View Full Version : Donald Trump: Make me in Bankrupty Tonight.

11-07-2016, 10:02 AM
He needs to fall down in bankruptcy, so vote for Clinton. Thanks.

11-07-2016, 11:51 AM
Im seriously rooting for Trump now.

As a man of the law I can never stand up for a criminal.Not just Hillary,the whole Clinton family is a crooked mess.I was all for Bernie until that wench screwed him over.She and her crew are currently bullying the FBI into not releasing finds until the votes are over.

11-07-2016, 11:53 AM
Also a huge drop of respect for president Obama,instead of being in office doing his job as president he's out campaigning for Hillary.


11-07-2016, 05:01 PM
Im seriously rooting for Trump now.

As a man of the law I can never stand up for a criminal.Not just Hillary,the whole Clinton family is a crooked mess.I was all for Bernie until that wench screwed him over.She and her crew are currently bullying the FBI into not releasing finds until the votes are over.

You use to be more liberal a long time ago. What's happened? Even so, Trump is 1000 times worst than Clinton.

11-07-2016, 05:04 PM
Besides, I want to see how his gold digger leaves him when he falls down in bankruptcy.

11-07-2016, 05:06 PM
You use to be more liberal a long time ago. What's happened? Even so, Trump is 1000 times worst than Clinton.

How is opposing Hillary determine anyone's political standing,do you know how many from inside the Democrat party oppose her,along with people who have been voting Democrat their whole life,they won't vote Hillary.

Trump is not even near as degenerate as the Clintons.

Poise n Pen
11-07-2016, 05:06 PM
He never went to bankruptcy that is a lie they keep repeating for some reason.

11-07-2016, 05:08 PM
He never went to bankruptcy that is a lie they keep repeating for some reason.

I hope this time he will go to bankruptcy.

Grab the Gauge
11-07-2016, 05:10 PM
After Donald Trump is elected, Artabro is going in a gas chamber.

11-07-2016, 05:10 PM
Democrats(Former Bernie Bros) for Trump


Poise n Pen
11-07-2016, 05:11 PM
After Donald Trump is elected, Artabro is going in a gas chamber.

If only.

11-07-2016, 05:13 PM
After Donald Trump is elected, Artabro is going in a gas chamber.

I know there are mods with extra accounts. That's all I want to say.

Poise n Pen
11-07-2016, 05:13 PM
Democrats(Former Bernie Bros) for Trump


Trump is actually more like JFK than he is like any well known republicans. Democrat party is basically the corrupt oligrach party at this point. Actually republican party is too but trump is outsider.

Colonel Frank Grimes
11-07-2016, 05:14 PM
He needs to fall down in bankruptcy, so vote for Clinton. Thanks.

Anyone who looked at Clinton's e-mails would not vote for Clinton. Trump is the lesser of two evils.

11-07-2016, 05:27 PM
I don't really like Clinton, I find her artificial and fake, but she is more suitable for the president of the US. America is a great country, I really admire the US, but with a president like Trump, the US will become in a pseudo democracy as Russia. With Trump as president, America will lose the technological/scientific leadership. The proof of that is Clinton clearly wins among university graduates.

Colonel Frank Grimes
11-07-2016, 05:39 PM
I don't really like Clinton, I find her artificial and fake, but she is more suitable for the president of the US. America is a great country, I really admire the US, but with a president like Trump, the US will become in a pseudo democracy as Russia. With Trump as president, America will lose the technological/scientific leadership. The proof of that is Clinton clearly wins among university graduates.

Like I've said before, anyone who has looked at her emails would not vote for this woman.

11-07-2016, 05:43 PM
Lmao This is who is running Clinton campaign.

https://s16.postimg.org/ak06lalph/IMG_0229.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/awrkrh3z5/)free adult image hosting (https://postimage.org/)

11-07-2016, 05:56 PM
Rednecks and anti jew losers with low IQ are going to vote for Trump, so Clinton is the right decision, definitely.

11-07-2016, 06:01 PM
Im seriously rooting for Trump now.

As a man of the law I can never stand up for a criminal.Not just Hillary,the whole Clinton family is a crooked mess.I was all for Bernie until that wench screwed him over.She and her crew are currently bullying the FBI into not releasing finds until the votes are over.

Oh please as if Trump was so pure and pristine

Hillary has an e-mail issue largely outsized by hysterical partisan rhetoric but Trump is not better. Let's see, he mocks a disabled American, conspires with Putin to disrupt American elections, talks filth about women and to women, believes taxes are for chumps - the middle class and the poor and not for billionaires and the privileged, produces his goods outside the US, hires undocumented workers and buys steel for his building form the Chinese. There is no low bar for Trump's supporters xD

11-07-2016, 06:05 PM
Oh please as if Trump was so pure and pristine

Hillary has an e-mail issue largely outsized by hysterical partisan rhetoric but Trump is not better. Let's see, he mocks a disabled American, conspires with Putin to disrupt American elections, talks filth about women and to women, believes taxes are for chumps - the middle class and the poor and not for billionaires and the privileged, produces his goods outside the US, hires undocumented workers and buys steel for his building form the Chinese. There is no low bar for Trump's supporters xD

the clinton is "worse" for the shit that happened outside the us

11-07-2016, 06:05 PM
Lmao This is who is running Clinton campaign.

https://s16.postimg.org/ak06lalph/IMG_0229.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/awrkrh3z5/)free adult image hosting (https://postimage.org/)


♥ Lily ♥
11-07-2016, 06:10 PM
Oh please as if Trump was so pure and pristine

Hillary has an e-mail issue largely outsized by hysterical partisan rhetoric but Trump is not better. Let's see, he mocks a disabled American, conspires with Putin to disrupt American elections, talks filth about women and to women, believes taxes are for chumps - the middle class and the poor and not for billionaires and the privileged, produces his goods outside the US, hires undocumented workers and buys steel for his building form the Chinese. There is no low bar for Trump's supporters xD

At least he's not a criminal paedophile rapist. Can't get much lower in life than child rapists.

Paedophiles like Hillary's husband that she defends and supports makes me puke. Those traumatised females who said Bill Clinton raped them as children said they're absolutely terrified of Hillary becoming the US president as she made their lives a hell.

I don't know how anyone with any decency can support and vote for criminal rapist paedophiles to run a country. :puke:

Corrupt Hillary supporters clearly don't care about bringing justice to child rapists though, otherwise if they cared they wouldn't vote for paedophiles.

11-07-2016, 06:19 PM

I told you, there is a massive pedophile ring.....

I pray this will get blown out into the open, you should shock yourself and google missing children annually....

11-07-2016, 06:25 PM
Oh please as if Trump was so pure and pristine

Hillary has an e-mail issue largely outsized by hysterical partisan rhetoric but Trump is not better. Let's see, he mocks a disabled American, conspires with Putin to disrupt American elections, talks filth about women and to women, believes taxes are for chumps - the middle class and the poor and not for billionaires and the privileged, produces his goods outside the US, hires undocumented workers and buys steel for his building form the Chinese. There is no low bar for Trump's supporters xD

Lets break down your hysterics into actual fact, I am really having a hard time imagining you in a court room at this point volver, honestly now.

-all guys talk like that to other guys, it's guy talk, nothing more. CLINTON on the other hand, DESTROYED EVIDENCE IN BILLS RAPE CASE....ITS ON VIDEO HER ADMITTING IT.
-trump has never spoken to Putin nor ever even BEEN to Russia. CLINTON on the other hand, has a PLUTONIUM deal with Russia, that Russia CANCELLED because of the corruption surrounding it.....
- does his taxes the same way all rich people do, which is perfectly legal and is how CLINTON does them, except the clinton foundation.....start looking into that

You very obviously don't know what you are talking about, at all, in fact and it's getting outright pathetic.

11-07-2016, 06:28 PM
At least he's not a criminal paedophile rapist. Can't get much lower in life than child rapists.

Paedophiles like Hillary's husband that she defends and supports makes me puke. Those traumatised females who said Bill Clinton raped them as children said they're absolutely terrified of Hillary becoming the US president as she made their lives a hell.

I don't know how anyone with any decency can support and vote for criminal rapist paedophiles to run a country. :puke:

Corrupt Hillary supporters clearly don't care about bringing justice to child rapists though, otherwise if they cared they wouldn't vote for paedophiles.

You would burn him at the stake without evidence. Very sad.

♥ Lily ♥
11-07-2016, 06:39 PM
You would burn him at the stake without evidence. Very sad.

So you're branding every one of these traumatised females and child victims of rape as being 'liars'? :confused:


Don't you think he should stand in a court trial hearing where he can be cross-examined by both a prosecution and a defence team, given all the accusations against him? Oh, Hillary destroyed most of the evidence.

Hillary is corrupt and she's a warmonger.

She doesn't hold a Bachelor of Science qualification in Economics like Trump does, to know how to create jobs and sort-out the current economic mess in the US. She only cares about the bankers on Wall St, and appeasing muslims, and shipping US jobs to China.

She even had the gall to refer to the abusive Islamic ideology as being a 'religion of peace' - proving that she's a liar. Next she'll want to impose Sharia Law in the US.

She doesn't even have the decency to respect the democratic Brexit vote of the British people, and she branded Trump supporters as being 'deplorables' which is one of the strongest verbal attacks ever on the American voter.


11-07-2016, 07:52 PM
Oh please as if Trump was so pure and pristine

Hillary has an e-mail issue largely outsized by hysterical partisan rhetoric but Trump is not better. Let's see, he mocks a disabled American, conspires with Putin to disrupt American elections, talks filth about women and to women, believes taxes are for chumps - the middle class and the poor and not for billionaires and the privileged, produces his goods outside the US, hires undocumented workers and buys steel for his building form the Chinese. There is no low bar for Trump's supporters xD

Still,hes not a criminal,he has not broken the law he swears to uphold as president and has not commited treason as the FBI directored called it by making classified information vunerable to enemies of America.Ands thats far from the end of it for the Clintons's reight of terror.

Im not even going to get into Bill's sexual predator past,or the devastation his foreign politics caused when he was president.

11-07-2016, 08:07 PM
Trump's funny, but I'm afraid Clinton's gonna win this time

11-07-2016, 08:16 PM
So you're branding every one of these traumatised females and child victims of rape as being 'liars'? :confused:


Don't you think he should stand in a court trial hearing where he can be cross-examined by both a prosecution and a defence team, given all the accusations against him? Oh, Hillary destroyed most of the evidence.

Hillary is corrupt and she's a warmonger.

She doesn't hold a Bachelor of Science qualification in Economics like Trump does, to know how to create jobs and sort-out the current economic mess in the US. She only cares about the bankers on Wall St, and appeasing muslims, and shipping US jobs to China.

She even had the gall to refer to the abusive Islamic ideology as being a 'religion of peace' - proving that she's a liar. Next she'll want to impose Sharia Law in the US.

She doesn't even have the decency to respect the democratic Brexit vote of the British people, and she branded Trump supporters as being 'deplorables' which is one of the strongest verbal attacks ever on the American voter.


I respect your opinion, but the US doesn't need a Brexit. America is leader in science and technology, and reamains as the most prosperous country in the world, so why risk it all? Trump fits better in pseudo democracies as Venezuela or Russia. I confide in American citizens and I hope they'll vote for Clinton tomorrow.

♥ Lily ♥
11-07-2016, 08:21 PM
I respect your opinion, but America doesn't need a Brexit.

:confused: Brexit is about UK independence from the unelected EU government. The US is already independent. How would you like it if the US was still a British colony and if the US was governed from another nation where you couldn't elect the leader? :confused: (You'd be angry too, so you're in no position as an independent nation of people yourselves to condemn Brexit!)

The least Clinton could do was politely respect the British peoples voting descision, rather than arrogantly condemn our desire to be independent.

The US isn't governed by foreign unelected Presidents living in other nations, like we have in the illegal dictatorship EU states.

EU presidents are receiving an even higher salary than Barack Obama receives, and they make the laws for over 500 million Europeans. (See vid clip: 'Who are you Mr President?! Who voted for you?! Many people in Europe don't even know who you are - nor have ever heard your name - yet you're on a higher salary than Obama!' ↓)

At least American citizens get to elect the people who will make the vast majority of the laws in the US and can get the chance to elect their presidents.

We don't want 'wet rags' :P and unelected rule from foreign countries making our UK laws for us in Brussels. ↓ We don't want the dish-rag EU national flag (or being fined for flying our own UK flag on an EU-nationalist day.)

We don't want their crappy 'O Sole Mio' EU national anthem, nor their EU passport and open-borders, nor their euro currency, and foreign EU dictators removing democratically-elected leaders and entire governments in other nations and replacing them with pro-EU puppet-governments, and anti-democratic EU dictators who forced the Irish to have a revote on the Lisbon Treaty - until they got the vote they wanted.

We want to run our own country and have our laws made in our own parliament by politicians who we elect to govern our country.

That's why I made many videos in support of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) for years on YT, and voted for independence in the Brexit referendum.


11-07-2016, 08:29 PM
:confused: Brexit is about UK independence from the unelected EU government. The US is already independent.

The least Clinton could do was politely respect the British peoples voting descision, rather than arrogantly condemn our desire to be independent.

The US isn't governed by unelected Presidents, like we have in the dictatorship EU states. EU presidents receive a bigger salary than Barack Obama, and they make the laws for 500 million Europeans.

At least American citizens get to elect the people who will make the vast majority of the laws in the US and can get the chance to elect their presidents.

We don't want 'wet rags' from foreign country making our laws for us in Brussels ↓


The important thing is British people voted for brexit (I had probably voted for Brexit too if I were British) and I hope the British Parliament respect the result of the vote. But I totally disagree with you about America. As I have said before: America is leader in science and technology, and remains as the most prosperous country in the world, so why risk it all? Trump fits better in pseudo democracies as Venezuela or Russia. I confide in American citizens and I hope they'll vote for Clinton tomorrow.

Armenian Bishop
11-07-2016, 08:46 PM
Im seriously rooting for Trump now.

As a man of the law I can never stand up for a criminal.Not just Hillary,the whole Clinton family is a crooked mess. I was all for Bernie until that wench screwed him over. She and her crew are currently bullying the FBI into not releasing finds until the votes are over.

I was leaning toward Trump, after the 3rd Party candidates failed to win my overwhelming confidence. About 2 weeks ago, I made a definite decision to vote for Trump. Now, I'm more certain, and I'll definitely vote for Trump. But, it's not really about the email scandals, despite that it makes her look very bad. It's simply that I prefer much of what Trump advocates, as a presidential candidate. The sharpest and best example of this is about the foreign policy statements and actions of the two candidates. Hillary's record, as Secretary of State was Hawkish and Globalist. She looks like a rubber stamp for the CIA, Pentagon and New World Order. Trump on the other hand, wants to build bridges, and cooperate with Russia to extinguish ISIL.

As for Bernie Sanders, I voted for him in the California Primary.

♥ Lily ♥
11-07-2016, 08:51 PM
The important thing is British people voted for brexit (I had probably voted for Brexit too if I were British) and I hope the British Parliament respect the result of the vote. But I totally disagree with you about America. As I have said before: America is leader in science and technology, and remains as the most prosperous country in the world, so why risk it all? Trump fits better in pseudo democracies as Venezuela or Russia. I confide in American citizens and I hope they'll vote for Clinton tomorrow.

I respect it's a decision for the US people to decide, but I still think that warmongering paedophile rapists should be held accountable for their crimes. Remember that whoever the American people vote for to be their leader will have an impact on the rest of the planet too.

Do you not care about what happened to people in Eastern Europe when NATO bombed Yugoslavia when Bill Clinton was the US leader? No, you only care about yourselves. Hillary Clinton is a warmonger and she's making a lot of enemies of the US and is harming US international relationships with other countries - President Putin hates her too.

You don't even care about the feelings of Bill Clinton's victims of child rape.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
11-07-2016, 08:57 PM
You use to be more liberal a long time ago. What's happened? Even so, Trump is 1000 times worst than Clinton.

Trump Pros:
- Fun to watch.
- Sense of humor.
- Isn't Hillary Clinton.
- Will stand up for the 2nd Amendment.
- Will stand up for school choice.
- Overall good for FREEDOM.

Trump Cons:
- Socioconservative.
- Overall bad for EQUALITY.

Hillary Pros:
- Socioliberal.
- Overall good for EQUALITY.

Hillary Cons:
- Boring.
- Low energy.
- No sense of humor.
- Will be a bad President for the 2nd Amendment.
- Will be a bad President for school choice.
- Overall bad for FREEDOM.

The way I see it, this is a FREEDOM vs EQUALITY election. Ideally, you want both. Unfortunately, neither candidate will give us both. Only one or the other. If you want a big brother police state but you want civil rights, then vote Clinton. If you don't want a big brother police state but you are okay with less civil rights, vote Trump. On a side note at least Trump is fun to watch. The choice is yours, America.

I really don't like either one, but there's pros and cons to both.

11-07-2016, 09:01 PM
Trump Pros:
- Fun to watch.
- Sense of humor.
- Isn't Hillary Clinton.
- Will stand up for the 2nd Amendment.
- Will stand up for school choice.
- Overall good for FREEDOM.

Trump Cons:
- Socioconservative.
- Overall bad for EQUALITY.

Hillary Pros:
- Socioliberal.
- Overall good for EQUALITY.

Hillary Cons:
- Boring.
- Low energy.
- No sense of humor.
- Will be a bad President for the 2nd Amendment.
- Will be a bad President for school choice.
- Overall bad for FREEDOM.

The way I see it, this is a FREEDOM vs EQUALITY election. Ideally, you want both. Unfortunately, neither candidate will give us both. Only one or the other. If you want a big brother police state but you want civil rights, then vote Clinton. If you don't want a big brother police state but you are okay with less civil rights, vote Trump. On a side note at least Trump is fun to watch. The choice is yours, America.

I really don't like either one, but there's pros and cons to both.

Hahaha, what a cynical!

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
11-07-2016, 09:02 PM
Those who will vote for Hillary are the kinds of people who are willing to sacrifice their freedoms (which are taken for granted) for civil rights.

Those who will vote for Trump are the kinds of people who are willing to sacrifice their civil rights (which are very important especially if you are LGBT or whatever) for freedom (freedom as in gun rights, school choice, basically freedom is the antithesis of big government).

Ideally you want freedom and equality. I'd like to have strong civil rights and have a progressive country with regards to social issues, but I also wouldn't want a big government, I don't want to lose the right to bear arms, and I wouldn't want to lose the right to school choice and so on and so forth. Unfortunately in this election, you literally have to choose which one you want. That can be very hard especially say if you are LGBT. People like me value freedom just as much as we value our civil rights and equality. They don't mean that much if we don't have our guns to defend ourselves or have the freedom to choose which school our children (if we have them) will go to. Freedom and Equality go hand in hand, we need both.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
11-07-2016, 09:03 PM
Hahaha, what a cynical!

Yes, I am cynical and proud of it!

Fuck these two candidates. They are horrible!

11-07-2016, 09:08 PM
My real thoughts: only ignorants rednecks, who believe that Trump is going to do something for them, but in reality his only interest is amends laws to improve his business, and low IQ people will vote for Trump.

11-07-2016, 09:09 PM
Whoever Strasser votes for, is gonna win. 1/4 Balkan LGBT is the highest turnout demographic.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
11-07-2016, 09:09 PM
My real thoughts: only ignorants rednecks, who believe that Trump is going to do something for them, but in reality his only interest is amends laws to improve his business, and low IQ people will vote for Trump.

You are just as much of a doofus for supporting that blasted Hillary Clinton.

The most corrupt person in politics.

I was actually for her for a bit (I've jumped around) but I have settled on this conclusion: Freedom and Equality are equally important. Voting for one or the other is simply wrong. I cannot support either candidate in good conscience. I look forward to a good race, that's it. I am not rooting for one or the other.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
11-07-2016, 09:10 PM
Whoever Strasser votes for, is gonna win. 1/4 Balkan LGBT is the highest turnout demographic.


Poise n Pen
11-07-2016, 09:12 PM
Those who will vote for Hillary are the kinds of people who are willing to sacrifice their freedoms (which are taken for granted) for civil rights.

Those who will vote for Trump are the kinds of people who are willing to sacrifice their civil rights (which are very important especially if you are LGBT or whatever) for freedom (freedom as in gun rights, school choice, basically freedom is the antithesis of big government).

Ideally you want freedom and equality. I'd like to have strong civil rights and have a progressive country with regards to social issues, but I also wouldn't want a big government, I don't want to lose the right to bear arms, and I wouldn't want to lose the right to school choice and so on and so forth. Unfortunately in this election, you literally have to choose which one you want. That can be very hard especially say if you are LGBT. People like me value freedom just as much as we value our civil rights and equality. They don't mean that much if we don't have our guns to defend ourselves or have the freedom to choose which school our children (if we have them) will go to. Freedom and Equality go hand in hand, we need both.

How much more equal can you be? I would worry more about universities and job situation being stacked against whites than about rights in some nebulous gay pride parade kind of way. Gays always had it easy in USA, anyone saying otherwise is repeating propaganda.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
11-07-2016, 09:20 PM
How much more equal can you be? I would worry more about universities and job situation being stacked against whites than about rights in some nebulous gay pride parade kind of way. Gays always had it easy in USA, anyone saying otherwise is repeating propaganda.

I disagree. There is rampant bias against LGBTs in America from my observations.

At any rate, since there is no way to actually PROVE that, I suggest we anonymize job applications or interviews or whatever. That way there is no way employers CAN discriminate. And that way technically straight white etc. folks don't have to feel like they are getting a bum steer.

Poise n Pen
11-07-2016, 09:22 PM
I disagree. There is rampant bias against LGBTs in America from my observations.

At any rate, since there is no way to actually PROVE that, I suggest we anonymize job applications or interviews or whatever. That way there is no way employers CAN discriminate. And that way technically straight white etc. folks don't have to feel like they are getting a bum steer.

I don't think that could work for jobs, but it would be a great idea for universities.

♥ Lily ♥
11-07-2016, 09:25 PM
There is rampant bias against LGBTs in America from my observations.

... from the muslims.

https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-05fc2d26acbb48fd681ecf1c62f3fc41?convert_to_webp=t rue



Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
11-07-2016, 09:30 PM
... from the muslims.

https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-05fc2d26acbb48fd681ecf1c62f3fc41?convert_to_webp=t rue



I'm giving this a thumb up because it is true.

TBH though it's not just from the Muslims. It's a sad situation, and I know that in the MEDIA and in UNIVERSITIES LGBTs are treated like kings and queens but I assure you this is NOT the case in say, the work world or just anywhere that isn't a university. It's actually pretty bad and I can say from the people I know.

But yes, Muslims are a problem. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a dolt. Muslim Americans have been polled and the majority still think homosexuals are 'immoral'. It is a problem. I totally agree.

11-07-2016, 09:32 PM
I don't think that could work for jobs, but it would be a great idea for universities.

Do you really think Trump is going to do something for white people in the US, as that border wall? Seriously? You're so naif! He has tried to gain votes of ignorant rednecks, that's all. His only interest is his business.

Poise n Pen
11-07-2016, 09:32 PM
I'm giving this a thumb up because it is true.

TBH though it's not just from the Muslims. It's a sad situation, and I know that in the MEDIA and in UNIVERSITIES LGBTs are treated like kings and queens but I assure you this is NOT the case in say, the work world or just anywhere that isn't a university. It's actually pretty bad and I can say from the people I know.

But yes, Muslims are a problem. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a dolt. Muslim Americans have been polled and the majority still think homosexuals are 'immoral'. It is a problem. I totally agree.

In educated fields like IT and medicine there are lots of gays. But yeah I bet it is really hard in many fields that are not filled with educated people.

11-07-2016, 09:34 PM
I am surprised at how none of you know that AlQaeda incited its followers to commit a terror attack to kill voters in this election. I have heard on italian tv about how the authorities are increasing the security for the next voting round but they didnt mention any terroristic threat.

Alqaeda incited this on its magazine

Poise n Pen
11-07-2016, 09:35 PM
Even europe practically comes out with death to usa chants at this point. No one even notices if it is muslims, they do that every day of the week.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
11-07-2016, 09:39 PM
In educated fields like IT and medicine there are lots of gays. But yeah I bet it is really hard in many fields that are not filled with educated people.

It really depends where you are. Places where the people are not educated, yes, it is much rougher.

I should also add I think there is a bit of a diff in Gay vs Trans. I think there is more Gay acceptance. I think eventually Trans will be just as accepted, too, but at the moment Gay people seem to be ahead in terms of society's acceptance, at least from what I can see. That's an opinion of course.

So, say if you're Gay vs if you're Trans your experiences might be more negative.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
11-07-2016, 09:40 PM
Do you really think Trump is going to do something for white people in the US, as that border wall? Seriously? You're so naif! He has tried to gain votes of ignorant rednecks, that's all. His only interest is his business.

TBH nobody cares what you think. First of all you're not even living in the US. Your opinion doesn't really matter.

It would be like me commenting about Spanish politics. Sure, I can, but my opinion wouldn't mean as much because I don't know as much, you know, because I don't actually live there.

Armenian Bishop
11-07-2016, 09:44 PM
Also a huge drop of respect for president Obama, instead of being in office doing his job as president he's out campaigning for Hillary...

I regretted voting for Obama, in November, 2008. I regretted it within 4 months after he entered the White House. I didn't repeat that mistake, in 2012. But, Obama doesn't break or bend rules with his endorsement. Incumbent presidents are permitted to endorse former cabinet members of their administrations.

11-07-2016, 09:45 PM
I don't understand why (most)Indians online are hostile towards Trump. On one hand they'll post memes shitting on pakistan and on the other they'll say trump is evil
Why would you be anti-Trump if you're anti-Pakistan? :confused:

11-07-2016, 09:45 PM
I'm giving this a thumb up because it is true.

TBH though it's not just from the Muslims. It's a sad situation, and I know that in the MEDIA and in UNIVERSITIES LGBTs are treated like kings and queens but I assure you this is NOT the case in say, the work world or just anywhere that isn't a university. It's actually pretty bad and I can say from the people I know.

But yes, Muslims are a problem. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a dolt. Muslim Americans have been polled and the majority still think homosexuals are 'immoral'. It is a problem. I totally agree.

It is indeed a problem but islamophobia can worsen the situation if it degenerates.
Let me explain, the terrorists are extremely happy to see so many muslims fleeing in Europe and other western countries ... mostly because there will be more potential "lone wolves" (now the issue isnt really the first generation, made up of victims, but the future ones who will have a hard time to integrate in society)
with the terrorist attacks the discrimination against muslims obviously increases and this leads to more "lone wolves" and "jihadists" , not only that but this situation might degenerate in a situation where there will be attacks against random muslims or "random woggy people" this would incite even more the increase of the terrorists who might see in the wahhabi groups their only protector .

now what I think we should do is limiting the income of foreigners, the refugees can live in nearby muslim countries like Lebanon or Egypt, and try to integrate the muslim minority as much as we can while increasing our counter terrorism
and sending forces in muslims countries to fight the terrorists. Of course the last point sounds to me more like something utopistic than realizable , but we can still make my other two plans to happen, by voting more moderate politicians who protest against mass immigration.

It's unthinkably dumb to pretend to have the duty to allow the immigration of more foreigners while
1- many non ethnically european but EU citizens are discriminated and have a hard time finding a job, thus pushing them to illegal activities and so increasing racism and terrorism
2- the newcomers are left on the streets because there is a limited budget for them or no one is going to employ them

11-07-2016, 09:46 PM
TBH nobody cares what you think. First of all you're not even living in the US. Your opinion doesn't really matter.

It would be like me commenting about Spanish politics. Sure, I can, but my opinion wouldn't mean as much because I don't know as much, you know, because I don't actually live there.

Then why are you on TA? You are not even living in Europe, an European forum... I don't really think so, but I'm following your logic... OTH, the US are too important; American politics affects the whole planet. Besides, I opened this thread... You can open a new thread for only Americans.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
11-07-2016, 09:52 PM
It is indeed a problem but islamophobia can worsen the situation if it degenerates.
Let me explain, the terrorists are extremely happy to see so many muslims fleeing in Europe and other western countries ... mostly because there will be more potential "lone wolves" (now the issue isnt really the first generation, made up of victims, but the future ones who will have a hard time to integrate in society)
with the terrorist attacks the discrimination against muslims obviously increases and this leads to more "lone wolves" and "jihadists" , not only that but this situation might degenerate in a situation where there will be attacks against random muslims or "random woggy people" this would incite even more the increase of the terrorists who might see in the wahhabi groups their only protector .

now what I think we should do is limiting the income of foreigners, the refugees can live in nearby muslim countries like Lebanon or Egypt, and try to integrate the muslim minority as much as we can while increasing our counter terrorism
and sending forces in muslims countries to fight the terrorists. Of course the last point sounds to me more like something utopistic than realizable , but we can still make my other two plans to happen, by voting more moderate politicians who protest against mass immigration.

It's unthinkably dumb to pretend to have the duty to allow the immigration of more foreigners while
1- many non ethnically european but EU citizens are discriminated and have a hard time finding a job, thus pushing them to illegal activities and so increasing racism and terrorism
2- the newcomers are left on the streets because there is a limited budget for them or no one is going to employ them

I agree with your plan, I think that is what needs to happen.

I like Trump's idea of having the gulf states (more culturally similar to the refugees) taking them in rather than us, as we are drastically culturally different to them (ie it's a recipe for disaster).

The existing Muslims, we should try to assimilate as best we can I guess. As for standard Muslim immigration, we need to think about how valuable it is to the economy. They can probably continue to come, but we have to keep an eye on it.

11-07-2016, 09:57 PM
Lol, irrelevant sort of, but thought this was funny


11-08-2016, 12:33 AM
Lets break down your hysterics into actual fact, I am really having a hard time imagining you in a court room at this point volver, honestly now.

-all guys talk like that to other guys, it's guy talk, nothing more. CLINTON on the other hand, DESTROYED EVIDENCE IN BILLS RAPE CASE....ITS ON VIDEO HER ADMITTING IT.
-trump has never spoken to Putin nor ever even BEEN to Russia. CLINTON on the other hand, has a PLUTONIUM deal with Russia, that Russia CANCELLED because of the corruption surrounding it.....
- does his taxes the same way all rich people do, which is perfectly legal and is how CLINTON does them, except the clinton foundation.....start looking into that

You very obviously don't know what you are talking about, at all, in fact and it's getting outright pathetic.

- No consent and groping and kissing women without their permission qualifies as sexual assault: "You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful (women) – I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait", “I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there. And she was married", "You can do anything. … Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything". Trump is expressing his entitlement to women's bodies, and describing how he takes - kisses, grabs - what he wants from women when he wants it. You'd struggle to come up with a more explicit description of sexual harassment. Can you please link me to this supposed video you're talking about? Can't find it anywhere.

- Donald Trump bragged twice in 2014 about meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and even receiving a gift from him. He apparently has forgotten now xD Yet just two years ago, Trump was all too eager to let people know he got along famously with Russia’s iron-fisted leader. Speaking at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., Trump told reporters he spoke “indirectly and directly” with Putin during a recent Moscow visit for the Miss Universe pageant. At a CPAC Trump speech the same year, he said Putin sent him “a beautiful present with a beautiful note” during that Moscow trip.
Trump is basically Putin's puppet. The more he talks the more we learn his policies align with Putin. From Crimea to Ukraine, to Syria and crucially, to NATO.
Any American who cares about his country and democracy in general should be appalled. Putin has got to be positively salivating at the prospect of Donald Trump being president, because he's already proven that he can play Trump like a $2 harmonica just by calling him a "genius"! Only a moron could be bought off at such a cheap price, but Donald Trump bought it hook, line and sinker. He's Putin's punk, and he always will be.

- Trump avoided paying taxes on as much as $916 million in income. It appears that he gave his creditors shares of his failing businesses to avoid taxes on hundreds of millions of dollars they granted him in debt relief. Dishonest Don always looks for crooked schemes to do what ordinary taxpayers have to do: PAY TAXES xD Add to that a long list of infractions that he gets away with: not paying contractors and workers, bilking partners and investors, using his Foundation (which he doesn't financially support) for personal items and legal bills, appearing at charity events and then not making donations.

You very obviously don't know what you are talking about, at all, in fact and it's getting outright pathetic.

Poise n Pen
11-08-2016, 12:40 AM
Do you really think Trump is going to do something for white people in the US, as that border wall? Seriously? You're so naif! He has tried to gain votes of ignorant rednecks, that's all. His only interest is his business.

We had no trouble enforcing border in the past, then suddenly when clinton came into officer it was impossible, and doubly so with obongo.

Poise n Pen
11-08-2016, 12:43 AM
It is indeed a problem but islamophobia can worsen the situation if it degenerates.
Let me explain, the terrorists are extremely happy to see so many muslims fleeing in Europe and other western countries ... mostly because there will be more potential "lone wolves" (now the issue isnt really the first generation, made up of victims, but the future ones who will have a hard time to integrate in society)
with the terrorist attacks the discrimination against muslims obviously increases and this leads to more "lone wolves" and "jihadists" , not only that but this situation might degenerate in a situation where there will be attacks against random muslims or "random woggy people" this would incite even more the increase of the terrorists who might see in the wahhabi groups their only protector .

now what I think we should do is limiting the income of foreigners, the refugees can live in nearby muslim countries like Lebanon or Egypt, and try to integrate the muslim minority as much as we can while increasing our counter terrorism
and sending forces in muslims countries to fight the terrorists. Of course the last point sounds to me more like something utopistic than realizable , but we can still make my other two plans to happen, by voting more moderate politicians who protest against mass immigration.

It's unthinkably dumb to pretend to have the duty to allow the immigration of more foreigners while
1- many non ethnically european but EU citizens are discriminated and have a hard time finding a job, thus pushing them to illegal activities and so increasing racism and terrorism
2- the newcomers are left on the streets because there is a limited budget for them or no one is going to employ them

Ultimately there's too many people on earth and ten times so with uneducated people, and europe and now USA are very crowded places. If there is anywhere to immigrate to it is africa, that is the only place that is not already full up.

11-08-2016, 12:50 AM
Viewed from the outside, this whole American election is a circus. The one is as corrupt as the other and both of them lead the public by the nose, like the donkey and the carrot. So many promises but forever out of reach. There is nothing in this world I hate more than politicians. It doesn't matter which side they represent because in essence they are all the same. They come in different packages with different messages but inside they are rotten to the core. Whether it comes in the package of Trump, Clinton, Zuma, Kim Jong or Merckel, the only people they are representing are themselves and meeting their own ends. No single politician in the world has the good of the people they lead in their minds. It's about acquiring personal wealth. They dupe the masses into believing that they are making wise and informed choices. The devil's biggest victory was convincing people he didn't exist. It is the same with politicians. They are all liars, frauds and hypocrites.

You can wrap up a piece of shit in pretty packaging. That doesn't change it from still being a piece of shit.

Poise n Pen
11-08-2016, 12:57 AM
Viewed from the outside, this whole American election is a circus. The one is as corrupt as the other and both of them lead the public by the nose, like the donkey and the carrot. So many promises but forever out of reach. There is nothing in this world I hate more than politicians. It doesn't matter which side they represent because in essence they are all the same. They come in different packages with different messages but inside they are rotten to the core. Whether it comes in the package of Trump, Clinton, Zuma, Kim Jong or Merckel, the only people they are representing are themselves and meeting their own ends. No single politician in the world has the good of the people they lead in their minds. It's about acquiring personal wealth. They dupe the masses into believing that they are making wise and informed choices. The devil's biggest victory was convincing people he didn't exist. It is the same with politicians. They are all liars, frauds and hypocrites.

You can wrap up a piece of shit in pretty packaging. That doesn't change it from still being a piece of shit.

It's in your own interest to protect your own country. The reason we don't get that any more is a combination of corruption and politicians who are not really americans and just don't give a shit what happens to it. Trump has no interest to open the borders up, quite the opposite. I don't care if he steals 10 billion dollars directly, but the way the clintons will do anything for a million here or there can cause way more harm than that.

It's easy to cop out and surrender to slave mentality but the only thing it will get you is extinction, and I am not talking about race when I say that, though it applies there as well.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
11-08-2016, 01:05 AM
Viewed from the outside, this whole American election is a circus. The one is as corrupt as the other and both of them lead the public by the nose, like the donkey and the carrot. So many promises but forever out of reach. There is nothing in this world I hate more than politicians. It doesn't matter which side they represent because in essence they are all the same. They come in different packages with different messages but inside they are rotten to the core. Whether it comes in the package of Trump, Clinton, Zuma, Kim Jong or Merckel, the only people they are representing are themselves and meeting their own ends. No single politician in the world has the good of the people they lead in their minds. It's about acquiring personal wealth. They dupe the masses into believing that they are making wise and informed choices. The devil's biggest victory was convincing people he didn't exist. It is the same with politicians. They are all liars, frauds and hypocrites.

You can wrap up a piece of shit in pretty packaging. That doesn't change it from still being a piece of shit.

Trump is not corrupt. He is incorruptible. Hillary is the one that is bought by Boeing that wants her to go to war with Russia so they can make massive profits (so long as they are certain that they will win).

If Trump was out for himself he wouldn't scuttle his family business by running for President.

11-08-2016, 05:36 AM
Viewed from the outside, this whole American election is a circus. The one is as corrupt as the other and both of them lead the public by the nose, like the donkey and the carrot. So many promises but forever out of reach. There is nothing in this world I hate more than politicians. It doesn't matter which side they represent because in essence they are all the same. They come in different packages with different messages but inside they are rotten to the core. Whether it comes in the package of Trump, Clinton, Zuma, Kim Jong or Merckel, the only people they are representing are themselves and meeting their own ends. No single politician in the world has the good of the people they lead in their minds. It's about acquiring personal wealth. They dupe the masses into believing that they are making wise and informed choices. The devil's biggest victory was convincing people he didn't exist. It is the same with politicians. They are all liars, frauds and hypocrites.

You can wrap up a piece of shit in pretty packaging. That doesn't change it from still being a piece of shit.

Thank you. Finally, someone whose not a retard.

11-08-2016, 05:56 AM
Anyone who looked at Clinton's e-mails would not vote for Clinton. Trump is the lesser of two evils.

I'm not impressed with the leaks so far. They really haven't told us a thing about Clinton's character we didn't already know.

11-08-2016, 05:57 AM
Thank you. Finally, someone whose not a retard.


11-08-2016, 06:08 AM

Oh my god. What have I become? WHAT HAVE I BECOME?!?!

Colonel Frank Grimes
11-08-2016, 02:06 PM
I'm not impressed with the leaks so far. They really haven't told us a thing about Clinton's character we didn't already know.

To have her on record acknowledging she has a public face and a private face on the issues is important. It's important because over a politicians character is based on perception but when you have direct evidence (their words themselves in private and the thoughts of people nearest to her who work with her) no can argue over perception.

These aren't even the biggest revelations from the e-mail dump in my opinion.


Colonel Frank Grimes
11-08-2016, 02:07 PM
Oh my god. What have I become? WHAT HAVE I BECOME?!?!

Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame.