View Full Version : Classify GMEBE Bandz (American Wigger)

02-10-2017, 01:34 AM

02-10-2017, 06:10 AM
Alpine + Borreby maybe.

02-10-2017, 06:24 AM
10 years too late to the party...White rapping will become radioactive within a year or two. Then the generation after the Millenial will swing the pendelum back and look at this kid like we do those white performers doing 'black face'. Those White black-face vaudeville acts probably felt the same rush and high this kid felt editing the music video, but they only draw derision and a slight cringe embarrassment today.

IMO, the 80s era is being recycled...We just had the 60s-70s era recycled over the past decade (hipster attire, skinny jeans, beards...arab spring/color revolutions vs 1950s/1960s independence movements)...so the next decade will have a rehash of the 80s IMO. lots of cocaine in the streets, cocaine wars, stiff choreographic production (its why Madonna is in the news alot again)...I predict also geoengineered drought in Somalia to Senegal... and Nuclear war in MENA and Europe by the end of the decade, beginning of 2030s.

These are just forecasts not prophecies and idk, maybe I should have opened up a thread for it...but seeing this white rapper made me realize how far we are from Eminem times (America Felix).