View Full Version : Main Austrian phenotypes

02-11-2017, 01:04 PM








Can you classify one or more of these Austrian females ?

02-11-2017, 03:49 PM
What about Arnold?Is he really look Austrian?

02-11-2017, 04:00 PM
What about Arnold?Is he really look Austrian?


Right. I classify him Pontid & Dinarid - maybe a few Mediterran. And there is no 100 % similar female in OP to him.

Philip Latinowitz
02-11-2017, 04:02 PM

Right. I classify him Pontid & Dinarid - maybe a few Mediterran. And there is no 100 % similar female in OP to him.

Come on dude, pontid and dinarid are main Balkan / South Slav phenotypes, and he doesn't look like either at all.
I am bad at classify, but women look like alpines (Central Europeans).

02-11-2017, 04:02 PM

Right. I classify him Pontid & Dinarid - maybe a few Mediterran. And there is no 100 % similar female in OP to him.

You didn't say you only post female Austrians but no problem :biggrin:

02-11-2017, 04:23 PM
Come on dude, pontid and dinarid are main Balkan / South Slav phenotypes, and he doesn't look like either at all.
I am bad at classify, but women look like alpines (Central Europeans).

Dinarid has an overlap to Austria (Lower Austria, Burgenland, Steiermark, Kärnten, Vienna), and there are some Pontid looking Persons in Austria.

2 of these women look Central European, and just one of them is true Alpin. #1 is Pan-European from the Northern part of Europe, you can find women like her from Scotland, England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland to the Baltic States ;)

I am still waiting for your classification, maybe you can check out the Dinarid one ;)

02-11-2017, 04:36 PM

Right. I classify him Pontid & Dinarid - maybe a few Mediterran. And there is no 100 % similar female in OP to him.

Arnold is cro magnon mainly with some nordic, are you blind dawg? Naturally he's medium brunette.

02-11-2017, 04:38 PM
Arnold is cro magnon mainly with some nordic, are you blind dawg? Naturally he's medium brunette.

You are what your are, but I dont write this fact into this thread.

02-11-2017, 04:41 PM
Well, Arnold is pure CM.

02-11-2017, 04:54 PM
What is CM? The CM lived in Europe 40.000 years ago, and they disappeared during the ice-age. Ok - they mingled with the next immigration-men and women. Just a few CM is in our DNA.

The next population in Central Europe had been the Paleolithics of the Ice-age - Magdalenien - 14.000 years ago. And I can tell you their appearance - like that:

Reconstruction: Paleolithics of Ice-Age - Oberkassel/Bonn


Are these 2 Persons similar to Arnold? No. They are similar to the woman #1 of my OP.

Wild North
02-11-2017, 08:24 PM








Can you classify one or more of these Austrian females ?

How do they differ from the main "German" phenotypes ?

02-11-2017, 08:50 PM
#1 is part of the German diversity of phenotypes,
#2 is part of the Bavarian phenotypes, I guess not common north of Frankfurt ;)
#3 can pass is Germany in a small Number - not common in Germany (*)
#4 is part of the Eastern countries of Central Europe - not common in Germany. Maybe in the Cities as the result of immigration the last 150 years - not sure (mining workers).

The Germans have a large number of Faelid persons, and they have a large number of Nordid persons (north of Frankfurt); Faelid and Nordid are maybe ~5 % of the Austrian population.

I know that in Germany live a large number of Balkan persons as a result of immigration in the last 50 years, so the Germans are a mixed population *) and my statement ist not 100 % true.