View Full Version : Classify these Greek actors.

11-12-2016, 09:46 PM



one on the right

11-12-2016, 10:03 PM
Slavs - Baltids

11-12-2016, 10:05 PM
Slavs - Baltids

Huh? Always thought them as Indid.

11-13-2016, 12:24 AM
Meds and Dinarids

11-13-2016, 12:52 AM
1, Dinaro-Pontid
2, Gracile Med
3, Cappadochian Med/Anatolid+Slight Arabid
4, Asiatic Alpine

Seth MacFarlane
11-13-2016, 12:59 AM
1 . could be french (2nd pic )
2. Distinct greek look aegan med
3. Dinaro med , could be italian as well
4. Alpine med

Queen B
11-13-2016, 02:43 PM
2. :heartbea::heartbea::love0020::love0020::love0020: :heartbea::heartbea:

11-13-2016, 02:49 PM
2. :heartbea::heartbea::love0020::love0020::love0020: :heartbea::heartbea:

I saw him in Stathmos Larisis,he was eating next to me in Everest,4 years ago :D I kind of had a wtf moment because i recognised him after a second and he WINKED at me


Queen B
11-13-2016, 02:53 PM
I saw him in Stathmos Larisis,he was eating next to me in Everest,4 years ago :D I kind of had a wtf moment because i recognised him after a second and he WINKED at me

Giiiil, you cracked me up with the photo. I chocked the coffee :lol:

Ohhh~, lucky you . You should have winked back ... He is so freaking sexy :lovehearts::lovehearts:

11-13-2016, 03:06 PM
Giiiil, you cracked me up with the photo. I chocked the coffee :lol:

Ohhh~, lucky you . You should have winked back ... He is so freaking sexy :lovehearts::lovehearts:

Yeah too hot.The mature kind of hot that makes you freeze ;)

11-13-2016, 04:20 PM
Med and Dinaric.

11-13-2016, 04:42 PM
3rd looks Cypriot, the rest look pan-South Euro

11-13-2016, 05:25 PM
Giiiil, you cracked me up with the photo. I chocked the coffee :lol:

Ohhh~, lucky you . You should have winked back ... He is so freaking sexy :lovehearts::lovehearts:

Aren't you engaged?

What is this bullshit , calling other men sexy etc.

Queen B
11-13-2016, 05:27 PM
Aren't you engaged?
What is this bullshit , calling other men sexy etc.
So? Whan you are engaged you can't appreciated good looking / sexy people?

11-13-2016, 05:36 PM
So? Whan you are engaged you can't appreciated good looking / sexy people?

You're not appreciating. You are lusting ...

11-13-2016, 05:39 PM
Aren't you engaged?

What is this bullshit , calling other men sexy etc.

You know how it is with women m8
There's always an excuse.

Queen B
11-13-2016, 05:40 PM
You know how it is with women m8
There's always an excuse.


11-13-2016, 05:44 PM
You know how it is with women m8
There's always an excuse.

I bet she would cheat on her fiance with this guy under certain circumstances. I'm almost sure tbh.

11-13-2016, 05:48 PM

Wat? I am not saying you are a cheater, I am simply being objective here and noting women LOVE to make endless excuses and rationalizations.
I see my mother and female friends do it all the time.
"Well I know I said I'd do it today,but I'm so tired from work wayuh wayuh"

I bet she would cheat on her fiance with this guy under certain circumstances. I'm almost sure tbh.
You think?
Say,was Sex and the City ever popular in Greece?

Queen B
11-13-2016, 05:48 PM
I bet she would cheat on her fiance with this guy under certain circumstances. I'm almost sure tbh.
Well, be sure all you like, your problem , not mine.:noidea:
Fortunately, neither I nor my fiance have insecurities or reasons a) not to trust each other and b) to be disloyal.

11-13-2016, 05:53 PM
Say,was Sex and the City ever popular in Greece?

Its still played on TV lol. Seems like the brainwashing is working...

11-13-2016, 05:55 PM
Well, be sure all you like, your problem , not mine.:noidea:
Fortunately, neither I nor my fiance have insecurities or reasons a) not to trust each other and b) to be disloyal.

You already are disloyal. You put your man below this actor. Doesn't matter if you find the guts to cheat or not. Your heart is not in the right place.

Queen B
11-13-2016, 05:57 PM
You already are disloyal. You put your man below this actor. Doesn't matter if you find the guts to cheat or not. Your heart is not in the right place.
Noone is up to my man. Duuuhhhhhh
Even he is laughing from your comments :lol:
Someone must be super insecure or stupid to feel threatened and find disloyal an appreciation post in an internet forum :lol:

11-13-2016, 06:05 PM
Noone is up to my man. Duuuhhhhhh
Even he is laughing from your comments :lol:
Someone must be super insecure or stupid to feel threatened and find disloyal an appreciation post in an internet forum :lol:

Would publicly "appreciate" this guy if he was your coworker or an unknown man next door?

If not , why are you doing it now?

Colonel Frank Grimes
11-13-2016, 06:53 PM
You're not appreciating. You are lusting ...

Lets be honest. You're with your gf and you see a hawt chick. Don't say you're completely oblivious to her or admire her aesthetically only. It doesn't mean you'll cheat on your gf. It just means your primal instinct kicked into gear. To not say it openly doesn't mean all those images didn't cross your mind (many of which probably involves this new chick you noticed along with you and your girlfriend).

It doesn't mean anything. Actions mean everything.

11-13-2016, 07:08 PM
Lets be honest. You're with your gf and you see a hawt chick. Don't say you're completely oblivious to her or admire her aesthetically only. It doesn't mean you'll cheat on your gf. It just means your primal instinct kicked into gear. To not say it openly doesn't mean all those images didn't cross your mind (many of which probably involves this new chick you noticed along with you and your girlfriend).

It doesn't mean anything. Actions mean everything.

I don't make such thoughts. I barely notice any other girl if im in love. This is why its so amusing to me that she is lusting over some other dude..

11-13-2016, 07:18 PM
okay to look but cant touch..my partner sees this guy on TV and says he's hot and I don't bat an eyelid. I just look at her funny...fortunately for me gone are the days where she tried to make me jealous to fall deeper for her.

11-13-2016, 07:39 PM
Wat? I am not saying you are a cheater, I am simply being objective here and noting women LOVE to make endless excuses and rationalizations.
I see my mother and female friends do it all the time.
"Well I know I said I'd do it today,but I'm so tired from work wayuh wayuh"

You think?
Say,was Sex and the City ever popular in Greece?

Kind off. There was also a greek series heavily influenced by it named 'Yperocha Plasmata' (2008). Obviously the writer was influenced by Sex and the City and decided to make a greek adaptation without actually copying it. It had a similar target group. Thank god after that we had the crisis.

11-13-2016, 07:41 PM
Lets be honest. You're with your gf and you see a hawt chick. Don't say you're completely oblivious to her or admire her aesthetically only. It doesn't mean you'll cheat on your gf. It just means your primal instinct kicked into gear. To not say it openly doesn't mean all those images didn't cross your mind (many of which probably involves this new chick you noticed along with you and your girlfriend).

It doesn't mean anything. Actions mean everything.

No. Thoughts mean everything.

brennus dux gallorum
11-13-2016, 07:43 PM
Slavs - Baltids

Did you mean Estonians?

Queen B
11-13-2016, 10:36 PM
Lets be honest. You're with your gf and you see a hawt chick. Don't say you're completely oblivious to her or admire her aesthetically only. It doesn't mean you'll cheat on your gf. It just means your primal instinct kicked into gear. To not say it openly doesn't mean all those images didn't cross your mind (many of which probably involves this new chick you noticed along with you and your girlfriend).
It doesn't mean anything. Actions mean everything.
But it's not about someone on the street or someone I met somewhere. I wouldn't even blink or think when seeing someone on the street. But we are talking about ONLINE/TV things now and a single comment. I mean, its hilarious, making even a case about it .:fwhat::fwhat: (My fiance was reading the comments (yes, he reads sometimes, and yes, he have even posted a couple of times, too :lol:) and he was laughing/snorting (together with an ''Eleos'' + Facepalming) )
We are talking about an actor that I have seen in TV like 15 years ago up until now, and I commented that he is sexy. I won't chose him over my fiance, for Gods sake.:picard2: Cas as always, trying to pick things up over nothing, just to say something, and attract attention.
Anyway, he got the attention he craved, it's not worth more of it

okay to look but cant touch..my partner sees this guy on TV and says he's hot and I don't bat an eyelid. I just look at her funny...fortunately for me gone are the days where she tried to make me jealous to fall deeper for her.
Are there people that will actaully get jealous by commenting someone online or on TV? :confused: