View Full Version : Classify the first post-dictatorship Presidents of Argentina and Chile

Tooting Carmen
12-15-2016, 12:42 PM
Raul Alfonsin, Argentine President, elected in 1983

Patricio Aylwin, Chilean President, elected in 1990

12-15-2016, 01:14 PM
Atlanto-Med and Alpine-Med

Tooting Carmen
12-15-2016, 01:16 PM
Anyone else?

The Blade
12-15-2016, 02:16 PM
1 - Atlanto-Med + Baskid
2 - Med + Taurid

12-15-2016, 02:21 PM
Patricio Aylwim had some British background.

Tooting Carmen
12-15-2016, 02:22 PM
Patricio Aylwim had some British background.

According to Wiki, he is a mixture of Irish from his father's side and Basque from his mother's side. His full name is Patricio Aylwin Azocar. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patricio_Aylwin

12-15-2016, 02:27 PM
According to Wiki, he is a mixture of Irish from his father's side and Basque from his mother's side. His full name is Patricio Aylwin Azocar. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patricio_Aylwin

Then, he would be a good example of Spanish/Irish mix, though his Spanish side is Basque (but Basques are genetically/phenotype-wise very close to the rest of Spaniards, anyways).

Checking his biography I found out that he just died on April this year :eek:

12-17-2016, 10:29 PM
Alfonsin had 4 european born great grandparents (3 Spain 1 England)


Checking the great great grandparents Alfonsin had at least

8 Spanish great great grandparents
4 English great great grandparents


12-17-2016, 10:32 PM
Alfonsin had 4 european great grandparents (3 Spain 1 England)


Then, he would be a good example of Spanish/British mix, but more Spanish than Brit.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
12-17-2016, 10:33 PM
Then, he would be a good example of Spanish/Irish mix, though his Spanish side is Basque (but Basques are genetically/phenotype-wise very close to the rest of Spaniards, anyways).

Checking his biography I found out that he just died on April this year :eek:

him and Martin Sheen.

12-17-2016, 10:35 PM
him and Martin Sheen.

That's true :lol:

With the only difference that Martin Sheen Spanish side is Galician, while the Spanish side of this former Chilean president is Basque :)

12-17-2016, 10:39 PM
¿No es la segunda parte (la de teniendo 8 tatarabuelos...) redundante? si él tenía 4 abuelos europeos, ¡obviamente los tatarabuelos también lo son!

Ehh pero hay algunos q son argentinos y los padres son españoles entonces no se cuenta como bisabuelo pero se cuenta como tatarabuelo. Entendes?

Osea bisabuelos españoles tiene 3 entonces vos decis 6 tatarabuelos españoles pero en realidad tiene 8 pq una de las bisabuelas argentinas tmb tenia padres españoles. Se entiende?

Con los ingleses lo mismo tiene 1 bisabuelo ingles pero tiene 4 tatarabuelos porque la mujer tenia padres ingleses.

Aparte la cuenta no dice 4 bisabuelos y 8 tatarabuelos. Dice 4 bisabuelos y 12 tatarabuelos

12-17-2016, 10:49 PM
Hummm no :noidea:

Olvídate si son españoles o rusos, mientras sean europeos. Si todos sus abuelos son europeos, a la fuerza bisabuelos, tatarabuelos etc también lo son, digo yo :twitch00::twitch00:

pero aca no dice abuelos, dice great grandparents que seria bisabuelo. Seria asi

Padres 0/2 0%
Abuelos 1/4 25%
Bisabuelos 4/8 50%
Tatarabuelos 12/16 75%

Ves que no es lo mismo? Con cada nuevo grupo de abuelos el % aumenta. Como decis vos, no va a disminuir, pero si puede aumentar. Ahora se entiende?

12-17-2016, 10:54 PM
ok, firmemente tuve la convicción de que todos sus abuelos eran europeos :blink:

El tipo tiene 8 tatarabuelos españoles, 4 tatarabuelos ingleses y los otros 4 tatarabuelos tienen origen desconocido, probablemente argentino. Es super gallego

12-17-2016, 10:59 PM

Voy a hacer un thread con proceres argentinos y sus 16 tatarabuelos. Esta interesante esta pagina.

Tooting Carmen
12-18-2016, 01:02 AM
Could we please stick to topic?

06-13-2017, 05:39 PM
1. Atlanto-Med
2. Med