View Full Version : Proof Punt was in Northern Somalia (Somaliland/Djibouti) and not Eritrea, Yemen, etc

03-13-2017, 12:16 PM

1) Place names

Djibouti = Djehuti = Thoth's land

Berbera = Somali shortening of "Brbr-Ra" (Ra Pulverizes/Reduces to fine particles) A referrence to the gypsum/limestone based sands

Burao = Somali shortening of Br-3ao (Awesome House) = Pharaoh

2) Incense

Myrrh (Not found in Eritrea...Yemen has poor quality...Oman too far to be Punt)


Frankincense (Again, best quality comes from NW Somaliland...this region has been supplying all the frankincense to the Vatican since the 1880s


3) Hamadryas Baboon (depicted as Thoth's attendant/scribe)



range (not even found in Egypt)


4) Puntite depictions by Egyptians:
Obviously a cushitic type people


5) Puntite artefacts found in Somaliland:




6) Modern day Somali customs:

The Somali pillow (Barkimo):


Ancient Egyptian pillow:


The Somali Hangol (Sceptre)


03-13-2017, 12:19 PM
Nevah huurd of punt mah nigga, irrelevant azz civulaizashjun

03-13-2017, 12:21 PM
Nevah huurd of punt mah nigga, irrelevant azz civulaizashjun

Just knew you're gonna comment with some JarJar binks goofiness...come correct or I will continue to put you on ignore. Punt was a "holy land" for the Ancient Egyptians.

03-13-2017, 12:26 PM
بلاد بنط

03-13-2017, 12:26 PM
"In 2010, oxygen isotope analyses were carried out on hairs from one of the British Museum’s baboon mummies, and researchers were able to locate the Land of Punt, by comparing markers in the ancient baboon to modern samples. 3000 years after the baboon was mummified, his homeland was located as modern day Eritreia and Ethiopia, where baboons remain today."


Bye Bye White Egypt :thumb001:

03-13-2017, 12:28 PM
Nevah huurd of punt mah nigga, irrelevant azz civulaizashjun

Ancient egyptians claimed Punt, as the land of their ancestors/GOD. The devils are making fools of themselves. AGAIN!

03-13-2017, 12:32 PM
Puntites were depicted the same as egyptians

03-13-2017, 12:34 PM
Puntites were depicted the same as egyptians

Culturally the same, but they made subtle differences physically (but not as drastic as with Asiatics or Nubians)


03-13-2017, 12:46 PM
Just knew you're gonna comment with some JarJar binks goofiness...come correct or I will continue to put you on ignore. Punt was a "holy land" for the Ancient Egyptians.

Bro, it's not like you also don't troll whitey :laugh: I'm just trolling.......
Wassup with you taking shit so hard lately? When have I ever been a denier of horner civilizations? I said I don't even care bruh. I'm not a neo-nazi, but I maintain that the most impressive ancient civilizations were European and Mediterranean or whatever you want to call it (basically like modern Lebs etc.)
You try so desperately to prove Somalis belonged to ancient civilizations, but that doesn't change the fact that you're not doing so hot today. Both diaspora and the ones that remained. So congrats on your ancient civilization, how about bringing civilization back to Somalia, lol? I've never been the guy on this forum to de-humanize a group or being dead set on proving their inferiority....

03-13-2017, 12:47 PM
Ancient egyptians claimed Punt, as the land of their ancestors/GOD. The devils are making fools of themselves. AGAIN!

If you stay on this forum long enough you'll learn I'm not even a huwhite ;)
I'm just joking, you can have your Egypt honestly. I'm just trying to get to the truth if you're talking about the thread I made some days ago. Egypt is not the epitome of civilization, basically most civilizations after Egypt were more impressive by modern standards.

03-13-2017, 12:50 PM
Bro, it's not like you also don't troll whitey :laugh: I'm just trolling.......
Wassup with you taking shit so hard lately? When have I ever been a denier of horner civilizations? I said I don't even care bruh. I'm not a neo-nazi, but I maintain that the most impressive ancient civilizations were European and Mediterranean or whatever you want to call it (basically like modern Lebs etc.)
You try so desperately to prove Somalis belonged to ancient civilizations, but that doesn't change the fact that you're not doing so hot today. Both diaspora and the ones that remained. So congrats on your ancient civilization, how about bringing civilization back to Somalia, lol? I've never been the guy on this forum to de-humanize a group or being dead set on proving their inferiority....

My desperation in trying to prove anything is only matched by your desperation in denying it. Most of you guys are Eurocentrics, I do not even intend to respond to your baseless comments and let the evidence speak for itself...Im being propaganda minister/educator for the 17 guests browsing currently.

LOL at your last sentence...that is your reason to be here, as is most Europeans "muh europpp, muh sacred genetics...muh invaders"

03-13-2017, 01:17 PM
My desperation in trying to prove anything is only matched by your desperation in denying it. Most of you guys are Eurocentrics, I do not even intend to respond to your baseless comments and let the evidence speak for itself...Im being propaganda minister/educator for the 17 guests browsing currently.

LOL at your last sentence...that is your reason to be here, as is most Europeans "muh europpp, muh sacred genetics...muh invaders"

It's a European cultural forum, IDK what you expected lol? Only a few folks here care about stuff not related to Europe. I never really related the bane of my existence to anything other than myself and my own achievements. I just don't see the massive obsession black people have to proving that Egypt was black like that would prove the superiority of blacks over whites. Are you saying that Europeans of all sorts didn't create civilizations at least as impressive as ancient Egypt? I'm not talking about only NW Europeans, but all parts of Europe. Dacians, Thracians, Byzantinum, slavs, celts(keep in mind they were central European) etc.

03-13-2017, 01:21 PM
It's a European cultural forum, IDK what you expected lol? Only a few folks here care about stuff not related to Europe. I never really related the bane of my existence to anything other than myself and my own achievements. I just don't see the massive obsession black people have to proving that Egypt was black like that would prove the superiority of blacks over whites. Are you saying that Europeans of all sorts didn't create civilizations at least as impressive as ancient Egypt? I'm not talking about only NW Europeans, but all parts of Europe. Dacians, Thracians, Byzantinum, slavs, celts(keep in mind they were central European) etc.

No time for this ITT...this thread is for pointing the location of Punt... In the past, it was claimed to be located in such disparate preposterous theories as Lebanon or even the far east.

03-13-2017, 01:24 PM
Culturally the same, but they made subtle differences physically (but not as drastic as with Asiatics or Nubians)




03-13-2017, 04:07 PM



03-13-2017, 04:28 PM

Triggering will happen if ancient Egyptians turn out to be near eastern-like. :P

03-13-2017, 07:44 PM

How hard is it to understand that Egypt was multiethnic then as it is now?

03-13-2017, 09:31 PM

Yet the Y-DNA of the pharaoh and his locis are proving a SUBSAHARAN lineage.


03-21-2017, 08:23 AM

05-08-2017, 08:09 PM
Lol this most be a joke punt was obviously in Eritrea and Northen ethiopia.

05-08-2017, 08:30 PM
Lol this most be a joke punt was obviously in Eritrea and Northen ethiopia.

Frankincense and Myrrh does not even grow in these regions..the whole point of the expeditions to Punt was for the incense. That narrows down Punt to modern day Somaliland, Puntland region, Dhofar governate in Oman, and Hadramaut governate in Yemen.

05-08-2017, 09:00 PM
Frankincense and Myrrh does not even grow in these regions..the whole point of the expeditions to Punt was for the incense. That narrows down Punt to modern day Somaliland, Puntland region, Dhofar governate in Oman, and Hadramaut governate in Yemen.

Sorry to break it for you but the baboons that was taken back was more related to the Eritrean baboons than Somalian.

05-08-2017, 09:04 PM
Sorry to break it for you but the baboons that was taken back was more related to the Eritrean baboons than Somalian.

"Modern Eritrea"...Hamadryas range waxed and waned and they did not sample Somaliland Baboons.

btw the "Somali Wild Ass" is now extinct in Somalia and is only found in Eritrea...still it was native to the Somali peninsula, and this is the case for the Hamadryas baboon.

05-08-2017, 09:14 PM
"Modern Eritrea"...Hamadryas range waxed and waned and they did not sample Somaliland Baboons.

btw the "Somali Wild Ass" is now extinct in Somalia and is only found in Eritrea...still it was native to the Somali peninsula, and this is the case for the Hamadryas baboon.
There is no evidence of that. Just accept THE truth punt was in the area of ethiopia,Eritrea

05-08-2017, 09:20 PM
There is no evidence of that. Just accept THE truth punt was in the area of ethiopia,Eritrea

first of all...Ethiopia is not even in the picture as it is too inland

Secondly, provide your evidence for Eritrea. Where are your incense trees?

05-08-2017, 09:36 PM
[QUOTE=Wadaad;4399256]first of all...Ethiopia is not even in the picture as it is too inland

Secondly, provide your evidence for Eritrea. Where are your incense trees?[/QUOTEAim We determined the present and past distribution, and the abundance, of Boswellia papyrifera in Eritrea, and the environmental and land-use factors determining its distribution limits. Location Eritrea, in the Horn of Africa. Methods In 1997 a Boswellia field survey was conducted in 113 village areas covering four administrative regions. Species occurrence was related to rainfall, air temperature and length of growing period. Additionally, the relationship between the abundance of Boswellia trees and selected physical and chemical soil factors, topography and land-use types

05-08-2017, 09:44 PM
[QUOTE=Wadaad;4399256]first of all...Ethiopia is not even in the picture as it is too inland

Secondly, provide your evidence for Eritrea. Where are your incense trees?[/QUOTEAim We determined the present and past distribution, and the abundance, of Boswellia papyrifera in Eritrea, and the environmental and land-use factors determining its distribution limits. Location Eritrea, in the Horn of Africa. Methods In 1997 a Boswellia field survey was conducted in 113 village areas covering four administrative regions. Species occurrence was related to rainfall, air temperature and length of growing period. Additionally, the relationship between the abundance of Boswellia trees and selected physical and chemical soil factors, topography and land-use types

the fuck is this? I ask for evidence, not chicken scratch....
oh now I see...you're not even Ethiopian/Eritrean, just a bored sock

05-08-2017, 09:47 PM

the fuck is this? I ask for evidence, not chicken scratch....
oh now I see...you're not even Ethiopian/Eritrean, just a bored sock

I just gave it to you fucktard and no Iam not ethiopian Iam Eritrean.

05-08-2017, 09:49 PM
The point is it do exist in Eritrea.

05-08-2017, 09:51 PM

I just gave it to you fucktard and no Iam not ethiopian Iam Eritrean.

I did not deny the existence of boswellia in Eritrea...reread the OP, I stated it is of INFERIOR quality. From Hatshepshut to Catholic Diocese of Mogadishu (that supplied Vatican ALL its incense demand since 19th century) the world knew one place for those HIGH QUALITY Aromatic trees: North Somalia

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
05-08-2017, 10:00 PM
Nevah huurd of punt mah nigga, irrelevant azz civulaizashjun

It's funny and I laughed because it is true. Never heard of such thing and couldn't care less, if I wanted to know it I would join an Uga-Buga forum not an European one.


Hahahaha, this looks like the fodder African migrants like to foist upon tourists on our beaches for 5€.

05-08-2017, 10:07 PM
It's funny and I laughed because it is true. Never heard of such thing and couldn't care less, if I wanted to know it I would join an Uga-Buga forum not an European one.


Hahahaha, this looks like the fodder African migrants like to foist upon tourists on our beaches for 5€.

Vitiligo...I think you should cut down on the Soy based Tofu, nobody wins by bragging of their ignorance.

Lusitanians were way more irrelevant than Puntites...btw, Iberia was the 'laboratory' for the colonization of the Americas and genocides of Natives. (What the Romans, Carthagos, Moors did to you...you did to the Aztecs and Incas). Iberia was the source of silver and tin for Carthage and Rome, and was stripped of its natural resources quite early...which is what led Spanish and Portuguese to seek gold and silver elsewhere.

05-08-2017, 10:12 PM
Somalia was a Palestinian colony.

05-08-2017, 10:15 PM
Somalia was a Palestinian colony.

What is better a Somali muslim or a white infidel? :D

05-08-2017, 10:16 PM
What is better a Somali muslim or a white infidel? :D
Somalis have signifigant SSA admixture, so the white person.

05-08-2017, 10:20 PM
Somalis have signifigant SSA admixture, so the white person.

Your views on SSA make me look like Franz Boas xD

05-08-2017, 10:21 PM

I did not deny the existence of boswellia in Eritrea...reread the OP, I stated it is of INFERIOR quality. From Hatshepshut to Catholic Diocese of Mogadishu (that supplied Vatican ALL its incense demand since 19th century) the world knew one place for those HIGH QUALITY Aromatic trees: North Somalia

That doesn't change the fact that that it probably was in Eritrea and not Somalia.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
05-08-2017, 10:22 PM
Vitiligo...I think you should cut down on the Soy based Tofu, nobody wins by bragging of their ignorance.

Lusitanians were way more irrelevant than Puntites...btw, Iberia was the 'laboratory' for the colonization of the Americas and genocides of Natives. (What the Romans, Carthagos, Moors did to you...you did to the Aztecs and Incas). Iberia was the source of silver and tin for Carthage and Rome, and was stripped of its natural resources quite early...which is what led Spanish and Portuguese to seek gold and silver elsewhere.

Not ignorance, just factual truth. Those crafts look like crap yet you post them with pride as if they were some marble to wonder. I wouldn't be surprised if the Lusitanians were more advanced than modern day Somali tribes. Your borderline retarded Somali IQ (what was the average again, 68?) prevents you from understanding that at the time the explorations began with the Kingdom of Portugal there was no knowledge of what lied a few miles off the coast and the desire to reach the sources of spices and other precious Asian commodities were the main reason for the exploration, not precious metals...there was no genocides in Iberia during the Roman\Moorish occupation and Portugal wasn't even in touch with Aztec or Inca civilizations...

05-08-2017, 10:28 PM
Somalia was a Palestinian colony.



this Ethiopian Jew can put a boot on any of your kin's necks and get away with it


Palestinians get abducted and beaten in broad daylight by Israeli (white and black)...sort of like how African slavers did to future black new world slaves.


THE ONLY THING giving Palestinians a remnant of dignity is Islam...the zionists are not as cruel as the slavers were, because they could have easily abolished Islam legislatively...instead, the psychological raping and abusing over generations is producing the likes of randomguy and Zionist palestinians. Without Islam, Be asured, Palestinians would have been 'domesticated' and speaking Hebrew, growing side curls and studying the Tawrah

05-08-2017, 10:33 PM


this Ethiopian Jew can put a boot on any of your kin's necks and get away with it


Palestinians get abducted and beaten in broad daylight by Israeli (white and black)...sort of like how African slavers did to future black new world slaves.


THE ONLY THING giving Palestinians a remnant of dignity is Islam...the zionists are not as cruel as the slavers were, because they could have easily abolished Islam legislatively...instead, the psychological raping and abusing over generations is producing the likes of randomguy and Zionist palestinians. Without Islam, Be asured, Palestinians would have been 'domesticated' and speaking Hebrew, growing side curls and studying the Tawrah
Jews dont even let Palestinians convert to Judaism. They get specifically denied.

05-08-2017, 10:37 PM


this Ethiopian Jew can put a boot on any of your kin's necks and get away with it


Palestinians get abducted and beaten in broad daylight by Israeli (white and black)...sort of like how African slavers did to future black new world slaves.


THE ONLY THING giving Palestinians a remnant of dignity is Islam...the zionists are not as cruel as the slavers were, because they could have easily abolished Islam legislatively...instead, the psychological raping and abusing over generations is producing the likes of randomguy and Zionist palestinians. Without Islam, Be asured, Palestinians would have been 'domesticated' and speaking Hebrew, growing side curls and studying the Tawrah

Associating Palestinians with jews is not a insult, lol.
You can say a lot of things about jews, but genetically inferior, they're not.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
05-08-2017, 10:38 PM
Lusitania more than 2000 years ago





https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/L%C3%BAnula_lusitana_de_Ch%C3%A3o_de_Lamas_%28M.A. N._28589%29_01.jpg



Mordern day Somalia





05-08-2017, 10:42 PM
Associating Palestinians with jews is not a insult, lol.
You can say a lot of things about jews, but genetically inferior, they're not.

Thats subjectiv they could be counted as genetically inferior with all the hereditary disorders floating around in the jewish diaspora IQ is not everything.

05-08-2017, 10:49 PM
Thats subjectiv they could be counted as genetically inferior with all the hereditary disorders floating around in the jewish diaspora IQ is not everything.

Yeah, that's true.
The amount of great scientists, inventors and for me, even chess players is impressive.

06-26-2018, 04:13 AM
It was Somalia of course