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View Full Version : Roma fighting to not be deported from Germany, does that make sense?

11-07-2016, 12:51 AM
Many Roma went to Germany in the past 10 years and they get usually deported, but they are fighting to stay. I follow Roma Organisations etc. Does that even make sense, because they will be replaced from the countries they lived in 500 years and longer like Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria etc. The first roma in Serbia were recorded under Car Dusan I think. Even if they stay in Germany will in long term it help them?

https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/15016416_1480531841960142_6658870136420384534_o.jp g

Poise n Pen
11-07-2016, 01:07 AM
Welfare states are going to collapse eventually, and then what happens? It is a fool's paradise which has no future.

Germany especially I would not want to go to, if/when they cast of jacobin shackles things could get very ugly.

11-07-2016, 01:08 AM
Why not go back home to India? Will people in their homeland welcome them there? :rolleyes:

11-07-2016, 01:12 AM
I think the germans should expel or exterminate Roma men and force the women to marry germans. In few generations their blood will be diluted and it's better to mix with them who are probably predominantly european (few are pure south asian) than with turks and arabs.

11-07-2016, 01:15 AM
Gypsies tend to integrate very well in western europe, they should all move there and stay instead of being discriminated and having a middle ages way of living in the east.

11-07-2016, 01:17 AM
Why not go back home to India? Will people in their homeland welcome them there? :rolleyes:

Ask the Indian members, I dont know if they would welcome them.

11-07-2016, 01:20 AM
Gypsies tend to integrate very well in western europe, they should all move there and stay instead of being discriminated and having a middle ages way of living in the east.

They get deported though. Almost 100% of Roma get deported. Western Europe has more opportunities etc. and more diverse setting, its easier to find a job and integrate but for how long? At one point the western europeans wont take anymore foreigners anymore either. What will happen in 50 in 100 years etc.?