View Full Version : Love to women is just narcissism

War Chef
02-14-2017, 05:10 AM
They just want to be desired..... the desire to be desired, because they want confirmation that they are as amazing as the "self" they created. Let me know if I'm over-thinking this.

02-14-2017, 05:20 AM
They just want to be desired..... the desire to be desired, because they want confirmation that they are as amazing as the "self" they created. Let me know if I'm over-thinking this.

Somehow makes sense.

War Chef
02-14-2017, 05:22 AM
Somehow makes sense.

Could it be? I'm the 1st man in the history of earth to "figure out" women? Hell, even women don't know why other women do the things they do, but I've figured it out....

02-14-2017, 05:22 AM
They just want to be desired..... the desire to be desired, because they want confirmation that they are as amazing as the "self" they created. Let me know if I'm over-thinking this.

Yes they do....it's just the way it is. It is either that or your hand or something else and that is a form of "desire to be desired"... incelmania.

02-14-2017, 05:23 AM
I guess Im a woman too since I wanna be desired aswell?

War Chef
02-14-2017, 05:27 AM
I guess Im a woman too since I wanna be desired aswell?

You want someone to acknowledge your funny jokes and wit, your ego wants to feel it.

But I'm talking about sex & romance here. Are you not the one who does the desiring? You want to devour her like a nice meal. She wants to be that said meal - she gets off to that.

02-14-2017, 05:34 AM
But men too in their own day. Its called being a narcissist pervert. And they are many ;)
In fact, I think men are more narcissic than women who are more turned to others, especially when they became mothers.
Narcissic perverts are mostly men.


War Chef
02-14-2017, 05:49 AM
But men too in their own day. Its called being a narcissist pervert. And they are many ;)
In fact, I think men are more narcissic than women who are more turned to others, especially when they became mothers.
Narcissic perverts are mostly men.


It's because women naturally lack self-esteem (every single last one of them, I don't care how beautiful or accomplished) so any retard male can :

A. be narcissistic/confident
B. fake being narcissistic/confident, because 90% of women cannot discern the fake from the real thing

The man is the hunter spearing his prey, whereas the woman is getting off on the fact her meat is of such good quality that he goes out of his way to spear her in the first place.

War Chef
02-14-2017, 06:03 AM
I'm fucking BRILLIANT to think of this stuff... who else could come up with this other than me?

How's that for your narcissism?:fhmm:

02-14-2017, 06:04 AM
They just providing the supply to satisfy the demand. The one we creating with our very own male brains which like that healthy plumpy juicy curves so much. Character? Personality? Qualities? Who cares about that nonsense? Put them 'goods' on the table and spread them - that's what we, men, looking for before anything else. Naturally over course of evolution those females who figured us out and learnt to show their goods in most presentable way had higher chances of procreating. Eventually this kind of behavior was imprinted in their brains.

At the end it's us shaping them. Just like them shaping us. Takes two to tango.

War Chef
02-14-2017, 06:14 AM
Naturally over course of evolution those females who figured us out and learnt to show their goods in most presentable way had higher chances of procreating. Eventually this kind of behavior was imprinted in their brains.

The females never figured us out collectively, they are simply receptacles of our energy. We make the 1st move, they respond. They are reactionary, entirely.

100,000 years ago in Ethiopia, we raided tribes, killed the males, secured the women for ourselves. Any women who objected were killed alongside their men. Leaving behind only women who are willingly submissive..... this cycle repeats until women are refined to their purest form and ultra-submissive. Their very essence is to be submissive.

War Chef
02-14-2017, 06:30 AM
Queen B is gonna hit soooo hard when she reads this....

Amazon warrior mode in 3....2...1 :bounce:

02-14-2017, 06:34 AM
Many women are whores. They don't teach this in school, but the sooner a man figures this out the better. Most marriages fail because of finances. Many women are like payphones. Once you run out of money, they cut out.

02-14-2017, 06:51 AM
Men will always have superior logic. :laugh:


02-14-2017, 06:57 AM
Men will always have superior logic. :laugh:
That's only if the only drinking you do is at bars.

02-14-2017, 07:12 AM
It's because women naturally lack self-esteem (every single last one of them, I don't care how beautiful or accomplished) so any retard male can :

A. be narcissistic/confident
B. fake being narcissistic/confident, because 90% of women cannot discern the fake from the real thing

The man is the hunter spearing his prey, whereas the woman is getting off on the fact her meat is of such good quality that he goes out of his way to spear her in the first place.

Women are looking for protective men who can secure them in many ways : physically, mentally, materially... they want to be astonished by the man they love, they want to admire him.
Its easy to humiliate, destroy mentally and manipulate a woman when her self esteem is dependant to your will.
Many narcissist perverts themselves lack of self esteem and have inferiority complexes. Men with ego problems are the worst because ego is everything for a man, makes him a sane person, men with self esteem's troubles are dangers for others and the same is true also in the society.
Many things in this world, which are currently taking place, are related to men's ego...
Narcissist perverts like to choose successful women who show great features to reduce them in order to feel better beside them.
Their ego is nourished through their suffering. They dont want to be the only one to feel pathetic, they want someone better than them to feel even more pathetic than they are.
It has been proved in many social surveys that humans prefer to lose together than to lose alone and seing someone else succeed better... especially if this someone is a woman. I did at college an experiment like this, it was 100% true.
Some of them might think they really love their women but their love is narcissic.
Women can use men to satisfy their esteem, to feel more beautiful and desirable but they wont take pleasure from your suffering to bump their ego. Once they are mothers, they only care about their children.
Women are naturally more altruist and turned to others than men.
Thats why most narcissic personnalities are found in men.

02-14-2017, 07:21 AM
Men will always have superior logic. :laugh:


In fact paying 5.00$ for a beer all the time makes him an idiot.

But I saw that kind of scheme once, in reference to quiting smoking. Seems correct.

02-14-2017, 07:40 AM
They just providing the supply to satisfy the demand. The one we creating with our very own male brains which like that healthy plumpy juicy curves so much. Character? Personality? Qualities? Who cares about that nonsense?

I do. I don't find dumb women attractive. At least not for long-term relationships. Sorry, dumb women. :shrug:

Seth MacFarlane
02-14-2017, 07:57 AM
And ? When your in love with a woman your supposed to make her feel desirable like shes the most beautiful girl in the world . i would like for her to feel the same way about me too haha

Queen B
02-14-2017, 08:08 AM
Queen B is gonna hit soooo hard when she reads this....
Amazon warrior mode in 3....2...1 :bounce:
What happened? Is it so rare or so exciting that there are women with brains that will disagree with your theories?
On the topic , one way or another all relationships include a "narcissistic" need. The whole interaction is like that, a need to be desired, accepted, liked. To know you are good enough to be desired/liked, as a friend, as a lover, as a worker, as a kid/parent.Some have a stronger need for that, some a lighter.

You will see it with women (yes), you will see it with men, you will actually see it with anyone, from kids to elders, regardless of sex. This isn't a gender exclusive issue.

Of course, there is no need for me to analyze why, but its obvious to any logical person that ''Love to women is just narcissism'' is BS. Its overgeneralize, simplisistic, wrong and unfair.

But I'm talking about sex & romance here. Are you not the one who does the desiring? You want to devour her like a nice meal. She wants to be that said meal - she gets off to that.

Sometimes , from reading things in apricity, I wonder?..... What kind of women you meet ?
You have only met un-sexual women that don't desired you or lust you ? You haven't been ever in the attention of women? None of them have been rejected by you ?

Many women are whores. They don't teach this in school, but the sooner a man figures this out the better. Most marriages fail because of finances. Many women are like payphones. Once you run out of money, they cut out.
Finances is one of the reasons for divorces, but this isn't the most common reason .

And, I don't understand some men. I'm not talking about you, personally, since I haven't really payed so much attention on your ideas or remember them, but there is a pattern with a percentage of men.
You see men ''react'' to overconfident women, women that pay attention to studies and career, and women that aren't following the ''let's stay at home and be a housewife from 20y.o'' kind of life. On the other hand, the same men, are bashing women that chose a wealthy man to support them .
What do you want ? If you don't want feminists and women to be independent and more career oriented, you should stop whining if they focus on your finances. If you don't want them to focus on your finances, you should stop attacking for being ''independent'', and focused on their career. You can't have them both. You can't ask them not to be independent financially and not care about your finances either.

The same goes for Potato's quote above. He is whining that women don't desire men and want to devour them but if a woman does, and actually acts on it first, I'm pretty sure that there will be many people here that will actually called her a whore, just for doing this.

Herr Abubu
02-14-2017, 08:14 AM
But men too in their own day. Its called being a narcissist pervert. And they are many ;)
In fact, I think men are more narcissic than women who are more turned to others, especially when they became mothers.
Narcissic perverts are mostly men.


That article itself appeals to women's ego. "You read huffingtonpost? You must be an independent, intelligent woman! And the men you attract? It's not your fault, it just happens to you because you're such a great woman!"

Amor Vincit Omnia
02-14-2017, 08:18 AM

Amor Vincit Omnia
02-14-2017, 08:20 AM
I like this kind of thread ....and in general any thread make us to reflect on ourselves .:thumb001:

02-14-2017, 08:23 AM
That article itself appeals to women's ego. "You read huffingtonpost? You must be an independent, intelligent woman! And the men you attract? It's not your fault, it just happens to you because you're such a great woman!"

True. This is just another trick used by newspapers to make us read their articles by flattering our ego.
Nonetheless, it doesnt mean that there is not some kind of truth on what it says inside ;)
I know narcissic men and they really are destructive and way more numerous than anyone could think.

02-14-2017, 08:48 AM
They just want to be desired..... the desire to be desired, because they want confirmation that they are as amazing as the "self" they created. Let me know if I'm over-thinking this.

you're right.

02-14-2017, 08:50 AM
Many women are whores. They don't teach this in school, but the sooner a man figures this out the better. Most marriages fail because of finances. Many women are like payphones. Once you run out of money, they cut out.

right again.

02-14-2017, 08:52 AM
And ? When your in love with a woman your supposed to make her feel desirable like shes the most beautiful girl in the world . i would like for her to feel the same way about me too haha

Only fags think it is faggy to make their women happy and feel beautiful to their eyes.
Women are not that difficult to understand, they just want a lot of attention. They want be at the center of your attention and a lot of love.
They are just like kids.
Narcissic ? Maybe a little, we all are.
However, they dont do it to feel some kind of superiority. Women are incredibly insecure.

Herr Abubu
02-14-2017, 08:54 AM
True. This is just another trick used by newspapers to make us read their articles by flattering our ego.
Nonetheless, it doesnt mean that there is not some kind of truth on what it says inside ;)
I know narcissic men and they really are destructive and way more numerous than anyone could think.

I suspect I've known and know such people, too. What happens if you are too honest with them about who they are?

Queen B
02-14-2017, 09:00 AM
However, they dont do it to feel some kind of superiority. Women are incredibly insecure.
Unfortunately, this is true. Or to be more accurate, women are more often than men - insecure.
That's why you will see many women being manipulated and stay into manipulated relationships with people that will kill their confidence and make them feel they are not good enough, compared to men.
I have met quite a few, which are prettier, smarter,more successful and more intelligent women that remain in relationships that the man made them think that they aren't good enough and they won't find any better.

02-14-2017, 09:11 AM
I guess Im a woman too since I wanna be desired aswell?

Not same.

Women love to be desired by all men but not sleep with them all (a few by heart maybe). while men dont like all women but can sleep with almost all.

Men are animals living by libido.

Herr Abubu
02-14-2017, 09:15 AM
A feature of modernity and now calcified in postmodernity is that narcissism and psychopathy becomes enshrined. Truth becomes subjectivized into mere want and will, that is postmodern truth, which it twofacedly makes claims to but doesn't believe in. To get something we appeal to a person's ego. Advertisement works on this principle. You make people want a product because that product somehow appeals to you as a person. In the early 20th century, cigarettes were advertised to women as a symbol of freedom, of independence. Isn't it interesting that Ayn Rand would later wax lyrically on and on about how libertarian cigarettes are? The implication of this is that products, objects, make us who we are, that we can be identified by the things we have. That is the essence of consumerism. If these products, objects, make us who we are, then we are products, objects, ourselves. Therein lies the psychopathy. Many people complain about the objectification of people today. Feminists most prominently complain about the objectification of women. While their complaints are legitimate, the problem is that going from fundamental feminist doctrine, there is nothing wrong with objectification, the objectification of women in fact derives from feminism. When we see ourselves as objects, then that is true for others, too. We have become subject-objects, of some sort. We then see in others mere use, the core of objectification. We start to see only utility in women. They inspire sexual urges and such, that becomes their value. Men become a way to increase social status and a bank account on two legs—four legs in many places. You see it in this very thread and in this forum.

War Chef
02-14-2017, 03:42 PM
On the topic , one way or another all relationships include a "narcissistic" need. The whole interaction is like that, a need to be desired, accepted, liked. To know you are good enough to be desired/liked, as a friend, as a lover, as a worker, as a kid/parent.Some have a stronger need for that, some a lighter.

You will see it with women (yes), you will see it with men, you will actually see it with anyone, from kids to elders, regardless of sex. This isn't a gender exclusive issue.

Of course, there is no need for me to analyze why, but its obvious to any logical person that ''Love to women is just narcissism'' is BS. Its overgeneralize, simplisistic, wrong and unfair.

Yes, men do it too. Basking in the glory of her "loving" him because of his accomplished career and her admiring how well he can play sports & etc., he loves that attention. Looks-wise though he doesn't really give a damn if you are in awe of his blue eyes or not, especially in the bedroom. For women though, their sexuality seems to be strictly dependent to their physical desirability. If you're not feeling pretty & feminine at that given moment, you definitely won't be in the mood. Bringing me to my next point:

you're right.

We have women like crazyladybutterfly who is very insecure about her appearance, she doesn't think she's pretty enough, insecurity higher than the average woman. & What is she? An "asexual".

Sometimes , from reading things in apricity, I wonder?..... What kind of women you meet ?
You have only met un-sexual women that don't desired you or lust you ? You haven't been ever in the attention of women? None of them have been rejected by you ?

This isn't really about my personal life. But don't worry it's not all that great, you're not missing anything. If it was, I sure as hell wouldn't be writing this on VALENTINES DAY. :icon_biggrin:

You see men ''react'' to overconfident women, women that pay attention to studies and career, and women that aren't following the ''let's stay at home and be a housewife from 20y.o'' kind of life.

React positively. Actually there's nothing more amazing than a confident woman, but they hardly exist. I don't like shy timid women, maybe on some days but not consistently so. You go girl.

The same goes for Potato's quote above. He is whining that women don't desire men and want to devour them but if a woman does, and actually acts on it first, I'm pretty sure that there will be many people here that will actually called her a whore, just for doing this.

Why is it when someone talks about gender dynamics you simply dismiss it as "whining"? Do you realize some of us are able to have these conversations without getting our emotions fixed in a knot the way you are now? We're called men, ya, we exist. We think logically not emotionally.

This is why some call us the superior gender, because we see emotions & feelings as untrustworthy, deceptive, unreliable and subject to change..... that's why we think logically.

Colonel Frank Grimes
02-14-2017, 03:54 PM
But men too in their own day. Its called being a narcissist pervert. And they are many ;)
In fact, I think men are more narcissic than women who are more turned to others, especially when they became mothers.
Narcissic perverts are mostly men.


I was definitely sucked in by these charming, manipulative creeps when I was single. Like the countless women who have shared their stories with me, I got sucked in, ecstatic that I had finally found that man who totally excited me. Ultimately, of course, leaving me feeling broken, drained and more insecure than ever.

She totally got owned.

By the way... this is the woman who wrote the article.

Bobbi Palmer, founder of Date Like a Grownup, helps single, mature woman around the world finally discover the intimacy, passion and partnership of a grownup relationship. A first-time bride at age 47, she walks her talk every day as she helps women do what she did: bust the myths, clear the roadblocks and feel the power of fresh perspectives and surprising new knowledge. (As she says: “There is nothing wrong with you. There are just some things you don't yet know.”) Bobbi Palmer has been featured on The Today Show, Huffington Post, Women’s World magazine, Match.com, AARP, eHarmony.com, and numerous other TV, radio and print outlets.

Never listen to someone who makes a career out of giving advice about human interaction. They're the new 'snake oil salesmen.'

Queen B
02-14-2017, 03:58 PM
Yes, men do it too. Basking in the glory of her "loving" him because of his accomplished career and her admiring how well he can play sports & etc., he loves that attention. Looks-wise though he doesn't really give a damn if you are in awe of his blue eyes or not, especially in the bedroom. For women though, their sexuality seems to be strictly dependent to their physical desirability. If you're not feeling pretty & feminine at that given moment, you definitely won't be in the mood. Bringing me to my next point:

Υes and no and no. No, because for men isn't only this. Many men lose interest on a woman, once the novelty is over, once she ''surenders''. They gained the attention they needed, their ego was stroked, its over.
No, women's sexuality isn't dependent in their physical desirabilty. I don't want to make it personal, but you seem that you haven't met any women , that is lusting for some man (that he doesn't even desire her).

This isn't really about my personal life. But don't worry it's not all that great, you're not missing anything. If it was, I sure as hell wouldn't be writing this on VALENTINES DAY. :icon_biggrin:
I didn't say it to make it personal. I said it because if you haven't witnessed an one-sided love/lust from a woman's side, then you could say that. But it really is something super common. Duh.

React positively. Actually there's nothing more amazing than a confident woman, but they hardly exist. I don't like shy timid women, maybe on some days but not consistently so. You go girl.
I agree with your wholeheartedly, but if you read long enough apricity, you will realize that many men don't.

Why is it when someone talks about gender dynamics you simply dismiss it as "whining"? Do you realize some of us are able to have these conversations without getting our emotions fixed in a knot the way you are now? We're called men, ya, we exist. We think logically not emotionally.
Βecause there are too many threads and discussions about men saying of how much women seek their pockets, and too many discussions about it in general.
And how is this related to emotions? I can't make an observation?

This is why some call us the superior gender, because we see emotions & feelings as untrustworthy, deceptive, unreliable and subject to change..... that's why we think logically.
That's the joke for 2017, really.

02-14-2017, 05:08 PM
She totally got owned.
I have a scoop for men : most of us, women, have been owned by men like this :whistle: they are the ones we call "assholes".
This paragraph is the story of our lives.
Women can be a little bit masochist sometimes, they mistake confidence and strenght with being a sadist. How many times I heard women saying ironically "I like to suffer with men"? These men are leeches, they drain you, I have friends who fell into depression and have been humiliated several times by men who were saying they were ugly, whores, were offering them a "favor" by staying with them or to go to "suicide".
The same old stereoptype of the bad boy we want to save from his demons. Women like to save men's souls.
I personally wouldn't care less, I'm not a psychiatrist or a social assistant nor a mother figure.

By the way... this is the woman who wrote the article.

Never listen to someone who makes a career out of giving advice about human interaction. They're the new 'snake oil salesmen.'

I didn't even read her advises, just the first paragraph because it was interesting and 100% true.
I stopped at the advises part because I don't need advises from a random journalist for the reasons you mentioned. :lol:

02-15-2017, 07:49 PM
That would be the case of an individual (no matter the gender) living in a twisted relationship where this one gets some weird kicks from getting his/her ego stroked.
In a healthy relation where one love and is loved that is hard scenario to happen. As the well being/hapiness of the other part of the couple is as much or sometimes even more important than their own.
We, men and women want to be admired and desired by our love ones, that is the normality. We want to be recognized by what we are or what we think we are. We want our virtues to be appreciated and as or more important our flaws to be tolerated (this is the hard part and this is where in many cases lies the failure or success of the relation).
Women generally speaking imo are not more selfish than men. Women's stronger nurture essence makes them actually most of the times less selfish than us.