View Full Version : RationalWiki on Race Realism

02-13-2017, 10:40 PM

I just scrolled through this article on race realism. Mind you RationalWiki leans very left and tend to be hardcore SJW's although they have some good articles. Although I found this article to be very awful and they just completely misrepresent the view of race realism?

What do you all think of this and how would you respond to this article?

02-13-2017, 11:10 PM
That site is hilarious. I can imagine this guy sitting there and typing that stuff:


02-13-2017, 11:43 PM
why do leftists advocate for teaching evolution and promoting evolution and mocking creationists etc but yet somehow believe that people evolved identical to each other despite being separated from each other for thousands of years?

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-14-2017, 12:10 AM
It's so bad that they can't even read a map key correctly.


Proof that Continentals are small-head idiots — unlike us big-brained Brits. (From Ripley's The Races of EuropeWikipedia's W.svg.)

The map for the most part shows the opposite, actually.

Maybe the guy who wrote that was being sarcastic? It doesn't seem likely but if so it doesn't work.

02-14-2017, 12:17 AM
it actually says in the article that there are other reasons why jaimaicans are so good as short distance running such as education, culture. If you talk to any expert in sprinting or any coach, he would tell you the very first thing that will make you a great sprinter is that the genetics need to be there first.