View Full Version : Classify this Turk

12-06-2016, 11:06 PM
http://i.hizliresim.com/bkYOQ0.jpg (http://hizliresim.com/bkYOQ0)

12-06-2016, 11:07 PM
Taurid + med

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
12-06-2016, 11:26 PM
Taurid + Robust Iranid

12-06-2016, 11:56 PM
Borreby(Brunn+Alpin)+Arabid Med
Gorid+Arabid Med
in the Gorid mix Proto Baltid+Alpin
Ydna I or R1a1 Z93 less expected R1b J2 N J1 H

12-07-2016, 11:14 PM
Borreby(Brunn+Alpin)+Arabid Med
Gorid+Arabid Med
in the Gorid mix Proto Baltid+Alpin
Ydna I or R1a1 Z93 less expected R1b J2 N J1 H

I could agree with your classification, but there is no single Arab trait on him.

11-22-2020, 09:09 PM
Balkan borreby, looks no arab, really, just looks american, I could see him on a motorcycle with US of A flag on headscarf.

The Blade
11-22-2020, 10:36 PM
Triple H (Paul Levesque) with Taurid nose and darker hair = this guy.
Looks like he could be a mix of Anglo-Saxon and Georgian in terms of ancestry.

The Blade
11-22-2020, 10:41 PM
Balkan borreby, looks no arab, really, just looks american, I could see him on a motorcycle with US of A flag on headscarf.
His American equivalent:

11-22-2020, 10:44 PM
Triple H (Paul Levesque) with Taurid nose and darker hair = this guy.
Looks like he could be a mix of Anglo-Saxon and Georgian in terms of ancestry.

The true manifestation of Käräböğä. He kind of looks like a Chechen, the more robust version of Kadyrov.

11-22-2020, 10:59 PM
doesn't this d00d sorta look like me?

The Blade
11-22-2020, 11:02 PM
The true manifestation of Käräböğä. He kind of looks like a Chechen, the more robust version of Kadyrov.
Lol, I didn't know what this term stands for but I googled its meaning and I guess ladies get their pants wet in his presence, yeah.

11-22-2020, 11:19 PM
doesn't this d00d sorta look like me?
Kinda, but he also gives me a Caucasus/Iran vibe and you don't.

Balkan Borreby(Borreby+Gorid)+Taurid

11-22-2020, 11:21 PM
Kinda, but he also gives me a Caucasus/Iran vibe and you don't.

Balkan Borreby(Borreby+Gorid)+Taurid

His nose at least doesn't look like mine, but his face shape and eyes sorta...

11-23-2020, 09:34 AM
Kinda, but he also gives me a Caucasus/Iran vibe and you don't.

Balkan Borreby(Borreby+Gorid)+Taurid

now he looks iranian? lmao. And since when balkan borreby has gorid? I thought it was full borreby type in the more southern Europe.

11-23-2020, 09:41 AM
now he looks iranian? lmao. And since when balkan borreby has gorid? I thought it was full borreby type in the more southern Europe.

There's no such thing as "Balkan Borreby". Borreby found in Balkans look no different of other places.

OP is not Borreby either, He has some distinct look from some regions in Turkey.
I already have seen people from Northern parts of the country with similar look.

11-23-2020, 09:47 AM
There's no such thing as "Balkan Borreby". Borreby found in Balkans look no different of other places.

OP is not Borreby either, He has some distinct look from some regions in Turkey.
I already have seen people from Northern parts of the country with similar look.

that's what I thought, he looks more turkish to me than "caucasus/iran", blonde iranian CM examples look more robust or "foreign" there was one iranian but can't name him now.

11-23-2020, 09:54 AM
that's what I thought, he looks more turkish to me than "caucasus/iran", blonde iranian CM examples look more robust or "foreign" there was one iranian but can't name him now.

you mean guys like him?
https://www.google.com/search?q=proto+iranid+examples&rlz=1C1VFKB_enAT632AT632&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjdsPTuv5jtAhUhA2MBHXbrBMgQ_AUoAXoECA8QA w&biw=1680&bih=907#imgrc=zYwKtKSGD5ZtKM&imgdii=5LSAgWbyf5x8WM

interstingly you ll find Italians and Greeks (less surprising) with that kind of eyes

11-23-2020, 09:55 AM
you mean guys like him?
https://www.google.com/search?q=proto+iranid+examples&rlz=1C1VFKB_enAT632AT632&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjdsPTuv5jtAhUhA2MBHXbrBMgQ_AUoAXoECA8QA w&biw=1680&bih=907#imgrc=zYwKtKSGD5ZtKM&imgdii=5LSAgWbyf5x8WM

interstingly you ll find Italians and Greeks (less surprising) with that kind of eyes

no, not that kurd, it was some iranian politician. And about him XP could have said he looks caucasus/NW iranian.

The Blade
11-23-2020, 10:03 AM
Kinda, but he also gives me a Caucasus/Iran vibe and you don't.

Balkan Borreby(Borreby+Gorid)+Taurid
Borreby in Balkans isn't a separate type. You have Balkanites of purely Borreby type passable in Northern Europe and others with Dinarid or Med admixture.

Pater Patota
11-23-2020, 10:36 AM
He looks Alawite Arab from Hatay, Turkey.Can be found many Alawite Arabs(Arap uşağı) in Hatay.They have fair complexion and most of them have blond hair and blue eyes, can easily pass as an east European.(IMO, they’re remains of Seleucid empire/Alexander the Great).There is Turkish cafe in Taiwan, they’re all Alawite Arabs, the boss, the cook and some waitresses from Hatay.They quite look European.I can easily say “ they don’t look Turk, they look European “.

11-23-2020, 10:44 AM
He looks Alawite Arab from Hatay, Turkey.Can be found many Alawite Arabs(Arap uşağı) in Hatay.They have fair complexion and most of them have blond hair and blue eyes, can easily pass as an east European.(IMO, they’re remains of Seleucid empire/Alexander the Great).There is Turkish cafe in Taiwan, they’re all Alawite Arabs, the boss, the cook and some waitresses from Hatay.They quite look European.I can easily say “ they don’t look Turk, they look European “.

Wtf lul

11-23-2020, 11:21 AM
He looks Alawite Arab from Hatay, Turkey.Can be found many Alawite Arabs(Arap uşağı) in Hatay.They have fair complexion and most of them have blond hair and blue eyes, can easily pass as an east European.(IMO, they’re remains of Seleucid empire/Alexander the Great).There is Turkish cafe in Taiwan, they’re all Alawite Arabs, the boss, the cook and some waitresses from Hatay.They quite look European.I can easily say “ they don’t look Turk, they look European “.

Not really, he looks more like someone from Samsun-Ordu-Giresun trio
Can pass among these people easily for an instance:


11-23-2020, 01:00 PM
now he looks iranian? lmao. And since when balkan borreby has gorid? I thought it was full borreby type in the more southern Europe.

There is no such thing as a pure Borreby in southern Europe. I've seen the examples, they don't pass in Denmark.



(old examples which is the only reason this myth even exists, not people naturally going "hey, some Montenegrins actually look like Danes")





Proper Borrebies:




Yes, they have influence, but they're quite clearly not the same thing. People really need to stop following this pseudo science.

11-23-2020, 02:29 PM
I like some users here. I like that they say

There's no such thing as "Balkan Borreby". Borreby found in Balkans look no different of other places.

Borreby in Balkans isn't a separate type. You have Balkanites of purely Borreby type passable in Northern Europe

At the same time they call Carleton Coon retarded because in his scheme Med from North Africa and Med from Southwestern Europe is one type.

Med types according to Coon:

The Mediterranean Race in Arabia
Long-Faced Mediterraneans of the Western Asiatic Highlands
Long-Faced Mediterraneans of the Western Asiatic Highlands: The Irano-Afghan Race
Mediterraneans from North Africa
Small Mediterraneans of Southern Europe
Atlanto-Mediterraneans from Southwestern Europe
Blue-Eyed Atlanto-Mediterraneans
The Mediterranean Reлmergence in Great Britain
The Pontic Mediterraneans
Negroid Periphery of the Mediterranean Race

Those guys called me troll because I said Med from Europe and North Africa is one type.

South Med, East Med, Arabid and other came from them.


Borreby in Balkans isn't a separate type

There's no such thing as "Balkan Borreby"

Very consistent position.

The Blade
11-24-2020, 08:26 PM

There is no such thing as a pure Borreby in southern Europe. I've seen the examples, they don't pass in Denmark.



(old examples which is the only reason this myth even exists, not people naturally going "hey, some Montenegrins actually look like Danes")





Proper Borrebies:




Yes, they have influence, but they're quite clearly not the same thing. People really need to stop following this pseudo science.
Cvyatko Barchovski (R.I.P.) was a pure Borreby:
Another one is Atanas Atanasov:
Such strong generalizations don't work.
If I cherrypick I can post Swedish Atlanto-Meds and Norwegian Dinarids, yet that doesn't make these the predominant Scando types, just like Borreby isn't the most common type in Montenegro or any Southern Euro state.
If I cherrypick I can also post some Iranians who look more Euro than some exotic Arabid shifted Southern Europeans (especially from Cyprus or Southern Italy) but this doesn't make Iranians more European looking than Southern Europeans as a whole.

11-24-2020, 09:33 PM
Cvyatko Barchovski (R.I.P.) was a pure Borreby:
Another one is Atanas Atanasov:
Such strong generalizations don't work.
If I cherrypick I can post Swedish Atlanto-Meds and Norwegian Dinarids, yet that doesn't make these the predominant Scando types, just like Borreby isn't the most common type in Montenegro or any Southern Euro state.
If I cherrypick I can also post some Iranians who look more Euro than some exotic Arabid shifted Southern Europeans (especially from Cyprus or Southern Italy) but this doesn't make Iranians more European looking than Southern Europeans as a whole.
lol no, those are not pure Borrebies(or, Danish Borrebies aren't pure Borrebies, regardless, both cannot be the same phenotype as they do not look the same). The first one has a long faced element first of all, and their features are still Balkan. No one would guess them as Danish, where the Borreby is supposed to peak.

More pics of Atanasov(infact he doesn't even look Balkan Borreby, but more Gorid+Asian Alpine, my examples of Balkan Borrebies look more Danish than him and none of them look Danish):





Barchovski is definitely pred. Balkan Borreby, but he still looks nothing like Danish Borrebies:


I have no idea what the last two sentences have to do with anything related to this topic. This has nothing to do with how a certain population looks or average phenotypes in a country.

I remember around 2017 I used to agree with practically all your classifications and thought you were the best classifier on the forum, then something changed(maybe you read Coon's book, who knows) and you started posting all these Turkish paleo-Atlantids and what not, started completely disregarding pigmentation, pointing toward more and more random minor skull features, etc. I can actually respect oldschool anthropology for being more nuanced and finer details oriented than the typical anthrofora system, but the point is it makes 0 sense(historically, genetically, overall looks wise), and the point is, phenotypes should look alike, these examples do not look(could even start polls to see where people think they're from) like Danish Borrebies, so they both cannot both be the same phenotype. Like I said before, systems like this is what leads to anthropologists saying 31% "Nordics" among ancient North Africans, and what allowed dumb beliefs like ancient Nordicism(belief that Rome/Greece were Nordic/etc) to thrive. It's nonsensical.

The Blade
11-24-2020, 10:38 PM
lol no, those are not pure Borrebies(or, Danish Borrebies aren't pure Borrebies, regardless, both cannot be the same phenotype as they do not look the same). The first one has a long faced element first of all, and their features are still Balkan. No one would guess them as Danish, where the Borreby is supposed to peak.

More pics of Atanasov(infact he doesn't even look Balkan Borreby, but more Gorid+Asian Alpine, my examples of Balkan Borrebies look more Danish than him and none of them look Danish):





Barchovski is definitely pred. Balkan Borreby, but he still looks nothing like Danish Borrebies:


I have no idea what the last two sentences have to do with anything related to this topic. This has nothing to do with how a certain population looks or average phenotypes in a country.

I remember around 2017 I used to agree with practically all your classifications and thought you were the best classifier on the forum, then something changed(maybe you read Coon's book, who knows) and you started posting all these Turkish paleo-Atlantids and what not, started completely disregarding pigmentation, pointing toward more and more random minor skull features, etc. I can actually respect oldschool anthropology for being more nuanced and finer details oriented than the typical anthrofora system, but the point is it makes 0 sense(historically, genetically, overall looks wise), and the point is, phenotypes should look alike, these examples do not look(could even start polls to see where people think they're from) like Danish Borrebies, so they both cannot both be the same phenotype. Like I said before, systems like this is what leads to anthropologists saying 31% "Nordics" among ancient North Africans, and what allowed dumb beliefs like ancient Nordicism(belief that Rome/Greece were Nordic/etc) to thrive. It's nonsensical.
1) Second man you posted is Rosen Barchovski. This is Cvyatko Barchovski's son, not Cvyatko in his youth if you thought so.
Here you can see Cvyatko Barchovski as young:
2) I've always payed more attention to features than pigmentation, especially regarding Aurignacids of Northern type, even in 2016 when I joined. This thread was started in 2017 and hair colour was never the main accent to me:
Lotta Schelin again:
3) I perceive phenotypes as generally having some subtypes (or look variants if you want to call it this way), with some of them being more common in certain states and others - in different ones (sometimes there are even regional variations within a state's provinces). One may not have the Borreby look most common in a certain place, with still fitting ok, as there are always individual variations.
4) Kelsey Grammer and second man you posted look alike but third man you posted looks nothing like them. A great example of what I said in point 3 of my statement.
5) Never been a great fan of Carleton Coon and I still disagree with many of his points. I may agree with Bertil Lundman about a lot of stuff but not with Sweden being 30% (60 to 30) blonder than Norway. I'm prone to display criticism towards claims I find illogical, regardless of who the author is. In the same way I pay respect to statements confirming reality (or at least which are logical), no matter who made them.
6) You don't need to agree with every single point of mine, that's weird. And men with opinion generally cannot 100% agree with one another. With age this becomes more evident and is true about all aspects of life.
7) I perceive Turkey as what it is - a state standing between Europe, Caucasus and Iran, with minor Central Asian and Semitic admixture. The difference between me and many other posters here is they consider the elements I underlined as Turkey's main ones. Another difference between me and them is I've been in Turkey, while many of them haven't.
8) I'm able to both disagree with somebody about certain things and respect that same person (applies for my communication with you, too).
However, I have lost respect for some people here (Stearsolina, for instance) or never had such for confirmed trolls (like Travv and all of his previous accounts).
Edited: Of course, what I say in point 3 applies only to a certain degree. Unlike Coon, I don't have the perception of a supposed Mediterranean race spreading from Portugal to India, nor do I consider Berberids Nordic (basically Coon did).

11-25-2020, 12:31 AM
Lotta Schelin still looks distinctly Scandinavian and NW European though. Literally no one would say Atanasov looks Danish(and we could put it to the test). That means the system of classification makes no sense. We aren't talking subtypes or regional variations, we're talking about people on other ends of a continent, that look the part as well. I'll actually say Cvyatko can somewhat pass as Danish(and perhaps more pics would reveal otherwise), although there is still way too many differences between him and Danish Borrebies, and yes, including pigmentation, but not only pigmentation. I have no problem with calling Cvyatko part Borreby though, and that's what makes the most sense to me(especially given pure types are by far rarer than mixed types, given how mixed Europe is).

It's not only about pigmentation, but other, facial skin/muscle tissue features as well that you ignore, as well as failing to weigh everything equally. Skull shape must take precedence to you, for reasons. Take Irina Miteva, who you called Atlantid(again, no one would guess her as the ethnicities where anthropologists had Atlantid peak, which means it makes 0 sense). It's like you completely ignore the eye shape and focused only on the skull. Her eyes clearly look what they are, Bulgarian, eastern, etc. and therefore not possible to be "Atlantid". Could she be part Atlantid because of her skull features? Maybe, you know more about the intricacies of skull features, types, etc than me I freely admit, but ignoring other features makes no sense. If you think pigmentation is irrelevant, or less relevant(by some of your classifications it seems like it's irrelevant, not simply less relevant), but just realize the entire point of anthropology back in the day was to determine the "race" of ancient specimens, when we didn't have DNA(and also because weirdos like Madison Grant wanted to have a higher relation to certain people than they really had, these people weren't cream of the crop scientists, there was less money involved, of course there was some bias involved). This sort of classification does infact not predict race or ethnicity today(and there were also no pure 100% one phenotype ethnicities in the ancient world either), or anything. A Danish Borreby genetically clusters with the thinnest low T pencil head Swedish Nordid you can think of, while a "Balkan Borreby" clusters with any Dinarid or Dinaro-Med, and is genetically closer to the most infantile and reduced Greek Mediterannid you can think of. That's the only reason old anthropologists only considered or wrote about skull features, because it's all they had to work with.

So, in conclusion, this type of phenotypical classification(and phenotypical classification outside the basic Mongoloid, Caucasoid, Negroid too really, forensic scientists cannot tell if a murder victim is German or Greek based on their skull, only Caucasoid/Mongoloid/Negroid, and even then it's not always accurate) predicts nothing, that means all anthropological classification is for is used to describe a look or certain set of features that usually go together, pigmentation(including skin colour, tanning ability), eye shape, the thickness of someone's facial hair, etc. are all part of of how someone looks, therefore it makes no sense to a) ignore them b) not weigh them equally). There is no use in clinging to a now defunct and dead(although partly because of it becoming taboo because of racism/society) science, in my opinion pseudo science.

and just know I'm not trying to insult you, troll you, or take jabs at you for having this opinion(I'll be honest I've done it to Kivan because I barely know the guy, it's just so outlandish to me), I just like to try and convince people or make people reconsider their positions.

The Blade
11-25-2020, 12:12 PM
Lotta Schelin still looks distinctly Scandinavian and NW European though. Literally no one would say Atanasov looks Danish(and we could put it to the test). That means the system of classification makes no sense. We aren't talking subtypes or regional variations, we're talking about people on other ends of a continent, that look the part as well. I'll actually say Cvyatko can somewhat pass as Danish(and perhaps more pics would reveal otherwise), although there is still way too many differences between him and Danish Borrebies, and yes, including pigmentation, but not only pigmentation. I have no problem with calling Cvyatko part Borreby though, and that's what makes the most sense to me(especially given pure types are by far rarer than mixed types, given how mixed Europe is).

It's not only about pigmentation, but other, facial skin/muscle tissue features as well that you ignore, as well as failing to weigh everything equally. Skull shape must take precedence to you, for reasons. Take Irina Miteva, who you called Atlantid(again, no one would guess her as the ethnicities where anthropologists had Atlantid peak, which means it makes 0 sense). It's like you completely ignore the eye shape and focused only on the skull. Her eyes clearly look what they are, Bulgarian, eastern, etc. and therefore not possible to be "Atlantid". Could she be part Atlantid because of her skull features? Maybe, you know more about the intricacies of skull features, types, etc than me I freely admit, but ignoring other features makes no sense. If you think pigmentation is irrelevant, or less relevant(by some of your classifications it seems like it's irrelevant, not simply less relevant), but just realize the entire point of anthropology back in the day was to determine the "race" of ancient specimens, when we didn't have DNA(and also because weirdos like Madison Grant wanted to have a higher relation to certain people than they really had, these people weren't cream of the crop scientists, there was less money involved, of course there was some bias involved). This sort of classification does infact not predict race or ethnicity today(and there were also no pure 100% one phenotype ethnicities in the ancient world either), or anything. A Danish Borreby genetically clusters with the thinnest low T pencil head Swedish Nordid you can think of, while a "Balkan Borreby" clusters with any Dinarid or Dinaro-Med, and is genetically closer to the most infantile and reduced Greek Mediterannid you can think of. That's the only reason old anthropologists only considered or wrote about skull features, because it's all they had to work with.

So, in conclusion, this type of phenotypical classification(and phenotypical classification outside the basic Mongoloid, Caucasoid, Negroid too really, forensic scientists cannot tell if a murder victim is German or Greek based on their skull, only Caucasoid/Mongoloid/Negroid, and even then it's not always accurate) predicts nothing, that means all anthropological classification is for is used to describe a look or certain set of features that usually go together, pigmentation(including skin colour, tanning ability), eye shape, the thickness of someone's facial hair, etc. are all part of of how someone looks, therefore it makes no sense to a) ignore them b) not weigh them equally). There is no use in clinging to a now defunct and dead(although partly because of it becoming taboo because of racism/society) science, in my opinion pseudo science.

and just know I'm not trying to insult you, troll you, or take jabs at you for having this opinion(I'll be honest I've done it to Kivan because I barely know the guy, it's just so outlandish to me), I just like to try and convince people or make people reconsider their positions.
1) I don't feel offended, as I'm not an easy one to offend, nor do I consider your comment personally offensive.
2) I've gone both ways. Sometimes I disagree with people stating some of my compatriots looks like a certain ethnicity. Most recent case was Bianka Panova - I don't see her as specifically Dutch or Northwestern Euro looking and posted Bulgarians who, in my opinion, fit better in that region:
Regarding Irina Miteva, I really don't see the easternness of her eyes. Maybe you pay more attention to this detail in general.
DeBurgh found her to ''have Nordic cranial features despite her brunette pigmentation''. To me she stands between Atlanto-Mediterranean and Nordic types, with some UP influence:
In general, while certain types are more typical to one region and others to another, my experience on this forum has showed me individual cases of all sorts - Portuguese Pontids and one Uralid from the same state; French Pontids/North Pontids and Baltids; Atlanto-Meds and Dinarids/Norids from Sweden, Norway and Estonia (I give credit to Immanenz - was right in a discussion of ours about the latter before my Estonian survey); Russian Atlanto-Meds; Saiwalo saying Stoyan Radev (posting a link below) can fit in Lapland, etc.:
3) I even have threads like this one about Maggie Jelyazkova - that's an Egyptid to me. I state my rate of finding her Berber or Egyptian looking on page 3:
You have such individuals throughout Southern Europe but most members from the region (with the exception of Portuguese and Spaniards who seem more honest) would deny it.
Or look at Christian Talev - extremely atypical face (I've seen just one guy resembling him in reality for 29 years of living here) but still I adhere to reality. Some tried to pass him as Dinaric or Alpine when he looks nothing like it, nor does his skull. Only European type his skull resembles is Gracile Med but I can't ignore that his facial traits are Orientalid and not typical for Gracile Meds at all:
Of course, people like Cvyatko are far more common than these 2 examples above but I'm making a point.
4) Cvyatko, Vasil Bojkov and Atanas Penev I have posted have all been classified as either fully or partly Borreby by some but I think this would make it an umbrella term. To me Cvyatko Barchovski is Borreby, Bojkov East Cromagnid and Penev - Berid.
5) It is true that a Norwegian Dinaric would normally cluster genetically closer to a Norwegian Nordic than to a Balkan Dinaric but this doesn't change his phenotype. A member (I think from Italy but I could be wrong, as that was years ago) had asked for a classification of a man he first said was Southern Italian before revealing his Norwegian ethnicity. I sticked to my Dinaro-Med rate even after that but not everyone did.
I've seen all sorts of genetic results on individual level, sometimes matching phenotype and sometimes not.
As a group, we, Bulgarians, are, of course, significantly closer to Greeks than to Scandos. However, the genetic distance between Denmark and Bulgaria is, I'm sure, much smaller than that dividing Portugal and India. Bulgarians would as a group still cluster closer to Scandinavians than to Egyptians or Moroccans despite examples I gave you above.
6) I see there is some beef between you and Kivan but I respect both of you. You will either get over it or not. I just make comments when I find it appropriate.

11-25-2020, 03:59 PM
Borreby is just another word that sounds cool (in other words this is NW pheno like Paleo-Atlantid or Faelid) that is why this term is overused in paleoanthropology.

Personally, I hate this term even more than Paleo-Alantid because some trolls have used this term to classify some Uralische girls that I posted.