View Full Version : Paul Fromm runs for mayor

10-27-2010, 08:41 PM
A bit of old news but I didn't hear about it until now.

PORT CREDIT. Nightly radio broadcaster and immigration expert Paul Fromm filed nomination papers for Mayor of Mississauga this afternoon.

“Immigration is the issue,” Fromm declared. “It’s the two ton elephant in the room that the municipal politicians don’t want to discuss. They just want to babble about the supposed benefits of ‘diversity.’”

“Immigration impacts almost every major problem in Mississauga – overcrowded roads, dwindling farm land, the environment, welfare costs. If I’m elected, I’ll camp out on the Minister of Immigration’s front lawn and demand action,” said Fromm.


10-27-2010, 08:56 PM
He is a pretty solid individual, good news for that city.

10-27-2010, 09:12 PM
Fromm is a bit Liberal, but I agree with Apocales.

Grumpy Cat
10-27-2010, 09:12 PM
Not Mr. Fromm's biggest fan.

I don't have an issue with his views so much, but his delivery, and also how he exploits the death of Jane Creba to push his agenda, which I think is distasteful. Let the kid rest in peace.

Blood Trinity
04-30-2011, 06:29 PM
Not that I care to join the witch hunt against anyone in the general nationalist/racialist/preservationist sphere, but I agree with AcadianDriftwood in that he fails in his delivery. Furthermore I have heard from some sources who have told me that he is somewhat of a creep who says weird shit to young women, and isn't doing his conservative image and cause much good with that, or by hanging around idiotic young criminal skinheads like he does.

Sol Invictus
06-22-2011, 04:05 PM
Met the man personally for coffee twice and receive his newsletters still from when I lived in Port Credit and Brampton. He really goes out of his way to help other folks out and meet people. Never was a fan of his radioshow but always liked him as a man. He's organized some great events all over Canada. He'll never be elected, but it's good awareness-raising and gives folks networking potential.

06-22-2011, 04:19 PM
Met the man personally for coffee twice and receive his newsletters still from when I lived in Port Credit and Brampton. He really goes out of his way to help other folks out and meet people. Never was a fan of his radioshow but always liked him as a man. He's organized some great events all over Canada. He'll never be elected, but it's good awareness-raising and gives folks networking potential.

Ya, I don't see him having any real chance at election either.

However, addressing immigration is something that sorely needs to be done in Canada, and we are long overdue for realistic immigration reform.