View Full Version : classify indian tv actor

12-05-2016, 03:52 AM
he acts in tamil and telugu serials




i think he's a proper middle caste dravidian type==indo brachid with melanid

Truth Preacher
12-05-2016, 04:51 AM
Looks pred Indo Brachid(Indo Armenoid). Nice Muchhh

12-05-2016, 05:02 AM
Looks pred Indo Brachid(Indo Armenoid). Nice Muchhhi have seen marathis looking like him but not any north indians
maybe its the muchhi
Jitendra Awhad(OBC, Vanjari/Banjara caste)



Truth Preacher
12-05-2016, 05:09 AM
Not even any Gujaratis ? but yeah I get what u mean it seems a (common ?) Marathi + surrounding areas look.

12-05-2016, 05:51 AM
Not even any Gujaratis ? but yeah I get what u mean it seems a (common ?) Marathi + surrounding areas look.I am trying to stay on the safe side.
OP has a resemblance to Western Indian types like Gujaratis/SIndhis, but he still looks very South Indian to me. The tendency for Brachycephaly/Broad headedness, nasal convexity and high headedness is generally a south/western Indian feature(could be considered Dravidian/Middle caste too)





while upper caste types like Brahmins are generally long skulled, and they may be high headed as well








there are some good stats in this book https://books.google.co.in/books?id=dCyYDQAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false

12-05-2016, 07:04 AM
I am trying to stay on the safe side.
OP has a resemblance to Western Indian types like Gujaratis/SIndhis, but he still looks very South Indian to me. The tendency for Brachycephaly/Broad headedness, nasal convexity and high headedness is generally a south/western Indian feature(could be considered Dravidian/Middle caste too)





while upper caste types like Brahmins are generally long skulled, and they may be high headed as well








there are some good stats in this book https://books.google.co.in/books?id=dCyYDQAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false

The second guy looks very Omani/South Arabian looking. These guys can easily pass in Yemen and Oman like a glove without any trouble for me. They can't pass in any west Asian country like Iran, Turkey and northern Levant.

12-05-2016, 07:06 AM
As for the OP, he looks like in between Indid and Armenoid with gracile touch.

12-05-2016, 07:11 AM
The second guy looks very Omani/South Arabian looking. These guys can easily pass in Yemen and Oman like a glove without any trouble for me. They can't pass in any west Asian country like Iran, Turkey and northern Levant.the second guy is from Kerala.

are you referring to all of them when you say these guys? the first 4 are all south indians from different states, and the second group are all north indian brahmins except for him

12-05-2016, 07:14 AM

He could easily pass for a Punjabi, clearly just typical Indid type. He can also pass for Gujarati, Marathi Rajasthani. Nothing Armenoid about him.

12-05-2016, 07:21 AM

He could easily pass for a Punjabi, clearly just typical Indid type. He can also pass for Gujarati, Marathi Rajasthani. Nothing Armenoid about him.he clearly looks south indian

12-05-2016, 07:25 AM
the second guy is from Kerala.

are you referring to all of them when you say these guys? the first 4 are all south indians from different states, and the second group are all north indian brahmins except for him

The bearded guy can pass for Persian. The 4 South Indian guys look very similar to Yemenis and Omanis, but it isn't really shocking considering that South India and South Arabia had an ancient connection together before the advent of Islam. The Brahmins in 1st, 2nd and 3rd pictures can easily pass in the Southern Levant and Egypt while the Brahmin in the 4th picture looks very Saudi.

12-05-2016, 07:28 AM
The bearded guy can pass for Persian. The 4 South Indian guys look very similar to Yemenis and Omanis, but it isn't really shocking considering that South India and South Arabia had an ancient connection together before the advent of Islam. The Brahmins in 1st, 2nd and 3rd pictures can easily pass in the Southern Levant and Egypt while the Brahmin in the 4th picture looks very Saudi.

they will pass as baloch origin omanis , native omanis arabs dont have these look imo

12-05-2016, 07:31 AM
they will pass as baloch origin omanis , native omanis arabs dont have these look imo

Omans are very admixed with South Asian, Arabian and African(Swahili) groups. I know this because I was born and raised in Oman for ten years, lol.

12-05-2016, 07:33 AM
Omans are very admixed with South Asian, Arabian and African(Swahili) groups. I know this because I was born and raised in Oman for ten years, lol.

ok then you know better , but remember 25% population of Oman is straight up Baloch.

12-05-2016, 07:34 AM
ok then you know better , but remember 25% population of Oman is straight up Baloch.

I know, but they are well integrated and assimilated into the Omani and Emirati identity and culture.

12-05-2016, 07:34 AM

12-05-2016, 07:41 AM
The bearded guy can pass for Persian. The 4 South Indian guys look very similar to Yemenis and Omanis, but it isn't really shocking considering that South India and South Arabia had an ancient connection together before the advent of Islam. The Brahmins in 1st, 2nd and 3rd pictures can easily pass in the Southern Levant and Egypt while the Brahmin in the 4th picture looks very Saudi.i couldnt really see yemenis/omanis like them in crowd pics though, but i understand what you mean. WHat ancient connection are you talking about? lol

btw here are more middle caste dravidians

they can have individuals who are lighter as well, but those types are basically absent in Tamil Nadu compared to the other southern states

12-05-2016, 07:49 AM
i couldnt really see yemenis/omanis like them in crowd pics though, but i understand what you mean. WHat ancient connection are you talking about? lol

btw here are more middle caste dravidians

they can have individuals who are lighter as well, but those types are basically absent in Tamil Nadu compared to the other southern states

Well, ancient South Arabia used to trade with the peoples of Southern India for thousands of years. They have found an ancient Tamil inscription in Oman dated to the 1st century AD:

[..]The potsherd was found in a residential area of Sumhuram city. Dr. Pavan said it was part of a lid made by reusing the shoulder of an amphora. Soot traces visible along the external ridge suggest the use of the lid for a cooking pot. The sherd was discovered in a layer mixed with a few pottery pieces and animal bones, “which [layer] corresponds to one of the most important constructional phase of the city, to be dated to the first century CE,” she said. So the sherd could be dated to first century CE or a little earlier. There was so much of Indian material, including beads, coins and pottery, discovered during the excavation that it was important to show the relationship between India and the southern coast of Oman, she added.

The script “nantai kiran,” signifying a personal name, has two components, Dr. Rajan said. The first part “[n] antai” is an honorific suffix to the name of an elderly person. For instance, “kulantai-campan,” “antai asutan,” “korrantai” and so on found in Tamil-Brahmi inscriptions could be cited. The second component “Kiran” also stands for a personal name. More than 20 poets of the Tamil Sangam age [circa third century BCE to third century CE] have “kiran” as part of their personal names. “Thus, the broken piece of the pot carries the personal name of an important trader who commanded a high regard in the trading community,” Dr. Rajan argued.

It was generally believed that India’s contact with the Mediterranean world began with the Roman trade and much of the studies were concentrated on the Red Sea ports such as Quseir al-Qadim and Berenike, both in Egypt. While the excavation at Quseir al-Qadim yielded potsherds with the Tamil-Brahmi texts reading “kanan,” “catan” and “panai ori,” the one found at Berenike was engraved with the Tamil-Brahmi script “korrapuman.” The latest discovery in Oman was significant as it opened a new avenue in understanding the impact of the Indian Ocean trade, particularly on the west coast of the peninsular India, Dr. Rajan said. The region was known for frankincense and there was a possibility that trade in horses could also have taken place in these ports. (Frankincense is an aromatic gum resin used for burning as incense).

“Excavations by the University of Pisa have confirmed Sumhuram’s link with the ancient frankincense route and its cultural links with the frankincense-based kingdoms in southern Arabia,” Dr. Rajan said.[..]

Indians had been trade with the ancient peoples of Southern Arabia and the Persian gulf for at least 5000 years. Anyway, these Indians look very Dravidian looking, and wouldn't be able to pass in places like Pakistan and etc.

12-05-2016, 07:53 AM
he clearly looks south indian

Is not that he looks South Indian is that many South Indian have northern origin to begin with. He looks somewhat more southern but still could easily pass if he lightened his complexion.

All his needs is a bit light skin comestic and he could the fool people anyone easily but without it he can still pass. His physical traits is more common on the north and so is his skin color but with lighter skin he could easily pass for a pseudo-Euro bollywood actor.

12-05-2016, 08:03 AM
Well, ancient South Arabia used to trade with the peoples of Southern India for thousands of years. They have found an ancient Tamil inscription in Oman dated to the 1st century AD:

Indians had been trade with the ancient peoples of Southern Arabia and the Persian guild for at least 5000 years. Anyway, these Indians look very Dravidian looking, and wouldn't be able to pass in places like Pakistan and etc.The Dravidians were always a sea faring people. They have even traded with Romans, Greeks, Egyptians and maybe even with the AMericas.

The trade route (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trade_route) taken by ships from Rome to Tamilakam has been described in detail by writers such as Strabo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strabo) and Pliny the Elder (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pliny_the_Elder). Roman and Arab sailors were aware of the existence of the monsoon winds that blew across the Indian Ocean (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Ocean) on a seasonal basis. A Roman captain named Hippalus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippalus) first sailed a direct route from Rome to India, using the monsoon winds. His method was later improved upon by merchants who shortened the voyage by sailing due east from the port of Cana or Cape Guardafui (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape_Guardafui), finding that by this way it was possible to go directly from Rome to Tamilakam. Strabo writes that every year, about the time of the summer solstice, a fleet of one hundred and twenty vessels sailed from Myos Hormos (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myos_Hormos), a port of Egypt (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egypt) on the Red Sea (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Sea), and headed toward India. With assistance from the monsoons, the voyage took forty days to reach the ports of Tamilakam or Ceylon. Pliny writes that if the monsoons were blowing regularly, it was a forty-day trip to Muziris (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muziris)[39] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_ancient_Tamil_country#cite_note-39) from Ocelis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocelis) located at the entrance to the Red Sea from the south. He writes that the passengers preferred to embark at Bacare (Vaikkarai) in Pandya country, rather than Muziris (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muziris), which was infested with pirates (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirates). The ships returned from Tamilakam carrying rich cargo which was transported in camel trains (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camel_train) from the Red Sea to the Nile (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nile), then up the river to Alexandria (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandria), finally reaching the capital of the Roman empire (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Empire).[40] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_ancient_Tamil_country#cite_note-husaini_trade2-40) Evidence of Tamil trading presence in Egypt is seen in the form of Tamil inscriptions on pottery in Red Sea ports.

The Board game Pachisi, played by Tamils

Patolli, played by the Aztecs

This doesn't really mean they've had legit influence but yes there has been some influence. Islam in Kerala was introduced by Arabian traders, some of whom settled

The long-standing Arab and later Portuguese contact (e.g. Goa) with the coastal areas of India left its permanent mark in the form of several communities. The Mappila community of Kerala came into existence through the immigration of Arab traders to these regions

Prior to the independence of India, the present-day state of Kerala comprised the three areas known as Malabar District, Travancore and Cochin.[4] There had been considerable trade relations between Arabia and Kerala even before the time of Islamic prophet Muhammad. Islam might have been introduced in the region by the Arab traders in the 7th or 8th century AD. Like the Jews and Christians, the Arabs also settled down at Cranganore and established a separate colony of their part of the town. According to a tradition, Cheraman Perumal, the last of the Chera kings, became a convert to Islam and traveled to Mecca and this event helped the spread of Islam

Some of them do have arabian influences in their phenotype.
These are Kerala Muslims dressed like Arabs(from a post on AnthroScape by a member from Kerala)
https://s4.postimg.org/6ahqvi4r1/11206798_1630864850459463_7555668642500395392_o.jp g
https://s18.postimg.org/v1qshw3q1/10929965_1595430377336244_4742277447217971969_n.jp g
https://s13.postimg.org/k71jamn7b/10325530_1517820418430574_6812743003934789093_n.jp g
https://s18.postimg.org/pqgspj7t5/10556277_1516310851914864_9009271765550867541_n.jp g

I can't comment on how typical they are however.

12-05-2016, 08:28 AM
Is not that he looks South Indian is that many South Indian have northern origin to begin with. He looks somewhat more southern but still could easily pass if he lightened his complexion.

All his needs is a bit light skin comestic and he could the fool people anyone easily but without it he can still pass. His physical traits is more common on the north and so is his skin color but with lighter skin he could easily pass for a pseudo-Euro bollywood actor.Wrong.
If you're referring to Indo-Aryans by northern, then you are mistaken. Among Southern Indians, only the Brahmins have any northern ancestry. This is evident when you look at genetics. Only the Brahmins score a sizeable amount of NE Euro(the component generally attributed with Indo-Aryans) in South India. The Middle/Lower castes score next to none. While in Northern India all castes score some amount of NE Euro which varies depending on the caste/region.

This difference in ancestry may explain the phenotypical differences in India. Pigmentation aside, North and South Indians generally have different facial features.

12-05-2016, 01:47 PM
The Dravidians were always a sea faring people. They have even traded with Romans, Greeks, Egyptians and maybe even with the AMericas.

The Board game Pachisi, played by Tamils

Patolli, played by the Aztecs

This doesn't really mean they've had legit influence but yes there has been some influence. Islam in Kerala was introduced by Arabian traders, some of whom settled

Some of them do have arabian influences in their phenotype.
These are Kerala Muslims dressed like Arabs(from a post on AnthroScape by a member from Kerala)
https://s4.postimg.org/6ahqvi4r1/11206798_1630864850459463_7555668642500395392_o.jp g
https://s18.postimg.org/v1qshw3q1/10929965_1595430377336244_4742277447217971969_n.jp g
https://s13.postimg.org/k71jamn7b/10325530_1517820418430574_6812743003934789093_n.jp g
https://s18.postimg.org/pqgspj7t5/10556277_1516310851914864_9009271765550867541_n.jp g

I can't comment on how typical they are however.

Are the guys wearing Arab clothing Malyalis? If they are then surprisingly enough they can easily pass in Arabia and the near eastern Arab countries like a glove, lol. Yes, and there is great evidence on the fact that the Indus Valley civilization may have also been Dravidian speakers as well.

12-05-2016, 02:10 PM
Are the guys wearing Arab clothing Malyalis? If they are then surprisingly enough they can easily pass in Arabia and the near eastern Arab countries like a glove, lol. Yes, and there is great evidence on the fact that the Indus Valley civilization may have also been Dravidian speakers as well.

South indians look like Southern middle easterns(Gulf arabs) and Northern Indians look like Northern Middle easterners; Levant, Iran, Mesopotamia

12-05-2016, 02:18 PM
South indians look like Southern middle easterns(Gulf arabs) and Northern Indians look like Northern Middle easterners; Levant, Iran, Mesopotamia

Not exactly. I mean, Iraqi Arabs are of Arabian origins, and racially and genetically speaking they wouldn't look any different from Arabians. The Levant is comprised of two branches genetically: one is leading to west Asiatics and Europeans(Lebanese and other christians of the Levant, Druze and etc) and the other leading to North and East Africans, Arabia and even to South Asia(Palestinians, Jordanians and Syrians). In other words, there is more overlap between Southern Levant, Iraq, and Arabia and to the Indian subcontinent than say between Palestinians and Turks.

12-05-2016, 02:20 PM
Not exactly. I mean, Iraqi Arabs are of Arabian origins, and racially and genetically speaking they wouldn't look any different from Arabians. The Levant is comprised of two branches genetically: one is leading to west Asiatics and Europeans(Lebanese and other christians of the Levant, Druze and etc) and the other leading to North and East Africans, Arabia and even to South Asia(Palestinians, Jordanians and Syrians). In other words, there is more overlap between Southern Levant, Iraq, and Arabia and to the Indian subcontinent than say between Palestinians and Turks.lameduck is trolling.

12-05-2016, 02:22 PM
Not exactly. I mean, Iraqi Arabs are of Arabian origins, and racially and genetically speaking they wouldn't look any different from Arabians. The Levant is comprised of two branches genetically: one is leading to west Asiatics and Europeans(Lebanese and other christians of the Levant, Druze and etc) and the other leading to North and East Africans, Arabia and even to South Asia(Palestinians, Jordanians and Syrians). In other words, there is more overlap between Southern Levant, Iraq, and Arabia and to the Indian subcontinent than say between Palestinians and Turks.

that overlap will be with coastal regions of India, India always had vibrant coastal lines(busy ports and all that) , while In Pakistan region there was never a vibrant coastline until Karachi in modern times and bulk of Pakistan was always rural (and still is) therefore indigenous Pakistani groups generally have a characteristic ethnic looks and dont show similarities with people outside of region.

12-05-2016, 02:27 PM
that overlap will be with coastal regions of India, India always had vibrant coastal lines(busy ports and all that) , while In Pakistan region there was never a vibrant coastline until Karachi in modern times and bulk of Pakistan was always rural (and still is) therefore indigenous Pakistani groups generally have a characteristic ethnic looks and dont show similarities with people outside of region.

Yeah, I think a significant amount of Indians and coastal Pakistanis like Gujuratis, Sindhis and etc overlap with the peoples of South-West Asia(Arabia, Iraqi Arabs and Southern Levant) and vice versa. I do agree that there is a distinct look in Pakistanis, South-West Asians and Indians though. The distinction can also be said between Northern and Southern Indians as well, but that doesn't mean there is no significant overlap between them and to outsiders.

08-10-2017, 03:24 AM
Looks typical for South India.

08-10-2017, 06:10 PM