong (and from where they came out); into cages where we Atlanto ppl will watch them fight as barbarian animals they are (along with Negroes), we would watch them as they fight like gladiators, fighting to the death for our fun :).

You have zero Atlantid, zero CM. Just Dinarid.

10-25-2016, 07:39 AM

One more thing: out of all Whites; Atlanto ppl are the most Creative and Intelligent white ppl, all others are beneath.

The only ones in western world who are equal by Intelligence and Creativity (And Intelligence=Creativity) with Atlanto ppl are Ashkenazi Jews, and this are facts.

Nordids are Intelligent in terms of ants, means; they are just working, disciplined..., but creativity in comparison to Atlanto ppl and A.Jews: ZERO.

So the only thing which separates Nordids from Negroes is that Nordids are disciplined and Negroes are not disciplined or creative, they are ...bottom lol.

But the point remains: Nordid fuckers can be grateful to Atlanto ppl because we belong to same race and because we gave them all civilization which they have today, without Atlanto ppl Nordids would still live in their wooden houses and piss & shit into rivers, that's how "CREATIVE" Nordids are.

10-25-2016, 07:43 AM

10-25-2016, 08:09 AM
Is that the best you got, lfuckinmao? Why are their wogs? If you allude to darker skin, the research was done on Mesolithic Europeans. UP Europeans 40 000 years ago differed quite a bit from Europeans 10 000 years ago. A random uneducated incel who knows nothing about genetics wants to dismiss the research of thousands of scientists because of his subjectiveness. You are unable to think dynamically, you think very statically, in black and white terms with no grey zones, making fun of yourself without you being aware. Mesolithic Europeans were first people with blue eyes, and maybe had darker skin based on several analyzed alleles (out of millions). It doesn't change their features and structure, they were not really wogs as arabolevantonorthafricans of southern Europe are.
Your stupidity is unreal. I said your oh-so-dear "geneticists" say UP Europeans are wogs, while Mesolithic Europeans are not, even though UP and Meso Europeans are morphologically completely same! In fact, they are more homogenous than any population in Europe after Mesolithic, even though UP+Meso combined lasted 40k years, and everything after it only 5k years. To quote Petalpusher: "Average Upper Palaeolithic European is a genetical equivalent of southernmost European with ANDAMANESE grandparent". Explain me, how can UP Euros be "genetically" wogs, while Mesolithic ones are "100% Europeans", when they are completely same morphologically?
It is not "exact science", it is just a hobby for retards who interpret data with their silly calculators.
No amount of your silly hobbyist interpretations will change the facts that your blonde Gracile Meds and baltoniggers are not and will never be native Europeans. They are completely unrelated to them morphologically:

10-25-2016, 08:34 AM
Your stupidity is unreal. I said your oh-so-dear "geneticists" say UP Europeans are wogs, while Mesolithic Europeans are not, even though UP and Meso Europeans are morphologically completely same! In fact, they are more homogenous than any population in Europe after Mesolithic, even though UP+Meso combined lasted 40k years, and everything after it only 5k years. To quote Petalpusher: "Average Upper Palaeolithic European is a genetical equivalent of southernmost European with ANDAMANESE grandparent". Explain me, how can UP Euros be "genetically" wogs, while Mesolithic ones are "100% Europeans", when they are completely same morphologically?
It is not "exact science", it is just a hobby for retards who interpret data with their silly calculators.
No amount of your silly hobbyist interpretations will change the facts that your blonde Gracile Meds and baltoniggers are not and will never be native Europeans. They are completely unrelated to them morphologically:

Imbecile, Oase1 and for example La-Brana were not morphologically completely the same. I also don't know of any other paleolithic tested samples other than Oase1 and Oase1 unlike mesolithic Europeans did not contribute to modern Europeans going by resepected opinion. To go back to the main point, it is northern Europeans and definitely not Balkannigers that are the most similar to native Europeans having the most mesolithic ancestry. Picking cherrypicked photos won't change the fact that northerneastern Europeans would feel like nordic gods in Balkans and Balkanites would feel like sandniggers (and no, mesolithic Europeans were not wogs despite some claiming they are because of their skin alleles) in northeastern Europe.

10-25-2016, 09:00 AM
Imbecile, Oase1 and for example La-Brana were not morphologically completely the same. I also don't know of any other paleolithic tested samples other than Oase1 and Oase1 unlike mesolithic Europeans did not contribute to modern Europeans going by resepected opinion. To go back to the main point, it is northern Europeans and definitely not Balkannigers that are the most similar to native Europeans having the most mesolithic ancestry. Picking cherrypicked photos won't change the fact that northerneastern Europeans would feel like nordic gods in Balkans and Balkanites would feel like sandniggers (and no, mesolithic Europeans were not wogs despite some claiming they are because of their skin alleles) in northeastern Europe.

LOL idiot, of course they can't be same right down to the milimeter, but UP and Mesolithic Europeans belong to essentially same type.
Nothing will change the fact that baltoniggers and blonde Gracile Meds are metrically completely unrelated to UP Europeans, unlike us. I imagine how they might feel standing alongside men with tallest height, heaviest weight, and broadest faces in whole Europe (confirmed by data from "The Races of Europe").
BTW don't twist my words, when I say "us" I don't mean Balkanites as a whole, I refer only to my countrymen. Of course rest of Balkans are full of sandnigga phenotypes.

10-25-2016, 09:29 AM
When it comes to Europe, here are white people (in blue) and non-white European people (in brown). Just add France to the blue team and the map makes sense.

Who's actually more non-euro? Of course ''white blonde blue'' euros, with fully non-euro mentality.
Who defended Europe? Southern ''brown gypsyes''.

10-25-2016, 09:37 AM
Tell me more about defending Europe and refugees. Serbia let hundreds of thousands migrants walk through it and did nothing.

The are 500,000 far right groups in Serbia, and not a single yet they did absolutely nothing.

Same thing with Greece and Italy, both southern.. what makes you different from north ?

Winged Hussars we certainly not Southern or brown.

10-25-2016, 09:40 AM
Tell me more about defending Europe and refugees. Serbia let hundreds of thousands migrants walk through it and did nothing.

- Serbia is sock puppet country since 5. october 2000 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overthrow_of_Slobodan_Milo%C5%A1evi%C4%87).
- All real far right groups in Serbia are banned and their members are arested.

10-25-2016, 09:41 AM
Winged Hussars we certainly not Southern or brown.
I post them in light zone as a positive example of ''light'' Euros. ;)

10-25-2016, 09:46 AM
LOL idiot, of course they can't be same right down to the milimeter, but UP and Mesolithic Europeans belong to essentially same type.
Nothing will change the fact that baltoniggers and blonde Gracile Meds are metrically completely unrelated to UP Europeans, unlike us. I imagine how they might feel standing alongside men with tallest height, heaviest weight, and broadest faces in whole Europe (confirmed by data from "The Races of Europe").
BTW don't twist my words, when I say "us" I don't mean Balkanites as a whole, I refer only to my countrymen. Of course rest of Balkans are full of sandnigga phenotypes.

Imbecile, about what UP samples are you talking about? UP is a long time. Secondly who said that they were wogs and that Mesolithic Europeans were not, because ME were also portrayed like wogs? Nobody gives a shit about metrics, you have a shitload of ancestry from farmers and non-mesolithic, non-UP invaders as confirmed by genetics unlike 'baltoniggers' and 'blonde Gracile Meds'.

BTW don't twist my words, when I say "us" I don't mean Balkanites as a whole, I refer only to my countrymen. Of course rest of Balkans are full of sandnigga phenotypes.


10-25-2016, 09:52 AM
Don;t forget what literaly means MonteNegro. It is Mountain of the Nigga:) Buahhahahahahaha:) The last refugee of Niggas on Balkan Peninsula:)

10-25-2016, 10:09 AM
Imbecile, about what UP samples are you talking about? UP is a long time. Secondly who said that they were wogs and that Mesolithic Europeans were not, because ME were also portrayed like wogs? Nobody gives a shit about metrics, you have a shitload of ancestry from farmers and non-mesolithic, non-UP invaders as confirmed by genetics unlike 'baltoniggers' and 'blonde Gracile Meds'.
Your own "genetics" portray UP Europeans as mischlings, and Meso Europeans as "pure Euros", ecen though they are morphologically of same type. You can not say they are not similar based on one sample you fucking moron, their metric averages are basically same. That's how much your pseudo-genetics make sense.
BTW there are absolutely no genetic data on us. If you are referring to shit Eupedia admix maps, Maciamo himself said he didn't have any data for Montenegro at all, so he used averages for southern Bulgarians and Albanians for us, lel.
Still no amount of your pseudo-genetic faggotry will change the fact that we are metrically mostly of Upper Palaeolithic European stock, while blonde Gracile Meds and baltoniggers are not and never will be.
The Old Montenegrin type [...] is nothing more nor less than a local unreduced brachycephalized Upper Palaeolithic survival(Coon, TRoE, chapter XII section 12)

10-25-2016, 10:10 AM
Don;t forget what literaly means MonteNegro. It is Mountain of the Nigga:) Buahhahahahahaha:) The last refugee of Niggas on Balkan Peninsula:)

Your mother's cunt was refugee for Montenigger cum.

10-25-2016, 10:16 AM
Your own "genetics" portray UP Europeans as mischlings, and Meso Europeans as "pure Euros", ecen though they are morphologically of same type. You can not say they are not similar based on one sample you fucking moron, their metric averages are basically same. That's how much your pseudo-genetics make sense.

Low IQ moron, imbecile of the highest order, I am asking you about which UP Europeans are we talking about? Show me comparison between Oase1 and Mesolithic HG! Morphology can change in several generations, people can become dolio from brachi in a generation, genetics remain.

BTW there are absolutely no genetic data on us. If you are referring to shit Eupedia admix maps, Maciamo himself said he didn't have any data for Montenegro at all, so he used averages for southern Bulgarians and Albanians for us, lel.

I have several Montenegrins on my 23andme list. You are with among the most southern plotting South Slavs.

Still no amount of your pseudo-genetic faggotry will change the fact that we are metrically mostly of Upper Palaeolithic European stock, while blonde Gracile Meds and baltoniggers are not and never will be.
The Old Montenegrin type [...] is nothing more nor less than a local unreduced brachycephalized Upper Palaeolithic survival(Coon, TRoE, chapter XII section 12)

Nobody gives a shit what you are metrically, but still that bolded part looks funny.

Grab the Gauge
10-25-2016, 10:21 AM


Is that clear enough?

P.S: Dinarid (and other VARIATIONS OF DINARID, LIKE BASKID) are integral part of European people and WHITE RACE, you cannot imagine Europe without Dinarid component, not to mention a Noric phenotype which is a PURE HYBRID of Nordid & Dinarid, etc...

So... you pathetic bullshits to discredit ONE OF THE MOST COMMON AND OLDEST EUROPEAN PHENOTYPE; DINARID will fail, because it is integral part of Europe, and you just KEEP YOUR ARMENOID MOGNRELS for yourself, fair enough?

Fucking piece of shits, one more time; fuck you along with your MONGREL ARMENOID/ARMENID SCUMS.

In the end, here is a map from @Agrippa which proves everything I've said:


Also here is my map:


Oh man just chill out, admit once in your life that you don't know some things, or better don't write about it if you don't know, because if @Agrippa would be here, he would tell you the exact same thing as I've wrote in my previous post, and you think you know better than @Agrippa?

White race "bullshit?"

WHITE RACE IS A FACT, and you should all leave white race alone, because I am sick and tired of you fuckers crawling around all the time trying to undermine White race, go around internet and undermine Black or Mongol race, discuss about various phenotypes inside of Black race or Mongol race, are you fucking obsessed with White race? You can try and try, but you will fail, because all the time you are just (many of you) trying to undermine what is White race all about, and like it or not, this are phenotypes OF WHITE RACE:

Gorids, Baskids, Atlantid family of phenotypes (N.Atlantids, AtlantoMeds, Atlantids), Tronders, Borreby, Hallstatt Nordids, Faelids, East Meds, Gracil Meds, Dinarids, Baskids, Keltids, Berids, W.Baltids, E.Baltids, Pontids, N.Pontids, SubNordids, East Nordids, AngloSaxons, CroMagnoids (as alpha and omega of White race), PaleoAtlantids.

THE END! Any other phenotype IS NON-WHITE PHENOTYPE.

And btw, I can give you thousands of papers about all of this, (especially about Dinarids, Jesus Christ Dinarids are one of the most common thing considering Europe) including Coon's etc etc..., the thing you don't understand is that @Grab the Gauge is a fucking Nordicist lunatic considering this things, and he is using all of his "knowledge" for his Nordicist agenda, so you better pay attention on that another time you agree with his views, because Nordicists are lunatics, in same manners as Liberals, only different sick extreme of same sick coin.

This individual should be humanely euthanized wifh a blowtorch.

Grab the Gauge
10-25-2016, 10:26 AM
Oh man just chill out, admit once in your life that you don't know some things, or better don't write about it if you don't know, because if @Agrippa would be here, he would tell you the exact same thing as I've wrote in my previous post, and you think you know better than @Agrippa?

Low IQ moron, imbecile of the highest order, I am asking you about which UP Europeans are we talking about? Show me comparison between Oase1 and Mesolithic HG! Morphology can change in several generations, people can become dolio from brachi in a generation, genetics remain.

I have several Montenegrins on my 23andme list. You are with among the most southern plotting South Slavs.

Nobody gives a shit what you are metrically, but still that bolded part looks funny.

It's a good thing Jack Silovitz has a keyboard, because you just know he'd never be able to express this volume of bullshit vocally, given the dimunitive size of his lungs and his ribcage; he has a respiratory handicap.

10-25-2016, 10:31 AM
It's a good thing Jack Silovitz has a keyboard, because you just know he'd never be able to express this volume of bullshit vocally, given the dimunitive size of his lungs and his ribcage; he has a respiratory handicap.

Dimunitive? Going by your posts you are a midget mongrel chink mestizo, the last person that should speak about dimunitive size.

10-25-2016, 10:35 AM
He knows what hes writing as he qoutes some serious anthropologists.

Its rather some of the others that have no idea. And you come also off as ignorant with your white race bullshit.

Your map shows Dinarics known today are a result of cro magnoid/borreby + med/atlanto med. And that caucasid is a related type which is again related to armenid?

Anyway, Dinaric is not really a race, but a biological process that can happen anywhere in the world given right circumstances. Its a mountain phenotype, Dinarisation. It is most likely a mutation. Dinarics in the Balkans are just Dinarised atlanto meds+cromagnoids/alpine.

I warned mods to observe this account as is probably GtG sock. He use the same style and always post in the same threads as him.


knows what hes writing as he qoutes some serious anthropologists.
It's not definition of credibility of some user if he repeats all the time some passages from the same book again and again imbecile:)
Book heavily outdated [1939] and which author abandoned later most of their conceptions:) From what reasons? It's another story...

Read it retard, and shut up.

Coon (1946) Anthropology from A to Z

Edited by Carleton S. Coon and Edward E. Hunt, Jr


One of the the outstanding historical changes in modern man is the rounding of the head. At birth, in all living human subspecies, the breadth of the head averages about 80 percent of the length. Most of the potential growth of these dimensions is completed in the first year of life. If the head grows mainly in length, the individual wil have a medium or longheaded cranial form. If breadth grows more actively, he will be roundheaded. By no means all of these postnatal changes in head form are genetic in origin. As Walcher first showed, the head of an infant is heavy and plastic enough so that if he habitually lies on his black, the final shape of his head will be somewhat rounded. Bayley showed that relatively inactive infants, who voluntarily spend much of their time on their backs, also develop rounded heads.

This plasticity of the infant head can be far more drastically altered by had cradleboards, head binding, or tight swaddling. The occiput alone, or both the forehead and occiput, can be deformed, either obliquely or transversely. Two of the photographs in this volume(Figure 50, f - "Dinaric"; and Figure 53, b - "Armenoid") illustrate examples of Balkan and Middle Eastern peoples who often use cradleboard which compress the infant occiput. The term "Dinaric" and "Armenoid" have long been used by anthropologists to refer to alleged racial types whose brachycephaly was considered fixed and hereditary. Modern work on cranial deformation in the Middle East, espeically studies by Ewing, have shown that so many alledged Dinarics and Armenoids spent their infancy on cradleboards that the cephalic index is a most unreliable hallmark of taxonomic status in many parts of the Balkans and southwestern Asia.

Even with little or now deliberate deformation of the infant head, this index can change in a single generation when peoples migrate to the United States(Boas). In fact, some modern European populations lately have been becoming more longheaded.

Brachycephaly, in fact, is neither uniquely human nor wholly modern. The orangutan is brachycephalic, and so are a majority of chimpanzees. At least one of the Australopithecines (Paranthropus) is also brachycephalic. All three of the best-preserved Middle Paleolithic skulls from Krapina are roundheads, and the most complete specimen from Fontechevade is nearly so (cranial index about 79).

Among the Upper Paleolithic Caucasoids of Europe, two of the tree adult skulls from Solutre, Soane-et-Loire, France, are bracycrane, as well as some of the sample of over thirty skeletons from the Mouillian site of Afalou-bou-Rhummel, in Constantine, Algeria. Three out of eleven Mesolithic skills from Oftnet and Kaufertsberg in Bavaria are brachycrane.


Coon (1950) .Races. The study of race formation in man.

About non-existence of any population of CM characteristics:)

DEAL WIT IT moron:)

Hahah, this is late Coon's view. Now you can shit in your pants:)

Grab the Gauge
10-25-2016, 10:42 AM
I warned mods to observe this account as is probably GtG sock. He use the same style and always post in the same threads as him.

It's saddening to know that you are so deluded as to believe that only one man with a sockpuppet would ever hassle you for the idiocy that you post. I assure you that you are wrong. Give up the effort and cancel your internet subscription today, monkeyboy. You haven't even addressed anything MONEY said, with your irrelevant quotes. Just step away from the computer and kill yourself right now.

10-25-2016, 10:51 AM
Your mother's cunt was refugee for Montenigger cum.

Especially for you faggot Mountain Nigga:)

Coon (1950) The Mountains of "Giants"
About Armenoid similarity to Dinarid and about first Dinaric skulls discovered in Middle East:)

10-25-2016, 10:52 AM
Read above page carefully dumbass.
It is Coon, do you fight with Coon now:) ?

"...indicate without question that this people were immigrants from the Eastern Mediterranean" :) Yupii:)

10-25-2016, 10:58 AM

http://www.anubih.ba/images/publikacije/posebna_izdanja/CBI/09_posebna_izdanja_LIII-9%20Stanje%20i%20problemi%20fizicke%20antroplogije .pdf

bro, there were no pure Dinaric skulls unearthed older than the Iron Age, only brachycranization i.e. dinaricization. They do not exist until then, moreover, it is not a pure race but a hybrid. Until neolithic collapse, there are only mediterranid gracilids, then some protonordids, atlantomeds and other hybrids start pouring in due to migrations. Dinaric is a type with some Asiatic admix and even retarded lard fatboi Grab the Gauge knows this.


10-25-2016, 11:04 AM
I am relaxed, and I dont have anything against you, but I hate Nordicists same way I hate Liberals, same sick scum.

Dinarid phenotype is pure European, there is no doubt about it, if someone would take Dinarid from Europeans, White race would vanish, because Dinarid is incorporated into various ways trough many other Euro phenotypes, not only as pure Dinarid form phenotype.

Btw the name of that fighter is Stipe Drviš, he is Croatian.

And about Zlatan Ibrahimović, my opinion about him is same: he is NON-WHITE, he is not Dinarid, he has Turanid and Armenoid features, the end.

You're wrong.

Dinarids are not dark, Dinarid ppl have pale skin like a fucking vampires, also continental Dinarids have brown hair, while Adriatic Dinarids have dark brown hair, both of them have ultra PALE SKIN.

You cannot prove that, while on the other hand I can prove to you what ancient Romans were sayin about ppl of this area; tall, robust... remind you of someone?

Stipe Drviš is TEXTBOOK example of what is Dinarid, textbook.

Like it or not.

I am relaxed, and I dont have anything against you, but I hate Nordicists same way I hate Liberals, same sick scum.

Dinarid phenotype is pure European, there is no doubt about it, if someone would take Dinarid from Europeans, White race would vanish, because Dinarid is incorporated into various ways trough many other Euro phenotypes, not only as pure Dinarid form phenotype.

Btw the name of that fighter is Stipe Drviš, he is Croatian.

And about Zlatan Ibrahimović, my opinion about him is same: he is NON-WHITE, he is not Dinarid, he has Turanid and Armenoid features, the end.

You're wrong.

Dinarids are not dark, Dinarid ppl have pale skin like a fucking vampires, also continental Dinarids have brown hair, while Adriatic Dinarids have dark brown hair, both of them have ultra PALE SKIN.

You cannot prove that, while on the other hand I can prove to you what ancient Romans were sayin about ppl of this area; tall, robust... remind you of someone?

Stipe Drviš is TEXTBOOK example of what is Dinarid, textbook.

Like it or not.

Its proven by autosomal DNA that you are a mixture of vlachs and slavs. I2a is also slavic as proven by nordtvedt research. Not that ydna has anything to do with phenotype but that Austrian here who claimed it has. North Albsnia so far barely has any i2a. I cannot talk to crazy people who think they are unmixed. The purest ancient balkanites youll find are some mountain people in Gegnia. People have classified me as textbook Dinaric, i fit that much more than the guy you posted and im pale skinned and stand 190cm. There was even some Albanian here who guessed me as such by just looking at ny body before i even posted a pic. By dark I mean European standards. Dinarics are diverse. Some tan easier. Every book refers to Dinarics as dark. Dark haired, dark brown to green eyes, pale skinned. Some tan easily and are pigment skinned. The brown eyed and dark haired type and pale skin is probably the most common. Some are heavier bodies, ectomorph to mesomorph, than others but the face is generally broad. Height can vary a lot. It is a biological process Dinarisation.

Ive seen Albanian girls, tall, thin, dark eyes and dark hair, pale skin. Smaller noses than men .. Textbook Dinaric women

Tall is also what the North Albanian highlanders are described as by Coon. He even goes as far to call them giants. Mountain giants and uber Dinaric. The link to his book was already posted here. The problem with you is you are biased in your opinions and because of this you make absolutely wrong classifications.

A textbook Dinaric is someone like Prek Cali, Albanian highlander from Malsia. Or some relatives or some Albanians I know in general. Generally Dinarics are diverse and there are darker types and even lighter types. But Prek Cali is a general good example. Coon also agreed center of Dinarics is northern Albania, it has also served as a refugee place.

Dinarics are dark, regardless if they are pale skinned. Black hair/dark brown eyes. This is nothing but dark for europe regardless of skin color. The darker hair and eyes stand out in central or northern europe. The slavs that settled in the balkans were lighter haired and lighter eyes overall.

Croatians in general are not Dinarics. Your "Dinaric" is a recent admixture you got from some highland Vlachs. mostly North Albanians and some Southern Serbs (Serbianized Albos) represent the true Dinaric race and the true mountain/highland people.



http://www.malsia.eu/Letersi_Rexhep_Dedushaj_100_vjet_Lufte_Prek_Cali.j pg


Real Albanian highlander Dinaric 7 foot tall ^ I see a lot of North Albanians like this. Kinda looks like my great grandfather.

Now that I see more pics of Stipe drvas. Yeah he is Dinarid but there are much better Albanian examples.

10-25-2016, 11:11 AM
uh I am a dirty looking šiptar with armenid phenotype.

yes you are subhuman, your Mirdita came from Lebanon too.

https://books.google.si/books?id=kTcRDKnYf2cC&pg=PA143&lpg=PA143&dq=he+was+of+mirdite+clan+which,+our+historians+co nfirm,+traces+its+origin+to+12,000&source=bl&ots=wiWfne8rEr&sig=atRoFp8fU29ujVCi0XLKXmamREs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzxc6W9vLPAhUEaxQKHcG5BeAQ6AEIGjAA#v=on epage&q=he%20was%20of%20mirdite%20clan%20which%2C%20our% 20historians%20confirm%2C%20traces%20its%20origin% 20to%2012%2C000&f=false


Grab the Gauge
10-25-2016, 11:24 AM
yes you are subhuman, your Mirdita came from Lebanon too.

https://books.google.si/books?id=kTcRDKnYf2cC&pg=PA143&lpg=PA143&dq=he+was+of+mirdite+clan+which,+our+historians+co nfirm,+traces+its+origin+to+12,000&source=bl&ots=wiWfne8rEr&sig=atRoFp8fU29ujVCi0XLKXmamREs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzxc6W9vLPAhUEaxQKHcG5BeAQ6AEIGjAA#v=on epage&q=he%20was%20of%20mirdite%20clan%20which%2C%20our% 20historians%20confirm%2C%20traces%20its%20origin% 20to%2012%2C000&f=false


The measured characters Coon is describing are things like head breadth, head length, nasal height, etc. At no point did he suggest that the morphology of soft parts was identical. When he stated that Armenians resemble North Albanians he was only doing so against a limited set of data. He also stated that many other people in the world and Europe would be similar to Albanians; this is not a statement of common origin.

"Normal" in this sense refers to the
large series studied in the past, and most of
these have been from western Europe and
modern America. It will probably be shown
as time goes on that many of the peoples of
the world have heads comparable to those ot
the Albanians. We know already that this is
true of Armenians, Lebanese, and Montene-
grins, and it can probably be demonstrated for
other European populations.

10-25-2016, 11:31 AM
Tell me more about defending Europe and refugees. Serbia let hundreds of thousands migrants walk through it and did nothing.

The are 500,000 far right groups in Serbia, and not a single yet they did absolutely nothing.

Same thing with Greece and Italy, both southern.. what makes you different from north ?

Winged Hussars we certainly not Southern or brown.

And what did Hungary do?Nothing.All Hungary did is to protect is country, not Europe.

For example, at Greece/Bulgaria boder, hugnarian forces dont even exist, while romanian forces are 3rd.

10-25-2016, 11:43 AM
The measured characters Coon is describing are things like head breadth, head length, nasal height, etc. At no point did he suggest that the morphology of soft parts was identical. When he stated that Armenians resemble North Albanians he was only doing so against a limited set of data. He also stated that many other people in the world and Europe would be similar to Albanians; this is not a statement of common origin.

cry your eyes out smallskull faggot.

I WROTE, in 1939, "There has been much
discussion upon the subject of occipital
flattening, both in Albania and in Asia Minorj
there are two definite schools, one which be-
lieves that it is natural and racially determined,
the other that it is a form of artificial deforma-
tion caused by cradling. My own position lies
between these two extremes; occipital flatten-
ing is without doubt a phenomenon associated
with the entire mechanical orientation of the
cranium in the Dinaric race, and especially
with the position of the foramen magnum to
the rear of that usual in most races. As such,
it is undeniably inherited.




one more time.



There is one important exception to this rule, however; during the Bronze Age Dinaricized Mediterraneans spread with the knowledge of metal from an eastern Mediterranean source to the western Mediterranean Countries, to central Europe, and to the British Isles. In this instance Dinarics of a Near Eastern variety did actually invade Europe, and their descendants may be distinguished today in countries like England where, owing to the absence of an Alpine substratum, the process of Dinaricization has not been locally at play.




are you šiptar emigrant in merica?)))

Grab the Gauge
10-25-2016, 11:53 AM
cry your eyes out smallskull faggot.




one more time.






are you šiptar emigrant in merica?)))

LOL, you retarded Serbian Gypsy boy, I am a 100% Western European American. Your quotes are totally irrelevant to this discussion. It is as if you are talking to a voice inngour head, and you undoubtedly are.

10-25-2016, 11:59 AM
LOL, you retarded Serbian Gypsy boy, I am a 100% Western European American. Your quotes are totally irrelevant to this discussion. It is as if you are talking to a voice inngour head, and you undoubtedly are.

from the amount of cockgobbling you do in favour to your brown shitskin friends, Id be more inclined to believe that you are one of them yourself.

fucking aristocephalic tits growing mongoloid.

10-25-2016, 12:00 PM
The measured characters Coon is describing are things like head breadth, head length, nasal height, etc. At no point did he suggest that the morphology of soft parts was identical. When he stated that Armenians resemble North Albanians he was only doing so against a limited set of data. He also stated that many other people in the world and Europe would be similar to Albanians; this is not a statement of common origin.

Haha,subhuman you claimed in other thread that some native indian american guy due to his zygo breath of ~160mm was resembling cromagnons best,proved you wrong and now you changed your opinion to mine i see.
Common sense tells us that if someone 'falls extremely close to the total means...in all characters ' then they are pretty much alike and were they do not ressemble Coon states.

Grab the Gauge
10-25-2016, 12:04 PM

10-25-2016, 12:07 PM
lel, shills for negrids 24/7.

šiptar undercover. :)


why arent you proud šiptar? Dont hide. :)

Grab the Gauge
10-25-2016, 12:13 PM
Haha,subhuman you claimed in other thread that some native indian american guy due to his zygo breath of ~160mm was resembling cromagnons best,proved you wrong and now you changed your opinion to mine i see.
Common sense tells us that if someone 'falls extremely close to the total means...in all characters ' then they are pretty much alike and were they do not ressemble Coon states.

How does it feel to know your ancestors got fucked by the Gypsies? I can understand getting fucked by the Jews or the Turks, but Gypsies?

10-25-2016, 12:32 PM

Hahahahahhahahahah. Thank you my friend, this is great. But why greeks are fucked only from turks? You forget the Jewish banks and Germans, especially. Aunt Merkel is always there with her latex dick.

10-25-2016, 12:33 PM
https://scontent.fotp3-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13342941_1318069854876948_5980717599555964985_n.jp g?oh=139d14cdf95864da2b264b2438595da0&oe=588A912F


10-25-2016, 12:35 PM
https://scontent.fotp3-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13342941_1318069854876948_5980717599555964985_n.jp g?oh=139d14cdf95864da2b264b2438595da0&oe=588A912F

impressive highlander specimen, straight out of Coons textbook.


10-25-2016, 12:44 PM
https://scontent.fotp3-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13342941_1318069854876948_5980717599555964985_n.jp g?oh=139d14cdf95864da2b264b2438595da0&oe=588A912F

Nice photo, thank you ROMAnian, but i prefer the eagle that flew in the middle of Belgrade:

10-25-2016, 12:46 PM
Nice photo, thank you ROMAnian, but i prefer the eagle that flew in the middle of Belgrade:

šiptar air force. :)


10-25-2016, 12:48 PM
impressive highlander specimen, straight out of Coons textbook.



Hahahahhahahahahaahahahaahahahahahhah......bhuahah ahhahahahhah


10-25-2016, 12:49 PM
šiptar air force. :)


Our air force bombed Belgrade, yours has never seen Tirana.

10-25-2016, 12:51 PM
I am a brown nigger.

you cant win this Labdog.


10-25-2016, 12:53 PM
Our air force bombed Belgrade, yours has never seen Tirana.



Tirana. :)

10-25-2016, 01:00 PM
you cant win this Labdog.

It`s not a problem for me bugarsko sranje. I can score directly from the corner.

10-25-2016, 01:06 PM
you cant win this Labdog.


LOL , who is this midget monkey ???

10-25-2016, 01:10 PM
What a browny shithumans above:) Are there Albos? Retoric question:)

10-25-2016, 01:12 PM
I am a 100% Western European American.

If it is true but probably you are Indianid mestizo because you always post about them. So you are WHG aka UP Euro nigga. And your ancestors had skin black as coal:)

10-25-2016, 01:15 PM
BTW where is MountainNigga Cosmoo???? He is cleaning his pants from the shit maybe, after he wrote that his beloved Coon wrote in 1950 that Dinarics come from Eastern Med region. It completely ruins his world of fantasies:)

10-25-2016, 01:17 PM
Haha,subhuman you claimed in other thread that some native indian american guy due to his zygo breath of ~160mm was resembling cromagnons best,proved you wrong and now you changed your opinion to mine i see.
Common sense tells us that if someone 'falls extremely close to the total means...in all characters ' then they are pretty much alike and were they do not ressemble Coon states.

His stupid and always contradicts himself in many threads:) Some retarded kretins from MonteNigga follow him, but it means only they were too stupid to realize that.

10-25-2016, 02:19 PM
Your "Dinaric" is a recent admixture you got from some highland Vlachs. mostly North Albanians and some Southern Serbs (Serbianized Albos) represent the true Dinaric race and the true mountain/highland people.

Now that I see more pics of Stipe drvas. Yeah he is Dinarid but there are much better Albanian examples.

Who says I have anything Dinaric on myself? It was my personal opinion that I have some small Dinarid admix on myself that's why I placed that in taxonomy on my profile but I will remove it and leave it just as @Agrippa told me, no one told me that I have some Dinaric admix worth of mentioning, not even @Agrippa, it was my personal opinion even though my skull is not Dinaric, my nose is not Dinaric, my facial traits are not Dinaric, nothing, almost nothing, only somewhat lips, but my lips are somethin like in AtlantoMed, so even that is not Dinaric lol.

I came on my own to think that I have somethin Dinaric because I'm tall and because of lips which... I don't know... can pass both for Dinarid and AtlantoMed, but when I think more and more about myself I dont find anything Dinaric on me lol.

My parents also do not have Dinaric component.

My mother is like pure AtlantoMed, and father is somethin like Alpinized AtlantoMed.

10-25-2016, 04:09 PM
AngeryMost of White Europe begins north of the Alps. Rest is non-White.

Only wannabe-Whites are OWD/Nordicist here.

10-25-2016, 04:23 PM
Most of White Europe begins north of the Alps. Rest is non-White.

Only wannabe-Whites are OWD/Nordicist here.

No man, let me tell you who is North from Alps, A FUCKING BARBARIAN SCUM man :) a fuckin barbarian blonde eyed/haired barbarian SCUM :D

10-25-2016, 04:30 PM
No man, let me tell you who is North from Alps, A FUCKING BARBARIAN SCUM man :) a fuckin barbarian blonde eyed/haired barbarian SCUM :DBlond hair blue eyes is a mutation, I have it, nothing to do with barbarians. Deal with it.

10-25-2016, 04:37 PM
Blond hair blue eyes is a mutation, I have it, nothing to do with barbarians. Deal with it.

No man... it is a sign of barbarism, mutation for sure, but a mark of Barbarism :).

A weakness amongst White race, a sign who were your INFERIOR ancestors who were pissing in rivers before you finally were pissing in bathroom as slaves in Rome :D

10-25-2016, 05:07 PM
No man... it is a sign of barbarism, mutation for sure, but a mark of Barbarism :).

A weakness amongst White race, a sign who were your INFERIOR ancestors who were pissing in rivers before you finally were pissing in bathroom as slaves in Rome :DCalm down, you are the bitch here :D

10-25-2016, 05:21 PM
Is my uncle a good exemple of Dinarid?
https://scontent.fcpq1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14650230_1128184313884485_9075186991039863889_n.jp g?oh=8cc76f43f671230b524e2dc66018f860&oe=58989702
https://scontent.fcpq1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/10807097_753400074696246_750313328_n.jpg?oh=1d513d 0e89253afbd61276fee653ca1f&oe=58128ABC
https://scontent.fcpq1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/10814133_753398418029745_2112358980_n.jpg?oh=b811d b066356fe0b91b135ea50d358c9&oe=581199E7
https://scontent.fcpq1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13775797_1048870045149246_5947517319220016374_n.jp g?oh=73dd6da82b711a90dabc40ee47783b82&oe=589B8CD7

10-25-2016, 05:46 PM
Calm down, you are the bitch here :D

Nope :), whenever you look yourself in mirror, remember of your Blonde savage ancestors, forget about language and linguistics, It is all about blood and appearence, and it says a lot who you are and who I am, and who ruled who once :D.

10-25-2016, 05:47 PM
Low IQ moron, imbecile of the highest order, I am asking you about which UP Europeans are we talking about? Show me comparison between Oase1 and Mesolithic HG! Morphology can change in several generations, people can become dolio from brachi in a generation, genetics remain.

I have several Montenegrins on my 23andme list. You are with among the most southern plotting South Slavs.

Nobody gives a shit what you are metrically, but still that bolded part looks funny.
-You retarded škutor, I am not going to talk about something that is already known to be scientific fact. UP and Mesolithic Europeans generally belong to CM type, which is all the same. Just look at brachycephalic UP CMs, and then look at Mesolithic Borreby skull, moron.
-Personal evidence doesn't count. Stefan Dusan posted several 23andme Montenegrins on aDNA thread, and they all plot as north (or more) as Serbs/Bosnians/good deal of Croats, but much more western.
-What you are metrically is most important. Nobody gives a fuck what you score on "muh dodekad kalkulators" if you look like blonde Gracilmed or baltonigger.
We look ten times more UP European than your northeastern idols.

Seems like you like exalting others over your own people, calling them "Nordic gods" while calling yours "sandniggers". Typical škutor Ottoman-opressed tobacco farmer inferiority complex.

I warned mods to observe this account as is probably GtG sock. He use the same style and always post in the same threads as him.


It's not definition of credibility of some user if he repeats all the time some passages from the same book again and again imbecile:)
Book heavily outdated [1939] and which author abandoned later most of their conceptions:) From what reasons? It's another story...

Read it retard, and shut up.
About non-existence of any population of CM characteristics:)

If he said it is possible Dinarics came from eastern Mediterranean region, it doesn't mean he said they are same as Armenoids, you microcephalic boyo.
Go cry to admins, you'll only end up getting banned.

About non-existence of any population of CM characteristics:)

Of course that no population with only one anthropological type (not just CM, but of ANY type) exists today, especially in Europe. Just another proof of your utter imbecility.

10-25-2016, 05:56 PM

10-25-2016, 06:23 PM
-You retarded škutor, I am not going to talk about something that is already known to be scientific fact. UP and Mesolithic Europeans generally belong to CM type, which is all the same. Just look at brachycephalic UP CMs, and then look at Mesolithic Borreby skull, moron.
-Personal evidence doesn't count. Stefan Dusan posted several 23andme Montenegrins on aDNA thread, and they all plot as north (or more) as Serbs/Bosnians/good deal of Croats, but much more western.
-What you are metrically is most important. Nobody gives a fuck what you score on "muh dodekad kalkulators" if you look like blonde Gracilmed or baltonigger.
We look ten times more UP European than your northeastern idols.

Dumb subhuman, you are speaking to your mental and evidently more educated superior which is evident by your goat fucker mentality of dismissing science and childish non-critical thinking. I don't know what Stefan posted (who was a fraud btw which you can easily find out on this forum just by asking, lied about this, about that, him being from Kosovo, but is instead from Vojvodina and so on), but that is not the case with what I see. They plot quite north, but among the most southern plotting compared to other South Slavs, normal for their geography. But come again, why do you care, it is just 'muh genetics'. You don't look ten times more UP lmao, what is next 2+2=5? Btw, moron of all morons, I asked you a couple questions and I still don't see answers, lazy montenigger. What scientists (and give me a source) said that UPs looked like wogs, but that Meso Europeans did not because scientists say that Mesos were also wogs albeit with blue eyes? I also asked you (I ask because I do not know) about what samples of UP Europeans are you talking about (how old)?

Seems like you like exalting others over your own people, calling them "Nordic gods" while calling yours "sandniggers". Typical škutor Ottoman-opressed tobacco farmer inferiority complex.

Those are just forum expressions used to evoke things, with a dose of trolling dumb moron. But, if I would ever consider northeastern Europeans or northern Europeans gods compared to me, you would still be considered as dumb subhuman x10, because that is what yourself are.

10-25-2016, 07:59 PM
^^^Everything is true what you said. Cosmoo is the dumbest TA user ever and he knows that:)

Monteniggro is deserving atomic bombardment. So smallest shitcountry will be destroyed by just one nuclear strike I bet:)

10-25-2016, 10:30 PM
Dumb subhuman, you are speaking to your mental and evidently more educated superior which is evident by your goat fucker mentality of dismissing science and childish non-critical thinking.
You're projecting, son. What is the point of starting the talk on our personal IQ's? Maybe you feel insecure about it, so you feel the need to release your frustrations by projecting your flaws on others? Yeah, that's definitely the case. You seem to be obsessed with IQ ratings and taking online tests to assure yourself you're not dumb škutor serf bitchboy, lmao.

You don't look ten times more UP lmao, what is next 2+2=5?
We do. It's simple anthropology. We are mostly CM, while your idols are mostly Nordid-East Baltic blend. Not only we are metrically UP European, but we are exaggeratedly so, since we have some traits like broadest faces, tallest height, and heaviest weight in Europe. Case closed, škutor dummy.

Btw, moron of all morons, I asked you a couple questions and I still don't see answers, lazy montenigger. What scientists (and give me a source) said that UPs looked like wogs, but that Meso Europeans did not because scientists say that Mesos were also wogs albeit with blue eyes? I also asked you (I ask because I do not know) about what samples of UP Europeans are you talking about (how old)?
I did not say they looked like wogs. I said they were wogs genetically (not talking about pigmentation alleles you dumb fuck, but about overall "clustering"), according to your pseudo-genetics. How stupid you need to be not to understand what I was saying all along? I am talking about all pre-Villabrunna samples. Goyet, Vestonice, etc...
To quote Petalpusher: "Average UP European is genetic equivalent of southernmost European with Andamanese grandparent".
So, you still owe me answer to questions:
1) How come UP and Mesolithic Europeans are so genetically distant, when they are of basically same phenotype, and when later are completely descended from former?
2) Why don't NE Europeans have almost any unreduced CM types, if they are "genetically" closest to native Europeans?

Of course you can't give answer to those questions, since your pseudo-genetics can't explain them.

You have inability to think outside the box. You will always listen to your authority/idol (in this case, "genetic(ist)s") even if their claims contradict healthy logic. You are little obedient bitchboy, taking for granted everything they serve him. Consequences of five centuries of slavery...

Those are just forum expressions used to evoke things, with a dose of trolling dumb moron. But, if I would ever consider northeastern Europeans or northern Europeans gods compared to me, you would still be considered as dumb subhuman x10, because that is what yourself are.
Again you with your "superior intelligence" talk. It's alrighty lad, I know you are insecure about your intelligence. Feel free to bash my IQ if that will make you feel better.

10-26-2016, 05:29 PM
You're projecting, son. What is the point of starting the talk on our personal IQ's? Maybe you feel insecure about it, so you feel the need to release your frustrations by projecting your flaws on others? Yeah, that's definitely the case. You seem to be obsessed with IQ ratings and taking online tests to assure yourself you're not dumb škutor serf bitchboy, lmao.

I feel wonderful and full of myself having those like yourself around me.

We do. It's simple anthropology. We are mostly CM, while your idols are mostly Nordid-East Baltic blend. Not only we are metrically UP European, but we are exaggeratedly so, since we have some traits like broadest faces, tallest height, and heaviest weight in Europe. Case closed, škutor dummy.

Mostly CM, haha, I will never get used to those words, will always make me laugh. Genetically you have not much with UPs or Mesolithic. Just look at bunch of your neolithic haplogroups, J, E. Mesolithic Europeans had mostly I2 Y-dna and U mtdna.

I did not say they looked like wogs. I said they were wogs genetically (not talking about pigmentation alleles you dumb fuck, but about overall "clustering"), according to your pseudo-genetics. How stupid you need to be not to understand what I was saying all along? I am talking about all pre-Villabrunna samples. Goyet, Vestonice, etc...
To quote Petalpusher: "Average UP European is genetic equivalent of southernmost European with Andamanese grandparent".
So, you still owe me answer to questions:
1) How come UP and Mesolithic Europeans are so genetically distant, when they are of basically same phenotype, and when later are completely descended from former?
2) Why don't NE Europeans have almost any unreduced CM types, if they are "genetically" closest to native Europeans?
Of course you can't give answer to those questions, since your pseudo-genetics can't explain them.

I almost feel almost sorry for you, I can't believe that someone can be this stupid. Dumb fuck, you wrote

. I said your oh-so-dear "geneticists" say UP Europeans are wogs, while Mesolithic Europeans are not, even though UP and Meso Europeans are morphologically completely same

And I asked you 'who said that they were wogs and that Mesolithic Europeans were not (emphasis on the latter part) and who said that they were morhologically the same? Are you this fucking stupid that you are unable to comprehend a single sentence? Also, you are the one who is unable to think outside the box. You are the one who sees things only black and white, UP=Mesolithic and so on. Are you this kind of idiot that you are unable to comprehend this? 40 000 year old UP samples were digged out way after your god Coon. ~30 000 year old Cromagnons on the other hand looked quite modern. Who knows how many people and what kind of different people lived in Europe. You had Oase type people on your mind from the beginning of this discussion fucking moron.

Oase2, a 40 000 year old UP man from what is now Romania looked like this (http://www.ephotobay.com/image/pestera-cu-oase-first-european-realhistoryww-com.jpg). Where are his CM browridges? Compare his skull with CM skull (http://olmec98.net/earlyEuros.png) of Mesolithic HG (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=46453&d=1398117687)

They were not quite similar morhologically, phenotipically and as genetics says genetically. Tens of thousands of years is a long time dumb moron for everything to remain static and you are accusing me and with me you are accusing hundreds of scientists out there not to think outside the box with you being just some moron.

So to answer to your questions

How come UP and Mesolithic Europeans are so genetically distant, when they are of basically same phenotype, and when later are completely descended from former?

1. They are not quite of the same phenotype except maybe the skin (but what skin in Mesolithic Europeans really looked like can be debatable) color. Light skin anyway evolved later and came with farmers. Don't tell me now 'aha they had the same skin color so you see how can the be different'.
2. I have already told you that the latter is NOT completely descended from the former. The respected opinion among scientific community is that he did not contribute much to the latter.

2) Why don't NE Europeans have almost any unreduced CM types, if they are "genetically" closest to native Europeans?Of course you can't give answer to those questions, since your pseudo-genetics can't explain them.

You are too much into pseudo science books from the last era and you accuse others of reading pseudo-genetics. How can anyone give proper answers to a dumb moron like yourself? Imagine me asking why 2 + 2 equals 5 if 2+4=6 and you have to give me an answer. That is what you are expecting from me. You kill brain cells.

You have inability to think outside the box.

Dumb fuck lmao, you are the one who is reading outdated pseudo-science. What is more reasonable? Dumb subhuman of goat fucker mentality or 10 000s of scientists who know 10 000 more than you?

You will always listen to your authority/idol (in this case, "genetic(ist)s") even if their claims contradict healthy logic. You are little obedient bitchboy, taking for granted everything they serve him. Consequences of five centuries of slavery...

Coon is your god, dumb subhuman hypocrite.

Again you with your "superior intelligence" talk. It's alrighty lad, I know you are insecure about your intelligence. Feel free to bash my IQ if that will make you feel better.

I feel wonderful and mighty, looking down upon morons like yourself.

10-27-2016, 08:00 AM
Nice thread:)

10-27-2016, 10:37 AM
I feel wonderful and full of myself having those like yourself around me.
All this coping... poor dude, I feel sorry for you.

Mostly CM, haha, I will never get used to those words, will always make me laugh. Genetically you have not much with UPs or Mesolithic. Just look at bunch of your neolithic haplogroups, J, E. Mesolithic Europeans had mostly I2 Y-dna and U mtdna.
Yeah, our most common type is Borreby/CM by all anthropological criteria: by metrics, by pigmentation, and by morphology of soft body parts. It's just that your tiny brain can't accept the reality that your "northeastern WHG dodekad-kalkulator gods" look nothing like CM, while we, "genetical sandniggers", do.
As for our haplogroups, our most common Y-DNA haplogroup is I2a1b, the haplogroup most commonly found in Mesolithic northern/western hunter-gatherers.
What bunch of Neolithic haplogroups are you talking about? The study of 404 men from Podgorica is not representative, because:
1) It was done in only one town (Podgorica is territory of E1b Kuči clan, and they are said to be of Albanian ancestry). And as you know, differences between different parts of country can be quite significant. For example, differences in Y-DNA between southern and northern Croatia are enormous.
2) "Bosniaks", Albanians and Gypos also participated in testing.

Even with those two factors strongly affecting outcome of study, I2a1b still came out on top.

Check out data from Serbian DNA project and you will see that western and central Montenegro clans are mostly I2a1b, with eastern clans (Brda) being a mixture of I2a1b, R1b, and E1b.
There are a few exceptions (I1-P109 in Drobnjak, J2b1 in Kriči, N1a in Piva, I1-Z63 Macure), but that is the general Y-DNA distribution, and as you can see, I2a1b clearly predominates.

In samples from Serbian DNA project "Poreklo", even though there are 1.5-2 times more tested men from easternmost than from western parts, I2a1b is still haplogroup with much higher percentage than other haplogroups, and E1b seldom reaches over 20%.
So just shut your mouth about our supposed "Neolithic haplogroups" already.
As for mtDNA, results of our mtDNA are practically absent, so I can't speak anything about that . Still, Y-chromosome constitutes about 2% of your total genome, while mtDNA stands for something like 0.0001%, so it's extremely irrelevant.

It's funny how you, diehard pseudo-genetics freak, tried to say we are not UP Europeans based on haplogroups. Didn't you say for hundreds of times that haplogroups don't mean anything? xD

Anyways, (especially western) Irish, one of the most CM-influenced countries in Europe, carry predominantly R1b, with I only reaching up to about 20% in some areas. It's the phenotype that counts. And we have both phenotype and Y-DNA of native Europeans.

And I asked you 'who said that they were wogs and that Mesolithic Europeans were not (emphasis on the latter part) and who said that they were morhologically the same? Are you this fucking stupid that you are unable to comprehend a single sentence? Also, you are the one who is unable to think outside the box. You are the one who sees things only black and white, UP=Mesolithic and so on. Are you this kind of idiot that you are unable to comprehend this? 40 000 year old UP samples were digged out way after your god Coon. ~30 000 year old Cromagnons on the other hand looked quite modern. Who knows how many people and what kind of different people lived in Europe. You had Oase type people on your mind from the beginning of this discussion fucking moron.

Oase2, a 40 000 year old UP man from what is now Romania looked like this (http://www.ephotobay.com/image/pestera-cu-oase-first-european-realhistoryww-com.jpg). Where are his CM browridges? Compare his skull with CM skull (http://olmec98.net/earlyEuros.png) of Mesolithic HG (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=46453&d=1398117687)

You are still too fucking stupid to understand same thing I repeated for hundreds of times. I said your pseudo-genetics claim UP Europeans (like Kostenki, Goyet samples, etc., just find their aDNA analysis) are genetically wogs compared to Mesolithic Europeans. This is paradoxical, since UP Europeans and Mesolithic Europeans belong to generally same CM type, and later are completely descended from former, having both Y-DNA and mtDNA identical to them.
30.000 years old CMs that, according to you, look "modern", are still "genetically" wogs compared to Meso Europeans. Goyet samples (around 25.000 years old), for example.

You ask me: "where are his CM browridges"?
You use such an insignificant thing as main classification criteria? I can't believe. Cro-Magnon 1, for examples, didn't have exceptionally heavy browridges. Some did, some didn't. Anyways, you can see (on skull, not on dumbfuck reconstruction) that he did have moderately pronounced browridges. Again, you proved that you have small brain and seriously underdeveloped visual cortex.
But you just proved your ignorance by basing your whole classification on browridges. You have serious lack of anthropological knowledge.

Observe two UP skulls (Kostenki, Cro-Magnon 1) and one Mesolithic skull (Borreby). It's clearly visible that they belong to the essentially same CM type:
Cro-Magnon 1
Kostenki 14

They were not quite similar morhologically, phenotipically and as genetics says genetically. Tens of thousands of years is a long time dumb moron for everything to remain static and you are accusing me and with me you are accusing hundreds of scientists out there not to think outside the box with you being just some moron.

They were similar anthropologicaly, as I have already shown you.
Phenotypes can stay static for much longer than that you dumb fuck. Neanderthals stayed same for tens of thousands of years. So did native Europeans. In fact, they were more homogenous (in period of 30.000+ years) than any population that came after (around 7000+ years):
It is amazing to find that the Upper Palaeolithic men were less variable, on the whole, than the inhabitants of London who were buried in plague pits during the seventeenth century. They were less variable than the modern rural population of a small section of Carinthia, and only a little more so than the skulls of the extremely isolated Greenland Eskimo, whose time span covered at most a few centuries, or the Egyptians who were buried at Gizeh between the twenty-sixth and thirtieth dynasties. (The Races of Europe, chapter II, section 6)

1. They are not quite of the same phenotype except maybe the skin (but what skin in Mesolithic Europeans really looked like can be debatable) color. Light skin anyway evolved later and came with farmers. Don't tell me now 'aha they had the same skin color so you see how can the be different'.
2. I have already told you that the latter is NOT completely descended from the former. The respected opinion among scientific community is that he did not contribute much to the latter.

1. They were same. Skin is not of great importance compared to metrics and morphology anyways.
BTW, "genetic" data for Orcadians (among lightest-skinned men on Earth, together with Irish) says they are 10% dark-skinned, and that they have less light eyes than Italians, roflmao. That's how advanced your pseudo-genetics are, even in things such as determining pigmentation via DNA, not to mention something else:

2. Then tell me, if Mesolithic Europeans are not descended from UP Europeans, from whom are they descended? Both archaeology and anthropology agree that there were not any migrations into Europe in that time period that could change makeup of already present hunter-gatherer population. And even genetics shows that both had same Y-DNA and mtDNA. To say they are not descended from UP Europeans is outrageous.

You are too much into pseudo science books from the last era and you accuse others of reading pseudo-genetics. How can anyone give proper answers to a dumb moron like yourself? Imagine me asking why 2 + 2 equals 5 if 2+4=6 and you have to give me an answer. That is what you are expecting from me. You kill brain cells.
So it's logical for you that NE Europeans are "genetically" most CM, but that they don't have any unreduced CM phenotypes? Why don't their "abundant native European genes" express themselves in their looks? Great logic you have there.

Coon is your god, dumb subhuman hypocrite.
No. Most of other anthropological studies on Europe are in line with his statements.

I feel wonderful and mighty, looking down upon morons like yourself.
Keep coping.

10-27-2016, 11:23 AM
Yeah,Kostenki muh Europid, muh!

In this thread it was debunked:)


Kostenki muzzle
http://static.wixstatic.com/media/11972f_11f44cb4c039443f63b6a29cbe079895.jpg_srz_98 1_736_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz
Kostenki face:)

Similar to UP Monteniggas:)

10-27-2016, 05:15 PM

You are killing my brain cells with your simplistic thinking and I often have a problem following sheer stupidity discussion so I am just going to cut it and make the story short.

1. You are basing your entire judgement on metrics which to make the whole thing funny have it also wrong. Also, a wise guy would know when to judge something based on metrics alone and when not. On metrics alone hinges your entire reasoning. Should not asking yourself this tell you just what kind of a moron you are??? Cromagnon and late UP samples like Villabruna were not, I repeat they were not very similar, nor does it matter if they were. Villabruna who was similar to mesolithic samples looked quite modern West Eurasian. Take Kostenki for example (http://theconversation.com/ancient-dna-sheds-light-on-the-origin-of-europeans-33907), the skull example you posted:

It is generally accepted today that multivariate analyses comparing ancient and modern skulls do not necessarily indicate a stronger biological relationship between similarly looking skulls. Instead it reflects such things as the kinds of patterns that we see in many early modern human fossils that are comparatively large and robust, when compared to later Holocene populations. The story from ancient DNA is, however, far more complex. Among the remains from the very ancient Russian, from Kostenki 14, is one of the earliest and most complete modern human skulls from Europe. In Howells’ original multivariate analysis the skull sat statistically very closely to the first Australians, but his DNA tells a very different story.

Just compare Kostenki's reconstruction with that of LUP/Meso HGS. If you think he looks Montenigger, I will believe you.:rotfl: jk. You can see that the earliest known Cromagnons like Oase or whatever looked quite non-European, non-Caucasian. Through time started to appear more and more similar people to modern Europeans. Multivariate skull analysis puts some Cromagnon samples even outside modern human range and some not and that is not the case with later HGs. Cromagnons unlike Late UPs and Mesolithic Europeans were quite heterogeneous. Maybe because some were very neanderthal like. But, yes, despite their heterogeneousity they were as you say it genetically wogs compared to WHGs. This does not mean they did not have physical similarites. They obviously did and 'pseudo-genetics' confirms that they shared a large part of their ancestry so obviously some skulls would look quite close. Just to bear in mind, regarding differences over time, scientists are working with a limited number of samples, so scientists can't know 100% was there kind of process at hand here of evolutionary nature or is incomplete sampling a reason of such differences.

2. Regardless of everything, Cromagnons, Early Paleolithic, this or that, Europe during Mesolithics was inhabited by a very homogeneous group of HGs from which modern Europeans stem part of their ancestry. Samples from Spain, Central Europe and Scandinavia and further East were very homogeneous and are the genetically closest to northern Europeans, but that does not mean much when it comes to morphology fucking moron because northern Europeans have a shitload of non-HG ancestry. No skull today is pure CM and you are the most CM only in your dreams. Blue eyes evolved in mesolitic Europeans and no wonder blue eyes are the most common in northern Europe.

3. Maybe this australian thing mentioned in the link above about Kostenki has to do with Andamanese Petalpusher was talking about, hehe. I also don't understand where did you find that Petalpusher's quote about the southernmost Europeans (maybe in Oase's case,but
this are his results. (https://genetiker.wordpress.com/2015/06/24/analyses-of-the-oase-1-genome/). SSA there has most likely to do Neanderthal ancestry since archaic ancestry gets mistaken as SSA), but lets see analysis of Cromagnons (bear in mind that genetic distances are not small, but they have to be closer to someone).

Goyet Cromag
# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 74.9% East_German + 25.1% Austroasiatic_Ho @ 10.49
2 74.3% South_Dutch + 25.7% Austroasiatic_Ho @ 10.78
3 74.9% Austrian + 25.1% Austroasiatic_Ho @ 10.85
4 74.7% West_German + 25.3% Austroasiatic_Ho @ 10.88
5 72% Southeast_English + 28% Austroasiatic_Ho @ 11.7
6 71.4% Swedish + 28.6% Austroasiatic_Ho @ 11.76
7 72.9% North_German + 27.1% Austroasiatic_Ho @ 11.77
8 71.6% Orcadian + 28.4% Austroasiatic_Ho @ 11.81
9 71.4% Southwest_English + 28.6% Austroasiatic_Ho @ 11.93
10 71.4% North_Dutch + 28.6% Austroasiatic_Ho @ 11.95
11 74.7% French + 25.3% Austroasiatic_Ho @ 12.12
12 75% East_German + 25% Chenchu @ 12.12
13 76.5% East_German + 23.5% Sakilli @ 12.27
14 72.1% Danish + 27.9% Austroasiatic_Ho @ 12.37
15 74.3% South_Dutch + 25.7% Chenchu @ 12.38
16 71.2% Irish + 28.8% Austroasiatic_Ho @ 12.42
17 70.6% Norwegian + 29.4% Austroasiatic_Ho @ 12.45
18 76.4% East_German + 23.6% Chamar @ 12.48
19 75.8% South_Dutch + 24.2% Sakilli @ 12.5
20 74.9% West_German + 25.1% Chenchu @ 12.53

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 76.8% Icelandic + 23.2% Paniya @ 14.53
2 76.3% Swedish + 23.7% Paniya @ 14.67
3 77.1% Norwegian + 22.9% Paniya @ 14.91
4 77.4% Scottish_West + 22.6% Paniya @ 14.95
5 78.1% Czech + 21.9% Paniya @ 15.59
6 77.6% Irish + 22.4% Paniya @ 15.89
7 77.3% German_North + 22.7% Paniya @ 16.01
8 77.8% English_South + 22.2% Paniya @ 16.33
9 76.1% Finnish + 23.9% Paniya @ 16.45
10 76.2% Belarusian + 23.8% Paniya @ 16.56
11 77.6% Icelandic + 22.4% Hakkipikki @ 16.72
12 77.2% Dutch_North + 22.8% Paniya @ 16.78
13 77% Swedish + 23% Hakkipikki @ 16.87
14 75% Estonian + 25% Paniya @ 16.92
15 77.9% Norwegian + 22.1% Hakkipikki @ 17.03
16 78.3% Scottish_West + 21.7% Hakkipikki @ 17.12
17 74.3% Lithuanian + 25.7% Paniya @ 17.14
18 77.7% Utahn_European + 22.3% Paniya @ 17.39
19 78.2% Hungarian + 21.8% Paniya @ 17.65
20 79.2% Czech + 20.8% Hakkipikki @ 17.72

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 100% Lithuanian + 0% Abkhasian @ 27.88
2 100% Lithuanian + 0% Adygei @ 27.88
3 100% Lithuanian + 0% Afghan_Pashtun @ 27.88
4 100% Lithuanian + 0% African_American @ 27.88
5 100% Lithuanian + 0% Albanian @ 27.88
6 100% Lithuanian + 0% Algerian @ 27.88
7 100% Lithuanian + 0% Altaian @ 27.88
8 100% Lithuanian + 0% Ami @ 27.88
9 100% Lithuanian + 0% Armenian @ 27.88
10 100% Lithuanian + 0% Ashkenazi_Jew @ 27.88
11 100% Lithuanian + 0% Assyrian @ 27.88
12 100% Lithuanian + 0% Balkar @ 27.88
13 100% Lithuanian + 0% Balochi @ 27.88
14 100% Lithuanian + 0% Bambaran @ 27.88
15 100% Lithuanian + 0% Basque_Spaniard @ 27.88
16 100% Lithuanian + 0% BedouinA @ 27.88
17 100% Lithuanian + 0% BedouinB @ 27.88
18 100% Lithuanian + 0% Belarusian @ 27.88
19 100% Lithuanian + 0% Belgian @ 27.88
20 100% Lithuanian + 0% Bengali_Muslim @ 27.88

It's funny how you, diehard pseudo-genetics freak, tried to say we are not UP Europeans based on haplogroups. Didn't you say for hundreds of times that haplogroups don't mean anything?

What is funny is you discussing pseudo-genetics with me. People spit and send their spit to be analyzed whether to establish family and ancestreal relationships and you call that pseudo. Check your brain.

10-31-2016, 10:20 PM
Yeah,Kostenki muh Europid, muh!
In this thread it was debunked:)
Kostenki muzzle
Kostenki face:)
Similar to UP Monteniggas:)
This skull is not extreme in this regard. He did not have prognathism, and his teeth morphology is fully Caucasoid. To fully determine if someone has lower facial prognathism or not, you must take a look at complete profile of skull. Neanderthals had mouth area similar to Kostenki, yet didn't have any lower facial prognathism, and they had exactly the same facial angles as Cro-Magnons and modern-day Europeans and East Asians did.
Modern European, facial angle 92:
Modern west African, facial angle 74:
Archaic homo-sapiens from Israel, facial angle 79:
Neanderthal from France, facial index 91:
Cro-Magnon 1, facial index 90:

1. You are basing your entire judgement on metrics which to make the whole thing funny have it also wrong. Also, a wise guy would know when to judge something based on metrics alone and when not. On metrics alone hinges your entire reasoning. Should not asking yourself this tell you just what kind of a moron you are??? Cromagnon and late UP samples like Villabruna were not, I repeat they were not very similar, nor does it matter if they were. Villabruna who was similar to mesolithic samples looked quite modern West Eurasian. Take Kostenki for example (http://theconversation.com/ancient-dna-sheds-light-on-the-origin-of-europeans-33907), the skull example you posted:
Yes, I am basing my judgement on skull and bodily morphology. UP and late-UP/Mesolithic samples belonged to generally same CM type. I have already posted evidence from reputable anthropologists, while you posted none. Back up your claims with sources or GTFO.

Just compare Kostenki's reconstruction with that of LUP/Meso HGS. If you think he looks Montenigger, I will believe you.:rotfl: jk. You can see that the earliest known Cromagnons like Oase or whatever looked quite non-European, non-Caucasian. Through time started to appear more and more similar people to modern Europeans. Multivariate skull analysis puts some Cromagnon samples even outside modern human range and some not and that is not the case with later HGs. Cromagnons unlike Late UPs and Mesolithic Europeans were quite heterogeneous. Maybe because some were very neanderthal like. But, yes, despite their heterogeneousity they were as you say it genetically wogs compared to WHGs. This does not mean they did not have physical similarites. They obviously did and 'pseudo-genetics' confirms that they shared a large part of their ancestry so obviously some skulls would look quite close. Just to bear in mind, regarding differences over time, scientists are working with a limited number of samples, so scientists can't know 100% was there kind of process at hand here of evolutionary nature or is incomplete sampling a reason of such differences.

This is extremely laughable.
Firstly, Upper Palaeolithic Europeans were phenotypically extremely homogenous. Since you seem to ignore that fact, while not posting a single source to back up your claims (just spewing shit around), I will repeat it again:
It is amazing to find that the Upper Palaeolithic men were less variable, on the whole, than the inhabitants of London who were buried in plague pits during the seventeenth century. They were less variable than the modern rural population of a small section of Carinthia, and only a little more so than the skulls of the extremely isolated Greenland Eskimo, whose time span covered at most a few centuries, or the Egyptians who were buried at Gizeh between the twenty-sixth and thirtieth dynasties. (The Races of Europe, chapter II, section 6)

Secondly, while Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Europeans generally belonged to the same CM type, UP Europeans were actually closer-looking to modern Europeans than Mesolithic ones were. For example, in areas where CM is dominant today in Europe, you will find people that are basically morphologically equal to Les Eyzies 1 ("Old man of Cro-Magnon") extremely easily. However, you will have extremely hard time finding metrical equal of Loschbour (Mesolithic sample), with it's extremely narrow and long skull (C.I. 65), unusual orbits, and other peculiarities that mark his skull.
Now, let's look at peculiarities of some other Mesolithic skulls, since they really look "oh-so-modern-European". shall we?
-Motala skull was extremely high-headed, and also carried Mongoloid EDAR gene (which even half-Mongoloids rarely posses):

-"Borreby" skull from Denmark had skullcap that was virtually identical to Neanderthal 1. Also, it had extremely unusual rocker jaw, found mainly in Polynesians today:
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/Geological_Evidences_of_the_Antiquity_of_Man.djvu/page104-2658px-Geological_Evidences_of_the_Antiquity_of_Man.djvu. jpg

-La Brana also had very sloping and unusual skullcap.

-Loschbour skull, along with other specifics, had extremely narrow and long skull, and metric duplicate of it is probably non-existant among modern Europeans:

I could go on and on about this. Mesolithic Europeans were as distant-looking to average modern Europeans as UP Euros were, or in many cases, like the ones I presented, even more distant.

2. Regardless of everything, Cromagnons, Early Paleolithic, this or that, Europe during Mesolithics was inhabited by a very homogeneous group of HGs from which modern Europeans stem part of their ancestry. Samples from Spain, Central Europe and Scandinavia and further East were very homogeneous and are the genetically closest to northern Europeans, but that does not mean much when it comes to morphology fucking moron because northern Europeans have a shitload of non-HG ancestry. No skull today is pure CM and you are the most CM only in your dreams. Blue eyes evolved in mesolitic Europeans and no wonder blue eyes are the most common in northern Europe.
Bullshit, light eyes were not exclusive to Mesolithic Europeans. Biggest portion of them were actually brought by Indo-Europeans. IE inhabitants of Andronovo culture were R1a, and their light eye and light hair frequencies were identical to those of modern-day NE Europeans:

Also, NE Europeans are totally deficient in dark hair+light-mixed eyes combination, which is pigmentation most frequently found in CMs, according to both Coon and genetics. Also, they are totally deficient in rufosity, another hallmark trait of CM type, both according to anthropology and genetics (oldest sample with purely red hair is Goyet Cromagnon (26.000 years BP), and most of Motala hunter-gatherers had genes for partial rufosity).
Unsurprisingly, that pigmentation (dark hair+light-mixed eyes+rufosity) is today found in all areas that are morphologically mostly CM, most notably in western Ireland, but also in other strongly CM-influenced areas:
Ireland: The rufous hair color pigment reaches a world maximum here; not so much in reds as in the prevalance of golden hues in blond and brown shades[...] Compared to eastern Norway, Sweden, and Finnic and Baltic groups, the eye color is disproportionately light in comparison to hair color. (TRoE, chapter X, section 2)
Comment on Fehmarn Islanders (closest to Mesolithic Borreby) pigmentation: This combination of very light eyes with brown hair is typical of Palaeolithic survivors in northern Europe, rather than of Nordics. (TRoE, chapter XII, section 5)
Montenegro: The rufosity of the Montenegrins, and their tendency to golden blondism, is not only extreme, but is particularly unusual for this part of Europe. (TRoE, chapter XII, section 12)

So there you go. Not only we are morphologically more CM than your NE "Nordic gods" idols, but also in pigmentation. Your claims are completely shattered to the core.

SSA there has most likely to do Neanderthal ancestry since archaic ancestry gets mistaken as SSA), but lets see analysis of Cromagnons (bear in mind that genetic distances are not small, but they have to be closer to someone).
This is another extreme stupidity of those calculators. They mistake SSA for Neanderthal admixture, even though Neanderthals are as far away from SSA as it gets.

What is funny is you discussing pseudo-genetics with me. People spit and send their spit to be analyzed whether to establish family and ancestreal relationships and you call that pseudo. Check your brain.
I'm not saying aDNA research is useless. I'm just saying it's still in its infancy and has a long way to go. Sometimes it is OK, but sometimes it is in extreme contradiction with healthy logic.

Just look at (now debunked) official claims that I1 was native in northern Europe, and that R1b was Upper Palaeolithic haplogroup of western Europe. Totally busted nowadays. Genetics are not static, they change rapidly.

Anyways, I'm not going to argue with guy who thinks that men who are both morphologically and pigmentationally unrelated to UP/Mesolithic Europeans are their purest descendants.

11-02-2016, 04:05 PM
I give up, too much wasting of my time.

The Blade
11-10-2016, 10:40 PM
Dinarid is a separate type. I am sick of idiotic claims like :
- "it's Nordid/Armenoid blend" - no, it isn't - there were never large numbers of Armenoids in Balkans; Nordics aren't the core of all Euro phenotypes; Armenoid blends with Nordid don't look Dinarid - just look at some Hollywood Jews
- "it's a mix of Atlanto-Med and Alpinid" - no, completely wrong, these blends look different (as OP stated) plus Dinarics have different morphology (they are on average more robust and taller than both Meds and Alpinids)
The only things that Dinarics and Armenoids have in common are flattened occiput and prominent (yet different) nose shapes.
Corded type also often has prominent/convex nose - maybe it's also Dinarid influenced (lmao)
Borrebies have flattened occiput - maybe they are part Armenoid (rofl)

11-10-2016, 10:42 PM
Dinarid is a separate type. I am sick of idiotic claims like :
- "it's Nordid/Armenoid blend" - no, it isn't - there were never large numbers of Armenoids in Balkans; Nordics aren't the core of all Euro phenotypes; Armenoid blends with Nordid don't look Dinarid - just look at some Hollywood Jews
- "it's a mix of Atlanto-Med and Alpinid" - no, completely wrong, these blends look different (as OP stated) plus Dinarics have different morphology (they are on average more robust and taller than both Meds and Alpinids)
The only things that Dinarics and Armenoids have in common are flattened occiput and prominent (yet different) nose shapes.
Corded type also often has prominent/convex nose - maybe it's also Dinarid influenced (lmao)
Borrebies have flattened occiput - maybe they are part Armenoid (rofl)

All truth right there.

11-11-2016, 06:45 PM
- "it's a mix of Atlanto-Med and Alpinid" - no, completely wrong, these blends look different (as OP stated) plus Dinarics have different morphology (they are on average more robust and taller than both Meds and Alpinids)
It is a relatively stabilized type formed thousands of years ago mainly from Atlanto-Mediterraneans with Alpines acting as brachycephalizing agent, so of course it can't be identical to modern Atlanto-Mediterranean+Alpine mixes. That's why Dinarics often have quite broad heads and bigonial width, but with rest of face (jaw especially) being very narrow.
As for body type, Dinarics are not overly robust (Atlanto-Mediterranean is more robust type of Med), nor they are taller than Atlanto-Mediterraneans (I'm talking about pure Dinarics from Tyrol and Albania here, not about those from western Balkans, which are CM-admixed).

11-12-2016, 10:12 AM
It is a relatively stabilized type formed thousands of years ago mainly from Atlanto-Mediterraneans with Alpines acting as brachycephalizing agent, so of course it can't be identical to modern Atlanto-Mediterranean+Alpine mixes. That's why Dinarics often have quite broad heads and bigonial width, but with rest of face (jaw especially) being very narrow.
As for body type, Dinarics are not overly robust (Atlanto-Mediterranean is more robust type of Med), nor they are taller than Atlanto-Mediterraneans (I'm talking about pure Dinarics from Tyrol and Albania here, not about those from western Balkans, which are CM-admixed).

what thousands of years are you talking about?


11-12-2016, 10:54 AM
what thousands of years are you talking about?


Your source speaks about Dinaric type in Yugoslavia, not about Dinaric type as a whole. First Dinarics appeared in Bell Beaker culture 4000 years ago.
Your article says first Dinarics here were found in Iron Age, which still qualifies as "thousands of years", so you basically contradicted yourself.

Grab the Gauge
11-12-2016, 04:25 PM
Dinarid is a separate type. I am sick of idiotic claims like :
- "it's Nordid/Armenoid blend" - no, it isn't - there were never large numbers of Armenoids in Balkans; Nordics aren't the core of all Euro phenotypes; Armenoid blends with Nordid don't look Dinarid - just look at some Hollywood Jews
- "it's a mix of Atlanto-Med and Alpinid" - no, completely wrong, these blends look different (as OP stated) plus Dinarics have different morphology (they are on average more robust and taller than both Meds and Alpinids)
The only things that Dinarics and Armenoids have in common are flattened occiput and prominent (yet different) nose shapes.
Corded type also often has prominent/convex nose - maybe it's also Dinarid influenced (lmao)
Borrebies have flattened occiput - maybe they are part Armenoid (rofl)

As usual, you have made several mistakes here:

Dinaric is no more robust than Alpine

Convex nose has nothing to with Dinarcization

Borrebies do not have flattened occiputs

11-12-2016, 10:14 PM
Armenoid blends with Nordid don't look Dinarid - just look at some Hollywood Jews

True indeed. Jews became part Nordic maybe already 1,500 years ago.

The Blade
11-14-2016, 01:37 PM
Convex nose has nothing to with Dinarcization

Obviously you didn't follow my thought here. I was being sarcastic and expressing my attitude towards people who automatically equal nasal convexity to Dinaric type, on one hand, and to others whom I've seen claiming Dinarid is not a real phenotype but just a process (I have seen ridiculous statements according to which Native Americans are more Dinaric than ex-Yugos), on the other - I was mocking at such claims.
Alpine is rarely robust in the true meaning of this word. Most of the time it's simply short and stocky. It is in fact often quite pedomorphic in terms of facial features (which no Dinarid is). Alpines might be more robust than for example Gracile Meds (which doesn't say much, of course) but compared to ex-Yugos (who also often have a CM component in addition to Dinarid) they are far from the true meaning of this term.
Borrebies often have flattened occiput though not as much as Dinarid people.

11-14-2016, 01:57 PM
Alpine is rarely robust in the true meaning of this word. Most of the time it's simply short and stocky. It is in fact often quite pedomorphic in terms of facial features (which no Dinarid is). Alpines might be more robust than for example Gracile Meds (which doesn't say much, of course) but compared to ex-Yugos (who also often have a CM component in addition to Dinarid) they are far from the true meaning of this term.

Wtf are you talking about? Ex-Yugos (Montenegrins excluded) have some of the smallest heads in Europe. Alpines are not pedomorphic, they normally have wider heads and faces than any Mediterraneans (Atlanto-Mediterraneans and Nordics included) and Dinarics. Just because idiots on here classify obese Gracile Meds as alpines all the time doesn't make it so.

11-16-2016, 11:05 PM
Real Dinarics




Coon real definition of Dinarics. Not bullshit
Dinarics: A tall, brachycephalic type of intermediate pigmentation, usually planoccipital, and showing the facial and nasal prominence of Near Eastern peoples. The basic population of the whole Dinaric-Alpine highlands from Switzerland to Epirus, also in the Carpathians and Caucasus, as well as Syria and Asia Minor. Apparently a brachycephalized blend in which Atlanto-Mediterranean and Cappadocian strains are important, with Alpine acting as the brachycephalizing agent in mixture. Borreby and Corded elements, also Nordic, appear to be involved in some regions.

From Chapter on Albanians http://www.theapricity.com/snpa/chapter-XII13.htm
A very strongly differentiated type which is characterized by medium stature, exceptional brachycephaly, great narrowness and convexity of the nose, a high incidence of occipital flattening, and a tendency to light brown eye color in combination with dark brown hair. This type may be called Dinaric in the full or specific sense; most of the other Ghegs are Dinarics in a partial or a general sense. This ultra-Dinaric type is commonest in the tribe of Dibra.

11-18-2016, 01:02 PM
Your source speaks about Dinaric type in Yugoslavia, not about Dinaric type as a whole. First Dinarics appeared in Bell Beaker culture 4000 years ago.


Your article says first Dinarics here were found in Iron Age, which still qualifies as "thousands of years", so you basically contradicted yourself.

bitch, sink your head into the toilet.

11-18-2016, 01:33 PM
Professional anthropologists considered Dinarid as a transitional type in between Armenid and Alpine/Nordoid as you move from Northwest to Southeast the Dinarid form will show more tendencies to Anatolid.

In the strict term, Dinarid is not an European phenotype, but a transitional form between Nordid/Mediterranid and Armenid and likely the result of Neolithic Near Eastern invasion from West Eurasia.

11-22-2016, 09:55 AM

bitch, sink your head into the toilet.

Respond with facts or get lost. I'm not in mood for dealing with chimpouts.

Grab the Gauge
11-22-2016, 10:05 AM

bitch, sink your head into the toilet.

LOL, behavior of this sort is a result of Europe's disastrous socioeconomic policies. Low grade human organisms such as Davai belong in a gas chamber.

11-23-2016, 04:02 AM
Dinarid is a separate type. I am sick of idiotic claims like :
- "it's Nordid/Armenoid blend" - no, it isn't - there were never large numbers of Armenoids in Balkans; Nordics aren't the core of all Euro phenotypes; Armenoid blends with Nordid don't look Dinarid - just look at some Hollywood Jews
- "it's a mix of Atlanto-Med and Alpinid" - no, completely wrong, these blends look different (as OP stated) plus Dinarics have different morphology (they are on average more robust and taller than both Meds and Alpinids)
The only things that Dinarics and Armenoids have in common are flattened occiput and prominent (yet different) nose shapes.
Corded type also often has prominent/convex nose - maybe it's also Dinarid influenced (lmao)
Borrebies have flattened occiput - maybe they are part Armenoid (rofl)

Dinarids are basically ancient mix of atlanto meds and alpine. They are diverse, some have heavier bodies while others are thin, some are short some are tall, but the "textbook" description you see on the internet is basically a description of a tall and thin Atlanto Med+CM/Alpine with usually a broad face due to that

And yes, it is a phenotype related to races of the caucasus like mtebids etc. They were once the same race.

Keltids and Baskids are similar types. And even Amerindian mountain types. Armenoids are part of the med race.

11-23-2016, 01:41 PM
Respond with facts or get lost. I'm not in mood for dealing with chimpouts.

I do not need to respond to an illiterate cripple on a wheel chair, compressed retard. Especially not to a Montenigger who is being cucked on a daily basis by Armenoids, thus, half-šiptar lardboy. But I can make an exception one more time..

The author, as you can see, gives a review starting from Iberia, through Apenine and entire Balkans. In short, all of southern Europe. The little clip that you saw was only mentioned for Yugoslavia.


first "Dinarics", from Asia Minor. :)


Bronze age first time.


again, from Lower Egypt or Anatolia. :)

https://books.google.si/books?id=B10QrRCmtZsC&pg=PA37&lpg=PA37&dq=dinaric+lower+egypt&source=bl&ots=MCAqM-1_Uf&sig=Zdn2MTU_aUUatd1l8hencjYOW20&hl=sl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjS1qyyjr_QAhWK7RQKHdKACXIQ6AEINTAD#v=on epage&q=dinaric%20lower%20egypt&f=false

ubij se debeli smrade.

11-23-2016, 01:48 PM
True, most users around here are shit at classifying and therefore use place of origin as a "guide" for classifying. Totally erroneous.
I used to post pure Dinaric Norwegian a few times (folk singer Harald Foss), and whenever I just said "classify and pass him", all the classifications were like "Dinaric, Yugoslavia", etc, but when I revealed he is Norwegian, then classifications shifted to "Keltic", "Atlantid", "Nordid", etc. Just shows utter lack of anthropological knowledge, caused by learning from tard forums rather than from books:

he has my same dorsum lol

11-23-2016, 08:46 PM
I do not need to respond to an illiterate cripple on a wheel chair, compressed retard. Especially not to a Montenigger who is being cucked on a daily basis by Armenoids, thus, half-šiptar lardboy. But I can make an exception one more time..

Vlach chimpout continues with unreduced intensity...
Look who talks about being cucked by Armenoids. Shall I remind you of five centuries you spent under Turks? That's probably where your microcephaly, darkness, and manlet stature come from. xD
It's funny that Serbians are metrically tenfold more Dinaric than us, yet you still continue to call them MENA scum. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

The author, as you can see, gives a review starting from Iberia, through Apenine and entire Balkans. In short, all of southern Europe. The little clip that you saw was only mentioned for Yugoslavia.

first "Dinarics", from Asia Minor. :)

Bronze age first time.

again, from Lower Egypt or Anatolia. :)

https://books.google.si/books?id=B10QrRCmtZsC&pg=PA37&lpg=PA37&dq=dinaric+lower+egypt&source=bl&ots=MCAqM-1_Uf&sig=Zdn2MTU_aUUatd1l8hencjYOW20&hl=sl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjS1qyyjr_QAhWK7RQKHdKACXIQ6AEINTAD#v=on epage&q=dinaric%20lower%20egypt&f=false

ubij se debeli smrade.

First Dinarics are those of Bell Beaker culture. Also, they are the most possible candidates for spreaders of present-day Dinaric type in Europe, while there is not a single proof of your Middle-Eastern Dinarics settling areas that are mainly Dinaric today:
"The Bell Beaker people were probably the first intrusive brachycephals to enter the Austrian Alps, and the mountains of northeastern Bohemia, for the push of Lake Dwelling Alpines southeastward toward the Balkans happened later in the Bronze Age. It is, therefore, possible that the present Dinaric populations of the Dinaric Alps and the Carpathians may be derived in part from this eastward invasion."

But whatever, call Dinarics "Armenoid" if you want, I don't give a damn. It is, after all, a basal type of you guys. Enjoy your Armenoid heritage mate.

02-16-2019, 10:12 PM
Troll thread. Dinarids are European and have nothing to do with evolution from Mtebids, Armenids and all the other nonsense the OP came up with.