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11-05-2016, 06:00 PM
Dolichocephalic vs Brachycephalic POLL

Bell Beaker
11-05-2016, 06:15 PM

11-05-2016, 06:20 PM
Dolichocepalic, like our proto-european Cro-magnon ancestors.

Brachicephalic individuals are ugly and almost all the time dwarfs.They have no angularity and look like a bigger toe.It's all about that golden ratio that brachi individuals dont have.

Queen B
11-05-2016, 06:24 PM
I'm as Dolichocephalic as it gets

11-05-2016, 06:28 PM
Dolicochephalic are much more Attractive Europeans :D.

11-05-2016, 06:32 PM
I'm Meso almost Doli (CI 75) and most of the time Doli is way more good looking than Brachy, especially on Men IMO.
But all is about features too so it depends, Brachys have to compensate with very beautiful features to equal a regular Doli.
Btw Brachys women tend to be very cute though.

11-05-2016, 06:33 PM
I'm Meso almost Doli (CI 75) and most of the time Doli is way more good looking than Brachy, especially on Men IMO.
But all is about features too so it depends, Brachys have to compensate with very beautiful features to equal a regular Doli.
Btw Brachys women tend to be very cute though.

CI 75 is Doli, including CI 76.All above is Meso.

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 06:35 PM
We all know what this wave of newfound dolicocephalic "pride" is all about:

First you got fucked by the Brachycephalic Neanderthals, that made you hybrid humans.

Then you got fucked by the Brachycephalic Bell Beaker Dinarics, that made you hybrid pastoralists..

Then you got fucked by the Brachycephalic Mongols, that made you hybrid Eurasians.

Then you got fucked by the Brachycephalic Turks, that made you hybrid Castizos.

Then you got saved by Brachycephalic Harry Truman, that made you Holocaust survivors.

Then you got fucked by the Brachycephalic Jews, that made you hybrid Socialists.

Now you're getting fucked by the Brachycephalic Chinese, that'll make you full blown Mongoloid!

11-05-2016, 06:35 PM
I'm Meso almost Doli (CI 75) and most of the time Doli is way more good looking than Brachy, especially on Men IMO.
But all is about features too so it depends, Brachys have to compensate with very beautiful features to equal a regular Doli.
Btw Brachys women tend to be very cute though.

I am CI 76 , i believe even 78 is doli

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 06:37 PM
I'm Meso almost Doli (CI 75) and most of the time Doli is way more good looking than Brachy, especially on Men IMO.
But all is about features too so it depends, Brachys have to compensate with very beautiful features to equal a regular Doli.
Btw Brachys women tend to be very cute though.

Completely wrong as usual, you retarded fucking African. Brachycephaly is a masculine trait, it looks terrible and is rarer in women.

11-05-2016, 06:38 PM
Brachy is alpha. Long heads look gay as fuck with your long ass heads

11-05-2016, 06:38 PM
CI 75 is Doli, including CI 76.All above is Meso.

Alright, from here i'm borderline but ok

11-05-2016, 06:38 PM
We all know what this wave of newfound dolicocephalic "pride" is all about:

First you got fucked by the Brachycephalic Neanderthals, that made you hybrid humans.

Then you got fucked by the Brachycephalic Bell Beaker Dinarics, that made you hybrid pastoralists..

Then you got fucked by the Brachycephalic Mongols, that made you hybrid Eurasians.

Then you got fucked by the Brachycephalic Turks, that made you hybrid Castizos.

Ghen you got saved by Brachycephalic Harry Truman, that made you Holocaust survivors.

Then you got fucked by the Brachycephalic Jews, that made you hybrid Socialists.

Now you're getting fucked by the Brachycephalic Chinese, that'll make you full blown Mongoloid!

LOL you are funny, (Jews,Turks,Mongols,Dinarids,Chinese)
that's what you are ugly shitholes

11-05-2016, 06:39 PM
Are those even real words?

11-05-2016, 06:39 PM
I am CI 76 , i believe even 78 is doli

78 is not doli I think.

The cephalic index mean of the modern Hallstatt Nordid is low mesocephalic (C.I. ca. 77), although dolichocephaly is not uncommon among individuals.

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 06:40 PM

Cranial size and shape

S. P. Pickering (Correlation of brain and head measurements, and relation of brain shape and size to shape and size of the head, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Volume 15, Issue 1, Date: October/December 1930, Pages: 1-52):

It is general knowledge that an increase in brain size runs parallel with an increase in head size and with a change from dolichocephaly to brachycephaly as we ascend the scale from the anthropoids to modern man. This appears primarily to be a volume phenomenon.
A. Thomson (quoted in the above paper) notes that:

Given a cavity of oval or ellptical form with elastic walls, the more its contents are increased the greater will be the tendency to assume a spherical shape.

Pickering studied cadavers and their weight and volume directly, rather than relying on estimations from cephalic measurements:
The specimens used in this work gave an average capacity for dolichocephalic skulls of 1402.8 cc.; for mesocephalic, 1474.8 and for brachycephalic, 1520.6 cc.

The same tendency was shown in the size of the brains. The average size of the brains in this series was for the dolichocephalic heads, 1135.4 cc.; for the mesocephalic, 1144.2 cc., and for the brachycephalic, 1180.7 cc.

The figures show a marked increase from the dolichocephalic to the brachycephalic type. Though the number of specimens of the dolichocephalic type is not sufficient to be conclusive proof, the fact that brachycephaly runs parallel with an increase in brain and head size is very evident.

Interestingly, according to K. Beals et al. (Brain size, cranial morphology, climate, and time machines. Current Anthropology, 25, 301-330. ) there is a +0.37 correlation between cranial capacity and the cephalic index, i.e., broader-headed, more brachycephalic populations also have bigger cranial capacities.

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 06:40 PM
Dolicocephalic = Negroid admixture.

11-05-2016, 06:42 PM
Brachy is alpha. Long heads look gay as fuck with your long ass heads

Keep coping incel.Here are 2 siptars, comapre to the european cro-magnon individuals.



Brachycephaly is a incel pudgy trait, it looks terrible and is rarer in women.

All succesfull male models are Dolichocephalic.

Dolicocephalic = CRO-MAGNON ADMIXTURE.

11-05-2016, 06:42 PM
Dolichocepalic, like our proto-european Cro-magnon ancestors.

Brachicephalic individuals are ugly and almost all the time dwarfs.They have no angularity and look like a bigger toe.It's all about that golden ratio that brachi individuals dont have.

Cromagnons were and still are brachy, you dumb fucking cunt. Op just didnt add it coz he knows the truth.

They had short and broad heads.

11-05-2016, 06:43 PM
Brachy is alpha. Long heads look gay as fuck with your long ass heads

You are right



short brachy mongols are very alpha, Vikings was so gay LOL albanian turkish shit

11-05-2016, 06:44 PM
I actually forgot about the study that stated Brachy heads have on average larger cranial capacity.

The narrowness of the dolicho head is probably pressing some kind of gland in the brain that pushes dolicho people to be butthurt and envious.Nature has given you funny shaped head and weak features.

11-05-2016, 06:45 PM
Why are Nordids put together with dolio subhumans?

Hallstatt Nordid

The cephalic index mean of the modern Hallstatt Nordid is low mesocephalic (C.I. ca. 77),

The head form is high mesocephalic (c.i. typically 78-80; with the exeption of the "Hardanger type", which is dolicho-mesocephalic), and the face is of considerable length.
Keltic Nordid

The head form is typically mesocephalic, with a mean cephalic index of 79, which is slightly higher than the present Hallstatt mean.

11-05-2016, 06:45 PM
78 is not doli I think.

Meso is the same with Doli, its european

Brachy CI over 81 are asian mongoloids

11-05-2016, 06:47 PM
Completely wrong as usual, you retarded fucking African. Brachycephaly is a masculine trait, it looks terrible and is rarer in women.

You are full of shit
Testosterone make longer head and Males are everytime longer than Womens

Womens have flatter heads

11-05-2016, 06:48 PM
Meso is the same with Doli, its european

Brachy CI over 81 are asian mongoloids

Dolichocephalic index is an index between 70 and 75. As simple as that.

11-05-2016, 06:48 PM
You are full of shit
Testosterone make longer head and Males are everytime longer than Womens

Womens have flatter headsNo source again retard. Cephalic index is genetic trait combined with environmental effect and artificial.

11-05-2016, 06:49 PM
Cromagnons were and still are brachy, you dumb fucking cunt. Op just didnt add it coz he knows the truth.

They had short and broad heads.

Cromagnons were Doli , you are clueless

11-05-2016, 06:50 PM
Cromagnons were and still are brachy, you dumb fucking cunt. Op just didnt add it coz he knows the truth.

They had short and broad heads.

Not at all.you subhuman.
Let me repeat what i told Gauge,there is NO bracycephalic cromagnon skull ever found,the only brachy ones belonged to mixes or those who already adapted to farming lifestyle.
See this thread, were i mopped the floors with Gauge.

No source again retard. Cephalic index is genetic trait combined with environmental effect and artificial.

Is this why the strongest mammals have doli skull?Like Cro-magnons, dogs etc

11-05-2016, 06:50 PM
You are right



short brachy mongols are very alpha, Vikings was so gay LOL albanian turkish shit

Those pics are in different resolution.

You claim to be CroMagnon? They had short heads and wide. Speaking of Turkish shit, you claim to look like a levantine. So dont get racist you dumb cunt. That dude you posted who you asked if hes white and claimed looked like you, he would get confused for a lebanese or arab here.

11-05-2016, 06:51 PM
Dolichocephalic index is an index between 70 and 75. As simple as that.

I know, Doli and Meso is in the same group and can find in europeans (Med,Nordid,Atlantid) etc.
Brachy is not european

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 06:51 PM
Keep coping incel.Here are 2 siptars, comapre to the european cro-magnon individuals.



All succesfull male models are Dolichocephalic.

James Dean, America's most timeless household name, and most acclaimed attractive actor, was Brachycephalic:


America's iconic slayer, who Romanian women would die for, Leonardo Dicaprio, is brachycephalic


America's cowboy, John Wayne, was Brachycephalic and plano-occipital:


Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 06:52 PM
Cromagnons were Doli , you are clueless

They were brachy and broad headed. You are wrong.

11-05-2016, 06:53 PM
Those pics are in different resolution.

You claim to be CroMagnon? They had short heads and wide. Speaking of Turkish shit, you claim to look like a levantine. So dont get racist you dumb cunt. That dude you posted who you asked if hes white and claimed looked like you, he would get confused for a lebanese or arab here.

You can find Doli with wide skulls , the CI is based most on the length of the skull moron.

11-05-2016, 06:53 PM
Why are Nordids put together with dolio subhumans?

Hallstatt Nordid


Keltic Nordid

Because as always: op is a fucking low iq tard. Ignorant as fuck.

11-05-2016, 06:53 PM
Dolichocepalic, like our proto-european Cro-magnon ancestors.
Stop with this bullshit already. Cranial index in Upper Palaeolithic Europe was extremely variable:
Since, as Morant has shown, this total Upper Palaeolithic group is unified enough to be considered a single population,23 we may proceed to generalize about the traits which most of the members of this group possess in common. The first and most notable of these is the extremely large size of the brain case, larger in most cases than Galley Hill or most modern men, and comparable in size to Skhul. This is found in all but a few of the skulls, whatever the actual dimensions and forms. The cranial indices, however, are very variable, ranging from sixty-five to eighty-five (Carleton Coon, The Races of Europe, chapter II, section 6)

Look at this bunch of ignorants determining things on cephalic index alone. A dolichocephalic Nordid is closer to brachycephalic Noric than to dolicho Negro. Simple as that. It is stupid to make all those silly statements based on cephalic index alone.

11-05-2016, 06:53 PM
James Dean, America's most timeless household name, and most acclaimed attractive actor, was Brachycephalic:


America's iconoic slayer, who Romanian women would die for, Leonardo Dicaprio, is brachycephalic


America's cowboy, John Wayne, was Brachycephalic and plano-occipital:


They are ugly as fuck, what attracts women to them is their status you dumb fucking shit.Any male model would take a dump on them.


11-05-2016, 06:54 PM
Somewhere in the middle but i voted brachy cos Dinarid included :D

11-05-2016, 06:55 PM
James Dean, America's most timeless household name, and most acclaimed attractive actor, was Brachycephalic:


America's iconic slayer, who Romanian women would die for, Leonardo Dicaprio, is brachycephalic


America's cowboy, John Wayne, was Brachycephalic and plano-occipital:


James Dean have occipital, he is Mesocephalic

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 06:55 PM
There's only one continent on Earth where there is no brachycephaly:


11-05-2016, 06:56 PM
Stop with this bullshit already. Cranial index in Upper Palaeolithic Europe was extremely variable:
Since, as Morant has shown, this total Upper Palaeolithic group is unified enough to be considered a single population,23 we may proceed to generalize about the traits which most of the members of this group possess in common. The first and most notable of these is the extremely large size of the brain case, larger in most cases than Galley Hill or most modern men, and comparable in size to Skhul. This is found in all but a few of the skulls, whatever the actual dimensions and forms. The cranial indices, however, are very variable, ranging from sixty-five to eighty-five (Carleton Coon, The Races of Europe, chapter II, section 6)

Look at this bunch of faggots determining things on cephalic index alone. A dolichocephalic Nordid is closer to brachycephalic Noric than to dolicho Negro. Simple as that. It is stupid to make all those silly statements based on cephalic index alone.

They were brachy and broad headed. You are wrong.


Cromagnons were in different level of gracilization due to introduction with modern farming lifestyle,notice the difference in ruggedness of of solutre skulls which and other much older cromagnon skulls found.The ABSOLUTE opinion of anthropologists is that Cro-magnons were dolicocephalic and bracycephaly is a new addition due to mixing with other types or adaptation towards farming lifestyle.

Both oberkassel men and female are dolicho.
The long-headed skulls has a maximum length of 184 mm, a maximum width of 129 mm ,gives 71.
The greatest length of the skull is 193 mm, the maximum width of 144 mm, 144/193 gives us 76

""""This female skull is extremely orthognatic [3] (p. 336). On page 340, it mentions a
length–width cranial index (“Längenbreiten-Index”) of 71 or 70.3 characterising the skull
also as extremely dolichocephalic"""



Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 06:56 PM
James Dean have occipital, he is Mesocephalic

Nope. He's brachycephalic.

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 06:57 PM
""""This female skull is extremely orthognatic [3] (p. 336). On page 340, it mentions a
length–width cranial index (“Längenbreiten-Index”) of 71 or 70.3 characterising the skull
also as extremely dolichocephalic"""

But only because it's female.

11-05-2016, 06:57 PM
Somewhere in the middle but i voted brachy cos Dinarid included :D

Yet you said in another thread that you CRAVE Nordic and Cro-magnon men.

11-05-2016, 06:57 PM
Nope. He's brachycephalic.

I disagree

11-05-2016, 06:59 PM
But only because it's female.

The men is too dolicocephalic,with a cranial index of 74,i already owned you in the past thread but i see your memory region is affected by that tiny bracy skull of yours.
See here .


11-05-2016, 06:59 PM
But only because it's female.

Females have bigger CI from mens because testosterone make a skull longer, this is a fact

Asians with wide and short skulls look Feminine

11-05-2016, 06:59 PM
I know, Doli and Meso is in the same group and can find in europeans (Med,Nordid,Atlantid) etc.
Brachy is not european


The Anglo-Saxon type is over-all mesocephalic, with a minor tendency towards brachycephaly,


The head form is brachycephalic (c.i. typically 82-84), and the occiput is nearly vertical and often slightly flattened.


It displays features which are traditionally associated with the Dinarid race - a shallow nasion depression, leptorrhiny, great nose length, height, and convexity, great brachycephaly, and moderately tall stature


Named by Ripley (Alpine), the Alpinid is an important western and central European Europid type, short- to medium-statured, brachycephalic.

Why is it not European? It has nothing to do with what you think it has, I think you once mentioned Mongols or something. Studies show the change of cephalic index over a single generation, it has little to do with anything else.

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 07:00 PM
I disagree

So sorry sir, but he is brachy. Sometimes there is what is, and then there's what we wish was.


11-05-2016, 07:00 PM
Yet you said in another thread that you CRAVE Nordic and Cro-magnon men.

Did I? I prefer robust iranids to nordic if im honest

11-05-2016, 07:00 PM

Cromagnons were in different level of gracilization due to introduction with modern farming lifestyle,notice the difference in ruggedness of of solutre skulls which and other much older cromagnon skulls found.The ABSOLUTE opinion of anthropologists is that Cro-magnons were dolicocephalic and bracycephaly is a new addition due to mixing with other types or adaptation towards farming lifestyle.

There was no farming in Upper Palaeolithic, LMAO, yet there were brachycephalic men.
Face the truth, there were both dolichocephalic and brachycephalic people back in then.

11-05-2016, 07:03 PM
Even Agrippa clarified with this picture that CroMagnoids have a higher CI


11-05-2016, 07:03 PM
"Cro-Magnons were robustly built and powerful and are presumed to have been about 166 to 171 cm (about 5 feet 5 inches to 5 feet 7 inches) tall. The body was generally heavy and solid, apparently with strong musculature. The forehead was straight, with slight browridges, and the face short and wide. Cro-Magnons were the first humans (genus Homo) to have a prominent chin. The brain capacity was about 1,600 cc (100 cubic inches), somewhat larger than the average for modern humans. It is thought that Cro-Magnons were probably fairly tall compared with other early human species."


Short and wide ^


Tall was something else before. Humans have increased in height.

11-05-2016, 07:03 PM
Did I? I prefer robust iranids to nordic if im honestrobust iranid is doliooo :P http://www.theapricity.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=3432&d=1261424580

11-05-2016, 07:03 PM
Jesus.....the amount of low-brow shitposting that goes on in this thread especially from Vm95 and Darknesswhatever is just cringeworthy :picard1:.

11-05-2016, 07:03 PM
Did I? I prefer robust iranids to nordic if im honest

Yes you did 2 times from what I remember.Hypocritic women, irl you probably wont even look at the dinarid MONEY, or reduced dinarid Kurgan.

Ofcourse you prefer robust dolicho CM's and not untermenschen brachi.


Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 07:03 PM
Females have bigger CI from mens because testosterone make a skull longer, this is a fact

Asians with wide and short skulls look Feminine

You are wrong. Testosterone makes a skull shorter and wider. It alsl makes your face, jaw, and skeleton shorter and wider. It makes everything short snd wide. Cro Magnon women were more dolicocephalic than their kinsmen.

Female Cro-Magnon Skull.

A woman, probably aged between 35 and 40 years. The sutures of the skull were more closed than would be usual in anatomically modern humans, and the teeth which remained (two molars) were less worn than they would have been had the subject lived to fifty. The subject must in any case have been within the age-limit of child-bearing, whatever this may have been in the race to which she belonged. The dolichocephaly (the head is longer than would be expected, relative to the width of the head) of this woman was even more marked than that of her aged kinsman.


11-05-2016, 07:04 PM
So sorry sir, but he is brachy. Sometimes there is what is, and then there's what we wish was.


We need to shave his head, i believe he have occipital

11-05-2016, 07:05 PM
"Cro-Magnons were robustly built and powerful and are presumed to have been about 166 to 171 cm (about 5 feet 5 inches to 5 feet 7 inches) tall. The body was generally heavy and solid, apparently with strong musculature. The forehead was straight, with slight browridges, and the face short and wide. Cro-Magnons were the first humans (genus Homo) to have a prominent chin. The brain capacity was about 1,600 cc (100 cubic inches), somewhat larger than the average for modern humans. It is thought that Cro-Magnons were probably fairly tall compared with other early human species."


Short and wide ^


Tall was something else before. Humans have increased in height.

Britannica is irrelevant and the reconstruction you posted is made from one of the original dolichocephalic skulls.All the Cro-magnon unalered skulls founds were DOLICHOCEPHALIC, as I have already posted.

11-05-2016, 07:05 PM
You are wrong. Testosterone makes a skull shorter and wider. It alsl makes your face, jaw, and skeleton shorter and wider. It makes everything short snd wide. Cro Magnon women were more dolicocephalic than their kinsmen.



Also great majority of the heavier UFC fighters are high CI.

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 07:05 PM
East Asians have higher testosterone than Europeans and Middle Easterners:


11-05-2016, 07:06 PM
There was no farming in Upper Palaeolithic, LMAO, yet there were brachycephalic men.
Face the truth, there were both dolichocephalic and brachycephalic people back in then.

Aquired true mixture with brachy types as ALL anthrpologist agree with,all you have are some craniums with 0 scientific proof.
Here is the unanymous opinion of scientists.

11-05-2016, 07:07 PM
"Cro-Magnons were robustly built and powerful and are presumed to have been about 166 to 171 cm (about 5 feet 5 inches to 5 feet 7 inches) tall. The body was generally heavy and solid, apparently with strong musculature. The forehead was straight, with slight browridges, and the face short and wide. Cro-Magnons were the first humans (genus Homo) to have a prominent chin. The brain capacity was about 1,600 cc (100 cubic inches), somewhat larger than the average for modern humans. It is thought that Cro-Magnons were probably fairly tall compared with other early human species."


Short and wide ^


Tall was something else before. Humans have increased in height.

You moron ,OF COURSE cromagnons had short and compact face,but it says nothing about being bracycephalic.
Here are the studies,you wont find any study about cromagnon as bracycephal.

There was no farming in Upper Palaeolithic, LMAO, yet there were brachycephalic men.
Face the truth, there were both dolichocephalic and brachycephalic people back in then.


11-05-2016, 07:07 PM
Going by this, early cro magnons seem rather to resemble modern alpines? While borrebies are Cromagnons increased in stature ? Rather than the opposite.

11-05-2016, 07:07 PM




Why is it not European? It has nothing to do with what you think it has, I think you once mentioned Mongols or something. Studies show the change of cephalic index over a single generation, it has little to do with anything else.

Well i am Mesocephalic then because i am CI 76 , i just include Mesocephalic to Doli because both of them have occipital.

Brachy have not occipital = Asians

Of course some europeans can be Brachy because of the very wide head but still they have occipital so their skull have not this asian shape with
flat skull behind

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 07:08 PM
The men is too dolicocephalic,with a cranial index of 74,i already owned you in the past thread but i see your memory region is affected by that tiny bracy skull of yours.
See here .


Not when you subtract the brow ridges from their cranial lengfh measurements, no.

11-05-2016, 07:09 PM
Yes you did 2 times from what I remember.Hypocritic women, irl you probably wont even look at the dinarid MONEY, or reduced dinarid Kurgan.

Ofcourse you prefer robust dolicho CM's and not untermenschen brachi.


IRL people care more about features and this stuff is irrelevant

11-05-2016, 07:09 PM
Not when you subtract the brow ridges from their cranial lengfh measurements, no.

SAYS WHO?The measurements were taken by certified antropologists and wether you accept them or not wont change them.

11-05-2016, 07:09 PM
You moron ,OF COURSE cromagnons had short and compact face,but it says nothing about being bracycephalic.
Here are the studies,you wont find any study about cromagnon as bracycephal.


Do you even know what brachy is?

11-05-2016, 07:09 PM
Not when you subtract the brow ridges from their cranial lengfh measurements, no.How are cephalic indices supposed to be measured accurately? could you provide pics or something, because I can't find a uniform method to take measurements.

11-05-2016, 07:11 PM
Do you even know what brachy is?
Of course ,i already saw your desfigured jewish rat face.

11-05-2016, 07:11 PM
IRL people care more about features and this stuff is irrelevant

Yeah this is true, actually i like Brachy Alpine women because they look more feminine.
But for mens Doli and Meso are the 90% of the models

11-05-2016, 07:11 PM
How are cephalic indices supposed to be measured accurately? could you provide pics or something, because I can't find a uniform method to take measurements.

do not feed the troll,the measurements were taken by accredited scientists.

11-05-2016, 07:12 PM
Of course ,i already saw your desfigured jewish rat face.


11-05-2016, 07:13 PM
IRL people care more about features and this stuff is irrelevant

only worthy post on the subject so far

11-05-2016, 07:14 PM
Going by this, early cro magnons seem rather to resemble modern alpines? While borrebies are Cromagnons increased in stature ? Rather than the opposite.

The only brachy cromagnon skulls Gauge provided were from Salutre were Larry Angel on his book Lerna the people identifies the Solutre skulls he posted as upper-paleothic alpines C3 ,hence as i said gracilized cromagnon.
No one denied that borreby comes from cromagnon ,its that the original cromagnons were dolico and still seen today the most unreduced CM are dolicho..

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 07:15 PM
SAYS WHO?The measurements were taken by certified antropologists and wether you accept them or not wont change them.

And whether or not you want to accept it, Oberkassel is brachycranial when you exclude the brow ridge from his otherwise worthless cranial length measurement.

Oberkassel 1 (OB1) clusters very closely with the Brachycephalic Neanderthal Shanidar 5 (SH5) on metrical analysis:


Say hello to Grand-Daddy:


11-05-2016, 07:17 PM
Well i am Mesocephalic then because i am CI 76 , i just include Mesocephalic to Doli because both of them have occipital.

Brachy have not occipital = Asians

Of course some europeans can be Brachy because of the very wide head but still they have occipital so their skull have not this asian shape with
flat skull behind

Ok, whatever. Flat occiputs have nothing to do with Asian admixture.

11-05-2016, 07:18 PM
And whether or not you want to accept it, Oberkassel is brachycranial when you exclude the brow ridge from his otherwise worthless cranial length mewsurement.

Wther you like it or not its irrelevant,the browridge ,rectangular sockets,large bun etc.. are part of archaic traits ,the more reduced the less accentuated they are ,which just proves what i said so far.

11-05-2016, 07:18 PM
Brachy checking in. Models btw generally look like your typical faggots

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 07:21 PM
Wther you like it or not its irrelevant,the browridge ,rectangular sockets,large bun etc.. are part of archaic traits ,the more reduced the less accentuated they are ,which just proves what i said so far.

Reduction has nothing to do with features, and everything to do with metrical size. Additionally, rectangular sockets are modern and not archaic. Archaic humans had tall, circular eye orbits.

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 07:23 PM
Yeah this is true, actually i like Brachy Alpine women because they look more feminine.
But for mens Doli and Meso are the 90% of the models

You are feminine. Brachycephaly is masculine and male. A narrow head is a female characteristic.

11-05-2016, 07:24 PM
Reduction has nothing to do with features, and everything to do with metrical size. Additionally, rectangular sockets are modern and not archaic. Archaic humans had tall, circular eye orbits.
Prove me that cromagnons had circular eye orbits,meanwhile all cromagnon skulls had low heavy rectangular eye orbits.
Reduction means going futher from the older type ,in this case cromagnon.
It is logically to say that some small undeveloped cromagnon examplar (plenty of CM variations that were much more doli..) is closer to cromagnons that the brachy lard Gauge.

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 07:25 PM

11-05-2016, 07:26 PM
We all know what this wave of newfound dolicocephalic "pride" is all about:

First you got fucked by the Brachycephalic Neanderthals, that made you hybrid humans.

Then you got fucked by the Brachycephalic Bell Beaker Dinarics, that made you hybrid pastoralists..

Then you got fucked by the Brachycephalic Mongols, that made you hybrid Eurasians.

Then you got fucked by the Brachycephalic Turks, that made you hybrid Castizos.

Then you got saved by Brachycephalic Harry Truman, that made you Holocaust survivors.

Then you got fucked by the Brachycephalic Jews, that made you hybrid Socialists.

Now you're getting fucked by the Brachycephalic Chinese, that'll make you full blown Mongoloid!


11-05-2016, 07:28 PM

Whats with that reduced skull drawing?Show me book were it says they had circular eye sockets.
""" A distinctive trait was the rectangular eye orbits."""
"""he low rectangular orbits are highly inclined outwardly and downwardly over them falls a uniform, about 8 mm wide,Upper eye bead"""

11-05-2016, 07:29 PM
Dolicocephalic = Negroid admixture.

Is Charles Barkley Dolicocephalic? :)


Is his skull in any way connected to that one of David Robinson?


Before you spread your NORDICIST BULLSHIT, learn something about NEGRO phenotypes you Nazi scum.

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 07:30 PM
Prove me that cromagnons had circular eye orbits,meanwhile all cromagnon skulls had low heavy rectangular eye orbits.
Reduction means going futher from the older type ,in this case cromagnon.
It is logically to say that some small undeveloped cromagnon examplar (plenty of CM variations that were much more doli..) is closer to cromagnons that the brachy lard Gauge.

You don't understand the meaning of the word "archaic". Archaic means non-antatomically modern humans, i.e. Neanderthals and Denisovsns. Cro Magnons were not archaic, they were modern. Not all Cro Magnon skulls have low and rectangular orbits. Predmosti 3, Dolni Vestonice, Oase 2 (oldest "modern" skull in Europe), Solutre, Sungir, etc do not have low orbits.

11-05-2016, 07:31 PM

Left is Doli, right is women Meso

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 07:31 PM
Is Charles Barkley Dolicocephalic? :)


Is his skull in any way connected to that one of David Robinson?


Before you spread your NORDICIST BULLSHIT, learn something about NEGRO phenotypes you Nazi scum.

Yes, you dumbass they are dolicocephalic. These are additionally African Americans with a minimum of 25% White admixture. Learn your Africans, you inferior son of a Borreby.

11-05-2016, 07:33 PM
You don't understand the meaning of the word "archaic". Archaic means non-antatomically modern humans, i.e. Neanderthals and Denisovsns. Cro Magnons were not archaic, they were modern. Not all Cro Magnon skulls have low and rectangular orbits. Predmosti 3, Dolni Vestonice, Oase 2 (oldest "modern" skull in Europe), Solutre, Sungir, etc do not have low orbits.

No,moron ,archaic in the context of cromagnon,can your brachy skull understand this?
And most of those you said were not even cromagnon,already told you before,the Solutre for example was neoltihic settlement with many different types of skulls,Oase 2 was a modern human with neanderthal etc..show me book were they say the cromagnon had circular eye sockets.

11-05-2016, 07:33 PM
Yes, you dumbass. These are additionally African Americans with a minimum of 25% White admixture. Learn your Africans, you inferior son of a Borreby.

Oh "sureeeeeeeeeeee", I knew you will go that way, now Charles Barkley is 25% White ha? That is your explanation?


P.S. And if Borreby "are inferior" than you're crazy, which you obviusly are, not stupid, but crazy for sure.

11-05-2016, 07:33 PM
Yeah this is true, actually i like Brachy Alpine women because they look more feminine.
But for mens Doli and Meso are the 90% of the models

Models are faggots. Take a look at fighters and come talk about real men

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 07:33 PM
Left is Doli, right is women Meso

LOL, nope. Male is Brachy, woman is Doli. Just like it's been since the beginning of time. At least when everyone is healthy, of course.

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 07:35 PM
Oh sureeeeeeeeeeee, I knew you will go this way, now Charles Barkley is 25% White ha? That is your explanation?


P.S. And if Borreby "are inferior" than you're crazy, which you obviusly are, not stupid, but crazy for sure.

There's no explanation to your non-sequitur post, Barkley isn't brachy and if you find an African American who is Doli, it is because of their White admixture. Just reminding you that your dad is Brachycephalic which is undoubtedly the source of your beta male rage against all things normal.

11-05-2016, 07:36 PM
LOL, nope. Male is Brachy, woman is Doli. Just like it's been since the beginning of time. At least when everyone is healthy, of course.

Already proved you are wrong in the earlier thread.
Let me repeat this for the N time,there is NO archaic cromagnon skull that was brachycephalic.

11-05-2016, 07:37 PM

What about this Nigerian team, are they all Dolicocephalic? If not, those who aren't; there must be 25% of AMERICAN WHITE ADMIXTURE IN NIGERIANS ha? You piece of shit lol.


Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 07:37 PM
No,moron ,archaic in the context of cromagnon,can your brachy skull understand this?
And most of those you said were not even cromagnon,already told you before,the Solutre for example was neoltihic settlement with many different types of skulls,Oase 2 was a modern human with neanderthal etc..show me book were they say the cromagnon had circular eye sockets.

Solutre was 20000 years ago dipshit. They invented the famous "Solutrean" culture, known for their bifacial points they hunted mammoths with. Your 85 IQ is showing here. Everyone outside Africa has Neanderfhal admixture.

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 07:38 PM
What about this Nigerian team, are they all Dolicocephalic? If not, they must be 25% of AMERICAN WHITE IN NIGERIANS ha? You piece of shit lol.


Your problem is that you are plum fucking retarded. Yes, they are dolicocephalic. You don't know what dolicocephaly is and you don't know how to spot it.

11-05-2016, 07:39 PM
Solutre was 20000 years ago dipshit. They invented the famous "Solutrean" culture, known for their bifacial points they hunted mammoths with. Your 85 IQ is showing here. Everyone outside Africa has Neanderfhal admixture.

Enjoy your reading,the skulls from solutre you posted are considered alpinized upper paleothic (C3 figure),on top of this solutre showed many types of skulls.

11-05-2016, 07:40 PM

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 07:41 PM
Enjoy your reading,the skulls from solutre you posted are considered alpinized upper paleothic (C3 figure),on top of this solutre showed many types of skulls.

You are wrong. Just admit that you got everything horribly wrong and move on with your miserable life.

11-05-2016, 07:42 PM
There's no explanation to your non-sequitur post, Barkley isn't brachy and if you find an African American who is Doli, it is because of their White admixture. Just reminding you that your dad is Brachycephalic which is undoubtedly the source of your beta male rage against all things normal.

So what if my dad is Brachycephalic (Borreby-Alpine), I am not.

What is you point exactly? Your point is always this: YOU ARE NORDICIST SUPREMACIST, that is your point, and you use everything you know for that goal, that reminds me of one Austrian guy (predominant Alpine guy btw) from 1930's, only he had much more followers than you.

11-05-2016, 07:43 PM
You are feminine. Brachycephaly is masculine and male. A narrow head is a female characteristic.

Yeah your Alpine brachy old man in your avatar are very Masculine but people like Schwarzenegger and Scott Adkins are feminine.
Go kill yourself idiot

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 07:44 PM

So what if my dad is Brachycephalic (Borreby-Alpine), I am not.

What is you point exactly? Your point is always this: YOU ARE NORDICIST SUPREMACIST, that is your point, and you use everything you know for that goal, that reminds me of one Austrian guy from 1930's, only he had much more followers than you.

LOL, your dad isn't Borreby-Alpine. Your dad is Borreby of the Northern European variety. Your mother prefers Northern European cock and she hates you because you came out looking Med. Your mom is a Nordic supremacist.

11-05-2016, 07:45 PM
Your problem is that you are plum fucking retarded. Yes, they are dolicocephalic. You don't know what dolicocephaly is and you don't know how to spot it.


11-05-2016, 07:45 PM
Solutre was 20000 years ago dipshit. They invented the famous "Solutrean" culture, known for their bifacial points they hunted mammoths with. Your 85 IQ is showing here. Everyone outside Africa has Neanderfhal admixture.

You Brachy Albos have score of 83 when Doli Scandinavians have over 103

11-05-2016, 07:45 PM
Croats dont look med, Grab the Chink.

11-05-2016, 07:46 PM
LOL, your dad isn't Borreby-Alpine. Your dad is Borreby of the Northern European variety. Your mother prefers Northern European cock and she hates you because you came out looking Med. Your mom is a Nordic supremacist.

Hahahahhaha oh man... you are better than Seinfeld I swear.

Croats dont look med, Grab the Chink.

His nick should be: Grab the Brain

11-05-2016, 07:48 PM

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 07:48 PM
Yeah your Alpine brachy old man in your avatar are very Masculine but people like Schwarzenegger and Scott Adkins are feminine.
Go kill yourself idiot

Schwarzenegger looks short headed:


Yet he is a long-time steroid abuser going back to his 20s, and is therefore not an adequate example of anything.

11-05-2016, 07:50 PM
LOL, nope. Male is Brachy, woman is Doli. Just like it's been since the beginning of time. At least when everyone is healthy, of course.

You are fucking shit, Men have way longer Skull almost as far as 210 cm when Women are short and smaller head.
Its very rare to find Doli womens

"Actually a dolichocephalic skullshape is probably the most typically ''masculine''. More men than women are dolichocephalic. A large amount of growth hormone and testosterone in the womb/early life often creates a (large and rugged) dolichocephalic skullshape."

You fucking subhuman shit , you need to read some nazi works and stop call yourself european or white

"Georges Vacher de Lapouge (1854–1936), one of the pioneers of scientific theories in this area and a theoretician of eugenics, who in L'Aryen et son role social (1899 - "The Aryan and his social role") divided humanity into various, hierarchized, different "races", spanning from the "Aryan white race, dolichocephalic", to the "brachycephalic" "mediocre and inert" race ..."

11-05-2016, 07:50 PM
So what if my dad is Brachycephalic (Borreby-Alpine), I am not.

What is you point exactly? Your point is always this: YOU ARE NORDICIST SUPREMACIST, that is your point, and you use everything you know for that goal, that reminds me of one Austrian guy (predominant Alpine guy btw) from 1930's, only he had much more followers than you.

Your dad is meso

11-05-2016, 07:51 PM
Schwarzenegger looks short headed:


Yet he is a long-time steroid abuser going back to his 20s, and is therefore not an adequate example of anything.

He is very narrow

11-05-2016, 07:52 PM
lets post dick pics and then you ll see which one's better doli or brach watever

11-05-2016, 07:53 PM
We need to shave his head, i believe he have occipital


11-05-2016, 07:53 PM
You are fucking shit, Men have way longer Skull almost as far as 210 cm when Women are short and smaller head.
Its very rare to find Doli womens

"Actually a dolichocephalic skullshape is probably the most typically ''masculine''. More men than women are dolichocephalic. A large amount of growth hormone and testosterone in the womb/early life often creates a (large and rugged) dolichocephalic skullshape."

You fucking subhuman shit , you need to read some nazi works and stop call yourself european or white

"Georges Vacher de Lapouge (1854–1936), one of the pioneers of scientific theories in this area and a theoretician of eugenics, who in L'Aryen et son role social (1899 - "The Aryan and his social role") divided humanity into various, hierarchized, different "races", spanning from the "Aryan white race, dolichocephalic", to the "brachycephalic" "mediocre and inert" race ..."


Schwarzenegger looks short headed:


Yet he is a long-time steroid abuser going back to his 20s, and is therefore not an adequate example of anything.

Get glasses you blind fuck, he has a very long head, way below 76.

11-05-2016, 07:55 PM
Schwarzenegger looks short headed:





11-05-2016, 07:57 PM





Meanwhile subhuman Brachi







11-05-2016, 07:58 PM




He mean in the occiputal but he is wrong again, Swarg is very narrow so he is Doli for sure

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 08:00 PM
You are fucking shit, Men have way longer Skull almost as far as 210 cm

Few men have a head this long, and when they do it is almost always the result of a brow ridge and never the actual length of the cranial vault. Women have thinner heads than men, and width is a more potent accentuator of brachycephaly than length.

when Women are short and smaller head.
Its very rare to find Doli womens

You are simply wrong here.

"Actually a dolichocephalic skullshape is probably the most typically ''masculine''. More men than women are dolichocephalic. A large amount of growth hormone and testosterone in the womb/early life often creates a (large and rugged) dolichocephalic skullshape."

Said no one ever.

You fucking subhuman shit , you need to read some nazi works and stop call yourself european or white

"European" and "White" no longer carry the same prestige that they once did. Certainly you couldn't insult me by challenging my whiteness. I would much rather be the Chinese guy buying your local copper mine or pimping your little sister, than Vlad Obsoleteovitch, the 5kg dumbbell lifting Gipsy boy with an Afro.

11-05-2016, 08:01 PM

Schwarzenegger always had good advices about natural "phenomenons" such as Grab_The_Cock (Gauge):

http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/5d/5daa2c2d9a5ddd58062a123a8026a8aa3b9076e2c9448a10c0 14e86aa38d1724.jpg


11-05-2016, 08:03 PM
CM vs Grab the Gauge

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 08:03 PM
He mean in the occiputal but he is wrong again, Swarg is very narrow so he is Doli for sure

Nope, he's not dolicocephalic.


Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 08:04 PM
CM vs Grab the Gauge

All bullshit, all the time.

11-05-2016, 08:05 PM
Schwarzenegger always had good advices about natural "phenomenons" such as Grab_The_Cock (Gauge):

http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/5d/5daa2c2d9a5ddd58062a123a8026a8aa3b9076e2c9448a10c0 14e86aa38d1724.jpg


He does bleed,once a month like every women.

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 08:08 PM

Dinarid Stronk.


11-05-2016, 08:09 PM
Nope, he's not dolicocephalic.


Only Stalone is brachy , i forget Statham another Doli

11-05-2016, 08:10 PM

Dinarid Stronk.


His narrow breath make him doli or meso at worst. No way brachy

Also he is German and Germans are Doli

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 08:11 PM
Only Stalone is brachy , i forget Statham another Doli

Stallone is Brachy, Dolph is Brachy, Schwarzenegger is not Doli and planoccipital.

Note also that Schwarzenegger looks like a lil punk next to Sylvester and Dolph, for his narrower skull.

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 08:12 PM
His narrow breath make him doli or meso at worst. No way brachy

Also he is German and Germans are Doli

Most Germans are Brachy. Europe is a chiefly Brachycephalic continent, as are most continents outside Africa.

11-05-2016, 08:14 PM
Stallone is Brachy, Dolph is Brachy, Schwarzenegger is not Doli and planoccipital.

Note also that Schwarzenegger looks like a lil punk next to Sylvester and Dolph, for his narrower skull.

cheap trolling,on the other hand how would you say your sister would look next to my fat dick?

Grab the Gauge
11-05-2016, 08:17 PM
cheap trolling,on the other hand how would you say your sister would look next to my fat dick?

You look like all the Romanian and Hungarian middle earth boys do, which is to say you are dimunitive, wimpy, laughable, etc. Most women would look and feel like a powerlifting gargoyle next to you, which is why women tend to avoid you.

11-05-2016, 08:22 PM
You look like all the Romanian and Hungarian middle earth boys do, which is to say you are dimunitive, wimpy, laughable, etc. Most women would look and feel like a powerlifting gargoyle next to you, which is why women tend to avoid you.

Me and your sister could roleplay as the dolico CM WHG and the shitskin helpless Neolithic invader girl.

11-05-2016, 08:28 PM
Stallone is Brachy, Dolph is Brachy, Schwarzenegger is not Doli and planoccipital.

Note also that Schwarzenegger looks like a lil punk next to Sylvester and Dolph, for his narrower skull.

Dolph is doli as fuck , very narrow and long head.
Swedish are the most doli population in europe.

And true Germans are Doli, look at the north Germany not at the south who is full of alpines

11-05-2016, 08:29 PM
You look like all the Romanian and Hungarian middle earth boys do, which is to say you are dimunitive, wimpy, laughable, etc. Most women would look and feel like a powerlifting gargoyle next to you, which is why women tend to avoid you.

Doli team









Vs the Brachy warriors :

http://static4.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/Growing+up+short+and+fat+with+you+mentally+and+_d3 080b11d31eac741c9bf5109ce52645.jpg








11-05-2016, 08:43 PM

Just Doli Blonde, Blue eyed version of me. LOL

11-05-2016, 08:47 PM
Just Doli Blonde, Blue eyed version of me. LOL


11-05-2016, 08:52 PM


11-05-2016, 08:59 PM


11-05-2016, 09:08 PM

If Neolithics didnt invade Europe, now all girls would look like this.

11-05-2016, 10:14 PM

Pretty girl.

11-05-2016, 10:15 PM
Doli all the way

11-05-2016, 11:03 PM
Pretty girl.


11-05-2016, 11:06 PM

If Horse is your analogy to Doli ppl skulls, bad joke. lol

Anyway, that girl looks like a younger version of this Croatian woman:


Grab the Gauge
11-06-2016, 01:00 AM
Dolph Lundgren isn't dolicocephalic:

Broad headed:


Very short headed:

https://wallpaperscraft.com/image/dolph_lundgren_face_profile_bw_108083_2048x1152.jp g

11-06-2016, 01:01 AM
Dolph Lundgren isn't dolicocephalic:

Broad headed:


Very short headed:

https://wallpaperscraft.com/image/dolph_lundgren_face_profile_bw_108083_2048x1152.jp gIndeed. All of the classic action-movie heroes are brachy or high-meso.

Grab the Gauge
11-06-2016, 01:09 AM
And true Germans are Doli, look at the north Germany not at the south who is full of alpines

North Germany has high frequencies of Borrebies who are brachycephalic and therefore superior.

The greatest center of Borreby concentration lies in the southern part of the Danish peninsula (Jutland), extending into northern Germany. In the midst of this zone lies the island of Fehmarn, which houses a population of exaggerated Borreby phenotype and extreme head dimensions (Fehmarner type). The Borreby is found as a major population element across the entire northern German plain, and a secondary center, which has now more or less disappeared, is located in the southwest, in the vicinity of Stuttgart. The Scandinavian extension of the Borreby population is concentrated in the coastal areas, with a notable survival in Jæren (southwestern Norway; Jæren type). Borreby types are not uncommon the southwestern parts of Sweden, in the general vicinity of Göteborg.

Swedish are the most doli population in europe.

This is not something to bolster about.

Doli team

Mostly second rate actors, steroid abusers, has-beens -- some of whom aren't doli.

Neon Knight
11-06-2016, 01:19 AM
Virtually everyone is doli in the British Isles.

Grab the Gauge
11-06-2016, 01:22 AM
Virtually everyone is doli in the British Isles.

You couldn't be more wrong.

11-06-2016, 01:57 AM
This is what Grab the Gauge is looking for,Lundgren in the movie Skin Trade,a scene where he looks at his inuries after a fire explosion,but thats irrelevant,look at the head shape.

Absolute Brachy

11-06-2016, 01:03 AM
Im doli, Pontid + Others here

11-06-2016, 01:16 AM
CI: 80, meso

Grab the Gauge
11-06-2016, 01:18 AM
The Minds that Powered the 19th and 20th Centuries

Immanuel Kant


Maximilien Robespierre


Friedrich Nietzsche


Arthur Schopenhauer


Nikola Tesla




Albert Einstein




Arthur Compton




Charles Babbage




First Man to Travel in Space




First Men to Walk on Moon




Grab the Gauge
11-06-2016, 01:26 AM
Men who's Work will Radically Alter the 21st Century and your Life

Sumio Iijima




Shunpei Yamazaki




Isamu Akasaki




Joseph Engelberger




11-06-2016, 01:29 AM
Indeed. All of the classic action-movie heroes are brachy or high-meso.

Dolph is the epitome of narrow and long Horse Face, you are fucking joke

11-06-2016, 01:30 AM
The Minds that Powered the 19th and 20th Centuries

Immanuel Kant


Maximilien Robespierre


Friedrich Nietzsche


Arthur Schopenhauer


Nikola Tesla




Albert Einstein




Arthur Compton




Charles Babbage




First Man to Travel in Space




First Men to Walk on Moon




Stop trolling moron, noone of them are Brachy.

Grab the Gauge
11-06-2016, 01:38 AM
Say hello to Mr. Superior Competitor! You are looking at the man of the futute.


Thanks to him, the number of dolicocephalic individuals on planet Earth is projected to decrease to near zero by the year 2100.

11-06-2016, 01:51 AM
Say hello to Mr. Superior Competitor! You are looking at the man of the futute.


Thanks to him, the number of dolicocephalic individuals on planet Earth is projected to decrease to near zero by the year 2100.

Your mongolian race will took over the world ??

You claim to be white european and then you team up with the yellow dwarfs .MORON

11-06-2016, 01:52 AM
Kurgan say hello to my dick, you fucking pussy run run run

Grab the Gauge
11-06-2016, 01:53 AM
Have you seen them? It's the future of high-class air travel.™



All seats reserved exclusively for Brachycephalic Individuals.

11-06-2016, 01:56 AM
Have you seen them? It's the future of high-class air travel.™



All seats reserved exclusively for Brachycephalic Individuals.

Mongolia will be great again, nice for you pig

11-06-2016, 02:02 AM
Kurgan say hello to my dick, you fucking pussy run run runStrong words from a 56kg Gracile-med.

Poise n Pen
11-06-2016, 02:03 AM
No way aldrin and armstrong are brachi lol

11-06-2016, 02:12 AM
Strong words from a 56kg Gracile-med.

I am 1.84 Atlando-Med 85 kg

i can add you in facebook if you have the nuts, pussy

Grab the Gauge
11-06-2016, 02:14 AM
No way aldrin and armstrong are brachi lol

They're as Brachy as the Moon itself.




11-06-2016, 02:17 AM
Thry're as Brachy as the Moon.




Where are the brachy idiot?? They are Meso at best.
Especially the first one is pure doli

11-06-2016, 02:18 AM
No way aldrin and armstrong are brachi lol

He is a troll from Mongolia, dont waste your time

Poise n Pen
11-06-2016, 02:18 AM
Thry're as Brachy as the Moon itself.




In your fantasies only. Neither one is remotely borreby or any other type that is brachy, and the pics do not show this (not that you can easily tell anyway).

They show armstrong having a projecting brow and look how far the back of his skull goes beyond the ears lol. For true brachs there is barely anything past the ears.

11-06-2016, 02:19 AM
I am 1.84 Atlando-Med 85 kg

i can add you in facebook if you have the nuts, pussyYou are the pussy who tells people to link their facebook before you do it yourself.

11-06-2016, 02:22 AM
In your fantasies only. Neither one is remotely borreby or any other type that is brachy, and the pics do not show this (not that you can easily tell anyway).

They show armstrong having a projecting brow and look how far the back of his skull goes beyond the ears lol. For true brachs there is barely anything past the ears.There is.
Dolicho or Meso skulls are far longer than that.

11-06-2016, 02:22 AM
You are the pussy who tells people to link their facebook before you do it yourself.

you have pm

11-06-2016, 02:25 AM
you have pmAfter you

11-06-2016, 02:27 AM
After you

I sent you fucking idiot, your mongolian mind dont working?

Grab the Gauge
11-06-2016, 02:28 AM
In your fantasies only. Neither one is remotely borreby or any other type that is brachy, and the pics do not show this (not that you can easily tell anyway).

They show armstrong having a projecting brow and look how far the back of his skull goes beyond the ears lol. For true brachs there is barely anything past the ears.

Please face it, Buzz Aldrin is Brachycephalic. He's also planoccipital as you can see from his profile. Wernher von Braun is also Brachycephalic:


11-06-2016, 02:28 AM
I sent you fucking idiot, your mongolian mind dont working?You sent shit, idiot:


11-06-2016, 02:29 AM
You sent:


yes speak to me in pm not here, moron

11-06-2016, 03:00 AM
Please face it, Buzz Aldrin is Brachycephalic.

No he is not, and when you accept that it will one small step for @Grab the Gauge, but one giant leap for Brachycephalic ppl.

11-06-2016, 03:02 AM
I am 1.84 Atlando-Med 85 kg

i can add you in facebook if you have the nuts, pussy

I doubt. You are tall like davai, a midget. And of course, a tanned olive skinned. A typical creature of Asia Minor.

Grab the Gauge
11-06-2016, 03:12 AM
No he is not, and when you accept that it will one small step for @Grab the Gauge, but one giant leap for Brachycephalic ppl.

Yes he is. He is an 80.5 Brachycephalic, here is next to an actual dolicocephal:


Grab the Gauge
11-06-2016, 03:15 AM
Buzz Aldrin next to another Dolicocuck.


11-06-2016, 03:27 AM
Yes he is. He is an 80.5 Brachycephalic, here is next to an actual dolicocephal:


I was joking, in fact ... I also think he is Brachycephalic.

11-06-2016, 03:33 AM
I doubt. You are tall like davai, a midget. And of course, a tanned olive skinned. A typical creature of Asia Minor.

Who invite you here ?? Everyone know that you are a midget of 1.70 cm

11-06-2016, 03:34 AM
Please face it, Buzz Aldrin is Brachycephalic. He's also planoccipital as you can see from his profile. Wernher von Braun is also Brachycephalic:


Will you ever stop to post crap ?? Go back to Mongolia

Grab the Gauge
11-06-2016, 03:40 AM
Will you ever stop to post crap ?? Go back to Mongolia

Mongolia's coming back to you. Mongolia's gonna kick in your front door... Tonight!

11-06-2016, 03:46 AM
Mongolia's coming back to you. Mongolia's gonna kick in your front door... Tonight!

Ok ok , i am going to bang your sister now. bye bye

11-06-2016, 03:57 AM

11-06-2016, 04:05 AM
Who invite you here ?? Everyone know that you are a midget of 1.70 cm

Ade ri kariola gamisu. Giftos.

11-06-2016, 04:08 AM
Ok ok , i am going to bang your sister now. bye bye

Someone bann this gypsy. It's very offensive this language used by gypsy. Go fuck your grandmother because your mom with the bunch of your gypsy sisters are working hard in the highway.

11-06-2016, 04:09 AM
There are basically no predominantly dolichocephalic populations in Europe, look towards Africa and other negroid influenced areas for them.
Darknesslost and others here still confuse cephalic and facial index btw.

11-06-2016, 04:10 AM
Ade ri kariola gamisu. Giftos.

Shut up and suck it

11-06-2016, 04:12 AM
Shut up and suck it

Tanned and olive skinned, aka giftoula.

11-06-2016, 04:12 AM
There are basically no predominantly dolichocephalic populations in Europe, look towards Africa and other negroid influenced areas for them.
Darknesslost and others here still confuse cephalic and facial index btw.

Ετσι πηγαινε με τα αδερφια σου τουρκοσπορε μαλακα

11-06-2016, 04:14 AM
Someone bann this gypsy. It's very offensive this language used by gypsy. Go fuck your grandmother because your mom with the bunch of your gypsy sisters are working hard in the highway.

I fuck your whole family and piss in the grave of your dead's

11-06-2016, 04:17 AM
Ετσι πηγαινε με τα αδερφια σου τουρκοσπορε μαλακα
Ηρεμα λουλη, μην συγχυζεσαι. Το ενα σου ποστ ειναι χειροτερο απ'το αλλο, ωρα να εγκαταλειψεις το φορουμ.

11-06-2016, 04:18 AM
Ηρεμα λουλη, μην συγχυζεσαι. Το ενα σου ποστ ειναι χειροτερο απ'το αλλο, ωρα να εγκαταλειψεις το φορουμ.

Ρε τραβα γαμησου αρμενο-καζανοκεφαλε , αντε πισω στον καυκασο η στην αλβανια

11-06-2016, 04:51 AM
Ρε τραβα γαμησου αρμενο-καζανοκεφαλε , αντε πισω στον καυκασο η στην αλβανια

Hahahahahaha. What a proud gypsy. Go with the bunch of your brothers and search for food in garbage. You are a transvestit gyftos.

11-06-2016, 04:59 AM
Hahahahahaha. What a proud gypsy. Go with the bunch of your brothers and search for food in garbage. You are a transvestit gyftos.

You are the most gay in whole Apricity, go fuck your mother now

11-06-2016, 05:03 AM
I,m mesophalic, between 75-80. Nor brachy, nor doli.

11-06-2016, 05:04 AM
You are the most gay in whole Apricity, go fuck your mother now

Where is your mom? Bring here and i will fuck her in the nose and ear. Gypsy.

11-06-2016, 05:12 AM
I,m mesophalic, between 75-80. Nor brachy, nor doli.

Brachy is over 82 , 80-81 is meso, under 80 Doli


Grab the Gauge
11-06-2016, 05:18 AM
Brachy is over 82 , 80-81 is meso, under 80 Doli


LOL, shit chart.

11-06-2016, 05:53 AM
Have you seen them? It's the future of high-class air travel.™



All seats reserved exclusively for Brachycephalic Individuals.ayy lmao thats how we got here my nigga


11-06-2016, 06:11 AM
So which one is better? :rolleyes:

Poise n Pen
11-06-2016, 06:46 AM
Buzz Aldrin next to another Dolicocuck.


Damn, he looks like a jew there. And middle name is eugene. I think you are right on this one anyway, but not armstrong.

11-06-2016, 07:57 AM
I don't have the tools to make proper measurements but it appears I am dolichocephalic, hypsicephalic, acrocephalic, leptoprosopic, leptene, leptorrhine, aristencephalic.

11-06-2016, 08:53 AM
They're as Brachy as the Moon itself.




It is not a coincidence that these guys went to Moon. This is the type that has pushed Mankind forward throughout it's history.

As a general tendency brachycephaly is linked with high headedness, whereas dolicocephaplics are lowheaded.

It is well researched that broad-headedness is linked with aggression and tenaciousness. They have high testosterone and are dominant. At the same we know that parts that deal with self awareness and self control are located at the upper parts of the brain. This is the ideal combination: aggression and limitless drive combined with high self awareness.

Lowheaded dolicocephalics are basically bitches. Zero drive and constantly on their periods, resulting in regular massive chimpouts. You can observe this type in your typical black ghetto.

11-06-2016, 09:04 AM
High headed brachycephalic master race:


This is the RIGHT STUFF

11-06-2016, 09:20 AM
yep High Headed Brachycephalic Masterace




11-06-2016, 10:24 AM
Brachy is over 82 , 80-81 is meso, under 80 Doli


So I am doli.

11-06-2016, 10:35 AM
I'm dolichocephalic

11-06-2016, 03:44 PM
It is not a coincidence that these guys went to Moon. This is the type that has pushed Mankind forward throughout it's history.

As a general tendency brachycephaly is linked with high headedness, whereas dolicocephaplics are lowheaded.

It is well researched that broad-headedness is linked with aggression and tenaciousness. They have high testosterone and are dominant. At the same we know that parts that deal with self awareness and self control are located at the upper parts of the brain. This is the ideal combination: aggression and limitless drive combined with high self awareness.

Lowheaded dolicocephalics are basically bitches. Zero drive and constantly on their periods, resulting in regular massive chimpouts. You can observe this type in your typical black ghetto.

Here is goming the Finish mongolian , do you know that Doli have highter Testosterone than the Feminine asian Brachy's right ???

Mediteraneans have the highter Testosterone and they are the most aggressive .
Your girls fucked from muslims and stay calm like true beta

asian males have the lowest testosterone in the world

11-06-2016, 04:16 PM
Here is goming the Finish mongolian , do you know that Doli have highter Testosterone than the Feminine asian Brachy's right ???

Mediteraneans have the highter Testosterone and they are the most aggressive .
Your girls fucked from muslims and stay calm like true beta

asian males have the lowest testosterone in the world

Fullstop. When the push comes to shove meds are the most feminine pussified race in face of the world, and there's nothing more to it. In WWII we fought one of the biggest war machines in the world and did not flinch a motherfucking inch. That was because of our strong masculine anti-med culture and men. What you guys do for fun is run after a rubber ball like niggers. Diving and shit, Jesus. This is what we do for fun:



11-06-2016, 04:23 PM
Team Brachy would mop the floor with Team Dolicho so far. Even 10 vs 30.

11-06-2016, 04:26 PM
Fullstop. When the push comes to shove meds are the most feminine pussified race in face of the world, and there's nothing more to it. In WWII we fought one of the biggest war machines in the world and did not flinch a motherfucking inch. That was because of our strong masculine anti-med culture and men. What you guys do for fun is run after a rubber ball like niggers. Diving and shit, Jesus. This is what we do for fun:




11-06-2016, 04:55 PM

Yeah, this is true. Out of all big hockey nations Finns have the reputation on winning games on toughness and grittiness and less so on skill. I think Canadians at least like to think that they are still the toughest :D but certainly the reputation has been since forever (or at least from days of Tikkanen) that Finns are toughest Euros when it comes to hockey.

I have to say, I don't like how the national team plays these days. In recent years they have adopted this super passive, regulated defensive form, where they are just basically waiting for opponent to make mistakes, sitting in a turtle defense. 10-15 years ago it was much more gung-ho, and when they got their engines running it was beautiful to watch: super aggressive dump & chase, blades of fire, borderline illegal dirty hits trying to get the opposing team superstars loose their temper ala Ruutu Brothers. Anarchy and chaos on ice, sweet days :)

11-06-2016, 05:29 PM
Team Brachy would mop the floor with Team Dolicho so far. Even 10 vs 30.

I saw your feminine face so shut the fuck up gay

11-06-2016, 05:31 PM
Fullstop. When the push comes to shove meds are the most feminine pussified race in face of the world, and there's nothing more to it. In WWII we fought one of the biggest war machines in the world and did not flinch a motherfucking inch. That was because of our strong masculine anti-med culture and men. What you guys do for fun is run after a rubber ball like niggers. Diving and shit, Jesus. This is what we do for fun:



The only ones who fought brave in the war of WW2 was the Greeks when finish was pussies

1. "For the sake of historical truth I must verify that only the Greeks, of all the adversaries who confronted us, fought with bold courage and highest disregard of death.." - Adolf Hitler (speech he gave at Reichstag, 4 May 1941)

2. "The word heroism I am afraid does not render the least of those acts of self-sacrifice of the Greeks, which were the defining factor in the victorious outcome of the common struggle of the nations, during WWII, for the human freedom and dignity. If it were not for the bravery of the Greeks and their courage, the outcome of WW II would be undetermined." - Winston Churchill (speech to British Parliament, 24 April 1941)

3. "Until now we used to say that the Greeks fight like heroes. Now we shall say: The heroes fight like Greeks."
- Winston Churchill (From a speech he delivered from the BBC in the first days of the Greco-Italian war)

4. "I am sorry because I am getting old and I shall not live long to thank the Greek People, whose resistance decided WW II." - Joseph Stalin (From a speech of his broadcast by the Moscow radio station on 31 January 1943 after the victory of Stalingrad and the capitulation of German 6th Army Field Marshal Von Paulus)

5. "If the Russian people managed to raise resistance at the doors of Moscow to halt and reverse the German torrent, they owe it to the Greek People, who delayed the German divisions during the time they could bring us to our knees." - Georgy Constantinovich Zhoukov (Field Marshal of the Soviet Army: Quote from his memoirs on WWII)

6. "Regardless of what the future historians shall say, what we can say now, is that Greece gave Mussolini an unforgettable lesson, that she was the motive for the revolution in Yugoslavia, that she held the Germans in the mainland and in Crete for six weeks, that she upset the chronological order of all German High Command's plans and thus brought a general reversal of the entire course of the war and we won."
- Sir Robert Antony Eden (Minister of War and the Exterior of Britain 1940-1945, Prime Minister of Britain 1955-1957 - Paraphrased from a speech of his to the British Parliament on 24/09/1942)

7. "It would not be an exaggeration to say that Greece upset the plans of Germany in their entirety forcing her to postpone the attack on Russia for six weeks. We wonder what would have been Soviet Union's position without Greece." - Sir Harold Leofric George Alexander (British Field Marshal during WWII -Paraphrased from a speech of his to the British parliament on 28 October 1941)

8. "I am unable to give the proper breadth of gratitude I feel for the heroic resistance of the People and the leaders of Greece." - Charles de Gaul (From a speech of his to the French Parliament after the end of WWII).

9. "Greece is the symbol of the tortured, bloodied but live Europe. Never a defeat was so honorable for those who suffered it." - Maurice Schumann Minister of the exterior of France 1969-1973, member of the French Academy 1974 (From a message of his he addressed from the BBC of London to the enslaved peoples of Europe on 28 April 1941, the day Hitler occupied Athens after a 6-month war against Mussolini and six weeks against Hitler).

10. "You fought unarmed and won, small against big. We owe you gratitude, because you gave us time to defend ourselves. As Russians and as people we thank you." - Moscow, Radio Station When Hitler attacked the U.S.S.R

11. "The war with Greece proved that nothing is firm in the military and that surprises always await us."
- Benito Mussolini (From speech he delivered on 10/5/1941)

12. "On the 28th of October 1940 Greece was given a deadline of three hours to decide on war or peace but even if a three day or three week or three year were given, the response would have been the same. The Greeks taught dignity throughout the centuries. When the entire world had lost all hope, the Greek people dared to question the invincibility of the German monster raising against it the proud spirit of freedom."
- Franklin D Roosevelt, US President 1933 - 1945

13. "The heroic struggle of the Greek people... Against Germany 's attack, after she so thunderously defeated the Italians in their attempt to invade the Greek soil, filled the hearts of the American people with enthusiasm and moved their compassion." - Franklin D Roosevelt, US President 1933 - 1945

14. **** On 10 April 1941, after the Greek capitulation to Germany, the northern forts of Greece surrendered. The Germans express their admirations to Greek soldiers, declared that they were honored and proud to have as their adversary such an Army and request that the Greek commandant inspect the German army in a demonstration of honor and recognition! The German flag was raised only after the complete withdrawal of the Greek Army ****

15. A German officer of the air force declared to the commander of the Eastern Macedonia division group, Lieutenant General Dedes, that the Greek Arm was the first army on which the Stuka fighter planes did not cause panic.
"Your soldiers" he said, "instead of fleeing frantically, as they did in France and Poland, were shooting at us from their positions."

11-06-2016, 05:45 PM
The only ones who fought brave in the war of WW2 was the Greeks when finish was pussies

Stop embarassing yourself :D

11-06-2016, 05:48 PM
Brachy is masculine, long heads are classic school shooter incel phenotype, they look so fragile.

11-06-2016, 05:49 PM

11-06-2016, 05:59 PM
Well thing is you don't need bravery in war. War is a thinking man's game. In the words of Lieutenant Koskela: Just be calm, and don't shit yourself. Panicking will only get you in trouble.
It has been noted that Finnish Army was considerably less hierarchical than other armies in WWII. The Unknown Soldier (both the book and the movie) was among other things, a study in different leadership styles. Koskela exemplifies the man of the people. He was able to create an air of extreme calmness among his men. I think this laid back style was very important for the success Finnish Army had in WWII


Poise n Pen
11-07-2016, 07:30 AM

11-14-2016, 06:21 PM
Where is your mom? Bring here and i will fuck her in the nose and ear. Gypsy.



11-19-2016, 06:13 PM
As long as your white/aryan with lots of money (like 90% of em do without working) your good (no matter what headshape)

But if your a Nigger with a long Dick with average to no money (about 99% of em, working motives depends) than you are a piece of shit

If you are Mixed, and you look good and work hard (but has a hard time making money due to limitations) and have average money than you too are still a piece of shit

thats the reality, welcome to the western world bitches

Also a very Western thing is to get offended by these facts

11-19-2016, 06:27 PM
As long as your white/aryan with lots of money (like 90% of em do without working) your good (no matter what headshape)

But if your a Nigger with a long Dick with average to no money (about 99% of em, working motives depends) than you are a piece of shit

If you are Mixed, and you look good and work hard (but has a hard time making money due to limitations) and have average money than you too are still a piece of shit

thats the reality, welcome to the western world bitches

Also a very Western thing is to get offended by these facts


11-19-2016, 06:28 PM
And how does all this matter in any way?
23 Pages of people discussing heads? :picard1:

11-19-2016, 06:29 PM
As long as your white/aryan with lots of money (like 90% of em do without working) your good (no matter what headshape)

But if your a Nigger with a long Dick with average to no money (about 99% of em, working motives depends) than you are a piece of shit

If you are Mixed, and you look good and work hard (but has a hard time making money due to limitations) and have average money than you too are still a piece of shit

thats the reality, welcome to the western world bitches

Also a very Western thing is to get offended by these facts

I would rephrase the word "facts".
There is a lot of racism in our society unfortunatly, but i wouldn't go that extreme.

Grab the Gauge
11-19-2016, 06:37 PM
And how does all this matter in any way?
23 Pages of people discussing heads? :picard1:

West Eurasian people are very sensitive to head shapes after that humiliation the Mongol hordes dealt them hundreds of years ago. NEVAR AGAIN!!!!!!!!

11-19-2016, 06:46 PM


11-19-2016, 06:49 PM
Dolicocephals are product of degenerate trend, they would not have survived in an ancient enviroment.

11-19-2016, 06:58 PM
Dolicocephals are product of degenerate trend, they would not have survived in an ancient enviroment.

So Vikings and Slavs are degenarate trent, the superior one are the small Alpines and mongols

11-19-2016, 07:03 PM
So Vikings and Slavs are degenarate trent, the superior one are the small Alpines and mongols

Actually yes, vikings were biggest pussies in the history of Europe, robbed unprotected villages and monasteries than run away before real army arrived.
No wonder their descedants are low T cucks who get AMOGed by Somalis, who got their whore woman raped by muslims on their streets in front of them.
Slavs were cucked hard by Mongols so I don't see what are you trying to say.

11-19-2016, 07:05 PM
So Vikings and Slavs are degenarate trent, the superior one are the small Alpines and mongols

with your long Dolichocephalic head, you'd think you'd have a brain inside it.
And actually, east asians Brachycephalics have the highest IQs in the world, so yes, they are technically more superior.

11-19-2016, 11:22 PM
with your long Dolichocephalic head, you'd think you'd have a brain inside it.
And actually, east asians Brachycephalics have the highest IQs in the world, so yes, they are technically more superior.

I am Mesocephalic but i see Doli as superior, more beautifull and more clever.
Anyway i score 130 in iq tests and i challenge you anytime

Doli Europeans are superior than Mongols for sure

11-19-2016, 11:28 PM
Actually yes, vikings were biggest pussies in the history of Europe, robbed unprotected villages and monasteries than run away before real army arrived.
No wonder their descedants are low T cucks who get AMOGed by Somalis, who got their whore woman raped by muslims on their streets in front of them.
Slavs were cucked hard by Mongols so I don't see what are you trying to say.

Vikings and Slavs were pussies, lol ok man.

What about doli Meditteraneans ?? They had the best civilizations in the world when mongols lived in the steppes.

Also mongol "warriors" were mostly raiders, run only with horses and hit from far away with arrows.
Never fight face to face like Spartans or Romans. This is pussy act

11-19-2016, 11:33 PM
Well I think Im meso leaning to brachy.......so Brachycephalic lol
FOR THE HORDE! :fhhorse:

11-19-2016, 11:48 PM
Well I think Im meso leaning to brachy.......so Brachycephalic lol
FOR THE HORDE! :fhhorse:

The calculation to doli and brachy are wrong.
If you have occupital bone you are doli european


I am CI 77 and i bevieve until 80 are doli, over 83 is brachy for sure

11-19-2016, 11:50 PM
to me it doesnt matter much tbh.

I am happy with being brachy

11-20-2016, 12:11 AM
many women are Dolichocephalic. Brachycephalic don't is feminine, is the opposite

11-20-2016, 12:40 AM
many women are Dolichocephalic. Brachycephalic don't is feminine, is the opposite

Most womens are brachy and also they have shorter face.WTF

Mens have bigger head

Grab the Gauge
11-20-2016, 01:00 AM
Most womens are brachy and also they have shorter face.WTF

Mens have bigger head

You continue to be wrong, and don't forget that bqchycephalic heads are larger:

Cranial size and shape

S. P. Pickering (Correlation of brain and head measurements, and relation of brain shape and size to shape and size of the head, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Volume 15, Issue 1, Date: October/December 1930, Pages: 1-52):

It is general knowledge that an increase in brain size runs parallel with an increase in head size and with a change from dolichocephaly to brachycephaly as we ascend the scale from the anthropoids to modern man. This appears primarily to be a volume phenomenon.

A. Thomson (quoted in the above paper) notes that:

Given a cavity of oval or ellptical form with elastic walls, the more its contents are increased the greater will be the tendency to assume a spherical shape.

Pickering studied cadavers and their weight and volume directly, rather than relying on estimations from cephalic measurements:

The specimens used in this work gave an average capacity for dolichocephalic skulls of 1402.8 cc.; for mesocephalic, 1474.8 and for brachycephalic, 1520.6 cc.

The same tendency was shown in the size of the brains. The average size of the brains in this series was for the dolichocephalic heads, 1135.4 cc.; for the mesocephalic, 1144.2 cc., and for the brachycephalic, 1180.7 cc.

The figures show a marked increase from the dolichocephalic to the brachycephalic type. Though the number of specimens of the dolichocephalic type is not sufficient to be conclusive proof, the fact that brachycephaly runs parallel with an increase in brain and head size is very evident.


Grab the Gauge
11-20-2016, 01:12 AM
Dolicocephals are product of degenerate trend, they would not have survived in an ancient enviroment.

Ancient skulls were brachycephalic indeed, and more capacious.

Neanderthals were brachycephalic:

When measured from ophyron, a point on the frontal bone behind the browridges, the crania of these Neanderthals have the following lengths: three males, 193, 186, 187; three females, 185, 183, 186 mm. These are shorter than the French Upper Palaeolithic means, taken from the same point, of 195.6 mm. for males, and 188.6 mm. for females. The cranial indices calculated from these lengths are, in five out of eight Neanderthal cases, above 80.0. Thus there was, in the Neanderthal group as we know it, a brachycranial, or brachycerebral, tendency in brain form. That it may have done so in the case of the French brachycephals, notably Solutré #2, which has a cranial length of 182.5 mm., is by no means more than a suggestion.

Dolicocephalic Skhul V subhuman (left) vs Brachycerebral Neanderthal (Amud 1)
The Neanderthals exterminated the Skhul subhumans 90,000 years ago



Ancient North Africans were also Brachycerebral:



Dolicocephaly is a recent degeneration indeed. Modern brachycephalic people avoided this downward spiral.

Grab the Gauge
11-20-2016, 01:14 AM
Dolicocephalic vs Brachycephalic



11-20-2016, 01:21 AM
Ancient skulls were brachycephalic indeed, and more capacious.

Neanderthals were brachycephalic:

Dolicocephalic Skhul V subhuman (left) vs Brachycerebral Neanderthal (Amud 1)
The Neanderthals exterminated the Skhul subhumans 90,000 years ago



Ancient North Africans were also Brachycerebral:



Dolicocephaly is a recent degeneration indeed. Modern brachycephalic people avoided this downward spiral.

Neaderdals and Cromagnons were both Doli , you are the most idiot is Appricity

Grab the Gauge
11-20-2016, 01:26 AM
Neaderdals and Cromagnons were both Doli , you are the most idiot is Appricity

You are wrong. Neanderthals were extremely brachy, Cro Magnons inherited brachycephalic breadth from them.


Grab the Gauge
11-20-2016, 01:29 AM
Mitochondrial African Eve Doli whore Qafzeh 9 for Brachy Neanderthals:



History repeats itself. All of human history consists of Brachycephalic men bossing Dolicocephalic women around.

Grab the Gauge
11-20-2016, 01:35 AM
Klaus Barbie the Butcher of Lyon kills doli "warrior"



the daughter of a French Resistance leader based in Lyon recounts her father's torture by Barbie: her father was beaten and skinned alive, and his head was immersed in a bucket of ammonia; he died shortly afterward.[4]

We're gonna put you the Dolicocephalic Death Chamber

11-20-2016, 01:38 AM
You are wrong. Neanderthals were extremely brachy, Cro Magnons inherited brachycephalic breadth from them.


You are so idiot that i must stop speak to you and also they must ban you because you are clueless and lier


Cromagnon were extreme Doli, not just Doli. Open your fucking eyes and shut the fuck up

Grab the Gauge
11-20-2016, 01:43 AM
Another Doli "warrior" killed



Barbie 'boasted of hunting down Che'
The CIA made use of a Nazi war criminal's anti-guerrilla skills

De Castro adds that Barbie had little respect for Che Guevara. 'Altmann said once, "This poor man wouldn't have survived at all if he fought in the Second World War. He was a pitiful adventurer, nothing like his popular image. The people have turned him into a myth, a great figure. But what has he actually achieved? Absolutely nothing".


11-20-2016, 01:46 AM
Another Doli "warrior" killed



