View Full Version : *Method* Finding your mtdna & y-dna mutations

de Burgh II
03-14-2017, 06:48 PM
Use this 23andme raw data converter to y-snps:

File --------> Save y-snps

Copy and Paste snps here at this website with following selected; FTDNA Format and ISOGG or Experimental tree


Method/instructions for y-dna for ancestrydna users:

MTDNA: Upload mtdna raw data here:


03-15-2017, 01:07 AM
Interesting. But I'm afraid little outdated? My prediction is of different subclade than my R1A admin told me. Rather Kashubian / Scandinavian (Isoggg or experimental tree) than typical Polish...

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-15-2017, 09:43 AM
R1b-M529 (R1b-L459)

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-15-2017, 09:47 AM


"Otherwise the frequency of S116* is most notable among the Irish (18%) and Central-East Iberians (8-12%) but lower in Brittany (6%), Cantabria (6%) and Portugal (4%), being absent in Galicia and Asturias.

The frequency of DF27 is highest among Basques (63% on average, 71% for the rural sample) and then similarly high across Iberia (40-48%). It reaches 17% among Bretons and just 1% among the Irish. It must be noted that when you apportion DF27/S116, the result is similar through all Iberia (72-80%), Basques included (hat tip to Jean).

The frequency of M529 (the one I got) is very high among Irish (54%) and Bretons (52%) but under 5% everywhere else, except the following: 6% in both Asturias and in Cantabria, 7% among Galicians. The lineage is present in all sampled populations except Alicante and Andalusia. Therefore, inside Iberia, it shows some NW-SE clinality.

The frequency of U152 is under 10% across the board but also found in all sampled populations. The lowest ones are urban Basques (1%) and the highest ones Galicians and Asturians (9% and 8% respectively)."


Frequency of R1b subclades relative to overall R1b (per Myres 2010)
note: M529 is wrongly labeled M259

In: http://forwhattheywereweare.blogspot.pt/2015/06/some-improved-knowledge-of-major-r1b.html

03-15-2017, 10:55 AM
R1b1a2a1a2b U152/PF6570/S28
R1b1a2a1a2b2 Z36/S206

Marker path from rCRS to haplogroup H1c (plus extra markers):
H2a2a1(rCRS) ⇨ 263G ⇨ H2a2a ⇨ 8860G 15326G ⇨ H2a2 ⇨ 750G ⇨ H2a ⇨ 4769G ⇨ H2 ⇨ 1438G ⇨ H ⇨ 3010A ⇨ H1 ⇨ 477C ⇨ H1c ⇨ 11914A 13759A (16519C)

de Burgh II
03-15-2017, 03:05 PM
Those Germanic tribesmen were land expansionists I'd say...


1) T2b3b

Defining Markers for haplogroup T2b3b:
HVR2: 73G 263G
CR: 709A 750G 930A 1438G 1888A 2706G 4216C 4769G 4917G 5147A 7028T 8697A 8860G 10463C 10750G 11251G 11719A 11812G 13368A 13722G 14233G 14766T 14905A 15326G 15452A 15607G 15928A
HVR1: 16126C 16294T (16296T) 16304C

Marker path from rCRS to haplogroup T2b3b (plus extra markers):
H2a2a1(rCRS) ⇨ 263G ⇨ H2a2a ⇨ 8860G 15326G ⇨ H2a2 ⇨ 750G ⇨ H2a ⇨ 4769G ⇨ H2 ⇨ 1438G ⇨ H ⇨ 2706G 7028T ⇨ HV ⇨ 14766T ⇨ R0 ⇨ 73G 11719A ⇨ R ⇨ 4216C ⇨ R2'JT ⇨ 11251G 15452A 16126C ⇨ JT ⇨ 709A 1888A 4917G 8697A 10463C 13368A 14905A 15607G 15928A 16294T ⇨ T ⇨ 11812G 14233G (16296T) ⇨ T2 ⇨ 930A 5147A 16304C ⇨ T2b ⇨ 10750G ⇨ T2b3 ⇨ 13722G ⇨ T2b3b ⇨ (16519C)

03-15-2017, 04:47 PM
Those Germanic tribesmen were land expansionists I'd say...


I can almost copy/paste what you post .


1) HV

Defining Markers for haplogroup HV:
HVR2: 263G
CR: 750G 1438G 2706G 4769G 7028T 8860G 15326G

Marker path from rCRS to haplogroup HV (plus extra markers):
H2a2a1(rCRS) ⇨ 263G ⇨ H2a2a ⇨ 8860G 15326G ⇨ H2a2 ⇨ 750G ⇨ H2a ⇨ 4769G ⇨ H2 ⇨ 1438G ⇨ H ⇨ 2706G 7028T ⇨ HV ⇨ 16164G 16320T (16519C)

Damiăo de Góis
03-15-2017, 09:59 PM
R1b1a2a1a2 P312/S116

1) J1c1

Defining Markers for haplogroup J1c1:
HVR2: 73G (185A) (228A) 263G 295T 462T 482C 489C
CR: 750G 1438G 2706G 3010A 3394C 4216C 4769G 7028T 8860G 10398G 11251G 11719A 12612G 13708A 14766T 14798C 15326G 15452A
HVR1: 16069T 16126C

03-15-2017, 10:02 PM
So much R1 is this thread that it's making me nauseated.

05-26-2018, 01:50 AM
Heck, we must be related. I have the same.