View Full Version : Palestinians vs Iranians: who is darker

12-13-2016, 06:53 AM
feel free to post pics to prove your opinion

12-13-2016, 06:55 AM
Why is this a question? Lol. They're about the same. However, Caspian Iranians are whiter.

12-13-2016, 06:55 AM
palestinian are a small group , while iran is a huge country they are not really comparable.

12-13-2016, 06:56 AM
palestinian are a small group , while iran is a huge country they are not really comparable.


12-13-2016, 06:57 AM
Palestinians are diverse too. We have moody/gilgamesh who has light and european skin color, there are also pali's who are very brown.

12-13-2016, 07:00 AM
Palestinians are diverse too. We have moody who has light and european skin color, there are also pali's who are very brown.

The ones who are "very brown" are Gaza types usually. There is a Palestinian user here who is very white looking (Gilgamesh), and another who is not white looking, but not really dark either (randomguy).

12-13-2016, 07:01 AM
The ones who are "very brown" are Gaza types usually. There is a Palestinian user here who is very white looking (Gilgamesh), and another who is not white looking,

So, they are diverse.

12-13-2016, 07:02 AM
Why is this a question?

I'm trying to explore phenotypes of the middleast east region and learn about them.

12-13-2016, 07:02 AM
Gilgamesh900 is an expert in this field because he lives in UAE and can compare both groups.

12-13-2016, 07:03 AM
So, they are diverse.

All the middle eastern countries are diverse looking.

12-13-2016, 07:04 AM
Iranians mixed up with many non-Iranians in the past, they have Turkic looking people in the east, Caucasian/Azeri looking people in the north/north west and Pakistani looking people in south.

Palestinians are also diverse like Iranians, they have Lebanese, Syrian, Egytian, Gulf Arab looking people.

Imo, Iranians whiter than Palestinians.

12-13-2016, 08:55 AM
Palestinians are more darker than Iranians..but not much. I have seen many Iranians here in this country, and honestly, they don't look any lighter than Palestinians.

12-13-2016, 09:04 AM
Palestinians are more darker than Iranians..but not much. I have seen many Iranians here in this country, and honestly, they don't look any lighter than Palestinians.

Is it related to SSA admixture or it's their typical skin color due to their environment?

12-13-2016, 09:07 AM
Is it related to SSA admixture or it's their typical skin color due to their environment?

Both. The SSA admixture in Palestinians is around 8%.

12-13-2016, 09:18 AM
Both. The SSA admixture in Palestinians is around 8%.

Slavery or immigration or both? I read some articles about African descendants in Persian Gulf region. Seems they're related to both Slaves and East African sailors and immigrants.

12-13-2016, 09:30 AM
These guys: Afro-Iranian (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afro-Iranian)


12-13-2016, 09:42 AM
Slavery or immigration or both? I read some articles about African descendants in Persian Gulf region. Seems they're related to both Slaves and East African sailors and immigrants.

what was your username before ban.

12-13-2016, 09:47 AM
what was your username before ban.

LEL... Why? Before my self-ban and crash? You can't remember it and all of my previous posts deleted thanks to the big crash. So it's completely pointless to talk about it. Just guess it if it's important for you. :biggrin:

12-13-2016, 09:56 AM
Gaza has huge percentage of Egyptian mix and families because it was under Egypt rule for many years

12-13-2016, 09:57 AM
Slavery or immigration or both? I read some articles about African descendants in Persian Gulf region. Seems they're related to both Slaves and East African sailors and immigrants.

Mostly to slavery in the 7th century AD and onward. The immigrants from places like Sudan, Chad and even Nigeria came into Palestine in the late middle ages.

12-13-2016, 09:57 AM
LEL... Why? Before my self-ban and crash? You can't remember it and all of my previous posts deleted thanks to the big crash. So it's completely pointless to talk about it. Just guess it if it's important for you. :biggrin:

nothing particular , it just gives a context to one's post.

12-13-2016, 10:00 AM
Gaza has huge percentage of Egyptian mix and families because it was under Egypt rule for many years

Its not just Gaza but the whole Palestinian genepool has significant Egyptian admixture. Egypt and the Southern Levant had relations since ancient times.

12-13-2016, 10:03 AM
nothing particular , it just gives a context to one's post.

Then I assure you it's not me. Because I was a semi-troll (or pseudo-troll) user and I didn't involve myself in anthropology threads very much. My main concern was fun parts of this forum. However, some anthro threads may attract me.

Seth MacFarlane
12-13-2016, 01:34 PM
With the exceptions of gazans they are about the same , both dark

12-13-2016, 01:45 PM
With the exceptions of gazans they are about the same , both dark


12-13-2016, 01:54 PM
With the exceptions of gazans they are about the same , both dark

Most Persians aren't really "Dark"

Seth MacFarlane
12-13-2016, 02:24 PM
Most Persians aren't really "Dark"

Depends what you consider dark , olive complexion and middle eastern features is dark right ? If not then neither is dark lol

12-13-2016, 02:34 PM
can we have one picture each of quintessential Iranian and Palestinian look.If someone can post.

12-13-2016, 02:36 PM
Around the same.

12-13-2016, 02:37 PM
From my experience, Persians are usually lighter, but not by far. I've seen Palestinians that look more light than Persians I know, but they aren't majority. Me and Gilgamesh are probably one of the light ones among our own ethnic groups.

I once met two Syrians, one being Kurdish and the other being Palestinian, the Palestinian was much lighter (ARCHAIC LEVANTOID), while the Kurd was dark.

12-13-2016, 02:41 PM
Christian Palestinians are, on average, more fair-complexioned and phenotypically Europoid than Iranians. However, Caspian Iranians are certainly whiter than the average Muslim Palestinian. Muslim Palestinians are not especially homogeneous, and there are a substantial minority of Egyptians and Bedouins who consider themselves Palestinian.

12-13-2016, 02:54 PM
Christian Palestinians are, on average, more fair-complexioned and phenotypically Europoid than Iranians. However, Caspian Iranians are certainly whiter than the average Muslim Palestinian. Muslim Palestinians are not especially homogeneous, and there are a substantial minority of Egyptians and Bedouins who consider themselves Palestinian.

can you post one crowd/group picture of each with typical pigmentation ?

12-13-2016, 02:56 PM
Most Persians aren't really "Dark"

By Dark, we mean swarthy not something like Black Africans or dark Sri Lankans. Olive, shades of brown, some shades of yellow and etc are dark in comparison with white/pale skin.

12-13-2016, 02:56 PM
Palestinians are darker. Unlike Iranians, most of Palestinians have some SSA admixture.

12-13-2016, 03:05 PM
By Dark, we mean swarthy not something like Black Africans or dark Sri Lankans. Olive, shades of brown, some shades of yellow and etc are dark in comparison with white/pale skin.

Yeah, but in anthroforums, they are made much more darker than they are. Levantines are often more European/Mediterranean looking, but Iran being a super mountainous nation are often lighter skinned, but don't look European as often and more Caucasian.

A non-biased source


Anyway, Iran is a big nation, so the comparison doesn't stand.

12-13-2016, 03:13 PM
if there was an option for 'i dont give a shit' i would fully participate

12-13-2016, 03:14 PM
Yeah, but in anthroforums, they are made much more darker than they are. Levantines are often more European/Mediterranean looking, but Iran being a super mountainous nation are often lighter skinned, but don't look European as often and more Caucasian.

A non-biased source


Anyway, Iran is a big nation, so the comparison doesn't stand.

Forget Anthro World. So what we should call them? Olive? :scratch:

12-13-2016, 03:15 PM
Palestinians are darker. Unlike Iranians, most of Palestinians have some SSA admixture.

Iranians on the contrary have a little ASI which (depending on how much the individual has) adds genes for dark pigmentation.

12-13-2016, 03:16 PM
The lightest persians are lighter but overall Palestinians are lighter on average than Iranians

12-13-2016, 03:21 PM
Iranians on the contrary have a little ASI which (depending on how much the individual has) adds genes for dark pigmentation.

ASI = Jarawa? :loco:

12-13-2016, 03:38 PM
Palestinians score 6% SSA which does not make sense so much, It is based on individual which is whiter situation, Palestinians or other Levant people are

not distant from Turks-Sicilians-Cypriots, I do not think Palestinians as dark people like Gulf Arabs-Yemenites-Saudi Arabians

12-13-2016, 03:53 PM
Türks are also close to Transcaucasian excrements, Coptes and Druzs.

12-13-2016, 04:14 PM
Türks are also close to Transcaucasian excrements, Coptes and Druzs.

Dumbest Person of TA just arrived, Look at here, Son of Whore from Pontic Trash

Turkish Adana Oracle

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Turk_Adana @ 6.505457
2 Assyrian_Iraqi @ 6.894584
3 Georgian_Jew @ 7.791037
4 Turk_Kayseri @ 7.820165
5 Syrian_Jew @ 7.828314
6 Iraqi_Chaldean @ 7.884265
7 Lebanese_Muslim @ 7.980385
8 Lebanese @ 9.278861
9 Turk @ 9.559890
10 Iraqi_Jew @ 9.853035
11 Lebanese_Druze @ 9.956412
12 Jew_Tat @ 10.085869
13 Iraqi_Mandean @ 10.449339
14 Cypriot @ 10.555427
15 Iranian_Jew @ 10.722573
16 Kurd_Jew @ 10.844460
17 Uzbekistani_Jew @ 10.848081
18 Lebanese_Christian @ 12.359539
19 Turk_Istanbul @ 12.448068
20 Assyrian_Arzni @ 12.718800

12-13-2016, 04:28 PM
Immigrant Transcaucasian excrement is a living proof why Euros shouldnt accept refugees. Refugees come your country, then get citizenship then register forums then think they will silence Türks by insulting them. Fuck the system giving monkeys same citizenship as me. Terrorist shit I believed it was you who blew yourself in Beşiktaş. GTFO my country ugly baboon.

Petros Agapetos
12-13-2016, 04:48 PM
Iranians are more diverse than Palestinians because Iran is a vast country with various ethncities, like Azeris, Persians, etc.
If I had to guess I'd say the average Iranian is more or less as dark as the average Palestinian, but I could be wrong, I haven't seen too many photos of Iranians and Palestinians.