View Full Version : People from North Pole?

11-18-2016, 10:28 AM
Ok, I know there are no permanent populations that live or have lived in North Pole. But my question is, if there were people that lived in North Pole for centuries, what would they look like? Would they look "whiter" than Scandinavians? Perhaps even more diversity in eye/hair color than Scandinavians?

NOTE: please don't mention Santa Claus jokes or Inuits. It's obvious by looking at Inuits' face that they settled in east Asia before moving to northern regions of world.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
11-18-2016, 10:46 AM
Hard to speculate. They could look somewhat like what we perceive nowadays as Albinos. Though I am not so sure if their skin would be significantly lighter due to the harsh conditions in the north pole, it is quite easy to get a sun burn in there. This is one of the reasons why I believe Scandinavians tend to tan better than Germans or Brits. The sun reflects off the snow and the glare gives you a sunburn, so their skin is more used to that temporary mutation when they tan in the spring\summer as well.

11-18-2016, 11:42 AM
North Pole is not a continent, but a permanently frozen sea.

In my opinion, the only people who would dare to live there would be very tall, very white, with plenty of hair to protect them against severe cold and freezing temperatures and they would exhibit much more aggression than any Greek nationalist.

Something like that...

http://zupimages.net/up/16/46/tg9v.jpg (http://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=16/46/tg9v.jpg)

11-18-2016, 02:55 PM
NOTE: please don't mention Inuits. It's obvious by looking at Inuits' face that they settled in east Asia before moving to northern regions of world.I don't see why not since in all likelihood people who live in the 'North Pole' regions and similar climates already look like that. If we're talking about original populations then 'East Asians' and other Northern Asian populations all descended from Mongol/Eskimo/Sherpa like people because of the freezing climate and snow so there is that. And we stand alone as the only race that exists solely because of the cold (hence all the cold adapted features).

When we look at the native populations in the coldest places on earth, they all have one thing in common. For example, some of the coldest cities are Yakutsk and Ulanbataar and people there look like this:

I think standing next to the white man, they're not exactly 'darker' either :laugh:

11-18-2016, 02:59 PM
It's where Poles comes from.

Grab the Gauge
11-18-2016, 06:08 PM
North Pole is not a continent, but a permanently frozen sea.

In my opinion, the only people who would dare to live there would be very tall, very white, with plenty of hair to protect them against severe cold and freezing temperatures and they would exhibit much more aggression than any Greek nationalist.

Something like that...

http://zupimages.net/up/16/46/tg9v.jpg (http://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=16/46/tg9v.jpg)

Lol, you're completely wrong. Arctic conditions select for people who are short and dark skinned, nearly pitch black. Inuit/Eskimo people who aren't mixed with Europeans are all short, wide, and dark skinned.



There is 6 months of constant sunshine in the Arctic Circle which is multiplied by lengthy near year-round snow cover which acts as a reflective mirror, throwing suniight off the ground and right back at you, a two-suns effect. You must be a Blackman to live in these conditions without getting snowburned and blinded to death. Light skin and tallness only exists in humid subtropical and temperate climates where people live an indoors lifestyle. The Hyoerboreans were Black Niggers who fucked your mother up the ass.

11-18-2016, 06:25 PM
Lol, you're completely wrong. Arctic conditions select for people who are short and dark skinned, nearly pitch black. Inuit/Eskimo people who aren't mixed with Europeans are all short, wide, and dark skinned.



There is 6 months of constant sunshine in the Arctic Circle which is multiplied by lengthy near year-round snow cover which acts as a reflective mirror, throwing suniight off the ground and right back at you, a two-suns effect. You must be a Blackman to live in these conditions without getting snowburned and blinded to death. Light skin and tallness only exists in humid subtropical and temperate climates where people live an indoors lifestyle. The Hyoerboreans were Black Niggers who fucked your mother up the ass.

um...very instructive but...I'm afraid you didn't get the joke. :whistle:

11-18-2016, 08:21 PM
North Pole is not a continent, but a permanently frozen sea.

In my opinion, the only people who would dare to live there would be very tall, very white, with plenty of hair to protect them against severe cold and freezing temperatures and they would exhibit much more aggression than any Greek nationalist.

Something like that...

http://zupimages.net/up/16/46/tg9v.jpg (http://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=16/46/tg9v.jpg)

Why do think they would be hairy? People from Scandinavia aren't very hairy even though they live in the cold. But Middle Easterners are very hairy even though they live in desert.

11-18-2016, 08:22 PM
Jesus people, open the spoiler... You're making yourselves look like fools.

11-18-2016, 08:43 PM
Jesus people, open the spoiler... You're making yourselves look like fools.

White supremacists are famous for being bird-brained :rotfl: