View Full Version : Differences between atlanto med and Atlantid

12-30-2016, 06:43 AM
Atlanto-med is a Atlantid with extra med influence. They looks similar but how do I to distinguish?

I believe,
Atlanto med= Med pigmentation with long head
Atlantid= More lighter than meds and nordic influence.
I'm right?

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12-30-2016, 06:49 AM
Yes I think so





Atlanto Med


12-30-2016, 07:06 AM
Atlanto-med is a Atlantid with extra med influence. They looks similar but how do I to distinguish?

I believe,
Atlanto med= Med pigmentation with long head
Atlantid= More lighter than meds and nordic influence.
I'm right?

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Yes, there must be some at least minimal Nordic features for Atlantid. Types with 100% Med. pigmentation like two out of these three examples are what they are- 100% Mediterranids.

12-30-2016, 07:07 AM
Is The face shape of Atlanto meds more long and the jaw and cheekbones are prominent than atlantid? Or vice versa

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12-30-2016, 07:24 AM
[QUOTE=catgeorge;4161421]Yes I think so



this guy looks straight up faelid.

12-30-2016, 07:39 AM
Is The face shape of Atlanto meds more long and the jaw and cheekbones are prominent than atlantid? Or vice versa

There's no such phenotype as Atlantid at all. It is used just on anthropological sites to emphasize a bit depigmented Meds. Metrically Atlanto-Meds and Atlantids are identical because they have the same roots

12-30-2016, 07:44 AM
Why is it so hard for everyone to understand that all of those classifications are not part of a single system? Different authors used different terms to refer to the same thing, or to partially overlapping groups, or used the same word to refer to different things. Then, internet users attempted to combine them in a way that involved confabulation and hand-waving, and the result is inconsistent as shown by the fact that whenever a classification thread is posted, everyone comes up with a different classification.

Most of the terms you see on these forums were invented by politically biased "anthropologists" from places such as Nazi Germany, Hungary and the Balkans where the main purpose was to come up with fancy classifications for themselves to make them feel different from the neighboring enemy countries. It all came down to a big circlejerk of "we're the white and progressive ones, your country is short and brown!" and "nuh-uh, you're the short and brown ones!" when in reality, both of them are equally short and brown and look the same. All of these made-up words like "Atlantid", "North Pontid", "Alpinized Nordo-Baskid", "Carpatho-Berid with Dinaricized Strandid-Kurganoid and CM influences", they all mean the same thing: Gracile Mediterranean.

12-30-2016, 07:56 AM
All of these made-up words like "Atlantid", "North Pontid", "Alpinized Nordo-Baskid", "Carpatho-Berid with Dinaricized Strandid-Kurganoid and CM influences", they all mean the same thing: Gracile Mediterranean.
It would be too boring :) Anyway, Med. is their ancestral type. In addition CM influence and degree of depigmentation is also different on different groups

The Blade
12-30-2016, 10:22 AM
Henry Cavill is Anglo-Saxon type of strong Faelid predominance, not a form of Atlantid.
Atlantid (with minor CM) - Joseph Fiennes:
Atlantid with the Nordic part being probably of Keltoid variety - John Cusack:
Both Ryan Reynolds and Thomas Gibson are also Atlantids.
A robust Atlantid (with Brunn influence) is Ben Affleck:
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTI4MzIxMTk0Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTU5NjA0Mg@@._ V1_UY1200_CR85,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg
Atlanto-Meds (long-skulled brunettes of Southwestern Europe, found to a lesser extent in other regions, too):
Alvaro Negredo:

12-30-2016, 01:20 PM
North Atlantid = Nordid (75%) + Med (25%)

Atlantid = Nordid (50%) + Med (50%)

Atlanto-Med = Nordid (25%) + Med (75%)

12-30-2016, 10:33 PM
Atlantid or Atlanto med?

12-30-2016, 11:03 PM
Atlantid or Atlanto med?


12-30-2016, 11:24 PM
North Atlantid = Nordid (75%) + Med (25%)

Atlantid = Nordid (50%) + Med (50%)

Atlanto-Med = Nordid (25%) + Med (75%)


The Blade
12-30-2016, 11:27 PM
Atlantid or Atlanto med?
Atlanto-Med, in my opinion.

12-31-2016, 12:09 AM


North Atlantid: http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20161231/39f872f827d6556f3a74ae422e1ad0aa.jpg

I'm right?

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12-31-2016, 12:12 AM
Atlanto-Med: 25% Nordid 75% Mediterranid
Atlantid: 50% Nordid 50% Mediterranid

12-31-2016, 03:29 AM
Atlanto-Mediterranean was used by Coon to refer to a long-headed Mediterranean, as opposed to his small (gracile) Mediterranean type which has small head in all dimensions. It has nothing to do with Nordics. In Coon's taxonomy, Atlanto-Mediterraneans could have either light or dark eyes.

"Atlantid" was a term used by Eickstedt to refer to a Mediterranean with dark hair and light eyes. Lundman used the term "North Atlantid" and Hooton used the term "Keltic" (not to be confused with Coon's "Keltic Nordic" which specifically refers to a type with a long nose and sloped forehead).

12-31-2016, 04:08 AM
25%, 50%, 75%, nordo-med, robust, skull, Coon, Eickstedt, blah, blah, blah, blah, All this is absurd, an eternal discussion

atlantid is features own of atlantic part, atlanto-med is from atlantic and mediterranean part but it should be called south-atlantic in the same way that the features own of the northern part of the Atlantic are north-Atlantic

In short Atlantic phenotypes are Characteristics of the Atlantic facade, Mainly Iberia, France and British isles, as it can not be otherwise, everything else has no sense

That of gracile-mediterranean is a stupid invention, can not be called gracile to guys 1,80 height by the fact of not having the elongated face

12-31-2016, 04:24 AM
25%, 50%, 75%, nordo-med, robust, skull, Coon, Eickstedt, blah, blah, blah, blah, All this is absurd, an eternal discussion

atlantid is features own of atlantic part, atlanto-med is from atlantic and mediterranean part but it should be called south-atlantic in the same way that the features own of the northern part of the Atlantic are north-Atlantic

In short Atlantic phenotypes are Characteristics of the Atlantic facade, Mainly Iberia, France and British isles, as it can not be otherwise, everything else has no sense

That of gracile-mediterranean is a stupid invention, can not be called gracile to guys 1,80 height by the fact of not having the elongated face

I'm going by what the anthropologists said, while you are pulling "facts" out of your ass.

12-31-2016, 04:28 AM
Atlanto-Med = robust, long-headed Mediterranean type found all over western Eurasia and North Africa.

Atlantid = Atlanto-Med mixed with northwestern European natives.

12-31-2016, 05:28 AM
Atlanto-Med = robust, long-headed Mediterranean type found all over western Eurasia and North Africa.

Atlantid = Atlanto-Med mixed with northwestern European natives.

What is robust?

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12-31-2016, 07:15 AM
"Atlantid" was a term used by Eickstedt to refer to a Mediterranean with dark hair and light eyes.
Can you give link?

Lundman used the term "North Atlantid" and Hooton used the term "Keltic" (not to be confused with Coon's "Keltic Nordic" which specifically refers to a type with a long nose and sloped forehead).
Internet term "Atlantid" more or less derived from the same idea that generated professional anthropological conception of : "North-Western", "North-Atlantic" "Nord-Mediterranids" etc. and applied to very gracile types equivalent to Mediterranids. But as i can see on different sites, Atlantid is absolutely equal to Atlanto-Med. thus much more robust than it. But all of them no more than Northern branch of Med. race

12-31-2016, 07:20 AM
North Atlantid = Nordid (75%) + Med (25%)

Atlantid = Nordid (50%) + Med (50%)

Atlanto-Med = Nordid (25%) + Med (75%)
Reasoning in such terms:

Atlantid = Nordid (1-5%) + Med (95-99%)

Nord-Atlantid = Nordid (30-50%) + Med (50-70%)

Atlanto-Med = Med(100%)

12-31-2016, 07:34 AM
I don't understand, what are the Robust traits?

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12-31-2016, 07:52 AM
I don't understand, what are the Robust traits?

In terms of progressive cranial variability? Bigger, higher, longer,wider, heavier and so on

12-31-2016, 08:43 AM
In terms of progressive cranial variability? Bigger, higher, longer,wider, heavier and so on

For facial traits like lips, eyebrows, nose, eyes, too? More bigger, thicker, wider facial traits

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12-31-2016, 09:08 AM
For facial traits like lips, eyebrows, nose, eyes, too? More bigger, thicker, wider facial traits

Not necessary.

12-31-2016, 11:47 AM
Atlanto-Med: Tall, robust-Med
Atlantid: Intermediate between Atlanto-Med and Nordid craniofacially

12-31-2016, 12:05 PM
Atlanto-Mediterranean was used by Coon to refer to a long-headed Mediterranean, as opposed to his small (gracile) Mediterranean type which has small head in all dimensions. It has nothing to do with Nordics. In Coon's taxonomy, Atlanto-Mediterraneans could have either light or dark eyes.

"Atlantid" was a term used by Eickstedt to refer to a Mediterranean with dark hair and light eyes. Lundman used the term "North Atlantid" and Hooton used the term "Keltic" (not to be confused with Coon's "Keltic Nordic" which specifically refers to a type with a long nose and sloped forehead).
And? You basically contradicted now your previous bullshit that Atlanto= Graciloid Med.

First of all in Hooton schema Keltic was separate subrace, not connected to Med but considered indigenous to North-Western Europe. It was completely different from Coon Keltic Nordic idea (Nordic with some Dinaric and Med influence), which wasn't followed by anybody.
Lundman had rather similar view to Hooton, but his North-Atlantid could have some connection to local British Med also. But it is still tall type, not small.
Eickstedt Atlantid was special subrace of Med from British Isles, considered part of wide Med race but with Nordid influence. Of course tall, dakr haired and light-eyed.

I'm really sick of tones of bullshit on this forum:
- "There is no such type like Atlantid. It was Internet invention bleb le ble". No it isn't bastards:)

Eickstedt Atlantid

12-31-2016, 12:44 PM
I'm really sick of tones of bullshit on this forum:
- "There is no such type like Atlantid. It was Internet invention bleb le ble". No it isn't bastards:)

Eickstedt Atlantid
treten gehäuft bei der atlantiden Unterrace der Mediterranen

atlantische Lokalform der Mediterranen
Med. :thumb001:

12-31-2016, 12:48 PM
And what I posted? There is Atlantid type. But this type is a part of wider Med race. Local form altered by Nordic race.

And many times we see posts " there is no Atlantid, no anthropologist speaks about it". So Eickstedt spoke.

Look at the bottom of the pic. "Atlantiden unterrasse der Med..." - Atlantid subrace. So even not a type but subrace.

So offically Atlantid is supported by anthropology now on this forum:)


The Blade
12-31-2016, 12:49 PM
Atlanto-Med = the robust Mediterranean variety (as opposed to Gracile Med).
Atlantid = Atlanto-Med mix with the Nordic types.

12-31-2016, 01:08 PM
And what I posted? There is Atlantid type. But this type is a part of wider Med race. Local form altered by Nordic race.

And many times we see posts " there is no Atlantid, no anthropologist speaks about it". So Eickstedt spoke.

Look at the bottom of the pic. "Atlantiden unterrasse der Med..." - Atlantid subrace. So even not a type but subrace.

[U]So offically Atlantid is supported by anthropology now on this forum:)
Exactly, not a type i.e. anthropological complex. Just a branch of Mediterranean race.

12-31-2016, 01:13 PM
Atlantid = Atlanto-Med mix with the Nordic types.
Agree. But the problem lies elsewhere, correct me if i wrong but this Eikstedtd's atlantic Med. would be classified here as Anglo-Saxon+Brunn+Atlantid+Nord-Atlantid etc. etc.

12-31-2016, 01:14 PM
Atlanto-med is a Atlantid with extra med influence. They looks similar but how do I to distinguish?

I believe,
Atlanto med= Med pigmentation with long head
Atlantid= More lighter than meds and nordic influence.
I'm right?

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In fact AtlantoMed and Atlantid both have somewhat same skin-tone pigmentation, what separates them as primary difference is shape of their eyes.

Atlantids have smaller shape of eyes, while AtlantoMeds have larger shape of eyes, and THIS IS ALWAYS the case.

Larger shape of eyes are due to higher Med admix.

Honestly, the only true difference between those two, and remember, we're talking about Atlantid and AtlantoMed, let's not bring Nord Atlantids into this story cause they are "another pair of shoes" :).

P.S. All other stories about how AtlantoMeds have higher CM in JAW area, or more robust or... blah blah blah than Atlantids, I noticed that all is nothin more but from individual to individual, but this with eyes-shape considering AtlantoMeds, I find that as the key difference between this two.

Secondary element of difference could be (I repeat; could) eye-brows, thicker eyebrows in AtlantoMeds, but this is not always the case, but it could help in classifications when it comes in some cases.

P.S. catgeorge shown in his first reply to his post (second post of thread) in fact two Atlantid guys; first and third.

Third IMO is not AtlantoMed but in fact again Atlantid, first just have higher CM (like Ben Affleck) nothin more.

Yes I think so





Atlanto Med


The Blade
12-31-2016, 02:01 PM
Agree. But the problem lies elsewhere, correct me if i wrong but this Eikstedtd's atlantic Med. would be classified here as Anglo-Saxon+Brunn+Atlantid+Nord-Atlantid etc. etc.
North Atlantid is a type with predominance of Nordic over Atlanto-Med with its specific traits - dark hair, light eyes, stronger ability to tan than Nordid proper, strongly dolicho type, straight nose, etc. It is a specific combo most common in Britain and Ireland. Pierce Brosnan and Jennifer Connelly come to mind.
Anglo-Saxon is a different story anthropologists rated as a mix of Nordid with Faelid or Brunn (depending which anthropologist we refer to) + elements of Corded and Borreby. It is in fact most closely related to the Tronder type and they often overlap to a certain extent but Tronders have more Corded in them.

12-31-2016, 03:33 PM
In fact AtlantoMed and Atlantid both have somewhat same skin-tone pigmentation, what separates them as primary difference is shape of their eyes.

Atlantids have smaller shape of eyes, while AtlantoMeds have larger shape of eyes, and THIS IS ALWAYS the case.

Larger shape of eyes are due to higher Med admix.

Honestly, the only true difference between those two, and remember, we're talking about Atlantid and AtlantoMed, let's not bring Nord Atlantids into this story cause they are "another pair of shoes" :).

P.S. All other stories about how AtlantoMeds have higher CM in JAW area, or more robust or... blah blah blah than Atlantids, I noticed that all is nothin more but from individual to individual, but this with eyes-shape considering AtlantoMeds, I find that as the key difference between this two.

Secondary element of difference could be (I repeat; could) eye-brows, thicker eyebrows in AtlantoMeds, but this is not always the case, but it could help in classifications when it comes in some cases.

P.S. catgeorge shown in his first reply to his post (second post of thread) in fact two Atlantid guys; first and third.

Third IMO is not AtlantoMed but in fact again Atlantid, first just have higher CM (like Ben Affleck) nothin more.

What the fuck are you talking about? Where did this information come from?

12-31-2016, 03:51 PM
What the fuck are you talking about? Where did this information come from?

From my brain.

Combining everythin (worth reading considering this) I read and notice on my own, not only considering this two phenotypes but others as well. I didn't ask anyone here to accept this explanation and I dont present it as a fact to rest of ppl here, I present it as my own views and thinking, those who want can try to see for themselves and think is it true or not.


06-07-2018, 08:15 PM
I was wondering the same thing?

06-07-2018, 09:13 PM
There's no such phenotype as Atlantid at all. It is used just on anthropological sites to emphasize a bit depigmented Meds. Metrically Atlanto-Meds and Atlantids are identical because they have the same roots

There is no such thing any of this bullshit only Nazi peasant autists, modern day scientists who say this is all bullshit and annunaki/nephilim vampires etc...




09-27-2018, 03:34 PM
And what I posted? There is Atlantid type. But this type is a part of wider Med race. Local form altered by Nordic race.

And many times we see posts " there is no Atlantid, no anthropologist speaks about it". So Eickstedt spoke.

Look at the bottom of the pic. "Atlantiden unterrasse der Med..." - Atlantid subrace. So even not a type but subrace.

So offically Atlantid is supported by anthropology now on this forum:)


You are just confuse.
Atlanto-Mediterranean is a tall Mediterranid type from Southern Europe, colouring involves light brown skin, dark brown hair, deep-set brown eyes, straight-nosed. This type is most common in Iberia and Italy, may be on individuals basis in Western Europe and also parts of North Africa.

The Atlantid phenotype is an intermediate type between the Atlanto-Mediterranean of Southern Europe and the Nordid types of Northern Europe. It usually has a lighter pigmentation than Mediterranean with a morphology which intermediate between the Mediterranid and Nordid types involved. On average hair and eye colour are dark or darkish.
This type is most common in France, especially western France and is also found in western parts of Germany, occurs as individuals all over Western Europe.

The North-Atlantid phenotype is a predominantly Nordid type, meaning it is a Nordid phenotype with Atlantid admixture. Pigmentation also shows it; pale (sometimes ruddy/freckled) skin tone, brown (sometimes black or reddish) hair, blue eyes, tall stature, morphology is Nordid especially leaning towards the Keltic Iron Age direction. This type is an important racial element in the British Isles, especially Wales. It may also be found in much smaller percentages outside of the British Isles in northwest France, Belgium, Switzerland, west Germany, Norway. It's this type which is equivalent to Lundman's Atlantid version.

09-27-2018, 08:25 PM
Have I already answered this post?
If you are confused about types is because they don’t exists
Anyway it’s two different systems:
ATLANTID = V.Eickstedt=Die Mediterranen in Wales (1935).
NORTH ATLANTID=Lundman= The Races and Peoples of Europe (1977).
ATLANTO MEDITERRANEAN=Coon= The Races of Europe (1939).

Some people in the early 2000,tried to synchronise the systems on Anthrofora and web pages causing the confusion we have today.
How I know ? Easy, If a google search about types shows only modern photos of celebrities randomly posted on Anthrofora or amateur pages the type is Non -Existant.

07-08-2019, 04:59 PM
Atlanto-med is a Atlantid with extra med influence. They looks similar but how do I to distinguish?

I believe,
Atlanto med= Med pigmentation with long head
Atlantid= More lighter than meds and nordic influence.
I'm right?

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Atlanto-Mediterranid = Mediterranean "Med type"
Atlantid = Mediterranean + Nordid ( especially Keltic Nordid varieties) "intermediate type"
North Atlantid = Keltic Nordid + Atlantid "predominantly Nordid type"

05-21-2020, 12:03 PM
Can Atlantids have brown eyes?
Or are brown-eyed "Atlantids" automatically Atlanto-Meds?

05-21-2020, 12:12 PM
Can Atlantids have brown eyes?
Or are brown-eyed "Atlantids" automatically Atlanto-Meds?

Yes, Atlantids can have brown eyes, good example Ben Affleck...

05-23-2020, 12:56 AM
Can Atlantids have brown eyes?
Or are brown-eyed "Atlantids" automatically Atlanto-Meds?

Atlantids are typically dark - eyed, it's an intermediate phenotype. Light eyes are found, but they do not predominate. You are confusing the Atlantid with the North Atlantid phenotypes. They are different, although linked.
Ryan Reynolds

Tenma de Pegasus
05-23-2020, 01:01 AM
These types are linked, the border between them is not clear. Both the atlanto-med and the atlantid generally have brown eyes, but the atlantid hair is closer to brown and the atlanto-med more dark brown. The North Atlantid generally have brown or dark hair with light eyes. The facial features between them are basically the same.

05-23-2020, 01:54 AM
[QUOTE=The Blade;4161593]Henry Cavill is Anglo-Saxon type of strong Faelid predominance, not a form of Atlantid.
Atlantid (with minor CM) - Joseph Fiennes:

I find him mostly jewish

05-09-2021, 09:56 PM
There's no such phenotype as Atlantid at all. It is used just on anthropological sites to emphasize a bit depigmented Meds. Metrically Atlanto-Meds and Atlantids are identical because they have the same roots

According to archaic anthropologists from the early 20th century? By that logic, Brits are a predominantly Mediterranean group of people like Greeks, Iberians and Italians, etc. That don’t seem right imo.

Sure, in actuality Atlantid is just a mixture between Nordic and Atlanto-Med, but it’s easier to to give it its own name. Especially since those two types are often heavily mixed together in the British Isles, it’s safe to create a new type of classification.

05-09-2021, 10:23 PM
The Atlantid is essentially a "Nordic-Mediterranean" blend, a term appearing in the literature of Earnest Hooton, but can differ in its exact gradient of pigmentation. Although usually recognised as intermediate between Nordic and Mediterranean, Deniker discussed what he saw occasionally as stronger Nordic or Mediterranean gradients.


Joseph Deniker (Russian: Иосиф Егорович Деникер, Yosif Yegorovich Deniker; 6 March 1852, in Astrakhan – 18 March 1918, in Paris) was a Russian and French naturalist and anthropologist, known primarily for his attempts to develop highly detailed maps of race in Europe.


05-09-2021, 11:04 PM
According to archaic anthropologists from the early 20th century? By that logic, Brits are a predominantly Mediterranean group of people like Greeks, Iberians and Italians, etc. That don’t seem right imo.

Sure, in actuality Atlantid is just a mixture between Nordic and Atlanto-Med, but it’s easier to to give it its own name. Especially since those two types are often heavily mixed together in the British Isles, it’s safe to create a new type of classification.

Righty-o , I hate to use my own picture here but I do not have access to anyone else's G25 coordinates and I have been classified as Atlantid with minor Dinaric :


Target: Kevin_scaled
Distance: 2.5583% / 0.02558347 | ADC: 0.5x RC
60.4 Norwegian
24.2 Dutch
15.4 Spanish_Soria


Atlanto-med :


G25 :

100% Italian or 100% Spanish ?

Atlanto+meds are not going to score alot of Dutch or Norwegian !