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03-08-2017, 10:23 PM
Am i a cynic & rebel?

I dont like more than half of people in western society (i dont despise, i respect them) cause i think they'r plain o'l stupid, selfish, and weak
I don't like rules
I don't like laws
I don't believe we have freedom
I don't like western society
I don't like modernism
I don't like the way things are going with us and future generation, which is seperation & hatred even with family
I don't like too much desires
I don't like money
I wish money was all burn't and dissapeared
I desire an apacolypes to happen to see people's true colors and observe everyone just eating eachother till they realize how pathetic they really all are
I don't like the 2000s (present-time)
I believe we live in a very feminist society
I don't think there's anything manly about a muscular man until the individual proves to me that he can actually lift something heavier than a random strong-lazy fat fuck boy (which most do btw, but ppl associate strength with muscles, i always prove em wrong)
Today i don't believe in over half the things they tell us about history in education, i think they hide the truth and i like to investigate it on my own and come up with my own conclusions, but of course, that's not gonna get you anywhere in this fucked up western society anyways, they don';t like rebels

03-08-2017, 10:25 PM
Am i a cynic & rebel?

I dont like more than half of people in western society (i dont despise, i respect them) cause i think they'r plain o'l stupid, selfish, and weak
I don't like rules
I don't like laws
I don't believe we have freedom
I don't like western society
I don't like modernism
I don't like the way things are going with us and future generation, which is seperation & hatred even with family
I don't like too much desires
I don't like money
I wish money was all burn't and dissapeared
I desire an apacolypes to happen to see people's true colors and observe everyone just eating eachother till they realize how pathetic they really all are
I don't like the 2000s (present-time)
I believe we live in a very feminist society
I don't think there's anything manly about a muscular man until the individual proves to me that he can actually lift something heavier than a random strong-lazy fat fuck boy (which most do btw, but ppl associate strength with muscles, i always prove em wrong)
Today i don't believe in over half the things they tell us about history in education, i think they hide the truth and i like to investigate it on my own and come up with my own conclusions, but of course, that's not gonna get you anywhere in this fucked up western society anyways, they don';t like rebels

the CIA is probably has you on terrorists watch lists as we speak

♥ Lily ♥
03-08-2017, 10:32 PM
I dont like more than half of people in western society (i dont despise, i respect them) cause i think they'r plain o'l stupid, selfish, and weak

Sounds like you see the vast majority of humans as being something inferior to you and beneath you, which comes across as being slightly narcissistic and misanthropic.

I don't like rules
I don't like laws

Are you an anarchist..? :icon_ask:

Overall, the entire list seems like you're pessimistic, sceptical about the modern generation of western people, and feel quite cynical about the modern world.

I guess you won't like my thoughts on this. :P

03-08-2017, 10:42 PM
Am i a cynic & rebel?

Not at all. You are exactly the same as the other million angst-ridden teenage misanthropists who think they are different.

You'll get over it.

03-08-2017, 11:09 PM
lol, damn you guys think im speaking for myself, im speaking for the many others who think unlike all a you and realized whats really going on, you guys are still asleep basedon the replies youv given me, but im already used to it

oh and btw guys, i fly for free, am independant with my brother, found sneaky ways to make money (not really alot but fair), have vehicle, and been all over the world - thinking the way i do, i found ways on how to do that and it is not complicated but just out of the norm (cheating the system). So instead of working hard to get something like they'd like us to believe, i find ways on how to cheat and get what i feel i deserve which btw isnt much cause i dont have that many desires unlike the rest of you (big house, big dicks, sports car, fake women with plastic, abbs, premium travel, 5 star hotels, roids, newest cellphones, clothes, etc... and many flashy shit) to make others jealous, when there's nothing to be jealous about.

03-08-2017, 11:10 PM
the CIA is probably has you on terrorists watch lists as we speak

i hope they do

03-08-2017, 11:12 PM
You're an edgelord

03-08-2017, 11:13 PM
Not at all. You are exactly the same as the other million angst-ridden teenage misanthropists who think they are different.

You'll get over it.

nah, im passed that

im more enlightened than you that much i can tell u

im not asleep, but more women are alseep than men, thats for a fact

easy sex for easy money will make anyone successful in society and asleep, all you have to do is open you legs (you'd proly already have ten dicks waiting for you to say yes to one of them or all if u want)

03-08-2017, 11:16 PM

A place where you can meet other people with your same views

03-08-2017, 11:35 PM
nah, im passed that

im more enlightened than you that much i can tell u

im not asleep, but more women are alseep than men, thats for a fact

easy sex for easy money will make anyone successful in society and asleep, all you have to do is open you legs (you'd proly already have ten dicks waiting for you to say yes to one of them or all if u want)

All I was trying to get at is that there is no such thing as original thought. Whatever you think has been thought by a million people before you, and it will be thought again a million times after you.

It's what I like to term "first year student syndrome". This is very prevalent in students of the political sciences. They've learnt about Marx and revolution, they've touched on philosophy of the existentialists. They suddenly think they know everything and go on crusades about this or that, decide to rebel against something (be it colonialism or whatever else gets people's blood boiling). Look at all the student unrest out there. The majority of it is caused by first and second year students who believe they have received a special information from God (or whoever else they worship). They fully believe that what they are doing is the first time this is happening. But it happens year after year and is a well-known phenomenon.

Believe me, when I was younger I had many more than 10 drippy dicks demanding my attention. :penisdance:

03-08-2017, 11:40 PM

03-08-2017, 11:51 PM
All I was trying to get at is that there is no such thing as original thought. Whatever you think has been thought by a million people before you, and it will be thought again a million times after you.

It's what I like to term "first year student syndrome". This is very prevalent in students of the political sciences. They've learnt about Marx and revolution, they've touched on philosophy of the existentialists. They suddenly think they know everything and go on crusades about this or that, decide to rebel against something (be it colonialism or whatever else gets people's blood boiling). Look at all the student unrest out there. The majority of it is caused by first and second year students who believe they have received a special information from God (or whoever else they worship). They fully believe that what they are doing is the first time this is happening. But it happens year after year and is a well-known phenomenon.

Believe me, when I was younger I had many more than 10 drippy dicks demanding my attention. :penisdance:

its not about the amount of dicks you have or had, i was merely making a statment about how easy you women have it as it relates to that, for all i know you proly sucked a 70 year old man's dick or like maybe over 1,000 dicks idk, idc

not saying what you said isnt true but i already know all that, what your saying, idc how many have those thoughts. and i aint like those ppl u mentioned, im a quiet one who plays the game but doesn't like the game but plays it because theres no other way, which is retarded, i play the game but go to the forest or swamp out here when i can with others similar to me (former farmers or others from non-modern or unasleep ways of living) and hunt, do campfires, set up tents, kill & cook what we find and eat it, meditate, barbeque, bongfires, smoke grass, bathe in rivers (sometimes infested with alligators but not many where we usually go), we do all that when we can, usually after a hard day or week at night

03-08-2017, 11:57 PM
its not about the amount of dicks you have or had, i was merely making a statment about how easy you women have it as it relates to that, for all i know you proly sucked a 70 year old man's dick or like maybe over 1,000 dicks idk, idc

not saying what you said isnt true but i already know all that, what your saying, idc how many have those thoughts. and i aint like those ppl u mentioned, im a quiet one who plays the game but doesn't like the game but plays it because theres no other way, which is retarded, i play the game but go to the forest or swamp out here when i can with others similar to me (former farmers or others from non-modern or unasleep ways of living) and hunt, do campfires, set up tents, kill & cook what we find and eat it, meditate, barbeque, bongfires, smoke grass, bathe in rivers (sometimes infested with alligators but not many where we usually go), we do all that when we can, usually after a hard day or week at night


03-09-2017, 06:17 AM
its not about the amount of dicks you have or had, i was merely making a statment about how easy you women have it as it relates to that, for all i know you proly sucked a 70 year old man's dick or like maybe over 1,000 dicks idk, idc

not saying what you said isnt true but i already know all that, what your saying, idc how many have those thoughts. and i aint like those ppl u mentioned, im a quiet one who plays the game but doesn't like the game but plays it because theres no other way, which is retarded, i play the game but go to the forest or swamp out here when i can with others similar to me (former farmers or others from non-modern or unasleep ways of living) and hunt, do campfires, set up tents, kill & cook what we find and eat it, meditate, barbeque, bongfires, smoke grass, bathe in rivers (sometimes infested with alligators but not many where we usually go), we do all that when we can, usually after a hard day or week at night

I have to admit that this is very interesting. Could I join a bongfire? ;)

03-09-2017, 07:44 AM
Am i a cynic & rebel?

I dont like more than half of people in western society (i dont despise, i respect them) cause i think they'r plain o'l stupid, selfish, and weak
I don't like rules
I don't like laws
I don't believe we have freedom
I don't like western society
I don't like modernism
I don't like the way things are going with us and future generation, which is seperation & hatred even with family
I don't like too much desires
I don't like money
I wish money was all burn't and dissapeared
I desire an apacolypes to happen to see people's true colors and observe everyone just eating eachother till they realize how pathetic they really all are
I don't like the 2000s (present-time)
I believe we live in a very feminist society
I don't think there's anything manly about a muscular man until the individual proves to me that he can actually lift something heavier than a random strong-lazy fat fuck boy (which most do btw, but ppl associate strength with muscles, i always prove em wrong)
Today i don't believe in over half the things they tell us about history in education, i think they hide the truth and i like to investigate it on my own and come up with my own conclusions, but of course, that's not gonna get you anywhere in this fucked up western society anyways, they don';t like rebels

ofc no, you're just butthurt

Description: "have you bored of sysrem, lie and falce? welcome to hoboes"


03-09-2017, 07:54 AM
