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View Full Version : stop confusing fundamentalism with religions

03-20-2017, 05:28 AM

A fundamentalist - a radical in other words - is loveless, dark of soul, bigoted and lacking in understanding. He is opposed to all forms of beauty, aesthetics, art and science. He is opposed to life, and absolutely opposed to joy and happiness.

Someone with a fundamentalist mindset will regard all objects of beauty with hatred. He will hate flowers, and children, cats and dogs and rabbits. His soul is empty; there is nothing about love in their souls. They do not value other people, nor any other living thing. The concepts of consideration, love and compassion are entirely foreign to them.

As a result of all this, a fundamentalist will also hate women. The hatred of women that some people seek to ascribe to Islam is in fact a characteristic of fundamentalist radicals, not of Islam, which actually attaches the greatest value to women, and which praises and exalts them. (This will later be discussed in greater detail.)

In the same way that someone with a fundamentalist mindset loves nobody, nobody loves him, either. Everyone is made uncomfortable by the presence, lifestyle and ideas of a fundamentalist. Fundamentalists even detest other fundamentalists. They are never at once in friendship and ease; this, of course, stems from their living at a great distance from the Koran.

It needs to be reiterated as a matter of great importance that a fundamentalist - a radical in other words - can be found in every faith or section of society. People who seek to turn people away from the essence of their faiths and to replace the joy and fervor resulting from faith in God with a dark and bloodthirsty spirit can be found in Christian and Jewish communities, as well as Muslim ones. However, the subject under discussion here is those fundamentalists who seek to insinuate themselves among Muslims.

03-20-2017, 05:43 AM
religious fanatics are not true christians, muslims, buddhists, hindus etc.. they are naturalist/darwinists !!!

all those mentioned religions have universal compassion and love for all beings at their core

those who say my religion is better than yours and my god is better than yours, are not following the spiritual teachings!!! they are darwinists/naturalists. might is right and mine is better than thine, is not part of true spiritual techings!

bible, koran etc. were altered by conquerors and imperislists, who rewrote the true teachings of universal compassion. they were altered and mixed with hatred, selfishness, pride, greed and intolerance which are darwinist/naturalist philosophies, not spiritual! fundamentalism, holy wars and conquests are naturalist in nature, not religious/spiritual!

they operate from darwinist/naturalist perspective of EGO and PRIDE and SELFISHNESS, my my my, might is right, stronger eats weaker..

this is opposed to the true teachings of universal compassion and love

fundamentalism is darwinism/naturalism, the law of "the stronger survives"

conquests in the name of god are nothing but darwinism dressed in a religious robe! like a wolf ins sheeps clothing!

The great majority of the infamous terrorist leaders who have inflicted great evil on their countries are generally intelligence agents specially trained to commit acts of provocation. They are members of well-known intelligence agencies in America and Europe and receive their orders directly from them. These people have all received a Darwinist and materialist education. They never reflect the true moral values of Islam commanded by God in any sphere of their lives(neither do the christian or jewish fundamentalists), have nothing to do with the loving and affectionate, compassionate, forgiving and just values of our Prophet (pbuh) and have been indoctrinated by Darwinism. According to the terrible error in which these people find themselves, the only way to survive and be strong is through fighting and conflict. This requires violence and cruelty, while virtues such as love, affection and compassion are regarded as weaknesses.