View Full Version : Regiane Alves

10-01-2010, 02:19 AM
Brazilian actress.

10-01-2010, 10:47 AM
Pred. Atlantid/Atlantomediterranid, very progressive-harmonious, very nice.

The main deviation might be the eye shape, could point to more distant Mongoloid/Indianid admixture, but is very weak, not in all pictures evident, might be just individual variation.
Slight Alpinoid possible too, but most clearly an Atlantid/Nordomediterranid or more Northern Atlantomediterranid variant.

12-08-2010, 08:12 PM
it has come to my knowledge that her family is Italian-Brazilian. Does that change her classification?

12-09-2010, 09:33 AM
Italian Brazilian? Then why is her name (alves) 100% Portuguese...

Ugo Tognazzi
12-09-2010, 11:26 AM
Atlanto Mediterranean, sems very dolico. with likely minor Alpine elements in the features.

12-09-2010, 11:30 AM
Italian Brazilian? Then why is her name (alves) 100% Portuguese...

Is it inpossible to change your name? many Italian immigrants did it when they came to the USA -

12-09-2010, 04:50 PM
Is it inpossible to change your name? many Italian immigrants did it when they came to the USA -

Regiane Lima Alves. Both surnames are portuguese. I think is much more logical to assume that she has in fact portuguese ancestry rather than strange and not documented theories about changing surnames :p

12-09-2010, 04:55 PM
Looks very Atlantid, with maybe some Alpinid

12-10-2010, 12:47 PM
I don´t Know if Regiane has Italian ancentry, but both surnames are portugueses. For me, she looks like Atlantid- Alpinid

12-10-2010, 01:14 PM
Regiane Lima Alves. Both surnames are portuguese. I think is much more logical to assume that she has in fact portuguese ancestry rather than strange and not documented theories about changing surnames :p

I got that from Regiane Alves' official site:


Talvez eu gostasse desses eventos porque vinha de uma família italiana grande, onde as relações eram sempre muito próximas e intensas

Maybe I liked those events because I came from a big Italian family, where relationships were all very close and intense

She wrote that herself.

12-10-2010, 05:32 PM
I must be italian myself, then :shrug:

12-10-2010, 07:29 PM
I must be italian myself, then :shrug:

I think Tyrrhenoi's theory must be correct, and her family name was altered once her family immigrated.

Or maybe she altered them as actors are known to do (for privacy or marketing reasons).

12-11-2010, 02:59 PM
But she doesn't look Italian, but Iberian. My impression is that non-Iberian ancestry is over-reported in Brazil and Argentina. After all, 80% of Brazilians are historically either Portuguese or part Portuguese (including mixed race individuals), thus one does not get any "special" status by claiming being simply Portuguese. Same is true to Argentina, where if one believes self-reported ancestry, Italians are more numerous than Iberians, but if one counts last names, Iberian names are in absolute majority (even more so among Brazil whites).

Changing last names was rare occurrence, since white people were actually WELCOME (even INVITED) to these countries and experienced no hostility from Iberians. In US, by opposition, people of colonial Protestant British stock have been utterly against immigration even from Ireland, let alone other parts of Europe, thus having one's name changed was quite a common occurrence among immigrants (until Jews have taken over this formerly great country, in a gradual process of political infiltration starting with 1930s and ending with 1960s).

12-11-2010, 03:02 PM
Changing last names was rare occurrence, since white people were actually WELCOME (even INVITED) to these countries and experienced no hostility from Iberians. In US, by opposition, people of colonial Protestant British stock have been utterly against immigration even from Ireland, let alone other parts of Europe, thus having one's name changed was quite a common occurrence among immigrants (until Jews have taken over this formerly great country, in a gradual process of political infiltration starting with 1930s and ending with 1960s).

That´s what i was thinking. There wasn´t any problem between italians and iberians in Latin America. Why somebody would change his surname?

12-11-2010, 09:12 PM
There's the possibility that the Italian grandparents married Luso-descendants and the descent took only the Portuguese surnames. This is not uncommon. If Regiane says she has Italian ancestry, why shouldn't we believe her? She must be Portuguese/Italian then.

06-30-2011, 10:28 PM
It was somewhat common in fact. I work with a Brazilian whose father is Italian. The Italian family name was changed to Oliveira when his father arrived in Brazil. I know several other similar cases.

That´s what i was thinking. There wasn´t any problem between italians and iberians in Latin America. Why somebody would change his surname?