View Full Version : Classify Pedro Cardoso

11-27-2016, 03:10 PM



11-27-2016, 03:12 PM

Davy Jones's Locker
11-28-2016, 06:05 PM
I'd guess Baskid.

12-09-2016, 11:21 AM
Baskid or Dinarid

12-09-2016, 11:29 AM
he has pseudo native american features to me
whatever is his ancestry claiming

He is fully portuguese, actually.
People like him just have his ancestry very well documented.

Anyways, look a gracile - baskid combo.

07-14-2017, 11:50 AM
Classic Mediterranean

Heather Duval
07-14-2017, 12:21 PM
he is brazilian iberian
he is and they arent 100% european
only recent euro groups are pure whites here, italians, polish and germans lol
his cousin is Fernando Henrique Cardoso who claims to be descent of negros :lol:

fernando henrique cardoso about his ancestors:
"Em 1994, ainda candidato à Presidência da República, causou surpresa ao se declarar "mulatinho", com um "pé na cozinha" (a bisavó era negra).[8][9] Entidades ligadas ao movimento negro consideraram os termos usados como "pejorativos" e "preconceituosos"; Fernando Henrique negou que tivesse usado a expressão "pé na cozinha".[10] Anos depois, já como presidente, ele voltou a se referir aos seus antepassados negros: "basta olhar para mim para ver que branco no Brasil é um conceito relativo", declarou em seu discurso de homenagem ao presidente sul-africano Thabo Mbeki."

and fernando looks lighter than him
http://www.midiamax.com.br/sites/default/files/styles/mm_full1/public/arquivos/fotos/fernando-henrique-cardoso-fhc-20110630-size-598.jpg?itok=S-LrCZAP :rolleyes:

07-14-2017, 05:08 PM
Baskid + Gracile-Med.

07-17-2017, 02:21 AM
gracile - baskid

Heather Duval
11-27-2017, 01:43 AM
He is fully portuguese, actually.
People like him just have his ancestry very well documented.

Anyways, look a gracile - baskid combo.

Yes youre right

“O que eu soube também quando cheguei aqui é que o presidente desta empresa, que pertence ao povo brasileiro, fez comentários extremamente inapropriados a respeito do que teria dito uma colega minha [provável referência a Taís Araújo] onde a presença do sangue africano é visível na pele – porque o sangue africano está presente em todos nós, e em alguns de nós está presente também na pele, mas em todos nós ele está."

He clearly says
"African blood is in every of us Brazilians"

Thank God for being amazing to me, Im always waiting for things like this to slay
What will be my next?

11-27-2017, 02:01 AM
He looks white

04-10-2018, 04:26 AM
he is brazilian iberian
he is and they arent 100% european
only recent euro groups are pure whites here, italians, polish and germans lol
his cousin is Fernando Henrique Cardoso who claims to be descent of negros :lol:

fernando henrique cardoso about his ancestors:
"Em 1994, ainda candidato à Presidência da República, causou surpresa ao se declarar "mulatinho", com um "pé na cozinha" (a bisavó era negra).[8][9] Entidades ligadas ao movimento negro consideraram os termos usados como "pejorativos" e "preconceituosos"; Fernando Henrique negou que tivesse usado a expressão "pé na cozinha".[10] Anos depois, já como presidente, ele voltou a se referir aos seus antepassados negros: "basta olhar para mim para ver que branco no Brasil é um conceito relativo", declarou em seu discurso de homenagem ao presidente sul-africano Thabo Mbeki."

and fernando looks lighter than him
http://www.midiamax.com.br/sites/default/files/styles/mm_full1/public/arquivos/fotos/fernando-henrique-cardoso-fhc-20110630-size-598.jpg?itok=S-LrCZAP :rolleyes:

You don't know what you're talking about. Not all Iberian Brazilians have colonial ancestry. In fact, Portuguese people were the most numerous Euro immigrants to Brazil during the XIX and XX centuries.

Heather Duval
04-10-2018, 12:05 PM
You don't know what you're talking about. Not all Iberian Brazilians have colonial ancestry. In fact, Portuguese people were the most numerous Euro immigrants to Brazil during the XIX and XX centuries.

Fernando is his cousin and claimed black ancestry.
Pedro as well told here https://www.metrojornal.com.br/cultura/2017/11/24/pedro-cardoso-discursa-em-defesa-de-tais-araujo-e-abandona-programa-ao-vivo-veja.html the African blood is in every Brazilian. Im sure hes aware about his ancestors, but phenotype he looks white
And most Iberians are part colonial in some degrees. Those recent immigrants marriaged people who already lived here.

04-10-2018, 12:27 PM
he is brazilian iberian
he is and they arent 100% european
only recent euro groups are pure whites here, italians, polish and germans lol
his cousin is Fernando Henrique Cardoso who claims to be descent of negros :lol:

fernando henrique cardoso about his ancestors:
"Em 1994, ainda candidato à Presidência da República, causou surpresa ao se declarar "mulatinho", com um "pé na cozinha" (a bisavó era negra).[8][9] Entidades ligadas ao movimento negro consideraram os termos usados como "pejorativos" e "preconceituosos"; Fernando Henrique negou que tivesse usado a expressão "pé na cozinha".[10] Anos depois, já como presidente, ele voltou a se referir aos seus antepassados negros: "basta olhar para mim para ver que branco no Brasil é um conceito relativo", declarou em seu discurso de homenagem ao presidente sul-africano Thabo Mbeki."

and fernando looks lighter than him
http://www.midiamax.com.br/sites/default/files/styles/mm_full1/public/arquivos/fotos/fernando-henrique-cardoso-fhc-20110630-size-598.jpg?itok=S-LrCZAP :rolleyes:

True, but recent euro immigrant are also not pure. Italian descendants for exaple are very mixed, maybe germans are pure here.

04-10-2018, 05:56 PM
Fernando is his cousin and claimed black ancestry.
Pedro as well told here https://www.metrojornal.com.br/cultura/2017/11/24/pedro-cardoso-discursa-em-defesa-de-tais-araujo-e-abandona-programa-ao-vivo-veja.html the African blood is in every Brazilian. Im sure hes aware about his ancestors, but phenotype he looks white
And most Iberians are part colonial in some degrees. Those recent immigrants marriaged people who already lived here.

They might have married colonials, but that doesn't change the fact that not all Portuguese ancestry here is colonial.