View Full Version : The Chancelade Skull

Grab the Gauge
10-30-2016, 09:08 AM

We might, indeed, venture to assert that in some of its most important characters, the Chancelade skull out-Eskimos the Eskimo.


William Johnson Sollas

The Chancelade skeleton is that of a 1.55m (5 foot, 1 inch) tall man who lived in what is now France, 17,000 to 21,000 years ago.

His skeleton was accompanied by artifacts of the Magdalenian tradition.

His massive skull -- the most capacious of all Upper Paleolithic remains ever found, had a cranial capacity of not less than 1,700cc. Only one human skull in the entire global fossil record has a larger braincase (the Amud 1 Middle Paleolithic specimen from Israel).

The Chancelade skull has been classified as an Eskimo.

Left to Right: Grimaldi Negroid, Les Eyzies Caucasoid, Chancelade Eskimo.

Chancelade skull

Chancelade skull


Modern Eskimo woman, age 80-85



The Chancelade skull was exhasutively studied by William Johnson Sollas, a geologist and anthropologist of unparalleled genius. William describes in detail the following traits:

Like many Paleolithic people, the Chancelade man survived, against all odds, an extremely traumatic skull injury which was most likely the result of a violent bludgeoning.

The skull is the most capacious in the Upper Paleolithic fossil record at over 1,700cc -- above and beyond any modern population by several standards of deviation and among the largest of any humans that ever walked the Earth.

The skull is extensively Eskimo, by a majority of cranial and facial characters, there can be no doubt or discussion that this individual belonged to the same racial type as modern Eskimos.

In the mandible, the Chancelade man shares several morphological characters with the Spy and Naulette Neanderthals and with modern Negroids.

The Chancelade skull is far removed from the Cro Magnon skull in many regards.

All of this information and more can be read in W.J. Sollas's paper on the Chancelade skull which can be found at the following link:

https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B694cMtwy4VlNjFhZWYzZjgtNGM4OC00ZmMyLTgyNmEtNTNiN Dc3ZGM3NjM1/edit?hl=en&pli=1

Poise n Pen
10-30-2016, 09:20 AM
They all have pretty square sockets, they were probably all pretty euro looking.

10-30-2016, 02:35 PM
The skull is the most capacious in the Upper Paleolithic fossil record at over 1,700cc -- above and beyond any modern population by several standards of deviation and among the largest of any humans that ever walked the Earth.

Outdated science. Especially stupid is comparing one skull to whole populations which are from the definition tending to averages:)

And in every bigger mongoloid or Europid sample you find guys with bigger head than 1700 cm3:) There was thread here started by your harem boy Cosmoo about biggest brains (about 2000 cm).

Grab the Gauge
10-30-2016, 07:57 PM
Outdated science. Especially stupid is comparing one skull to whole populations which are from the definition tending to averages:)

And in every bigger mongoloid or Europid sample you find guys with bigger head than 1700 cm3:) There was thread here started by your harem boy Cosmoo about biggest brains (about 2000 cm).

In Cosmo's thread, men were found with a brain weight of 2000g, not a brain size of "2000cm". The estinated sizes in ccm were found with a formula and not by the original studies. My statement -- no skull in the human fossil record has been found with a cranial capacity exceeding the Amud 1 speciment remains true.

The science that determined this was even more "outdated" than this 20th century paper.

Please face it, Typologist. Chancelade was an Eskimo and his brain was bigger than anyone in your gypsy country.

10-30-2016, 07:57 PM

Poise n Pen
10-30-2016, 08:01 PM
What's the density of brain matter?

Poise n Pen
10-30-2016, 09:02 PM
"The balance of findings for human brain size, largely based on participants of European ancestry, indicates an average adult brain volume of 1260 cubic centimeters (cm3) for men and 1130 cm3 for women. There is, however, substantial variation;[1] a study of 46 adults aged 22–49 years and of mainly European descent found an average brain volume of 1273.6 cm3 for men, ranging from 1052.9 to 1498.5 cm3, and 1131.1 cm3 for women, ranging from 974.9 to 1398.1 cm3.[2] According to a study published by Smith and Beals im 1990, based on measurements of approximately 20,000 crania from 87 populations worldwide, arctic indigenous peoples and East Asians have the biggest brains in the world, with an average volume of 1,443 cm3, followed by Europeans with an average volume of 1,260 cm3. Among the Europeans, Italians have the biggest brains"

"The adult human brain weighs on average about 1.5 kg (3.3 lb)[4] with a volume of around 1260 cm3 in men and 1130 cm3 in women, although there is substantial individual variation"

So assuming they are talking about a male brain we are talking about around 1.19 grams per cm. So 2000g brain - 1680.6 cc.

Poise n Pen
10-30-2016, 09:10 PM
There is also boskops man who is probably 1800 cc, maybe 2000 cc.

Poise n Pen
10-30-2016, 09:18 PM

Most theories regarding the Boskop type were based on the first labelled Boskop cranium, which was found in 1913 by two Afrikaner farmers. They offered it to Frederick William FitzSimons for examination and further research. Many similar skulls were subsequently discovered by paleontologists such as Robert Broom, William Pycraft and Raymond Dart.

The original skull was incomplete consisting of frontal and parietal bones, with a partial occiput, one temporal and a fragment of mandible. John Hawks notes that "The skull is a large one, with an estimated endocranial volume of 1800 ml. But it is hardly complete, and arguments about its overall size -- exacerbated by its thickness, which confuses estimates based on regression from external measurements -- have ranged from 1700 to 2000 ml. It is large, but well within the range of sizes found in recent males."

n April 2008, neuroscientists Gary Lynch and Richard Granger published a book on human intelligence titled Big Brain: The Origins and Future of Human Intelligence, in which Boskop fossils play a prominent role. The authors conclude that the head of a Boskop would have been some 30 percent larger than that of modern humans, giving them a large forebrain, which in turn may indicate a relatively high IQ.

A paper read to the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences in 1956 and later published in the journal Man observed that:

"...an isolated cranial fragment found 40 years ago near the surface in a dubious geological horizon, unassociated with implements and fauna, ... there has been developed conjecture after conjecture, speculation on speculation ... the features exhibited by the Boskop skull and those which have been termed 'Boskopoid' are not specific to any 'new' single, African racial group, and in Africa they may be found in varying degrees in the Bushmen, Hottentots or Bush-Hottentot admixtures."[4]

Discover magazine gave Lynch and Granger's book a "fairly positive review"[2] and reprinted an excerpt. John Hawks says "The portrayal of "Boskops" in the Discover excerpt is so out of line with anthropology of the last forty years, that I am amazed the magazine printed it. I am unaware of any credible biological anthropologist or archaeologist who would confirm their description of the 'Boskopoids,' except as an obsolete category from the history of anthropology."[2] He does note that the Web editor at Discover replied that 'the excerpt was intended to run identified as a "controversial idea, but that context didn't come across as intended."', and that "[t]he web page has been changed to make that context clear"

I find this shit hilarious.

The SMALLEST estimate of boskops skull puts it as larger than turgenev or byron's brains, which would have fallen short of 1700 cc (if only just).

There may be someone somewhere with an above 1700 cc brain but I have never heard of such a thing and I strongly doubt there is more than a handful of people with a larger brain than those two specimens who are OBVIOUSLY very huge brained, unusual specimens.

This is like when they find 8 foot tall mummies in south america and malta and say it's "well within the human range". SURE. There is ONE LIVING MAN over eight foot tall today and a few more in history. One in ten billion people reach that height so it is perfectly within the range of modern humans :lol:

Poise n Pen
10-31-2016, 10:12 AM
I researched a little further and asked around and I am pretty sure lefturdpedia is wrong/sketchy on many points. Their 1500 g estimate probably comes from north europeans like 100 years ago, that is why the average cranial capacities in ccs don't gibe with the average brain weight. The density of brain matter is NOT 1.19 but closer to 1.04 to 1.05 according some old study which seems to be the only real source.

So 2012 g would still be over 1900 cc. And that is not the largest brain ever, just the largest brain of a famouse person.

According to the Lee-Pearson formula you can estimate your CC = 0.000337(Length - 11) (Breadth - 11)(Height - 11) + 406.01

Mine is something like 1788.

So I guess that Hawks guy was correct, those would not be the hugest brains ever though they are certainly much bigger than average.

Grab the Gauge
10-31-2016, 10:32 AM
I researched a little further and asked around and I am pretty sure lefturdpedia is wrong/sketchy on many points. Their 1500 g estimate probably comes from north europeans like 100 years ago, that is why the average cranial capacities in ccs don't gibe with the average brain weight. The density of brain matter is NOT 1.19 but closer to 1.04 to 1.05 according some old study which seems to be the only real source.

So 2012 g would still be over 1900 cc. And that is not the largest brain ever, just the largest brain of a famouse person.

According to the Lee-Pearson formula you can estimate your CC = 0.000337(Length - 11) (Breadth - 11)(Height - 11) + 406.01

Mine is something like 1788.

So I guess that Hawks guy was correct, those would not be the hugest brains ever though they are certainly much bigger than average.

What do you mean? The Boskop skulls? The Boskop "skulls" are most definitely complete bullshit and should be destroyed for the sake of science. It is alarming that anyone is still taking them seriously in the year 2016, despite all the conspiracy theory stuff surrounding them. It should be illegal to talk about them. They're not even skulls they're just pieces of a skull cap. You can't measure the cranial volume of a fragmentary skull.


Not a single one of those partitions ever added up to a skull larger than 1700cc. Of course Hawks is right. People back in the early 1900s severely overinflated, if not entirely fabricated the cranial capacities of modern human skulls. Even the document in my original post mentions an Eskimo skull of 1918cc (not measured by the author). Complete bullshit, nobody has a head that big. The average values for the modern Eskimo are also inconsistent with their external measurements.

Admittedly, some Neanderthal skulls (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Katrin_Schaefer/publication/12668771_Re-evaluation_of_the_endocranial_volume_of_the_Guatta ri_1_Neandertal_specimen_(Monte_Circeo)/links/00b495192a627632c2000000.pdf) were overinflated in their cranial capacity estimates made back in the 20th century. But generally speaking the modern human skulls have been inflated beyond all credibility. The trend in the 19th-20th century was to severely underestimate the cranial capacity of archaic skulls while overinflating those of modern humans -- no doubt to cope with the feelings of inferiority that were boiling over in Europe as these people dug up the skulls of men who lived ages before them and had bigger brains.

The bottom line is that all of these ridiculously high cranial capacity and brain volume estimates are total bullshit and wouldn't stand up against 21st century measuring techniques. I'm sorry but filling up a skull with Cocoa Puffs doesn't cut it anymore. Bambaryla I want you to know that there's not a single individual in your cocksucking country that has s cranial capacity larger than 1700cc. Never was, never will be. The sooner you accept this, the sooner the healing process can begin.

10-31-2016, 10:48 AM
I saw an East Asian girl in London the other day so robust I'm fairly sure you would've ejaculated Grab.

Zmey Gorynych
10-31-2016, 11:38 AM
News Alert - Exclusive Pic

For the first time the world has the unique opportunity to see Grab teh Balls' baby pictures. In this gem from his personal archive he was captured together with his cousin. Grab is on the right.


10-31-2016, 11:56 AM
News Alert - Exclusive Pic

For the first time the world has the unique opportunity to see Grab teh Balls' baby pictures. In this gem from his personal archive he was captured together with his cousin. Grab is on the right.

http://www.seitzbrothers.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Zika-baby.jpgYou got no sense of humor, must be the Chernobyl waste influence.

Zmey Gorynych
10-31-2016, 12:14 PM
You got no sense of humor, must be the Chernobyl waste influence.
Is he your boyfriend? You're holding hands in every thread he starts.

10-31-2016, 10:36 PM
Outdated science. Especially stupid is comparing one skull to whole populations which are from the definition tending to averages:)

And in every bigger mongoloid or Europid sample you find guys with bigger head than 1700 cm3:) There was thread here started by your harem boy Cosmoo about biggest brains (about 2000 cm).

He said that it is biggest skull (together with Amud 1) in human fossil record, not biggest skull ever, you dumb gypsyboyo.

In Cosmo's thread, men were found with a brain weight of 2000g, not a brain size of "2000cm". The estinated sizes in ccm were found with a formula and not by the original studies. My statement -- no skull in the human fossil record has been found with a cranial capacity exceeding the Amud 1 speciment remains true.

The science that determined this was even more "outdated" than this 20th century paper.

Please face it, Typologist. Chancelade was an Eskimo and his brain was bigger than anyone in your gypsy country.

Yeah, everything depends on formula.
For example. two biggest brains on that thread (of Turgenev and Njegoš) are said to have around 2000cm based on Manouvrier's formula.
However, Lee-Pearson method done on skull of Njegoš in 1980's yielded a result of 1747ccm, and Turgenev should be somewhere close.
So, two modern men with biggest brains ever measured have capacity just about equal to Amud 1, according to Lee-Pearson method.

However, in comparison to overall body height, cranial capacities of Chancelade and Amud 1 are so fucking extreme that there is no modern man that can even come close.

"The balance of findings for human brain size, largely based on participants of European ancestry, indicates an average adult brain volume of 1260 cubic centimeters (cm3) for men and 1130 cm3 for women.
Average for European men is around 1350-1400 ccm, no way they have brains of size listed in that study.

Poise n Pen
10-31-2016, 10:39 PM
He said that it is biggest skull (together with Amud 1) in human fossil record, not biggest skull ever, you dumb gypsyboyo.

Yeah, everything depends on formula.
For example. two biggest brains on that thread (of Turgenev and Njegoš) are said to have around 2000cm based on Manouvrier's formula.
However, Lee-Pearson method done on skull of Njegoš in 1980's yielded a result of 1747ccm, and Turgenev should be somewhere close.
So, two modern men with biggest brains ever measured have capacity just about equal to Amud 1, according to Lee-Pearson method.

However, in comparison to overall body height, cranial capacities of Chancelade and Amud 1 are so fucking extreme that there is no modern man that can even come close.

Average for European men is around 1350-1400 ccm, no way they have brains of size listed in that study.

That's what the study says. That one is a modern one and probably has way more diversity in it, while older one was probably in UK or germany.

Grab the Gauge
10-31-2016, 10:56 PM
Is he your boyfriend? You're holding hands in every thread he starts.

The bitterness is strong on this one. Just accept the cruel hand life has dealt you Zmey, you will always be a talentless, dimunitive Middle Earth boy.

Grab the Gauge
10-31-2016, 11:01 PM

Riffian Warrior
10-31-2016, 11:34 PM
He said that it is biggest skull (together with Amud 1) in human fossil record, not biggest skull ever, you dumb gypsyboyo.

And who is dumb?

The skull is the most capacious in the Upper Paleolithic fossil record at over 1,700cc -- above and beyond any modern population by several standards of deviation and among the largest of any humans that ever walked the Earth.

The author compare one skull to modern populations averages:) But average is not range moron:)

10-31-2016, 11:37 PM
And who is dumb?

The author compare one skull to modern populations averages:) But average is not range moron:)


Grab the Gauge
11-01-2016, 12:23 AM
And who is dumb?

The author compare one skull to modern populations averages:) But average is not range moron:)

J. Philippe Rushton looked over the cranial capacities of more than 6,000 US men and and women in the 1990s. Not one single individual out of thousands registered a cranial capacity of 1800cc or more. Give up, Gypsy boy. The roof is crashing down on you.

Riffian Warrior
11-02-2016, 07:43 AM

Riffian Warrior
11-02-2016, 07:44 AM

Riffian Warrior
11-02-2016, 07:44 AM
It means only that Americans are microcephals:) Deal with it. You said it:)

Charles Bronson
11-02-2016, 08:06 AM
According to the Lee-Pearson formula you can estimate your CC = 0.000337(Length - 11) (Breadth - 11)(Height - 11) + 406.01

How do you measured the height?

Poise n Pen
11-02-2016, 08:42 AM
How do you measured the height?


This explains it pretty well but I have not done the measuring in a long time.

12-05-2020, 03:30 PM
Alright, this is the main reason as to why I made an account here in the first place.

I *highly* doubt the 1700cc cranial capacity considering what the actual measurements of the Chancelade cranium are like. The general formula for males is supposed to be 0.000337(L-11mm)((W-11mm)(H-11mm) + 406.01. L, H and W values are all in mm and the result comes out in cc/ml and H is specifically supposed to be the AURICULAR (auriculo-bregma) height (not the basion-bregma height). For dry skulls you do not need to subtract 11 mm, and the formula most likely doesn't work Universally. That being said, here is a document with the measurements at page number 54 (of 120) of the pdf with an explanation on page number 52 (of 120) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1469-1809.1930.tb02075.x. Chancalade dry cranium was 194 mm long, 137.5 mm broad and had an auricular height is 124 mm (I think that this is suspiciously low when compared to his Basion-Bregma height of 148.5mm) ; the dry skull cranial circumference was 544 mm (would obviously be larger when he was alive). Schoenemann (2013, Hominid Brain evolution, chapter 8, page 148) lists Chancelade man as being 1530cc.

Now, I for one think that the old formula cannot be applied Universally and that MRI scans are the best way of determining internal cranial capacity, we at a stage of technology where measuring cranial capacity needs an MRI setup along with specific software to accurately do something that used to be messy, time consuming (and inaccurate) in the past. So the best way of determining Chancelade man's cranium capacity would be an MRI- the odds of that happening however are slim considering the cost of operation. With all of this being said, I am VERY skeptical of the 1700cc claims regarding Chancelade man, I think that he would end up being between somewhere in the mid-1500scc in an MRI test.

Basion-Bregma is very high, but for a Eskimo-skull it is little bit narrow.

12-05-2020, 04:22 PM