View Full Version : Guess them? 2 of each. British/Welsh..French..Spaniard.. South Italian/Sicilian and Greek.

Mn The Loki TA Son
02-24-2017, 10:21 PM
Guess...Out of the 10 female...There is 2 of each...Try and guess who are what.
There are 2 Spaniards, French, British/Welsh and 2 Sicilians and 2 Greeks (mainland) Try and guess them. I will reveal answers after some answers. I tag them each with a #. Rep for comment who guess them right or close.

https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/16825847_229439077463599_2912360386351454321_o.jpg ?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=82902d24df1a962ced056e00aba984ae&oe=59414C4D

02-24-2017, 10:38 PM
They all look the same to me, except I'd say Sicilians are 8 and 11.

Mn The Loki TA Son
02-24-2017, 10:45 PM
They all look the same to me, except I'd say Sicilians are 8 and 11.

I will reveal later others. I will post some guesses some did by private post. Who not sure how did it but guess most right, for British/Welsh and French.

By the way, the Greeks here posted are from mainland Greece (north). So might be harder to spot here.

For now, from the two guess you did, say you got 1 right.

02-24-2017, 10:46 PM
OK, these are pretty close in general, but I'm going to take a shot:

Spaniards: 1 and 4
English/Welsh: 3 and 8
French: 2 and 5
Sicilian: 6 and 10
Greek: 7 and 9

Mn The Loki TA Son
02-24-2017, 10:58 PM
They all look the same to me, except I'd say Sicilians are 8 and 11.

Here Some guesses. A Greek chick say as guess this to be the Greeks:
https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/16997421_229445160796324_1579344305_n.jpg?oh=f1aed 881e1051cba234c587e77ad3161&oe=58B2C5E8

Mn The Loki TA Son
02-24-2017, 11:00 PM