View Full Version : Classify Romanian Singer

02-24-2017, 05:19 AM

02-24-2017, 05:21 AM
-edit- nevermind

02-24-2017, 05:22 AM
Looks greek to me

02-24-2017, 05:28 AM
What does the man look like to you?

02-24-2017, 05:30 AM
What does the man look like to you?

Was talking about the man...the woman seems to have much makeup and surgery to get accurate classification

02-24-2017, 05:32 AM
Was talking about the man...the woman seems to have much makeup and surgery to get accurate classification

The thread is for the man.

Bobby Martnen
02-24-2017, 05:34 AM
He looks like a Pontid + Alpine-Med to me

Please do mine: http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?203991-Classify-this-couple-and-where-do-you-think-they-d-pass

02-24-2017, 05:36 AM
He doesn't look so white as you claim. I notice that he looks somewhat different than most Romanians, not to mention that he has jet-black hair. Not a common trait in Europeans.

02-24-2017, 05:40 AM
facepalm he is so common in southern Romania, jet black looks is because of the gel or oil he puts on his hair. My hair literally looks exactly them same as his in 1 of three condition I get out the shower I put gel on it or I use oil. I was looking at my friends wedding pictures today and so many people looked similar to him. If I never said what I did in the other thread you would not say this you would think he was european like everyone else. Btw my idea of white is the same as the US government Europe, Middle East and North Africa. And he is much whiter than any arabs so he is most definitely white and again looks very european to me

02-24-2017, 10:27 AM
lol, that's Pepe, a gypsy singer, it's well known in Romania that he's a gypsy, nice try troll

02-24-2017, 10:49 AM
facepalm he is so common in southern Romania, jet black looks is because of the gel or oil he puts on his hair. My hair literally looks exactly them same as his in 1 of three condition I get out the shower I put gel on it or I use oil. I was looking at my friends wedding pictures today and so many people looked similar to him. If I never said what I did in the other thread you would not say this you would think he was european like everyone else. Btw my idea of white is the same as the US government Europe, Middle East and North Africa. And he is much whiter than any arabs so he is most definitely white and again looks very european to me

No, his face is not common in Southern Romania. He looks exotic.

02-24-2017, 04:26 PM
Was talking about the man...the woman seems to have much makeup and surgery to get accurate classification

i think she only got a rhinoplasty .. and tons of botox (especially on the forehead) XD
but it alters the skin appearence not the face proportions

02-24-2017, 05:40 PM
lol, that's Pepe, a gypsy singer, it's well known in Romania that he's a gypsy, nice try troll

Ik he is a gypsy. But I did not know till a friend had told me even now when I look at him I do not see any gypsy influence. This is why I did the thread to see what people thought everyone said he looked european. Till other Romanians who knew his ethnicity was came in and changed their minds because they know part of his background. You know there are a lot of white gypsys who are literately just 99% romanian that want to identify as gypsy and claim gypsy culture. It is like how in United States you have white people who say they are native american. Lastly please don't tell me that you think pepe looks more like this https://img.discogs.com/cca8WuL_J4aJC9mVo7nOYvAj4M8=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():qualit y(40)/discogs-images/A-553811-1344240390-2279.jpeg.jpg

Than this http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/c76.0.927.927/13392723_183183352083711_39432974_n.jpg?ig_cache_k ey=MTI3MjY0NTA0MDY4MjgzNDUxMQ%3D%3D.2.c

02-24-2017, 05:53 PM
No, his face is not common in Southern Romania. He looks exotic.

What is exotic looking about him man? He looks kind of like Mutu with curly dark hair I am not saying exactly but I am saying similar.

Are these Romanian Americans exotic as well? https://static.wixstatic.com/media/a0d047_c63130e25a85d537c237d0fb91f7da7e.jpg/v1/fill/w_791,h_527,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/a0d047_c63130e25a85d537c237d0fb91f7da7e.webp




Btw quick question are you southern Romanian? imo you look like a lighter looking southern romanian you look more like a Transylvanian

02-24-2017, 05:57 PM
Alpinid-east med.

02-24-2017, 05:58 PM
Ik he is a gypsy. But I did not know till a friend had told me even now when I look at him I do not see any gypsy influence. This is why I did the thread to see what people thought everyone said he looked european. Till other Romanians who knew his ethnicity was came in and changed their minds because they know part of his background. You know there are a lot of white gypsys who are literately just 99% romanian that want to identify as gypsy and claim gypsy culture. It is like how in United States you have white people who say they are native american.
i don't know from where u took think info but is totally false. there are gypsies who identify as romanians tho...

02-24-2017, 05:58 PM
What is exotic looking about him man? He looks kind of like Mutu with curly dark hair I am not saying exactly but I am saying similar.

Are these Romanian Americans exotic as well? https://static.wixstatic.com/media/a0d047_c63130e25a85d537c237d0fb91f7da7e.jpg/v1/fill/w_791,h_527,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/a0d047_c63130e25a85d537c237d0fb91f7da7e.webp




Btw quick question are you southern Romanian? imo you look like a lighter looking southern romanian you look more like a Transylvanian

Yes, I'm from the extreme South. Transylvanians aren't lighter than Wallachians. In my opinion they look pretty much the same.

02-24-2017, 06:00 PM
i don't know from where u took think info but is totally false. there are gypsies who identify as romanians tho...

I know many gypsys Identify as Romanian like Alex Velea but that does not mean some Romanians identify as gypsys there are always people who want to be different like the white people in the United States who identify as Native American.

02-24-2017, 06:02 PM
He doesn't look so white as you claim. I notice that he looks somewhat different than most Romanians, not to mention that he has jet-black hair. Not a common trait in Europeans.

facepalm he is so common in southern Romania, jet black looks is because of the gel or oil he puts on his hair. My hair literally looks exactly them same as his in 1 of three condition I get out the shower I put gel on it or I use oil. I was looking at my friends wedding pictures today and so many people looked similar to him. If I never said what I did in the other thread you would not say this you would think he was european like everyone else. Btw my idea of white is the same as the US government Europe, Middle East and North Africa. And he is much whiter than any arabs so he is most definitely white and again looks very european to me

War Chef
02-24-2017, 06:05 PM
I can pass for Rumanian better than this guy

02-24-2017, 06:09 PM
I know many gypsys Identify as Romanian like Alex Velea but that does not mean some Romanians identify as gypsys there are always people who want to be different like the white people in the United States who identify as Native American.

gypsies here are nothing like native americans..maybe in US is fancy to be native but to be gypsy here it's nothing to be proud of...

02-24-2017, 06:09 PM
He dont look Gypsy

02-24-2017, 06:09 PM
Yes, I'm from the extreme South. Transylvanians aren't lighter than Wallachians. In my opinion they look pretty much the same.

From my experience Transylvanian are a lot lighter usually lighter eyes and hair especially on average also a bit taller. Most southern Romanians are about the same height as me 167-170 cm and the Transylvanians I know are usually around 178 cm. Their hair is usually lighter or medium brown instead of dark brown like most southern Romanains. They are often times lighter skin a lot of southern Romanians like myself get super tanned when they play sports. Whereas most Transylvanian I know do not. Anyways do those romanian americans look exotic to you?

02-24-2017, 06:13 PM
gypsies here are nothing like native americans..maybe in US is fancy to be native but to be gypsy here it's nothing to be proud of...

It's not fancy to be native american in the US people usually laugh at these people and think they are idiots. I know gypsys have a bad stigma but there are always people who want to be different when you see gypsys who have light hair and light eyes but they claim to be gypsys you are telling me they are not white but gypsy? Come on in Romania there are some white gypsy who are not gypsy but white. You are really gonna tell me Pepe is the same race as Connect-r you have to be joking with me. Look at everyone on here except for the Romanians they think he is not gypsy but Mediterranean.

02-24-2017, 06:13 PM
gypsies here are nothing like native americans..maybe in US is fancy to be native but to be gypsy here it's nothing to be proud of...

In North America gypsies are seen as 'hippies' with a free spirit and sometimes colorful old ladies who tell your fortune

02-24-2017, 06:16 PM
From my experience Transylvanian are a lot lighter usually lighter eyes and hair especially on average also a bit taller. Most southern Romanians are about the same height as me 167-170 cm and the Transylvanians I know are usually around 178 cm. Their hair is usually lighter or medium brown instead of dark brown like most southern Romanains. They are often times lighter skin a lot of southern Romanians like myself get super tanned when they play sports. Whereas most Transylvanian I know do not. Anyways do those romanian americans look exotic to you?

u said u've never been to romania before...how do u know so many details..or u pretend to know? "the darker romanians are in the extreme south" is actually a myth..the darker ones are in the south moldova, east side of muntenia and dobdogea.

02-24-2017, 06:16 PM
In North America gypsies are seen as 'hippies' with a free spirit and sometimes colorful old ladies who tell your fortune

i know...but it's not the case here

02-24-2017, 06:19 PM
u said u've never been to romania before...how do u know so many details..or u pretend to know? "the darker romanians are in the extreme south" is actually a myth..the darker ones are in the south moldova, east side of muntenia and dobdogea.

I never said I never went someone said I didn't I have been there a couple times. I went a lot as a child and the last time I went was a couple years ago I am going again this year or next year. I said the darker ones are in the south My family is from Buzau my relatives are quite dark I have dark skin and hair and when I go the people are quite dark there as well, in bucharest the people are dark in Busteni the people are a mix some ligher some darker. Dobrogea has a lot of tourist in summertime and a lot of gypsy at the seaside so I will not make a guess about the seaside.

02-24-2017, 06:21 PM
It's not fancy to be native american in the US people usually laugh at these people and think they are idiots. I know gypsys have a bad stigma but there are always people who want to be different when you see gypsys who have light hair and light eyes but they claim to be gypsys you are telling me they are not white but gypsy? Come on in Romania there are some white gypsy who are not gypsy but white. You are really gonna tell me Pepe is the same race as Connect-r you have to be joking with me. Look at everyone on here except for the Romanians they think he is not gypsy but Mediterranean.

i didn't say he's gypsy. he actually never admitted being a gypsy and honestly saying i think he's not. being a gypsy has nothing to do with the skin color. gypsy≠black or something..it's an ethnicity..and it's true..there are lighter skinned gypsies then romanian ethnics but that doesn't make them romanian just because they have light skin.

02-24-2017, 06:23 PM
I never said I never went someone said I didn't I have been there a couple times. I went a lot as a child and the last time I went was a couple years ago I am going again this year or next year. I said the darker ones are in the south My family is from Buzau my relatives are quite dark I have dark skin and hair and when I go the people are quite dark there as well, in bucharest the people are dark in Busteni the people are a mix some ligher some darker. Dobrogea has a lot of tourist in summertime and a lot of gypsy at the seaside so I will not make a guess about the seaside.

buzau is in east muntenia as i told..and yes..people are darker there even darker then in bucharest. in bucharest are people from all over the country..it's not really representative for the region anyway.

War Chef
02-24-2017, 06:24 PM
, east side of muntenia and dobdogea.

Sebastian Stan

02-24-2017, 06:26 PM
i didn't say he's gypsy. he actually never admitted being a gypsy and honestly saying i think he's not. being a gypsy has nothing to do with the skin color. gypsy≠black or something..it's an ethnicity..and it's true..there are lighter skinned gypsies then romanian ethnics but that doesn't make them romanian just because they have light skin.

I know Alex Velea has never admitted to being a gypsy but come on what else could he be. I know its an ethnicity but I still believe to be a true 100% blooded gypsy you have to be looking like a Indian like connect-r. Imo and I may be wrong but I think the light skinned gypsy are majority having Romanian blood that is just my opinion I might be wrong. Also listen I do not want to fight with you are anyone on here. I am sorry if I come off rude or said something I should not have.

02-24-2017, 06:28 PM
buzau is in east muntenia as i told..and yes..people are darker there even darker then in bucharest. in bucharest are people from all over the country..it's not really representative for the region anyway.

I know Bucharest has become a mixed place after communism but you still see a lot of ethnic people from Bucharest. Is Buzau east muntenia? I always thought Braila would be east.

02-24-2017, 06:33 PM
I know Alex Velea has never admitted to being a gypsy but come on what else could he be. I know its an ethnicity but I still believe to be a true 100% blooded gypsy you have to be looking like a Indian like connect-r. Imo and I may be wrong but I think the light skinned gypsy are majority having Romanian blood that is just my opinion I might be wrong. Also listen I do not want to fight with you are anyone on here. I am sorry if I come off rude or said something I should not have.

this woman is indian and light
this one is fully gypsy
i am darker then both of them and still 0% south asian

02-24-2017, 06:34 PM
I know Bucharest has become a mixed place after communism but you still see a lot of ethnic people from Bucharest. Is Buzau east muntenia? I always thought Braila would be east.

yeah...braila is the extreme east..but i said east side of muntenia

02-24-2017, 06:43 PM
yeah...braila is the extreme east..but i said east side of muntenia

Right I think the Indian lady is heavily mixed and probably stays inside all the time. Also I know skin color has nothing to do with it because my skin color is the same as norhter arabs in winter and summer time but I definitely look Romanian southern european. What I am saying though is the features and coloring of pepe don't strike me as gypsy same with that girl I would not even think she is romanian she looks very russian. Anyways I don't want to fight but I am curios what part of Romania are you from? Also do you have light skin or dark skin?

02-24-2017, 06:51 PM
Right I think the Indian lady is heavily mixed and probably stays inside all the time. Also I know skin color has nothing to do with it because my skin color is the same as norhter arabs in winter and summer time but I definitely look Romanian southern european. What I am saying though is the features and coloring of pepe don't strike me as gypsy same with that girl I would not even think she is romanian she looks very russian. Anyways I don't want to fight but I am curios what part of Romania are you from? Also do you have light skin or dark skin?

the gypsy girl i posted looks actually gypsy despite the bleached hair. not all gypsies are dark same as not all indians are very dark either. there are some lighter ones. i said already that i don't think Pepe is gypsy or looks gypsy. other people posted those comments. i'm from the darker region of romania and yes...i'm pretty dark myself

02-24-2017, 06:54 PM
Look at this https://unsafeharbour.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/map-europefair-carletoncoon.jpg

02-24-2017, 06:59 PM
Look at this https://unsafeharbour.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/map-europefair-carletoncoon.jpg

I don't trust those maps just look at it says the far east muntenia and dobrogea are darker than most of Bulgaria and parts of their black sea cost.

02-24-2017, 07:00 PM
Look like me.

02-24-2017, 07:01 PM
the gypsy girl i posted looks actually gypsy despite the bleached hair. not all gypsies are dark same as not all indians are very dark either. there are some lighter ones. i said already that i don't think Pepe is gypsy or looks gypsy. other people posted those comments. i'm from the darker region of romania and yes...i'm pretty dark myself

Oh sorry I didn't know that. I am sorry if I sounded rude again. Here is my question because you actually live in Romania and are not just a romanian american. Why are Eastern Muntenians darker than southern muntenians shouldn't the further south you go the darker people get?

War Chef
02-24-2017, 07:03 PM
Look at this https://unsafeharbour.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/map-europefair-carletoncoon.jpg

Map needs to be updated. Ever since Sebastian Stan was born in Constanta there is a radiant Aura of light around that place

02-24-2017, 07:11 PM
Oh sorry I didn't know that. I am sorry if I sounded rude again. Here is my question because you actually live in Romania and are not just a romanian american. Why are Eastern Muntenians darker than southern muntenians shouldn't the further south you go the darker people get?

different genetic makeup, different ethnic background...i'm not sure and i don't think anyone has a real answer to thins question...

02-24-2017, 07:14 PM
different genetic makeup, different ethnic background...i'm not sure and i don't think anyone has a real answer to thins question...

I see