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11-03-2016, 04:14 AM
About killing other human beings...



"Killing other human beings, is it always a bad thing? Lets find out...
Quite often on my channel, I get comments from people who simply write me off as a 'killer'. ("Arghh, you killed a human being! Blarghh!") And the same people don't seem to have any problems with people who kill... in certain contexts. For example, if their killing is sanctioned by the government that is fine with them. And by sanctioned by the government, I mean if soldiers kill... then these people don't have any problems socializing with people who kill 'in duty'.

But you know I have a friend, the former drummer of Uruk Hai (you know the band that was before Burzum). He was in the Special Forces, he had served many places in the world and amongst other things, he had 12 confirmed kills in Afghanistan. He was, how do you say, a sniper, sharp shooter. And he told me about some of these killings and in one case he was lying several hundred meters away and they killed everybody, his team killed everybody in a compound. And then there was one guy who tried to get away, he ran all he could and tried to get away and he jumped into the shithole (in Afghanistan they just have a hole to shit in and then on the other side the crap runs out); So he jumped into this shithole and crept through to get out on the other side and then they just waited on him and when he came out, they killed him. And he can talk about that casually, no big deal. But he didn't know the persons he killed, they hadn't done anything to him. [They were Taliban] And he had really no reason to kill them, he just killed because his government told him to do so. And that's fine, according to many. That's okay.

But when I kill to defend my life, I'm a 'terrible person', I'm a 'killer', I should be jailed for life and so forth. Doesn't make any sense. And in this context, the real problem is the people who only tolerate sanctioned killings - they're a bunch of cowards who are unable to think for themselves and unable to act for themselves but blindly follows anything the government tells them to... And they are really the immoral persons and they think it's terrible, not that I killed but that I killed without any person telling me to do so [sanctioning]. And they would kill children, women, anything if their government told them to. Like soldiers often do... Like the Georgians did in South Ossetia, like the Albanians did to Serbs in Kosovo.

So the problem they have with me is not that I have killed a person. They think killing is fine too, only if it's sanctioned. Their problem is that I remind them of the fact that they are cowards, and immoral cowards and such.

And in this context I want to talk about a Danish film called 'The Shamer's Daughter'. It's a very good film
The Shamer is a woman who, when she looks into a person's eyes, she can see their shame and they will feel their shame and therefore, nobody wants to look her in the eyes. And one of her daughters has inherited this ability. So when she looks into a person's eyes, she sees their shame, what they've done and what they're ashamed of. Of course, some people have no shame so she has no power over them. And a good point to this film, it had a very European, that would be Pagan European moral. There is a warrior and she looks into his eyes and he has killed many, many people in combat but he has no reason to be ashamed for it. Because killing, itself, is not bad, it's the context that matters. And he had killed honestly, so he has nothing to be ashamed of.

Another thing I like about [this film] is the concept of these shamers who look into the eyes of others and see their shame reminds me of autism because a lot of autists don't look into the eyes of people when they speak to them and the reason why is not that they have no interest in or understanding of human beings. The reason they do that is because they have the ability to read the mind of the persom whom they're looking into the eyes of . So sort of like the shamer, they see the person for what he truly is, they see his inner-self and that's very uncomfortable because it's like a breach of privacy. If an autist looks into your eyes and can tell more about you, possibly than you know about yourself then it's uncomfortable for that person. So this film is very good on many levels. It's a Norwegian/Danish film and has English subtitles, great movie.

To sum this up, killing is, in some contexts okay and if you kill somebody then you have nothing be ashamed of as long as you have a good reason to do so. [B]And in my opinion, the soldiers who serve our military and who kill people in foreign lands - they have much more to be ashamed of than I have. I defended my life and what they do is serve a rotten, criminal government... and to use their sanctioning of killing and violence as an excuse to kill others whom they have no right to kill, whatsoever [What will you do, the day your government tells these soldiers to kill YOU?]. Our forces in Asia and Afghanistan have no right to be there and those who kill Afghans, they are doing the wrong thing, they have no right to do that [They are also the ones who enable our rotten regimes to flood Europe with 'refugees' from these countries].

If you want to bitch about killing then I suggest you start bitching about the killing that our government is responsible for and that they sanction [all over the world]. And also about the cowards who run their errands, willingly. Thank you for watching. Bye bye, peace." -Varg Vikernes


"It is forbidden to kill; Therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets." -Voltaire

When the psychopaths in the US administration finally manage to start their war against Russia, please refuse to kill fellow Europeans. We have no reason to kill Russians and they have no reason to kill us. If we refuse to kill each other (((they))) will not win... like they did the last time...

11-03-2016, 04:19 AM
Varg can fuck off.
Mother of fuck, his accent is gay.

11-03-2016, 04:21 AM
"Quite often on my channel, I get comments from people who simply write me off as a 'killer'. "

He's trying to compare what he did, killing someone for kicks more or less, to someone serving their country. Not comparable,never was.

11-03-2016, 04:25 AM
When the psychopaths in the US administration finally manage to start their war against Russia, please refuse to kill fellow Europeans. We have no reason to kill Russians and they have no reason to kill us. If we refuse to kill each other (((they))) will not win... like they did the last time...

If Americans will start the war (somehow) - which obviously would take place in Europe - do not expect any respect for such attitude.

11-03-2016, 04:33 AM
If Americans will start the war (somehow) - which obviously would take place in Europe - do not expect any respect for such attitude.

Those are Vikernes' words [whom currently resides in France]. You are free to debate him on his channel or at his blog linked below [Thulean Perspective].

11-03-2016, 04:38 AM
Those are Vikernes' words [whom currently resides in France].


Poise n Pen
11-03-2016, 04:43 AM
Well, if it comes to war with russia, I will gun down my own government instead.

But as to killing 'humans'. Human is way too inclusive of a term, and not deserved by everyone on this planet.

11-03-2016, 04:44 AM
If Americans will start the war (somehow) - which obviously would take place in Europe - do not expect any respect for such attitude.


11-03-2016, 04:46 AM
Yes, killing humans are bad, but destroying puppets is a virtue.

Colonel Frank Grimes
11-03-2016, 04:49 AM
"Quite often on my channel, I get comments from people who simply write me off as a 'killer'. "

He's trying to compare what he did, killing someone for kicks more or less, to someone serving their country. Not comparable,never was.

He was also planning to blow up a building where hardcore leftists congregated. They found explosives in his place. Not a fan of hardcore leftists but I'm also not a fan of blowing people up for political differences.

11-03-2016, 05:18 AM
"Quite often on my channel, I get comments from people who simply write me off as a 'killer'. "

He's trying to compare what he did, killing someone for kicks more or less, to someone serving their country. Not comparable,never was.

Link to what he did? Or explanation please?

11-03-2016, 07:20 AM
Link to what he did? Or explanation please?


The events, reasoning and explanations leading up to his actions are well documented on burzum.org's library and Thulean Perspective; Video blogs, written accounts, et al. Just search for articles relating to "Euronymous". I have no invested interest in defending his actions, I believe he's more than adequately defended his position exhaustively. People are free to draw their own conclusions and hold their own opinion but I feel that, in the spirit of objectivity, they should at least give due consideration to the man himself regarding his account of events. The video in the linked thread above covers a great deal of the backstory and what ultimately transpired. I'm, of course, not deluded enough to expect any sizable contingency of people to understand his perspective and sympathize with his actions.

Poise n Pen
11-03-2016, 07:22 AM
Live by metal, die by metal.

Poise n Pen
11-03-2016, 07:24 AM
Link to what he did? Or explanation please?

He stabbed some guy in his band or group or something. He claims it was self defense but it is kind of ambiguous. It would be odd for him to just attack the guy out of the blue in those circumstances though.

11-03-2016, 07:26 AM
sociopaths need to be eliminated.

but.. there is no greater honour than dying in battle - the beautiful death-

11-03-2016, 09:58 PM
He was also planning to blow up a building where hardcore leftists congregated. They found explosives in his place. Not a fan of hardcore leftists but I'm also not a fan of blowing people up for political differences.

Poor Varg! They're all out to get him.

11-03-2016, 10:08 PM
"Quite often on my channel, I get comments from people who simply write me off as a 'killer'. "

That's what put the whole music scene on a whole new level. Otherwise it would be a simple rock and roll parody and already dead now.

I just don't know why his murder is so famous. Jon Nödtveidt killed a gay Algerian, Bård Guldvik "Faust" Eithun killed some gay guy, Möbus killed a guy in the age of 17 just to name some of the more famous murderers.

10-31-2018, 05:33 PM
one life is a dot in the universe