View Full Version : classify Turkish actor

12-30-2016, 05:09 AM

12-30-2016, 10:54 PM

12-30-2016, 10:56 PM
He looks Romanian/Moldovan.

12-30-2016, 10:56 PM
Mediterranid + Alpine + Turanid

12-31-2016, 03:30 AM
He looks Romanian/Moldovan.

He has an East Balkan vibe to me as well

12-31-2016, 03:34 AM
Gracile Mediterranean. If OP had claimed that he was British, Swedish, Italian, etc. nobody would have said anything weird about him like "Pamirid".

12-31-2016, 12:35 PM
Gracile Mediterranean. If OP had claimed that he was British, Swedish, Italian, etc. nobody would have said anything weird about him like "Pamirid".
You just fucked all Sovjet and European anhtro findings of the last 100 years. Congratulations. May I can ask for your y-dna? perhaps you are Turk like Hugh Jackman.

12-31-2016, 03:01 PM
Taurid/Pamirid. Turkish look!

12-31-2016, 03:03 PM

12-31-2016, 03:09 PM
You just fucked all Sovjet and European anhtro findings of the last 100 years. Congratulations. May I can ask for your y-dna? perhaps you are Turk like Hugh Jackman.

Hugh Jackman is turk?? LOL

12-31-2016, 03:13 PM
This is the pure turkish look :


12-31-2016, 03:30 PM
Hugh Jackman is turk?? LOL

ask him if you don't believe me xD lol

12-31-2016, 03:31 PM
This is the pure turkish look :


no, but your Pelasgo-Hellenic grandfather back to 100 generations looked like that.

12-31-2016, 03:34 PM
You just fucked all Sovjet and European anhtro findings of the last 100 years. Congratulations. May I can ask for your y-dna? perhaps you are Turk like Hugh Jackman.

What, the monumental finding that having a handlebar mustache makes you a "Pamirid"?

12-31-2016, 03:59 PM
What, the monumental finding that having a handlebar mustache makes you a "Pamirid"?
they keyword is: >>skull<<

12-31-2016, 04:01 PM
they keyword is: >>skull<<

Please explain to me what about his skull is anything other than Mediterranean.

12-31-2016, 07:30 PM
no, but your Pelasgo-Hellenic grandfather back to 100 generations looked like that.

Deal with it kid , the real Turks were a bunch of Mongoloid population like the man in the picture.
Balkanians have nothing to do with it, we are mostly Dinaro-Med , Pontid and Atlando-Med

I have not a single drop of turkish blood like all the other Balkanians too, on the other hand half of turkish
population are Greek sperm Meds

12-31-2016, 07:32 PM
pamirid, turnid , etc what? he just looks european to me

12-31-2016, 07:34 PM
no, but your Pelasgo-Hellenic grandfather back to 100 generations looked like that.

how would that even be possible?

12-31-2016, 07:37 PM
pamirid, turnid , etc what? he just looks european to me

if he passes as european or not is irrelevant . one thing is for sure . this man is very turkish looking , and he has turanid influence too

besides of that he is from Kütahya (at least born there) which has high turkic heritage to begin with like a lot of places of turkey especially west turkey

I have seen this guy a lot on tv and am familiar with him . his name is ahmet kural

he is alpinized med + turanid





12-31-2016, 07:39 PM
ask him if you don't believe me xD lol

He said in 2013 that his grandfather was Greek , names Bellas (greek surname not turkish)
Now he say that his grandfather came from Greece but that time was under Ottoman Empire so
that make him a Turkish . LOL

Has told Neos Kosmos and Greece's Star Channel journalist Elgka Ntaifa back in 2013.

"It is true that I have Greek roots," said the actor at a media junket promoting the upcoming instalment of the Wolverine movie franchise at the time.

"Two generations ago the name of my family was Bellas, and I feel that I am a Greek by blood."

In the interview with Star TV, Jackman even said he was ready and willing to take up any acting opportunities there may be in Greek film.

However, what he reportedly stated to the Turkish media clashes with his interview with Neos Kosmos.

"My father and uncle went to the place where my grandfather emigrated from, and from what they say, that region which is in Greece today belonged to the Ottoman Empire at that time," Jackman appears to have said to Hurriyet.

"So I am the descendant of an Ottoman grandfather. Do not think that I'm saying this because I'm coming to Turkey, but I am a Turk. Yes, I think I may say that I'm a Turk."

LOL again , he speak bullshit. Bellas surname is Greek

12-31-2016, 07:44 PM
if he passes as european or not is irrelevant . one thing is for sure . this man is very turkish looking , and he has turanid influence too

besides of that he is from Kütahya (at least born there) which has high turkic heritage to begin with like a lot of places of turkey especially west turkey

I have seen this guy a lot on tv and am familiar with him . his name is ahmet kural

he is alpinized med + turanid





where do you see the asian influence?

12-31-2016, 07:46 PM
where do you see the asian influence?

eyes and generic vibe . turanid is not exactly a full blown mong type at all . and regarding that he is not fully turanid to begin with but alpine-med makes it even more "deluded" but he still has it

and he looks EXTREMELY turkish believe me this . he is one of the most typical looks for a turk

12-31-2016, 07:50 PM
eyes and generic vibe . turanid is not exactly a full blown mong type at all . and regarding that he is not fully turanid to begin with but alpine-med makes it even more "deluded" but he still has it

and he looks EXTREMELY turkish believe me this . he is one of the most typical looks for a turk

of course it 's not a fully asian look but it's a asian - caucasoid intermediate look which i dont see here. i would have agreed with turanid only if i say his second picture where his skin looks asian (very smooth and lucid) . just because it's a typical turkish look doesnt mean it's asian influenced. turks have a lot of european blood , much more than asian.

12-31-2016, 07:55 PM
of course it 's not a fully asian look but it's a asian - caucasoid intermediate look which i dont see here.

I said he is alpinemed + turanid . and only because you dont see it it doesnt mean that he doesnt have it . I see it . and I also think it is visible tbh.

btw. a funny story from me : years ago one of my best friends (turk) I never saw the turan in him . now looking at him I ask myself how I couldnt see it . it is normal to not being able to see it easily especially when it is mixed with other types

i would have agreed with turanid only if i say his second picture where his skin looks asian (very smooth and lucid) .

stop trolling please

just because it's a typical turkish look doesnt mean it's asian influenced.

I didnt claim so

turks have a lot of european blood , much more than asian.

define "european blood" and show me source for your claims also please

12-31-2016, 08:00 PM
anyway whatever your response is I will answer to it tomorrow . I have to go now ...I dont want to go to new year in the internet

happy new year everybody


12-31-2016, 08:05 PM
This is what an actual Turanid looks like:


12-31-2016, 08:14 PM
Ι see that 'Asian' influence but I've seen something similar in French people too, for example.

12-31-2016, 08:34 PM
I said he is alpinemed + turanid . and only because you dont see it it doesnt mean that he doesnt have it . I see it . and I also think it is visible tbh.

btw. a funny story from me : years ago one of my best friends (turk) I never saw the turan in him . now looking at him I ask myself how I couldnt see it . it is normal to not being able to see it easily especially when it is mixed with other types

stop trolling please

I didnt claim so

define "european blood" and show me source for your claims also please

that s because your mind has been polluted by anthrotard arguments. i wont see him as a turanid until an asian confirms he is asian influenced :P

i mean "white " blood , characteristic/predominant in european populations. not necessary greek or balkanian one

12-31-2016, 08:37 PM
Ι see that 'Asian' influence but I've seen something similar in French people too, for example.

there was a video posted by a turkish user about a "donald trump look-alike" from turkey, the guy obviously looked european but the other turks were on average strongly turanid ... (i think they had a greater asian influence than the average turkish populations in their country though)

12-31-2016, 08:51 PM
Jackman was born in Sydney, New South Wales, to Grace McNeil (née Greenwood) and Christopher John Jackman, a Cambridge-trained accountant.[2][3] His parents were English and had come to Australia in 1967 as part of the "Ten Pound Poms" immigration.[3] One of his paternal great-grandfathers, Nicholas Isidor Bellas, was Greek,[4][5] from the Ottoman empire (now in Greece).[6][7][8]



He doesn't look Greek and of course not Turkish by any mean.

07-10-2017, 12:53 PM
Pamirid + Taurid.

07-10-2017, 01:54 PM

07-10-2017, 01:55 PM
Pamirid + Taurid.

You seem to be bored as you keep bumping those threads :lol:

07-10-2017, 01:58 PM
You seem to be bored as you keep bumping those threads.

I didn't know you were around. :wink

07-10-2017, 02:11 PM
I didn't know you were around. :wink

Can you visit my thread too?


07-10-2017, 02:11 PM

07-10-2017, 02:16 PM
Med with minor alpine.

08-24-2017, 08:53 PM
eyes and generic vibe . turanid is not exactly a full blown mong type at all . and regarding that he is not fully turanid to begin with but alpine-med makes it even more "deluded" but he still has it

and he looks EXTREMELY turkish believe me this . he is one of the most typical looks for a turk

I see Turkish people on snapchat all the time and his look doesn't seem common based off those looks. I was also there myself in 2010 and never saw this look much. What part of Turkey is this look common in?

08-24-2017, 09:28 PM
I see Turkish people on snapchat all the time and his look doesn't seem common based off those looks. I was also there myself in 2010 and never saw this look much. What part of Turkey is this look common in?

in basically all parts of turkey you can find men like him but most typical would be central-west turkey . people from eskisehir , balikesir , etc. up to ankara

you dont have to agree but I think I am accurate

08-24-2017, 10:12 PM

08-24-2017, 10:26 PM
Taurid/Pamirid. Turkish look!

Pamirid is NOT a Turkish look, wannabe.

08-24-2017, 10:30 PM
Anyways he doesn't look like the most typical Turk to me, but he doesn't necessairly look atypical for a turk either. I could see how he passes easily.

08-24-2017, 10:52 PM
Anyways he doesn't look like the most typical Turk to me, but he doesn't necessairly look atypical for a turk either. I could see how he passes easily.

This guy is basically Med.

If Turks here say he is typical for Turkey they have to admit most Turks are Turkified locals. He doesn't have any single ''Turanid'' influence. He could easily pass as European.

08-24-2017, 11:55 PM
Pamirid is NOT a Turkish look, wannabe.
Pamirid is a Turki look. Should I google that for you?

08-25-2017, 02:38 AM
Pamirid is a Turki look. Should I google that for you?

Pamirid is NOT a Turkic look. For fucks sake, Pamiri Tajiks are eastern Iranians that cluster with Pashtuns and their looks are found in only them and other eastern iranics.

08-25-2017, 02:38 AM
This guy is basically Med.

If Turks here say he is typical for Turkey they have to admit most Turks are Turkified locals. He doesn't have any single ''Turanid'' influence. He could easily pass as European.

Most Turks definitely don't look like that. If you have a snapchat, you can see for yourself by going to the map view thing. But, Turks like him do exist.

08-25-2017, 10:26 AM
Pamirid is NOT a Turkic look. For fucks sake, Pamiri Tajiks are eastern Iranians that cluster with Pashtuns and their looks are found in only them and other eastern iranics.
Pamiri Tajiks are part of the great Turkic Turanid racial type, how often I have to repeat that?

08-25-2017, 03:15 PM
Pamiri Tajiks are part of the great Turkic Turanid racial type, how often I have to repeat that?

They aren't, stop being such a wannabe. Just because you want it to be true doesn't mean it is true.

08-25-2017, 04:27 PM
pamiri tajiks are partially mongoloid but are an iranic people . it is well known that even though I appreciate meta ethnic identities and acknowledge that they bring some commonly shared things that I also always point out that there are often a lot more differences at the same time between populations that belong the same metha ethnicity and that meta ethnicities in many cases are a secondary identity builder at best .

however this doesnt change the fact that it is inaccurate to claim such a thing as member Kipchak Hakan does because tajiks are not a turkic people and furthermore the claim that the pamirid racial type would belong to a turkic racial collection is nothing more than him trying to claim something for his own belief without any common sense

btw. I get Tajik or Tajik Pomir as secondary population often on gedmatch which shows again that we are a mostly native population with big overlap with nearby peoples such as armenians or georgian jews + some additional ancient ancestry from proto-iranic peoples of central asia . in my case the fact that I get tajik often could also be seen as an indicator that I likely have a little turkish ancestry too which takes then the tajik population as my secondary ancestry source since they have some mongoloid which again doesnt change the fact that they are not turkic

1 74.2% Armenian + 25.8% Tajik_Pomiri @ 2.01

08-26-2017, 01:04 PM
If I speak, then only with facts: http://www.worldlibrary.org/articles/turanid_race

"The Turanid group is the predominant element in North- and South-Kazakhs, and Kyrgyz.[33] To a lesser degree it is also common among Karakalpaks, Telengits, Tofalars, Uyghurs, Bashkirs, Volga Tatars, Crimean Tatars, North-Uzbeks, Tajiks and partly Shors. ..., the Turanid racial type is found from Siberia throughout Russia and deep into Eastern Europe and even as far as Ukraine and from the North down to Afghanistan."

"Eickstedt also includes among the Turanids the Mountain Tajiks and the Pamir tribes."

Chinese Tajiks or Mountain Tajiks in China (Sarikoli: [tudʒik], Tujik; Chinese: 塔吉克族; pinyin: Tǎjíkè Zú), including Sarikolis (majority) and Wakhis (minority) in China, are an extension of the Pamiri ethnic group that lives in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in the People's Republic of China. They are Mountain Tajiks, unlike Plain Tajiks in Tajikistan and Afghanistan.

41,028 (Xinjiang of China) + 1,000~2,000 (Sarikoli in Tajikistan)


"The Turanids (or 'Turki'), among whom the physical characters of their Europoid ancestors extending from the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea to the borders of Mongolia and a narrow tongue of Turanid territory stretches north of the Caspian to the Black Sea coast. The Mongoloid element in their features becomes progressively less towards the western limit of their territory.[41] The original 'Turki' type and temperament are probably best preserved amongst the remote Yakuts (though very mixed of the Lena, and the Kyrgyz groups (Kara-Kirghiz and Kirghiz-Kazaks) of the West Siberian steppe and the Pamir uplands.[42]"

"During the 1st millennium A.D. Turanids and other Asiatic brachycephalic types had invaded the domain of the Iranian longheads."

12-06-2017, 07:27 PM
Jackman was born in Sydney, New South Wales, to Grace McNeil (née Greenwood) and Christopher John Jackman, a Cambridge-trained accountant.[2][3] His parents were English and had come to Australia in 1967 as part of the "Ten Pound Poms" immigration.[3] One of his paternal great-grandfathers, Nicholas Isidor Bellas, was Greek,[4][5] from the Ottoman empire (now in Greece).[6][7][8]



He doesn't look Greek and of course not Turkish by any mean.

:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:: rotfl:

12-06-2017, 07:28 PM
He said in 2013 that his grandfather was Greek , names Bellas (greek surname not turkish)
Now he say that his grandfather came from Greece but that time was under Ottoman Empire so
that make him a Turkish . LOL

Has told Neos Kosmos and Greece's Star Channel journalist Elgka Ntaifa back in 2013.

"It is true that I have Greek roots," said the actor at a media junket promoting the upcoming instalment of the Wolverine movie franchise at the time.

"Two generations ago the name of my family was Bellas, and I feel that I am a Greek by blood."

In the interview with Star TV, Jackman even said he was ready and willing to take up any acting opportunities there may be in Greek film.

However, what he reportedly stated to the Turkish media clashes with his interview with Neos Kosmos.

"My father and uncle went to the place where my grandfather emigrated from, and from what they say, that region which is in Greece today belonged to the Ottoman Empire at that time," Jackman appears to have said to Hurriyet.

"So I am the descendant of an Ottoman grandfather. Do not think that I'm saying this because I'm coming to Turkey, but I am a Turk. Yes, I think I may say that I'm a Turk."

LOL again , he speak bullshit. Bellas surname is Greek



Vlatko Vukovic
12-06-2017, 07:31 PM
Mediterranid + Alpine + Turanid

What's turanid in him?

12-06-2017, 07:34 PM
What's turanid in him?

when mixed . turanid is harder to see/spot . but he has some . I can see it on the broader structure of his face and also eyes a bit

here it is a little better to see . that he is twinching his eyes helps too


Vlatko Vukovic
12-06-2017, 07:42 PM
when mixed . turanid is harder to see/spot . but he has some . I can see it on the broader structure of his face and also eyes a bit

here it is a little better to see . that he is twinching his eyes helps too


Here he is turanid, indeed. But in first picture he didn't look to me Turanid.

Vlatko Vukovic
12-06-2017, 07:45 PM
If I speak, then only with facts: http://www.worldlibrary.org/articles/turanid_race

"The Turanid group is the predominant element in North- and South-Kazakhs, and Kyrgyz.[33] To a lesser degree it is also common among Karakalpaks, Telengits, Tofalars, Uyghurs, Bashkirs, Volga Tatars, Crimean Tatars, North-Uzbeks, Tajiks and partly Shors. ..., the Turanid racial type is found from Siberia throughout Russia and deep into Eastern Europe and even as far as Ukraine and from the North down to Afghanistan."

"Eickstedt also includes among the Turanids the Mountain Tajiks and the Pamir tribes."


"The Turanids (or 'Turki'), among whom the physical characters of their Europoid ancestors extending from the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea to the borders of Mongolia and a narrow tongue of Turanid territory stretches north of the Caspian to the Black Sea coast. The Mongoloid element in their features becomes progressively less towards the western limit of their territory.[41] The original 'Turki' type and temperament are probably best preserved amongst the remote Yakuts (though very mixed of the Lena, and the Kyrgyz groups (Kara-Kirghiz and Kirghiz-Kazaks) of the West Siberian steppe and the Pamir uplands.[42]"

"During the 1st millennium A.D. Turanids and other Asiatic brachycephalic types had invaded the domain of the Iranian longheads."

I don't see point. Russians occupied many Turkic lands in the past, but still Turks don't look East-Nordid, or North Pontid for example, which is common in Russia.

12-06-2017, 07:46 PM
Here he is turanid, indeed. But in first picture he didn't look to me Turanid.

I had a friend for years who has turanid but I didnt see the turanid :D but now after I know about phenotypes I can see it very clearly in him haha

Vlatko Vukovic
12-06-2017, 07:53 PM
I had a friend for years who has turanid but I didnt see the turanid :D but now after I know about phenotypes I can see it very clearly in him haha

Interesting is that most of Turanids don't have an epicanthal fold at all.

12-06-2017, 11:53 PM
Interesting is that most of Turanids don't have an epicanthal fold at all.

becoz nobody really know what Turanid is bro.

12-07-2017, 12:13 AM
I don't know if he has turanid or not, but i do know he's a very typical Turk. What trait makes him a typical Turk, that's the question. If he was just Med he would pass Greek with ease. I'm quite sure he does not.

12-07-2017, 12:27 AM
I don't know if he has turanid or not, but i do know he's a very typical Turk. What trait makes him a typical Turk, that's the question. If he was just Med he would pass Greek with ease. I'm quite sure he does not.

He looks more Turkish in other photos. Pic in OP he looks more med.

12-07-2017, 12:34 AM
He looks more Turkish in other photos. Pic in OP he looks more med.


12-07-2017, 12:41 AM
He looks more Turkish in other photos. Pic in OP he looks more med.

turkish and med doesnt exclude ea....


12-07-2017, 12:42 AM
East Med + Anatolid + Alpine

I don't see Turanid.

12-07-2017, 01:01 AM
turkish and med doesnt exclude ea....


I mean generally Southern European. As in he looks more like a European med then he does Turkish med, if that makes sense, since Iberians and Italians look different despite being anthropologically the same.

12-07-2017, 01:48 AM
I mean generally Southern European. As in he looks more like a European med then he does Turkish med, if that makes sense, since Iberians and Italians look different despite being anthropologically the same.

yeah I thought so and I understand what you mean

07-07-2021, 10:30 PM
pamirid + med.