View Full Version : Global Warming is the greatest scam in history

Sol Invictus
02-02-2009, 06:44 PM
Here's an excerpt from John Coleman, the founder of the Weather Channel:


By John Coleman


it is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM.

Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data back in the late 1990's to create an allusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental wacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the "research" to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims. Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going. Soon they claimed to be a consensus.

Environmental extremist, notable politicians among them then teamed up with movie, media and other liberal, environmentalist journalists to create this wild "scientific" scenario of the civilization threatening environmental consequences from Global Warming unless we adhere to their radical agenda.

Now their ridicules manipulated science has been accepted as fact and become a cornerstone issue for CNN, CBS, NBC, the Democratic Political Party, the Governor of California, school teachers and, in many cases, well informed but very gullible environmental conscientious citizens. Only one reporter at ABC has been allowed to counter the Global Warming frenzy with one 15 minutes documentary segment.

I do not oppose environmentalism. I do not oppose the political positions of either party.

However, Global Warming, i.e. Climate Change, is not about environmentalism or politics. It is not a religion. It is not something you "believe in." It is science; the science of meteorology. This is my field of life-long expertise. And I am telling you Global Warming is a nonevent, a manufactured crisis and a total scam. I say this knowing you probably won't believe me, a mere TV weatherman, challenging a Nobel Prize, Academy Award and Emmy Award winning former Vice President of United States. So be it.

I suspect you might like to say to me, "John, look the research that supports the case for global warming was done by research scientists; people with PH D's in Meteorology. They are employed by major universities and important research institutions. Their work has been reviewed by other scientists with PH D's. They have to know a lot more about it than you do. Come on, John, get with it. The experts say our pollution has created an strong and increasing greenhouse effect and a rapid, out of control global warming is underway that will sky rocket temperatures, destroy agriculture, melt the ice caps, flood the coastlines and end life as we know it. How can you dissent from this crisis? You must be a bit nutty.

Allow me, please, to explain how I think this all came about. Our universities have become somewhat isolated from the rest of us. There is a culture and attitudes and values and pressures on campus that are very different. I know this group well. My father and my older brother were both PHD-University types. I was raised in the university culture. Any person who spends a decade at a university obtaining a PHD in Meteorology and become a research scientist, more likely than not, becomes a part of that single minded culture. They all look askance at the rest of us, certain of their superiority. They respect government and disrespect business, particularly big business. They are environmentalists above all else.

And, there is something else. These scientists know that if they do research and results are in no way alarming, their research will gather dust on the shelf and their research careers will languish. But if they do research that sounds alarms, they will become well known and respected and receive scholarly awards and, very importantly, more research dollars will come flooding their way.

So when these researchers did climate change studies in the late 90's they were eager to produce findings that would be important and be widely noticed and trigger more research funding. It was easy for them to manipulate the data to come up with the results they wanted to make headlines and at the same time drive their environmental agendas. Then their like minded PHD colleagues reviewed their work and hastened to endorse it without question.

There were a few who didn't fit the mold. They did ask questions and raised objections. They did research with contradictory results. The environmental elitists berated them brushed their studies aside.

I have learned since the Ice Age is coming scare in the 1970's to always be a skeptic about research. In the case of global warming, I didn't accept media accounts. Instead I read dozens of the scientific papers. I have talked with numerous scientists. I have studied. I have thought about it. I know I am correct when I assure you there is no run away climate change. The impact of humans on climate is not catastrophic. Our planet is not in peril. It is all a scam, the result of bad science.

I am not alone in this assessment. There are hundreds of other meteorologists, many of them PH D's, who are as certain as I am that this global warming frenzy is based on bad science and is not valid.

I am incensed by the incredible media glamour, the politically correct silliness and rude dismal of counter arguments by the high priest of Global Warming.

In time, a decade or two, the outrageous scam will be obvious. As the temperature rises, polar ice cap melting, coastal flooding and super storm pattern all fail to occur as predicted everyone will come to realize we have been duped.

The sky is not falling. And, natural cycles and drifts in climate are as much if not more responsible for any climate changes underway.

I strongly believe that the next twenty years are equally as likely to see a cooling trend as they are to see a warming trend.


02-02-2009, 08:48 PM
You only hear about Global Warming when theres a hot spell, Britain is currently in it's coldest winter for over a decade and I've never known Snow this heavy since I was 5 years old, nobody is even thinking about Global Warming at the moment but you wait in the Summer when we have a week of above average tempretures it will be all over the news with so called Ecologists talking about the O-Zone layer and Government putting tax up on air travel and cars.

I think Global Warming should be re-named Extreme Weather as thats what seems to be happening these days weather is just so un-predictable and is from one extreme to the other throughout the year.

02-02-2009, 09:36 PM
I agree with it being renamed Extreme Weather - but I think it does have something to do with global warming.

Scientists believe that the ecology of our planet is so interconnected that the littlest thing can set things off balance. The big worry now is not the raise in air temperature, it's the raise in water temperatures as a result of it - leading to tsunamis and hurricanes, etc etc.

I agree that it's not like the world is going to turn into a big desert, but the weather does seem strange now. It was 60-65 degrees yesterday and today it's snowing really hard. And in December it was in the 80 degree area. I'm not that old, but I don't ever remember a winter like this. Not to mention summer's are unbearable now.

Maybe fimbulwinter is coming.

02-02-2009, 09:44 PM
I agree with it being renamed Extreme Weather - but I think it does have something to do with global warming.

Scientists believe that the ecology of our planet is so interconnected that the littlest thing can set things off balance. The big worry now is not the raise in air temperature, it's the raise in water temperatures as a result of it - leading to tsunamis and hurricanes, etc etc.

I agree that it's not like the world is going to turn into a big desert, but the weather does seem strange now. It was 60-65 degrees yesterday and today it's snowing really hard. And in December it was in the 80 degree area. I'm not that old, but I don't ever remember a winter like this. Not to mention summer's are unbearable now.

Maybe fimbulwinter is coming.

I dont know if it's just me maybe some other Brits can add to this but in recent years Summers have been nothing but a wash out? They seemed to be much warmer 5-6 years ago?

02-02-2009, 10:03 PM
I agree with it being renamed Extreme Weather - but I think it does have something to do with global warming.

The problem with the term "global warming" is that it has been abducted by nefarious organisations in which to promote a seemingly better world all through the finance of our pockets.

Global warming and climate change does exist, but to say that we Humans have such a major role to play in the process is absurd.

I agree that it's not like the world is going to turn into a big desert, but the weather does seem strange now. It was 60-65 degrees yesterday and today it's snowing really hard. And in December it was in the 80 degree area. I'm not that old, but I don't ever remember a winter like this. Not to mention summer's are unbearable now.

I'm an old man, or at least feel it at times, but the winters of my childhood were colder than what we have now, and my Father could afford to put the heating on all day unlike me!
The winters have got progressively warmer and the summers colder and wetter.

Summer as a child was none stop heat with a little rain to cool things down.
Now, it is non-stop rain with a little bit of sun to keep you going.

02-02-2009, 10:04 PM
I dont know if it's just me maybe some other Brits can add to this but in recent years Summers have been nothing but a wash out? They seemed to be much warmer 5-6 years ago?

Maybe for you guys - over here it's been ridiculous.

02-02-2009, 11:04 PM
Al Gore's movie - An Inconvenient Truth was, is and always will be the biggest piece of clap-trap ever made.:mad:

He's also one of the biggest hypocrites ever to walk the earth.


02-02-2009, 11:12 PM

A blatant hypocrisy was the music show all in aid of being more globally aware that he arranged/endorsed.
To think of how much resources was used, and contributed towards the whole thing, I'm sure Al Gore still frets about it over a nice cup of Brazilian coffee in one of his American homes.

Sol Invictus
02-02-2009, 11:20 PM
The Great Global Warming Swindle


This whole Global Warming bullshit is big buisness, and another brick in the wall of global control.. It's all about moneygrabbing sensationalism to these people designed to appeal to our fear of apocololypse, It's bullshit..

02-03-2009, 08:33 AM
I don't know if it is particuarly 'extreme weather' or just changing weather, but one theory I have heard is that the past 150 years were unusually mild, and the weather is now returning to its normal state of volatility.

Also, we both have more people living in areas subject to extreme weather such as Florida and the southwestern desert, and more communication with formerly remote parts of the world that are subject to extreme weather such as Thailand and Indonesia.

02-03-2009, 02:57 PM
The earth is indeed heating up it does that all the time the last global maximum had temperatures 15-16 degrees higher than now, and no polar ice caps at all. The mini ice age was just the opposite, I have heard reports that we are coming out of an Ice age and going into another (I suppose both are technically true) So it just depends which of the processes is having the largest impact at the moment. Man may be accelerating the process and we may also be reducing the ability of the planet to compensate for the changes, but no matter what happens it is not going to "destroy the earth" as the Hippy brigade would like you to think.

02-03-2009, 03:19 PM
Climate is not a static thing--it is always in flux, always correcting iteself, re-correcting and adjusting once again.

It is quite clear that we have been in a warmer phase for the past 100 years or so. One can not argue against retreating glaciers and retreating icepack at the poles. One can not argue against lower elevation deciduous tree species that are starting to creep up the mountain sides and colonize where formerly only the conifers reigned supreme. These things are happening.

The question really boils down to this: how much of an impact, if any, does humanity have on the recent changes?

Me thinks that we share at least some of the responsibility but by no means all. It seems that the industrial revolution and the incredible increase in carbon emissions since then coincided with a natural upswing in global temperatures. In short, we are enhancing an already naturally occuring process.

What we need is a massive volcano erruption & subsequent ash plume to reduce the solar energy reaching the earth for a spell--that'll cool things down a bit. ;)

02-03-2009, 04:32 PM
Be careful of what you wish for. (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hcWJaxwgurm_TV9AVcObQBWbS25QD9640JU00);)

02-03-2009, 05:12 PM
You only hear about Global Warming when theres a hot spell, Britain is currently in it's coldest winter for over a decade and I've never known Snow this heavy since I was 5 years old, nobody is even thinking about Global Warming at the moment but you wait in the Summer when we have a week of above average tempretures it will be all over the news with so called Ecologists talking about the O-Zone layer and Government putting tax up on air travel and cars.

I think Global Warming should be re-named Extreme Weather as thats what seems to be happening these days weather is just so un-predictable and is from one extreme to the other throughout the year.

This is the first time we've had real snow in what? seven or eight years? When I was child there was a guaranteed week of snow cover every year. Global-warming denial is a distinctly American thing. The only non-Americans I've ever known espouse conspiracy theories about evil hippies destroying the freedom of sweet, gentle unrestrained capitalism are those who've been heavily influenced by online neo-conism. They don't exist in the real world outside of America.

Everyone in Britain knows that, on average, the temperature is increasing. The fact that we're freaking out about two days of snow, as though we'd never seen it before is testament to that fact.

The truth is GW is a genuine ecological event that has been corrupted beyond recognition by the sensationalism of the media and the retardism of politics. No source can be trusted to report objectively on the matter, and positions on this purely scientific problem are almost always determined by political stance. It's quite sickening. GW is an obvious fact. The causes need to be studied rationally and scientifically. Science is a noble subject and it's revolting to see it infected with the insipidity of politics. Mainstream scientists play to the media for on political grounds. Papers/blogs report 'facts' on political grounds.

To me, global warming is comparable to the evolution debate: It's a mainly American thing, and has a marked liberal/neo-con split. The worst thing is that these people who believe science is bound to their ideology are a majority and feel no shame.

02-03-2009, 07:02 PM
The theory behind global warming is essentially sound (although there is a bit of a bait and switch where people assume either global warming isn't happening, or if it is then it automatically follows it's man made, despite the fact that the Earth's temperature has fluctuated wildly for millions of years without our help), the trouble is in the huge level of distortion made by scientists who don't have adequate data to substantiate their ideas. Pollution does cause more heat to be trapped in the atmosphere, but we don't know how much or what capacity Earth's ecology has to compensate. It's possible what we're doing is the equivalent to spitting in the ocean to raise sea levels, or that it's the straw that breaks the camel's back. However complex problems don't appeal to most people so it's either "OMG THE WORLDS GOING TO EXPLODE" or "GLOBAL WARMING IS COMPLETELY MADE UP", when the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

In any case it is laughable how "human centric" so called environmentalists are, because we can't "destroy the world"; even if it's completely uninhabitable for humans, 95% of all other species, along with the ecosystems will adapt and be perfectly fine.

02-03-2009, 07:13 PM
The truth is GW is a genuine ecological event that has been corrupted beyond recognition by the sensationalism of the media and the retardism of politics. No source can be trusted to report objectively on the matter, and positions on this purely scientific problem are almost always determined by political stance.

Perfectly said--this is exactly what makes the matter so difficult to learn about and discuss. It takes some serious sifting and discernement to get cold (no pun intended), hard, scientific facts that have not been tampered with by any political entity.

02-03-2009, 09:35 PM
This is the first time we've had real snow in what? seven or eight years? When I was child there was a guaranteed week of snow cover every year. Global-warming denial is a distinctly American thing. The only non-Americans I've ever known espouse conspiracy theories about evil hippies destroying the freedom of sweet, gentle unrestrained capitalism are those who've been heavily influenced by online neo-conism. They don't exist in the real world outside of America.

Everyone in Britain knows that, on average, the temperature is increasing. The fact that we're freaking out about two days of snow, as though we'd never seen it before is testament to that fact.

The truth is GW is a genuine ecological event that has been corrupted beyond recognition by the sensationalism of the media and the retardism of politics. No source can be trusted to report objectively on the matter, and positions on this purely scientific problem are almost always determined by political stance. It's quite sickening. GW is an obvious fact. The causes need to be studied rationally and scientifically. Science is a noble subject and it's revolting to see it infected with the insipidity of politics. Mainstream scientists play to the media for on political grounds. Papers/blogs report 'facts' on political grounds.

To me, global warming is comparable to the evolution debate: It's a mainly American thing, and has a marked liberal/neo-con split. The worst thing is that these people who believe science is bound to their ideology are a majority and feel no shame.

Winters are milder but Summers are just turning into Rain seasons, as I've said the weather system doesn't know what it wants to do with it's self.

I just dont see how global warming is taking place since we are polluteing at a faster rate everyday yet we are going through the coldest winter in 15 years.

02-04-2009, 04:19 AM
This is the first time we've had real snow in what? seven or eight years? When I was child there was a guaranteed week of snow cover every year. Global-warming denial is a distinctly American thing. The only non-Americans I've ever known espouse conspiracy theories about evil hippies destroying the freedom of sweet, gentle unrestrained capitalism are those who've been heavily influenced by online neo-conism. They don't exist in the real world outside of America.

The EU President recently declared that climate change is a myth. Also, one of the main advocates against the global warming scam is University of Copenhagen Professor Bjarne Andresen.

As to the influence of politics, most of the 'global warming' claims come from government funded institutions and studies, and they conveniently come up with findings that support the imposition of greater control of society by the governments from which they receive their money :rolleyes: Just like when they come up with findings of 'entrenched institutional racism'.

02-04-2009, 05:40 PM
The EU President recently declared that climate change is a myth. Also, one of the main advocates against the global warming scam is University of Copenhagen Professor Bjarne Andresen.

As to the influence of politics, most of the 'global warming' claims come from government funded institutions and studies, and they conveniently come up with findings that support the imposition of greater control of society by the governments from which they receive their money :rolleyes: Just like when they come up with findings of 'entrenched institutional racism'.

Anthropogenic global warming denial is primarily an American neo-con thing. I don't see how pro-environment measures that would severely damage capitalism and the governments that thrive on it are somehow elements of a greater scheme to destroy personal liberty.

Because neo-cons are capitalists, and equate "freedom" to financial freedom, they're incapable of understanding how capitalism constrains non-economic liberty (of which they have no understanding), and therefore ironically judge threats to the economic system as attacks on 'freedom'. Personally, I don't see it. If every measure proposed by 'greens' were implemented tomorrow, the average citizen would have as much liberty as he has today. If his employer goes bankrupt, then perhaps more. The profit of businesses isn't my interest. The coffers of governments are not my interest. The 'freedoms' of industry don't bother me at all. I only care about individual liberty. I welcome damage to capitalism because it is a threat to personal liberty.

But none of that is in the least bit relevant to whether the climate is changing (which it obviously is), or why it's changing (which everyone has an opinion on, yet no one at all has a right to). I neither know who the EU president is nor care what he thinks. Is he a scientist? Can he explain why no one should investigate whether changes in atmospheric composition can elicit changes in climate, or is his dismissal another boring attempt of a retarded politician to earn kudos with whichever group he feels it's necessary to impress in order to secure his standing, or smooth his transition to political position X, or increase his approval ratings among group Y, or regain the favour of group Z now that elections are on the horizon? That's what I thought. I couldn't care less what politicians say about science (or anything, tbh). They always serve an agenda, and that agenda is never scientific curiosity.

02-04-2009, 06:25 PM
I'm 34. It just snowed, for the 2nd time this season, here in Mooresville, NC. When I was a kid, we got snow every year. 20 years of "heat wave"? I've also heard the theories behind a 1000 year minor ice age that ended in 1850. Obviously, during the ending of an ice age, there WILL be global warming. That's how the damn ice age ends. But, I also think that over a 20, Hel, even 100 year study showing that global temperature increase is fair to say that we have the power over every natural elemental influence in our Solar System. The time that man has been on Earth is just a fart in time. On a grand scale, it's like saying that because you have an upset stomach, you are going to die. It lasts for a little while, then you "heal". The Earth does the same thing. Is it hotter during the summer than it was when I was a kid? Hel yeah! But, could that also be because, as I get older, I become less tolerant of the heat? Probably. Life cycles, species come and go. If we were to be able to go back and save every animal that has ever gone into extinction, well, that would be a mess.

Everything cycles. In due time, we will be gone from this earth, to make way for another set of creatures that will eventually evolve to destroy itself...or, will nature just cycle? :confused: I think the Sun spots and natural activities within the earth (hey, the earth is a big spinning blob of molten crap) have much more influence on the planet than our short spell of industrialization. Sure, we don't help the environment much with smoke and pollution, but didn't all the ingredients that go into making those plastic bottles come from the earth?

Science can prove and disprove everything. I quit listening to them a long time ago.

Mrs. Psychonaut
02-04-2009, 08:47 PM
It's funny that it snowed in New Orleans this winter! All we've heard about this past season is how bad the ice storms were all across the U.S.. Evidence of Global Warming for sure. The earth has always gone through cycles of extreme heat and extreme cold. It doesn't even take much research about it to realize how normal it is. Even if it is happening, I don't believe that we have had that much of an impact on global warming as some say we do. People always want to believe the end is near.

02-05-2009, 07:45 AM
Anthropogenic global warming denial is primarily an American neo-con thing.

More like the 'global warming' religion is primarily restricted to northwestern Europe and certain subcultures of upper/middle class Americans. The rest of the world, China, Russia, India, etc isn't pulling their hair out over this nonsense.

Because neo-cons are capitalists

The neo-cons are actually socialists who left the Democrat party because they favor a strong military, aggressive foreign policy, and strong police powers. The founders of the movement were followers of Trotsky who opposed Stalinism but were still socialists. Most neo-conservatives, such as John McCain, believe in 'global warming' and support legislation designed to combat this supposed problem. The main opposition to the 'global warming' myth actually comes from traditional conservatives and what is defined in your country as 'the working class'.

and equate "freedom" to financial freedom, they're incapable of understanding how capitalism constrains non-economic liberty (of which they have no understanding), and therefore ironically judge threats to the economic system as attacks on 'freedom'. Personally, I don't see it. If every measure proposed by 'greens' were implemented tomorrow, the average citizen would have as much liberty as he has today. If his employer goes bankrupt, then perhaps more. The profit of businesses isn't my interest. The coffers of governments are not my interest. The 'freedoms' of industry don't bother me at all. I only care about individual liberty. I welcome damage to capitalism because it is a threat to personal liberty.

Sure, for people like you which the only freedoms worth concern are 'reproductive rights' (abortion) and homosexual rights such as 'gay marriage'.

Just about every other personal lifestyle restriction arises from socialism and government economic control.

For example, the main argument in favor of bans on certain substances such as marijuana, methamphetamines, cocaine, and heroin is the claim that the users of such substances tend to not work, and therefore don't pay taxes, and instead collect from welfare programs. If you don't have welfare programs and the taxes to pay for them, then the argument in favor of a bans on the use of certain substances is removed.

Also, ever since the government started paying for some health care costs, the number of lifestyle restrictions has multiplied. The law now requires people to wear seatbelts, carry automobile insurance, wear helmets if riding a motorcycle, as well as a number of other restrictions which drive up the cost of automobiles. Smoking is heavily taxed restricted, and certain food types such as 'transfats' are either banned or heavily restricted. Even lawn darts are now banned! Many states ban fireworks for personal use.

Likewise, the 'global warming' nonsense has been used in a push for stricter 'fuel efficiency' standards, which has as its endgame basically banning every vehicle that is fun to drive and forcing everyone to drive rice rockets.

This is in addition to adding to the cost of everything produced, with the result that one must either spend more hours at work in order to have the same lifestyle, or give up spending on things which bring enjoyment to life.

Really, it doesn't matter if the government bans things outright or just makes them unaffordable, it has the same effect.

02-05-2009, 10:00 AM
Currently, 90% of the US has below freezing temperatures:


02-05-2009, 02:31 PM
Currently, 90% of the US has below freezing temperatures:

-9F (-23C) this morning at the house. :coffee:

Mrs. Psychonaut
02-05-2009, 04:38 PM
What we need is a massive volcano erruption & subsequent ash plume to reduce the solar energy reaching the earth for a spell--that'll cool things down a bit. ;)

No volcano eruptions! :eek:

02-05-2009, 07:44 PM
I find the question to be; Is there a global warming, or a change in weather, which has allready been mentioned. Humans, and other animals alike, are just a part of earth system, what we do, won't have any effect(except nuclear war), we can drive our cars, smoke our sigaretts, and do whatever the fuck we want. It won't effect the earth, our little lifetime of socalled polution is just a fart considered to earths insane lifetime.

02-05-2009, 08:57 PM
The neo-cons are actually socialists who left the Democrat party because they favor a strong military, aggressive foreign policy, and strong police powers. The founders of the movement were followers of Trotsky who opposed Stalinism but were still socialists. Most neo-conservatives, such as John McCain, believe in 'global warming' and support legislation designed to combat this supposed problem. The main opposition to the 'global warming' myth actually comes from traditional conservatives and what is defined in your country as 'the working class'.

Intense, dude, but do you have a more substantive reason for outright rejecting global warming/climate change as a scientific hypothesis than that you dislike the type of person who typically advances it?

Sure, for people like you which the only freedoms worth concern are 'reproductive rights' (abortion) and homosexual rights such as 'gay marriage'.

Just about every other personal lifestyle restriction arises from socialism and government economic control.

I agree. That's probably why I'm not a socialist :confused:

02-05-2009, 11:30 PM

This set shows that the climate is very variable over the last 2000 years or so


And this one shows the Paleo temperatures, considering that the mean global temperature is about 14C at the moment, we have a huge way to go before we hit the temperatures in the past, where the average temperature was often over 20C also from the lower image you can see that it is abnormal for it to be as cold as it is in the moment. In fact it's not been this cold in the last 250,000,000 years.

02-06-2009, 11:53 AM

This set shows that the climate is very variable over the last 2000 years or so


And this one shows the Paleo temperatures, considering that the mean global temperature is about 14C at the moment, we have a huge way to go before we hit the temperatures in the past, where the average temperature was often over 20C also from the lower image you can see that it is abnormal for it to be as cold as it is in the moment. In fact it's not been this cold in the last 250,000,000 years.

Who knew? Earth's climate is cyclical. That doesn't mean that the observed recent rise in temperature isn't in some way influenced by humanity's contributions to the atmosphere.

It's like saying that because glaciers and canyons exist, a quarry couldn't possibly be man-made. I suppose you'd also argue after a nuclear holocaust that because there's still more life than 3 billion years ago, the nuclear holocaust had no impact on the environment, and so on.

02-06-2009, 12:05 PM
. I suppose you'd also argue after a nuclear holocaust that because there's still more life than 3 billion years ago, the nuclear holocaust had no impact on the environment, and so on.

No what I'm showing is that we are due this warm up anyway, and due to uncertainties in measuring paleo temperature we can not be sure how fast this process is normally. My main point in the previous post was however, that it does not matter if it warms up or not, everything has already happened and will again.

I hate to inform you that a nuclear war would have no impact on the Earth, yes we may be gone and to paraphrase startrek if I may "It's life Spillip but not as WE know it' over 95% of life has been wiped out in one go before at the Permian-Triassic boundary, and that was due to a global cooling so I'm sure the earth will survive a few degrees in the other direction.

02-06-2009, 12:26 PM
No what I'm showing is that we are due this warm up anyway, and due to uncertainties in measuring paleo temperature we can not be sure how fast this process is normally. My main point in the previous post was however, that it does not matter if it warms up or not, everything has already happened and will again.

The topic was on whether it was a hoax or not, not whether it mattered.

I hate to inform you that a nuclear war would have no impact on the Earth, yes we may be gone and to paraphrase startrek if I may "It's life Spillip but not as WE know it' over 95% of life has been wiped out in one go before at the Permian-Triassic boundary, and that was due to a global cooling so I'm sure the earth will survive a few degrees in the other direction.

Yes it would have an impact on the earth. Knocking over a chair has an impact on the earth.

02-06-2009, 12:50 PM
Yes it would have an impact on the earth. Knocking over a chair has an impact on the earth.

So you're a fan of the Chaos Theory?

02-06-2009, 10:50 PM
Intense, dude, but do you have a more substantive reason for outright rejecting global warming/climate change as a scientific hypothesis than that you dislike the type of person who typically advances it?

I believe that was you who stated that he didn't like 'global warming deniers' because 'its only put forth by american neo-conservatives'...which is why I pointed out that it was in fact not true.

02-06-2009, 10:51 PM
^Hey, Spilip is no longer, I replied when he/she was banned so I ended up talking to myself!

02-06-2009, 10:53 PM
I don't know about the global warming but this winter has been pretty cold in France too (-15°C at the coldest). We don't see that every year. At the same time, our "summers" suck (wet and cold).

02-09-2009, 06:47 PM
I like George Carlin's take on it.