View Full Version : Anthroeurope: Iberian Peninsula

01-02-2017, 02:51 AM
Before: i don't say that this person is right, but I post his different analyzes because I find it interesting. This is not a troll thread.


Part 1:

Aracena : Andalusia (Spain)


Brief anthropological analyzis :

- Brachy type : striking Andalusian features are a puffy nose and a well-defined mouth area ;


- Lepto type : pan-Iberian ;


Morphotypes :

Caravaca : Murcia (Spain)

A recent study (see Maju's summary here : Basque autosomal genetics) has shown that Murcians may have been less subject to Neolithic migrations than their immedate neighbours such as Andalusians or Valencians, a fact corroborated by archeology. Consequently, I've decided to deal with Murcia once more, this time making more localized samples, in order to check whether or not Murcians really appear more Northern-looking in a South Iberian context, phenotypically wise. I'll begin that "remake" of Murcia in the NE of the province, around Caravaca de la Cruz.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/df/Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_Regi%C3%B3n_de_Murcia.svg/240px-Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_Regi%C3%B3n_de_Murcia.svg. png

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Intermediate complexion (from blonde to dark hair, grey/black eyes, rather pale skin on average, ...), leptomorphic, long face (particularly on males), long and convex nose rather parallel to the face, close-set eyes, pointy chin, large jaw
~ Dinaricized Atlanto-Mediterranean

I cannot possibly say whether or not these individuals are strikingly more Northern-looking than their neighbouring counterparts. This type is rather pan-Iberian even though these individuals' relative robustness rather places them within the North-West Iberian spectrum as opposed to the East-Iberian pole (the famous "horsy" features).

A square-boxed variant - transition with Type 2 - can be found as well. After browsing other samples, I find that such types are somehow rarer in Andalusia. These people remind me of Aragonese people from Teruel. I cannot say for sure but the nose seems to be always convex.


- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion (rather light hair, light eyes, ...), more or less brachymorphic, reduced and "puffy" features, square-box head, little and puffy nose, strong jaw, rather distanced and somehow chinky eyes
~ Alpino-Mediterranean


These people are somehow rather light though they could fit in Valencia or Andalusia albeit in rarer density. The puffy nose shape is rather commonly shared by all these people. I won't dare say these people corroborate the genetic results of the aforementioned study. We'll see later with more Murcian samples.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 02:52 AM
Almería : Andalusia (Spain)

The area has been inhabited since the Upper Paleolithic with remnants of Mousterian activities in Cueva de Zájara. It was part of a greater Mediterrean arc noted for rupestrian art (see : "Arte rupestre del arco mediterráneo en la Península Ibérica").
The name "Almería" stems from Arabic المرية Al-Mariyya: "The Mirror". The city was built not far from the Iberian town known as Urci. The area was indeed submitted to Iberians before Roman occupation. It is now quite plausible that the Iberian language was a distant cousin to the Basque language (see this article in French from 2010 : "Iberian and Basque : researchs and comparisons" ; for instance one cannot help noticing that 'urki' in modern Basque simply means "birch").

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark complexion, brachymorphic, broad face, round features, thick browridges , short broad nose, wide-spaced sloping eyes
~ Alpino-Mediterranean/Berid

A very classical Iberian type, it is abundantly found throughout the peninsula. Some minority individuals - more or less leptomorphic - do remind us of a very localized type that we identified in neighbouring Granada : high cheekbones, a broad jaw, a long upper lip, wide-set eyes, a "pseudo-mongoloid" eye shape (narrow eyelids), ...

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion (rather pale skin, from chestnut to dark hair, ...) complexion, leptomorphic, robust features, long and high-rooted straight or rather wavy nose, close-set eyes, angular and somehow strong chin, large jaws
~ Atlanto-Mediterranean

On average, those generic Mediterranean people seem to show more affinities with coastal and northern Iberia (see Murcia) than with western Andalusia (see Huelva). Those affinities may be clearer with larger-faced variants. "Horsy" and very gracile phenotypes found in Portugal and western Andalusia are quite rare.

Final morphotypes :

Huelva : Andalusia (Spain)

The city may be the site of Tartessus; by the Phoenicians it was called Onoba. The Greeks kept the name and rendered it Ὄνοβα. It was in the hands of the Turdetani at the time of conquest by Rome, and before the conquest it issued silver coins with Iberian legends. The Tartessian language is an extinct pre-Roman language once spoken in southern Iberia and has recently been classified as a Celtic language.

Tartessos cultural area

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark complexion, brachymorphic, broad face, round features, thick browridges , short broad nose, wide-spaced sloping eyes
~ Alpinoid/Berid

This type was previously identified in western Spanish areas (Cáceres, Zamora) and Portugal. Because of the distribution of that type throughout the peninsula, it could be said to be Portuguese-looking : wide-spaced sloping eyes, a short broad nose and thick browridges really are quite specific (this type would fit a "Berid" definition) even though it's more obvious on males. Lighter individuals - green/grey eyes, chestnut hair - are to be found.

Variants - already identified in central Portugal - do exist (convex nose, broader features, ...) which can be transitional with Type 2.

- Type 2 : Dark complexion, leptomorphic, gracile general features, narrow "horsy" face, long and narrow nose, high cheekbones, a rather broad jaw, close-set eyes, rather narrow eyelids
~ Mediterranoid

This type was already identified in many Portuguese areas such as Alto Douro. Contrary to what we noticed in Portugal, sexual dimorphism is not obvious here (we'll see later that the situation is identical in Algarve). If anything, Huelva is part of a greater western Iberian variability. Lighter individuals are eventually found :

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 02:53 AM
Granada : Andalusia (Spain)

The area around Granada has been settled since prehistoric times : it's in Baza that the Lady of Baza was discovered on 22 July 1971. The city was founded by the Iberians in the 4th century B.C. and named Basti (probably occupied by the Bastetani).

The city of Granada's origins were as an Ibero-Celtic settlement, which made contact in turn with the Phoenicians, the Carthagenians, and the Ancient Greeks who had established colonies (Almuñécar was a Phoenician colony known as Sexi). By the 5th century BCE, the Greeks had established a colony which they named Elybirge (Greek: Ἐλιβύργη). Under the Ancient Roman rule of Hispania, in the early centuries CE, this city name had become "Illiberis" ("new town" in Iberian). Under Moorish occupation, it became the capital of the Caliphate of Cordoba under the name "Gárnata".

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b1/Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_Granada.svg/578px-Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_Granada.svg.p ng

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark complexion (dark hair but rather pale skin), more or less brachymorphic, reduced and "puffy" features, in some cases high-headed, rather short nose, low wide-set eyes
~ Alpino-Mediterranean

This type is the main type that one can encounter in inland Andalusia or Mancha. A much more localized subtype can be observed : high cheekbones, a broad jaw, a long upper lip, wide-set eyes, a "pseudo-mongoloid" eye shape (narrow eyelids), ... It reminds us of Berid types from Sardinia ((he speaks here of the type Alpinoid, present in Sardinia also, and not Dinarized Paleo-Sardinian type that one can find in Sardinia). As far as I know, this type is absent from the eastern Mediterranean coast (see Murcia). It's very prevailing amongst men.


- Type 2 : Dark complexion, leptomorphic, gracile general features, narrow "horsy" face, long and narrow nose, high cheekbones, a rather broad jaw, close-set eyes, rather narrow eyelids
~ Mediterranoid

A very classical Iberian phenotype that is found throughout the whole peninsula. There is somehow an "eastern" vibe about some male individuals (quite rare as most men fall in the first category as far as this sample from rural Granada is concerned : sexual dimorphism once more).

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 02:53 AM
Part 2

Huesca : Aragon (Spain)

Huesca's pre-Roman Iberian name was Bolskan. It was the capital of the Ilergetes, on the road from Tarraco (modern Tarragona) and Ilerda (modern Lleida) to Caesaraugusta (modern Zaragoza). The ethnic character of the area is rather dubious (Iberian or Basque ?) but it is a known fact a form of the Basque language might have been spoken up to the 1400s as proved by the infamous interdiction of 1349 : "quien faulare en basquenç pague por coto XXX sol...". Placenames undoubtedly show identified roots : Biscarrués, Gurrea, Loarre, ...
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/30/Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_Hoya_de_Huesca_%28Arag%C3%B3n %29.svg/150px-Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_Hoya_de_Huesca_%28Arag%C3%B3n %29.svg.png

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Intermediate complexion (from blonde to dark hair, grey/black eyes, rather pale skin on average, ...), leptomorphic, long face (particularly on males), long and convex nose rather parallel to the face, close-set eyes, pointy chin, large jaw
~ Dinaricized Atlanto-Mediterranean

As expected, these individuals seem to show obvious Basque-related features (a convex nose, a triangular face, high cheekbones, ...) while other individuals are more generic though still in the dinaromorphic spectrum which is the Pyrenean norm. More robust individuals and brachymorphic individuals are to be found and are rather stereotypically "North Aragonese"-looking.

Yet, much more interestingly perhaps, Huesca seems to exhibit Mediterranoid phenotypes which tend towards Catalan types and which are characterized by less impressive secondary features (rather little nose, brachymorphism, puffier features, ...).

Such types can eventually get more "extreme" thus showing very original features which I have yet to properly localize (full lips, puffy nose, strong eyebrows, ...) but that I somehow assimilate with Catalonia and neighbouring areas.

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion (rather dark hair, light eyes, ...), brachymorphic, reduced and "puffy" features, square-box head, little and puffy nose, strong jaw, rather distanced and somehow chinky eyes
~ Alpinoid

Striking Alpinoid types, abundantly found South of the Ebro river, are rather rare and never archetypal.

Morphotypes finaux / Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 02:54 AM
Tarazona : Aragon (Spain)

Around Turiaso (modern Tarazona), the Ebro river more or less constituted the border between the Vascones of proto-Basque background situated on the northern bank (in what is now the Navarrese Riberra and Cinco Villas) and the Belli affiliated to the Celtiberians on the southern bank controlling both the mines of Moncayo and the valley of the Ebro river. The sampled area - which more or less follows the southern bank of the Ebro river - was thus in Celtiberian land.
Celtiberian tribes in the vicinity of Saragossa

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Intermediate complexion (from blonde to dark hair, black eyes, rather pale skin on average, ...), leptomorphic, long face (particularly on males), straight or convex nose, close-set eyes, pointy chin, large jaw
~ (Dinaricized) Atlanto-Mediterranean

This is a common Iberian type. These individuals don't show many signs of Basque influence (high cheekbones, triangle-shaped face, ...) contrary to their counterparts in Cinco Villas. We have clearly left "Vasconic" lands when crossing the Ebro river. The following "nose-less" variant confirms this assumption : we've entered "Iberian" lands.

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion (rather dark hair, light eyes, ...), brachymorphic, reduced and "puffy" features, square-box head, little and puffy nose, strong jaw, rather distanced and somehow chinky eyes
~ Alpinoid

Another pan-Iberian type abundantly found in North Iberia. Some individuals charcaterized by a very strong jaw and a rather specific nose are quite typical from non-Pyrenean Aragon and clearly dominate as one goes southwards. Let's notice that contrary to some other Iberian areas, those "Alpinoid" individuals are rather light as far as complexion is concerned.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 02:54 AM
Cinco Villas : Aragon (Spain)

Cinco Villas is one Aragonese comarca neighbouring Navarre in the West to which it had long belonged before the emergence of Aragon as a central Pyrenean power. Indeed, like its Navarrese neighbour, the area was populated by the Vascones, one of the many ancient Basque-speaking tribes of the area. This ancient Basque past still can be infered from the archaic placenames found in Cinco Villas : Ardisa, Isuerre, Ejea, Undués, Urriés, ... The local Aragonese language has been lost in most villages.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a2/Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_Cinco_Villas_%28Arag%C3%B3n%2 9.svg/150px-Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_Cinco_Villas_%28Arag%C3%B3n%2 9.svg.png

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Intermediate complexion (from blonde to dark hair, grey/black eyes, rather pale skin on average, ...), leptomorphic, long face (particularly on males), long and convex nose rather parallel to the face, close-set eyes, pointy chin, large jaw
~ Dinaricized Atlanto-Mediterranean

These individuals seem to show obvious Basque-related features (a convex nose, a triangular face, high cheekbones, ...) while other individuals are more generic though still in the dinaromorphic spectrum as far as I can tell. Lighter and more robust individuals can be found : they are quite typical from Pyrenean variability and can be found from the Basque Country to Pyrenean Catalonia.

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion, more or less leptomorphic, straight/convex nose that can get broad, large jaw, wide-set eyes
~ Dinaromorphic Alpino-Mediterranean

Those broader-faced types can be classically analyzed as lightly more brachymorphic variants of the first type - as I did in other samples for instance - though some specific features include a very large jaw, eyes that get distant, a rather large nose yet still convex, ... : they might constitute a fair approximation of an average Aragonese type.

Some clearly brachymorphic individuals (a broad and little nose, a bulbous forehead, ...) somehow diverge from the Pyrenean standard (even though this type is not absent from Basque lands for instance).

Morphotypes finaux / Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 02:55 AM
Part 3

Oriente : Asturias (Spain)

Asturias has been occupied by humans since the Lower Paleolithic era, and during the Upper Paleolithic was characterized by cave paintings in the eastern part of the area. In the Mesolithic period, a native culture developed, that of the Asturiense, and later, with the introduction of the Bronze Age, megaliths and tumuli were constructed. In the Iron Age, the territory came under the cultural influence of the Celts; the local Celtic peoples, known as the Astures, were composed of tribes such as the Luggones, the Pesicos, and others, who populated the entire area with castros (fortified hill-towns).

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Intermediate complexion (dark hair, ... but light eyes are frequent), leptomorphic, long face (particularly on males), straight or convex nose, rather close-set eyes, pointy chin, large jaw
~ (Dinaricized) Atlanto-Mediterranean

A pan-Iberian type, these individuals nevertheless show affinities with NW Iberia (Galicia, North Portugal, ...) when it comes to secondary features such as the eye region (rather "slanted" eyes on some individuals, big eyebrows, ...) or the general aspect of the face (strong "horsy" features commonly found in Portugal for instance).

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion (from dark to chestnut hair, from black to green/blue eyes, ...), more or less brachymorphic, reduced and "puffy" features, in some cases high-headed, rather little nose (on males at least), strong jaw, close-set eyes
~ Alpino-Mediterranean

Such types have been abundantly described by classical anthropological literature : they dominate the whole Atlantic coast from Galicia to Western Cantabria (about Santander, phenotypes get more "Vascoid"). Let's notice a common secondary feature : eyes seem to be somehow "circled" in Asturias. More elongated variants can be found, yet still exihibiting those peculiar "puffy" features associated with the NW corner of Iberia.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 02:55 AM
Luarca : Asturias (Spain)

Asturias has been occupied by humans since the Lower Paleolithic era, and during the Upper Paleolithic was characterized by cave paintings in the eastern part of the area. In the Mesolithic period, a native culture developed, that of the Asturiense, and later, with the introduction of the Bronze Age, megaliths and tumuli were constructed. In the Iron Age, the territory came under the cultural influence of the Celts; the local Celtic peoples, known as the Astures, were composed of tribes such as the Luggones, the Pesicos, and others, who populated the entire area with castros (fortified hill-towns).

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark complexion (dark hair, ... but light eyes are frequent), leptomorphic, long face (particularly on males), straight or convex nose rather parallel to the face, rather close-set eyes, high cheekbones, pointy chin, large jaw
~ (Dinaricized) Atlanto-Mediterranean

A pan-Iberian type, these individuals nevertheless show affinities with NW Iberia (Galicia, Asturias, ...) when it comes to secondary features such as the eye region (rather "slanted" eyes on some individuals, big eyebrows, ...).

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion (from dark to chestnut hair, from black to green/blue eyes, ...), more or less brachymorphic, reduced and "puffy" features, in some cases high-headed, rather little nose (on males at least), strong jaw, close-set eyes
~ Alpino-Mediterranean

Square-shaped variants are quite typical and dominant in this sample. On average, those individuals' complexion is lighter (green/blue eyes, chestnut hair, ...).

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 02:56 AM
Manacor : Balearic Islands (Spain)

Manacor is the capital of Llevant (Catalan for "East"), a comarca on the east side of the Balearic island of Majorca.

Sample :

Analyzis :

- Lepto type : long "horse-like" face, big convex nose, frequent light eyes, variable complexion.

To my eyes, this type is part of a East Pyrenean/Iberian variation quite dominant in Catalan-speaking areas as well as in neighbouring Aragon (where it gets transitional with West Pyrenean types).

I suppose those people could also be told to be Ligurian-looking as many North Italian types approach such people.

- Brachy type : rather puffy general features, little nose, narrow eyelids, distant eyes, variable complexion.

Those people remind me of mainstream Iberian types which are quite widespread in the peninsula. One has to notice that unsurprisingly enough, women fall in the brachy category.

Most of these people lack a decisive robust Catalan-looking character that brachy types in Catalonia possess (see my Catalan samples for an illustration) but rather remind me of people I identified in the Ebro valley (the "puffier" ones) : I dare state that the following people may illustrate a stronger Neolithic affinity in Balearic islands as proved by genetic data.

When using Dienekes' world 9 calculator, Balearic people's results are the following ones : one of the lowest scores for Atlantic/Baltic admixture (a proxy for aboriginal European) in Spain, a quite normal score for Southern admixture and one of the highest results for Caucasian admixture (a proxy for later Bronze Age migrations as far as I guess).

# Population Percent
1 Atlantic_Baltic 60.50
2 Southern 28.20
3 Caucasus_Gedrosia 9.70


Morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 02:57 AM
Minorca : Balearic Islands (Spain)

The island is known for its collection of megalithic stone monuments : navetes, taules and talaiots, which speak of a very early prehistoric human activity. Some of the earliest culture on Minorca was influenced by other Mediterranean cultures, including the Minoans of ancient Crete. For example the use of inverted plastered timber columns at Knossos is thought to have influenced early peoples of Minorca in imitating this practice.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0f/Localitzaci%C3%B3_de_Menorca_respecte_les_Illes_Ba lears.svg/225px-Localitzaci%C3%B3_de_Menorca_respecte_les_Illes_Ba lears.svg.png


Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark, leptomorphic, long and triangular head, long and straight or convex nose, close-set eyes, full eyebrows, pointy chin and large jaw
~ Dinaricized Atlanto-Mediterranean

This is the basic "horsy" Catalan type and is quite representative of the Eastern Pyrenees and the Mediterranean coast. Lighter individuals are found as well. Notice the mouth shape.

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion, brachymorphic, large face, square-box head, little and straight puffy nose, rather distanced eyes, little eyelids on some individuals, large jaw
~ Alpino-Mediterranean

A classical pan-Iberian type, puffier individuals (large puffy nose, distanced eyes, ...) do belong to a classical Catalan coastal type as previously identified in proper Catalonia.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 02:57 AM
Part 4:

Valle de Campoo : Cantabria (Spain)

Traditionally, the whole area - formerly known as the Merindad de Aguilar de Campoo - encompassed lands now in modern Palencia and it had been this way since ancient times. It is likely that here was situated the Roman town of Iuliobriga, a Roman colonial creation the name of which is related to Flaviobriga (to emperors' names, Celtic "briga" was added) and the ruins of which can be found not far from Reinosa. The Valley of Campoo is where the Ebro river's source can be found.
Cantabrian lands in Roman times

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Intermediate complexion (from blonde to dark hair, black/grey eyes, rather pale skin on average, ...), leptomorphic, long face (particularly on males), straight or convex nose rather parallel to the face, rather close-set eyes, pointy chin, large jaw
~ (Dinaricized) Atlanto-Mediterranean

Are they really Atlanto-Med ? Nordoid ? Atlantid ? Eventually, I don't really care about terminology : what matters is that these people are all more or less leptomorphic (women being considerably larger-faced) and share common features such as blue eyes, a rather protuding and convex nose, ... This type was already identified in the Valley of Pas.

A little note about my beliefs (it's important after months of stand-by and me not answering to some comments made) : the way I sort people out is pretty straightforward. On one hand, lepto people, on the other hand, brachy ones with transitional people being lumped into one category or another. I firmly believe that what matters most are secondary features such as the distribution of nose shape. To sum up, my goal is to find common family traits between neighbouring populations to infer whether or not they may be closely related.

In this peculiar case, there's only one question : do these Cantabrian people look like Basque people ? My personal feeling is "somehow" but still within a distinct variation. Do they look Asturian on average ? I cannot say for sure, but the average lack of dark brachy Asturo-Galician types clearly hints to another genetic landscape (see my Asturian samples for an illustration or check morphotypes which are good averages).

- Type 2 : Dark complexion (dark hair, black eyes, ...), more or less brachymorphic, reduced and "puffy" features, in some cases high-headed, rather little nose (on males at least), strong jaw, close-set eyes
~ Alpino-Mediterranean

This is an usual Iberian type quite widespread in the North of the peninsula. More interestingly maybe, one can find individuals who show the same "reduced" and puffy features yet appear to be elongated variants of the previous individuals (you've got a good example of me hesitating where to put these "transitional" people who are only transitional as I define "ideal" types which are not). Notice the jaw shape.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 02:58 AM
Los Pasiegos : Cantabria (Spain)

Cantabria is the richest region in the world in archaeological sites from the Upper Paleolithic period. The first signs of human occupation date from Lower Paleolithic, although this period is not so well represented in the region. The most significant cave painting site is the cave of Altamira, dated from about 16,000 to 9,000 BC.

In the whole valleys, the repopulation allowed by the foundation of several monasteries had great importance. This might explain the presence of Northern European haplogroups (see link) or why a study Cruciani et al 2004 states that 41.1% of sampled "Pasiegans" belonged to the haplogroup E-M81 found in modern Berber populations.

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Intermediate complexion (from blonde to dark hair, black/grey eyes, rather pale skin on average, ...), leptomorphic, long face (particularly on males), straight or convex nose rather parallel to the face, rather close-set eyes, pointy chin, large jaw
~ (Dinaricized) Atlanto-Mediterranean

This type shows clear Basque affinities : ethnic Basque characters such as a triangle-shaped head and a convex nose are quite prevailing in the sample. Some other individuals - still in the Atlanto-Med variation - are less archetypal (more robust features maybe) and to my own personal eyes, look rather "South French" (and to be more precise "Languedocian").

- Type 2 : Dark complexion (dark hair, black eyes, ...), more or less brachymorphic, reduced and "puffy" features, in some cases high-headed, rather little nose (on males at least), strong jaw, close-set eyes
~ Alpino-Mediterranean

This is a very classical pan-Iberian type. Some individuals look more "ethnic" because of some specific features such as striking blue eyes (which is then a common feature in the "Valles Pasiegos"). Those people might be rather specifically Cantabrian-looking.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 02:58 AM
Santillana : Cantabria (Spain)

Cantabria is the richest region in the world in archaeological sites from the Upper Paleolithic period. The first signs of human occupation date from Lower Paleolithic, although this period is not so well represented in the region. The most significant cave painting site is the cave of Altamira, dated from about 16,000 to 9,000 BC.

See here for Eastern Cantabria : Santander.


Linguistic divisions in modern Cantabria

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark complexion (dark hair, ... but light eyes are frequent), leptomorphic, long face (particularly on males), straight or convex nose rather parallel to the face, rather close-set eyes, high cheekbones, pointy chin, large jaw
~ (Dinaricized) Atlanto-Mediterranean

A pan-Iberian type, these individuals nevertheless show affinities with NW Iberia (Galicia, Asturias, ...) when it comes to secondary features such as the eye region (rather "slanted" eyes on some individuals).

- Type 2 : Dark complexion (dark hair, black eyes, ...), more or less brachymorphic, reduced and "puffy" features, in some cases high-headed, rather little nose (on males at least), strong jaw, close-set eyes
~ Alpino-Mediterranean

Once more a very classical North Iberian type. Puffier individuals announce Galicia and Asturias. Square-shaped variants are quite typical and quite dominant in this sample, contrary to neighbouring Santander. On average, those individuals' complexion is lighter (green/blue eyes, chestnut hair, ...).

Final morphotypes :

Santander : Cantabria (Spain)

Cantabria is the richest region in the world in archaeological sites from the Upper Paleolithic period. The first signs of human occupation date from Lower Paleolithic, although this period is not so well represented in the region. The most significant cave painting site is the cave of Altamira, dated from about 16,000 to 9,000 BC.

Cantabria is divided into two cultural areas. In the East is the heart of Castile where Castilian is spoken. In the East are lands which belonged to the former Astur-Leonese Kingdom. We'll first deal with Eastern Cantabria.

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Intermediate complexion (from blonde to dark hair, black/grey eyes, rather pale skin on average, ...), leptomorphic, long face (particularly on males), straight or convex nose rather parallel to the face, rather close-set eyes, pointy chin, large jaw
~ (Dinaricized) Atlanto-Mediterranean

Unsurprisingly enough, the area is largely dominated by a well-defined ethnic type akin to the Basque type. It should be no surprise indeed since Castilian is now largely admitted to be a Romance language on a Basque substrate. Placenames in Eastern Cantabria might show Basque influence as well.

- Type 2 : Dark complexion (dark hair, black eyes, ...), more or less brachymorphic, reduced and "puffy" features, in some cases high-headed, rather little nose (on males at least), strong jaw, close-set eyes
~ Alpino-Mediterranean

A very classical North Iberian type, already identified in areas such as Burgos or the Basque Country. Some lighter individuals exhibiting classical Alpinid features (distances eyes, concave nose, brachymorphism, ...) might be more atypical.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:00 AM
Part 5:

Ávila : Castile and León (Spain)

In pre-Roman times (5th century BC), it was inhabited by the Vettones, who called it Obila ("High Mountain") and had here one of their strongest fortresses. The Vettones were apparently a group of tribes of Hispano-Celtic and Celtiberian origin organized since the 3rd Century BC into a tribal confederacy of undeterminated strength. Even though their tribes’ names are obscure, the study of local epigraphic evidence has shed some light here, allowing the positive identification of the Calontienses, Coerenses, Caluri and Bletonesii, but the others remain unknown.
A predominantely cattle-herder people that practiced transhumance, archeology has identified them with the local 2nd Iron Age ‘Cogotas II’ Culture, also known as the ‘Culture of the Verrascos’ (verracos de piedra), named after the crude granite sculptures representing pigs, wild boars and bulls that still dot their former region.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/79/Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_%C3%81vila.sv g/413px-Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_%C3%81vila.sv g.png

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark complexion (dark hair but rather pale skin), brachymorphic, broad face, round features, short and broad nose, wide-set eyes, wide-spaced sloping and rather chinky eyes
~ Alpinoid

This type was abundantly found in Portuguese and Leonese areas : it would fit a "Berid" definition. It seems to be quite widespread in the whole NW corner of the Iberian peninsula.

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion, leptomorphic, narrow "horsy" face, long and straight nose, high cheekbones, a rather broad jaw, close-set eyes, rather narrow eyelids
~ Atlanto-Mediterranean

This is a basic Iberian type. Somehow, these people remind us of neighbouring "horsy" Portuguese types. Another series can be identified which is characterized by angular facial features alongside puffy and rather unimpressive secondary features (nose, ...).

Final morphotypes :

León : Castile and León (Spain)

The city of León was founded by the Roman Seventh Legion (usually written as Legio Septima Gemina ("twin seventh legion"). It was the headquarters of that legion in the late empire and was a centre for trade in gold, which was mined at Las Médulas nearby. In 540, the city was conquered by the Arian Visigothic king Liuvigild, who did not harass the already well-established Roman Catholic population. In 717 AD, León fell again, this time to the Moors. However, León was one of the first cities retaken during the Christian reconquest of the Iberian peninsula, and became part of the Kingdom of Asturias in 742 AD.

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark complexion (dark hair, ... but there are light individuals), leptomorphic, long face (particularly on males), straight or convex nose rather parallel to the face, rather close-set eyes, high cheekbones, pointy chin, large jaw
~ (Dinaricized) Atlanto-Mediterranean

A pan-Iberian type, these individuals nevertheless may show affinities with NW Iberia (Galicia, Asturias, ...) when it comes to secondary features such as the eye region (rather "slanted" eyes on some individuals, big eyebrows, ...) or a general "horsy" silhouette very common in North Portugal for instance. More robust and lighter males are found as well.

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion (from dark to chestnut hair, from black to green/blue eyes, ...), more or less brachymorphic, reduced and "puffy" features, in some cases high-headed, rather little nose (on males at least), strong jaw, close-set eyes
~ Alpino-Mediterranean

Like in neighbouring Luarca, square-shaped variants are quite typical even though they are not as dominant in this sample as they are in Asturian lands. On average, those individuals' complexion is also darker than the Asturians' one (wich showed a strong presence of green/blue eyes, chestnut hair, ...). León is more on par with a classical pan-Iberian variation lacking Asturian puffy features. Let's add that eventually dark dinaromorphic Alpino-Med types are found : in transition with the first type, they are also pan-Iberian.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:01 AM
Palencia : Castile and León (Spain)

The fortified Celtiberian settlement is mentioned as Pallantia (Παλλαντία) by Strabo and Ptolemy, a version possibly of the Celtic root pala ("plain"). It was the chief town of the Vaccaei, although Strabo wrongly assigns it to the Arevaci. The city was starved into submission by the Romans in the second century BCE and incorporated into the province of Hispania Tarraconensis, in the jurisdiction of Colonia Clunia Sulpicia (modern Clunia).


Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Intermediate complexion (from blonde to dark hair, black eyes, rather pale skin on average, ...), leptomorphic, long face (particularly on males), straight or convex nose, close-set eyes, pointy chin, large jaw
~ (Dinaricized) Atlanto-Mediterranean

This is a very classical Iberian type found throughout the whole peninsula that one could dub "conquistador-looking". A previously identified variant characterized by blue eyes and blondish/reddish undertones as noted in Rioja, Soria or Burgos is rarer here. More classical and larger-faced (Alpino-?)Mediterranoids are found as well. Square jaws seem to be rather widely distributed throughout Old Castile.


- Type 2 : Dark complexion (dark hair, black eyes, ...), more or less brachymorphic, reduced and "puffy" features, square-box head, large nose, strong jaw, rather distanced eyes
~ Alpinoid

This type already was already identified in Rioja or Burgos as well and is rather pan-Iberian. Some individuals would fit a "Berid" description.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:02 AM
Salamanca : Castile and León (Spain)

Salamanca was founded in the pre-Ancient Rome period by the Vacceos, as one of a pair of forts to defend their territory near the Duero river. The Vaccaei were probably largely of Celtic descent : they often acted in consort with their neighbours, the Celtiberi, suggesting they may have been part of the Celtiberian peoples. The Vaccean civilization was the result of a process of local evolution, importing elements from other cultures, whether by new additions of people or cultural and trading contacts with neighbouring groups. It is also believed that was from these Vaccei that the warlike Arevaci stemmed from around the late 4th Century BC to conquer the eastern meseta.

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark complexion (dark hair but rather pale skin), brachymorphic, broad face, round features, short and broad nose, wide-set eyes, wide-spaced sloping and rather chinky eyes
~ Alpinoid

This type was abundantly found in Portuguese and Leonese areas : it would fit a "Berid" definition. It seems to be quite widespread in the whole NW corner of the Iberian peninsula.

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion, leptomorphic, narrow "horsy" face, long and straight nose, high cheekbones, a rather broad jaw, close-set eyes, rather narrow eyelids
~ Atlanto-Mediterranean

This is a basic Iberian type. Somehow, these people remind us of "horsy" Portuguese types : the nose is not strongly convex and is rather "puffy", the hair is rather light, traits are angular (a feature found in Valladolid as well) ... Another series, totally pan-Iberian :

Final morphotypes :

Valladolid : Castile and León (Spain)

Remains of Celtiberian and of a Roman camp have been excavated near the city. A likely suggestion for Valladolid is a conjunction of the Latin: VALLIS, "Valley", and Celtic: TOLITUM, "place of confluence of waters". It is believed that Vaccean society was part of an Hispano-Celtic substrate which explains the cultural, socio-economic, linguistic and ideological affinity of the Vaccaei, Celtiberians, Vettones, Lusitani, Cantabri, Astures and Callaeci. The Vaccean civilization was the result of a process of local evolution, importing elements from other cultures, whether by new additions of people or cultural and trading contacts with neighbouring groups.

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark complexion (dark hair but rather pale skin), brachymorphic, broad face, round features, short and broad nose, wide-set eyes, wide-spaced sloping and rather chinky eyes
~ Alpinoidhttp://farm5.static.flickr.com/4100/4887885373_5773bf86fc.jpg

This type was abundantly found in Portuguese and Leonese areas : it would fit a "Berid" definition. It seems to be quite widespread in the whole NW corner of the Iberian peninsula.

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion, leptomorphic, narrow "horsy" face, long and straight nose, high cheekbones, a rather broad jaw, close-set eyes, rather narrow eyelids
~ Atlanto-Mediterranean

This is a basic Castillian type : very angular features and a rather broad nose at the basis are striking secondary features that were already encountered in Zamora for instance. Yet, individuals are not as "dark" as their "Zamorano" counterparts.

Eventually, more classical Mediterranoid and pan-Iberian individuals are found. They are noted for a rather large face and a narrow and aquiline high-rooted nose (aka "dinaricized"). Light eyes are not an oddity.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:02 AM
Part 6:

Solsona : Catalonia (Spain)

A pre-Pyrenean Catalan comarca, Solsonès (capital : Solsona) probably was inhabited either by the Lacetani (who gave their name to Catalonia : Lacetania got to be deformed as Catalonia) or the Bergistani, both Iberian tribes.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/91/Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_L%C3%A9rida.s vg/240px-Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_L%C3%A9rida.s vg.png

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark, leptomorphic, long and triangular head, long and straight nose, close-set eyes, full eyebrows, pointy chin and large jaw
~ (Dinaromorphic) Atlanto-Mediterranean

Those people belong to a common Catalan type already identified in French Catalonia or in neighbouring Aragon : let's notice some ethnic secondary features such as thick eyebrows, somehow distant eyes, strong jaw, ...

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion, brachymorphic, large face, square-box head head, little and straight nose, rather distanced eyes, little eyelids, large jaw
~ Alpinoid

As expected, people not belonging to Type 1 rather show Alpinoid puffy features already identified in this area.

Final morphotypes :

Lérida : Catalonia (Spain)

In ancient times the city of Lérida (Lleida in vernacular Catalan), named Iltrida and Ilerda, was the chief city of the Ilergetes, an Iberian tribe. Under the Romans, the city was incorporated into the Roman province of Hispania Tarraconensis : it stood upon an eminence, on the right bank of the river Sicoris (the modern Segre), the principal tributary of the Ebro, and some distance above its confluence with the Cinga (modern Cinca); thus commanding the country between those rivers, as well as the great road from Tarraco (modern Tarragona), the provincial capital, to the northwest of Spain.

Let's note that in the Pyrenees, when approaching Val d'Aran (a Gascon-speaking valley in the province of Lleida), toponymy exhibits a Basque (or Iberian ?) flavour : Esterri, Unarre, Tavascan, Lladorre, ...

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/91/Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_L%C3%A9rida.s vg/578px-Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_L%C3%A9rida.s vg.png

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark, leptomorphic, long and triangular head, long and straight nose, close-set eyes, full eyebrows, pointy chin and large jaw
~ Atlanto-Mediterranean

This is the basic Catalan type and is quite representative of the Eastern Pyrenees and the Mediterranean coast (on both sides of the border). When "dinaricized" and lighter, it gets more typical from Central Pyrenees, what some anthropologists would label as "Baskid" tendencies. Very dark dinaromorphic individuals that are prevailing in French Catalonia are surprisingly absent.


- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion, brachymorphic, large face, square-box head head, little and straight nose, rather distanced eyes, little eyelids, large jaw
~ Alpinoidhttp://farm5.static.flickr.com/4010/4323219655_f28b80525d_o.jpg

This type somehow sets Lérida apart from Central Pyrenean countries and links it with the coast. A typical Catalan variant noted for its convex nose was already identified in French Catalonia : it strikingly illustrates the West/East divide in the Pyrenees.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:03 AM
Salvatierra : Álava (Euskadi)

Álava gradually lost the use of the Basque language with only some parishes in contact with Biscay keeping the old language as of today. The tiniest Basque province, Álava has always been a bit more opened to foreign influences because of the Ebro valley than other Basque areas.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cb/Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_%C3%81lava.sv g/240px-Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_%C3%81lava.sv g.png

Sample :

Analysis :

- Lepto type : triangle-shaped face, long convex nose, grey eyes are the most striking features.

Those people look Basque. Some other people, still rather leptomorphic, are transitional with mainstream Spanish types as expected for this area : I found such people in La Rioja for instance.

- Brachy type : truly (male) brachy types are absent from this sample contrary to my Alavan sample in the Ebro valley. IMO, it clearly means the Ebro valley saw more mixing than in Salvatierra which retains obvious Basque pecularities.

Morphotypes :

Goierri : Gipuzkoa (Spain)

Goierri ("Highlands" in Basque) is made of the high valleys of the Urola and Oria rivers.

Sample :

Analyzis :

- Lepto type : triangle-shaped face, long convex nose, grey eyes are the most striking features. Those people are all very Basque-looking : most people fall in that variation, the homogeneity is impressive.

- Brachy type : pseudo-slanted eyes are somehow a reality.

Morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:03 AM
Las Encartaciones : Biscay (Spain)

West of Bilbao is one of the seven comarcas composing the Basque province of Biscay : the "Encartaciones". Contrary to the remainder of Biscay, the area has been traditionally Romance-speaking for centuries.

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark, leptomorphic, long and triangular head, long and straight nose, close-set eyes, full eyebrows, pointy chin and large jaw
~ (Dinaromorphic) Atlanto-Mediterranean

Those people don't look Basque, more like classical Iberian. Another series show more Basque afinities to my eyes (strong dinaromorphism, frequency of green/grey eyes, ...) though it's quite variable.


- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion, brachymorphic, large face, square-box head head, little and straight nose, rather distanced eyes, little eyelids, large jaw
~ Alpinoid

Though brachymorphic types are not absent from Basque lands, these people are not Basque-looking to my eyes and are similar to neighbouring Cantabrian people.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:04 AM
Durango : Basque Country (Spain)

The area of Durango - dubbed Duranguesado in Spanish and Durangaldea in Basque - is part of the province of Biscay : it has been continuously inhabited by men since Upper Paleolithic times as proved for instance by the "cueva de Bolinkoba" (Abadiño).
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ca/Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_Vizcaya.svg/240px-Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_Vizcaya.svg.p ng

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark, leptomorphic, long and triangular head, long and straight nose, close-set eyes, full eyebrows, pointy chin and large jaw
~ (Dinaromorphic) Atlanto-Mediterranean

Those phenotypes are quite representative of an average Basque type which can be found throughout Basque lands.

Variants of this type are somehow more interesting to my SW French eyes : not that impressive leptomorphism, grey eyes, chestnut hair, angular features, ... I've yet to fully know whether or not this type is that abundant in French Basque lands but for sure, those people are what I associate with being Basque-looking, not as in "stereotypically looking" but as in "these types are not to be found amongst neighbouring populations". Notice that such types were completely absent in Rioja Alavesa.

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion, brachymorphic, large face, square-box head head, little and straight nose, rather distanced eyes, little eyelids, large jaw
~ Alpinoid

Brachymorphic types are rare as expected for a Basque sample. It is mostly a female thing BTW. Still those people look rather Basque as opposed to Alpinoid types of non-Basque parts of Iberia : pseudo-mongoloid features can be found now and then for instance. These people seem to be rather light-featured as well.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:05 AM
Rioja Alavesa : Basque Country (Spain)

The area named "Rioja Alavesa" possesses clear limits : in the North, the Sierra de Toloño cuts the area from the rest of Álava and the Ebro river divides it from Rioja. Nevertheless, rivers never were borders and the whole basin of the Ebro river in this very vicinity shares a common ethno-cultural past which might date back from Neolithic times and was consolidated by Roman rule. In that respect, the Basque language was probably wiped out very early in History, Basque placenames are sparse if not non-existent, ...
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cb/Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_%C3%81lava.sv g/240px-Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_%C3%81lava.sv g.png

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark, leptomorphic, long and triangular head, long and straight nose, close-set eyes, full eyebrows, pointy chin and large jaw
~ (Dinaromorphic) Atlanto-Mediterranean

Unsurprisingly enough, not that many people approach "ideal" Basque types as one can define them stereotypically wise (see previous samples in proper Basque-speaking lands) though now and then, some individuals are not that dissimilar. Eventually, in my opinion, the Ebro valley clearly is transitional towards "Castillian" types even though parts of Rioja may look more "Basque" than Rioja Alavesa as far as my samples are concerned. I stick to the model that the Ebro was a highway in ancient times through which new ways of life and people communicated and which may have cut ancient Vasconian lands from each other.

Let's notice a somehow interesting sexual dimorphism already found in Rioja with women being more impressive than their male counterparts (more elongated on average which reflects pretty much on the morphotype).

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion, brachymorphic, large face, square-box head head, little and straight nose, rather distanced eyes, little eyelids, large jaw
~ Alpinoid

These types clearly show affinities with Alpinoid types already identified in previously sampled areas in the Ebro valley such as Rioja or Tarazona in Aragon. No Basque affinity whatsoever as far as I am concerned.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:05 AM
Part 7:

Valencia de Alcántara : Extremadura (Spain)

The area of Valencia de Alcántara - which used to belong to the Lusitanians - is known for its high concentration of dolmens built in Neolithic times.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e8/Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_C%C3%A1ceres. svg/413px-Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_C%C3%A1ceres. svg.png

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark, leptomorphic, long and triangular head, long and straight nose, close-set eyes, full eyebrows, pointy chin and large jaw
~ (Dinaromorphic) Atlanto-Mediterranean

Those people belong to a classical pan-Iberian type even though one has to notice that they exhibit very angular traits. This type could funnily be labelled "conquistador-like". Still, within Mediterranean metrics, one can find individuals showing "puffier" features (nose, lips, ...) : these people are somehow Portuguese-looking.


- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion, brachymorphic, large face, square-box head head, little and straight nose, rather distanced eyes, little eyelids, large jaw
~ Alpinoid

Such types are widespread throughout the whole peninsula. I cannot say these individuals exhibit features that I would associate with Portugal but wide-spaced sloping eyes are rather common in West Iberia. To end with that panorama of the various faces in this corner of Extremadura, let's notice a square-shaped brachymorphic type yet exhibiting decisive angular traits that were already analyzed on lepto types in the first part.

Final morphotypes :

Cáceres : Extremadura (Spain)

The origins of Cáceres go back to prehistoric times, as evidenced by the paintings in the Cuevas de Maltravieso (Maltravieso Caves) which date back to the late Paleolithic period around 25,000 B.C. Cáceres started to gain importance as a strategic city under Roman occupation, and remains found in the city suggest that it was a thriving center as early as 25 BC. After the end of the Roman Empire, the city was occupied by Germanic tribes then was under Arab rule : it was eventually reconquered by the Christians in the 13th century.


Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark, brachymorphic, square-faced, large jaws, short nose, low wide-set eyes
~ Alpinoid

Somehow, the combination of wide spaced and sloping eyes and very broad and round faces exhibit a Portuguese flavour (more particularly on females).

- Type 2 : Dark, leptomorphic, long face, long high-rooted nose, close set eyes
~ Mediterranoid

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:06 AM
El Ferrol : Galicia (Spain)

Galicia, northern Portugal, Asturias, western León, and Zamora formed a single megalithic area since the Neolithic and Chalcolithic (also called Copper Age) Ages, around 4500–1500 BCE. Historians believe that Megalithic culture had two sources: an oriental source that was predominant in the Mediterranean area, and one in the Atlantic, which originated north of the Tagus River. The latter, because of its geographical proximity to Galicia, would explain the abundant traces of megalithic culture in this area. That this should be the first great culture also meant that it constituted one of the basic pillars that was to endow Galicia's cultural personality.

At the end of the Iron Age, people from northwestern Iberian Peninsula conformed already a homogeneous cultural unity which differentiated themselves from others and which later would be identified by the early Greek and Latin authors, calling to this group of peoples with the name of Gallaeci (Galicians).

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark complexion, leptomorphic, gracile general features, narrow "horsy" face, long and narrow nose, high cheekbones, a rather broad jaw, close-set eyes (rather light on average), rather narrow eyelids
~ Nordo-Mediterranoid

I have already identified this leptomorphic "horsy" type in Western Iberia countless times, not taking pigmentation into account. I associate it strongly with Portugal. One can already notice the strong "Nordoid" trends in some individuals which are absolutely prevailing around Braga for instance.

The difference with other Portuguese or Galician samples so far is that this sample is rather on par with Asturian samples as far as brachy/lepto distribution is concerned : to sum up, following Alpinoid types are much more frequent than such "horsy" types.

- Type 2 : Dark complexion (dark hair but rather pale skin), brachymorphic, broad face, round features, short and broad nose, wide-set eyes, wide-spaced sloping and rather chinky eyes
~ Alpinoid

This type is abundantly found in Portuguese and adjacent NW Spanish areas : wide-spaced sloping eyes, a short broad nose and thick browridges are quite ethnic. Fairer individuals than usual are not rare as well.

Eventually, still rather brachymorphic, showing features identified on the previous individuals ("puffy" ones), are individuals which are some sort of combo of both ideal types. They might constitute an average Galician as proved by the morphotype.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:07 AM
Vigo : Galicia (Spain)

Galicia, northern Portugal, Asturias, western León, and Zamora formed a single megalithic area since the Neolithic and Chalcolithic (also called Copper Age) Ages, around 4500–1500 BCE. Historians believe that Megalithic culture had two sources: an oriental source that was predominant in the Mediterranean area, and one in the Atlantic, which originated north of the Tagus River. The latter, because of its geographical proximity to Galicia, would explain the abundant traces of megalithic culture in this area. That this should be the first great culture also meant that it constituted one of the basic pillars that was to endow Galicia's cultural personality.

At the end of the Iron Age, people from northwestern Iberian Peninsula conformed already a homogeneous cultural unity which differentiated themselves from others and which later would be identified by the early Greek and Latin Authors, calling to this group of peoples with the name of Gallaeci (Galicians).
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/69/Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_Pontevedra.sv g/240px-Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_Pontevedra.sv g.png

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark complexion, leptomorphic, gracile general features, narrow "horsy" face, long and narrow nose, high cheekbones, a rather broad jaw, close-set eyes (rather light on average), rather narrow eyelids
~ Nordo-Mediterranoid

This type - amusingly said to be "horsy" - is very Portuguese-looking and confirms the historical links between Galicia and what would become Portugal. The very label under which I classified is not that important : metrics are "Nordo-Mediterranean" ; as for "Atlantic" -which I omited this time - it's just a convenient way to emphasize on vague secondary features rather proper to Western Europe. Larger-faced - nearly square-faced - variants are found as well : such types are noted for very angular features frequently found amongst Portuguese people as well (mostly women).

- Type 2 : Dark complexion (dark hair but rather pale skin), brachymorphic, broad face, round features, short and broad nose, wide-set eyes, wide-spaced sloping and rather chinky eyes
~ Alpinoid

This type is abundantly found in Portuguese and adjacent NW Spanish areas : some individuals would fit a "Berid" definition (wide-spaced sloping eyes, a short broad nose and thick browridges).

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:07 AM
Pontevedra : Galicia (Spain):

The Romans gave the name Gallaecia to the northwest part of the Iberian peninsula after the Gallaeci (Greek Kallaikoi). These Gallaeci lived in the Douro Valley with center in Cale in the area that would become the Roman town of Portus Calle, today's Porto.

Historians and archaeologists tend to agree that the initial settlement was probably formed during the integration of Gallaecia into the Roman Empire (circa 1st century BC). The name of the city is eminently Latin, derived from Pons/Pontis (bridge) and Veteris/Vetera (old), hence Ponte(m)Vetera(m), "the old bridge", in reference to the old Roman bridge across Lérez River (still standing). Well communicated even since Roman times, Pontevedra consolidated itself as an intermediate town during the Suebic dynasty (circa 5th-6th century AD).

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Intermediate complexion, leptomorphic, triangular - somehow "horsy" - face, long and narrow nose, large jaw, close-set eyes that can get light
~ Dinaricized Atlantid/Atlanto-Med

This is the quintessential Iberian type which is quite widespread throughout the whole Peninsula. Green-blue eyes and a very narrow nose on some individuals were features that were already identified in North Portugal.

A lighter series within Atlantid variability with reddish undertones :

- Type 2 : Dark hair, pale skin, brachymorphic, broad face, round features, thick browridges, relative long and straight nose, wide-spaced sloping eyes, from dark to light eyes ("green-blue")
~ Alpinoid

This type could represent a Pan-Portuguese phenotype. Furthermore, puffier and lighter features (broad little nose, reddish undertones) undoubtedly exhibit a specific Galician - yet rare - flavour which hints to a remote common Atlantic peopling from the British Isles to Portugal.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:08 AM
Calahorra : La Rioja (Spain)

The comarca of Rioja Baja is situated near the border with Navarre on the right bank of the Ebro. During ancient Roman times, Calahorra - its main town - was a municipium known as Calagurris : its belonging seems to be blurry as it either in the hands of the Berones or the Vascones.

La Rioja in pre-Roman times

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Intermediate complexion (from blonde to dark hair, grey/black eyes, rather pale skin on average, ...), leptomorphic, long face (particularly on males), long and convex nose rather parallel to the face, close-set eyes, pointy chin, large jaw
~ Dinaricized Atlanto-Mediterranean

The sample is dominated by dinaromorphic types which is not surprising for an area next to Vasconic lands and once part of Basque-speaking lands. Still people seem to diverge from classical Basque types and are more on par with the usual Iberian types one can find in Castile.

Some individuals - still within the Mediterranoid spectrum - shows interesting features such as a shorter nose, a larger face, ... Such features can be found in Aragon as well, South of the Ebro river.

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion (rather dark hair, light eyes, ...), more or less brachymorphic, reduced and "puffy" features, square-box head, little and puffy nose, strong jaw, rather distanced and somehow chinky eyes
~ Alpino-Mediterranean

This type is pretty widespread throughout the Iberian peninsula but might be more specifically Castillian/South Aragonese.

Morphotypes finaux / Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:09 AM
Haro : La Rioja (Spain)

The area of Haro, also known as "La Rioja Alta", is delimitated by the Ebro river in the North which constitutes the border with Basque lands, and is mostly made of the valleys of the Tirón and the Oja rivers, two affluents of the Ebro. In the South, the area is separated from Soria by the "Picos de Urbión". "High Rioja" is where most Basque placenames of Rioja can be found : Cihuri, Sajazarra, Ochánduri, Nájera, Ezcaray, ...
La Rioja in pre-Roman times

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Intermediate complexion (from blonde to dark hair, grey/black eyes, rather pale skin on average, ...), leptomorphic, long face (particularly on males), long and convex nose rather parallel to the face, close-set eyes, pointy chin, large jaw
~ Dinaricized Atlanto-Mediterranean

Unsurprisingly enough, some individuals exhibit rather obvious Vasconic features such as a strong dinaromorphism (read : a convex nose) or pseudo-slanted grey/green eyes. On average these people don't differ from their Riojanese neighbours in Logroño. Less archetypal Mediterranoid types are found as well.

Eventually, brachymorphic types can be found : these individuals are characterized by a very strong jaw. They're intermediate with Alpinoid type.

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion (rather dark hair, light eyes, ...), brachymorphic, reduced and "puffy" features, square-box head, little and puffy nose, strong jaw, rather distanced and somehow chinky eyes
~ Alpinoid

Such types are always uneasy to analyse as eventually they're rather undistinct and lack the decisive ethnic features leptomorphic types do possess. Let's say that this type is pretty widespread throughout the peninsula but might be more specifically Castillian.

Morphotypes finaux / Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:09 AM
Logroño : La Rioja (Spain)

The area of Logroño, also known as "La Rioja Media", is delimitated by the Ebro river in the North which constitutes the border with Basque lands, and is mostly made of the valleys of the Iregua and the Jubera rivers, two affluents of the Ebro. Like the remainder of La Rioja, the whole region used to belong to the Kingdom of Navarre and probably beforehand to the Berones whose ethnic character remains debated as most ancient placeames are undoubtedly Celtic even though a Proto-Basque past is very probable as proved by epigraphic remnants which show clear Vasconic traits.
La Rioja in pre-Roman times

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Intermediate complexion (from blonde to dark hair, grey/black eyes, rather pale skin on average, ...), leptomorphic, long face (particularly on males), long and convex nose rather parallel to the face, close-set eyes, pointy chin, large jaw
~ Dinaricized Atlanto-Mediterranean

Unsurprisingly enough, some individuals exhibit rather obvious Vasconic features such as a strong dinaromorphism (read : a convex nose) or pseudo-slanted grey/green eyes. On average these people are nevertheless rather large-faced (and it is not only about women) which is in contrast with the very leptoprosopic types one can find in Basque lands. Less archetypal Mediterranoid types are found as well.

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion (rather dark hair, light eyes, ...), brachymorphic, reduced and "puffy" features, square-box head, little and puffy nose, strong jaw, rather distanced and somehow chinky eyes
~ Alpinoid


Such types are rather rare as far as my sampling techniques allow me to state.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:10 AM
Montes de Oca : Old Castile (Spain)

Montes de Oca is a mountainous comarca situated east of Burgos in Northern Spain.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/38/Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_Burgos.svg/413px-Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_Burgos.svg.pn g

Sample :

Analysis :
- Brachy type : such types are rather dominant in that sample like in the Ebro valley. Curiously enough, women don't look as "reduced" as their male counterparts. Most women show strong features (chin, ...) which make the division between two types artificial.


- Lepto type : none of these individuals exhibit striking Basque features (triangle-shaped face, long convex nose, grey eyes), they look standard Iberian. Women exhibit strong features (chin, ...).

Morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:11 AM
Las Merindades : Old Castile (Spain)

North of the Ebro river and inbetween Cantabria and Basque lands is the heart of Old Castile, formerly inhabited by the Autrigones.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/38/Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_Burgos.svg/240px-Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_Burgos.svg.pn g

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark, leptomorphic, long and triangular head, long and straight nose, close-set eyes, full eyebrows, pointy chin and large jaw
~ (Dinaromorphic) Atlanto-Mediterranean

Unsurprisingly enough, the main type found in the area is a classical North Iberian type that now and then shows similarities with archetypal Basque types without being exactly similar (dinaromorphism being the main common trait).

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion, brachymorphic, large face, square-box head head, little and straight nose, rather distanced eyes, little eyelids, large jaw
~ Alpinoid

Stocky brahyorphic types do look rather pan-Iberian.

Final morphotypes :

La Rioja (Spain)

La Rioja was inhabited by the tribes of the Berones in the Ebro valley, the Autrigones and the Vascones in Low Rioja whose exact borders still are subject to debate. Initially a Navarrese possession, La Rioja was lost in favour of Castile in the XIIth century. It was resurrected as the "Provincia de Logroño" in the XIXth century. The Glosias Emilianenses - glosses written in a Latin codex by a monk from San Millán de la Cogolla - are amongst the first testimonies of both Basque and Ibero-Romance languages. Basque toponymy still is very dense in High Rioja : Ezcaray, Altuzarra, Ayabarrena, ...


Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark, leptomorphic, long nose, close set eyes, angular chin and large jaws
~ Atlanto-Med

A less leptomorphic variant characterized by a more convex nose and a somehow pointy chin can be found as well : this is the type most similar to some neighbouring Basque types.

The classical depigmented variant is common as well which really hints to a plausible Atlantic continuity from Spain to the British Isles.

- Type 2 : Dark, brachymorphic, square-faced, short nose, low wide-set eyes
~ Alpinoid

The following individual is very interesting as he seems to be a mix of both previous types :

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:11 AM
Part 8

Valencia : Valencian Community (Spain)

From the Eneolithic (2000 BC) until the Roman conquest of Iberia, Valencia was populated by Iberians, more precisely by the Edetani who throughout this long period were influenced by Phoenician cultures and Greek settlers on the coast. It is quite probable that the modern extension of the Catalan language into the province emulates the former extension of the Edutani.

In Liria, Iberian inscriptions were found which have recently resurrected the old theories of basco-iberism : see this linguistic analysis by French-Galician linguist Hector Iglesias (L’inscription ibérique de San Miguel de Liria et le basco-ibérisme en général).

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/21/Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_Valencia.svg/240px-Localizaci%C3%B3n_de_la_provincia_de_Valencia.svg. png
Catalan-speaking areas


Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark complexion (dark hair, ... but there are light individuals), leptomorphic, long face (particularly on males), straight or convex nose rather parallel to the face, rather close-set eyes, high cheekbones, pointy chin, large jaw
~ (Dinaricized) Atlanto-Mediterranean

This is a very classical pan-Iberian type even though these individuals somehow show strong Catalan affinities when it comes to analyze secondary features such as a rather larger face than usual and more generally a mix of robustness and puffier features. Extreme robust types are illustrated by some males.

Lighter large-faced and dinaromorphic variants are found which are also rather Catalan-looking, nearly Pyrenean (high cheekbones are quite stunning).

Eventually, this Mediterranean-dominated sample also exhibits more classical Mediterranean individuals lacking peculiar ethnic traits but still very typical.

- Type 2 : Intermediate complexion (from dark to chestnut hair, from black to green/blue eyes, ...), more or less brachymorphic, reduced and "puffy" features, in some cases high-headed, rather puffy nose, strong jaw, close-set eyes
~ (Alpino-)Mediterranean

Such division is a bit artificial : those individuals also mostly fall within the Mediterranean spectrum as they don't strikingly exhibit traits associated with Alpinid types. Strong and robust brachymorphic Catalan types are absent from this sample which is very gracile on average. Nevertheless, a female series show more distant eyes, little noses, ... It doesn't really possess male counterparts.


Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:12 AM

Part 1

Beira Interior (Portugal)

Beira was one of the six traditional provinces or "comarcas" of Portugal. In the early 19th century Beira was divided into three provinces : Beira Alta (Guarda) and Beira Baixa (Castelo Branco) did constitute Beira Interior. The area was settled by the Lusitanians : in Beira they stayed until they defeated the Celts and other tribes, then they expanded up to the Tagus middle valley (current Spanish Extremadura), before being conquered by the Romans.

Engravings were discovered in Vila Nova de Foz Côa, in northeastern Portugal. The site in situated in the valley of the Côa river, and comprises thousands of engraved drawings of horses, bovines and other animal, human and abstract figures, dated from 22,000 to 10,000 years BCE.

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark complexion, brachymorphic, broad face, round features, thick browridges , short broad nose, wide-spaced sloping eyes
~ Alpinoid/Berid

This type was previously identified in Spanish Extremadura (Cáceres) and neighbouring Trás-os-Montes. Variants do exist (convex nose, broader features, ...) which can be transitional with Type 2.

- Type 2 : Dark complexion, leptomorphic, triangular - somehow "horsy" - face, long and narrow nose, large jaw, close-set eyes
~ Dinaricized Mediterranean

This is the quintessential Iberian type which is quite widespread throughout the whole Peninsula. However, very light and "British-looking" individuals are not present in that sample contrary to Northern Portugal.

Eventually, more classical Mediterranean phenotypes are detected :

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:13 AM
Part 2

Braga : Minho (Portugal)

The region of Braga has been inhabited since pre-historic times, and in the Iron Age the Bracari people occupied the region and built their characteristic fortified villages (castrum). It was the capital of the Callaici Bracarii, or Bracarenses, a tribe who occupied what is now Galicia and northern Portugal. It has been long known that they spoke a Celtic language, as can be seen in the inscription dedicated to the goddess Nabia at Braga's Fonte do Ídolo, or in the name of their town Tongobriga.

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark complexion, leptomorphic, gracile general features, narrow "horsy" face, long and narrow nose, high cheekbones, a rather broad jaw, close-set eyes, rather narrow eyelids
~ Nordo-Mediterranoid

This type was already identified in other Portuguese areas. It is quite prevailing amongst women as well albeit within a lighter spectrum as usual in North Portugal.

- Type 2 : Dark complexion (dark hair but rather pale skin), brachymorphic, broad face, round features, short and broad nose, wide-set eyes, from dark to light eyes ("green-blue")
~ Alpinoid

This type was previously identified in Portuguese Alto Douro. It's much rare here and surprisingly enough, a very Portuguese-looking variant characterized by wide-spaced sloping eyes, a short broad nose and thick browridges (this type would fit a "Berid" definition) is absent from this sample. Lighter individuals are found as well.

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:13 AM
Pärt 3

Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal)

"Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro" is a historical province of Portugal located in the northeastern corner of the country the name of which refers to the location on the "other" (eastern) side of such mountains as Marão, Alvão and Gerês, which separate the coast from the interior. The area was settled by the Gallaeci and the most important towns in the region are Vila Real and Bragança (from Celtic brigantion meaning "hillock" even though the area was only superficially celticized).

Sample :

Brief anthropological analysis :

- Type 1 : Dark hair, pale skin, brachymorphic, broad face, round features, relative long and straight nose, wide set eyes, from dark to light eyes ("green-blue")
~ Alpinoid

This type was somehow previously identified in Spanish Extremadura (Cáceres). An even more Portuguese-looking variant is characterized by wide-spaced sloping eyes, a short broad nose and thick browridges (this type would fit a "Berid" definition) : (it seems to be mostly masculine)

- Type 2 : Light hair, pale skin, leptomorphic, narrow "horsy" face, long and narrow nose, close set eyes
~ Nordoid

As expected, dark and gracile - hence "Mediterranoid" - counterparts are to be found just like in Spanish Extremadura :

Final morphotypes :

01-02-2017, 03:19 AM
holy swarth

01-02-2017, 03:22 AM
Most of them are lighter (and thinner... something not very difficult) than you, so I dont understand your claim.

Actually they're not even close.

01-02-2017, 03:30 AM
As you can check in every set of photos Enflamme is posting you can find at least 1 or two persons very similar to those of my threads with what you usually cry me :)

"Atypical! Atypical! Cherrypicking! you want that we believe you Spaniards are Germans!"

Butthurt monkey

01-02-2017, 01:28 PM

01-02-2017, 02:48 PM
From these photos, I have no difficulty distinguishing Iberians from southern Italians... very different features even if the Iberians are equally dark.

01-02-2017, 03:03 PM
maybe I'm retarded but they all look the same, incl. Basques and Catalans and Portugueses

01-02-2017, 03:35 PM
i hope to god this is a troll. otherwise i hope you get hit by the next bus that crosses your path. internet experts, especially those who develop their understanding from internet images, need to be put in a psychiatric facility along with those who think this is anywhere near remotely accurate.

01-02-2017, 04:08 PM
i hope to god this is a troll. otherwise i hope you get hit by the next bus that crosses your path. internet experts, especially those who develop their understanding from internet images, need to be put in a psychiatric facility along with those who think this is anywhere near remotely accurate.


More seriously :

1. There must be arguments. If you want to criticize his analyzes you have to bring your arguments;

2. To claim that this person is mad is not an argument, on the other hand this method was well known in the USSR: to disqualify a person by designating her as mad. It is very communist;

3. I am neutral: I shared the analyzes of this person as I could have shared as much a enormous text, with images to the support, contradicting point by point alles the analyzes of this person.

We are civilized and If you want to contradict all his analyzes then I wait for your counter-arguments.

Bell Beaker
01-02-2017, 04:17 PM
maybe I'm retarded but they all look the same, incl. Basques and Catalans and Portugueses

Differences between Basques and other Iberians are overestimated.

As I would expect the Minho plate has lighter types.

01-02-2017, 04:21 PM
damn, what a bunch of ugly people.

maybe I'm retarded but they all look the same, incl. Basques and Catalans and Portugueses

yes, they're in a corner of the world and had no other people passing by, so they all all all look the same (close types of Mediterranean - West Med, Berid, East Med, Alpine-Med and a few Atlantomeds), it's hilarious. they do live in a homogeneous nation

01-02-2017, 04:40 PM
damn, what a bunch of ugly people.

yes, they're in a corner of the world and had no other people passing by, so they all all all look the same (close types of Mediterranean - West Med, Berid, East Med, Alpine-Med and a few Atlantomeds), it's hilarious. they do live in a homogeneous nation

I don't see much East-Med in these samples.

I would like to hear your arguments point by point about these analyzes to prove (by A + B) how wrong these analysis are?

10-31-2017, 05:27 PM
Interesting thread. Subscribed :)

10-31-2017, 06:21 PM
They have too much face of hicks, people from small towns is not very representative

10-31-2017, 06:36 PM
those pictures seem to confirm my estimates about the percentage of light eyes in Spaniards. my definition of light eyes goes from blue to light green.

10-31-2017, 06:53 PM
those pictures seem to confirm my estimates about the percentage of light eyes in Spaniards. my definition of light eyes goes from blue to light green.

What's your estimate?

10-31-2017, 06:59 PM
BTW, I would like to see a composite of Western Mallorca, where the ancestry of my mom's family is mostly from.

I don't think however, there is much variation in Mallorca though, since it is a relatively small island (around 100 Km wide).

11-01-2017, 03:03 AM
I went to Spain for my vacation few weeks ago. I stayed in Madrid and when I walked around the street, Spaniards look completely white even with the Mediterranean features. I even saw blond Spaniards. They don’t look Latino, Mexican or a Antonio Banderas or Penelope Cruz type.

I stayed in Seville another day and I went to a flamenco show and there are a few Spaniards that can pass as Mexican in the show but the majority completely look white. Same with Granada, Valencia, and Barcelona.

11-01-2017, 03:15 AM
I went to Spain for my vacation few weeks ago. I stayed in Madrid and when I walked around the street, Spaniards look completely white even with the Mediterranean features. I even saw blond Spaniards. They don’t look Latino, Mexican or a Antonio Banderas or Penelope Cruz type.

I stayed in Seville another day and I went to a flamenco show and there are a few Spaniards that can pass as Mexican in the show but the majority completely look white. Same with Granada, Valencia, and Barcelona.

Thanks for your very honest testimony :)

It helps to debunk the beliefs of some dumb and ignorant people who think that Spaniards are supposed to have a particularly ethnic and swarthy look for European standards.

And Antonio Banderas and Penelope Cruz are white, but is funny how so many people think that they are representative of the Spanish average.

11-01-2017, 03:34 AM
Thanks for your very honest testimony :)

It helps to debunk the beliefs of some dumb and ignorant people who think that Spaniards are supposed to have a particularly ethnic and swarthy look for European standards.

And Antonio Banderas and Penelope Cruz are white, but is funny how so many people think that they are representative of the Spanish average.

I guess those who think like that watch movies too much but they probably never visit Spain and observe Spaniards.

Sebastianus Rex
11-01-2017, 03:49 AM
Stupid thread, absurd comments in pseudo-scientific tone with no relation with reality. I could also cherry pick 20 pics and write idiotic theories. Some people on the Portuguese sets are obviously not Portuguese...but ok.

Sebastianus Rex
11-01-2017, 03:51 AM
I went to Spain for my vacation few weeks ago. I stayed in Madrid and when I walked around the street, Spaniards look completely white even with the Mediterranean features. I even saw blond Spaniards. They don’t look Latino, Mexican or a Antonio Banderas or Penelope Cruz type.

I stayed in Seville another day and I went to a flamenco show and there are a few Spaniards that can pass as Mexican in the show but the majority completely look white. Same with Granada, Valencia, and Barcelona.

Flamenco shows are mostly performed by gitanos (I would guess you know this) and there's a very large gypsy population in Seville.

03-20-2018, 08:41 PM
Enfamme aka Tom Level being a retard once again

09-10-2018, 02:52 AM
I went to Spain for my vacation few weeks ago. I stayed in Madrid and when I walked around the street, Spaniards look completely white even with the Mediterranean features. I even saw blond Spaniards. They don’t look Latino, Mexican or a Antonio Banderas or Penelope Cruz type.

I stayed in Seville another day and I went to a flamenco show and there are a few Spaniards that can pass as Mexican in the show but the majority completely look white. Same with Granada, Valencia, and Barcelona.

That's because Andalusians populated western Mexico who migrate that most I did compared my family members to these faces an many of them that I assumed to be mestizo might not be really mestizo I'm pretty sure im might not even 20+ native.

09-10-2018, 03:53 PM
Marking this thread.

10-08-2018, 12:58 AM
The Andalusians are lighter than I thought

10-08-2018, 01:07 AM
Iberians butthurt.
Call the papers

10-08-2018, 04:37 AM
Iberians butthurt.
Call the papers

Sorry honey, but you're the one who is butthurt because you won't ever be close to Iberians.

10-08-2018, 10:30 AM
There is no butt hurts here the only complaint that the Iberian members are making is house some French Canadian bipolar cuck that lives in Canada is making a entire thread about Iberian phenotypes despite not being Iberian never visiting Iberia and having a clear agenda that changes with his bi polar behavior

Cristiano viejo
10-08-2018, 05:44 PM
The Andalusians are lighter than I thought

Real life is very different than anthroforum retards.

01-08-2019, 04:04 AM
Where are the Manchegos?