View Full Version : Classify Mexican singer

01-28-2017, 11:04 PM
Julieta Venegas:
https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTQ5NzE5OTM3Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwODM1NjMz._V1_S X640_SY720_.jpg

Tooting Carmen
01-28-2017, 11:14 PM
Hardcore Iberian look.

Davy Jones's Locker
01-30-2017, 06:19 PM
I'd guess Mediterranid.

Grab the Gauge
01-31-2017, 01:43 AM
The Pygmoid element is strong on this one.

Grab the Gauge
01-31-2017, 01:43 AM
Hardcore Iberian look.

Doesn't look even remotely Iberian.

07-28-2017, 09:37 PM

07-29-2017, 07:03 AM
Almost fully Euro but Some slight Aztec might be present imo

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-29-2017, 07:10 AM
Dinaro-Med w/ a little ancient North African

07-29-2017, 07:47 PM
Almost fully Euro but Some slight Aztec might be present imo

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

She's Mexican so she has some Amerindian in her.

07-29-2017, 07:52 PM
southern European with some basque ancestry
Her basque ancestry is why she doesnt look Mena

Carlito's Way
07-30-2017, 02:26 AM
Almost fully Euro but Some slight Aztec might be present imo

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

there is no aztec in her state so the aztec part doesnt make sense
she looks Iberian, i see no amerindian in her phenotype whatsoever

her and her sister

where are you seeing the Amerindian in her phenotype?

Carlito's Way
07-30-2017, 02:29 AM
her mother


12-09-2017, 09:39 PM
She looks Spanish Iberian pride!!

12-10-2017, 01:06 AM
Centralid plus some Mediterranean

12-10-2017, 01:35 AM
Centralid plus some Mediterranean

Centralid? She looks more Western European than your average Pseudo North African looking from Azores!

12-10-2017, 02:18 AM
Her nose is Centralid influenced and so are her eyes

Why the butthurt was it’s my opinion. Don’t like it just scroll on

12-10-2017, 02:18 AM
Let me guess Martin?

12-10-2017, 02:19 AM
Ask Cristiano Viejo if she looks Spanish

Carlito's Way
12-10-2017, 02:22 AM
Her nose is Centralid influenced and so are her eyes

Why the butthurt was it’s my opinion. Don’t like it just scroll on

There is no centralidad in her state at all, her family have deep roots in Baja California where margids are the only subtype found

Her nose nor eyes are Amerindian influence, considering the fact that she has similar deep set eyes like you, and you look by far more exotic than her

You would have classified yourself as centralidad influence if you were Mexican ? Lol

Cristiano viejo
12-10-2017, 02:22 AM
Ask Cristiano Viejo if she looks Spanish

Depend of the photo but if I had to say something...: No, she does not.

12-10-2017, 02:25 AM
There is no centralidad in her state at all, her family have deep roots in Baja California where margids are the only subtype found

Her nose nor eyes are Amerindian influence, considering the fact that she has similar deep set eyes like you, and you look by far more exotic than her

You would have classified yourself as centralidad influence if you were Mexican ? Lol

Not at all she looks Castiza imo mostly Spanish (Gracile Med) and some Native vibe around the nose area

Carlito's Way
12-10-2017, 02:26 AM
Ask Cristiano Viejo if she looks Spanish

Phenotype like these are common in southern Spain like Andalusia, very common look
Maybe you need to travel a bit more

Cristiano viejo
12-10-2017, 02:28 AM
Phenotype like these are common in southern Spain like Andalusia, very common look
Maybe you need to travel a bit more


12-10-2017, 02:28 AM
Depend of the photo but if I had to say something...: No, she does not.

She does not look Spanish Cristiano??


Julieta y su Hermana de hecho son el típico look de la Criolla Mexicana siglo 18-19th

Cristiano viejo
12-10-2017, 02:38 AM
She does not look Spanish Cristiano??
Julieta y su Hermana de hecho son el típico look de la Criolla Mexicana siglo 18-19th

Black eyes dont exist in Spain. And these eyebrows...

Carlito's Way
12-10-2017, 02:38 AM
Not at all she looks Castiza imo mostly Spanish (Gracile Med) and some Native vibe around the nose area

You don't know how to classify, you mentioned centralidad like the other idiots mentioning Pueblids, even though centralidad doesn't exist in her state

You guys just guess at classifications that is all and that is something I dislike when it comes to classification threads

How much Amerindian do you see in these parents, look at their eyes okay, I'm sure you will find the Amerindian influence in their eyes especially if you found them in the Mexican so this will be more obvious


Carlito's Way
12-10-2017, 02:40 AM

They are, and I'm not trolling and I wont post the spaniards I hang around with to prove other wise and those are spaniards from Andalusia that I know for certain don't have any foreign ancestry

I can literally bomb this thread with videos as well

Cristiano viejo
12-10-2017, 02:41 AM
They are, and I'm not trolling and I wont post the spaniards I hang around with to prove other wise and those are spaniards from Andalusia that I know for certain don't have any foreign ancestry

I can literally bomb this thread with videos as well

Do it. But post true ethnic Andalusians.

Damião de Góis
12-10-2017, 02:44 AM
Centralid? She looks more Western European than your average Pseudo North African looking from Azores!

Azoreans now look north african? You seem to be a very confused individual.

12-10-2017, 02:45 AM
Black eyes dont exist in Spain. And these eyebrows...

I'm a bit dessapointed reading this from you her eyebrows are hardcore Iberian.

Cristiano viejo
12-10-2017, 02:47 AM
I'm a bit dessapointed reading this from you her eyebrows are hardcore Iberian.

These eyebrows hardcore Spanish??


Are you crazy? post Spaniards with such eyebrows if you find them.

Carlito's Way
12-10-2017, 03:09 AM
Do it. But post true ethnic Andalusians.

I will post the ones that I know who are truly 100% Spanish Andalusian background

For example one is from Alicante which is in Valencia (left), the other from Malaga, both these girls are 100% Spanish. At first I didn't think the one on the left was 100% white because she has a nice body and ass, maybe she must be a product of North African left over, who knows. But she certainly doesn't have recent non-Spanish ancestry

The Spanish chica on the left has the same eyebrows as Juliet

And I don't want people on here to think spaniards look non-white LOL, the average look like this

The blonde ones, their phenotype and blonde hair is rare in southern Spain, but common (though not the majority but common enough to not be a rarity) in central Spain, I was in Cuenca


12-10-2017, 03:23 AM

12-10-2017, 03:33 AM
These eyebrows hardcore Spanish??


Are you crazy? post Spaniards with such eyebrows if you find them.

I know what spaniards look Cristiano and i know what feautures they have spaniard looking Mexicans do exist in Mexico and US weather they are 100% or not at least enough for us to not resemble the Philipines..

12-10-2017, 11:48 AM
Azoreans now look north african? You seem to be a very confused individual.

Don’t waste your time it’s a sock of Martin aka as MN Loki

Cristiano viejo
12-10-2017, 12:04 PM
I will post the ones that I know who are truly 100% Spanish Andalusian background

All of these girls look Spanish (whether light/dark or not) and I still dont see resemblance between any of them and Julieta Venegas.

Don’t waste your time it’s a sock of Martin aka as MN Loki
No, he is not.

Carlito's Way
12-10-2017, 12:08 PM
All of these girls look Spanish (whether light/dark or not) and I still dont see resemblance between any of them and Julieta Venegas.

No, he is not.
I never said they would resemble Julieta, the first girls look pseudo mestizas, especially the girl on the left

Then you asked for a Spanish with eyebrows like Julieta and I posted one with similar eyebrows like her

Cristiano viejo
12-10-2017, 12:10 PM
I never said they would resemble Julieta, the first girls look pseudo mestizas, especially the girl on the left

Then you asked for a Spanish with eyebrows like Julieta and I posted one with similar eyebrows like her

Not IMO.

Carlito's Way
12-10-2017, 12:10 PM
Don’t waste your time it’s a sock of Martin aka as MN Loki

Funny coming from you, you use to post the most exotic looking Portuguese on a Facebook anthro group lol I don't know if you still do that over there

Carlito's Way
12-10-2017, 12:12 PM
Not IMO.

They do imo, both girls would be mistaken for Mexican in the USA and not white. In fact the girl on the left looks more ethnic than Selena Gomez and even Demi Lovato

12-10-2017, 12:14 PM
Funny coming from you, you use to post the most exotic looking Portuguese on a Facebook anthro group lol I don't know if you still do that over there

Exotic. Funny coming from you a mixed raced mongrel you arent white enough to be white you aren’t black enough for Africans to accept you and you aren’t native enough for indigenous people to claim you

A tri-racial mongrel with no identity.

Cristiano viejo
12-10-2017, 12:15 PM
They do imo, both girls would be mistaken for Mexican in the USA and not white. In fact the girl on the left looks more ethnic than Selena Gomez and even Demi Lovato


Carlito's Way
12-10-2017, 12:23 PM
Exotic. Funny coming from you a mixed raced mongrel you arent white enough to be white you aren’t black enough for Africans to accept you and you aren’t native enough for indigenous people to claim you

A tri-racial mongrel with no identity.

Im not triracial you cunt, funny coming from an exotic as European who no one would take for white in America. At least if I look mix it's would be expected since I'm mix, but you who happens to be European? What's your excuse for your exotic look? Lmaooooo trust me, you'd be beaten by neo-nazis in Europe, like they do with greek immigrants in Germany and France.

Stay being mad because I would also hate being euro and not being able to pass for one but for an exotic ethnic man

12-10-2017, 12:29 PM
Funny coming for you I’m not even exotic and no one here finds me as such hence the classifications I get Berid and Gracile Mediterranid. I’m not even dark you idiot


Carlito's Way
12-10-2017, 12:30 PM
Filho is just mad he looks like the Puerto Rican triracial Nicky Jam, Filho is the wide face version of Nicky Jam lmaooo


12-10-2017, 12:30 PM
Carlos you can’t even afford to leave that shit hole you call a home in California how can you tell people with a straight face that you visited such countries and Spain that’s a lie

12-10-2017, 12:31 PM
Filho is just mad he looks like the Puerto Rican triracial Nicky Jam, Filho is the wide face version of Nicky Jam lmaooo


You’re delusional

12-10-2017, 12:39 PM
I’m not gonna waste my time with such foolishness especially considering you’re no more than 15 years old I mean just look at your Facebook profile if you are over 15 then you have some serious problems


The feathers also compliment your Sudaca skin too

Carlito's Way
12-10-2017, 02:40 PM
Carlos you can’t even afford to leave that shit hole you call a home in California how can you tell people with a straight face that you visited such countries and Spain that’s a lie

Nigga I have money, my family does too, we balling nigga. You on the other hand look very poor, and you don't leave your cold as basement, you always online.

Add me on Snapchat nigga

Let's see who lives larger out here punk as bitch as ninja turtle looking as nigga on crack

Carlito's Way
12-10-2017, 02:42 PM
I’m not gonna waste my time with such foolishness especially considering you’re no more than 15 years old I mean just look at your Facebook profile if you are over 15 then you have some serious problems


The feathers also compliment your Sudaca skin too

Lmaooo my profile is the best

And I'm tan there plus I have a dark filter
Yet still you are as dark as me with my fake tan and dark filter

You need to realize that you are a homosexual ninja turtle looking faggot and nothing will change that

Yes I'm a pimp daddy and I graduated from the pimp university

Get real nigga and get help

Carlito's Way
12-10-2017, 02:48 PM
Funny coming for you I’m not even exotic and no one here finds me as such hence the classifications I get Berid and Gracile Mediterranid. I’m not even dark you idiot


And why you talking about darkness? Look at them dark as circles, they darker than an Indians butt hole lmaooooo

Get help and srop being delusional filho, look how your eyes be nigga, all that Carlito's stalking got you like that smh

12-10-2017, 02:55 PM
Says the MS-13 wannabe The funny part is genetically and physically you fit the mold

12-10-2017, 03:15 PM
The Pygmoid element is strong on this one.
Where are you hiding pussy ??? I search for you

12-10-2017, 03:20 PM
Funny coming for you I’m not even exotic and no one here finds me as such hence the classifications I get Berid and Gracile Mediterranid. I’m not even dark you idiot

You’re as exotic as 3.9%. But then again MyHeritage is not that accurate.

Carlito's Way
12-10-2017, 04:51 PM
Says the MS-13 wannabe The funny part is genetically and physically you fit the mold

Nigga you look very non white. I don't know who you trying to fool but you look very exotic for a white person, you fit the terrorist mold

I'm too handsome to be a ms-13, you butt ugly like them. You even tattoo yourself dark circles lmaoo not to mention you'd pass there better than in Europe

Carlito's Way
12-10-2017, 04:54 PM
Anyone here wanna add me on Snapchat

Please tell me who looks more like an exotical, me or filhoVirgin

Filho, you would get beaten up in Europe, never travel to Germany, France, Netherlands etc alone because neo-nazis will come get youuuuuuu. They don't have creatures who resemble you out there in those countries

12-10-2017, 05:01 PM
Carlos stop hiding show your face

Carlito's Way
12-10-2017, 07:39 PM
Carlos stop hiding show your face

Nigga add me on Snapchat, also any niggas here who are good classifiers and is white living in Europe add me on Snapchat, you will have the honor to see my face and tell me who looks more non-white

Filho the Euro exotical
Or Carlito's who is black with a black grandfather

I will not post my face here because anyone can have access to my privacy

On snapchat I will know who screenshots or had access to see my face, that way anyone who tries to post my sexy self on here, I will have Loki ban y'all mofos

12-10-2017, 07:59 PM
You said The woman on the original post could pass as an ethnic Spaniard then you said that I possess the same eyes as her which are deep sat in that I look similar to this woman and now you’re saying I don’t look European when you were just claimed the women on the original post is full Spanish in terms of phenotype

Is beyond artistic also where are you getting this perception that I’m brown I have dark hair and dark brown eyes but I most certainly am not brown in this photo is clearly demonstrates that I’m not


No surprise the woman behind me on the beach happened to be a Cuban when I was vacationing in Miami

12-10-2017, 08:04 PM
DNA doesn’t lie but total degenerates like you do. Now you’re asking a bunch of men to add you on Snapchat does it get any more pathetic?

12-10-2017, 08:24 PM
Filho you look very none European I'm very surprised the way you look being Portuguese European yourself no one here in Mexico will think you are European foreign.

Even the White Mexicans look more Euro than you despite probably not being 100% genetically.

12-10-2017, 08:59 PM
Filho you look very none European I'm very surprised the way you look being Portuguese European yourself no one here in Mexico will think you are European foreign.

Even the White Mexicans look more Euro than you despite probably not being 100% genetically.
Another faceless chump

Let me guess Xavi Hernandez of Barcelona he isn’t European either or the likes of Fabregas or Ricky Rubio. Get out of here with that bullshit another faceless sudaca that’s what you are!

12-10-2017, 09:01 PM
Nueva España as your Location how pathetic can you be? In Madrid you ppl are known as Colchoneros Only good to work in the factories that the natives don’t want to work because they’re too intelligent for that unlike you lot

12-10-2017, 11:25 PM
DNA doesn’t lie but total degenerates like you do. Now you’re asking a bunch of men to add you on Snapchat does it get any more pathetic?

Nueva España as your Location how pathetic can you be? In Madrid you ppl are known as Colchoneros Only good to work in the factories that the natives don’t want to work because they’re too intelligent for that unlike you lot

Lol pathetic you fucking look like a terrorist with those circle eyes you are extremely wog standing you next to me you would feel embarrassed of how you look I'm tall very light blue eyes and made in Mexico baby 100%

12-11-2017, 12:28 AM
Lol pathetic you fucking look like a terrorist with those circle eyes you are extremely wog standing you next to me you would feel embarrassed of how you look I'm tall very light blue eyes and made in Mexico baby 100%

you do realise you’re posting on anthropology forum Sudaca? You do realise this group is meant to post photos for taxonomy anybody can write down anything about themselves the proof is in the pictures idiot
And that’s completely irrelevant you still have that disgusting Sudaca blood flowing through your veins

Carlito's Way
12-11-2017, 12:32 AM
Nueva España as your Location how pathetic can you be? In Madrid you ppl are known as Colchoneros Only good to work in the factories that the natives don’t want to work because they’re too intelligent for that unlike you lot

If you knew anything, most mexican immigrants are university students, another are middle/upper class who work in important businesses in Spain, so shut your mouth ugly peasant, mexicans in Spain are educated and have money than you

Domt comfuse us for sudacas who go there to work like rats, we out there making real euros ugly ninja turtle cunt

Carlito's Way
12-11-2017, 12:33 AM
you do realise you’re posting on anthropology forum Sudaca? You do realise this group is meant to post photos for taxonomy anybody can write down anything about themselves the proof is in the pictures idiot
And that’s completely irrelevant you still have that disgusting Sudaca blood flowing through your veins

Mexicams cant be sudacas, mexico isnt locate in south america, seriously trump needs to deport you to the middle east if you cant learn proper geography taught in american schools

You need help asap

Carlito's Way
12-11-2017, 12:37 AM
You said The woman on the original post could pass as an ethnic Spaniard then you said that I possess the same eyes as her which are deep sat in that I look similar to this woman and now you’re saying I don’t look European when you were just claimed the women on the original post is full Spanish in terms of phenotype

Is beyond artistic also where are you getting this perception that I’m brown I have dark hair and dark brown eyes but I most certainly am not brown in this photo is clearly demonstrates that I’m not


No surprise the woman behind me on the beach happened to be a Cuban when I was vacationing in Miami

Having similar eyes now means lookimg similar? God that big ugly ninja turltle deformed as head of yours must have ni brain, you are a useless crack addict faggot
You damn nicky jam 2.0 go sell your reggaeton fail mixtapes!!!!!!

Carlito's Way
12-11-2017, 12:44 AM
Another faceless chump

Let me guess Xavi Hernandez of Barcelona he isn’t European either or the likes of Fabregas or Ricky Rubio. Get out of here with that bullshit another faceless sudaca that’s what you are!

Thise look european, you dont!!!!!! And we all k ow the damn truth!!!!!!!
These are white mexicans of spanish ancestry, do you pass among them? No, you would pass among the arab-mexican population much easily


Carlito's Way
12-11-2017, 12:48 AM
This is what happens when you fail at selling your latest reggaeton mixtapes smh, filhoV get over yourself nigga, aint nobody buying your damn cds so stop harrassing me about that shit

This is who FilhoV tried his hardest to look like, this is Nick Jam, the king of reggaeton, FilhoV is the failed version aka 2.0


12-11-2017, 12:54 AM
This is what happens when you fail at selling your latest reggaeton mixtapes smh, filhoV get over yourself nigga, aint nobody buying your damn cds so stop harrassing me about that shit

This is who FilhoV tried his hardest to look like, this is Nick Jam, the king of reggaeton, FilhoV is the failed version aka 2.0

Says the dirty Mongrel

Talk about being triggered

12-11-2017, 12:57 AM
Black eyes dont exist in Spain. And these eyebrows...

1. It's very dark brown eyes
2. Spaniards are hairier than Amerindians so "these eyebrows" is just a sad excuse for why you claim she can't pass as a Spaniard.
She'd pass for Spanish, just get over it. I don't care if you don't see her as the archetypal Spaniard. She really would be taken for a foreigner in Spain? Is that what chur trynna tell me dawg??

12-11-2017, 12:57 AM
Thise look european, you dont!!!!!! And we all k ow the damn truth!!!!!!!
These are white mexicans of spanish ancestry, do you pass among them? No, you would pass among the arab-mexican population much easily


Are you kidding me one of those girls has dyed hair and the others are Native American influenced not to mention the few that look particularly mixed with black

Epic fail

Carlito's Way
12-11-2017, 01:05 AM
Are you kidding me one of those girls has dyed hair and the others are Native American influenced not to mention the few that look particularly mixed with black

Epic fail

None look mix with black and non look mix with Amerindians. Funny how you see the suppose non white on them but can't find the non white on yourself lmaooo epic fail


Carlito's Way
12-11-2017, 01:06 AM
Says the dirty Mongrel

Talk about being triggered

Nigga at least I don't suffer from owd like you, you don't look European, you pass better as a crack head version of Nicky Jam lol

Carlito's Way
12-11-2017, 01:18 AM
Funny coming for you I’m not even exotic and no one here finds me as such hence the classifications I get Berid and Gracile Mediterranid. I’m not even dark you idiot


According to filho, he looks very european, yet these mexicans look mix with black and amerindian lmaoooo smh

12-11-2017, 01:26 AM
According to filho, he looks very european, yet these mexicans look mix with black and amerindian lmaoooo smh

And how my any more exotic than those people my skin colour is lighter than theirs

So Xavi is less white then them give me a fucking break

12-11-2017, 01:31 AM
I’ve wasted more than enough time debating you I have nothing to prove to you in the proof is in the DNA don’t get upset with me because you got triggered

In the end the day you’re a complexed buffoon

12-11-2017, 02:17 AM
you do realise you’re posting on anthropology forum Sudaca? You do realise this group is meant to post photos for taxonomy anybody can write down anything about themselves the proof is in the pictures idiot
And that’s completely irrelevant you still have that disgusting Sudaca blood flowing through your veins

Me sudaca?? Please educate yourself & take some geography lessons you are mad WOG because you do not look European but Caucasian from the middle east! I feel sorry for yourself living in the U.S and being label Hispánic mexican all the time because you stand out from the resto of Euros.

Look at your fellow Nazi portuguese from Azores.

Now compare them with Mexican americans


In México you would be laugh at by the White Mexicans you clown.

12-11-2017, 02:39 AM
1. It's very dark brown eyes
2. Spaniards are hairier than Amerindians so "these eyebrows" is just a sad excuse for why you claim she can't pass as a Spaniard.
She'd pass for Spanish, just get over it. I don't care if you don't see her as the archetypal Spaniard. She really would be taken for a foreigner in Spain? Is that what chur trynna tell me dawg??

I have to admit Cristiano viejo can be sometimes very bias and ignorant still like him thought, a lot people in México and other Latín american countries can pass in Spain without a problem as long they dont open their mouth even having amerindian ancestry take a look at this Mexican american woman she is only 75% European.


Im pretty sure just because he sees Ecuadorians and Peruvians looking full blown amerindian he thinks all Latinos are like that without exeception of Argentina and Uruguay.

12-11-2017, 02:45 AM
Me sudaca?? Please educate yourself & take some geography lessons you are mad WOG because you do not look European but Caucasian from the middle east! I feel sorry for yourself living in the U.S and being label Hispánic mexican all the time because you stand out from the resto of Euros.

Look at your fellow Nazi portuguese from Azores.

Now compare them with Mexican americans


In México you would be laugh at by the White Mexicans you clown.
Typical Martin that guy isn’t even from the Azores you Mexican idiot. You are a piece of trash that probaly looks as ugly as Héctor HerreraA Mexican footballer who plays in Portugal who is renowned for his typical ugly Mexican face Just like yours

12-11-2017, 02:59 AM
Typical Martin that guy isn’t even from the Azores you Mexican idiot. You are a piece of trash that probaly looks as ugly as Héctor HerreraA Mexican footballer who plays in Portugal who is renowned for his typical ugly Mexican face Just like yours

Martín? I have no idea whos the person im from México you mád sandnigger because you DO NOT LOOK European the real white Mexicans from México would laugh at your face.

Even this woman Mexican american looks more European and Iberian than you & she is only 75% European.


12-11-2017, 03:02 AM
Martín? I have no idea whos the person im from México you mád sandnigger because you DO NOT LOOK European the real white Mexicans from México would laugh at your face.

Even this woman Mexican american looks more European and Iberian than you & she is only 75% European.


To stupid that you are have already been exposed on your sock account also that girl looks like she’s fucking Asian just look at her eyes you can’t possibly be that fucking stupid

12-11-2017, 03:04 AM
Haa you mád she looks Iberian you dont you fit in North África.

12-11-2017, 03:07 AM
southern European with some basque ancestry
Her basque ancestry is why she doesnt look Mena

Iberians (Basque or not) don't look Mena, dummie.

12-11-2017, 03:13 AM
Haa you mád she looks Iberian you dont you fit in North África.

The only way that women fits in Iberia is as a sex slave by the Russian mafia

Carlito's Way
12-11-2017, 04:04 AM
And how my any more exotic than those people my skin colour is lighter than theirs

So Xavi is less white then them give me a fucking break

They unlike you look western euro
You look very exotic, you can't even pass In Sikeliot Sicilian nightclubs cause even he would find you too exotic for his threads LOL

Carlito's Way
12-11-2017, 04:08 AM
I’ve wasted more than enough time debating you I have nothing to prove to you in the proof is in the DNA don’t get upset with me because you got triggered

In the end the day you’re a complexed buffoon

Filho whats the point of beimg european genetically when pheno wise you look too exotic for europe????

That's as worse as these Dominican boys who grow tits like chicas, both your situation and theirs is fuck up


12-11-2017, 10:33 AM
What a load of shit from the faceless idiot who can’t even afford to leave California let alone travel just like the other delusional Mexican that used to post here you have any crime rate in poverty stricken shit town in southern California in a city where 90 percent of its residences are illegal aliens.

Thankfully a lot of the Portuguese members of your state senate a Republicans and they’re sending you motherfuckers back.

Cristiano viejo
12-11-2017, 01:58 PM
1. It's very dark brown eyes
2. Spaniards are hairier than Amerindians so "these eyebrows" is just a sad excuse for why you claim she can't pass as a Spaniard.
She'd pass for Spanish, just get over it. I don't care if you don't see her as the archetypal Spaniard. She really would be taken for a foreigner in Spain? Is that what chur trynna tell me dawg??

No, she would not pass in Spain, thanks for proving my point posting these persons, none of them has her eyebrows.

Perhaps she would pass in Romania or Norway, not here :thumb001:

Cristiano viejo
12-11-2017, 02:02 PM
I have to admit Cristiano viejo can be sometimes very bias and ignorant still like him thought, a lot people in México and other Latín american countries can pass in Spain without a problem as long they dont open their mouth even having amerindian ancestry take a look at this Mexican american woman she is only 75% European.

Im pretty sure just because he sees Ecuadorians and Peruvians looking full blown amerindian he thinks all Latinos are like that without exeception of Argentina and Uruguay.

I have been the first to say maaaaaaaaaany Mexicans would pass in Spain (or other European places), but not this Julieta Venegas, sorry.

Carlito's Way
12-11-2017, 02:12 PM
What a load of shit from the faceless idiot who can’t even afford to leave California let alone travel just like the other delusional Mexican that used to post here you have any crime rate in poverty stricken shit town in southern California in a city where 90 percent of its residences are illegal aliens.

Thankfully a lot of the Portuguese members of your state senate a Republicans and they’re sending you motherfuckers back.

California is considered the second most expensive state in America. Why would I leave when I can afford to live here? Lol you are obviously too poor to live here

I am rich nigga, I own three beautiful cars. I have another one in Mexico. I can travel anywhere I want because unlike you have the money to do so.

Portuguese in California are in northern California. Sadly a lot of them pass for illegal immigrants from Mexico.

12-11-2017, 02:34 PM
Gracilized Baskid.
She has some french ancestry too.

12-11-2017, 03:44 PM
California is considered the second most expensive state in America. Why would I leave when I can afford to live here? Lol you are obviously too poor to live here

I am rich nigga, I own three beautiful cars. I have another one in Mexico. I can travel anywhere I want because unlike you have the money to do so.

Portuguese in California are in northern California. Sadly a lot of them pass for illegal immigrants from Mexico.

You live in the shittiest part. Probaly some slum. Typical idiot a faceless one at that

Carlito's Way
12-11-2017, 04:45 PM
You live in the shittiest part. Probaly some slum. Typical idiot a faceless one at that

Nope, i live in a good as area, and even the shittest part of orange county is a lot more expensive than the junkyard you call home

12-11-2017, 05:07 PM
I’m sure it is

06-14-2018, 11:33 AM