View Full Version : I have a new TA relative

12-24-2016, 11:57 PM
I know I was related to Herr Abubu (I think its Herr Abubu) but now Money received his results from Ftdna and I appeared as match. He has no non-euro though so I guess we are related through the Balkan side.

12-25-2016, 02:45 PM
How do you know about this (look for people who have a connection with you) on FTDNA?

12-25-2016, 02:50 PM
Yes. we are related. I ran my results on dna land


I get a lot of Serbs from Montenegro as matches who have origin from there or are from there. And I get a lot of Albanians.

Herr Abubu
12-25-2016, 02:53 PM
Yeah, it was me. I'm related to a whole lot of Balkan people from TA. Kurt, you, Hákon, Archon (my closest, he's my 3rd cousin), Trojet, StefanDusan, Kuqezi, Safinator and I'm sure others that I forgot to mention. There's even a former Russian member.

12-26-2016, 05:57 AM
How do you know about this (look for people who have a connection with you) on FTDNA?

He wrote me a message and told me.

12-26-2016, 08:54 PM
Yes, all of my serbian relatives on 23andme have montenegrin ancestry

12-26-2016, 09:55 PM
Yeah, it was me. I'm related to a whole lot of Balkan people from TA. Kurt, you, Hákon, Archon (my closest, he's my 3rd cousin), Trojet, StefanDusan, Kuqezi, Safinator and I'm sure others that I forgot to mention. There's even a former Russian member.

That's why they call you Herr

12-26-2016, 09:57 PM
That's great. Stears is my cousin, we share some uber hungarian genes.

12-26-2016, 10:01 PM
Yeah, it was me. I'm related to a whole lot of Balkan people from TA. Kurt, you, Hákon, Archon (my closest, he's my 3rd cousin), Trojet, StefanDusan, Kuqezi, Safinator and I'm sure others that I forgot to mention. There's even a former Russian member.

It seems I had a wrong vision of Balkan.
If serbs/albanians and some other are finally link to each others. It means there were more "exchange" between the groups that what I expected.

Herr Abubu
12-26-2016, 10:04 PM
It seems I had a wrong vision of Balkan.
If serbs/albanians and some other are finally link to each others. It means there were more "exchange" between the groups that what I expected.

Yeah, but don't tell them. And never tell Dema he's paternally a Serb.

12-26-2016, 10:06 PM
no albanian matches so far for me.

12-26-2016, 10:06 PM
what qualifies as relative in this context?

12-26-2016, 10:09 PM
It seems I had a wrong vision of Balkan.
If serbs/albanians and some other are finally link to each others. It means there were more "exchange" between the groups that what I expected.

Albanians have nothing to do with serbians actually, Herr Abubu is just an albanized serb and has nothing to do with albania.

12-26-2016, 11:03 PM
Yeah, but don't tell them. And never tell Dema he's paternally a Serb.

Nah, don't tell Serbs they are Slavicized Albanians and Vlachs. Just tell them they have Thracian-Ilyrian blood but that it did not come from Albanians or Vlachs.

12-26-2016, 11:03 PM
no albanian matches so far for me.

I get Greek matches both on ydna and autosomal

12-26-2016, 11:24 PM
I get Greek matches both on ydna and autosomal

Do you get any Western Euros?

12-26-2016, 11:38 PM
Do you get any Western Euros?

Yes. Swedes, Germans etc.

One of the Serbs I get is a I1 with surname Macura from republika srpska. Macura is a tribe that originates from montenegro. They were originally Orthodox Vlachs believed to be of Norman ancestry. We share mostly Albanian matches and one Swede.

On YDna he matches Albanians on our project.

Many Serbian tribes were originally either Albanians or Vlachs, the latter already had shared a common origin. Piperi, Kuci, Vasojevici, Macura etc

They adopted a Orthodox faith and became Serbianised.

Of course some Albanians have Slavic ancestry too and I've seen Albanians get North Slavic on Dna land. And some Albanian tribes were Slavs. Nothing wrong with that. Whats happened, happened. My Serbian matches however do not look to be genetically Slavs, just linguistically.

12-26-2016, 11:53 PM
Yeah, it was me.


12-26-2016, 11:54 PM
I know I was related to Herr Abubu (I think its Herr Abubu) but now Money received his results from Ftdna and I appeared as match. He has no non-euro though so I guess we are related through the Balkan side.

You are paternally Vasojevic, right? Money's maternal ancestors are Kuci (Kuq) - there you have it folks.

12-27-2016, 12:19 AM
Yeah, but don't tell them. And never tell Dema he's paternally a Serb.

Because that is simply not true. But you being the traitor that you are, and showing obvious reactivation of traitor family genes makes you use everything you have in order to try to insult me. Even backing up a Gypo like Mortimer or Serbs against me :D good, good, show more of these traitor genes, i always knew that we Albanians have them, just it was a question who are these people. I guess that is the same reason why you trashed talked so many other TA Albanians behind their back. Because the little maggot you are its obvious that you can only backstab people. Gotta give you some credit for going balls in at me now, even tho i know you for sure trashed talked me too behind my back at your little discord rat hole.

I dont know why you so salty and what is actually disturbing you so badly? Is it a fact that you are emigrant Muslim refugee on Norwegian social status or the fact that you have 3500 hours played on DOTA and you still suck??? Imagine fucking little butthurt emigrant spending his job time 8 hours per day playing a video game last two years of his life. Yep i seen your Her abubu shit account on Steam. Your a fucking no life dude, no wonder you are so frustrated and bitter. Also dont forget DOTA comunity is one of most cancerous and evilish comunities out there, huh it must have been hard for a neverlearning newb like yourself being bullied there, spending 3500 hours on a shit game and still sucking at it hahahaha

About my paternal line which is now even genetically proven that is not Serbian, go here and post proofs, maybe you finish what Rv12anal started and gave us some new insight into situation that we others dont understand - http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?191049-Haplogroups-of-Serbs-from-Croatia&p=3967658&viewfull=1#post3967658

maybe your 3500 hours life wasted dota brain knows something that others dont?

P.S. i have screenshots

12-27-2016, 12:25 AM
You are paternally Vasojevic, right? Money's maternal ancestors are Kuci (Kuq) - there you have it folks.

According to Robert Elsie both were originally Albanian tribes, related to eachother, and both of its members have tested EV13.

12-27-2016, 12:27 AM
Just dare to fucking quote me

12-27-2016, 12:27 AM
Albanians have nothing to do with serbians actually, Herr Abubu is just an albanized serb and has nothing to do with albania.

We are closer than you think.

12-27-2016, 02:57 AM
You are paternally Vasojevic, right? Money's maternal ancestors are Kuci (Kuq) - there you have it folks.

I dont know what Vasojevic is, but thats not my surname. Actually my direct paternal line and my surname goes back to bosnia but my dad indeed said he was told in army that his ancestors were originally from montenegro (I dont know whether that is true but my dad said he was told that in army). And my surname is quiete common among serbs. We are settled in Vojvodina since quiete a while though.

12-27-2016, 03:29 AM
I dont know what Vasojevic is, but thats not my surname. Actually my direct paternal line and my surname goes back to bosnia but my dad indeed said he was told in army that his ancestors were originally from montenegro (I dont know whether that is true but my dad said he was told that in army). And my surname is quiete common among serbs. We are settled in Vojvodina since quiete a while though.

Vaseojevici is a Clan from Montenegro, and if I recall correctly, Dick told me a while back that your last name is traced back to them. Plus they are E-V13 too, so you should test at ftdna to confirm it though, rather then dick around with autosomal calculators ;)

12-27-2016, 03:31 AM
Vaseojevici is a Clan from Montenegro, and if I recall correctly, Dick told me a while back that your last name is traced back to them. Plus they are E-V13 too, so you should test at ftdna to confirm it though, rather then dick around with autosomal calculators ;)

I see I didnt know that myself, its interesting. I tested with National Genographic and they have more details with haplogroups then 23andme and there is free transfer to Ftdna because they work together. Maybe I will find out more about my haplogroups. In 8-10 weeks I will have my results.

12-27-2016, 03:34 AM
I see I didnt know that myself, its interesting. I tested with National Genographic and they have more details with haplogroups then 23andme and there is free transfer to Ftdna because they work together. Maybe I will find out more about my haplogroups. In 8-10 weeks I will have my results.

Geno is alright but you need to test STR markers to see if you are actually related to them, so you can transfer from Geno to ftdna and upgrade to Y37 from there.

12-27-2016, 04:11 AM
Geno is alright but you need to test STR markers to see if you are actually related to them, so you can transfer from Geno to ftdna and upgrade to Y37 from there.

Ok, Its first time I hear that about Vasojevici, Dick didnt told me that. For now I will be content with 23andme and now the NatGeno. Maybe when I have some more money left.

12-27-2016, 05:38 AM
Ok, Its first time I hear that about Vasojevici, Dick didnt told me that. For now I will be content with 23andme and now the NatGeno. Maybe when I have some more money left.

I told you about them before forum crash.
Do you have list of your markers? If you have, compare them here with tested Vasojevici members.
Rod Vasojevica (http://dnk.poreklo.rs/tabela-pojedinacne-grupe/?grp-filter=E&lang=lat) (scroll down to the section of E haplogroup Rod Vasojevica).

One of the Serbs I get is a I1 with surname Macura from republika srpska. Macura is a tribe that originates from montenegro. They were originally Orthodox Vlachs believed to be of Norman ancestry. We share mostly Albanian matches and one Swede.

On YDna he matches Albanians on our project.

Many Serbian tribes were originally either Albanians or Vlachs, the latter already had shared a common origin. Piperi, Kuci, Vasojevici, Macura etc

They adopted a Orthodox faith and became Serbianised.

Of course some Albanians have Slavic ancestry too and I've seen Albanians get North Slavic on Dna land. And some Albanian tribes were Slavs. Nothing wrong with that. Whats happened, happened. My Serbian matches however do not look to be genetically Slavs, just linguistically.
Macure and I1 Z63 Albanians probably descended from some East German population, unlike I1 P109 tested people which definitely descended from Normans.

12-27-2016, 05:40 AM
I told you about them before forum crash.

I see, i forgot. I dont remember. I dont have a list of my markers, I would need to test STR with Ftdna. When I have saved some money I will.

12-27-2016, 05:46 AM
How do you find this out?

12-27-2016, 06:06 AM
How do you find this out?

genetic tests.

12-27-2016, 06:14 AM
Yeah, it was me. I'm related to a whole lot of Balkan people from TA. Kurt, you, Hákon, Archon (my closest, he's my 3rd cousin), Trojet, StefanDusan, Kuqezi, Safinator and I'm sure others that I forgot to mention. There's even a former Russian member.

the only Apricitan I was related to on 23andme was a Lithuanian girl Linkus, but there's gotta be more, I just didn't do FTDNA and such - can I do it free of charge, with the 23andme raw data?

btw, you said Hákon, the Swedish goddess, is Balkan? wow

Herr Abubu
12-27-2016, 12:51 PM
Because that is simply not true. But you being the traitor that you are, and showing obvious reactivation of traitor family genes makes you use everything you have in order to try to insult me. Even backing up a Gypo like Mortimer or Serbs against me :D good, good, show more of these traitor genes, i always knew that we Albanians have them, just it was a question who are these people. I guess that is the same reason why you trashed talked so many other TA Albanians behind their back. Because the little maggot you are its obvious that you can only backstab people. Gotta give you some credit for going balls in at me now, even tho i know you for sure trashed talked me too behind my back at your little discord rat hole.

You feel you were stabbed in the back? Poor you. There was never any friendship or agreement between us, so I never stabbed you in the back. It's quite pathetic how you assume that because I'm Albanian—which you are not—I should agree with you in everything you do, no matter how despicable it is. It's really despicable to bully someone with serious mental health issues. Even worse is the sort of prideful gleefulness you show while doing it. If being against someone who's not even Albanian's obnoxious behaviour makes me a traitor to Albanians somehow, then I guess I am, absurd as it is.

As for me talking trash, I can't think of any people I haven't been openly negative about. If I disagree or dislike someone I tell them if it gets to it. I have always thought you as rather pathetic and stupid, and I thought I always made it pretty clear I think little of you. It didn't help when you came on Discord and acted like a mental asylum escapee.

Also, if you know I have talked so badly about so many people, you could post it and prove it.

I dont know why you so salty and what is actually disturbing you so badly? Is it a fact that you are emigrant Muslim refugee on Norwegian social status or the fact that you have 3500 hours played on DOTA and you still suck??? Imagine fucking little butthurt emigrant spending his job time 8 hours per day playing a video game last two years of his life. Yep i seen your Her abubu shit account on Steam. Your a fucking no life dude, no wonder you are so frustrated and bitter. Also dont forget DOTA comunity is one of most cancerous and evilish comunities out there, huh it must have been hard for a neverlearning newb like yourself being bullied there, spending 3500 hours on a shit game and still sucking at it hahahaha

First of all, I have no idea of how many hours of DotA I have played. I don't know how you would know either. Of course, the fact that I kept my DotA client open all the time inflates the hours shown. When I did play DotA, which is a fairly long time ago, I was pretty good at it. I came up to about 5k, which is around 98% percentile or so.

Secondly, I don't, nor have I ever, taken welfare in any form or way.

Third and final, it's rather interesting you've gone to this extent just to try get back at me. I get you riled up like this because everything I say about you is the truth, which is that you're a vile, idiotic scumbag and a poor excuse for a family man. I never made any secrets about my differences, but I never quite cared enough either. It speaks of deep mental issues.

About my paternal line which is now even genetically proven that is not Serbian, go here and post proofs, maybe you finish what Rv12anal started and gave us some new insight into situation that we others dont understand - http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?191049-Haplogroups-of-Serbs-from-Croatia&p=3967658&viewfull=1#post3967658

It is Serbian and the vast, vast majority of your matches are Serbian, because that's what you are.

P.S. i have screenshots

Show them, then.

Herr Abubu
12-27-2016, 12:56 PM
the only Apricitan I was related to on 23andme was a Lithuanian girl Linkus, but there's gotta be more, I just didn't do FTDNA and such - can I do it free of charge, with the 23andme raw data?

No, you have to pay again and send a new spit sample to FTDNA.

btw, you said Hákon, the Swedish goddess, is Balkan? wow

Balkan mutt.

Herr Abubu
12-27-2016, 12:57 PM
Just dare to fucking quote me


12-27-2016, 01:25 PM
Lool congrats

12-27-2016, 01:27 PM
Lool congrats

We are related too. I can see your name on my list

12-27-2016, 01:30 PM
Herr Abubu must be very lucky to have such a cool relative.:cool:

12-27-2016, 01:30 PM
We are related too. I can see your name on my list

Thats cool.

Herr Abubu
12-27-2016, 01:32 PM
Herr Abubu must be very lucky to have such a cool relative.:cool:

None of my relatives disappointed me so far. Being so closely related to Archie was particularly cool. Tunizian cousins.

12-27-2016, 01:36 PM
Thats cool.

I dont even know your name

12-27-2016, 01:36 PM
None of my relatives disappointed me so far. Being so closely related to Archie was particularly cool. Tunizian cousins.

I also could be one of your cousin but i haven't made a test yet.

Herr Abubu
12-27-2016, 01:38 PM
I also could be one of your cousin but i haven't made a test yet.

You want me to pay for the test, don't you? :laugh:

12-27-2016, 01:40 PM
I dont even know your name

Give me yours, I'll check

12-27-2016, 01:41 PM
You want me to pay for the test, don't you? :laugh:

Lol, you're smart.

By the way, why did you put that crazy naughty Turkish guy as avatar?

Herr Abubu
12-27-2016, 01:48 PM
Lol, you're smart.

By the way, why did you put that crazy naughty Turkish guy as avatar?

I like crazy people. Their faults are open for everyone to see. They're honest about themselves. I had Gigi Becali before Sean Connery as Zed in Zardoz and now Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya).

(0:50 onwards)


12-27-2016, 02:08 PM
Give me yours, I'll check

Mohammed Alia Pashaovic Tepelenovic

12-27-2016, 02:15 PM
You feel you were stabbed in the back? Poor you. There was never any friendship or agreement between us, so I never stabbed you in the back. It's quite pathetic how you assume that because I'm Albanian—which you are not—I should agree with you in everything you do, no matter how despicable it is. It's really despicable to bully someone with serious mental health issues. Even worse is the sort of prideful gleefulness you show while doing it. If being against someone who's not even Albanian's obnoxious behaviour makes me a traitor to Albanians somehow, then I guess I am, absurd as it is.

As for me talking trash, I can't think of any people I haven't been openly negative about. If I disagree or dislike someone I tell them if it gets to it. I have always thought you as rather pathetic and stupid, and I thought I always made it pretty clear I think little of you. It didn't help when you came on Discord and acted like a mental asylum escapee.

Also, if you know I have talked so badly about so many people, you could post it and prove it.

First of all, I have no idea of how many hours of DotA I have played. I don't know how you would know either. Of course, the fact that I kept my DotA client open all the time inflates the hours shown. When I did play DotA, which is a fairly long time ago, I was pretty good at it. I came up to about 5k, which is around 98% percentile or so.

Secondly, I don't, nor have I ever, taken welfare in any form or way.

Third and final, it's rather interesting you've gone to this extent just to try get back at me. I get you riled up like this because everything I say about you is the truth, which is that you're a vile, idiotic scumbag and a poor excuse for a family man. I never made any secrets about my differences, but I never quite cared enough either. It speaks of deep mental issues.

It is Serbian and the vast, vast majority of your matches are Serbian, because that's what you are.

Show them, then.

You trash talked more then few Albanians from TA, it is because of your mental disorder and jealousy. Also your Gypsy traitor genetics. I wasn't speaking about myself because when you discord barking dogs went on me you had to ban me from discord because of how weak you are. Even when as a pack attacking one person.

Second i dont have any close match, and some Serb matches are before of creating of Serb ethnos. Also South Slavic TMRCA of this haplo is 900 years meaning they all come from a man who lived 900 years ago and guess what, he was not Serb nor Slav.

Why dont you show your matches ugly Gypo, im sure you have plenty of Mortimer alike matches much closer then i do Serbs, most of Serb group i have on GD 9 and 10 while there are people from Saudi Arabia and Qatar on GD 12 so it kinda gives you idea. But I guess you are too stupid to accept facts since its not about facts or my paternal lineage but with you being a butthurt scum, following me around and opening threads about also lying about me.

So what do we have here, obsessed guy, liar, mental case, etc

You say for Mortimer that he is retarded and has mental issues when in fact apple does not fall far from the tree. You are even worse case then your brother Mortimer, so rather shut the F about it.

Herr Abubu
12-27-2016, 02:18 PM
You trash talked more then few Albanians from TA, it is because of your mental disorder and jealousy. Also your Gypsy traitor genetics. I wasn't speaking about myself because when you discord barking dogs went on me you had to ban me from discord because of how weak you are. Even when as a pack attacking one person.

Second i dont have any close match, and some Serb matches are before of creating of Serb ethnos. Also South Slavic TMRCA of this haplo is 900 years meaning they all come from a man who lived 900 years ago and guess what, he was not Serb nor Slav.

Why dont you show your matches ugly Gypo, im sure you have plenty of Mortimer alike matches much closer then i do Serbs, most of Serb group i have on GD 9 and 10 while there are people from Saudi Arabia and Qatar on GD 12 so it kinda gives you idea. But I guess you are too stupid to accept facts since its not about facts or my paternal lineage but with you being a butthurt scum, following me around and opening threads about also lying about me.

So what do we have here, obsessed guy, liar, mental case, etc

You say for Mortimer that he is retarded and has mental issues when in fact apple does not fall far from the tree. You are even worse case then your brother Mortimer, so rather shut the F about it.

You said you have screenshots so just post them. It's pointless trying to argue with you otherwise.

12-27-2016, 02:21 PM
You trash talked more then few Albanians from TA, it is because of your mental disorder and jealousy. Also your Gypsy traitor genetics. I wasn't speaking about myself because when you discord barking dogs went on me you had to ban me from discord because of how weak you are. Even when as a pack attacking one person.

Second i dont have any close match, and some Serb matches are before of creating of Serb ethnos. Also South Slavic TMRCA of this haplo is 900 years meaning they all come from a man who lived 900 years ago and guess what, he was not Serb nor Slav.

Why dont you show your matches ugly Gypo, im sure you have plenty of Mortimer alike matches much closer then i do Serbs, most of Serb group i have on GD 9 and 10 while there are people from Saudi Arabia and Qatar on GD 12 so it kinda gives you idea. But I guess you are too stupid to accept facts since its not about facts or my paternal lineage but with you being a butthurt scum, following me around and opening threads about also lying about me.

So what do we have here, obsessed guy, liar, mental case, etc

You say for Mortimer that he is retarded and has mental issues when in fact apple does not fall far from the tree. You are even worse case then your brother Mortimer, so rather shut the F about it.

Mortimers paternal ancestors were not Slavs though.

12-27-2016, 02:26 PM
You said you have screenshots so just post them. It's pointless trying to argue with you otherwise.

Listen Gypo you trash talked them via voice on ********* Im not going to tell their names and what you said about them. You should know better that isn't a way to talk about Albos in front of your Greek and Montenegrin discord friends.

And screenshots are from your no life steam acc, im opening a thread with them since you asking, so everyone can see how is Muslim emigrant on social status spending his days;)

12-27-2016, 02:31 PM
Mortimers paternal ancestors were not Slavs though.

I know, i never said they were, he should get matches from ev13 Slavs or whatever nations just as i get from j2b1.
There is plenty Ev13 Slavs dont worry. I am sure he has random nations and people closer then i have anyone.

Herr Abubu
12-27-2016, 02:33 PM
Listen Gypo you trash talked them via voice on ********* Im not going to tell their names names and what you said about them. You should know better that isn't a way to talk about Albos in front of your Greek and Montenegrin discord friends.

And screenshots are from your no life steam acc, im opening a thread with them since you asking, so everyone can see how is Muslim emigrant on social status spending his days;)

Oh, so everyone should just take your word for it? Good one. Claim to have evidence and threaten with it, just to fall back on the threat.

It's really fun to see how you just can't keep on lying, though. You had major chimp-outs the few times you were on *********

Once because of some strange hatred you harbour for Christians, another time because Kurgan had called you a Serb, which you are.

12-27-2016, 02:46 PM
Oh, so everyone should just take your word for it? Good one. Claim to have evidence and threaten with it, just to fall back on the threat.

It's really fun to see how you just can't keep on lying, though. You had major chimp-outs the few times you were on *********

Once because of some strange hatred you harbour for Christians, another time because Kurgan had called you a Serb, which you are.

I know about who and what you said but i am not involving people into this, if you really want i can tell you over pm. Dont play stupid, you know that you talk bad things behind people's back. You should change you nickname into a mouth, indeed a dirty one.

Are you posting your Ydna matches Gypo or we done with conversation?

12-27-2016, 03:05 PM
I know, i never said they were, he should get matches from ev13 Slavs or whatever nations just as i get from j2b1.
There is plenty Ev13 Slavs dont worry. I am sure he has random nations and people closer then i have anyone.

Your paternal ancestors were not Slavs. Neither were Mortimers.

12-27-2016, 03:07 PM
My only TA relative is Loki.

I want more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-27-2016, 03:14 PM
Your paternal ancestors were not Slavs. Neither were Mortimers.

Yes i know but he is saying that we were because i get slavic matches from GD 6 to 10. So im telling him; you show your matches. I know he gets none Albanian matches much closer then i match anyone. So its like me trying to prove he is German or Slav because he gets these matches. I know most of my matches are Slavs today but what it has to do with anything since we know they were not Slavs only 900 years ago.

12-27-2016, 03:17 PM
My only TA relative is Loki.

I want more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you go back far enough, we're probably all related. xD

12-27-2016, 03:18 PM
Also i am 100% he wont have majority of Albanian matches from 0 to 12 GD Albanians should be in minority so i dont know why is he chimping about it

Herr Abubu
12-27-2016, 03:23 PM
I know about who and what you said but i am not involving people into this, if you really want i can tell you over pm. Dont play stupid, you know that you talk bad things behind people's back. You should change you nickname into a mouth, indeed a dirty one.

You're supposed to expose me to everyone else, not to myself. Tell everyone so that they can all see.

Are you posting your Ydna matches Gypo or we done with conversation?

I don't have FTDNA. However, yours were overwhelmingly Serbian. Only you and one other Albanian have this hg. Even your family is recorded as being Serbian.

12-27-2016, 03:28 PM
Mortimers paternal ancestors were not Slavs though.

I told Mortimer few days ago that he is result of Albanian cocking a Gypo woman. This was before i knew you guys match him.

I also told him i am glad he thinks he is Serb because Albos would not accept him, he knows. He didn't like that i used the word "cocking".

Also i know he is either Bulgar/Thracian or Illyrian/albo Ev13. Most likely Albo because of matching you.

12-27-2016, 03:54 PM
You're supposed to expose me to everyone else, not to myself. Tell everyone so that they can all see.

I don't have FTDNA. However, yours were overwhelmingly Serbian. Only you and one other Albanian have this hg. Even your family is recorded as being Serbian.

Why are you so stupid. It's obvious if South Slavs tested so many people and i still dont match any of them closer then GD 6 which is around 800 years? That is obvious that my family being Serb only before 200 years it is not possible. Second thing we have total 50 persons among South Slavs in this group and neither of them has a single unique marker value among first 12 markers, while only i have two unique marker values among first 12 markers.

If we were Serbs so recently as they claim they would have at least someone with markers like mine. Then again you have to understand that book was written in late period, meaning in Yugoslavia, and was cenzored by Yugoslav regime that was very harsh on Albanians.
That author says terrific things about Albanians together with claims that Albanians didn't exist on Kosovo before coming of Turks. That is the reason why all old Kosovo families prior to Gheg expansion are written as Serbs in that book. Show me one family that is written like old indegnious Albanian family in that book.

Then agan i have even photo of my family from these times and its clear that they all wear white Albanian hats and they have Albanian rather then Slavic facial appearance. Also my grandfather looks the same as Isa Boletini on that foto, pls.

Furthermore, my paternal line talked Albanian language at home and welcomed Ghegs coming from expansion giving them land where they could work on. All families can confirm this back there since they still live there. And finally joining Berisha clan and always interact with Albanians tells another story?


12-27-2016, 04:23 PM
Why are you so stupid. It's obvious if South Slavs tested so many people and i still dont match any of them closer then GD 6 which is around 800 years? That is obvious that my family being Serb only before 200 years it is not possible. Second thing we have total 50 persons among South Slavs in this group and neither of them has a single unique marker value among first 12 markers, while only i have two unique marker values among first 12 markers.

If we were Serbs so recently as they claim they would have at least someone with markers like mine. Then again you have to understand that book was written in late period, meaning in Yugoslavia, and was cenzored by Yugoslav regime that was very harsh on Albanians.
That author says terrific things about Albanians together with claims that Albanians didn't exist on Kosovo before coming of Turks. That is the reason why all old Kosovo families prior to Gheg expansion are written as Serbs in that book. Show me one family that is written like old indegnious Albanian family in that book.

Then agan i have even photo of my family from these times and its clear that they all wear white Albanian hats and they have Albanian rather then Slavic facial appearance. Also my grandfather looks the same as Isa Boletini on that foto, pls.

Furthermore, my paternal line talked Albanian language at home and welcomed Ghegs coming from expansion giving them land where they could work on. All families can confirm this back there since they still live there. And finally joining Berisha clan and always interact with Albanians tells another story?

Who are this people in this photo, your family?

12-27-2016, 04:31 PM
Who are this people in this photo, your family?

Yes paternal line, three generations. Little blond baby is my father. Foto is recorded in Kosovo, lets say 60 years ago.

12-27-2016, 04:40 PM
Yes paternal line, three generations. Little blond baby is my father. Foto is recorded in Kosovo, lets say 60 years ago.

In my opinion they are typical Geg highlanders, exactly how someone can imagine a malsor. Ai baca në mes ishte pronari i 500 argatëve?

12-27-2016, 05:06 PM
In my opinion they are typical Geg highlanders, exactly how someone can imagine a malsor. Ai baca në mes ishte pronari i 500 argatëve?

No they had around 200+ workers, but no one can know exact number. But 500 sounds too much. It was his grandfather that owned most of the lands but with going Haxhi and geting more and more into Islam they didnt really work anymore and sold most of them to have money. Also they donated piece of land to Arabs where they build Mosque. That is the reason why only my grandfather was burried in mosque yard.

But that is normal, they did their purpose, they left big family behind and that is why i have such a big paternal family. My father has 5 brothers and 3 sisters while my mother has 3 sisters and 2 brothers, that is big family :) and they all have 3+ children

12-28-2016, 07:10 PM
My only TA relative is Loki.

I want more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont have any TA relatives and I guess that's a good thing

Herr Abubu
12-28-2016, 07:11 PM
I dont have any TA relatives and I guess that's a good thing

ur one of my relatives

12-28-2016, 07:13 PM
ur one of my relatives

the only H7 i have from balkans is some Haris Kuric, you?

Herr Abubu
12-28-2016, 07:14 PM
the only H7 i have from balkans is some Haris Kuric, you?

dats me mayne i became illyrian 4 bosnjakinja

12-28-2016, 07:16 PM
dats me mayne i became illyrian 4 bosnjakinja

Hrulj approves :laugh:

Herr Abubu
12-28-2016, 07:17 PM
Hrulj approves :laugh:

he better

Catholic Riffs
12-28-2016, 07:18 PM
Hrulj approves :laugh:

I + J + E + G power against bosna ilyrigovina..

12-28-2016, 07:20 PM
I + J + E + G power against bosna ilyrigovina..

IJEG broders vs bosniaks aka we wuz goths and shieet :clap:

Herr Abubu
12-28-2016, 07:20 PM
I + J + E + G power against bosna ilyrigovina..

bosna existed since before christ nd ur gonna take us looool

Herr Abubu
12-28-2016, 07:21 PM
molon labe sklavs!!

12-29-2016, 03:28 PM

Dont be rude common, they look cool. What is your oldest family picture

12-30-2016, 07:23 AM
free bump lol

12-30-2016, 09:32 AM
Herr Abubu must be very lucky to have such a cool relative.:cool:

He even looks something like depigmented Mortimer

12-31-2016, 12:34 PM
You feel you were stabbed in the back? Poor you. There was never any friendship or agreement between us, so I never stabbed you in the back. It's quite pathetic how you assume that because I'm Albanian—which you are not—I should agree with you in everything you do, no matter how despicable it is.

Look low-life, i consider you traitor because you going by the reference of Serb ethnograph, just as i can show you a case where worst Serbs are going by his reference against Albanians. You would be considered traitor in any Albanian circles if you shown by whos reference you going by when talking BS against another Albo. You changed your religion to Serbian and you claim for Serb woman praying in Serb church to look Albanian. You listen to Serb church music on Serb language in your free time. You match this guy and you attacked me to defend your same IQ brother.

You come to Davai thread who is worst Albanian hating Serb on this forum to backup your YDNA bro against me, who btw looks like depigmented you :
You just have to enter Chetnik in google and you see your Ydna brother.

In Discord you hang with your Serb friends and you tell them fairy tales how Orthodox you are (when instead you are nothing but little Muslim emigrant leeching other country social status.)
As far as me being 100% Albanian and you being 100% example of how corrupted and insecure Albanian emigrants are. You are indeed a self hating Muslim on social status who spends his days playing video games being bitter about himself and his life. Can it go lower then that? In mean while most likely your parents are working to feed your trollish low IQ usless ass.

So dont even think that i am thinking that you are backstabbing me, even tho you are a backstabber, i am for sure way beyond your level to be backstabbed by such low person like yourself. You are disgrace for any Albanian because you have country set to Albania and your ethnicity to Gheg Albanian, so practically a Serbophill guy acting as Albanian.

You are disgrace for all of us. Just as your bro Mortimer is for Serbs.

Herr Abubu
01-01-2017, 07:44 PM
They say truth hurts, and it clearly hurts you.

09-24-2018, 02:35 AM
I'm pretty disappointed that I don't have anyone from TA on my matches list. What's even weirder is that I have a ton of Finns who show up as my distant relatives and we are all shared matches with a common ancestor :icon_ask:

09-24-2018, 05:34 PM
I'm pretty disappointed that I don't have anyone from TA on my matches list. What's even weirder is that I have a ton of Finns who show up as my distant relatives and we are all shared matches with a common ancestor :icon_ask:

You have me on your FT-DNA matches list, but we are probably not closely related.