View Full Version : Are you lonely? One in eight people say they have no close friends

03-04-2017, 01:29 PM
Feelings of isolation are increasing as more people become dependent on social media, with one in eight people saying they have no close friends

Charities Relate and Relationships Scotland conducted a survey and found a three per cent increase in the number of people reporting feelings of isolation.


03-04-2017, 01:50 PM
I think its more then 1 in 8, are you one of them Raine?

03-04-2017, 01:52 PM
Not in recent times, but I used to be quite lonely 5-6 years ago or so.
It's a terrible feeling and very though to live through.

03-04-2017, 02:03 PM
I only have "friends"

Herr Abubu
03-04-2017, 02:26 PM
Not really. Most social relationships outside of familial relationships, and likely also familial relationships if you come from a certain cultural background, require you to wear a mask these days, so whatever measure of loneliness is preferable to hypocrisy, unless you're weak and mediocre.

03-04-2017, 02:43 PM
My true friends and bestfriends live all far away from me now (thousands of kilometers from here or even in Finland and Iceland)... I see some of them maybe on average of once every 3 or 6 months. We keep contact via phone, message, facebook mainly. I miss them often. People I know where I live are just collegues I never hang out with anyway. BTW my family live 1h30 by car from me but I see them more than my friends actually.

War Chef
03-04-2017, 02:54 PM
require you to wear a mask these days, so whatever measure of loneliness is preferable to hypocrisy, unless you're weak and mediocre.

Well yeah you put on a mask when you talk to people.... it doesn't make you "fake".....just trying to be presentable. I do some of that even for this forum

I think your problem is you think that you're too good for these plebs..... you're too heavily opinionated, why not set your views aside and view people on a level as people (beings who shit every morning and bleed the same blood as you)?

Lonely people deserve to be lonely.... they have complexes and usually have their head far up their ass....

03-04-2017, 03:29 PM
Lonely people deserve to be lonely.... they have complexes and usually have their head far up their ass....

Not everybody deserves to be lonely, the majority dont actually. Many of them are (lonely), not because they want to be, but rather have crippling lack of social skills for the reason it may be. We are social creatures and most of us just want to share our lifes with others. Here in Portugal is very accentuated the problem of the loliness among elder folks for example and it's not because they want or deserve to be.

Although I think indeed some are lonely for some kind of narcissim component, as they isolate themselves for thinking basicaly the rest is not good enough for their company. Sometimes I do this and is something I need to try to ameliorate.

Herr Abubu
03-04-2017, 04:20 PM
Well yeah you put on a mask when you talk to people.... it doesn't make you "fake".....just trying to be presentable. I do some of that even for this forum

I think your problem is you think that you're too good for these plebs..... you're too heavily opinionated, why not set your views aside and view people on a level as people (beings who shit every morning and bleed the same blood as you)?

Lonely people deserve to be lonely.... they have complexes and usually have their head far up their ass....

You seem to assume that I should conform to people who I don't respect, don't find interesting and have no connection or commonality with (except for the fact that they shit every morning, that's of course a really important thing which I shouldn't forget). That only leads to mediocrity, to becoming bourgeois.

You get me completely wrong, by the way. I have acquaintances, usually people born outside of the West, who I enjoy talking to. These are simple people from simple backgrounds, but nonetheless very interesting people. If I look down upon someone, it is for a good reason.

The sign of a truly lonely person is that he needs other people.

War Chef
03-04-2017, 04:49 PM
Not everybody deserves to be lonely, the majority dont actually. Many of them are (lonely), not because they want to be, but rather have crippling lack of social skills for the reason it may be. We are social creatures and most of us just want to share our lifes with others. Here in Portugal is very accentuated the problem of the loliness among elder folks for example and it's not because they want or deserve to be.

Although I think indeed some are lonely for some kind of narcissim component, as they isolate themselves for thinking basicaly the rest is not good enough for their company. Sometimes I do this and is something I need to try to ameliorate.

Good points....

I'll add, people don't know how to fix their loneliness. They can easily get involved in school/college..... get a job and hang out with co-workers.... volunteer, etc.... As for old people, yes it's a sad situation but they already had a good run....

You seem to assume that I should conform to people who I don't respect,

Bro if you don't respect people then you don't respect yourself (at a surface level you may, but deep down subconsciously, no). The way you view other people is a direct reflection back onto you.

don't find interesting and have no connection or commonality with (except for the fact that they shit every morning, that's of course a really important thing which I shouldn't forget).

What more commonality do you need than another human experiencing life with it's perfect balance of pleasure and pain? The life of all people is on the same/similar framework as yours, you're not as "special" as you think.

That only leads to mediocrity, to becoming bourgeois.

Again this elitist "I'm better than everyone" mentality. You've really put yourself on a high horse and not coming down.

You get me completely wrong, by the way. I have acquaintances, usually people born outside of the West, who I enjoy talking to. These are simple people from simple backgrounds, but nonetheless very interesting people. If I look down upon someone, it is for a good reason.

Yeah yea, you like conservative people.

03-04-2017, 05:13 PM
Good points....

I'll add, people don't know how to fix their loneliness. They can easily get involved in school/college..... get a job and hang out with co-workers.... volunteer, etc....

Indeed, but there are people who it be for what matter is. Are unable to connect with others even dispite being surrounded by them. This social awkwardness, like a insurmountable blockage keep them hostage of themselves. Plus it's not rare socially ackward people to be the joking matter of others, which only adds to isolation.

As for old people, yes it's a sad situation but they already had a good run....

Yes they had their run... What is truly sad and a reminder of how ungrateful we can be, and almost in a pervert way, is these elder people often dedicated their lifes in prol of their loved ones ,to the end to be forgotten and pretty much disposable when they start to be a "burden".

Herr Abubu
03-04-2017, 05:40 PM
Bro if you don't respect people then you don't respect yourself (at a surface level you may, but deep down subconsciously, no). The way you view other people is a direct reflection back onto you.

What more commonality do you need than another human experiencing life with it's perfect balance of pleasure and pain? The life of all people is on the same/similar framework as yours, you're not as "special" as you think.

Again this elitist "I'm better than everyone" mentality. You've really put yourself on a high horse and not coming down.

Yeah yea, you like conservative people.

If you want an argument with me, keep it as concise as possible without hatcheting it into bits and pieces. I don't do the whole thing where you piece up everything a person says into thousands of quotes and force the other person to grudgingly respond to all of it. Just write what you want to say in one whole.

03-04-2017, 05:47 PM
Hello friends,

I like you all.

Your friend,


War Chef
03-04-2017, 06:00 PM
If you want an argument with me, keep it as concise as possible without hatcheting it into bits and pieces.

I'm sorry your majesty, I'm feeling a bit scatter-brained today like a true bourgeois.

War Chef
03-04-2017, 06:05 PM
This social awkwardness, like a insurmountable blockage keep them hostage of themselves.

Trust me, I know the feeling all to well. It can be overcome.

If you feel awkward the other person will feel awkward automatically. Best thing you can do is stand your ground and not feel awkward yourself (after all it's not really a big deal).

03-04-2017, 06:08 PM
"Un seul être vous manque et tout est dépeuplé"
"One person is missing and your world is a desert"

This is how I feel when Robocop is not around.


Souvent sur la montagne, à l'ombre du vieux chêne,
Au coucher du soleil, tristement je m'assieds ;
Je promène au hasard mes regards sur la plaine,
Dont le tableau changeant se déroule à mes pieds.

Ici gronde le fleuve aux vagues écumantes ;
Il serpente, et s'enfonce en un lointain obscur ;
Là le lac immobile étend ses eaux dormantes
Où l'étoile du soir se lève dans l'azur.

Au sommet de ces monts couronnés de bois sombres,
Le crépuscule encor jette un dernier rayon ;
Et le char vaporeux de la reine des ombres
Monte, et blanchit déjà les bords de l'horizon.

Cependant, s'élançant de la flèche gothique,
Un son religieux se répand dans les airs :
Le voyageur s'arrête, et la cloche rustique
Aux derniers bruits du jour mêle de saints concerts.

Mais à ces doux tableaux mon âme indifférente
N'éprouve devant eux ni charme ni transports ;
Je contemple la terre ainsi qu'une ombre errante
Le soleil des vivants n'échauffe plus les morts.

De colline en colline en vain portant ma vue,
Du sud à l'aquilon, de l'aurore au couchant,
Je parcours tous les points de l'immense étendue,
Et je dis : " Nulle part le bonheur ne m'attend. "

Que me font ces vallons, ces palais, ces chaumières,
Vains objets dont pour moi le charme est envolé ?
Fleuves, rochers, forêts, solitudes si chères,
Un seul être vous manque, et tout est dépeuplé !

Que le tour du soleil ou commence ou s'achève,
D'un oeil indifférent je le suis dans son cours ;
En un ciel sombre ou pur qu'il se couche ou se lève,
Qu'importe le soleil ? je n'attends rien des jours.

Quand je pourrais le suivre en sa vaste carrière,
Mes yeux verraient partout le vide et les déserts :
Je ne désire rien de tout ce qu'il éclaire;
Je ne demande rien à l'immense univers.

Mais peut-être au-delà des bornes de sa sphère,
Lieux où le vrai soleil éclaire d'autres cieux,
Si je pouvais laisser ma dépouille à la terre,
Ce que j'ai tant rêvé paraîtrait à mes yeux !

Là, je m'enivrerais à la source où j'aspire ;
Là, je retrouverais et l'espoir et l'amour,
Et ce bien idéal que toute âme désire,
Et qui n'a pas de nom au terrestre séjour !

Que ne puîs-je, porté sur le char de l'Aurore,
Vague objet de mes voeux, m'élancer jusqu'à toi !
Sur la terre d'exil pourquoi resté-je encore ?
Il n'est rien de commun entre la terre et moi.

Quand là feuille des bois tombe dans la prairie,
Le vent du soir s'élève et l'arrache aux vallons ;
Et moi, je suis semblable à la feuille flétrie :
Emportez-moi comme elle, orageux aquilons !

Translation :


Often on the mountain, in the shadow of the old oak tree,
at sundown, I sit down sadly;
I let my gaze wander over the plain
whose ever-changing scene unrolls at my feet.

Here roars the river with its foamy waves,
coiling and thrusting into the dim distance;
there, the motionless lake stretches its sleeping waters
where the evening star rises in the azure sky.

On the summit of these mountains, crowned with dark woods,
twilight still casts its last ray;
and the misty chariot of the queen of shadows
climbs, already whitening the rim of the horizon.

And now, ringing out from the Gothic steeple,
a religious sound fills the air;
the traveler stops, and the rustic bell
mingles holy music with the last noise of the day.

But my indifferent soul feels no charm or thrill
at these sweet scenes;
I contemplate the earth like a wandering shadow.
The sun of the living does not warm the dead.

From hill to hill, in vain, my glance turns,
from the south to the north wind, from the dawn to the sunset,
I turn through all the points of this vast expanse,
and I think, "No happiness awaits me anywhere."

What do they do for me, these palaces and cottages,
useless things, whose charm for me has fled?
Rivers, rocks, forests, solitudes once so dear,
a single being is missing, and everything is unpeopled!

Whether the sun's journey is beginning or ending,
I follow its path with an indifferent eye;
in a dark sky or a cloudless one, whether it sets or it rises,
what does the sun matter? I expect nothing from the days.

If I could follow the sun on its endless journey,
my eyes would see emptiness and desert everywhere;
I wish for nothing of all that it lights up;
I ask nothing of the immense universe.

But perhaps beyond the bounds of its sphere,
in places where the true sun lights up other skies,
if I could leave my carcass on the earth,
what I have so dreamed of would appear to my eyes!

There, I would be drunk from the springs I hope for;
there I would find hope and love again,
and that ideal goodness that every soul desires,
which has no name in its sojourn on earth!

Borne by the chariot of the dawn,
could I not fly as far as to you, vague object of desire?
Why should I stay in the land of exile?
There is nothing in common between the earth and me.

When the forest leaf falls in the meadow,
the evening wind rises and tears it away from the valleys;
and I, I am like that withered leaf:
carry me off like the leaf, stormy north winds!

-Alphonse de Lamartine (1790-1869)

Source : http://sedulia.blogs.com/testblog_/2013/01/lamartine-isolation.html

Herr Abubu
03-04-2017, 06:25 PM
I'm sorry your majesty, I'm feeling a bit scatter-brained today like a true bourgeois.

You seem like a very insecure person.

War Chef
03-04-2017, 06:27 PM
You seem like a very insecure person.

I was being sarcastic ofc. Check your mild autism

03-04-2017, 06:31 PM
Trust me, I know the feeling all to well. It can be overcome.

If you feel awkward the other person will feel awkward automatically. Best thing you can do is stand your ground and not feel awkward yourself (after all it's not really a big deal).

That will go away as soon as your puberty ends. :)

03-04-2017, 06:32 PM
I think its more then 1 in 8, are you one of them Raine?
She spends saturday nights on TA, so, she is most likely.

War Chef
03-04-2017, 06:32 PM
That will go away as soon as your puberty ends. :)

I'm 1 year your senior, filthy Kraut :p

Herr Abubu
03-04-2017, 06:35 PM
I was being sarcastic ofc. Check your mild autism

Of course you were. Dunning-Krueger strong. Point is, you have an attitude where you attribute what I say to arrogance. Everything seems to center around pride with you, which tells something about you. It's called an inferiority complex.

03-04-2017, 06:35 PM
I'm 1 year your senior, filthy Kraut :p

at TA?

War Chef
03-04-2017, 06:38 PM
Of course you were. Point is, you have an attitude where you attribute what I say to arrogance. Everything seems to center around pride with you, which tells something about you. It's called an inferiority complex.

Ahhh gotcha.....

Don't confuse lack of pride as insecurity..... it's actually the greatest security there is, unshakable like a mountain

it's the greatest freedom ever to not be tied down to your ego-thinking

That's why I'm so likeable IRL because I have minimal concept of "self" and "I am", which you sub-human commoners delight in

at TA?

I am 27 years young.

03-04-2017, 06:40 PM
Yes, I am. But that's not a problem for me.

Herr Abubu
03-04-2017, 06:40 PM
Ahhh gotcha.....

Don't confuse lack of pride as insecurity..... it's actually the greatest security there is, unshakable like a mountain

it's the greatest freedom ever to not be tied down to your ego-thinking

That's why I'm so likeable IRL because I have minimal concept of "self" and "I am".

I give up, you're too dense. For someone who's supposedly not ego-centered, you sure do make a lot of very personal interpretations of what I say.

03-04-2017, 06:41 PM
I am 27 years young.

That would be older than me. :lol:

03-04-2017, 06:44 PM
Trust me, I know the feeling all to well. It can be overcome.

If you feel awkward the other person will feel awkward automatically. Best thing you can do is stand your ground and not feel awkward yourself (after all it's not really a big deal).

I used to know it too, when I was younger. But particularly I never fit the physical profile, so for the most part I would go unnoticed to others in that aspect.

Some are unable to pass by the superficiality part, to peel some layers and really see. Distraction.

03-04-2017, 06:46 PM
She spends saturday nights on TA, so, she is most likely.

Sad, such a woman to spend saturday nights alone on forum.. :D

03-04-2017, 06:48 PM
You can cope fine with loneliness as long as you know that you're likable by people and desirable or somewhat desirable by the opposite sex. If you lack these two then life must be truly tough on you and i wish you the very best.

The Illyrian Warrior
03-04-2017, 06:52 PM
Sad, such a woman to spend saturday nights alone on forum.. :D

Give her a massage, throw her some fine greek olive oil into her spicy body, she will go nuts for this.

03-04-2017, 06:56 PM
You can cope fine with loneliness as long as you know that you're likable by people and desirable or somewhat desirable by the opposite sex. If you lack these two then life must be truly tough on you and i wish you the very best.

As longs as you have family who loves you, then you are not lonely.

People with family who loves them should be very happy. If you are separated from your family or you don't speak to them then you will feel true loneliness.

03-04-2017, 07:01 PM
Sad, such a woman to spend saturday nights alone on forum.. :D

I have not seen any pic of hers so i cant say about what she is like but, From attidutes on TA, i can say about her that she's anti-social personality, dissociative disorders, chronic manic depressive disorder..

03-04-2017, 07:03 PM
been lonely for most of my life

03-04-2017, 07:07 PM
I have not seen any pic of hers so i cant say about what she is like but, From attidutes on TA, i can say about her that she's anti-social personality, dissociative disorders, chronic manic depressive disorder..

I haven't seen pic also my friend, also i can agree that she is 100% anti social. Also with depression part.

03-04-2017, 07:08 PM
been lonely for most of my life

This is really hard to believe because you look very cute and approachable, easy to make friends. I would have thought the oppossite about you.
Very strange.

♥ Lily ♥
03-04-2017, 07:31 PM
There's a major difference between choosing to be alone - if people like or need their own space and like being in their own company... and feeling lonely and wanting to be in the company of others.

03-04-2017, 07:44 PM
been lonely for most of my life

Tell about how you behave/react/response when a man try to get close to you, talk to you? You are not ugly. So, there must have been some men.

03-04-2017, 07:52 PM
This is really hard to believe because you look very cute and approachable, easy to make friends. I would have thought the oppossite about you.
Very strange.

She's probably a real pain in the ass when it comes to relationship with a man. She seems to be sexually repulsive.

03-04-2017, 07:59 PM
She's probably a real pain in the ass when it comes to relationship with a man. She seems to be sexually repulsive.

I don't know. Hard to believe because no matter how pain in the ass a girl can be a man is always out there willing to put up with her. Man on the other hand have it much harder.

03-04-2017, 07:59 PM
Tell about how you behave/react/response when a man try to get close to you, talk to you? You are not ugly. So, there must have been some men.

the problem is that i cant be (and do not want) to be in a relationship but i wouldnt mind a friendship.. regardless of the person sex and age (until a certain limit) . the problem, is that in the adult world there is no friendship , only romanticism

Herr Abubu
03-04-2017, 08:11 PM
I don't know. Hard to believe because no matter how pain in the ass a girl can be a man is always out there willing to put up with her. Man on the other hand have it much harder.

That's an iron law more certain than gravity. :D

03-04-2017, 08:54 PM
the problem is that i cant be (and do not want) to be in a relationship but i wouldnt mind a friendship.. regardless of the person sex and age (until a certain limit) . the problem, is that in the adult world there is no friendship , only romanticism
I understand you.

The longer you stay home alone, the deeper depression you are under. And, more deppression makes you more reluctant to the outside world. A vicious cycle.

I would try to fight myself, leave my room at least 1-2 times a week, go out somewhere where people socialize in. Men are generally animals thinking only about sex, but it is you who can define limits. You can make some female friends too.

Depression is not easy to overcome. Need struggle.

03-06-2017, 01:03 AM
"Un seul être vous manque et tout est dépeuplé"
"One person is missing and your world is a desert"

This is how I feel when Robocop is not around.


Souvent sur la montagne, à l'ombre du vieux chêne,
Au coucher du soleil, tristement je m'assieds ;
Je promène au hasard mes regards sur la plaine,
Dont le tableau changeant se déroule à mes pieds.

Ici gronde le fleuve aux vagues écumantes ;
Il serpente, et s'enfonce en un lointain obscur ;
Là le lac immobile étend ses eaux dormantes
Où l'étoile du soir se lève dans l'azur.

Au sommet de ces monts couronnés de bois sombres,
Le crépuscule encor jette un dernier rayon ;
Et le char vaporeux de la reine des ombres
Monte, et blanchit déjà les bords de l'horizon.

Cependant, s'élançant de la flèche gothique,
Un son religieux se répand dans les airs :
Le voyageur s'arrête, et la cloche rustique
Aux derniers bruits du jour mêle de saints concerts.

Mais à ces doux tableaux mon âme indifférente
N'éprouve devant eux ni charme ni transports ;
Je contemple la terre ainsi qu'une ombre errante
Le soleil des vivants n'échauffe plus les morts.

De colline en colline en vain portant ma vue,
Du sud à l'aquilon, de l'aurore au couchant,
Je parcours tous les points de l'immense étendue,
Et je dis : " Nulle part le bonheur ne m'attend. "

Que me font ces vallons, ces palais, ces chaumières,
Vains objets dont pour moi le charme est envolé ?
Fleuves, rochers, forêts, solitudes si chères,
Un seul être vous manque, et tout est dépeuplé !

Que le tour du soleil ou commence ou s'achève,
D'un oeil indifférent je le suis dans son cours ;
En un ciel sombre ou pur qu'il se couche ou se lève,
Qu'importe le soleil ? je n'attends rien des jours.

Quand je pourrais le suivre en sa vaste carrière,
Mes yeux verraient partout le vide et les déserts :
Je ne désire rien de tout ce qu'il éclaire;
Je ne demande rien à l'immense univers.

Mais peut-être au-delà des bornes de sa sphère,
Lieux où le vrai soleil éclaire d'autres cieux,
Si je pouvais laisser ma dépouille à la terre,
Ce que j'ai tant rêvé paraîtrait à mes yeux !

Là, je m'enivrerais à la source où j'aspire ;
Là, je retrouverais et l'espoir et l'amour,
Et ce bien idéal que toute âme désire,
Et qui n'a pas de nom au terrestre séjour !

Que ne puîs-je, porté sur le char de l'Aurore,
Vague objet de mes voeux, m'élancer jusqu'à toi !
Sur la terre d'exil pourquoi resté-je encore ?
Il n'est rien de commun entre la terre et moi.

Quand là feuille des bois tombe dans la prairie,
Le vent du soir s'élève et l'arrache aux vallons ;
Et moi, je suis semblable à la feuille flétrie :
Emportez-moi comme elle, orageux aquilons !

Translation :


Often on the mountain, in the shadow of the old oak tree,
at sundown, I sit down sadly;
I let my gaze wander over the plain
whose ever-changing scene unrolls at my feet.

Here roars the river with its foamy waves,
coiling and thrusting into the dim distance;
there, the motionless lake stretches its sleeping waters
where the evening star rises in the azure sky.

On the summit of these mountains, crowned with dark woods,
twilight still casts its last ray;
and the misty chariot of the queen of shadows
climbs, already whitening the rim of the horizon.

And now, ringing out from the Gothic steeple,
a religious sound fills the air;
the traveler stops, and the rustic bell
mingles holy music with the last noise of the day.

But my indifferent soul feels no charm or thrill
at these sweet scenes;
I contemplate the earth like a wandering shadow.
The sun of the living does not warm the dead.

From hill to hill, in vain, my glance turns,
from the south to the north wind, from the dawn to the sunset,
I turn through all the points of this vast expanse,
and I think, "No happiness awaits me anywhere."

What do they do for me, these palaces and cottages,
useless things, whose charm for me has fled?
Rivers, rocks, forests, solitudes once so dear,
a single being is missing, and everything is unpeopled!

Whether the sun's journey is beginning or ending,
I follow its path with an indifferent eye;
in a dark sky or a cloudless one, whether it sets or it rises,
what does the sun matter? I expect nothing from the days.

If I could follow the sun on its endless journey,
my eyes would see emptiness and desert everywhere;
I wish for nothing of all that it lights up;
I ask nothing of the immense universe.

But perhaps beyond the bounds of its sphere,
in places where the true sun lights up other skies,
if I could leave my carcass on the earth,
what I have so dreamed of would appear to my eyes!

There, I would be drunk from the springs I hope for;
there I would find hope and love again,
and that ideal goodness that every soul desires,
which has no name in its sojourn on earth!

Borne by the chariot of the dawn,
could I not fly as far as to you, vague object of desire?
Why should I stay in the land of exile?
There is nothing in common between the earth and me.

When the forest leaf falls in the meadow,
the evening wind rises and tears it away from the valleys;
and I, I am like that withered leaf:
carry me off like the leaf, stormy north winds!

-Alphonse de Lamartine (1790-1869)

Source : http://sedulia.blogs.com/testblog_/2013/01/lamartine-isolation.html

For you :hug2:


Your Knight, forever.

03-06-2017, 01:17 AM
"Friend" is an overused and oft-abused word.

For some people, almost everyone is a friend so long as they are not directly hostile. This is not good enough in my opinion. I don't trust people who try to be friends with everyone. They tend to lack principles beyond doing what is immediately necessary to preserve their skin, and they won't have your back if you ever need them.

Others treat anyone who offers or potentially offers them something of monetary or political value like goods, services and favours, as a friend, although I see their relationships as superficial, abusive and exploitative. They are essentially only business or trading partners, parties to various transactions in which they are just using each other for material gain.

For me, a friend must have some emotional and spiritual value to me, and ideally physical value in the sense of showing real concern for my person. I suppose there is no fixed formula in determining what constitutes a real friend. In my experience, such people are quite rare.

Colonel Frank Grimes
03-06-2017, 01:26 AM
Well yeah you put on a mask when you talk to people.... it doesn't make you "fake".....just trying to be presentable. I do some of that even for this forum

I think your problem is you think that you're too good for these plebs..... you're too heavily opinionated, why not set your views aside and view people on a level as people (beings who shit every morning and bleed the same blood as you)?

Lonely people deserve to be lonely.... they have complexes and usually have their head far up their ass....

A typical Abubu interaction with a human being.

Socially competent person: Dude, you got the time?

Abubu: Time? Time is nothing more than a superstition. If you were as perceptive as me you would realize time is nothing more than just a social construct.

Socially competent person: I'm just asking for the time, asshole.

Abubu: Asshole? What makes me an asshole? Is it because I see past your modern degeneracy to the truth. I don't sugar coat the truth. I'm a very honest person and you know that I am because I said I am. You're all just looking at shadows on the cave wall, while I've left the cave and stared up unflinching at the truth. Humble yourself before God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and myself for I am the glory and light. Take this cup and drink from it for it is my blood that was given up for you....

Socially competent man: ....

03-06-2017, 01:38 AM
Well yeah you put on a mask when you talk to people.... it doesn't make you "fake".....just trying to be presentable. I do some of that even for this forum

I think your problem is you think that you're too good for these plebs..... you're too heavily opinionated, why not set your views aside and view people on a level as people (beings who shit every morning and bleed the same blood as you)?

Lonely people deserve to be lonely.... they have complexes and usually have their head far up their ass....

This is a great point. Some say they "choose to be lonely" and blame others, when in reality the problem is them, and the requirements they have without taking in consideration what they have to give (putting themselves in a pedestal). One of the points in friendships, besides having things in common, is to accept the flaws in others and still be able to enjoy their company. It takes social skills to be polite and say what you think without hurting others for example. And it doesn't mean you're fake or anything of the like.

03-06-2017, 01:41 AM
I am an INTP female so i am nice and isolated 70% of the time.. but it's not like i don't try to talk to people, i just worry too much about being boring and try to ask people questions about topics they like too.. but the feeling like i am ''flogging a dead horse'' trying to be social with certain people, with a lack of response, is fun.

03-06-2017, 01:46 AM


03-06-2017, 01:48 AM
I don't know. Hard to believe because no matter how pain in the ass a girl can be a man is always out there willing to put up with her. Man on the other hand have it much harder.

Some people are just impossible to satisfy and they will always make excuses... i have learned this, one can only be so hospitable.

Colonel Frank Grimes
03-06-2017, 04:47 AM
Well yeah you put on a mask when you talk to people.... it doesn't make you "fake".....just trying to be presentable. I do some of that even for this forum

I think your problem is you think that you're too good for these plebs..... you're too heavily opinionated, why not set your views aside and view people on a level as people (beings who shit every morning and bleed the same blood as you)?

Lonely people deserve to be lonely.... they have complexes and usually have their head far up their ass....

I'm currently dealing with a relative with this issue. It's always everyone else who is a problem. It's never them. If no one wants to talk to you, then either it's you or everyone else is the problem and obviously it can't be everyone else that happens to be the problem. I tried explaining it to this person but that wall will never come down. At some point you have to cut them off for your own physical and mental health.

03-06-2017, 06:21 AM
"Friend" is an overused and oft-abused word.

For some people, almost everyone is a friend so long as they are not directly hostile. This is not good enough in my opinion. I don't trust people who try to be friends with everyone. They tend to lack principles beyond doing what is immediately necessary to preserve their skin, and they won't have your back if you ever need them.

Others treat anyone who offers or potentially offers them something of monetary or political value like goods, services and favours, as a friend, although I see their relationships as superficial, abusive and exploitative. They are essentially only business or trading partners, parties to various transactions in which they are just using each other for material gain.

For me, a friend must have some emotional and spiritual value to me, and ideally physical value in the sense of showing real concern for my person. I suppose there is no fixed formula in determining what constitutes a real friend. In my experience, such people are quite rare.

When I was still learning English I was quite surprised to find lack of definitions to explain various degree of relationships between people. In English people call friends someone the barely know. In Russian language we have wide specter of terms to describe relation of one to another in one or two words. In our world a friend is someone you may call 1am and he will immediately take on a 200km trip for you knowing he may eat a bullet at the end. Such types are rare few and being treasured like closest family members.

Bobby Martnen
02-12-2018, 11:45 PM
I haven't had a face-to-face discussion with a non-relative that lasted longer than a minute in 10 days.

Most of my friends at college dropped out or got kicked out, and the ones that are still here are in different classes than me.

It's so cold outside that there's not much going on in terms of social life right now, though in about a month and a half, there'll be more social stuff.

It's okay, though, I have snapchat for my IRL friends, I have a lot of streaks, and I have TA, and I consider a lot of you to be my friends.

02-12-2018, 11:48 PM
Friends are irrelevant. So called friends ALWAYS turn into needy, time and energy consuming people who expect you to listen to their bullshit and whats even worse: sometimes they require help.

Personally I divide people in useful and useless, useless people are expandable, useful people are to be used until their usefulness has expired.

War Chef
02-13-2018, 05:30 AM
Friends are irrelevant. So called friends ALWAYS turn into needy, time and energy consuming people who expect you to listen to their bullshit and whats even worse: sometimes they require help.

Personally I divide people in useful and useless, useless people are expandable, useful people are to be used until their usefulness has expired.

Holy fuck you're so Jewish lol

Ayn Rand came up with the same thing

an interesting philosophy nonetheless