View Full Version : Pax tecum

Kaiserlicher Ritter
01-31-2017, 03:18 AM
First of all I'd like to thank the administrator of the forum who did the kindness of creating me an account after problems with several email servers. Cheers mate, thanks for that.

I came across the forum, it seemed a good place to discuss traditionalism, so why not? I'm onboard. I'm an Austrian catholic monarchist, I'm a nationalist, reactionary but I put Catholic Absolutism above anything else. Although I sympathise with other political roads, I have to say I support absolute monarchy, and sure I'd be happy with other systems, but my ultimate goal would be to see absolute catholic monarchy restored.

Other than that I like discussing history, art, classical music, books, military strategy and chess.

So I thank all for the opportunity to join you, it's a pleasure to be here. :cheers:

01-31-2017, 10:04 AM
but my ultimate goal would be to see absolute catholic monarchy restored.

I'd love to see people riding horses again, instead of driving cars. Guns are shameful too, we should carry swords.

Hello, by the way.

Kaiserlicher Ritter
01-31-2017, 01:05 PM
I'd love to see people riding horses again, instead of driving cars. Guns are shameful too, we should carry swords.

Hello, by the way.

Pfft, just to show how ignorant you are: absolute monarchy peaked at the late 18th century, not in the Middle Ages.

Yes indeed, in the Middle Ages there was no such thing as absolutism, the land was split by feudalism and a King relied on the support of his vassals.

I'm the 18th century however, Emperor Joseph II. of the Holy Roman Empire took the absolutism of the Spanish crown in the late 16th and 17th century, passing through the French "L'Estate c'est moi" (I'm pretty sure that was misspelt) all the way to what was called the Enlightened Absolutism, which Joseph II would later be accredited for as the Exponent des Aufgeklärten Absolutismus.

That was a time of firearms, pistols and muskets, a time of papers and bureaucracy, industrialisation had already begun, much of their life was a lot similar to ours, and when you think "och 200 years is a lot of time", think that right after that came Napoleon and then the invention of modern medicine and electricity, the first cars, WWI and WWII and then we are here.

And pay close attention to WWI there, for it was a time that many a state still had absolute monarchy, and that is just roughly a hundred years ago. Even Austria was still an absolutist country then, and in plain 1903 Franz Joseph vetoed a Cardinal from becoming Pope at the Conclave, showing that indeed the Crown and the Mitre are well connected even in this age of depravity and demoralisation.

Furthermore, it is a clear question of what you comprehend to be monarchy, by citing examples of technological things in contrast to political matters, it just serves to expose you as ignorant and slave to the modern standard media and its leftist/pro-democracy propaganda.

And hello to you as well.

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk

01-31-2017, 01:07 PM
Pfft, just to show how ignorant you are: absolute monarchy peaked at the late 18th century, not in the Middle Ages.

Yes indeed, in the Middle Ages there was no such thing as absolutism, the land was split by feudalism and a King relied on the support of his vassals.

I'm the 18th century however, Emperor Joseph II. of the Holy Roman Empire took the absolutism of the Spanish crown in the late 16th and 17th century, passing through the French "L'Estate c'est moi" (I'm pretty sure that was misspelt) all the way to what was called the Enlightened Absolutism, which Joseph II would later be accredited for as the Exponent des Aufgeklärten Absolutismus.

That was a time of firearms, pistols and muskets, a time of papers and bureaucracy, industrialisation had already begun, much of their life was a lot similar to ours, and when you think "och 200 years is a lot of time", think that right after that came Napoleon and then the invention of modern medicine and electricity, the first cars, WWI and WWII and then we are here.

And pay close attention to WWI there, for it was a time that many a state still had absolute monarchy, and that is just roughly a hundred years ago. Even Austria was still an absolutist country then, and in plain 1903 Franz Joseph vetoed a Cardinal from becoming Pope at the Conclave, showing that indeed the Crown and the Mitre are well connected even in this age of depravity and demoralisation.

Furthermore, it is a clear question of what you comprehend to be monarchy, by citing examples of technological things in contrast to political matters, it just serves to expose you as ignorant and slave to the modern standard media and its leftist/pro-democracy propaganda.

And hello to you as well.

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk


01-31-2017, 01:32 PM

Herr Abubu
01-31-2017, 01:51 PM
Hi there. You seem to be of a anti-modern bent like myself, though from a different angle. Don't expect understanding of any degree from most of the people here.

Kaiserlicher Ritter
02-01-2017, 01:49 AM
Hi there. You seem to be of a anti-modern bent like myself, though from a different angle. Don't expect understanding of any degree from most of the people here.

Well, I suppose you could say that. Thanks, though I don't expect understanding or agreement from anyone, I've already come to realise that even the most rightist people will not go such lengths as to agree with me.

02-01-2017, 01:54 AM

02-01-2017, 01:58 AM


02-01-2017, 02:15 AM

02-02-2017, 02:16 PM
Grüß Gott

Kaiserlicher Ritter
02-02-2017, 02:18 PM
Grüß Gott


02-04-2017, 07:20 PM

Wie alt bist Du denn und was machst Du sonst so?