View Full Version : Ayaan Hirsi Ali criticizes modern feminists

11-29-2016, 11:09 PM

while i feel like it's a bit too much fear mongering about these molestations from foreigners she does a great job in highlighting how hypocrital are the third wave wave feminists

Tooting Carmen
11-29-2016, 11:17 PM
Mostly true, though it is ironic considering she arrived in Holland via Germany as an illegal immigrant herself. Btw, Michelle Goldberg is outspoken about Islamic misogyny, as an example.

11-29-2016, 11:21 PM
Feminists talk about issues relevant to where they live. Its the same reason why feminists never talk about misogyny in Christian African countries or why MRAs don't talk about issues regarding males in third world countries.

Feminists in USA talk about women issues in USA, Swedish ones in Sweden, Japanese ones in Japan, Indian ones in India, Saudi ones in Saudi Arabia, Iranian ones in Iran, etc. And there are some that talk about female issues in Muslim countries e.g. FEMEN went topless in Tunisia, but its obvious why its not the biggest issue for Western feminists.

11-29-2016, 11:28 PM
In my country, the Prime minister is a woman, and so is the biggest opposition leader.

Tooting Carmen
11-29-2016, 11:31 PM
Feminists talk about issues relevant to where they live. Its the same reason why feminists never talk about misogyny in Christian African countries or why MRAs don't talk about issues regarding males in third world countries.

Feminists in USA talk about women issues in USA, Swedish ones in Sweden, Japanese ones in Japan, Indian ones in India, Saudi ones in Saudi Arabia, Iranian ones in Iran, etc. And there are some that talk about female issues in Muslim countries e.g. FEMEN went topless in Tunisia, but its obvious why its not the biggest issue for Western feminists.

But the point is that, with so much migration from North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia to Europe, the attitudes towards women brought over from those societies DO become relevant.

11-30-2016, 07:09 AM
Feminists talk about issues relevant to where they live. Its the same reason why feminists never talk about misogyny in Christian African countries or why MRAs don't talk about issues regarding males in third world countries.

Feminists in USA talk about women issues in USA, Swedish ones in Sweden, Japanese ones in Japan, Indian ones in India, Saudi ones in Saudi Arabia, Iranian ones in Iran, etc. And there are some that talk about female issues in Muslim countries e.g. FEMEN went topless in Tunisia, but its obvious why its not the biggest issue for Western feminists.

italian feminists talk about issues that concern other western women... but not the non western ones... makes no sense to me. i am sure it's the same for other uropean feminists

Queen B
11-30-2016, 07:23 AM
Feminists talk about issues relevant to where they live. Its the same reason why feminists never talk about misogyny in Christian African countries or why MRAs don't talk about issues regarding males in third world countries.
Feminists in USA talk about women issues in USA, Swedish ones in Sweden, Japanese ones in Japan, Indian ones in India, Saudi ones in Saudi Arabia, Iranian ones in Iran, etc. And there are some that talk about female issues in Muslim countries e.g. FEMEN went topless in Tunisia, but its obvious why its not the biggest issue for Western feminists.

Are Saudi women even allowed to talk?

I can't watch the video but:

There is this notion that western women/people should bother and worry about everything, but not the vice versa. What are western women? Why they are always expect to deal with all?

One the other hand, you have all those Muslim women talking about being free, whatever they do is their choice, but when the opportunity arrives they all go ''what you do for us? ''. The question is ''what you do for yourselves''?
I remember in a FB article about some female athlets in Olympics being covered, and when some ''western women'' talked about the situation with women in Islam, all those Muslim hyenas attacked them saying that they are very free, liberated, etc etc. So, let them deal with it .