View Full Version : Random people (Dalmatian Croats) from my Town pass best in which of this countries

01-22-2017, 01:44 AM
Random people from my town in Dalmatia (South Croatia):

http://www.zadarskilist.hr/media/base/zadranke.jpghttp://www.zadarskilist.hr/media/base/HAJDUK%20dionice1.jpghttp://zadarski.slobodnadalmacija.hr/Archive/1572/2016/11/29/maratonci3-281116_resize.JPGhttp://www.zadarskilist.hr/media/base/guzva%20-%20turisti-280813-05.jpghttp://radio.hrt.hr/data/article/121231_e0ccc79185263169ae4b.jpghttp://zadarski.slobodnadalmacija.hr/Archive/1572/2015/11/24/maric_knjiga8-231115.jpghttp://www.057info.hr/images/vijesti/orginal/MI%C4%86O_MATAK_1425140819.jpghttp://dalmatinskiportal.hr/sadrzaj/fotografije/2016-08-02-09-53-841120871/281702485-749807976-437179830.JPGhttp://www.slobodnadalmacija.hr/Archive/Images/2016/03/23/casting_miss17-230316.jpghttp://cdn-static.rtl-hrvatska.hr/image/norijada-u-zagrebu-2d95a193460747bcbbe16d7ff9d1ef89_view_article_new. jpg?v=20http://zadarski.slobodnadalmacija.hr/Archive/1572/2016/05/17/norijada_zadar4-170516_resize.JPGhttp://www.vecernji.hr/media/cache/89/20/89205e67dac4cdbd2b353ca38c86e5d0.jpg

01-22-2017, 01:47 AM
You could have just bump'd your prev. thread..

01-22-2017, 01:48 AM
You could have just bump'd your prev. thread..

Had to create new one because I didnt add multiple option for voting.

01-22-2017, 02:47 AM

01-22-2017, 02:50 AM
They could pass in most european places, they look generic white/european. I think around central europe. So maybe slovenia, hungary, austria, serbia, slovakia, czech republic etc. CET region (Central European Time)

01-24-2017, 01:49 AM

01-24-2017, 01:52 AM

01-24-2017, 02:25 AM
General Central/East-Central European, with some other Balkans influence also. Closest to Hungarians/Slovenians/Austrians with some overlap with Slovakians and Poles (non-Baltid types).

01-24-2017, 02:28 AM
While there is some overlap with Serbs/Bulgarians, it is much less, and the people posted mostly fit better with countries that are further north.

01-24-2017, 02:29 AM
General Central/East-Central European, with some other Balkans influence also. Closest to Hungarians/Slovenians/Austrians with some overlap with Slovakians and Poles (non-Baltid types).

Yep. And they are Dalmatians (South Croatians), not Northern Croats, but still that Central Euro vibe overall. Agree.

01-24-2017, 02:32 AM
How much are the dividing lines by Croatia north/south though as opposed to coastal/inland? I've seen other Croatians that look much more like me and have much more of a southern Balkan vibe.

01-24-2017, 02:35 AM
How much are the dividing lines by Croatia north/south though as opposed to coastal/inland? I've seen other Croatians that look much more like me and have much more of a southern Balkan vibe.

Well ppl from Slavonia (Eastern Croatia) have somewhat Eastern European vibe, but question is would it Eastern Euro be same as "Balkan", I don't know, I think not.

You would find probably most "Balkan" (whatever that means lol) Croats in Herzegovina ofcourse (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

There, they have a lot of Dinarid people (in Herzegovina), means Adriatic Dinarids which are somewhat different than "ordinary" Dinarids.

01-26-2017, 12:19 AM

01-26-2017, 12:18 PM
Well ppl from Slavonia (Eastern Croatia) have somewhat Eastern European vibe, but question is would it Eastern Euro be same as "Balkan", I don't know, I think not.

You would find probably most "Balkan" (whatever that means lol) Croats in Herzegovina ofcourse (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

There, they have a lot of Dinarid people (in Herzegovina), means Adriatic Dinarids which are somewhat different than "ordinary" Dinarids.

And we are indeed the darkest Croats.

01-26-2017, 01:23 PM
And we are indeed the darkest Croats.

But you both live in the most beautiful place of Croatia. :)

01-26-2017, 01:30 PM
nice to see that other members also post the people from their homecity or homeprovince . I think I am the one who made some members get the idea to do it :cool:

01-26-2017, 02:04 PM
I would be glad to see them in my town (south-west Poland), unfortunately I have too many R1 here (baltidoids), lol

01-26-2017, 03:35 PM
But you both live in the most beautiful place of Croatia. :)

I am from Herzegovina (which is a shithole compared to Dalmatia). Dalmatian region flag in my profile is misleading. I have real estate in Dalmatia though and live a bit there and bit in Herzegovina, I live near the border.

01-26-2017, 04:09 PM
How much are the dividing lines by Croatia north/south though as opposed to coastal/inland? I've seen other Croatians that look much more like me and have much more of a southern Balkan vibe.

There is no South Balkan vibe, look whatever, another tale invented by anthrotards

01-26-2017, 04:47 PM
There is no South Balkan vibe, look whatever, another tale invented by anthrotards

He simply said that he saw some Croats had more southern vibe . It is not like that is impossible. Just like with other nations some Croats look more eastern, some more southern, some more northern, some light, some swarthoid.

Swarthoid. Pic posted by Robocop.

01-26-2017, 04:54 PM
I know but I didn't mean that

01-26-2017, 10:24 PM
I am from Herzegovina (which is a shithole compared to Dalmatia). Dalmatian region flag in my profile is misleading. I have real estate in Dalmatia though and live a bit there and bit in Herzegovina, I live near the border.

1. Herzegovina is not shithole but one of the oldest Croatian regions nevermind it is in Bosnia & Herzegovina today :).

2. In comparison to Dalmatia even Slavonia region is "shithole" because of tourism income etc..., so it's not some paramater to make comparison dont worry.

3. Herzegovina Croats are not "dark" Croats, title like that would be totally misleading, Herzegovians have the most Adriatic Dinarids, and they cannot be called Dark in any way, they're pale like vampires lol. Also from my experience about Herzegovians, they have Gorid ppl like nowhere else in Croatia, means green eyes in ppl, I especially noticed this about Herzegovian girls, also Herzegovian Croats are tallest Croats, and one of the tallest ppl in Europe, I will even open a thread for Herzegovian Croats.


02-18-2017, 03:06 PM

The Blade
02-18-2017, 05:05 PM
In my opinion:
- they pass best as Slovenes
- the Dinaric component when displayed is usually combined with other phenotypes
- they show a higher number of Atlanto types than Pontic ones
- the number of those displaying Alpine traits is much higher than that of Baltoid influenced people (as opposed to West Slavs)
- they fit reasonably well as most options suggested, including Bulgarian
- biggest difference is with Southern Italians, Greeks and Poles

02-18-2017, 05:09 PM
In my opinion:
- they pass best as Slovenes
- the Dinaric component when displayed is usually combined with other phenotypes
- they show a higher number of Atlanto types than Pontic ones
- the number of those displaying Alpine traits is much higher than that of Baltoid influenced people (as opposed to West Slavs)
- they fit reasonably well as most options suggested, including Bulgarian
- biggest difference is with Southern Italians, Greeks and Poles

Thx for opinion :thumb001:

02-18-2017, 05:15 PM
I suck at making lists but at least half of them can pass in N. Italy as typical