View Full Version : classify Afghan American Khaled Hosseini and where he pass

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Seth MacFarlane
12-25-2016, 02:58 PM


https://lh4.ggpht.com/ddHou1mWGpngFbz0OpIRRLZdcYKQGmXAuwYaGNfQDvChbkKoqr lwBH1w2lxLokcjQZc=h1264



12-25-2016, 03:08 PM
Levant, Sicily, Malta, etc.

12-25-2016, 06:11 PM
He passes in Afghanistan, Sicily, and the Levant.

12-25-2016, 06:12 PM
In the last picture he kind of looks like my dad.

12-25-2016, 06:12 PM
Med, he can pass in Italy and Greece IMO.

'owight Gavnah
12-25-2016, 06:13 PM
He gives me a Lebanese vibe, excellent writer imo.

12-25-2016, 06:26 PM
Atypical. East med

'owight Gavnah
12-25-2016, 06:27 PM
Atypical. East med

He ain't atypical mate.

Fits in with afghans


12-25-2016, 06:28 PM

12-25-2016, 06:30 PM
Atypical. East med

Can you stop with this? He is not atypical. Stop wet dreaming of east med looking people going to Afghanistan and being told by the locals "OMG YOU'RE SO WHIYYYTHE!" because that will never ever happen. Like for crying outloud, you're "east med" and you're darker than owight, I, and my family are.

'owight Gavnah
12-25-2016, 07:01 PM
Can you stop with this? He is not atypical. Stop wet dreaming of east med looking people going to Afghanistan and being told by the locals "OMG YOU'RE SO WHIYYYTHE!" because that will never ever happen. Like for crying outloud, you're "east med" and you're darker than owight, I, and my family are.

Lmaoooo imagine some kaka gak says nehhhhh bachem safid Asti, east med asti too white for us.

He's aramean apprently :lol:

12-26-2016, 02:49 PM
Can you stop with this? He is not atypical. Stop wet dreaming of east med looking people going to Afghanistan and being told by the locals "OMG YOU'RE SO WHIYYYTHE!" because that will never ever happen. Like for crying outloud, you're "east med" and you're darker than owight, I, and my family are.

Holy shit, if there's anything that could be considered OWD, it's your (and Owight's) behavior. Dude, I don't give a shit if I'm negroid looking compared to you, Afghanistan is not some vestige of lost Aryans. Afghans are basically Iranians with 15-20% extra South Asian and 2-5% Mongolian admixture. This guy is definitely not typical, and neither are you. Get over yourself kid.

Purohit ji
12-26-2016, 03:54 PM
Holy shit, if there's anything that could be considered OWD, it's your (and Owight's) behavior. Dude, I don't give a shit if I'm negroid looking compared to you, Afghanistan is not some vestige of lost Aryans. Afghans are basically Iranians with 15-20% extra South Asian and 2-5% Mongolian admixture. This guy is definitely not typical, and neither are you. Get over yourself kid.

He is definitely atypical
These are typical afghans

http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Pashtun+Tribesmen+Children+Living+Outskirts+7UaI4D PlltJl.jpg

12-26-2016, 04:15 PM
Holy shit, if there's anything that could be considered OWD, it's your (and Owight's) behavior

HOW THE FUCK IS THIS OWD WHEN THIS EAST MED/LEVANTINE PEOPLE ARE NOT WHITE?!?!?!?! YOU'RE FUCKING BROWN. You're darker than me, you're darker than owight, you're darker than my entire effing family, you darker than like half of the men's soccer team(s), and darker than most of the women's soccer team too. But sure, we're all atypical.

Dude, I don't give a shit if I'm negroid looking compared to you, Afghanistan is not some vestige of lost Aryans.

LOL, so you're implying that Palestinians are Aryans?

Afghans are basically Iranians with 15-20% extra South Asian and 2-5% Mongolian admixture.

No they aren't. Afghans are basically 60% CHG, 20% N.Euro, 10% Natufian, and 6-7% Onge (which is the exotic part of "South asian"), and like 3% Mongolian.

Besides, stop acting like Levantines are pure. You have like 4-5% SSA admixture (which is 4x more foreign genetically to West Eurasia than Onge is), and therefore each % of that would make you you 3x more exotic than each % of Onge would. On top of that, you have a shitload of Red Sea admixture (15-20%). You're not any less exotic. In fact, that sounds a little more exotic than Pashtuns to me.

This guy is definitely not typical, and neither are you. Get over yourself kid.

You're effing ridiculous. I'm tired of this stupid stigma on this site coming from other brown MENA folk trying to pass themselves off as South Europeans compared to pashtuns when some of them are even more exotic than most Pashtuns I've seen *cough* you, *cough* Demhat. You do realize that most of the affinties you share with S.Europe comes from the shared woggy components and not shared "white" components? So stop being so stuck uo. Even Gilgamesh and my Palestinian Christian friend think you're ridiculous as hell.

There's whiter than me in Afghanistan, I'm not the most atypical. And East med and this guy are certainly not atypical in Afghanistan. Your Levo-Med-Bedouin people do not look pale next to Afghans or atypical at all. Keep dreaming. I think you're honestly just jealous that despite being eastern of Palestine, Afghanistan produces more "white" phenotypes than you're comfortable with.

12-26-2016, 04:17 PM
He is definitely atypical
These are typical afghans

http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Pashtun+Tribesmen+Children+Living+Outskirts+7UaI4D PlltJl.jpg

One of your pictures are of bedouins, and two of them is of Pakistanis, owd idiot.

12-26-2016, 04:24 PM
One of your pictures are of bedouins, and two of them is of Pakistanis, owd idiot.

I watched restrepo about soldiers in the Afghan war. Great movie, you should watch it, quite heart wrenching. Some Afghans in there had blue eyes, but still, pretty much all, including those with light eyes looked like this:

12-26-2016, 04:34 PM
The person posted in OP doest look atypical for afghans tbh.. he can pass in south europe not a big deal outside of this forum myopic world where being european looking is some sort of achievement... although i do feel some afghans posters and some middle eastern people have no pride and suffer from complexes...

whats wrong with the pictures of the regular afghan fighters.. when does people in afghanistan started to yearn to look like european ?.. i guess its physche of some western bred inferiority complex ridden afghan kids only..

Purohit ji
12-26-2016, 04:48 PM
One of your pictures are of bedouins, and two of them is of Pakistanis, owd idiot.

Madharchod hinjde . Its you who is classic example of owd. Almost every body in this world who watch news and documentries knows how afghans look.

12-26-2016, 04:50 PM
The person posted in OP doest look atypical for afghans tbh.. he can pass in south europe not a big deal outside of this forum myopic world where being european looking is some sort of achievement... although i do feel some afghans posters and some middle eastern people have no pride and suffer from complexes...

whats wrong with the pictures of the regular afghan fighters.. when does people in afghanistan started to yearn to look like european ?.. i guess its physche of some western bred inferiority complex ridden afghan kids only..welcome back bro
are you going to stay or is this another one day visit?

12-26-2016, 04:54 PM
East Med, he can pass in Levantine and S.Italy.

12-26-2016, 04:55 PM
East Med, he can pass in Levantine and S.Italy.

My thought too. I wonder how typical he is for Afghanistan though.

12-26-2016, 04:57 PM
welcome back bro
are you going to stay or is this another one day visit?

thx,,, i will post whenever i will be free bro

12-26-2016, 04:57 PM
My thought too. I wonder how typical he is for Afghanistan though.

He isn't really atypical for Afghanistan, but those Fighters/men posted on the page before are way more typical.

12-26-2016, 05:09 PM
whats the big deal again ? cant you guys just classify and gtfo ? this is getting annoying . so they have to post indid looking afghans (which are NOT as common as some of you try to portrait here) otherwise they have no time to breath because of you or what ? and the funny thing is that it was not even an afghan who opened the thread

if levantines are lost italians in west asia then afghans are lost circassians in central asia . deal with it ok ...you cant have both . whitewashing and brownwashing people the way you want to fit your stupid agendas instead of staying objective . from now on I will interfere . and even though I am a friendly man you know as much as I do that when I get angry ... arguments with me are no bed of roses

stop being unfair . owight gavnah is always respectful towards other members except when you provoke him...which you do often .

I have spoken

12-26-2016, 05:14 PM
My thought too. I wonder how typical he is for Afghanistan though.

Look at my post

12-26-2016, 05:16 PM
Is also clearly and blatantly obvious that Purohit Jt is Milo's sock account. He is posting non-afghan photos and calling them Afghans, just like Milo used to, and milo is the only one upvoting his posts.

12-26-2016, 05:18 PM
Is also clearly and blatantly obvious that Purohit Jt is Milo's sock account. He is posting non-afghan photos and calling them Afghans, just like Milo used to, and milo is the only one upvoting his posts.

Lmao wtf. Purohit is a real person, he's actually an older poster than Milo if I'm correct.


Pretty sure you won't have the guts to call shit like "idiot" and "owd" to him in real life tho :laugh:

12-26-2016, 05:18 PM
Is also clearly and blatantly obvious that Purohit Jt is Milo's sock account. He is posting non-afghan photos and calling them Afghans, just like Milo used to, and milo is the only one upvoting his posts.:rotfl2:bump2::jump0000::rofl::rotfl::lmao:w ohoo::bounce:laugh2:

12-26-2016, 05:19 PM
If those fighters are so typical for Afghanistan, then why do neither Owight, I, or anyone in my family look like them? Not even the darkest people in my family look like that, and I've posted them. If they were typical, you would have met someone who looks like that on this forum by now, but you havent.

12-26-2016, 05:21 PM
:rotfl2:bump2::jump0000::rofl::rotfl::lmao:wohoo:: bounce:laugh2:

How come all these influx of Pakistani and Indian members who apparently know so much about the members on this forum have recently arrived? And the sketchy part is, is that they will be only active for a month. They are clearly some South asian members sock.

12-26-2016, 05:21 PM
Is also clearly and blatantly obvious that Purohit Jt is Milo's sock account. He is posting non-afghan photos and calling them Afghans, just like Milo used to, and milo is the only one upvoting his posts.

no they are both seperate people

btw. purohit said that I look punjabi and afghan back then on AS . and he trolled me when I was banned

nice logic though that I look afghan and then he posts "typical afghans" like the men on those pics who look nothing like me . lmao

I sometimes get the feeling that indians get paid for trolling on the internet . he is banned on AS too and now he is silent . coincidence ? I think not . I wont tolerate this anymore

http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Pashtun+Tribesmen+Children+Living+Outskirts+7UaI4D PlltJl.jpg


12-26-2016, 05:22 PM
If those fighters are so typical for Afghanistan, then why do neither Owight, I, or anyone in my family look like them? Not even the darkest people in my family look like that, and I've posted them. If they were typical, you would have met someone who looks like that on this forum by now, but you havent.

Wait my mistake, they are extremely atypical. You are very typical. Your family is very typical. Are you happy now?

12-26-2016, 05:22 PM
Wait my mistake, they are extremely atypical. You are very typical. Your family is very typical. Are you happy now?

why do you even care ? you are bengali

12-26-2016, 05:23 PM
why do you even care ? you are bengali

Why do you care? you are a kurd.

12-26-2016, 05:24 PM
How come all these influx of Pakistani and Indian members who apparently know so much about the members on this forum have recently arrived? And the sketchy part is, is that they will be only active for a month. They are clearly some South asian members sock.LOL I've known purohit for more than a year :lol: In fact I've known most south asian members on this forum before I joined this place. One of the few people I met for the first time here is shah jehan but I've known him for a while too now.

ballwinder ki gand jal rahi hai xDDD

12-26-2016, 05:24 PM
Why do you care? you are a kurd.

I knew you will say that but it doesnt work like that because I am asking you first because you are the one together with your other indian bros posting in all the afghan threads and getting in arguments with the afghans and I am the outsider who has to tell you that often it is you guys who are in the wrong . it is just my love for justice

12-26-2016, 05:26 PM
I knew you will say that but it doesnt work like that because I am asking you first because you are the one together with your other indian bros posting in all the afghan threads and getting in arguments with the afghans and I am the outsider who has to tell you that often it is you guys who are in the wrong . it is just my love for justice

I just replied to Sikeliot, nothing more in this, while Myanthro thumbed me down just for saying that :lol: That's the only reason I replied further than that.

12-26-2016, 05:27 PM
I just replied to Sikeliot, nothing more in this, while Myanthro thumbed me down just for saying that :lol: That's the only reason I replied further than that.

listen to your big brother here (you both afghans and south asians) and dont post in each others threads anymore nor troll each other . we all are sick of this

myanthropologies this also applies to you dickhead . stop trolling indians

'owight Gavnah
12-26-2016, 05:37 PM
It's quite obvious the inferiority complex is getting way too blantant lol. Posting the same pictures of "allegedly" afghans who are no where near typical. Lol. All in is also right. I'm betting my life it's the same 2-3 users with countless sock accounts who just thrive on trolling afghans. It's getting beyond sad. That mothefuckrr puro baba ji ain't shit, he thinks he can lift? Lmao you ugly turd. Can't admit that afghans look nothing like his brown hairy ass.

This is how typical afghans look like


12-26-2016, 05:38 PM
I don't have a problem with dark skinned people, if Afghans were that dark on average, I would gleefully admit they are. I'm not racist, nor do I even think that white people are the most attractive wtf. However, those people definitely don't look like the average Afghans I've met in real life. If they did, however come nobody in our national football team looks like any of those fighters? How come nobody in our disporsa american communities that is pashtun or tajik looks like those people? How come neither Owight, I, or anyone in my family looks like those people? How come literally every afghan member disagrees with all of you? I doubt all of them have Owd. I have never ever in my entire life have seen Afghans who look like that, and I have seen more Afghans than anyone in this thread has (except for owight).




OP is 100x less atypical than those fighters. For fucks sake, those fighters were darker than Punjabis. Do you seriously think afghans are darker than Punjabis and Gujuratis on average? Lol. Something is really fishy about whenever a lot of the American media goes over and records in "Afghanistan." They don't ever look like real afghans at all, and sometimes when the "afghans" try to speak English, their accent isn't an Afghan accent at all either. Even owight and I were wondering why afghans look so ethnic on the internet compared to the ones we know in real life. Maybe the US isn't honest when they are recording. A lot of the times when it's really dark afghans, I notice that the US is trying to show itself as doing something "good" in Afghanistan, when most Afghans will tell you that what the US is doing is horrible, so maybe they're trying to hide that by recording documentaries in "Afghanistan" and getting any random brown people to play the "Afghans."

12-26-2016, 05:38 PM
you know what ? close this thread . apologize to each other per pm , shake hands , promise you wont troll each other anymore . and shut the fuck up everybody . the forum is losing more and more quality because of such bullshit

Purohit ji
12-26-2016, 05:41 PM
no they are both seperate people

btw. purohit said that I look punjabi and afghan back then on AS . and he trolled me when I was banned

nice logic though that I look afghan and then he posts "typical afghans" like the men on those pics who look nothing like me . lmao

I sometimes get the feeling that indians get paid for trolling on the internet . he is banned on AS too and now he is silent . coincidence ? I think not . I wont tolerate this anymore

http://www4.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Pashtun+Tribesmen+Children+Living+Outskirts+7UaI4D PlltJl.jpg


Why so serious big bro. At that time when i said you look punjabi and afghan i was very new to this phenotype game. And i am not serious at all i do all this for fun and so i can get some funny and angry replies.

12-26-2016, 05:42 PM
Notice how south asian members post south asian specimens 100x lighter than what those fighters looked like in classification threads, tell each other that said specimen has "irano-Afghan" influence, but then turn around and post nearly black skinned "afghans" in threads when they want to troll afghans. Very backwards people lol.

'owight Gavnah
12-26-2016, 05:44 PM
I don't have a problem with dark skinned people, if Afghans were that dark on average, I would gleefully admit they are. I'm not racist, nor do I even think that white people are the most attractive wtf. However, those people definitely don't look like the average Afghans I've met in real life. If they did, however come nobody in our national football team looks like any of those fighters? How come nobody in our disporsa american communities that is pashtun or tajik looks like those people? How come neither Owight, I, or anyone in my family looks like those people? How come literally every afghan member disagrees with all of you? I doubt all of them have Owd. I have never ever in my entire life have seen Afghans who look like that, and I have seen more Afghans than anyone in this thread has (except for owight).




OP is 100x less atypical than those fighters. For fucks sake, those fighters were darker than Punjabis. Do you seriously think afghans are darker than Punjabis and Gujuratis on average? Lol. Something is really fishy about whenever a lot of the American media goes over and records in "Afghanistan." They don't ever look like real afghans at all, and sometimes when the "afghans" try to speak English, their accent isn't an Afghan accent at all either. Even owight and I were wondering why afghans look so ethnic on the internet compared to the ones we know in real life. Maybe the US isn't honest when they are recording. A lot of the times when it's really dark afghans, I notice that the US is trying to show itself as doing something "good" in Afghanistan, when most Afghans will tell you that what the US is doing is horrible, so maybe they're trying to hide that by recording documentaries in "Afghanistan" and getting any random brown people to play the "Afghans."

If you watch the full video so many afghans LEGIT SAY THAT MANY FIGHTERS ARE FOREIGNERS MAINLY FROM PAKISTAN. No one bothers to watch the videos!!!!!

12-26-2016, 05:47 PM
listen to your big brother here (you both afghans and south asians) and dont post in each others threads anymore nor troll each other . we all are sick of this

myanthropologies this also applies to you dickhead . stop trolling indians

I don't troll indians! I don't go into their classification threads posting pictures of tamils who are darker than African Americans are. I dont go around saying that indians live in caves. Honestly, i wouldn't even notice their effing existence if they stayed out of Afghan classification threads.

12-26-2016, 05:47 PM
Why so serious big bro. At that time when i said you look punjabi and afghan i was very new to this phenotype game. And i am not serious at all i do all this for fun and so i can get some funny and angry replies.

thanks for quoting the pic

it is no problem that you said I look punjabi or afghan . I even asked jatt who I am buddy with now some time ago if I can pass as punjabi and that I find punjabis also interesting and good looking ...thats not the point

the point is that you guys do it for trolling . there are even south asians in forums who try to southasianfy my people ...look at my signature . those are my people . we are from east turkey ...1000000km away from you with different genetics different phenotypes different culture different nature etc. . look at my first classify thread here when people didnt know where I am from


I very rarely get south asian guesses or placings . in real life in all the 30 years I am living only a few people said south asian things . I get placed WAY more as some south euro type than desi . I HAVE to tell you this not because I am "owd" (I also dont think I look european btw.) but you guys cant just classify/place people the way you like to fit your agendas

look at our genetic results .we score only a few percent south asian on gedmatch from 100000000 years ago (I score 0% on 23andme)

you are doing this even more with afghans because they are in central asia and score some south asian stuff genetically . and yes some do look south asian but why does it bother you so much what afghans are seen as ? you live in india and you are indian what have you to do with afghans ? how many afghans have you met etc.

so please bro stop this already ...you know I actually like you

12-26-2016, 05:48 PM
If you watch the full video so many afghans LEGIT SAY THAT MANY FIGHTERS ARE FOREIGNERS MAINLY FROM PAKISTAN. No one bothers to watch the videos!!!!!

Exactly, it just shows how thirsty and desperate they are to find "dark afghans" to satisfy their owd jealousy.

Purohit ji
12-26-2016, 05:50 PM
It's quite obvious the inferiority complex is getting way too blantant lol. Posting the same pictures of "allegedly" afghans who are no where near typical. Lol. All in is also right. I'm betting my life it's the same 2-3 users with countless sock accounts who just thrive on trolling afghans. It's getting beyond sad. That mothefuckrr puro baba ji ain't shit, he thinks he can lift? Lmao you ugly turd. Can't admit that afghans look nothing like his brown hairy ass.

This is how typical afghans look like


Why personal attack. Did i said something to you?

12-26-2016, 05:52 PM
As frustrated as I am, let's avoid calling calling people "hairy turds," and other racial slurs.

'owight Gavnah
12-26-2016, 05:54 PM
Oh look he's Pakistani!


Compared to


'owight Gavnah
12-26-2016, 05:55 PM
Why personal attack. Did i said something to you?

You said something about my people which is worse.

12-26-2016, 05:57 PM
weren't you guys saying that pakistani pashtuns are afgans......

12-26-2016, 05:58 PM
myanthropologies as I said you have to stop the threads about south asians and also stop talking about south asians and in every 2nd post in unrelated threads saying how afghans are not indians again and again and again ....so you also provoke it so dont be surprised

weren't you guys saying that pakistani pashtuns are afgans......

yeah I dont get that either lol

make up your mind already owight

Purohit ji
12-26-2016, 05:58 PM
You said something about my people which is worse.


12-26-2016, 05:59 PM
maybe i am wrong but the afghans i met were brown skin.. one of them i mistook for mexican.. there is guy in my workplace whom i thought was iraki cause his skin is brown but he speaks english somewhat like arabs speak or so i thought..

12-26-2016, 05:59 PM
weren't you guys saying that pakistani pashtuns are afgans......

Yeah, they don't realise there are barely any Punjabis fighting in Afghanistan, even if they are born in Pakistan, they are most likely Pashtun :laugh:

Most "pathan jokes" in Punjab are based on that fact.

'owight Gavnah
12-26-2016, 06:03 PM

12-26-2016, 06:03 PM
maybe i am wrong but the afghans i met were brown skin.. one of them i mistook for mexican.. there is guy in my workplace whom i thought was iraki cause his skin is brown but he speaks english somewhat like arabs speak or so i thought..

I agree, this Afghan guy looks Mexican


'owight Gavnah
12-26-2016, 06:04 PM
weren't you guys saying that pakistani pashtuns are afgans......

He wasn't a Pashtun, he was a Punjabi. You can tell from his accent, nonetheless, it still justifies when I said many "fighters" are from Pakistan. I just proved it.

'owight Gavnah
12-26-2016, 06:05 PM
I agree, this Afghan guy looks Mexican


That's because he's a hazara for goodness sakes, myanthro has nearly had heart attacks trying to clear things up.

'owight Gavnah
12-26-2016, 06:06 PM
myanthropologies as I said you have to stop the threads about south asians and also stop talking about south asians and in every 2nd post in unrelated threads saying how afghans are not indians again and again and again ....so you also provoke it so dont be surprised

yeah I dont get that either lol

make up your mind already owight

But he wasn't a Pashtun!!

12-26-2016, 06:07 PM
But he wasn't a Pashtun!!

oh ok my bad

'owight Gavnah
12-26-2016, 06:10 PM
maybe i am wrong but the afghans i met were brown skin.. one of them i mistook for mexican.. there is guy in my workplace whom i thought was iraki cause his skin is brown but he speaks english somewhat like arabs speak or so i thought..

These are typical Pashtun/Tajiks in the west

Honestly Jatt, if I'm soooooooo OWD as some members claim me and myanthro are, why aren't we posting light haired individuals and calling them typical? I'm posting typical dark haired dark eyed afghans in a group to back up my point.
These people aren't even considered light!

One or two would be considered light over here
You can even see a south Asian looking individual on the top right hand side, we are not denying that are we?

Now this gentleman is what many afghans woukd say who looks "khoriji" meaning "European ". Now he's defintley light.

So is he


We normally call them "English looking" not Greek,or Italian or. Chechen oor whatever


Normal average afghan

Light afghan



12-26-2016, 06:11 PM
Anyway, no attack or anything but a simple question, how typical are these ppl? One set is from Swat and the other from Peshawar, and the last from Quetta (which is also Majority Pashtun)




Seth MacFarlane
12-26-2016, 06:11 PM
Relax everybody , we all eat kebabs xD

12-26-2016, 06:14 PM
myanthropologies as I said you have to stop the threads about south asians and also stop talking about south asians and in every 2nd post in unrelated threads saying how afghans are not indians again and again and again ....so you also provoke it so dont be surprised

yeah I dont get that either lol

make up your mind already owight

It's not my fault the people on this website are way obviously insecure that that hey very make my ethnicity relevant when I post in unrelated threads. Every single time it's themy getting in my face about it, and it's hard that he you it say anything with 30% of this forum trolls afghans.

I only posted one thread about south asians as a joke because of them calling afghans owd when there are literally hundreds of South Indians on Facebook who claim to be pashtun. They even have their own group, it's hilarious. They don't speak the langauge or know anything, just spend all day talking about how "pashtun" they are. These are often grown men, too. I never troll them or anyone in their classification threads, I don't post things saying indians living in caves. I have never posted anything racist against indians, unlike them posting racist stuff about afghans ALL THE time. And I'm also tired of nobody saying/doing anything about it unless I try to defend myself. Then suddenly, I'm the biggest antagonist on the forum. Seriously, nobody gets it unless they are an afghan on ta.

12-26-2016, 06:19 PM
It's the my fault the people on this website are way obviously insecure that that hey very make my ethnicity relevant when I post in unrelated threads. Every single time it's themy getting in my face about it, and it's hard that he you it say anything with 30% of this forum trolls afghans.

I only posted one thread about south asians as a joke because of them calling afghans owd when there are literally hundreds of South Indians on Facebook who claim to be pashtun. They even have their own group, it's hilarious. They don't speak the langauge or know anything, just spend all day talking about how "pashtun" they are. These are often grown men, too. I never troll them or anyone in their classification threads, I don't post things saying indians living in caves. I have never posted anything racist against indians, unlike them posting racist stuff about afghans ALL THE time. And I'm also tired of nobody saying/doing anything about it unless I try to defend myself. Then suddenly, I'm the biggest antagonist on the forum. Seriously, nobody gets it unless they are an afghan on ta.

believe me it is partially your "fault" . you attract that kind of trolling because of your behaviour here . you just cant see it because you are eclipsing it out and dont even notice what you are talking sometimes . it happens to me too sometimes ...it is normal . but accepting it and changing your behaviour will fix many things in these unimportant silly fights here . we are all fucking anthrotarding idiots seriously . including myself . in the end we are all humans ...it doesnt matter if one is "darker" or more this more that ...in the end we all shit , bleed , die .

however the trolling of all of you guys is getting on my cock . just wanted to give my opinions on it . I am on neither "side" . also sorry if I offended anybody . happy hannukah

12-26-2016, 06:22 PM
These are typical Pashtun/Tajiks in the west

Honestly Jatt, if I'm soooooooo OWD as some members claim me and myanthro are, why aren't we posting light haired individuals and calling them typical? I'm posting typical dark haired dark eyed afghans in a group to back up my point.
These people aren't even considered light!

One or two would be considered light over here
You can even see a south Asian looking individual on the top right hand side, we are not denying that are we?

Now this gentleman is what many afghans woukd say who looks "khoriji" meaning "European ". Now he's defintley light.

So is he


We normally call them "English looking" not Greek,or Italian or. Chechen oor whatever

My parents say "american looking." Like seriously, I have a cousin who looks like matt hummels, and even he once got the "what not to do at an airport" talk from family, on the other hand my parents told me that "I look american" and joked about how I could scream "allah hu akhbar" and the TSA still wouldn't say anything. Afghans don't consider mediterranian looks that white looking compared to them. In fact, my dad sees Syrians as dark.

12-26-2016, 06:28 PM
HOW THE FUCK IS THIS OWD WHEN THIS EAST MED/LEVANTINE PEOPLE ARE NOT WHITE?!?!?!?! YOU'RE FUCKING BROWN. You're darker than me, you're darker than owight, you're darker than my entire effing family, you darker than like half of the men's soccer team(s), and darker than most of the women's soccer team too. But sure, we're all atypical.

1) No one mentioned anything about Levantines. And, considering that nobody is talking about who's white, your complexes about perceived whiteness couldn't be more evident.

2) What does me being supposedly brown have to do with anything posted? I am not brown by any means btw. My complexion is beige - fair.

LOL, so you're implying that Palestinians are Aryans?

Nope, never mentioned Palis. In fact, I've remarked on numerous occasions that Muslim Palestinians (largely) aren't homogeneous and how there's a large minority of Egyptian + Bedouin descendants among Muslim "Palis". I have no problem admitting these facts, unlike deluded ethno-chauvinists such as yourself

Besides, stop acting like Levantines are pure. You have like 4-5% SSA admixture (which is 4x more foreign genetically to West Eurasia than Onge is), and therefore each % of that would make you you 3x more exotic than each % of Onge would. On top of that, you have a shitload of Red Sea admixture (15-20%). You're not any less exotic. In fact, that sounds a little more exotic than Pashtuns to me.

Again, no one mentioned Levantines but LOOOL. Nice mental gymnastics on display here. Indigenous Levantines (including isolated Jewish groups and Samaritans) all score at least 1-2% ancient East African, so it's already stabilized.

You're effing ridiculous. I'm tired of this stupid stigma on this site coming from other brown MENA folk trying to pass themselves off as South Europeans compared to pashtuns when some of them are even more exotic than most Pashtuns I've seen *cough* you, *cough* Demhat. You do realize that most of the affinties you share with S.Europe comes from the shared woggy components and not shared "white" components? So stop being so stuck uo. Even Gilgamesh and my Palestinian Christian friend think you're ridiculous as hell.

There's whiter than me in Afghanistan, I'm not the most atypical. And East med and this guy are certainly not atypical in Afghanistan. Your Levo-Med-Bedouin people do not look pale next to Afghans or atypical at all. Keep dreaming. I think you're honestly just jealous that despite being eastern of Palestine, Afghanistan produces more "white" phenotypes than you're comfortable with.

Your projection and strawmen are just too much. Bro, you need to chill. No one (besides some South Asian users) is demeaning Pashtuns for their pigmentation or lack of Europoid features. The most you get here is people's warranted disgust with Pashtun culture and bacha bazi.

No MENA user here has tried to pass themselves off as South European. Gilgamesh is the closest phenotypically to any peripheral SE population. And finally: LOOOL @ jealousy over something as arbitrary as pigmentation. Attractiveness, IQ, health, etc are infinitely more important, get your priorities straight.

12-26-2016, 06:29 PM
My parents say "american looking." Like seriously, I have a cousin who looks like matt hummels, and even he once got the "what not to do at an airport" talk from family, on the other hand my parents told me that "I look american" and joked about how I could scream "allah hu akhbar" and the TSA still wouldn't say anything. Afghans don't consider mediterranian looks that white looking compared to them. In fact, my dad sees Syrians as dark.


12-26-2016, 06:39 PM
1) No one mentioned anything about Levantines. And, considering that nobody is talking about who's white, your complexes about perceived whiteness couldn't be more evident.

2) What does me being supposedly brown have to do with anything posted? I am not brown by any means btw. My complexion is beige - fair.

Nope, never mentioned Palis. In fact, I've remarked on numerous occasions that Muslim Palestinians (largely) aren't homogeneous and how there's a large minority of Egyptian + Bedouin descendants among Muslim "Palis". I have no problem admitting these facts, unlike deluded ethno-chauvinists such as yourself

Again, no one mentioned Levantines but LOOOL. Nice mental gymnastics on display here. Indigenous Levantines (including isolated Jewish groups and Samaritans) all score at least 1-2% ancient East African, so it's already stabilized.

Your projection and strawmen are just too much. Bro, you need to chill. No one (besides some South Asian users) is demeaning Pashtuns for their pigmentation or lack of Europoid features. The most you get here is people's warranted disgust with Pashtun culture and bacha bazi.

No MENA user here has tried to pass themselves off as South European. Gilgamesh is the closest phenotypically to any peripheral SE population. And finally: LOOOL @ jealousy over something as arbitrary as pigmentation. Attractiveness, IQ, health, etc are infinitely more important, get your priorities straight.

You said "east med," very atypical. East med is most common in the Levant, and everyone else in this thread said he looked Syrian. That's where I was getting this from. Idk, I have just seen some members trying to insinuate that west asians are closer that one Europeans than to afghans, who are (let's be honest, practically another west asian group at the end of the day). I'm sorry for coming off as harsh on you, but I was frustrated from all the excessive trolling.

'owight Gavnah
12-26-2016, 06:43 PM
@randomguy let's be honest, you Claim most dark Palestinan as "foreign" or "recent" migrant from Egyptian, Bedouin etc.

12-26-2016, 06:48 PM
@randomguy let's be honest, you Claim most dark Palestinan as "foreign" or "recent" migrant from Egyptian, Bedouin etc.

Yeah, "honest" alright.

When I say that these kind of people:


are clearly foreign to Palestine, it is not the same as trying to pass off the guy in the OP as typical.

'owight Gavnah
12-26-2016, 06:49 PM
Relax everybody , we all eat kebabs xD

Yeah we do my niggggggg

'owight Gavnah
12-26-2016, 06:51 PM
Yeah, "honest" alright.

When I say that these kind of people:


Do you really think khaled hosseini is atypical? Ya rabbbb this guy is gettin on my last nerves. I just showed you that he FITS IN. Question. Do you think ragheb Alama is typical for Lebanese?

are clearly foreign to Palestine, it is not the same as trying to pass off the guy in the OP as typical.

01-04-2017, 04:39 AM
You're effing ridiculous. I'm tired of this stupid stigma on this site coming from other brown MENA folk trying to pass themselves off as South Europeans compared to pashtuns when some of them are even more exotic than most Pashtuns I've seen *cough* you, *cough* Demhat. You do realize that most of the affinties you share with S.Europe comes from the shared woggy components and not shared "white" components? So stop being so stuck uo. Even Gilgamesh and my Palestinian Christian friend think you're ridiculous as hell.

There's whiter than me in Afghanistan, I'm not the most atypical. And East med and this guy are certainly not atypical in Afghanistan. Your Levo-Med-Bedouin people do not look pale next to Afghans or atypical at all. Keep dreaming. I think you're honestly just jealous that despite being eastern of Palestine, Afghanistan produces more "white" phenotypes than you're comfortable with.

So you had to mention me in a discussion where I wasn't even being part off. As randomguy said I am seriously concerned about your mental stability.
The biggest problem is additional to that you are so immune to education that a scientist personally could lecture you about genetics and you would still talk out of your OWD ass.

Just admit it you are OWD and have a serious inferioty complex. You are simply mad that some trolls put you in the South Asian category.

There is no stigma in all of this. You are just trying to resist common sense and the reality because it hurts your OWD feelings. It hurts your feelings so much that you make up shit and start to twist things in your retarded logic as much as possible so it fits your wishes.

How many times have we actually explained you with showing actual data that everything what we say is true. Even though some trolls told it in a more trollish fashion to you it was still correct.

1. All-in showed you his data and it confirmed what I had been trying to explain your OWD brain. In aDNA point of view even Iranians are genetically little closer to Europeans than to Afghans. That has nothing to do with being OWD but facts. 23andme confirmed it, and fst distances confirm it too.

2. That doesn't mean Iranians are like Europeans. You don't seem to understand the meaning of the term "closer" or all you see is "Iranians closer Europeans than to Afghans" and your OWD brain starts to smoke. Kazakh are closer to Iranians than Mongols that in itself is not a incorrect statement if you would think about it a second. But that doesn't necessary mean Kazakh are significantly closer to Iranians as to Mongolians to begin with.

3. Afghans (Pashtuns, Tajiks) turn and twist it as much as you want are NOT significantly close to Western Asians to build a cluster with them. Pashtuns build their own category together with Tajiks, Pamirs, Yagnobi, Turkmens, Baloch and majority of Uzbeks. Next closest groups they get to are Iranians, North Caucasians on one side and Kashmiris, Kalash, Nuristani and Punjabi on the other. Like it or not I don't give a fuck. Afghans build their own category not significantly close to West Asians, South Asians or modern Mongoloid Central Asians, get that into your head.

4.. Calling genes by names like "woggish" just shows how much of genetics you have understand. I mean you are like maybe 3-4 years around genetics and all you have learned so far is fuck all, because as I already mentioned above you are immune to education. Genes that connect South Europeans or North Europeans to West Asians are to 95% "wog genes" that expanded from the West Asia not vica versa.

5. Last but not least, I am fucking sick of you trying to distance yourself from your Pashtun kind and brothers in Pakistan because your are so fucking OWD. Against any logic and any data. I have been observing the way how you have been trying to push them away from yourself as much as possible and faking data or claiming shit that isn't even true. I know from my own data and experience that Pakistani Pathans aka Pashtuns are almost identical to Afghan Pashtuns on genetic basis with maybe little (~3-5%) more South Indian admixture which is simply explainable by geography and continuity to Punjabi territory. But the fact how strictly you try to distance yourself from freakn Pakistani PASHTUNS and try so hard to show you as close as possible to populations that aren't really that close just proves how a OWD fuckwit you are.

sidenot: I never lost a word about Pashtun pigmentation, genes don't have color. But since you thought I was calling Pashtuns brown for saying they are genetically distant to population x, it seems your OWD brain translated it to "you are browner than them".
I am talking about genetics you fuckwit not phenotype. phenotypically without a doubt Pashtuns look by far more like West Asian than anything from South Asia proper if you had to compare them to both groups, ingore the trolls. However to be more correct they have their own distinct look (that is indeed very similar to West Asians) and have their own distinct genetic make up that only clusters closely with Tajiks, Pamiris, Yaghnobis, Baloch, Turkmens and Uzbeks.

I know that allot of people are trolling you here, and allot of these members won't admit but they are as, if not even more, OWD than you. But with this kind of reaction your are giving them space to target.

Now digest this and never again mention my nickname anywhere. I am not here to join the who is whiter parades.

01-04-2017, 05:09 AM
He looks like a regular European white guy to me. Passes just fine in the British Isles, France, etc.

01-04-2017, 06:28 AM
So you had to mention me in a discussion where I wasn't even being part off. As randomguy said I am seriously concerned about your mental stability.

This is coming from the guy who wrote an angry sounding post longer than some papers I have even written for my honors college classes.

The biggest problem is additional to that you are so immune to education that a scientist personally could lecture you about genetics and you would still talk out of your OWD ass.

This is coming from the person who plotted genetically closer to Pashtuns than to anyone in Europe on Petalpusher's one map before the site crash.

Just admit it you are OWD and have a serious inferioty complex. You are simply mad that some trolls put you in the South Asian category.

This is coming from the person that legitimately believes that Iranians are closer to Southern Europeans than to Afghan Pashtuns and Tajiks.

All-in showed you his data and it confirmed what I had been trying to explain your OWD brain. In aDNA point of view even Iranians are genetically little closer to South Europeans than Afghans. That has nothing to do with being OWD but facts. 23andme confirmed it, and fst distances confirm it too.

All-In didn't show me anything about Iranians, and gedmatch doesn't always reflect what a PCA looks like. Iranians and even Kurds plot 2x, almost 3x closer to Pashtuns genetically than they to do any European group on like every PCA I've seen.

2. That doesn't mean Iranians are like South Europeans. You don't seem to understand the meaning of the term "closer" or all you see is "Iranians closer South European than Afghans" and your OWD brain starts to smoke.
You dunce, Iranians are NOT genetically closer to South Europeans than they are to Afghans. Only your OWD brain wishes that were true. Your only affinities with south Europe come from shared wog ancestry too.

3. Afghans (Pashtuns, Tajiks) turn and twist it as much as you want are NOT significantly close to Western Asians to build a cluster with them. Pashtuns build their own category together with Tajiks, Pamirs, Yagnobi, Turkmens, Baloch and majority of Uzbeks. Next closest groups they get to are Iranians, North Caucasians on one side and Kashmiris, Kalash, Nuristani and Punjabi on the other. Like it or not I don't give a fuck.

Afghans do not genetically cluster between North Caucasians and Punjabis, dumbass. Nor do they cluster with Uzbeks or Turkmen. They cluster in between Kalash and Chechens, and Kalash don't cluster with Punjabis. Afghans never get Punjabis on oracles that often unless at near the bottom.

Afghans build their own category not significantly close to West Asians, South Asians or modern Mongoloid Central Asians, get that into your head.

Not significantly close to any West Asians? Are you dumb? They're genetically closer to some North Caucasian groups than Kurds and definitely Levantines are. Majority of their ancestry (50-60%) comes from West Asia, 20% comes from NE Europe, 10% comes from Natufians, about 5-7% from Onge. And Onge is genetically less foreign to W. Eurasia than Siberian is, which Finns have 6% of. So STOP exotifying Afghans for West Asia, thanks. On this recent PCA plot, you can see that Afghans cluster right next to West Asian North Caucasian ones, and are not foreign for W Asia

http://i1159.photobucket.com/albums/p633/drcypriot084/stuffs%202_zpsclv5opsx.png (http://s1159.photobucket.com/user/drcypriot084/media/stuffs%202_zpsclv5opsx.png.html)

Where Afghans cluster on a global scale

http://i1159.photobucket.com/albums/p633/drcypriot084/thing_zpstuc93dqt.png (http://s1159.photobucket.com/user/drcypriot084/media/thing_zpstuc93dqt.png.html)

5. Last but not least, I am fucking sick of you trying to distance yourself from your Pashtun kind and brothers in Pakistan because your are so fucking OWD. Against any logic and any data. I have been observing the way how you have been trying to push them away from yourself as much as possible and faking data or claiming shit that isn't even true. I know from my own data and experience that Pakistani Pathans aka Pashtuns are almost identical to Afghan Pashtuns on genetic basis with maybe little (~3-5%) more South Indian admixture which is simply explainable by geography and continuity to Punjabi territory. But the fact how strictly you try to distance yourself from freakn Pakistani PASHTUNS and try so hard to show you as close as possible to populations that aren't really that close just proves how a OWD fuckwit you are.

When the hell have I ever done this? I don't know where people's sick claims of me distancing myself from Paki Pashtuns come from. I'm not dynamo. In fact, I even talk about how close Paki pashtuns are to Afghans. It's the south asian trolls who claim them as Paki. This is coming from the "fellow Iranic bro" who wants to claim that he is so different from pashtuns (understandable, cause there are differences between pashtuns and kurds), but to the point where he says IRANIANS are closer to South Europeans than to Afghans. Iranians are one of the closest people to Afghans, wtf?

I'm sorry if I came off as harsh, but I'm so SICK of annoying West Asians on this website pretending some imaginary semito-Levantino-bedouin-anatolio-sicilio-irano-greco clan exists that excludes Afghans, when I have shown you that PCA data shows otherwise. Afghans are not that different from some "West Asians." It makes a lot more sense to group Afghans with Iranians and Caucasians genetically than to group them with fucking semites.

Afghans always get exoticized by other West Asians on the internet who want to be more like Southern Europeans (who they get rejected by) because even Greeks see Turks as closer to Pakis than to themselves, let alone Kurds. Every single time an Afghan associates themselves with the word "middle eastern," internet anthrotard middle easterners get so butthurt. We are so sorry for calling ourselves a label that was not given to us by ourselves, but by society. We are so sorry that we don't want to be grouped with a group that extends to fucking Sri Lankans instead of with our Persian Iranic neighbors. We are so sorry that we don't want to be placed in a category that includes Mongolians from Mongolia instead of with our Persian neighbors.

01-04-2017, 06:33 AM
You are seriously a fuckwit and I am not going to bother more with a little dumbass like yours. No wonder the trolls are tearing your OWD ass apart. You can't even understand your "own " data so dumb and immune to education you are. Just a sidenote you dumbass. Egypt is not the epicenter of Western Asia so is not British Isles the epicenter of Europe to compare them to Afghan distances. And to think posting a few selective two dimensional maps you can prove a point is a joke in itself. You are a little kid with serious inferiority issues.

I said everything I needed to say. Stop jumping ape shit when some South Asians troll you and stop going ape shit when some West Asians say that you are genetically not within the same cluster, it doesn't mean your "White ass" is suddenly brown. It simply means you doN't build a cluster with them. Pashtuns build only a cluster with Tajiks, Baloch, Pamiris, Yaghnobi, Turkmens and Uzbeks and no one else. Lookwise this cluster is very similar to West Asians. But Genetically they are not so much.

01-04-2017, 06:37 AM
You are seriously a fuckwit and I am not going to bother more with a little dumbass like yours. No wonder the trolls are tearing your OWD ass apart. You can't even understand your "own " data so dumb and immune to education you are. Just a sidenote you dumbass. Egypt is not the epicenter of Western Asia so is not British Isles the epicenter of Europe to compare them to Afghan distances. And to think posting a few selective two dimensional maps you can prove a point is a joke in itself. You are a little kid with serious inferiority issues.


Lol, those points were confirmed to be those ethnic groups by people on Eurogenes, but okay.

01-04-2017, 06:41 AM
I said everything I needed to say. Stop jumping ape shit when some South Asians troll you and stop going ape shit when some West Asians say that you are genetically not within the same cluster, it doesn't mean your "White ass" is suddenly brown. It simply means you doN't build a cluster with them. Pashtuns build only a cluster with Tajiks, Baloch, Pamiris, Yaghnobi, Turkmens and Uzbeks and no one else.

Yes, and you apparently build the saudi-semito-sicilio-bedouin-yemeni-georgio-armenio-anatolio-greco masterrace clan amirite?

01-04-2017, 06:49 AM
Yes, and you apparently build the saudi-semito-sicilio-bedouin-yemeni-georgio-armenio-anatolio-greco masterrace clan amirite?
The fact me pointing out the genetic difference makes you feel insulted/insecure and think I show some kind of Superiority here, just proves how insecure you are and how much of an inferiorty complex you have. Where did I say they are superior? And where did I said there is a Semito-sicilo bla bla connection? When talking about West Asians I specifically mean the Irano_Anatolians, Mesopotamians, South Caucasians and Levantines. Arabian Peninsula people are geneticly as distinct (if not even somehow more) to some of them as the SouthCentral Asian cluster of Pashtuns, Tajiks, Baloch, Turkmen and Uzbeks is. In fact Levantines are closer to Arabian Peninsula than South_Central Asians but they are the exception.

01-04-2017, 06:52 AM
The fact me pointing out the genetic difference makes you feel insulted and think I show some kind of supremacity here, just proves how insecure you are and how much of an inferiorty complex you have. Where did I say they are superior? And where did I said there is a Semito-sicilo bla bla connection? When talking about West Asians I specifically mean the Iran_Anatolians, Mesopotamians, South Caucasians and Levantines. Arabian Peninsula people are geneticly as distinct (if not even little more) to them as the South_Central Asian cluster of Pashtuns, Tajiks, Baloch, Turkmen etc is. Sicilians are not even in this cluster.

Afghans are genetically closer to the N.Caucasus than Levantines are on gedmatch. Do you not see how flipping large "West Asian" and "European" clusters are on the PCAs? It doesn't hurt to throw Afghans in the West Asian cluster when they cluster just next to North Caucasians and other Iranics.

Purohit ji
01-04-2017, 06:53 AM
Can this jaluzai afghan Pashtun pass a s euro or west asian/north Caucasian


01-04-2017, 07:05 AM
Once again there is a difference between looks vs genetics. The people of the South_Central Asian cluster are lookwise far more West Asian than anything South Asian proper. And the large large majority of them wouldn't be spotted as foreigner in at least one of the West Asian countries. This South_Central Asian cluster itself is phenotypically very similar to the West Asian cluster.

Like 80% would fit at least in one West Asian country without being recognized as foreigner. Another 15% would fit as quite atypical being suspecious and only 5% would have very little chance.

For example 40% could fit in Turkey without being recognized, additional 20% could as quite atypical. 60% could fit in Kurdistan without being noticed and additional 10% as quite atypical. In Iraq 50% + 20% as atypical. While 80% could fit in Iran as normal Citizens while additional 15% as quite atypical. You see how it adds?

However genetically there is quite a distinction between the South_Central Asian and West Asian cluster. That doesn't mean this makes South_Central Asian cluster closer to South Asian proper. It means it is it's own distinct cluster.

Typical Pashtuns I have come across looked like this.
https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15284118_572402662969710_2490066860061449434_n.jpg ?oh=f97d413f6d5cad85ba514360556f9c34&oe=58E61CD4https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/c1.0.749.749/15285039_1198058093594845_5155669635291627647_n.jp g?oh=a4fb5719290eb4805759084285cf8d10&oe=5917D353https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/12347665_1153954624622588_9087279318020327121_n.jp g?oh=c2cab77def8b1dfa20a5539241e7eac7&oe=5920F4CEhttps://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/10150456_922315481155266_1211746870020464204_n.jpg ?oh=11147c52eb003fe1a72a929788cf445e&oe=591EBB96https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p206x206/1016641_4283394943566_1865283107_n.jpg?oh=9ffa15c4 c4ff6959c7ff35f60f6b036e&oe=58EF0B71

01-04-2017, 07:34 AM
Atypical. East med

He's very typical.

01-04-2017, 11:39 AM
All-In didn't show me anything about Iranians, and gedmatch doesn't always reflect what a PCA looks like. Iranians and even Kurds plot 2x, almost 3x closer to Pashtuns genetically than they to do any European group on like every PCA I've seen.

I showed you a lot my friend . ....sad that it seems to have been for nothing

Purohit ji
01-04-2017, 12:41 PM
Once again there is a difference between looks vs genetics. The people of the South_Central Asian cluster are lookwise far more West Asian than anything South Asian proper. And the large majority of them wouldn't be spotted as foreigner in at least one of the West Asian countries. This South_Central Asian cluster itself is phenotypically very similar to the West Asian cluster. However genetically there is quite a distinction between the South_Central Asian and West Asian cluster. That doesn't mean this makes South_Central Asian cluster closer to South Asian proper. It means it is it's own distinct cluster.

Typical Pashtuns I have come across looked like this.
https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15284118_572402662969710_2490066860061449434_n.jpg ?oh=f97d413f6d5cad85ba514360556f9c34&oe=58E61CD4https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/c1.0.749.749/15285039_1198058093594845_5155669635291627647_n.jp g?oh=a4fb5719290eb4805759084285cf8d10&oe=5917D353https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/12347665_1153954624622588_9087279318020327121_n.jp g?oh=c2cab77def8b1dfa20a5539241e7eac7&oe=5920F4CEhttps://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/10150456_922315481155266_1211746870020464204_n.jpg ?oh=11147c52eb003fe1a72a929788cf445e&oe=591EBB96https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p206x206/1016641_4283394943566_1865283107_n.jpg?oh=9ffa15c4 c4ff6959c7ff35f60f6b036e&oe=58EF0B71

Last guy look very indian

01-04-2017, 03:19 PM

East-Med + Alpine.

Truth Preacher
01-04-2017, 05:26 PM
Fuck this thread is gold lmao

OT: Alpinized Iranid/Med and fairly typical passing as "x" doesn't make u atypical for "y" etc

01-04-2017, 06:52 PM
I showed you a lot my friend . ....sad that it seems to have been for nothing

Kurds are genetically different to pashtuns, but you're definitely not genetically closer to any Europeans than to pashtuns. Unless Caucasus people are considered Europeans then no.

01-04-2017, 07:06 PM
Kurds are genetically different to pashtuns, but you're definitely not genetically closer to any Europeans than to pashtuns. Unless Caucasus people are considered Europeans then no.

not sure where this comes from all of a sudden . I never said that we are closer to europeans ...nor do I have the desire to be closer to europeans ffs . but if you want to know then at least on oracles I am equidistant to pashtuns/tajiks and to greeks/sicilians . even a bit closer to the latter on some calcs . not that it means much...I still feel closer to tajiks/pashtuns than to europeans but we are distinct from either . we are west asian people .it is how it is

01-04-2017, 07:30 PM
Kurds are genetically different to pashtuns, but you're definitely not genetically closer to any Europeans than to pashtuns. Unless Caucasus people are considered Europeans then no.

The reason why you aren't in the West Asian cluster is because you have such high South Asian admixture and lack of Anatolian farmer admixture.

01-05-2017, 02:10 AM
The reason why you aren't in the West Asian cluster is because you have such high South Asian admixture and lack of Anatolian farmer admixture.

It's not really because of South asian admixture, Afghans are only like 5-7% Onge (which is the exotic part of South asian, the rest is West Asian, it's mostly because of lack of ANF. West Asians don't even form a cluster together. Afghans are genetically closer to North Caucasians (true West Asians component wise) than like 70% of so called "West Asians" are. The West Asian cluster on maps also includes Saudis. So are you genetically closer to Saudis and Yemenis than to Pashtuns? A lot of these maps refer to geography and not necessarily pinpointed genetics. There are several maps where Adygei are labeled as "Europeans" despite clustering near Iranians. Similarly, there are charts and maps that have Afghans under West Asian. When maps call Afghans Central-South-Asians, they aren't referring to their genetics being that, but their geography. If we took a pure Central Asian and a pure South Asian and mixed them, do you really think that would be genetically equivalent to an Afghan? Obviously not.

01-05-2017, 09:16 AM
The reason why you aren't in the West Asian cluster is because you have such high South Asian admixture and lack of Anatolian farmer admixture.

It's far less the South Asian factor. In fact much of the "South Asian" admixture turned out to be Iran_Neolithic in South Asians. Only ~5% is real Ancestral South Indian admixture in them.

What makes them fall outside the West Asian cluster and build their own, is the lack of Anatolian_Neo (Barcin like) and Levant_Neo like admixture. For example Turks have 35-40% Anatolian_Neo 10-15% Levant_Neo admixture. Iranians have 20-25% Anatolian_Neo and 15-20% Levant_Neo admixture. They on the other hand only have like ~5% total Anatolian-Levant_Neo admixture.

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 11:55 AM
It's far less the South Asian factor. In fact much of the "South Asian" admixture turned out to be Iran_Neolithic in South Asians. Only ~5% is real Ancestral South Indian admixture in them.

What makes them fall outside the West Asian cluster and build their own, is the lack of Anatolian_Neo (Barcin like) and Levant_Neo like admixture. For example Turks have 35-40% Anatolian_Neo 10-15% Levant_Neo admixture. Iranians have 20-25% Anatolian_Neo and 15-20% Levant_Neo admixture. They on the other hand only have like ~5% total Anatolian-Levant_Neo admixture.

Could I have the link for that please? Is it on anthrogenica?

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 11:56 AM
It's far less the South Asian factor. In fact much of the "South Asian" admixture turned out to be Iran_Neolithic in South Asians. Only ~5% is real Ancestral South Indian admixture in them.

What makes them fall outside the West Asian cluster and build their own, is the lack of Anatolian_Neo (Barcin like) and Levant_Neo like admixture. For example Turks have 35-40% Anatolian_Neo 10-15% Levant_Neo admixture. Iranians have 20-25% Anatolian_Neo and 15-20% Levant_Neo admixture. They on the other hand only have like ~5% total Anatolian-Levant_Neo admixture.

I think you meant ~5% in afghans not south Asians right ?

01-05-2017, 01:02 PM
Could I have the link for that please? Is it on anthrogenica?
Almost anywhere. On Gedmatch, on Eupedia and Anthrogenica. There is Near East Neolithic k13 calculator of Kurd on Gedmatch under the Gedrosia project.

Than there are also some new Eurogenes calculators + the peer reviewed studies. In all of them Central Asians, SouthCentral Asians and South Asians have very low levels of Anatolian and Levant_Neo admixture. Their ancient farmer/herder component that connects them strongly to West Asia is almost exclusively the Iran_Neo/CHG component.

01-05-2017, 01:13 PM
I think you meant ~5% in afghans not south Asians right ?
Which 5% do you meant?
Ancestral South Asians in Afghans yes. ~6-7% in Pashtuns, 3-4% Tajiks(Afghanistan+Tajikistan), Pamiris and Yaghnobi. 2-3% in Turkmens.

If you meant the Anatolian_Levant_Neo. I was maybe a little off. It is more around 5-10%.

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 01:39 PM
Which 5% do you meant?
Ancestral South Asians in Afghans yes. ~6-7% in Pashtuns, 3-4% Tajiks(Afghanistan+Tajikistan), Pamiris and Yaghnobi. 2-3% in Turkmens.

If you meant the Anatolian_Levant_Neo. I was maybe a little off. It is more around 5-10%.

Yes I meant ancestral south Asian bro. Are you basing that off Eurasia k9 ASI ? ( the ancestral south Asian percentages ?)

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 01:57 PM
It's far less the South Asian factor. In fact much of the "South Asian" admixture turned out to be Iran_Neolithic in South Asians. Only ~5% is real Ancestral South Indian admixture in them.

What makes them fall outside the West Asian cluster and build their own, is the lack of Anatolian_Neo (Barcin like) and Levant_Neo like admixture. For example Turks have 35-40% Anatolian_Neo 10-15% Levant_Neo admixture. Iranians have 20-25% Anatolian_Neo and 15-20% Levant_Neo admixture. They on the other hand only have like ~5% total Anatolian-Levant_Neo admixture.

If your going by near east Neolithic k13 calculator, then I don't know where you are getting those figures from.

Turk( icebreaker)

2 CHG_EEF 27.00
3 NATUFIAN 14.64
6 EHG 5.83
7 SE_ASIAN 2.67
9 POLAR 1.45

All ins result

Natufian 15.11%
Anatolia Neolithic 9.77%

Far from 35-40% don't you think?

Iranian from northwest Iran

Anatolia Neolithic 8.25%
Natufian 14.63%


01-05-2017, 06:06 PM
If your going by near east Neolithic k13 calculator, then I don't know where you are getting those figures from.

Turk( icebreaker)

2 CHG_EEF 27.00
3 NATUFIAN 14.64
6 EHG 5.83
7 SE_ASIAN 2.67
9 POLAR 1.45

All ins result

Natufian 15.11%
Anatolia Neolithic 9.77%

Far from 35-40% don't you think?

Iranian from northwest Iran

Anatolia Neolithic 8.25%
Natufian 14.63%

I can't find Icebreakers results, where are they?
I think you haven't quite understand the calculator.

Have you seen the CHG_EEF hybrid component. You know what EEF is? Early European Farmer. It is basically Anatolian_Neolithic DNA that was found in a Kumtepe sample which seemed to have been admixed with CHG. Like at least 1/3 of this component is Anatolian_Neo derived. Whoever this Icebreaker is, his results are definitely not typical Turk since I even score 13% Anatolian_Neo and Turks usually score 5-10% more than me. And his Iran_Neo is definitely too high.

Natufian though very similar, is not Levant_Neo. Natufian is almost mesolithic while Levant_Neo is little more shifted towards Iran and Anatolian_Neo. And since Anatolian_Neo and Natufian/Levan_Neo are fundamentally build the same way with the only difference of differen't frequency of Basal Eurasian vs UHG-WHG. Therefore it can happen that in a not supervised calculator some of the Anatolian_Neo can be eaten up as Levant_Neo/Natufian. The same with CHG vs Iran_Neo. Since they are both fundamentally the same with some difference. It can happen that some CHG can be shown as Iran_Neo or vica versa. There is also some overlap with Iran_Neo vs Anatolian_Neo

Also take in mind every calculator has it's little flaws and therefore is only roughly correct. This calculator for example has it's flaws with the Iran_Neo component too. Since we don't have any ancient mesolithic Indian samples, it uses a modern South Indian population as proxy for ancestral Indian and if this modern populatio is admixed with Iran_Neo (which you can bet your money even Kurd himself said he doesn't has any good proxy for ancestral Indian), than the numbers of Ancestral Indian will be flawed in catching up allot of Iran_Neo admixture found in the population used as proxy. This is why the calculator gives ~22% Ancestral Indian for Pashtun sample as you see.
In this calculator even Europeans who usually score 50% Anatolian_Neo, score only 20% here and 40% CHG_EEF.

The results of an Italian with some German ancestry. Scores usually ~50% Anatolian_neo. In this calculator it's only 18% because the rest get's eaten up by CHG_EEF and Natufian. He surely doesn't has any real Natufian or much Levant_Neo admixture.

CHG_EEF 38.21
POLAR 1.16
EHG 10.96
SHG_WHG 9.39

The newest Eurogenes calculator, which is Globe 10 I think and you need to pay for it, for example gives 35-40% Anatolian_Neo for Turks. And as I wrote this CHG_EEF component is an hybrid, which is already in it's name.

01-05-2017, 06:24 PM
Kurds are genetically different to pashtuns, but you're definitely not genetically closer to any Europeans than to pashtuns. Unless Caucasus people are considered Europeans then no.

Depends who in the Caucasus region. Kurds are definitely closer to Afghans or Pashtuns than to Ossetians for example.

01-05-2017, 06:28 PM
Depends who in the Caucasus region. Kurds are definitely closer to Afghans or Pashtuns than to Ossetians for example.

lookwise maybe, genetically not. Kurds are twice as close to Ossetians than Pashtuns.

01-05-2017, 06:57 PM
I can't find Icebreakers results, where are they?
I think you haven't quite understand the calculator.

Have you seen the CHG_EEF hybrid component. You know what EEF is? Early European Farmer. It is basically Anatolian_Neolithic DNA that was found in a Kumtepe sample which seemed to have been admixed with CHG. Like at least 1/3 of this component is Anatolian_Neo derived. e.


I score 27.37 of that shit

01-05-2017, 07:17 PM
lookwise maybe, genetically not. Kurds are twice as close to Ossetians than Pashtuns.

Pashtuns are genetically just as close to Ossetians as Kurds are. Anyways, on a global scale they're all kinda close

01-05-2017, 07:21 PM
Pashtuns are genetically just as close to Ossetians as Kurds are. Anyways, on a global scale they're all kinda close

prove it mate

I actually already proved you wrong . we cluster closer to north caucasian populations than afghans do

01-05-2017, 07:33 PM
prove it mate

I actually already proved you wrong . we cluster closer to north caucasian populations than afghans do

You are not genetically closer to North Caucasians than Afghans are. In fact, Afghans are genetically closer to Lezgins than most Kurds are and genetically closer to Chechens than a lot of Kurds are

Least-squares method.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Afghan_Pashtun @ 5,008947
2 Tajik_Pomiri @ 6,147480
3 Afghan_Tadjik @ 6,237477
4 Pathan @ 10,334953
5 Kumyk @ 10,238760
6 Lezgin @ 11,334567
7 Chechen@ 12,298433
8 Tabassaran @ 14,295820
9 Kalash @ 16,394410
10 Balochi @ 16,394953
11 Adygei @ 16,244957
12 Azeri @ 18,956063
13 Iranian @ 19,348496
14 Turkmen @ 19,205774
15 Kurd @ 20,093848
16 Georgian @ 20,205196
17 Nogai @ 21,038585
18 Turkish@ 24,294481
19 Punjabi@ 25,104828
20 Russian_Kargopol @ 29,000432
259 iterations.

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 Burusho+Lezgin @ 0,384891
2 Burusho+Chechen @ 1,091454

Least-squares method.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Afghan_Pashtun @ 5,356033
2 Tajik_Pomiri @ 7,454045
3 Tadjik @ 9,063714
4 Pathan @ 11,778725
5 Afghan_Uzbek @ 13,225575
6 Afghan_Tadjik @ 13,379507
7 Brahui @ 13,672045
8 Burusho @ 14,081902
9 Lezgin @ 14,364709
10 Balochi @ 15,107577
11 Chechen @ 16,474325
12 GujaratiA @ 17,098363
13 Kalash @ 17,446236
14 Kumyk @ 18,13644
15 Balkar @ 18,34782
16 North_Ossetian @ 18,371049
17 Adygei @ 18,441658
18 Brahmin_UP @ 19,946317
19 Turkmen @ 21,949385
20 Punjabi @ 22,115596
259 iterations.

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 Burusho+Lezgin @ 2,323015
2 Burusho+Chechen @ 3,129354
3 Chechen+GujaratiA @ 3,18651
4 GujaratiA+Kumyk @ 3,751487
5 Balkar+GujaratiA @ 3,921542
6 Brahmin_UP+Chechen @ 3,965639
7 GujaratiA+North_Ossetian @ 4,008727
8 Afghan_Pashtun+Tajik_Pomiri @ 4,084433
9 GujaratiA+Lezgin @ 4,170068
10 Adygei+GujaratiA @ 4,194072

Gaussian method.
Noise dispersion set to 0,676116

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Tajik_Pomiri @ 5,781324
2 Afghan_Pashtun @ 6,089563
3 Pathan @ 7,423369
4 Tadjik @ 7,725951
5 Kalash @ 9,694051
6 Afghan_Uzbek @ 10,583689
7 Afghan_Tadjik @ 10,606791
8 Burusho @ 10,638608
9 GujaratiA @ 11,559264
10 Brahui @ 11,918173
11 Balochi @ 12,529396
12 Kumyk @ 13,44837
13 Turkmen @ 14,266564
14 Balkar @ 14,515
15 North_Ossetian @ 14,732751
16 Nogai @ 15,432176
17 Afghan_Turkmen @ 15,515495
18 Brahmin_UP @ 15,769253
19 Iranian @ 15,813125
20 Adygei @ 15,835659
259 iterations.

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 Burusho+Lezgin @ 3,236478
2 GujaratiA+Lezgin @ 3,332307
3 Chechen+GujaratiA @ 3,525632
4 Lezgin+Pathan @ 3,794516
5 Burusho+Chechen @ 3,966627
6 Chechen+Pathan @ 4,17975
7 Pathan+Tajik_Pomiri @ 4,465679
8 Chechen+Kalash @ 4,639514
9 Kalash+Lezgin @ 4,673726
10 Afghan_Pashtun+Tajik_Pomiri @ 4,766173

PCA data

http://i1159.photobucket.com/albums/p633/drcypriot084/PCAtest_zpsk4ado2ws.png (http://s1159.photobucket.com/user/drcypriot084/media/PCAtest_zpsk4ado2ws.png.html)

Afghans are at the very beginning of the "SC_Asia" cluster, right outside the caucasus groups.

01-05-2017, 07:34 PM
Anyways I feel closer to Kurds than I do to Ossetians and Chechens (in ethnic sense of course, not in an individual sense), so idrc.

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 07:35 PM
prove it mate

I actually already proved you wrong . we cluster closer to north caucasian populations than afghans do

Well northern Kurds are geographically much closer to north Caucasus populations so makes sense. But for where afghans sit geographically we do cluster much west than where we "should" be.

My oracle for k9 ASI

# Population (source) Distance
1 Pashtun_Afghan 6.74
2 Tajik_Pomiri 10.82
3 Tajik_Afghan 12.16
4 Uzbek_Afghan 12.78
5 Pathan 12.97
6 Lezgin 13.11
7 Azeri_Dagestan 13.16
8 Chechen 14.23
9 Adygei 15.1
10 Kumyk 15.35
11 Kalash 15.66
12 Kurd_SE 15.74
13 Burusho 15.99
14 Iranian 16.28
15 Balochi 16.63
16 Makrani 17.25
17 Punjabi 17.29
18 Abkhasian 17.65
19 Azeri 17.88
20 Kurd_C 18.36

your k9 ASI oracle

# Population (source) Distance
1 Azeri 3.4
2 Kurd_N 5.81
3 Iranian 6.59
4 Georgian 7.54
5 Abkhasian 7.74
6 Turkish 8.51
7 Armenian 8.57
8 Azeri_Dagestan 8.64
9 Adygei 8.84
10 Kumyk 9.31
11 Georgian_Jew 9.98
12 Chechen 11.12
13 Kurd_C 11.48
14 Iranian_Jew 12.04
15 Lezgin 13.39
16 Druze 16.1
17 Iraqi_Jew 16.29
18 Lebanese 17.04
19 Syrian 17.35
20 Cypriot 17.36

It's all good bro :) you can clearly see your Levantine shifted compared to me being central Asian shifted.

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 07:38 PM
Anyways I feel closer to Kurds than I do to Ossetians and Chechens (in ethnic sense of course, not in an individual sense), so idrc.

Bro for gods sakes they are!!! Look at all ins oracle, he's closer to Caucasus populations. It makes sense since they are much closer to them geographically than we are.

01-05-2017, 07:40 PM
Well northern Kurds are geographically much closer to north Caucasus populations so makes sense. But for where afghans sit geographically we do cluster much west than where we "should" be.

My oracle for k9 ASI

# Population (source) Distance
1 Pashtun_Afghan 6.74
2 Tajik_Pomiri 10.82
3 Tajik_Afghan 12.16
4 Uzbek_Afghan 12.78
5 Pathan 12.97
6 Lezgin 13.11
7 Azeri_Dagestan 13.16
8 Chechen 14.23
9 Adygei 15.1
10 Kumyk 15.35
11 Kalash 15.66
12 Kurd_SE 15.74
13 Burusho 15.99
14 Iranian 16.28
15 Balochi 16.63
16 Makrani 17.25
17 Punjabi 17.29
18 Abkhasian 17.65
19 Azeri 17.88
20 Kurd_C 18.36

your k9 ASI oracle

# Population (source) Distance
1 Azeri 3.4
2 Kurd_N 5.81
3 Iranian 6.59
4 Georgian 7.54
5 Abkhasian 7.74
6 Turkish 8.51
7 Armenian 8.57
8 Azeri_Dagestan 8.64
9 Adygei 8.84
10 Kumyk 9.31
11 Georgian_Jew 9.98
12 Chechen 11.12
13 Kurd_C 11.48
14 Iranian_Jew 12.04
15 Lezgin 13.39
16 Druze 16.1
17 Iraqi_Jew 16.29
18 Lebanese 17.04
19 Syrian 17.35
20 Cypriot 17.36

It's all good bro :) you can clearly see your Levantine shifted compared to me being central Asian shifted.

It doesn't matter who's closer to the North Caucasus, because in the end, people from the North Caucasus see Kurds and Afghans as closer to each other than to them. This conversation is honestly embarrassing. What is it even supposed to prove?

01-05-2017, 07:41 PM
read this


@Myanthropologies ...which calculator oracles have you just shown me ? tell me so I can run it also

@ owight

as you can see I get Adygei @ nr. 9 at 8.84 distance and you get Lezgin @13.11

wtf are we still discussing here ?

01-05-2017, 07:41 PM
Bro for gods sakes they are!!! Look at all ins oracle, he's closer to Caucasus populations. It makes sense since they are much closer to them geographically than we are.

They aren't closer, did you read the #s? They're both within the 11-13 range, so equidistant.

01-05-2017, 07:41 PM

01-05-2017, 07:42 PM
Also, All-In is far from representative of most Kurds, genetically. He is from one of the northernmost places, and looking at his oracles, he appears to have hidden Turkish ancestry.

01-05-2017, 07:44 PM
It doesn't matter who's closer to the North Caucasus, because in the end, people from the North Caucasus see Kurds and Afghans as closer to each other than to them. This conversation is honestly embarrassing. What is it even supposed to prove?


it is YOU who always says "we afghans so close to north caucasians" to prove your "west asianness" ....when I prove you wrong and show you that we cluster closer to them than you do you suddenly come with "it doesnt matter"

sorry bro you know I like you but you are starting to make me angry . I am posting reality again and again but you still deny everything ...it is getting annoying

01-05-2017, 07:44 PM
read this


@Myanthropologies ...which calculator oracles have you just shown me ? tell me so I can run it also

@ owight

as you can see I get Adygei @ nr. 9 at 8.84 distance and you get Lezgin @13.11

wtf are we still discussing here ?

Adygei arent the only people in the North Caucasus though, are they? And did you even look at the PCA I posted? Why do you even care about this so much? Lol

01-05-2017, 07:45 PM
Adygei arent the only people in the North Caucasus though, are they? And did you even look at the PCA I posted? Why do you even care about this so much? Lol


1. you always talk about kurds but we never talk about afghans

2. I am just stating the reality on paper

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 07:47 PM

What are you so pissed off about?? I just states you ARE closer to Caucasus populations wtf?? If he's annoying you just ignore him? We are both close to Caucasus population but northern Kurds are closer. Southern Kurds I don't know.

01-05-2017, 07:49 PM

it is YOU who always says "we afghans so close to north caucasians" to prove your "west asianness" ....when I prove you wrong and show you that we cluster closer to them than you do you suddenly come with "it doesnt matter"

sorry bro you know I like you but you are starting to make me angry . I am posting reality again and again but you still deny everything ...it is getting annoying

I'm not denying anything. You just act like Adygei are the only North Caucasians. Afghans get closer to Kumyk and Lezgin, and sometimes even Chechen than most Kurds do. You also didn't look at the PCA i posted. And why are you getting mad over being closer to people who feel nothing about you anyways?

I never said Afghan are SO close to N.Caucasian populations, just closer to them than 70% of so called "West Asians" are on a PCA. Calling Afghan genetically South Central Asians is just ignorant because they aren't a cross between South Asians and Central Asians at all. They clearly have the most affinity to other West Asians. I dont see why some West asians on here think that they are special snowflakes.

01-05-2017, 07:50 PM
What are you so pissed off about?? I just states you ARE closer to Caucasus populations wtf?? If he's annoying you just ignore him? We are both close to Caucasus population but northern Kurds are closer. Southern Kurds I don't know.

I am pissed off about the fact that you afghans talk about us in so many threads and on top of it claim things which are not true that I have to disprove again and again and again . it is getting soooo annoying man . Demhat and me are posting to show how things are and the evidence are on our side but no ....it doesnt matter to you guys . in your case you at least are more understanding than him but we are always turning in circles

01-05-2017, 07:51 PM

1. you always talk about kurds but we never talk about afghans

2. I am just stating the reality on paper

Don't listen to them, here's my K9 ASI:

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Kurd_N 2.51
2 Iranian 3.81
3 Azeri 5.4
4 Georgian 5.72
5 Abkhasian 5.86
6 Armenian 7.89
7 Kurd_C 8.63
8 Georgian_Jew 9.3
9 Azeri_Dagestan 9.73
10 Iranian_Jew 10.58
11 Adygei 11.88
12 Kumyk 12.63
13 Turkish 12.74
14 Chechen 13.62
15 Lezgin 15.17
16 Iraqi_Jew 15.95
17 Druze 16.58
18 Lebanese 18.02
19 Syrian 18.1
20 Cypriot 19.09

And we all know the truth.

01-05-2017, 07:51 PM
I'm not denying anything. You just act like Adygei are the only North Caucasians. Afghans get closer to Kumyk and Lezgin, and sometimes even Chechen than most Kurds do. You also didn't look at the PCA i posted. And why are you getting mad over being closer to people who feel nothing about you anyways?

I never said Afghan are SO close to N.Caucasian populations, just closer to them than 70% of so called "West Asians" are on a PCA. Calling Afghan genetically South Central Asians is just ignorant because they aren't a cross between South Asians and Central Asians at all. They clearly have the most affinity to other West Asians. I dont see why some West asians on here think that they are special snowflakes.

NO . lets compare our oracles then . I already proved that you are wrong lmao

and stop with your "special" snowflake bullshit . I am just showing how things are . stop pulling it in other directions

01-05-2017, 07:52 PM

1. you always talk about kurds but we never talk about afghans

2. I am just stating the reality on paper

You are not even the average Kurd, so what are we even talking about? You gleefully talk about how you might be Turkish admixed according to your oracles, yet you are still just as genetically close to Lezgins as Afghans are.

01-05-2017, 07:52 PM
NO . lets compare our oracles then . I already proved that you are wrong lmao

and stop with your "special" snowflake bullshit . I am just showing how things are . stop pulling it in other directions

You didn't even prove me wrong, did you even look at the numbers? You and the Afghan both got a 13 distance from lezgin? Why are you so worked up?

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 07:53 PM
@all in btw look at this thread, so obvious he's hinting at you lmao


Brahuis and balochis get Kurdish a lot

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 07:55 PM
Don't listen to them, here's my K9 ASI:

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Kurd_N 2.51
2 Iranian 3.81
3 Azeri 5.4
4 Georgian 5.72
5 Abkhasian 5.86
6 Armenian 7.89
7 Kurd_C 8.63
8 Georgian_Jew 9.3
9 Azeri_Dagestan 9.73
10 Iranian_Jew 10.58
11 Adygei 11.88
12 Kumyk 12.63
13 Turkish 12.74
14 Chechen 13.62
15 Lezgin 15.17
16 Iraqi_Jew 15.95
17 Druze 16.58
18 Lebanese 18.02
19 Syrian 18.1
20 Cypriot 19.09

And we all know the truth.

Pashtun_Afghan 6.74
2 Tajik_Pomiri 10.82
3 Tajik_Afghan 12.16
4 Uzbek_Afghan 12.78
5 Pathan 12.97
6 Lezgin 13.11
7 Azeri_Dagestan 13.16
8 Chechen 14.23
9 Adygei 15.1
10 Kumyk 15.35
11 Kalash 15.66
12 Kurd_SE 15.74
13 Burusho 15.99
14 Iranian 16.28
15 Balochi 16.63
16 Makrani 17.25
17 Punjabi 17.29
18 Abkhasian 17.65
19 Azeri 17.88
20 Kurd_C 18.36

Why do I get closer to lezgin than you wtf?

01-05-2017, 07:56 PM
Pashtun_Afghan 6.74
2 Tajik_Pomiri 10.82
3 Tajik_Afghan 12.16
4 Uzbek_Afghan 12.78
5 Pathan 12.97
6 Lezgin 13.11
7 Azeri_Dagestan 13.16
8 Chechen 14.23
9 Adygei 15.1
10 Kumyk 15.35
11 Kalash 15.66
12 Kurd_SE 15.74
13 Burusho 15.99
14 Iranian 16.28
15 Balochi 16.63
16 Makrani 17.25
17 Punjabi 17.29
18 Abkhasian 17.65
19 Azeri 17.88
20 Kurd_C 18.36

Why do I get closer to lezgin than you wtf?

Because of NE Euro admixture.

01-05-2017, 07:56 PM
You are not even the average Kurd, so what are we even talking about? You gleefully talk about how you might be Turkish admixed according to your oracles, yet you are still just as genetically close to Lezgins as Afghans are.

I am mostly Kurdish nonetheless . and I also have other Kurdish gedmatch kit numbers which show the same things I stated

and you still havnt proven your point . which calculator oracle did you post btw. ? you still didnt say

@all in btw look at this thread, so obvious he's hinting at you lmao


Brahuis and balochis get Kurdish a lot

I didnt read all of what that guy wrote but Brahuis/Balochis get Kurdish in their oracles because of shared IranNeolithic etc. but they are distinct from us and have other admix than us . I already proved that too but ok bro...haha

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 08:01 PM
I am mostly Kurdish nonetheless . and I also have other Kurdish gedmatch kit numbers which show the same things I stated

and you still havnt proven your point . which calculator oracle did you post btw. ? you still didnt say

I didnt read all of what that guy wrote but Brahuis/Balochis get Kurdish in their oracles because of shared IranNeolithic etc. but they are distinct from us and have other admix than us . I already proved that too but ok bro...haha

Again showing your stubbornness and ignorance. Why don't you read the whole post? It's not oracles but fast IBD analysis. Since you cannot be bothered, I'll post it here:

"between Brahuis and W Asians such as Kurds and Iranians, I did an IBD run using about a dozen HGDP Brahui samples. Previous studies I had conducted comparing Kurds and Brahuis using Dstats had shown them to be a near clade, and so I wanted to see whether this could be corroborated with IBD.

Conspiracy theorists (ie the couple of users here who are well known, who try their best to slander yours truly, believe that I manipulate results because of some hidden personal agenda) will likely be disappointed to say the least, because this is another piece of scientific evidence that disproves their baseless (scientifically) held personal beliefs that Baloch and Brahui have no recent genetic relationship with Kurds and other NW Iranians, and that Baloch and Brahui have been living in their present locations since the Neolithic. Well to them I say wake up and smell the coffee, and stop living in denial.

I used Beagle's FastIBD for this purpose. Beagle is a powerful software used primarily for imputing missing calls (genotype likelihood), and for IBD analysis using plink files.

The fastIBD method is based on estimating frequencies of shared haplotypes. Haplotype frequency is critical because a shared common haplotype is unlikely to reflect recent IBD, whereas a shared haplotype that is very rare is likely to be identical by descent. The fastIBD method allows for uncertain haplotype phase by sampling multiple realizations of haplotype phase given the data, then allowing for some switching between alternative phasings; there is, however, a switch penalty to prevent excessive switching. The extent of haplotype sharing is measured by a score that is the frequency of the shared haplotype modified by the penalties assessed at each switch between alternate phasings. Thus, a small score (close to zero) for a pair indicates that the two individuals share a low-frequency haplotype and are thus likely to be identical by descent."

"The fastIBD output file has five columns. The first two columns list the two sample identifiers for the shared haplotype described on each line. The next two columns list the starting (inclusive) and ending (exclusive) marker indices for the shared haplotype. The first marker has index 0. The last column gives the fastIBD score for the shared haplotype. A fastIBD score < 10 -10 provides strong evidence that the shared haplotype is IBD if the length of the shared haplotype length is ≥ 1 cM.

I used a more stringent criteria by dropping all outputs with a fastIBD score <1E-11. I also dropped any results with segments <100 SNPs.

The results show that Iranians and Kurds are high up in the table, which should not have been the case if Brahuis have been in their present locations since the Neolithic, because otherwise, nothing but S Asians and SC Asians such as Pashtuns should have dominated the top rankings, and Kurds and Iranians should have been all the way in the bottom, if they even made the table at all. I have highlighted S Asians in brown, and Pashtuns in purple to help visualize their rankings.

The fact that Iranians and Kurds are so high up in the table is evidence of the close genetic relationship between them and Brahuis, and that the separation of the 2 can't have been too long ago.

1 .Zara BrahuiHGDP00037 37505 37744 3.95E-26 239
2 .Zara BrahuiHGDP00033 37505 37746 3.95E-26 241
3 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00043 107189 107449 1.26E-23 260
4 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00003 104720 105053 1.28E-20 333
5 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00025 106682 106949 2.04E-20 267
6 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00039 108155 108385 1.38E-19 230
7 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00017 47811 48076 2.40E-19 265
8 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00035 105155 105382 6.50E-19 227
9 .Zara BrahuiHGDP00043 59725 59873 1.30E-18 148
10 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00049 99938 100109 2.39E-18 171
11 .Farid BrahuiHGDP00035 8527 8872 2.78E-18 345
12 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00005 52820 53015 3.35E-18 195
13 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00021 93057 93268 7.27E-18 211
14 .Zara BrahuiHGDP00001 43282 43502 3.83E-17 220
15 .Kurd_F2 BrahuiHGDP00037 44336 44478 2.75E-16 142
16 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00021 108170 108351 4.36E-16 181
17 .Bol_Nat BrahuiHGDP00031 39618 39800 4.87E-16 182
18 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00031 59331 59609 1.03E-15 278
19 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00021 105056 105315 2.12E-15 259
20 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00005 68052 68198 2.57E-15 146
21 .McNinja BrahuiHGDP00027 45733 45896 4.26E-15 163
22 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00043 101189 101382 4.35E-15 193
23 .Kurd_F6 BrahuiHGDP00047 97968 98182 4.58E-15 214
24 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00001 105144 105334 5.38E-15 190
25 .NK19191 BrahuiHGDP00019 44341 44454 8.15E-15 113
26 .Zara BrahuiHGDP00017 50535 50708 2.50E-14 173
27 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00015 47344 47486 3.44E-14 142
28 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00003 63645 63859 3.58E-14 214
29 .Pak_Gujjar BrahuiHGDP00025 102194 102343 3.96E-14 149
30 .Farid BrahuiHGDP00045 8548 8762 4.64E-14 214
31 .Sein BrahuiHGDP00033 71937 72108 4.84E-14 171
32 .Melif BrahuiHGDP00047 44314 44472 7.62E-14 158
33 .Jesus BrahuiHGDP00011 25773 25921 1.14E-13 148
34 .Farid BrahuiHGDP00047 8277 8479 1.33E-13 202
35 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00045 67695 67893 2.26E-13 198
36 .Rukha BrahuiHGDP00023 12789 12933 2.34E-13 144
37 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00037 52789 52957 2.78E-13 168
38 .Farid BrahuiHGDP00027 24983 25147 2.85E-13 164
39 .McNinja BrahuiHGDP00037 45772 45896 3.18E-13 124
40 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00007 67678 67929 3.25E-13 251
41 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00003 13651 13925 3.48E-13 274
42 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00045 114756 114987 3.61E-13 231
43 .Sein BrahuiHGDP00001 20861 21019 3.77E-13 158
44 .Sapporo BrahuiHGDP00017 62867 63054 3.86E-13 187
45 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00047 60235 60413 3.89E-13 178
46 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00003 23454 23591 4.90E-13 137
47 .Zara BrahuiHGDP00025 61777 61932 5.58E-13 155
48 .Bored BrahuiHGDP00007 15621 15797 6.54E-13 176
49 .Punjabi_Rajput BrahuiHGDP00047 44335 44485 6.57E-13 150
50 .Punjabi_Rajput BrahuiHGDP00039 57718 57866 7.21E-13 148
51 .Kurd_SE BrahuiHGDP00033 67678 67893 7.73E-13 215
52 .Jesus BrahuiHGDP00043 25819 25993 8.17E-13 174
53 .Kurd_C1 BrahuiHGDP00003 93144 93361 1.08E-12 217
54 .Jatt_Har393 BrahuiHGDP00023 107604 107843 1.16E-12 239
55 .Khana BrahuiHGDP00033 65493 65715 1.36E-12 222
56 .Kenji BrahuiHGDP00003 65499 65604 1.41E-12 105
57 .Zara BrahuiHGDP00037 23938 24077 1.59E-12 139
58 .Pashtun_Afg BrahuiHGDP00035 40254 40418 1.63E-12 164
59 .Kurd_F7 BrahuiHGDP00031 101655 101769 1.93E-12 114
60 .Melif BrahuiHGDP00001 42327 42452 1.98E-12 125
61 .Sein BrahuiHGDP00039 18558 18819 1.99E-12 261
62 .Kurd_F3 BrahuiHGDP00007 32454 32564 2.20E-12 110
63 .Khana BrahuiHGDP00017 81315 81506 2.46E-12 191
64 .Hanna BrahuiHGDP00045 97508 97613 2.55E-12 105
65 .Punjabi_Rajput BrahuiHGDP00005 37946 38139 2.63E-12 193
66 .Varun BrahuiHGDP00007 69325 69470 3.19E-12 145
67 .Mfa BrahuiHGDP00047 74193 74374 3.52E-12 181
68 .Bol_Nat BrahuiHGDP00027 31449 31620 4.49E-12 171
69 .Kurd_C1 BrahuiHGDP00007 26785 26890 4.50E-12 105
70 .Jesus BrahuiHGDP00007 51787 51939 4.60E-12 152
71 .Pak_Gujjar BrahuiHGDP00043 12439 12569 4.88E-12 130
72 .Zara BrahuiHGDP00027 114348 114490 5.51E-12 142
73 .Punjabi_Rajput BrahuiHGDP00003 102204 102341 6.02E-12 137
74 .Parasar BrahuiHGDP00011 84251 84451 6.22E-12 200

01-05-2017, 08:06 PM
^ I didnt read because too much text :D and also ...that guy calls himself "Kurd" even though he is from Pakistan and his genetic results are very different from ours . other Kurds such as MfA already called him out . the guy has an agenda ffs . btw. he is not talking about me there but another member

and as I told you it means nothing that balochs and kurds have ancient connections etc. because since then people spread in different areas and also got different admixes . it is similar to haplogroups .

on autosomal we differ a lot from balochs . this is actually also to see in the calculators that "Kurd" made . I am closer to Greeks and Sicilians than to Balochs ffs ....in 4 population oracles where I get baloch I also always get italian or greek to "even it out" so to speak ...funny though because I guess saying this will make me what ? owd ? double standards everywhere ....so I HAVE to accept the closeneness to balochs which is not there ?

01-05-2017, 08:07 PM
@all in btw look at this thread, so obvious he's hinting at you lmao


Brahuis and balochis get Kurdish a lot

This is because both baloch and Kurds share big drift since they are branched off from same population , But after arriving at their current location they all mixed with their surrounding population , baloch mixed with pashtuns and Sindhis while Kurd mixed with assyrians, anatolians etc thats why currently they are in cline with their neighbors mostly.

01-05-2017, 08:07 PM
Don't listen to them, here's my K9 ASI:

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Kurd_N 2.51
2 Iranian 3.81
3 Azeri 5.4
4 Georgian 5.72
5 Abkhasian 5.86
6 Armenian 7.89
7 Kurd_C 8.63
8 Georgian_Jew 9.3
9 Azeri_Dagestan 9.73
10 Iranian_Jew 10.58
11 Adygei 11.88
12 Kumyk 12.63
13 Turkish 12.74
14 Chechen 13.62
15 Lezgin 15.17
16 Iraqi_Jew 15.95
17 Druze 16.58
18 Lebanese 18.02
19 Syrian 18.1
20 Cypriot 19.09

And we all know the truth.

Okay, let compare your so called truth to owight

Distance from Chechens:

Chechen 13.62

8 Chechen 14.23


15 Lezgin 15.17

6 Lezgin 13.11

Kumyk 12.63

Kumyk 15.35

He is genetically closer to Lezgins than you are, you are genetically closer to kumyk, and you both are practically the same distance from Chechens. Therefore, Kurds and Afghans are pretty much equidistant from North Caucasians as a whole. Nothing to get angered and childish about. I doubt N.Caucasians even care about Kurds or Afghans.

01-05-2017, 08:08 PM
I doubt N.Caucasians even care about Kurds or Afghans.

you are the one who always brings them up ...wtf dude just wtf

01-05-2017, 08:12 PM
you are the one who always brings them up ...wtf dude just wtf

I never "always bring them" up. I only bring them up when people try to say that Afghans are genetically South Central Asians and not West Asians. In a general conversation of who Afghans are close to, I've never once mentioned North Caucasians.

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 08:14 PM
This is because both baloch and Kurds share big drift since they are branched off from same population , But after arriving at their current location they all mixed with their surrounding population , baloch mixed with pashtuns and Sindhis while Kurd mixed with assyrians, anatolians etc thats why currently they are in cline with their neighbors mostly.
Right. Still means that they were one population before they mixed with other populations which wasn't too long ago. And I doubt they mixed with Pashtuns too that extent since they get us AFTER Kurds etc. On the other hand, if you look at the afghans fast IBD analysis, we get south Asians further down the list than Kurds get balochis and Brahuis. Now If people want to call out afghans as a South Asian population, well IBD analysis proved that's false, you might as well call Kurds balochis then.

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 08:15 PM
I am pissed off about the fact that you afghans talk about us in so many threads and on top of it claim things which are not true that I have to disprove again and again and again . it is getting soooo annoying man . Demhat and me are posting to show how things are and the evidence are on our side but no ....it doesnt matter to you guys . in your case you at least are more understanding than him but we are always turning in circles

Now you know how it feels to be a afghan lmao

01-05-2017, 08:16 PM
I never "always bring them" up. I only bring them up when people try to say that Afghans are genetically South Central Asians and not West Asians. In a general conversation of who Afghans are close to, I've never once mentioned North Caucasians.

what is Point you are trying to make than? You want people to accept Afghans as West asians?

01-05-2017, 08:17 PM
Now you know how it feels to be a afghan lmao

I don't ever talk about kurds unless they get in my business on here and try to pull the whole "we're closer to South Europeans than you" bs dilemma that a lot of MENAS have with each other

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 08:18 PM
you are the one who always brings them up ...wtf dude just wtf

In all fairness, he only brings that up when people claim that afghans are very far from west Asians. Well it's clearly established that Caucasus populations are west Asian proper, in that case we are both roughly equidistant to them. We have a pull towards central/northwest southasia and you guys towards the levant.

01-05-2017, 08:18 PM
Now you know how it feels to be a afghan lmao

I know how you feel and I am one of the members who always stick to your side when needed . so shame on you :D please dont try to lecture me about my people

btw. since we were talking about the neolithic k13 calculator I am preparing a big post right now comparing afghans and west asians

01-05-2017, 08:18 PM
what is Point you are trying to make than? You want people to accept Afghans as West asians?

Genetically, they pretty much are, and most Afghans in America would consider themselves Middle Easterners. If Armenians can call themselves white Europeans, why can't afghans just peacefully call themselves Middle Easterners?

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 08:20 PM
what is Point you are trying to make than? You want people to accept Afghans as West asians?

No, he's trying to say that afghans are equidistant to north Caucasus populations, closer to them than levantines and gulf Arabs. So yes technically we are closer to west Asians.

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 08:21 PM
I know how you feel and I am one of the members who always stick to your side when needed . so shame on you :D please dont try to lecture me about my people

btw. since we were talking about the neolithic k13 calculator I am preparing a big post right now comparing afghans and west asians

There's really no need. I just admitted that you ARE closer to north Caucasus populations. What's there's to talk about? And I brought up the IBD analysis because you keep denying that. That's all.

01-05-2017, 08:21 PM
Genetically, they pretty much are, and most Afghans in America would consider themselves Middle Easterners. If Armenians can call themselves white Europeans, why can't afghans just peacefully call themselves Middle Easterners?

fair enough , if you want to, you can(no one will stop you in real life) , though I dont particularly see an incentive in this.

Porn Master
01-05-2017, 08:22 PM
No, he's trying to say that afghans are equidistant to north Caucasus populations, closer to them than levantines and gulf Arabs. So yes technically we are closer to west Asians.

if north caucus is west asia to your opinion then greeks and egyptians are west asians as well

01-05-2017, 08:24 PM
neolithic k13

Afghan results :

Afghan 1 :

13.41% CHG_EEF
12.12% EHG
2.80% SHG_WHG
2.31% SE_ASIAN
0.01% PAPUAN
0.01% POLAR


Using 1 population approximation:
1 Pashtun_Afghan @ 9.159143
2 Pathan @ 11.347693
3 Tajik @ 11.468375
4 Makrani @ 11.77785
5 Iranian_Bandari @ 11.854015
6 Balochi @ 12.710291
7 Burusho @ 12.825793
8 Brahui @ 13.105476
9 Iranian_Shirazi @ 13.922243
10 Sindhi @ 14.485054
11 Iranian_Mazandarani @ 14.526428
12 Iranian @ 14.903494
13 Kurd_SE @ 16.332364
14 GujaratiB @ 16.553328
15 Uzbek @ 16.994252
16 Hazara @ 17.464687
17 Punjabi @ 17.69499
18 Kalash @ 17.713806
19 Turkmen @ 17.777965
20 GujaratiA @ 18.891126
144 iterations.

more oracle stuff .

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 Balkar+GujaratiD @ 7.336378
2 Balkar+GujaratiC @ 7.645562
3 Balkar+Punjabi @ 7.793152
4 Adygei+GujaratiD @ 7.86597
5 GujaratiD+Turkish_Balekesir @ 7.977715
6 GujaratiD+Turkish_Aydin @ 8.007483
7 Balkar+GujaratiB @ 8.027447
8 GujaratiD+Turkish_Istanbul @ 8.047366
9 Adygei+GujaratiC @ 8.109182
10 Abkhasian+Punjabi @ 8.119283
11 GujaratiD+Turkish_Kayseri @ 8.125038
12 Azeri+Punjabi @ 8.140397
13 Abkhasian+GujaratiC @ 8.142057
14 Adygei+Punjabi @ 8.165103
15 Azeri+GujaratiC @ 8.203825
16 Adygei+GujaratiB @ 8.224964
17 GujaratiD+Turkish @ 8.242896
18 Chechen+GujaratiD @ 8.268519
19 GujaratiC+Turkish_Aydin @ 8.328975
20 Azeri+GujaratiB @ 8.33048
10440 iterations.

Using 4 populations approximation:
1 Iran_LN+Italian_South+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.551534
2 Iran_N+Italian_South+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.551534
3 Iran_LN+Kusunda+Romanian+Sindhi @ 6.572256
4 Iran_N+Kusunda+Romanian+Sindhi @ 6.572256
5 Croatian+Iran_LN+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.576353
6 Croatian+Iran_N+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.576353
7 Greek+Iran_LN+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.577826
8 Greek+Iran_N+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.577826
9 Greek+Iran_LN+Kusunda+Pathan @ 6.696932
10 Greek+Iran_N+Kusunda+Pathan @ 6.696932
11 Greek+GujaratiA+Iran_LN+Kusunda @ 6.698701
12 Greek+GujaratiA+Iran_N+Kusunda @ 6.698701
13 Greek+Iran_LN+Kusunda+Punjabi @ 6.702455
14 Greek+Iran_N+Kusunda+Punjabi @ 6.702455
15 GujaratiB+Iran_LN+Italian_South+Kusunda @ 6.714776
16 GujaratiB+Iran_N+Italian_South+Kusunda @ 6.714776
17 Iran_LN+Italian_South+Kusunda+Punjabi @ 6.727609
18 Iran_N+Italian_South+Kusunda+Punjabi @ 6.727609
19 Iran_LN+Italian_South+Kusunda+Pathan @ 6.729251
20 Iran_N+Italian_South+Kusunda+Pathan @ 6.729251
21 Croatian+GujaratiB+Iran_LN+Kusunda @ 6.733008
22 Croatian+GujaratiB+Iran_N+Kusunda @ 6.733008
23 Hungarian+Iran_LN+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.733607
24 Hungarian+Iran_N+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.733607
25 GujaratiA+Iran_LN+Italian_South+Kusunda @ 6.734322
26 GujaratiA+Iran_N+Italian_South+Kusunda @ 6.734322
27 Greek+GujaratiB+Iran_LN+Kusunda @ 6.739412
28 Greek+GujaratiB+Iran_N+Kusunda @ 6.739412
29 Iran_LN+Kusunda+Scottish+Sindhi @ 6.742945
30 Iran_N+Kusunda+Scottish+Sindhi @ 6.742945
31 GujaratiB+Iran_LN+Kusunda+Romanian @ 6.749069
32 GujaratiB+Iran_N+Kusunda+Romanian @ 6.749069
33 Croatian+GujaratiD+Iran_LN+Kusunda @ 6.751523
34 Croatian+GujaratiD+Iran_N+Kusunda @ 6.751523
35 Bulgarian+Iran_LN+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.760402
36 Bulgarian+Iran_N+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.760402
37 Croatian+Iran_LN+Kusunda+Punjabi @ 6.765893
38 Croatian+Iran_N+Kusunda+Punjabi @ 6.765893
39 Iran_LN+Kusunda+Pathan+Romanian @ 6.789604
40 Iran_N+Kusunda+Pathan+Romanian @ 6.789604
18671940 iterations.

Afghan 2

# Population Percent
3 CHG_EEF 16
4 EHG 11.83
7 SE_ASIAN 2.19
8 SHG_WHG 1.31
9 PAPUAN 1.1

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance

1 Pashtun_Afghan 6.23
2 Kalash 9.26
3 Iranian_Bandari 10.93
4 Pathan 13.35
5 Makrani 13.69
6 Balochi 13.83
7 Tajik 14.01
8 Brahui 14.94
9 Kurd_SE 15.13
10 Iranian_Mazandarani 15.89
11 Iranian_Shirazi 17.37
12 Iranian 17.82
13 Burusho 18.56
14 Kurd_C 18.8
15 Iranian_Lori 19.76
16 Sindhi 20.55
17 Azeri 22.36
18 GujaratiA 23.46
19 Lezgin 23.81
20 Abkhasian 24.86

more oracle stuff

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 92.1% Pashtun_Afghan + 7.9% Iran_LN @ 3.57
2 92.1% Pashtun_Afghan + 7.9% Iran_N @ 3.57
3 50.6% Makrani + 49.4% Tajik @ 3.88
4 51.7% Tajik + 48.3% Brahui @ 4.01
5 69.9% Kalash + 30.1% Iranian_Lori @ 4.05
6 50.4% Balochi + 49.6% Tajik @ 4.05
7 89.8% Pashtun_Afghan + 10.2% Iran_ChL @ 4.15
8 65% Kalash + 35% Iranian_Mazandarani @ 4.2
9 63.6% Kurd_SE + 36.4% Adygei @ 4.47
10 68% Kalash + 32% Iranian @ 4.48
11 69.3% Kalash + 30.7% Kurd_C @ 4.5
12 67.5% Kalash + 32.5% Iranian_Shirazi @ 4.57
13 73.2% Kalash + 26.8% Azeri @ 4.65
14 61.9% Kurd_SE + 38.1% Lezgin @ 4.68
15 75.9% Pashtun_Afghan + 24.1% Makrani @ 4.71
16 75.4% Kalash + 24.6% Abkhasian @ 4.75
17 88.5% Pashtun_Afghan + 11.5% Iran_recent @ 4.82
18 63.4% Kurd_SE + 36.6% Chechen @ 4.82
19 77.8% Kalash + 22.2% Assyrian @ 4.85
20 64.3% Balochi + 35.7% Lezgin @ 4.88

now West Asians


Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
2 CHG_EEF 25.59
3 NATUFIAN 16.81
5 EHG 3.33
7 SE_ASIAN 2.34
8 SHG_WHG 2.31

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Armenian 5.61
2 Turkish_Kayseri 5.89
3 Azeri 6.04
4 Assyrian 6.24
5 Turkish_Adana 6.63
6 Turkish_Trabzon 7.02
7 Jew_Iranian 7.23
8 Iranian 9.38
9 Jew_iraqi 9.49
10 Iranian_Lori 10.16
11 Iranian_Shirazi 11.08
12 Georgian 11.59
13 Druze 12.18
14 Kurd_C 12.54
15 Abkhasian 12.71
16 Cypriot 12.8
17 Lebanese 12.86
18 Turkish_Istanbul 12.97
19 Turkish 13.24
20 Turkish_Aydin 13.55

Armenian 2

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
2 CHG_EEF 25.22
3 NATUFIAN 18.35
5 EHG 3.49
7 POLAR 1.62

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Assyrian 4.67
2 Armenian 5.06
3 Jew_Iranian 5.28
4 Azeri 7
5 Turkish_Trabzon 7.16
6 Turkish_Kayseri 7.8
7 Turkish_Adana 7.94
8 Jew_iraqi 8.13
9 Iranian 9.25
10 Iranian_Lori 9.32
11 Iranian_Shirazi 10.84
12 Druze 11.25
13 Kurd_C 11.57
14 Georgian 12.03
15 Lebanese 12.23
16 Cypriot 13.02
17 Abkhasian 13.04
18 Syrian 13.08
19 Turkish_Istanbul 15.24
20 Turkish 15.3


Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
2 CHG_EEF 33.36
3 NATUFIAN 13.45
5 EHG 6.18
8 POLAR 0.7
10 SE_ASIAN 0.04

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Georgian 5.51
2 Abkhasian 5.62
3 Adygei 8.86
4 Azeri 9.24
5 Armenian 9.61
6 Kumyk 9.88
7 Balkar 10.72
8 Chechen 11.01
9 Turkish_Trabzon 11.06
10 Lezgin 11.46
11 Iranian 11.86
12 Iranian_Lori 12.18
13 Turkish_Kayseri 12.2
14 Turkish_Adana 12.21
15 Iranian_Shirazi 12.9
16 Assyrian 13.76
17 Iranian_Mazandarani 14.24
18 Jew_Iranian 14.73
19 Kurd_C 14.73
20 Turkish_Istanbul 14.94



2. CHG_EEF 30.36
3. EHG 13.23
4. NATUFIAN 8.73
7. SHG_WHG 3.26
8. SE_ASIAN 1.99
9. SIBERIAN 1.83
10. KARITIANA 1.33
11. POLAR 0.28

couldnt find oracle yet

Kurd Turkey

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
2 CHG_EEF 29.47
3 NATUFIAN 15.63
6 EHG 4.67
9 POLAR 0.8
10 SE_ASIAN 0.66

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Azeri 5.51
2 Armenian 7.14
3 Turkish_Adana 7.62
4 Turkish_Kayseri 8.12
5 Iranian 8.63
6 Georgian 8.85
7 Turkish_Trabzon 9.17
8 Abkhasian 9.59
9 Iranian_Shirazi 9.88
10 Iranian_Lori 10.26
11 Assyrian 10.28
12 Jew_Iranian 10.73
13 Kumyk 11.68
14 Adygei 11.76
15 Balkar 12.1
16 Turkish_Istanbul 12.71
17 Kurd_C 13.03
18 Turkish 13.78
19 Jew_iraqi 13.91
20 Chechen 13.91

will post more when I find more results

01-05-2017, 08:24 PM
fair enough , if you want to you can , though I dont particularly see an incentive in this.

I don't see what's wrong with that. I understand that living in Pakistan, you probably want to feel closer to other Pakistanis first. All-In growing up in Turkey makes him feel more Turkish too, and I feel more American than anything else. However, the genetics and cultures practiced by ancestors is another thing. Calling afghan south-central asian is no better than calling them half mongolian half Gujurati. It's dumb.

01-05-2017, 08:26 PM
neolithic k13

Afghan results :

Afghan 1 :

13.41% CHG_EEF
12.12% EHG
2.80% SHG_WHG
2.31% SE_ASIAN
0.01% PAPUAN
0.01% POLAR


Using 1 population approximation:
1 Pashtun_Afghan @ 9.159143
2 Pathan @ 11.347693
3 Tajik @ 11.468375
4 Makrani @ 11.77785
5 Iranian_Bandari @ 11.854015
6 Balochi @ 12.710291
7 Burusho @ 12.825793
8 Brahui @ 13.105476
9 Iranian_Shirazi @ 13.922243
10 Sindhi @ 14.485054
11 Iranian_Mazandarani @ 14.526428
12 Iranian @ 14.903494
13 Kurd_SE @ 16.332364
14 GujaratiB @ 16.553328
15 Uzbek @ 16.994252
16 Hazara @ 17.464687
17 Punjabi @ 17.69499
18 Kalash @ 17.713806
19 Turkmen @ 17.777965
20 GujaratiA @ 18.891126
144 iterations.

more oracle stuff .

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 Balkar+GujaratiD @ 7.336378
2 Balkar+GujaratiC @ 7.645562
3 Balkar+Punjabi @ 7.793152
4 Adygei+GujaratiD @ 7.86597
5 GujaratiD+Turkish_Balekesir @ 7.977715
6 GujaratiD+Turkish_Aydin @ 8.007483
7 Balkar+GujaratiB @ 8.027447
8 GujaratiD+Turkish_Istanbul @ 8.047366
9 Adygei+GujaratiC @ 8.109182
10 Abkhasian+Punjabi @ 8.119283
11 GujaratiD+Turkish_Kayseri @ 8.125038
12 Azeri+Punjabi @ 8.140397
13 Abkhasian+GujaratiC @ 8.142057
14 Adygei+Punjabi @ 8.165103
15 Azeri+GujaratiC @ 8.203825
16 Adygei+GujaratiB @ 8.224964
17 GujaratiD+Turkish @ 8.242896
18 Chechen+GujaratiD @ 8.268519
19 GujaratiC+Turkish_Aydin @ 8.328975
20 Azeri+GujaratiB @ 8.33048
10440 iterations.

Using 4 populations approximation:
1 Iran_LN+Italian_South+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.551534
2 Iran_N+Italian_South+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.551534
3 Iran_LN+Kusunda+Romanian+Sindhi @ 6.572256
4 Iran_N+Kusunda+Romanian+Sindhi @ 6.572256
5 Croatian+Iran_LN+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.576353
6 Croatian+Iran_N+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.576353
7 Greek+Iran_LN+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.577826
8 Greek+Iran_N+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.577826
9 Greek+Iran_LN+Kusunda+Pathan @ 6.696932
10 Greek+Iran_N+Kusunda+Pathan @ 6.696932
11 Greek+GujaratiA+Iran_LN+Kusunda @ 6.698701
12 Greek+GujaratiA+Iran_N+Kusunda @ 6.698701
13 Greek+Iran_LN+Kusunda+Punjabi @ 6.702455
14 Greek+Iran_N+Kusunda+Punjabi @ 6.702455
15 GujaratiB+Iran_LN+Italian_South+Kusunda @ 6.714776
16 GujaratiB+Iran_N+Italian_South+Kusunda @ 6.714776
17 Iran_LN+Italian_South+Kusunda+Punjabi @ 6.727609
18 Iran_N+Italian_South+Kusunda+Punjabi @ 6.727609
19 Iran_LN+Italian_South+Kusunda+Pathan @ 6.729251
20 Iran_N+Italian_South+Kusunda+Pathan @ 6.729251
21 Croatian+GujaratiB+Iran_LN+Kusunda @ 6.733008
22 Croatian+GujaratiB+Iran_N+Kusunda @ 6.733008
23 Hungarian+Iran_LN+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.733607
24 Hungarian+Iran_N+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.733607
25 GujaratiA+Iran_LN+Italian_South+Kusunda @ 6.734322
26 GujaratiA+Iran_N+Italian_South+Kusunda @ 6.734322
27 Greek+GujaratiB+Iran_LN+Kusunda @ 6.739412
28 Greek+GujaratiB+Iran_N+Kusunda @ 6.739412
29 Iran_LN+Kusunda+Scottish+Sindhi @ 6.742945
30 Iran_N+Kusunda+Scottish+Sindhi @ 6.742945
31 GujaratiB+Iran_LN+Kusunda+Romanian @ 6.749069
32 GujaratiB+Iran_N+Kusunda+Romanian @ 6.749069
33 Croatian+GujaratiD+Iran_LN+Kusunda @ 6.751523
34 Croatian+GujaratiD+Iran_N+Kusunda @ 6.751523
35 Bulgarian+Iran_LN+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.760402
36 Bulgarian+Iran_N+Kusunda+Sindhi @ 6.760402
37 Croatian+Iran_LN+Kusunda+Punjabi @ 6.765893
38 Croatian+Iran_N+Kusunda+Punjabi @ 6.765893
39 Iran_LN+Kusunda+Pathan+Romanian @ 6.789604
40 Iran_N+Kusunda+Pathan+Romanian @ 6.789604
18671940 iterations.

Afghan 2

# Population Percent
3 CHG_EEF 16
4 EHG 11.83
7 SE_ASIAN 2.19
8 SHG_WHG 1.31
9 PAPUAN 1.1

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance

1 Pashtun_Afghan 6.23
2 Kalash 9.26
3 Iranian_Bandari 10.93
4 Pathan 13.35
5 Makrani 13.69
6 Balochi 13.83
7 Tajik 14.01
8 Brahui 14.94
9 Kurd_SE 15.13
10 Iranian_Mazandarani 15.89
11 Iranian_Shirazi 17.37
12 Iranian 17.82
13 Burusho 18.56
14 Kurd_C 18.8
15 Iranian_Lori 19.76
16 Sindhi 20.55
17 Azeri 22.36
18 GujaratiA 23.46
19 Lezgin 23.81
20 Abkhasian 24.86

more oracle stuff

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 92.1% Pashtun_Afghan + 7.9% Iran_LN @ 3.57
2 92.1% Pashtun_Afghan + 7.9% Iran_N @ 3.57
3 50.6% Makrani + 49.4% Tajik @ 3.88
4 51.7% Tajik + 48.3% Brahui @ 4.01
5 69.9% Kalash + 30.1% Iranian_Lori @ 4.05
6 50.4% Balochi + 49.6% Tajik @ 4.05
7 89.8% Pashtun_Afghan + 10.2% Iran_ChL @ 4.15
8 65% Kalash + 35% Iranian_Mazandarani @ 4.2
9 63.6% Kurd_SE + 36.4% Adygei @ 4.47
10 68% Kalash + 32% Iranian @ 4.48
11 69.3% Kalash + 30.7% Kurd_C @ 4.5
12 67.5% Kalash + 32.5% Iranian_Shirazi @ 4.57
13 73.2% Kalash + 26.8% Azeri @ 4.65
14 61.9% Kurd_SE + 38.1% Lezgin @ 4.68
15 75.9% Pashtun_Afghan + 24.1% Makrani @ 4.71
16 75.4% Kalash + 24.6% Abkhasian @ 4.75
17 88.5% Pashtun_Afghan + 11.5% Iran_recent @ 4.82
18 63.4% Kurd_SE + 36.6% Chechen @ 4.82
19 77.8% Kalash + 22.2% Assyrian @ 4.85
20 64.3% Balochi + 35.7% Lezgin @ 4.88

now West Asians


Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
2 CHG_EEF 25.59
3 NATUFIAN 16.81
5 EHG 3.33
7 SE_ASIAN 2.34
8 SHG_WHG 2.31

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Armenian 5.61
2 Turkish_Kayseri 5.89
3 Azeri 6.04
4 Assyrian 6.24
5 Turkish_Adana 6.63
6 Turkish_Trabzon 7.02
7 Jew_Iranian 7.23
8 Iranian 9.38
9 Jew_iraqi 9.49
10 Iranian_Lori 10.16
11 Iranian_Shirazi 11.08
12 Georgian 11.59
13 Druze 12.18
14 Kurd_C 12.54
15 Abkhasian 12.71
16 Cypriot 12.8
17 Lebanese 12.86
18 Turkish_Istanbul 12.97
19 Turkish 13.24
20 Turkish_Aydin 13.55

Armenian 2

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
2 CHG_EEF 25.22
3 NATUFIAN 18.35
5 EHG 3.49
7 POLAR 1.62

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Assyrian 4.67
2 Armenian 5.06
3 Jew_Iranian 5.28
4 Azeri 7
5 Turkish_Trabzon 7.16
6 Turkish_Kayseri 7.8
7 Turkish_Adana 7.94
8 Jew_iraqi 8.13
9 Iranian 9.25
10 Iranian_Lori 9.32
11 Iranian_Shirazi 10.84
12 Druze 11.25
13 Kurd_C 11.57
14 Georgian 12.03
15 Lebanese 12.23
16 Cypriot 13.02
17 Abkhasian 13.04
18 Syrian 13.08
19 Turkish_Istanbul 15.24
20 Turkish 15.3


Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
2 CHG_EEF 33.36
3 NATUFIAN 13.45
5 EHG 6.18
8 POLAR 0.7
10 SE_ASIAN 0.04

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Georgian 5.51
2 Abkhasian 5.62
3 Adygei 8.86
4 Azeri 9.24
5 Armenian 9.61
6 Kumyk 9.88
7 Balkar 10.72
8 Chechen 11.01
9 Turkish_Trabzon 11.06
10 Lezgin 11.46
11 Iranian 11.86
12 Iranian_Lori 12.18
13 Turkish_Kayseri 12.2
14 Turkish_Adana 12.21
15 Iranian_Shirazi 12.9
16 Assyrian 13.76
17 Iranian_Mazandarani 14.24
18 Jew_Iranian 14.73
19 Kurd_C 14.73
20 Turkish_Istanbul 14.94



2. CHG_EEF 30.36
3. EHG 13.23
4. NATUFIAN 8.73
7. SHG_WHG 3.26
8. SE_ASIAN 1.99
9. SIBERIAN 1.83
10. KARITIANA 1.33
11. POLAR 0.28

couldnt find oracle yet

Kurd Turkey

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
2 CHG_EEF 29.47
3 NATUFIAN 15.63
6 EHG 4.67
9 POLAR 0.8
10 SE_ASIAN 0.66

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Azeri 5.51
2 Armenian 7.14
3 Turkish_Adana 7.62
4 Turkish_Kayseri 8.12
5 Iranian 8.63
6 Georgian 8.85
7 Turkish_Trabzon 9.17
8 Abkhasian 9.59
9 Iranian_Shirazi 9.88
10 Iranian_Lori 10.26
11 Assyrian 10.28
12 Jew_Iranian 10.73
13 Kumyk 11.68
14 Adygei 11.76
15 Balkar 12.1
16 Turkish_Istanbul 12.71
17 Kurd_C 13.03
18 Turkish 13.78
19 Jew_iraqi 13.91
20 Chechen 13.91

will post more when I find more results


01-05-2017, 08:27 PM
I don't see what's wrong with that. I understand that living in Pakistan, you probably want to feel closer to other Pakistanis first. All-In growing up in Turkey makes him feel more Turkish too, and I feel more American than anything else. However, the genetics and cultures practiced by ancestors is another thing. Calling afghan south-central asian is no better than calling them half mongolian half Gujurati. It's dumb.

I grew up in Germany not Turkey . I was born in Turkey though . and I feel Kurdish first and foremost but yes Turkish too but I dont see how this is relevant here ? I am just in favor to call things as they are . no bad feelings but when an apple is an apple I call it an apple not an orange even though oranges are also good ...you orange you

01-05-2017, 08:27 PM
We get it, Kurds are part of the apparent Semito-Bedouin-North Caucasio-Sicilio-Greco-Mesopotamian-Anatolio-Armenio-"Irano" clan that Afghans aren't apart of cause they're "too indian." Now can this end?

01-05-2017, 08:28 PM

you guys were talking about calculators etc. . especially particulary about this calculator so I am showing data . instead of saying thank you ....

01-05-2017, 08:29 PM
We get it, Kurds are part of the apparent Semito-Bedouin-North Caucasio-Sicilio-Greco-Mesopotamian-Anatolio-Armenio-"Irano" clan that Afghans aren't apart of cause they're "too indian." Now can this end?

I didnt claim such things though . I am one of those members who always says you guys are distinct from indians :confused:

I sometimes think you are just trolling me . I thought you like me

01-05-2017, 08:29 PM
Whatever oracle all-in posted can't be accurate anyways. How the hell does afghan get hazara in their oracle? Hazaras cluster with Ughyurs.

01-05-2017, 08:31 PM
This will all be solved when my friend and I take a DNA test together this summer for her birthday (she's adopted and we planned to do it together). I'm buying her and I one.

01-05-2017, 08:32 PM
This will all be solved when my friend and I take a DNA test together this summer for her birthday (she's adopted and we planned to do it together). I'm buying her and I one.

what will be solved though ? the results I show are from afghan pashtuns/tajiks . I even didnt include pakistani pashtuns but only afghan ones to be precise as fuck

but yes it would be cool if you made a test :)

01-05-2017, 08:33 PM
what will be solved though ? the results I show are from afghan pashtuns/tajiks . I even didnt include pakistani pashtuns but only afghan ones to be precise as fuck

but yes it would be cool if you made a test :)

Yeah, but you showed results from calculators that are shitty for afghans clearly. Since when do afghans score Hazaras instead of other West Asians?

01-05-2017, 08:36 PM
And oracles aside, pca data still shows that Afghans cluster outside of the caucasus and can qualify for being West asians if they want to
http://i1159.photobucket.com/albums/p633/drcypriot084/PCAtest_zpsk4ado2ws.png (http://s1159.photobucket.com/user/drcypriot084/media/PCAtest_zpsk4ado2ws.png.html)

"West Asians" don't even form a real cluster on PCAs

01-05-2017, 08:37 PM
Yeah, but you showed results from calculators that are shitty for afghans clearly. Since when do afghans score Hazaras instead of other West Asians?

no I didnt lol . that calculator in particular is made from the member "Kurd" who you seem to think highly of . he is one of those guys in the anthroworld who gets an orgasm when he can find any possible overlap between east iranics and west iranics so if anything then this calculator should be accurate . but I only posted results of this calculator because Demhat and owight talked about that calculator

but I really would like to please you no homo . so which calculator in your opinion is not shitty for afghans ? I will do my best to bring up results for those calculators

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 08:43 PM
no I didnt lol . that calculator in particular is made from the member "Kurd" who you seem to think highly of . he is one of those guys in the anthroworld who gets an orgasm when he can find any possible overlap between east iranics and west iranics so if anything then this calculator should be accurate . but I only posted results of this calculator because Demhat and owight talked about that calculator

but I really would like to please you no homo . so which calculator in your opinion is not shitty for afghans ? I will do my best to bring up results for those calculators

It was actually demhat that brought it up not me. Anyways he even said that the "ancestral Indian" among afghans is mostly Iran Neolithic. The new eurogenes which have ancient components like basal rich k7 and global 10 are good.

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 08:44 PM
no I didnt lol . that calculator in particular is made from the member "Kurd" who you seem to think highly of . he is one of those guys in the anthroworld who gets an orgasm when he can find any possible overlap between east iranics and west iranics so if anything then this calculator should be accurate . but I only posted results of this calculator because Demhat and owight talked about that calculator

but I really would like to please you no homo . so which calculator in your opinion is not shitty for afghans ? I will do my best to bring up results for those calculators

Eurasia k9 ASI?

Mine vs yours

Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 44.73
2 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 11.72
3 WHG 10.25
4 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 8.93
5 SW_Asian 8.11
6 Ancestral_South_Indian 7.21
7 Siberian_E_Asian 4.92
8 SE_Asian 3.6
9 W_African 0.54


Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 37.19
2 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 22.34
3 SW_Asian 20.81
4 WHG 7.94
5 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 5.42
6 SE_Asian 2.52
7 Siberian_E_Asian 1.89
8 Ancestral_South_Indian 1.88

01-05-2017, 08:46 PM
It was actually demhat that brought it up not me. Anyways he even said that the "ancestral Indian" among afghans is mostly Iran Neolithic.

the "ancestral indian" besides . look at the other components such as CHG_EEF etc. ...big differences . also big differences in the oracles

The new eurogenes which have ancient components like basal rich k7 and global 10 are good.

I will do that calculator . just hesitated because you have to pay for it . I hoped it would come up on gedmatch but fuck it I will pay I guess

01-05-2017, 08:46 PM
Eurasia k9 ASI?

you tell me .

and ok lets say eurasia k9 is good for afghans . we all have seen the big differences between afghan and west asian results there too bro

01-05-2017, 08:54 PM
Levant, Sicily, Malta, etc.

not in southern italy but he looks like he could be half european

01-05-2017, 09:04 PM
@owight . here I made a comparison for you on eurasia k9

Afghan results :

Afghan :


Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 51.29%
Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 12.65%
Early_Neolithic_Farmers 9.73%
SW_Asian 8.23%
Ancestral_South_Indian 7.64%
SE_Asian 6.24%
WHG 2.96%
Siberian_E_Asian 1.26%
W_African -

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Pashtun_Afghan 5.57
2 Pathan 9.02
3 Kurd_SE 9.32
4 Balochi 12.19
5 Burusho 12.28
6 Kalash 12.29
7 Punjabi 12.45
8 Makrani 13.16
9 Brahui 13.8
10 Tajik_Pomiri 14.39
11 Tajik_Afghan 15.67
12 KOTIAS 16.57
13 Uzbek_Afghan 17
14 Azeri_Dagestan 18.36
15 Lezgin 18.46
16 Kurd_C 20.36
17 Iranian 20.38
18 Chechen 20.58
19 Abkhasian 21.91
20 Adygei 22.03

another Afghan

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 44.57
2 SW_Asian 11.63
3 WHG 9.85
4 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 9.63
5 Ancestral_South_Indian 8.53
6 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 8.44
7 SE_Asian 3.89
8 Siberian_E_Asian 3.38
9 W_African 0.08

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Pashtun_Afghan 6.89
2 Tajik_Pomiri 10.05
3 Uzbek_Afghan 12.47
4 Tajik_Afghan 12.63
5 Pathan 12.64
6 Lezgin 14.02
7 Azeri_Dagestan 14.85
8 Burusho 15.66
9 Chechen 15.67
10 Kalash 16.23
11 Balochi 16.53
12 Kumyk 16.73
13 Iranian 16.79
14 Punjabi 16.79
15 Adygei 17.03
16 Makrani 17.05
17 Kurd_SE 17.19
18 Azeri 18.69
19 Brahui 18.74
20 Kurd_N 20.13

edit : one more afghan

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 47.13
2 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 11.40
3 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 9.87
4 Ancestral_South_Indian 9.44
5 WHG 7.35
6 SE_Asian 7.18
7 SW_Asian 4.97
8 Siberian_E_Asian 2.66

Least-squares method.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Pashtun_Afghan @ 4.721093
2 Pathan @ 9.861485
3 Tajik_Afghan @ 11.496241
4 Burusho @ 11.550188
5 Tajik_Pomiri @ 12.085123
6 Uzbek_Afghan @ 13.329663
7 Punjabi @ 13.555271
8 Kurd_SE @ 13.561262
9 Kalash @ 14.282301
10 Balochi @ 17.357668
11 Lezgin @ 17.883600
12 Azeri_Dagestan @ 18.398949
13 Makrani @ 18.671755
14 Brahui @ 19.105711
15 Chechen @ 19.450611
16 Adygei @ 20.575888
17 Kumyk @ 20.998243
18 Iranian @ 21.919657
19 KOTIAS @ 22.340670
20 Kurd_C @ 22.458176

West Asians


Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 36.43
2 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 25.38
3 SW_Asian 23.91
4 WHG 8.59
5 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 2.7
6 Ancestral_South_Indian 2.48
7 Siberian_E_Asian 0.52

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Armenian 4.65
2 Kurd_N 6.68
3 Georgian_Jew 7.21
4 Azeri 7.55
5 Georgian 7.84
6 Iranian_Jew 8.84
7 Iranian 9.2
8 Turkish 9.45
9 Abkhasian 9.7
10 Druze 12.25
11 Iraqi_Jew 12.64
12 Adygei 12.95
13 Azeri_Dagestan 13.15
14 Cypriot 13.36
15 Kumyk 13.49
16 Kurd_C 13.68
17 Lebanese 13.79
18 Syrian 14.7
19 Chechen 15.36
20 Jordanian 16.72

another Armenian

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 34.59
2 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 28.57
3 SW_Asian 23.37
4 WHG 8.73
5 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 3.48
6 Ancestral_South_Indian 1.06
7 W_African 0.21

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Armenian 5.05
2 Georgian_Jew 8.24
3 Georgian 8.57
4 Turkish 9.18
5 Kurd_N 9.65
6 Iranian_Jew 9.73
7 Azeri 10.05
8 Abkhasian 10.93
9 Cypriot 11.17
10 Druze 11.6
11 Iranian 12.4
12 Iraqi_Jew 12.77
13 Lebanese 13.2
14 Adygei 13.69
15 Kumyk 14.37
16 Azeri_Dagestan 14.67
17 Syrian 14.92
18 Kurd_C 15
19 Chechen 16.31
20 Jordanian 16.49


Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 40.12
2 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 23.61
3 SW_Asian 19.55
4 WHG 9.35
5 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 5.44
6 Ancestral_South_Indian 1.47
7 Siberian_E_Asian 0.46

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Georgian 5.01
2 Abkhasian 5.16
3 Kurd_N 5.79
4 Azeri 6.44
5 Iranian 7.45
6 Azeri_Dagestan 7.76
7 Adygei 8.45
8 Armenian 8.91
9 Kumyk 9.5
10 Kurd_C 10.39
11 Chechen 10.54
12 Georgian_Jew 11.38
13 Turkish 11.41
14 Lezgin 12.69
15 Iranian_Jew 13.16
16 Druze 17.84
17 Iraqi_Jew 17.9
18 Cypriot 18.69
19 Lebanese 19.14
20 Syrian 19.62

my results

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 37.19
2 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 22.34
3 SW_Asian 20.81
4 WHG 7.94
5 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 5.42
6 SE_Asian 2.52
7 Siberian_E_Asian 1.89
8 Ancestral_South_Indian 1.88

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Azeri 3.4
2 Kurd_N 5.81
3 Iranian 6.59
4 Georgian 7.54
5 Abkhasian 7.74
6 Turkish 8.51
7 Armenian 8.57
8 Azeri_Dagestan 8.64
9 Adygei 8.84
10 Kumyk 9.31
11 Georgian_Jew 9.98
12 Chechen 11.12
13 Kurd_C 11.48
14 Iranian_Jew 12.04
15 Lezgin 13.39
16 Druze 16.1
17 Iraqi_Jew 16.29
18 Lebanese 17.04
19 Syrian 17.35
20 Cypriot 17.36

01-05-2017, 09:09 PM
Pashtuns are genetically just as close to Ossetians as Kurds are. Anyways, on a global scale they're all kinda close

Note the question and answer. I said Kurds are at least twice as close to ossetians as they are to Pashtuns. That doesn't say anything about how close Pashtuns are to Ossetians. It's things like this that cause confusion because you have to read and interpret things correctly. I can't verify your statement though. We would need to compare out fst Distances to Ossetians or neighboring North Caucasians.

01-05-2017, 09:17 PM
Well northern Kurds are geographically much closer to north Caucasus populations so makes sense. But for where afghans sit geographically we do cluster much west than where we "should" be.

My oracle for k9 ASI

# Population (source) Distance
1 Pashtun_Afghan 6.74
2 Tajik_Pomiri 10.82
3 Tajik_Afghan 12.16
4 Uzbek_Afghan 12.78
5 Pathan 12.97
6 Lezgin 13.11
7 Azeri_Dagestan 13.16
8 Chechen 14.23
9 Adygei 15.1
10 Kumyk 15.35
11 Kalash 15.66
12 Kurd_SE 15.74
13 Burusho 15.99
14 Iranian 16.28
15 Balochi 16.63
16 Makrani 17.25
17 Punjabi 17.29
18 Abkhasian 17.65
19 Azeri 17.88
20 Kurd_C 18.36

your k9 ASI oracle

# Population (source) Distance
1 Azeri 3.4
2 Kurd_N 5.81
3 Iranian 6.59
4 Georgian 7.54
5 Abkhasian 7.74
6 Turkish 8.51
7 Armenian 8.57
8 Azeri_Dagestan 8.64
9 Adygei 8.84
10 Kumyk 9.31
11 Georgian_Jew 9.98
12 Chechen 11.12
13 Kurd_C 11.48
14 Iranian_Jew 12.04
15 Lezgin 13.39
16 Druze 16.1
17 Iraqi_Jew 16.29
18 Lebanese 17.04
19 Syrian 17.35
20 Cypriot 17.36

It's all good bro :) you can clearly see your Levantine shifted compared to me being central Asian shifted.

As I have been saying the South_Central Asians is very similar to the West Asians but they do not fall into the same cluster, because they have far lower frequency of Anatolian and Levant_Neo.

I have stated this in my previous post but some people are bad in interpreting things I say correctly.

Once again there is a difference between looks vs genetics. The people of the South_Central Asian cluster are lookwise far more West Asian than anything South Asian proper. And the large large majority of them wouldn't be spotted as foreigner in at least one of the West Asian countries. This South_Central Asian cluster itself is phenotypically very similar to the West Asian cluster.

Like 80% would fit at least in one West Asian country without being recognized as foreigner. Another 15% would fit as quite atypical being suspecious and only 5% would have very little chance.

For example 40% could fit in Turkey without being recognized, additional 20% could as quite atypical. 60% could fit in Kurdistan without being noticed and additional 10% as quite atypical. In Iraq 50% + 20% as atypical. While 80% could fit in Iran as normal Citizens while additional 15% as quite atypical. You see how it adds?

However genetically there is quite a distinction between the South_Central Asian and West Asian cluster. That doesn't mean this makes South_Central Asian cluster closer to South Asian proper. It means it is it's own distinct cluster.

01-05-2017, 09:20 PM
What are you so pissed off about?? I just states you ARE closer to Caucasus populations wtf?? If he's annoying you just ignore him? We are both close to Caucasus population but northern Kurds are closer. Southern Kurds I don't know.

Dear the difference between North and Southern Kurds is minimal. I guarantee you Southern Kurds will score very similar. In fact the main difference is Northern Kurds having more Anatolian_Neo admixture

I personally am almost a Southern Kurd. Actually a Central Kurd on the border to South. If you want I can compare my results.

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 09:23 PM
@owight . here I made a comparison for you on eurasia k9

Afghan results :

Afghan :


Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 51.29%
Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 12.65%
Early_Neolithic_Farmers 9.73%
SW_Asian 8.23%
Ancestral_South_Indian 7.64%
SE_Asian 6.24%
WHG 2.96%
Siberian_E_Asian 1.26%
W_African -

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Pashtun_Afghan 5.57
2 Pathan 9.02
3 Kurd_SE 9.32
4 Balochi 12.19
5 Burusho 12.28
6 Kalash 12.29
7 Punjabi 12.45
8 Makrani 13.16
9 Brahui 13.8
10 Tajik_Pomiri 14.39
11 Tajik_Afghan 15.67
12 KOTIAS 16.57
13 Uzbek_Afghan 17
14 Azeri_Dagestan 18.36
15 Lezgin 18.46
16 Kurd_C 20.36
17 Iranian 20.38
18 Chechen 20.58
19 Abkhasian 21.91
20 Adygei 22.03

another Afghan

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 44.57
2 SW_Asian 11.63
3 WHG 9.85
4 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 9.63
5 Ancestral_South_Indian 8.53
6 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 8.44
7 SE_Asian 3.89
8 Siberian_E_Asian 3.38
9 W_African 0.08

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Pashtun_Afghan 6.89
2 Tajik_Pomiri 10.05
3 Uzbek_Afghan 12.47
4 Tajik_Afghan 12.63
5 Pathan 12.64
6 Lezgin 14.02
7 Azeri_Dagestan 14.85
8 Burusho 15.66
9 Chechen 15.67
10 Kalash 16.23
11 Balochi 16.53
12 Kumyk 16.73
13 Iranian 16.79
14 Punjabi 16.79
15 Adygei 17.03
16 Makrani 17.05
17 Kurd_SE 17.19
18 Azeri 18.69
19 Brahui 18.74
20 Kurd_N 20.13

edit : one more afghan

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 47.13
2 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 11.40
3 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 9.87
4 Ancestral_South_Indian 9.44
5 WHG 7.35
6 SE_Asian 7.18
7 SW_Asian 4.97
8 Siberian_E_Asian 2.66

Least-squares method.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Pashtun_Afghan @ 4.721093
2 Pathan @ 9.861485
3 Tajik_Afghan @ 11.496241
4 Burusho @ 11.550188
5 Tajik_Pomiri @ 12.085123
6 Uzbek_Afghan @ 13.329663
7 Punjabi @ 13.555271
8 Kurd_SE @ 13.561262
9 Kalash @ 14.282301
10 Balochi @ 17.357668
11 Lezgin @ 17.883600
12 Azeri_Dagestan @ 18.398949
13 Makrani @ 18.671755
14 Brahui @ 19.105711
15 Chechen @ 19.450611
16 Adygei @ 20.575888
17 Kumyk @ 20.998243
18 Iranian @ 21.919657
19 KOTIAS @ 22.340670
20 Kurd_C @ 22.458176

West Asians


Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 36.43
2 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 25.38
3 SW_Asian 23.91
4 WHG 8.59
5 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 2.7
6 Ancestral_South_Indian 2.48
7 Siberian_E_Asian 0.52

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Armenian 4.65
2 Kurd_N 6.68
3 Georgian_Jew 7.21
4 Azeri 7.55
5 Georgian 7.84
6 Iranian_Jew 8.84
7 Iranian 9.2
8 Turkish 9.45
9 Abkhasian 9.7
10 Druze 12.25
11 Iraqi_Jew 12.64
12 Adygei 12.95
13 Azeri_Dagestan 13.15
14 Cypriot 13.36
15 Kumyk 13.49
16 Kurd_C 13.68
17 Lebanese 13.79
18 Syrian 14.7
19 Chechen 15.36
20 Jordanian 16.72

another Armenian

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 34.59
2 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 28.57
3 SW_Asian 23.37
4 WHG 8.73
5 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 3.48
6 Ancestral_South_Indian 1.06
7 W_African 0.21

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Armenian 5.05
2 Georgian_Jew 8.24
3 Georgian 8.57
4 Turkish 9.18
5 Kurd_N 9.65
6 Iranian_Jew 9.73
7 Azeri 10.05
8 Abkhasian 10.93
9 Cypriot 11.17
10 Druze 11.6
11 Iranian 12.4
12 Iraqi_Jew 12.77
13 Lebanese 13.2
14 Adygei 13.69
15 Kumyk 14.37
16 Azeri_Dagestan 14.67
17 Syrian 14.92
18 Kurd_C 15
19 Chechen 16.31
20 Jordanian 16.49


Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 40.12
2 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 23.61
3 SW_Asian 19.55
4 WHG 9.35
5 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 5.44
6 Ancestral_South_Indian 1.47
7 Siberian_E_Asian 0.46

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Georgian 5.01
2 Abkhasian 5.16
3 Kurd_N 5.79
4 Azeri 6.44
5 Iranian 7.45
6 Azeri_Dagestan 7.76
7 Adygei 8.45
8 Armenian 8.91
9 Kumyk 9.5
10 Kurd_C 10.39
11 Chechen 10.54
12 Georgian_Jew 11.38
13 Turkish 11.41
14 Lezgin 12.69
15 Iranian_Jew 13.16
16 Druze 17.84
17 Iraqi_Jew 17.9
18 Cypriot 18.69
19 Lebanese 19.14
20 Syrian 19.62

my results

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 37.19
2 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 22.34
3 SW_Asian 20.81
4 WHG 7.94
5 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 5.42
6 SE_Asian 2.52
7 Siberian_E_Asian 1.89
8 Ancestral_South_Indian 1.88

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Azeri 3.4
2 Kurd_N 5.81
3 Iranian 6.59
4 Georgian 7.54
5 Abkhasian 7.74
6 Turkish 8.51
7 Armenian 8.57
8 Azeri_Dagestan 8.64
9 Adygei 8.84
10 Kumyk 9.31
11 Georgian_Jew 9.98
12 Chechen 11.12
13 Kurd_C 11.48
14 Iranian_Jew 12.04
15 Lezgin 13.39
16 Druze 16.1
17 Iraqi_Jew 16.29
18 Lebanese 17.04
19 Syrian 17.35
20 Cypriot 17.36

There's loads more over here


Mind you these are ALL afghans from south or east Afghanistan. Haven't had any afghans from proper western Afghanistan.

01-05-2017, 09:23 PM
You are not even the average Kurd, so what are we even talking about? You gleefully talk about how you might be Turkish admixed according to your oracles, yet you are still just as genetically close to Lezgins as Afghans are.

Dear have you seen Zorans results he posted just above you? And he is a Southern Kurd.

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 09:23 PM
Dear the difference between North and Southern Kurds is minimal. I guarantee you Southern Kurds will score very similar. In fact the main difference is Northern Kurds having more Anatolian_Neo admixture

I personally am almost a Southern Kurd. Actually a Central Kurd on the border to South. If you want I can compare my results.

Ah okay, I thought they would have more SW Asian admixture?

01-05-2017, 09:24 PM
As I have been saying the South_Central Asians is very similar to the West Asians but they do not fall into the same cluster, because they have far lower frequency of Anatolian and Levant_Neo.

I have stated this in my previous post but some people are bad in interpreting things I say correctly.

I agree with a lot of what you said . but many afghans look foreign to me and I cant see many of them among Turkey Kurds . most Afghan pashtuns/tajiks look more like Persians . some of them also look north caucasian , some and some look indid , some look baltic . all of those types are foreign looking to us . I have seen very few afghans who can pass among us in Dersim (owight gavnah being one of them) . nothing bad with this ...I just dont know why I should not tell my opinion as a Kurd lol

01-05-2017, 09:24 PM
There's loads more over here


yes and they look like the ones I posted :)

01-05-2017, 09:27 PM
@Demhat there are differences between northern and southern kurds . southern kurds have more sw_asian / arabian admix for example . you should look into more oracles . I also have more Dersim Kit numbers . in my own case I think I have some Turkish ancestry too but I also have Dersim Kurds who seem to have none so if you want to see Dersim Kurd results I can show you from those kit numbrs

01-05-2017, 09:27 PM
^ I didnt read because too much text :D and also ...that guy calls himself "Kurd" even though he is from Pakistan and his genetic results are very different from ours . other Kurds such as MfA already called him out . the guy has an agenda ffs . btw. he is not talking about me there but another member

and as I told you it means nothing that balochs and kurds have ancient connections etc. because since then people spread in different areas and also got different admixes . it is similar to haplogroups .

on autosomal we differ a lot from balochs . this is actually also to see in the calculators that "Kurd" made . I am closer to Greeks and Sicilians than to Balochs ffs ....in 4 population oracles where I get baloch I also always get italian or greek to "even it out" so to speak ...funny though because I guess saying this will make me what ? owd ? double standards everywhere ....so I HAVE to accept the closeneness to balochs which is not there ?

Baloch and Kurds do share middle age connection actually. it's the Baloch that mixed into the local groups and therefore drifted away. You can share allot of ancestry but still be quite different. Kurd only points that out. And he is correct in that one.

01-05-2017, 09:29 PM
Okay, let compare your so called truth to owight

Distance from Chechens:

Chechen 13.62

8 Chechen 14.23


15 Lezgin 15.17

6 Lezgin 13.11

Kumyk 12.63

Kumyk 15.35

He is genetically closer to Lezgins than you are, you are genetically closer to kumyk, and you both are practically the same distance from Chechens. Therefore, Kurds and Afghans are pretty much equidistant from North Caucasians as a whole. Nothing to get angered and childish about. I doubt N.Caucasians even care about Kurds or Afghans.
As far as I am concerned the question was about Ossetians. No one spoke about North Caucasians in general though with the exception of Lezgians and Kumyuk. the other are significantly closer to him. And to be fair. The closest population to Ossetians are Adygei and Abkhazians. Therefore those who are closer to this too are also closer to Ossetians.

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 09:30 PM
I agree with a lot of what you said . but many afghans look foreign to me and I cant see many of them among Turkey Kurds . most Afghan pashtuns/tajiks look more like Persians . some of them also look north caucasian , some and some look indid , some look baltic . all of those types are foreign looking to us . I have seen very few afghans who can pass among us in Dersim (owight gavnah being one of them) . nothing bad with this ...I just dont know why I should not tell my opinion as a Kurd lol

Brother in all Honesty, if you look typical for your region then it's not going to be THAT hard for most afghans to pass in your region. That's excluding the Turkic looking afghans, I'm talking about cacausoid afghans.

01-05-2017, 09:30 PM
Baloch and Kurds to share middle age connection actually. it's the Baloch that mixed into the local groups and therefore drifted away. You can share allot of ancestry but still be quite different. Kurd only points that out. And he is correct in that one.

I understand that . I also agree with that . but that doesnt mean much ..why ?

imagine your uncle who is a kurd marries an irish woman . your cousin will be half kurdish half irish . he will have connection to you through the uncle but he will still cluster differently etc. . now imagine 2 whole populations drifting away over at least many centuries . if we dig deep enough we all humans come from the same root . what "counts" is NOW

01-05-2017, 09:31 PM
In all fairness, he only brings that up when people claim that afghans are very far from west Asians. Well it's clearly established that Caucasus populations are west Asian proper, in that case we are both roughly equidistant to them. We have a pull towards central/northwest southasia and you guys towards the levant.

I don't see North Caucasians as West Asian proper. It's only those romantics who consider them as West Asian proper who feel disturbed about the idea of Afghans being considered West Asians. The North Caucasians might cluster close to other West Asians but they are equidistant from Levantines as they are from North Europeans.

For me West Asian proper is Anatolia-Iranian Plateau-Mesopotamia-South Caucasus and Levant.

01-05-2017, 09:32 PM
Brother in all Honesty, if you look typical for your region then it's not going to be THAT hard for most afghans to pass in your region. That's excluding the Turkic looking afghans, I'm talking about cacausoid afghans.

oh boy ....

you can think what you want but I know better who passes among us and who not . most afghan people you guys post look foreign ..thats that . and most afghans who I met/know here in germany look foreign too and cant pass

I dont doubt that there are afghans who pass among us easily

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 09:32 PM
I don't see North Caucasians as West Asian proper. It's only those romantics who consider them as West Asian proper who feel disturbed about the idea of Afghans being considered West Asians. The North Caucasians might cluster close to other West Asians but they are equidistant from Levantines as they are from North Europeans.

For me West Asian proper is Anatolia-Iranian Plateau-Mesopotamia-South Caucasus and most of Levant.

I meant genetically pretty much no?

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 09:33 PM
oh boy ....

you can think what you want but I know better who passes among us and who not . most afghan people you guys post look foreign ..thats that . and most afghans who I met/know here in germany look foreign too and cant pass

I dont doubt that there are afghans who pass among us easily

Okay bro :)

01-05-2017, 09:35 PM
Whatever oracle all-in posted can't be accurate anyways. How the hell does afghan get hazara in their oracle? Hazaras cluster with Ughyurs.

And if anyone of you guys bothered to read my post you would know that the calculator has some flaws as the maker of it even pointed out himself

So here again for those who missed it.

I can't find Icebreakers results, where are they?
I think you haven't quite understand the calculator.

Have you seen the CHG_EEF hybrid component. You know what EEF is? Early European Farmer. It is basically Anatolian_Neolithic DNA that was found in a Kumtepe sample which seemed to have been admixed with CHG. Like at least 1/3 of this component is Anatolian_Neo derived. Whoever this Icebreaker is, his results are definitely not typical Turk since I even score 13% Anatolian_Neo and Turks usually score 5-10% more than me. And his Iran_Neo is definitely too high.

Natufian though very similar, is not Levant_Neo. Natufian is almost mesolithic while Levant_Neo is little more shifted towards Iran and Anatolian_Neo. And since Anatolian_Neo and Natufian/Levan_Neo are fundamentally build the same way with the only difference of differen't frequency of Basal Eurasian vs UHG-WHG. Therefore it can happen that in a not supervised calculator some of the Anatolian_Neo can be eaten up as Levant_Neo/Natufian. The same with CHG vs Iran_Neo. Since they are both fundamentally the same with some difference. It can happen that some CHG can be shown as Iran_Neo or vica versa. There is also some overlap with Iran_Neo vs Anatolian_Neo

Also take in mind every calculator has it's little flaws and therefore is only roughly correct. This calculator for example has it's flaws with the Iran_Neo component too. Since we don't have any ancient mesolithic Indian samples, it uses a modern South Indian population as proxy for ancestral Indian and if this modern populatio is admixed with Iran_Neo (which you can bet your money even Kurd himself said he doesn't has any good proxy for ancestral Indian), than the numbers of Ancestral Indian will be flawed in catching up allot of Iran_Neo admixture found in the population used as proxy. This is why the calculator gives ~22% Ancestral Indian for Pashtun sample as you see.
In this calculator even Europeans who usually score 50% Anatolian_Neo, score only 20% here and 40% CHG_EEF.

The results of an Italian with some German ancestry. Scores usually ~50% Anatolian_neo. In this calculator it's only 18% because the rest get's eaten up by CHG_EEF and Natufian. He surely doesn't has any real Natufian or much Levant_Neo admixture.

CHG_EEF 38.21
POLAR 1.16
EHG 10.96
SHG_WHG 9.39

The newest Eurogenes calculator, which is Globe 10 I think and you need to pay for it, for example gives 35-40% Anatolian_Neo for Turks. And as I wrote this CHG_EEF component is an hybrid, which is already in it's name.

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 09:35 PM
I understand that . I also agree with that . but that doesnt mean much ..why ?

imagine your uncle who is a kurd marries an irish woman . your cousin will be half kurdish half irish . he will have connection to you through the uncle but he will still cluster differently etc. . now imagine 2 whole populations drifting away over at least many centuries . if we dig deep enough we all humans come from the same root . what "counts" is NOW

Yet that Kurdish/Irish mix will autosomally cluster with Balkans...neither having ancestry from there. So how does that make sense?

01-05-2017, 09:37 PM
Yet that Kurdish/Irish mix will autosomally cluster with Balkans...neither having ancestry from there. So how does that make sense?

he will cluster further west/north than balkans I think but anyway ...it does make sense because there is a REASON why that person (his cousin) would cluster different than Demhat for example ...because that person has different roots along with the "main component" in this case (the uncle that is kurdish) .

dont you understand what I mean ? wtf man :lol:

01-05-2017, 09:38 PM
Ah okay, I thought they would have more SW Asian admixture?

"SW Asian" admixture component is dead. It is basically mostly Levant_Neo derived. Levant_Neo is SW Asian + East Med. So yes South Kurds have little more Levant_Neo vs less Anatolian_Neo

'owight Gavnah
01-05-2017, 09:41 PM
he will cluster further west/north than balkans I think but anyway ...it does make sense because there is a REASON why that person (his cousin) would cluster different than Demhat for example ...because that person has different roots along with the "main component" in this case (the uncle that is kurdish) .

dont you understand what I mean ? wtf man :lol:
But imagine if the Kurdish/Irish mix was adopted as a baby by a Croatian couple. He will score very similar results to them. Yet not having a single drop from there. Yet if he does IBD analysis he will find out his Kurdish Irish roots. Get it?

01-05-2017, 09:44 PM
I agree with a lot of what you said . but many afghans look foreign to me and I cant see many of them among Turkey Kurds . most Afghan pashtuns/tajiks look more like Persians . some of them also look north caucasian , some and some look indid , some look baltic . all of those types are foreign looking to us . I have seen very few afghans who can pass among us in Dersim (owight gavnah being one of them) . nothing bad with this ...I just dont know why I should not tell my opinion as a Kurd lol

West Asia is highly diverse. I guarantee you 95% of Afghans can at least pass in one of the West Asian countries. I gave average figures. For Turkey it would be 40% pass quite ok and 20% as atypical. Turkey is huge and diverse. I have seen people that look almost Turkmenistani other who look British. How can you assume that someone would spot most of them. We have countries like Kuwait (which are genetically like Iraqis and Iraqis cluster far closer to Iranians, Kurds and levantines ) and Iraq where allot of the atypical people could pass too. I am not saying they would be the most typical but certanly the LARGE majority could pass at least as atypical. Claiming otherwise would be just biased nonsense imo. Just like all those South Europeans that get an heart attack when you tell that allot of West Asian (not even claiming the majority) could pass.

I don't give a fuck about peoples racist retarded feelings if I feel to speak out the truth.

Note I am not talking in genetic sense here.

01-05-2017, 09:47 PM
@Demhat there are differences between northern and southern kurds . southern kurds have more sw_asian / arabian admix for example . you should look into more oracles . I also have more Dersim Kit numbers . in my own case I think I have some Turkish ancestry too but I also have Dersim Kurds who seem to have none so if you want to see Dersim Kurd results I can show you from those kit numbrs

The differences are minimal. It's max ~5% more Levant_Neo admixed. Calling the SW Asian (outdated) component "Arabian" is completely inaccurate in itself. Even Ötzi had like 6% of it.

01-05-2017, 09:50 PM
Here is MfA's blog. Though he uses outdated calculator with outdated components it shows the comparison well because it uses the same calculator.

As you see the difference is fluent and minimal.

01-05-2017, 09:52 PM
But imagine if the Kurdish/Irish mix was adopted as a baby by a Croatian couple. He will score very similar results to them. Yet not having a single drop from there. Yet if he does IBD analysis he will find out his Kurdish Irish roots. Get it?

yes I get it but in that case he will know he is both Kurdish AND Irish .

yet we can see big differences between balochs and kurds in many ways despite both having shared roots from 1000000 years ago

according to your logic it seems that no matter what other stuff comes up after a certain point it doesnt matter ...like :

person 1 : father Kurd , mother Kurd = Kurd

person 2 : father Kurd , mother Irish = also Kurd because of same roots (father)!

person 3 : father half kurd half irish , mother Georgian = Kurdish ! because dat grandpa


baloch person = derived from location ABC from 10000 years ago

kurdish person = derived from location ABC from 10000 years ago too

= both are le same


let me show you some oracles of mine where I get either KurdSE (which is actually baloch not kurd) , brahui , or baloch

if that shared ancient genome makes us sooo much relatives with balochs then the mediterranean and all other stuff which differs us from balochs make us greek/sicilian/albanian no ? if we apply that logic we are both in same amounts . but yeah fuck logic bro

Albanian + Iraqi_Jew + Iraqi_Jew + Kurd_SE @ 3.365728

Greek + Iraqi_Jew + Iraqi_Jew + Kurd_SE @ 3.399757

Armenian + Brahui + Greek_East + Jew-Iraqi @ 2.192222

Abhkasian + Brahui + Italian-South + Samaritian @ 2.193080

Balochi + Iranian_Jew + Sicilian + Turkish @ 1.932364

01-05-2017, 10:00 PM
why are non italians saying that he passes in italy? i never deny when a "mena" passes ... ask me the next time lol

01-05-2017, 10:00 PM
Yet that Kurdish/Irish mix will autosomally cluster with Balkans...neither having ancestry from there. So how does that make sense?

Actually with Hungarians. How do I know? Well I actually have a half Southeastern Kurd and half Brit in my list who does so.

01-05-2017, 11:41 PM
My Eurogenes K13:

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 West_Asian 40.72
2 East_Med 29.45
3 South_Asian 9.18
4 West_Med 6.35
5 Red_Sea 5.34
6 North_Atlantic 4.91
7 Baltic 1.81
8 Northeast_African 0.73
9 Siberian 0.62
10 East_Asian 0.38
11 Amerindian 0.3
12 Sub-Saharan 0.21

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Kurdish 2.28
2 Iranian 5.27
3 Azeri 6.85
4 Armenian 9.56
5 Georgian_Jewish 11.06
6 Turkish 11.95
7 Assyrian 13.57
8 Georgian 14.49
9 Kumyk 15.13
10 Iranian_Jewish 15.65
11 Abhkasian 15.75
12 Kurdish_Jewish 16.28
13 Adygei 16.72
14 Turkmen 17.45
15 Ossetian 17.97
16 Balkar 18.55
17 North_Ossetian 19.22
18 Kabardin 19.81
19 Lezgin 20.35
20 Lebanese_Muslim 20.5

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 96.3% Kurdish + 3.7% Makrani @ 2.06
2 97.7% Kurdish + 2.3% Sindhi @ 2.08
3 97.1% Kurdish + 2.9% Brahui @ 2.09
4 98.5% Kurdish + 1.5% Velamas @ 2.09
5 98.6% Kurdish + 1.4% Kurumba @ 2.09
6 97.1% Kurdish + 2.9% Balochi @ 2.09
7 98.7% Kurdish + 1.3% Piramalai @ 2.1
8 98.7% Kurdish + 1.3% Dusadh @ 2.11
9 98.8% Kurdish + 1.2% Sakilli @ 2.11
10 98.7% Kurdish + 1.3% Kol @ 2.12
11 98.7% Kurdish + 1.3% Chenchu @ 2.12
12 98.4% Kurdish + 1.6% Gujarati @ 2.12
13 98.7% Kurdish + 1.3% Uttar_Pradesh @ 2.12
14 98.6% Kurdish + 1.4% Dharkar @ 2.13
15 98.9% Kurdish + 1.1% Chamar @ 2.13
16 98.5% Kurdish + 1.5% Kshatriya @ 2.14
17 98.7% Kurdish + 1.3% Kanjar @ 2.14
18 98.5% Kurdish + 1.5% Brahmin_UP @ 2.14
19 98.8% Kurdish + 1.2% North_Kannadi @ 2.15
20 98.7% Kurdish + 1.3% Bangladeshi @ 2.15

Kurds from my region are slightly Iranian shifted, but it depends from person to person how much they are shifted.

Squall Leonhart
03-12-2017, 06:15 PM
He's not very typical at all.


03-12-2017, 06:18 PM
He's not very typical at all.


zoom the pic . you will see there are many different ethnic groups like hazara etc. in it too . you prove NOTHING with this post

why do you bump so many afghan threads ? are you obsessed with them ? just curious

Squall Leonhart
03-12-2017, 06:20 PM
Because like any threads get bumped.


03-12-2017, 06:22 PM
Because like any threads get bumped.


you bump all the afghan threads you find lol

and what do you want to prove exactly with this photo ? most of the faces are not visible except like from the old man for example . the pic is dark and a bit blurry , they have beards and other stuff going on . how has this any relevance to the man who is posted for classification on OP ?

Squall Leonhart
03-12-2017, 06:24 PM
I don't know. I didn't read the entire thread. I just saw a bunch of people saying that Khaled was typical for Afghanistan but he's certainly not.

And really though you don't need me to post pics. Look at your news channels and you'll know what Afghans look like. They're brown and don't look like this guy.

03-12-2017, 06:29 PM
I don't know. I didn't read the entire thread. I just saw a bunch of people saying that Khaled was typical for Afghanistan but he's certainly not.

And really though you don't need me to post pics. Look at your news channels and you'll know what Afghans look like. They're brown and don't look like this guy.

I dont need to look at news to know how afghans look . we have afghans here where I live too and also we have enough possibilities through the internet to get a picture of how people look . but not in a way you are doing ....not older suntanned men with beards on a pic with poor lightnint or a 400 people at once chaotic photo with lots of different ethnic groups where you can see the mongoloid types like hazaras from a mile etc.

also of course afghans are a "dark" population in general . dont know why you as a pakistani punjabi see the need to point this out (especially all of a sudden) unless you have some complex towards afghans . if they are brown then pakistanis are black by default btw. . which brings me to another point ....it doesnt make a person less good or bad if he is dark or light anyway so you should stop this

Squall Leonhart
03-12-2017, 06:33 PM
Okay, Be-Real

'owight Gavnah
03-12-2017, 06:39 PM
I don't know. I didn't read the entire thread. I just saw a bunch of people saying that Khaled was typical for Afghanistan but he's certainly not.

And really though you don't need me to post pics. Look at your news channels and you'll know what Afghans look like. They're brown and don't look like this guy.

And you know because???? Hmm your Irano afghan with turanid looool yeah right, post your pic please. Your proving nothing with those pics haha infact if you shave their faces with western clothes they will look somewhat similar khaled hosseini. Again I don't need to prove anything at all for you, your just a butthurt user who is supposedly paki, probably Indian.

Squall Leonhart
03-12-2017, 06:43 PM
And you know because???? Hmm your Irano afghan with turanid looool yeah right, post your pic please. Your proving nothing with those pics haha infact if you shave their faces with western clothes they will look somewhat similar khaled hosseini. Again I don't need to prove anything at all for you, your just a butthurt user who is supposedly paki, probably Indian.

For someone who wants to be white so bad, your English is terrible.

'owight Gavnah
03-12-2017, 06:50 PM
Yeahh not typical at all



And here's the afghan cricket team that trolls LOVE to point out ,which contains Pashtuns from Pakistan mind you) with a better quality picture, untanned


'owight Gavnah
03-12-2017, 06:50 PM
For someone who wants to be white so bad, your English is terrible.

I get 23% French on a calculator I must be :))))))))

03-12-2017, 07:01 PM
This is squall from highschool btw


and Lol at the cricket pakistani pashtun thing :lol:

'owight Gavnah
03-12-2017, 07:06 PM
This is squall from highschool btw


and Lol at the cricket pakistani pashtun thing :lol:

Loooooooooool no way is he Irano afghan haha those bad quality Pics disorts his actual face, you can easily tell he's a typical Indian looking Pakistani( I'm actually serious).

And I don't want to have this argument again.

Squall Leonhart
03-12-2017, 07:08 PM
Yeahh not typical at all



And here's the afghan cricket team that trolls LOVE to point out ,which contains Pashtuns from Pakistan mind you) with a better quality picture, untanned


All these guys look like lighter South Asians. But really though the lightest people in the region are Dardics and they speak an Indo-Aryan language.

Also what is the difference between Pakistani Pashtuns and Afghan ones? Many Pakistani ones can be very light as well.

And I look dark in that picture.

Indian looking Pakistani? Define Indian looking. There is an Indian state the size of Pakistan. India is incredibly diverse.

03-12-2017, 07:10 PM
^ dude, stop making all these afghan threads and bumping old ones.

'owight Gavnah
03-12-2017, 07:30 PM
All these guys look like lighter South Asians. But really though the lightest people in the region are Dardics and they speak an Indo-Aryan language.

Also what is the difference between Pakistani Pashtuns and Afghan ones? Many Pakistani ones can be very light as well.

And I look dark in that picture.

Indian looking Pakistani? Define Indian looking. There is an Indian state the size of Pakistan. India is incredibly diverse.

They look like lighter south Asians?

Okay this convo is ending.

Squall Leonhart
03-12-2017, 07:33 PM
Afghanistan is considered South Asia by most professionals. I personally consider it intermediate between South and Central Asia.

'owight Gavnah
03-12-2017, 08:11 PM
Afghanistan is considered South Asia by most professionals. I personally consider it intermediate between South and Central Asia.

Lol those professionals are just politically motivated definitions. We are not South Asian.

Squall Leonhart
03-12-2017, 08:19 PM
Lol those professionals are just politically motivated definitions. We are not South Asian.

What political motivations? They're just old white dudes with no bias. Afghanistan was created to be a central ground between the Soviet and British Indian powers.

03-29-2017, 06:45 AM
Khaled Hosseini can pass in southern Europe, imho.

03-29-2017, 12:55 PM
And you know because???? Hmm your Irano afghan with turanid looool yeah right, post your pic please. Your proving nothing with those pics haha infact if you shave their faces with western clothes they will look somewhat similar khaled hosseini. Again I don't need to prove anything at all for you, your just a butthurt user who is supposedly paki, probably Indian.

he is Indian troll ignore him,he acted as tajik on another board and trolled there

he was trolling pakis in this thread as well.

I agree with you Afghans have not much in common with most of South Asia they are racially disitnct from most South Asians

12-13-2017, 06:16 AM
you are the one who always brings them up ...wtf dude just wtf

reading his bullshit is making me cringe.

12-14-2017, 05:44 AM
Iranid. Pass in West Asia.

02-21-2020, 09:49 AM
Afghans are genetically closer to the N.Caucasus than Levantines are on gedmatch. Do you not see how flipping large "West Asian" and "European" clusters are on the PCAs? It doesn't hurt to throw Afghans in the West Asian cluster when they cluster just next to North Caucasians and other Iranics.

G25 seems a bit different about it, but levantines didnt seem closer to n caucasians than i even am:

Distance to: Nomansman_scaled
0.09925402 Avar
0.09965204 Azeri_Dagestan
0.09965463 Tabasaran
0.10839431 Chechen
0.10972788 Karachay
0.11202420 Balkar
0.11338675 Circassian

Distance to: Syrian
0.08114718 Azeri_Dagestan
0.10648201 Karachay
0.10689828 Circassian
0.11082024 Balkar
0.11305305 Chechen
0.12052087 Tabasaran
0.12847272 Avar

Distance to: Lebanese_Muslim
0.08807919 Azeri_Dagestan
0.11209796 Circassian
0.11249482 Karachay
0.11652607 Balkar
0.11812503 Chechen
0.12616449 Tabasaran
0.13411053 Avar

Distance to: Lebanese_Druze
0.09083913 Azeri_Dagestan
0.11529382 Circassian
0.11583928 Karachay
0.11977128 Chechen
0.11983117 Balkar
0.12818072 Tabasaran
0.13623745 Avar

Distance to: Lebanese_Christian
0.10448227 Azeri_Dagestan
0.12749063 Circassian
0.12828847 Karachay
0.13236325 Balkar
0.13251165 Chechen
0.14107416 Tabasaran
0.14902742 Avar

Distance to: Assyrian
0.06647374 Azeri_Dagestan
0.09467345 Circassian
0.09517418 Karachay
0.09570018 Chechen
0.09852027 Balkar
0.10489092 Tabasaran
0.11244957 Avar

02-21-2020, 09:57 AM
G25 seems a bit different about it, but levantines didnt seem closer to n caucasians than i even am:

Distance to: Nomansman_scaled
0.09925402 Avar
0.09965204 Azeri_Dagestan
0.09965463 Tabasaran
0.10839431 Chechen
0.10972788 Karachay
0.11202420 Balkar
0.11338675 Circassian

Distance to: Syrian
0.08114718 Azeri_Dagestan
0.10648201 Karachay
0.10689828 Circassian
0.11082024 Balkar
0.11305305 Chechen
0.12052087 Tabasaran
0.12847272 Avar

Distance to: Lebanese_Muslim
0.08807919 Azeri_Dagestan
0.11209796 Circassian
0.11249482 Karachay
0.11652607 Balkar
0.11812503 Chechen
0.12616449 Tabasaran
0.13411053 Avar

Distance to: Lebanese_Druze
0.09083913 Azeri_Dagestan
0.11529382 Circassian
0.11583928 Karachay
0.11977128 Chechen
0.11983117 Balkar
0.12818072 Tabasaran
0.13623745 Avar

Distance to: Lebanese_Christian
0.10448227 Azeri_Dagestan
0.12749063 Circassian
0.12828847 Karachay
0.13236325 Balkar
0.13251165 Chechen
0.14107416 Tabasaran
0.14902742 Avar

Distance to: Assyrian
0.06647374 Azeri_Dagestan
0.09467345 Circassian
0.09517418 Karachay
0.09570018 Chechen
0.09852027 Balkar
0.10489092 Tabasaran
0.11244957 Avar

You are closer to certain populations whilst levantines are slightly closer to other ones . Im assuming levantines are closer to south Caucasians like Armenians whilst we would be closer to north Caucasians like kumyks.

02-21-2020, 10:05 AM
Iranid with Alpine.

02-21-2020, 11:38 AM
You are closer to certain populations whilst levantines are slightly closer to other ones . Im assuming levantines are closer to south Caucasians like Armenians whilst we would be closer to north Caucasians like kumyks.

Yeah, im always closer to the avars compared to the levantine pops.

Even compared to kurds, im just slightly further from avars than they are. Really interesting how distant steppe admix can put some n caucasians to west asians even.

Distance to: Kurdish
0.06441403 Kumyk
0.07037778 Ingushian
0.07184617 Adygei
0.07278810 Chechen
0.07513870 Circassian
0.07737023 Balkar
0.07833074 Tabasaran
0.08559416 Avar

Distance to: Iranian_Zoroastrian
0.06312203 Kumyk
0.06938086 Ingushian
0.06949241 Chechen
0.07070932 Tabasaran
0.07433230 Adygei
0.07437310 Circassian
0.07567784 Balkar
0.07739014 Avar

Distance to: Iranian_Seyyed
0.06710177 Kumyk
0.07662151 Ingushian
0.07734437 Circassian
0.07871574 Chechen
0.07893543 Balkar
0.08114699 Adygei
0.08149724 Tabasaran
0.08785248 Avar

Distance to: Iranian_Mazandarani
0.07541642 Kumyk
0.07780560 Ingushian
0.07807315 Chechen
0.08011634 Tabasaran
0.08332440 Adygei
0.08364630 Circassian
0.08404513 Balkar
0.08475361 Avar

Distance to: Iranian_Lor
0.07005655 Kumyk
0.07626856 Ingushian
0.07928252 Adygei
0.07955100 Circassian
0.07990973 Chechen
0.08192796 Balkar
0.08439889 Tabasaran
0.09110534 Avar

Distance to: Iranian_Fars
0.06124469 Kumyk
0.06997588 Ingushian
0.07160618 Chechen
0.07179924 Circassian
0.07340886 Balkar
0.07441074 Tabasaran
0.07477669 Adygei
0.08086254 Avar

Some oof the iranians are slightly significantly closer to avars than i am, but theyre west asians even.

Distance to: Nomansman_scaled
0.10653487 Kumyk
0.12218523 Adygei

Distance to: Syrian
0.09861536 Kumyk
0.10554625 Adygei

Distance to: Lebanese_Muslim
0.10419336 Kumyk
0.10919824 Adygei

Distance to: Lebanese_Druze
0.10738416 Kumyk
0.11070094 Adygei

Distance to: Lebanese_Christian
0.11976868 Kumyk
0.12252379 Adygei

Distance to: Assyrian
0.08671191 Kumyk
0.08862769 Adygei

Well, apparently with the kumyks we're both tied.

02-21-2020, 12:20 PM
I never "always bring them" up. I only bring them up when people try to say that Afghans are genetically South Central Asians and not West Asians. In a general conversation of who Afghans are close to, I've never once mentioned North Caucasians.

man, myanthro sure was really weird back in the days

02-21-2020, 12:34 PM
man, myanthro sure was really weird back in the days

Generically we are south central Asian . No doubt about it . I would rather be south central Asian bmac and steppe than anything . Culturally we are much closer to west Asians ( diaspora ones especially ) since our language , culture , religion and appearance has significant affinity to northern west Asians , NOT Arab semetics such as Kuwaitis or omanis etc . I wish he came back , wouldve enjoyed ganging up on you looll :)

I think iranics in general are quite a distinct group among their neighbours . For one they are Indo-European , the only group in West Asia . But have you noticed light pigmented iranids ( irano nordoids , pamirids, Nord iranids etc ) don't owe these to any European groups ? For example , Turks have light individuals but it's mainly due to European influx from Slavic regions . Levantines have light individuals but they are heavily mixed with Norman and southern europeans ( even toppo has euro ancestry which I never knew about ). Iranics are the only group where light pigmented individuals exist in abdundance without any external input .

02-21-2020, 12:35 PM
Yeah, im always closer to the avars compared to the levantine pops.

Even compared to kurds, im just slightly further from avars than they are. Really interesting how distant steppe admix can put some n caucasians to west asians even.

Distance to: Kurdish
0.06441403 Kumyk
0.07037778 Ingushian
0.07184617 Adygei
0.07278810 Chechen
0.07513870 Circassian
0.07737023 Balkar
0.07833074 Tabasaran
0.08559416 Avar

Distance to: Iranian_Zoroastrian
0.06312203 Kumyk
0.06938086 Ingushian
0.06949241 Chechen
0.07070932 Tabasaran
0.07433230 Adygei
0.07437310 Circassian
0.07567784 Balkar
0.07739014 Avar

Distance to: Iranian_Seyyed
0.06710177 Kumyk
0.07662151 Ingushian
0.07734437 Circassian
0.07871574 Chechen
0.07893543 Balkar
0.08114699 Adygei
0.08149724 Tabasaran
0.08785248 Avar

Distance to: Iranian_Mazandarani
0.07541642 Kumyk
0.07780560 Ingushian
0.07807315 Chechen
0.08011634 Tabasaran
0.08332440 Adygei
0.08364630 Circassian
0.08404513 Balkar
0.08475361 Avar

Distance to: Iranian_Lor
0.07005655 Kumyk
0.07626856 Ingushian
0.07928252 Adygei
0.07955100 Circassian
0.07990973 Chechen
0.08192796 Balkar
0.08439889 Tabasaran
0.09110534 Avar

Distance to: Iranian_Fars
0.06124469 Kumyk
0.06997588 Ingushian
0.07160618 Chechen
0.07179924 Circassian
0.07340886 Balkar
0.07441074 Tabasaran
0.07477669 Adygei
0.08086254 Avar

Some oof the iranians are slightly significantly closer to avars than i am, but theyre west asians even.

Distance to: Nomansman_scaled
0.10653487 Kumyk
0.12218523 Adygei

Distance to: Syrian
0.09861536 Kumyk
0.10554625 Adygei

Distance to: Lebanese_Muslim
0.10419336 Kumyk
0.10919824 Adygei

Distance to: Lebanese_Druze
0.10738416 Kumyk
0.11070094 Adygei

Distance to: Lebanese_Christian
0.11976868 Kumyk
0.12252379 Adygei

Distance to: Assyrian
0.08671191 Kumyk
0.08862769 Adygei

Well, apparently with the kumyks we're both tied.

Pops such as tabarassan then. I'm not informed about these groups as to where they live so Im just guessing lol.

02-21-2020, 12:37 PM
Generically we are south central Asian . No doubt about it . I would rather be south central Asian bmac and steppe than anything . Culturally we are much closer to west Asians ( diaspora ones especially ) since our language , culture , religion and appearance has significant affinity to northern west Asians , NOT Arab semetics such as Kuwaitis or omanis etc . I wish he came back , wouldve enjoyed ganging up on you looll :)

: /

02-21-2020, 12:41 PM
: /

I'm joking bro , but you gotta admit there wouldve been alot of drama lmoa

02-21-2020, 12:41 PM
Pops such as tabarassan then. I'm not informed about these groups as to where they live so Im just guessing lol.

I already did post tabassarans

02-21-2020, 12:44 PM
I'm joking bro , but you gotta admit there wouldve been alot of drama lmoa

Well, that stuff happen to me a couple of times, but myanthro seemed very sensitive and very illogical back then(changed later, good for him)
So it would maybe be even more than a drama, unless i choosed to ignore him(which i think i would)

02-21-2020, 12:46 PM
Well, that stuff happen to me a couple of times, but myanthro seemed very sensitive and very illogical back then(changed later, good for him)
So it would maybe be even more than a drama, unless i choosed to ignore him(which i think i would)

Highly doubt it man . Sometimes your comments on threads can trigger some members so I think myanthro wouldve definitely been one of them . Although I must say , you seem Alot more logical these days compared to when I first encountered you .

02-21-2020, 12:50 PM
Can pass as Turkish or Iraqi Turkmen

Also I've read that he's of Tajik origin. How much true is it, I don't know

02-21-2020, 12:51 PM
Can pass as Turkish or Iraqi Turkmen

Also I've read that he's of Tajik origin. How much true is it, I don't know

He's half pashtun half Tajik born in Kabul but parents are from Herat , which is in western Afghanistan bordering iran .

02-21-2020, 12:59 PM
Generically we are south central Asian . No doubt about it . I would rather be south central Asian bmac and steppe than anything . Culturally we are much closer to west Asians ( diaspora ones especially ) since our language , culture , religion and appearance has significant affinity to northern west Asians , NOT Arab semetics such as Kuwaitis or omanis etc . I wish he came back , wouldve enjoyed ganging up on you looll :)

I think iranics in general are quite a distinct group among their neighbours . For one they are Indo-European , the only group in West Asia . But have you noticed light pigmented iranids ( irano nordoids , pamirids, Nord iranids etc ) don't owe these to any European groups ? For example , Turks have light individuals but it's mainly due to European influx from Slavic regions . Levantines have light individuals but they are heavily mixed with Norman and southern europeans ( even toppo has euro ancestry which I never knew about ). Iranics are the only group where light pigmented individuals exist in abdundance without any external input .

Youre sure about that? I mean, turks do seem(many turks in fact) be lighter due to balkan/slav blood. But im pretty sure many can look lighter. Remembered some turkish guy from my school who claimed to have georgian ancestry. Was pretty light skinned and blue eyed and his sister too.

And i dont feel like lebbos are THAT much effected by norman ancestry

02-21-2020, 01:00 PM
He's half pashtun half Tajik born in Kabul but parents are from Herat , which is in western Afghanistan bordering iran .

Both parents or just the tajiki?

02-21-2020, 01:05 PM
Generically we are south central Asian . No doubt about it . I would rather be south central Asian bmac and steppe than anything . Culturally we are much closer to west Asians ( diaspora ones especially ) since our language , culture , religion and appearance has significant affinity to northern west Asians , NOT Arab semetics such as Kuwaitis or omanis etc . I wish he came back , wouldve enjoyed ganging up on you looll :)

I think iranics in general are quite a distinct group among their neighbours . For one they are Indo-European , the only group in West Asia . But have you noticed light pigmented iranids ( irano nordoids , pamirids, Nord iranids etc ) don't owe these to any European groups ? For example , Turks have light individuals but it's mainly due to European influx from Slavic regions . Levantines have light individuals but they are heavily mixed with Norman and southern europeans ( even toppo has euro ancestry which I never knew about ). Iranics are the only group where light pigmented individuals exist in abdundance without any external input .

which component is steppe and which is bmac? steppe is ne euro i think , but what about BMAC?

02-21-2020, 01:07 PM
Youre sure about that? I mean, turks do seem(many turks in fact) be lighter due to balkan/slav blood. But im pretty sure many can look lighter. Remembered some turkish guy from my school who claimed to have georgian ancestry. Was pretty light skinned and blue eyed and his sister too.

And i dont feel like lebbos are THAT much effected by norman ancestry

I'm not sure what you are trying to say ? I'm pointing out at how ethnic Turks have assimilated many groups such as Muslim migrants from Bulgaria , Bosnia , Greece, Serbia, Albanian and north Caucasians ( Circassians etc ). Itbjas definitely had a major impact on them . Also regarding levantines , if you dig a little deeper , many levantines would admit they have recent grandparents from Turkey , Greece, Bosnia etc . It's not out of the question since they were part of the ottoman empire . Compare that to iranids such as Kurdish highlanders , pashtuns , pamiris etc and you would see the difference .

02-21-2020, 01:08 PM
which component is steppe and which is bmac? steppe is ne euro i think , but what about BMAC?

steppe is actually a mix between med, ne-euro and some smaller amount of baloch(maybe even east asian components) + caucasian(hence why even euros can get baloch now), while bmac is a mix between S-indian, large chunks of caucasian and baloch

02-21-2020, 01:09 PM
which component is steppe and which is bmac? steppe is ne euro i think , but what about BMAC?

It doesn't quite work like that . BMAC is basically Iranian Chalcolithic/ neolithic plus steppe . I can post the breakdown of it if you want ?

02-21-2020, 01:10 PM
steppe is actually a mix between med, ne-euro and some smaller amount of baloch(maybe even east asian components) + caucasian(hence why even euros can get baloch now), while bmac is a mix between S-indian, large chunks of caucasian and baloch
Bro I would hardly say south Indian man . The highest amount one sample scored was 8% . Most of the samples scored around 3-4% which is half western eurasian anyways . I will post the breakdown .

02-21-2020, 01:10 PM
I'm not sure what you are trying to say ? I'm pointing out at how ethnic Turks have assimilated many groups such as Muslim migrants from Bulgaria , Bosnia , Greece, Serbia, Albanian and north Caucasians ( Circassians etc ). Itbjas definitely had a major impact on them . Also regarding levantines , if you dig a little deeper , many levantines would admit they have recent grandparents from Turkey , Greece, Bosnia etc . It's not out of the question since they were part of the ottoman empire . Compare that to iranids such as Kurdish highlanders , pashtuns , pamiris etc and you would see the difference .

I just tried to say that turks can be pretty ligth too without outside ancestry(or at least euro). But tbh, its hard to say with turks. Many can easily be partly balkan(more likely) and slavic too(less likely).

The fact with the lebbos is more suprising. Didnt really knew that.

02-21-2020, 01:11 PM
Both parents or just the tajiki?

One parent pashtun other parent Tajik

02-21-2020, 01:14 PM
Bro I would hardly say south Indian man . The highest amount one sample scored was 8% . Most of the samples scored around 3-4% which is half western eurasian anyways . I will post the breakdown .

Yeah, its smaller amount(though some even got up to 11-12% SI). I think avg si is like 6%(while some get 8-7%, some even 0%).

02-21-2020, 01:15 PM
One parent pashtun other parent Tajik

No, i meant like was only the tajiki parent from herat or both were from herat?

02-21-2020, 01:15 PM


39.40% Iran_Chl
38.20% Iran_N
7.65% AfontovaGora3
6.15% CHG
5.20% Steppe_MLBA
3.40% AASI


43.55% Iran_N
30.80% Iran_Chl
9.55% CHG
6.85% AfontovaGora3
5.00% Steppe_MLBA
2.55% West_Siberia_N
1.70% AASI


40.30% Iran_N
37.95% Iran_Chl
8.85% CHG
8.15% Steppe_MLBA
2.70% AfontovaGora3
2.05% AASI

Finally, Steppe_MLBA_East:

79.95% Steppe_MLBA
13.45% West_Siberia_N
4.75% CHG
1.85% Ulchi

So BMAC is essentially 75% Iranian CHL/NEO plus Steppe/CHG

02-21-2020, 01:15 PM
It doesn't quite work like that . BMAC is basically Iranian Chalcolithic/ neolithic plus steppe . I can post the breakdown of it if you want ?

ok thanks of explantion

02-21-2020, 01:18 PM
No, i meant like was only the tajiki parent from herat or both were from herat?

Both from Herat

02-21-2020, 01:21 PM
Not sure if this is the same exact sample

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Baloch 47.28
2 Caucasian 35.06
3 S-Indian 8.72
4 SW-Asian 5.86
5 W-African 1.77
6 Beringian 0.81
7 American 0.43
8 Papuan 0.05
9 Siberian 0.02


43.55% Iran_N
30.80% Iran_Chl
9.55% CHG
6.85% AfontovaGora3
5.00% Steppe_MLBA
2.55% West_Siberia_N
1.70% AASI

As you can see more than half of the south Indian for the BMAC sample was actually iranian farmer plus steppe and Siberian .

02-21-2020, 01:23 PM
Not sure if this is the same exact sample

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Baloch 47.28
2 Caucasian 35.06
3 S-Indian 8.72
4 SW-Asian 5.86
5 W-African 1.77
6 Beringian 0.81
7 American 0.43
8 Papuan 0.05
9 Siberian 0.02


43.55% Iran_N
30.80% Iran_Chl
9.55% CHG
6.85% AfontovaGora3
5.00% Steppe_MLBA
2.55% West_Siberia_N
1.70% AASI

As you can see more than half of the south Indian for the BMAC sample was actually iranian farmer plus steppe and Siberian .

Im pretty sure some of the aasi went into the iran n and chg(even though it probably wont be higher than 5-7% aasi).

Dont knwo which kind of iran n sample or even chg sample it even was

02-21-2020, 01:24 PM
I just tried to say that turks can be pretty ligth too without outside ancestry(or at least euro). But tbh, its hard to say with turks. Many can easily be partly balkan(more likely) and slavic too(less likely).

The fact with the lebbos is more suprising. Didnt really knew that.

By Balkan you are implying Slavic . Slavic in the sense of Bulgarian , Macedonian and Bosnian ancestry .

02-21-2020, 01:27 PM
Youre sure about that? I mean, turks do seem(many turks in fact) be lighter due to balkan/slav blood. But im pretty sure many can look lighter. Remembered some turkish guy from my school who claimed to have georgian ancestry. Was pretty light skinned and blue eyed and his sister too.

And i dont feel like lebbos are THAT much effected by norman ancestry

No, Turks have no legit Slavic blood, only Balkan Turks do but it's minimal. Anatolian Turks are lighter because we have more autosomal Northern European admixture and less Red_Sea and East_Med than most other West Asian groups.

There are Slavs (Bosniaks, Pomaks) and Georgian minority in Turkey, but they are not Turkish.

I don't get why people here like to say that every single "light" person from Turkey is assimilated Slav or similar shite


I'm not sure what you are trying to say ? I'm pointing out at how ethnic Turks have assimilated many groups such as Muslim migrants from Bulgaria , Bosnia , Greece, Serbia, Albanian and north Caucasians ( Circassians etc ). Itbjas definitely had a major impact on them . Also regarding levantines , if you dig a little deeper , many levantines would admit they have recent grandparents from Turkey , Greece, Bosnia etc . It's not out of the question since they were part of the ottoman empire . Compare that to iranids such as Kurdish highlanders , pashtuns , pamiris etc and you would see the difference .
Muslim migrants from Greece and Bulgaria are mostly ethnic Turkish. Circassians, Kurds, Bosnians, etc are not Turks and they don't identify themselves as such.