View Full Version : Germany's Jews cut ties with Vatican

01-31-2009, 06:23 PM
Pope Benedict XVI's decision to lift the excommunication of Richard Williamson, who insists that a maximum of 300,000 Jews were killed by Hitler's regime, has plunged relations between the Vatican and Jewish groups to a new low.
Charlotte Knobloch, head of Germany's Central Council of Jews, said she was withdrawing from a scheduled dialogue with Catholic leaders, while both France and Britain criticised the Pope's actions.
"Under such conditions there will certainly be no conversation between the Church and me at the moment – but I stress 'at the moment'," Ms Knobloch said.
She added she could not believe the Pope's decision was the result of an oversight.
"The Pope is one of the most well-educated and intelligent people that the Catholic Church has and every word he speaks, he means," she said.
France's minister for Europe said the Pope had made a serious error in lifting the excommunication.
Bruno Le Maire, a practising Catholic, said: "I believe that it was a mistake to forgive so easily and to rehabilitate a bishop who has denied the existence of gas chambers and who said so very clearly."
The Pontiff's decision was also condemned by members of all parties during a House of Commons debate on Tuesday.
Sadiq Khan, a junior Communities Minister, said the move was "highly unsavoury" and of "great concern".
"The fact that somebody who can deny that the holocaust took place can hold high office, can be invited to august institutions to debate this, causes me great concern. Many MPs will ... find the promotion of such a person highly unsavoury," he said.
"Let's be clear those who deny the holocaust aren't pseudo-historians who are revising history. Some of their views ... demonstrate anti-Semitism. We can't pretend the holocaust didn't happen.''
Bishop Williamson's inflammatory views that historical accounts of the Holocaust are "lies, lies, lies" were repeated most recently in an interview aired last week on Swedish television.
He and three other rehabilitated bishops are members of the Swiss-based "Lefebvrist" fraternity, which rejected the Vatican's liberal reforms of the 1960s, including a declaration that Jews are the "older brothers" of Christians.
The order was thrown into fresh controversy yesterday when one of its leaders in Italy, Floriano Abrahamowicz, whose father was Jewish, also questioned whether the Nazis used gas chambers to exterminate Jews.
"I know that the gas chambers existed at least for disinfection, but I cannot say if they were used to kill people or not," said Father Abrahamowicz, who heads the Society of Saint Pius X in the north-east of Italy.
The number of Jews reported killed by the Nazis in concentration camps came from information given to the Allies at the end of the war by German Jewish leaders and was open to doubt, he said.
A senior Jewish leader from Israel said the Pope's assurances of his "solidarity" with the Jewish people, delivered during an address on Wednesday, had failed to heal the rift.
"The harm is not yet fully repaired," Rabbi David Rosen, who heads the International Jewish Committee for Inter-religious Consultations, told La Repubblica.
He called for Bishop Williamson, who lives in Argentina, to issue an immediate apology and to recant his views.
The Pope's explanation that he had lifted the 1988 excommunication of Williamson, along with three other bishops from the conservative Society of Saint Pius X, out of "paternal mercy" failed to assuage politicians or Jewish leaders.
The row came as Europe earlier this week commemorated the 64th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.


01-31-2009, 06:54 PM

01-31-2009, 07:41 PM
Bruno Le Maire, a practising Catholic, said: "I believe that it was a mistake to forgive so easily and to rehabilitate a bishop who has denied the existence of gas chambers and who said so very clearly."If the gas chambers were real, why has the long-standing challenge by revisionists to "provide the name of one person, with proof, who was killed in a gas chamber at Auschwitz" gone unanswered?

The entire gas-chamber story was wartime hysteria {a book called "The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes" (http://www.vho.org/GB/c/SC/sh.html) examines the deep cultural origins among the Ostjuden of the gas-chamber myth} which was used by the kangaroo-court at Nuremburg. They used it as a bludgeon to help execute some of the remaining captive enemy leaders and demonize the old regime to facilitate the new order. That hysteria has been twisted into pseudo-religious-belief by now {also motivated by demonization of the very concept of concern among Europeans for "blood and honor"} even though there was never any evidence for it. In other words: The Auschwitz myth has not been corrected because, frankly, it has become the founding myth of the modern world order.

Richard Williamson, who insists that a maximum of 300,000 Jews were killed by Hitler's regime, According to the most deep demographic study ever conducted about European and world Jewry from the 1910s-1980s (the Sanning book), about 1.3 million Jews died in WWII*, a substantial number of which died while in Soviet hands. Around 500,000 died unnatural deaths in the German concentration camps (esp. late-war when the entire continent was near starvation from the strain of war and as disease swept through the camps) and during forced labor; several hundred thousand more were killed by the German military in anti-partisan operations on the Eastern Front, often in arbitrary massacres specifically targetting Jews (these were atrocities; though the partisans' main tactic was also "atrocity": torturing German soldiers they captured).
All other stories about the Holocaust have been known to be false for some time now. No gas chambers, no extermination plan, no "6 million dead", no lampsahdes of human skin, etc., etc.

* - (1.3 million died of 8.2million European Jews as of 1939 {about 1 million of the dead died in the German occupation zone}; thus 15% of total died; roughly the same percentage dead as Germany suffered; roughly the same as Ukraine suffered during Stalin's artificial famine; and actually substantially less than the Baltic states suffered in the 1940-1949 period mostly from NKVD activities.
The Nordling study (http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v11/v11p335_Nordling.html) later confirmed the ~15% statistic.).

02-04-2009, 12:45 PM
I don't believe that any "Holocaust Deniers" would deny the facts if they were presented. Most of what I've seen have been word of mouth accounts. Any records that would prove or disprove the events on a scale that is claimed has been hidden from the public eye. If they records would prove to the world, without a shadow of a doubt, I'm sure there would be no grounds for denying. A picture is worth a thousand words, even some that are made up. I've seen pictures that are hard to determine who took the pictures, and who are the subjects in the pictures. It's too easy to claim this or that, but without evidence of anything, truth is hard to prove. An interesting video (though, it's very slow) is Judea Declards War on Germany. I've not had the chance to research the claims in it, but it does talk a little more about the difficulty they would have in using specific buildings as gas chambers, the use of "coke" as a fuel to burn bodies, as well as the possibility of bodies being used to burn other bodies (80% water takes a lot to burn), and information about Zyklon-B handling. Too much info to do the research in my little time, but for anyone that wants to take the time, I've got the video.