View Full Version : Good fucking Lord

Grab the Gauge
03-22-2017, 02:09 PM
There is no such thing a Pontic Mediterranean.

It used to be you guys were calling everyone an "atlanto" Mediterranean. Now you're calling everyone a "Pontic" Mediterranean!!!

There is only one kind of Mediterranean, and it's called Mediterranean. You're just confusing people by using these terms which anthropologists used to distinguish skulls from different regions that differed by as much as 2mm. There was never and will never be a "Pontic" Mediterranean, an "Atlanto" Mediterranean, or an "Atlantid". There is only Mediterranean, Mediterranean, Mediterranean. Just say Mediterranean, bro. Just say "Mediterranean" and nothing else.

03-22-2017, 02:18 PM
There is only one kind of Mediterranean, and it's called Mediterranean.

Another name is Gracile Med.

03-22-2017, 02:58 PM
There is no such thing a Pontic Mediterranean.

It used to be you guys were calling everyone an "atlanto" Mediterranean. Now you're calling everyone a "Pontic" Mediterranean!!!

There is only one kind of Mediterranean, and it's called Mediterranean. You're just confusing people by using these terms which anthropologists used to distinguish skulls from different regions that differed by as much as 2mm. There was never and will never be a "Pontic" Mediterranean, an "Atlanto" Mediterranean, or an "Atlantid". There is only Mediterranean, Mediterranean, Mediterranean. Just say Mediterranean, bro. Just say "Mediterranean" and nothing else.

The diversity of Mediterranean people is high ;)

03-22-2017, 03:14 PM
What do you think about this thread?


i quote: "1. East Mediterranid
No anthropologist ever used this type. People that get classified as so usually have absolutely no metrical difference from Gracile/Atlanto-Mediterraneans."

Do you believe in Atlanto-Med type?


Grab the Gauge
03-22-2017, 03:25 PM
No. How could the "proper (gracile) Mediterranean" and the "Atlanto-Mediterranean" in that photo be any different from eachother?

Here are the metric data for those two types:

Figure 1 "Atlanto Med"

Figure 3 "Gracile Med"

There's no fucking difference, no way anyone could tell just from looking at someone, based on 2-6mm of difference.

One and only Mediterranean. Just Mediterranean.

03-23-2017, 04:28 AM
No. How could the "proper (gracile) Mediterranean" and the "Atlanto-Mediterranean" in that photo be any different from eachother?

Here are the metric data for those two types:

Figure 1 "Atlanto Med"

Figure 3 "Gracile Med"

There's no fucking difference, no way anyone could tell just from looking at someone, based on 2-6mm of difference.

One and only Mediterranean. Just Mediterranean.

In fact, if you look at the rows for each of the key dimensions, there are some "Small Mediterraneans" who have larger measurements than some "Atlanto-Mediterraneans". Looking at the plates, the same goes for subjectively-judged facial ruggedness. I don't know what Coon was thinking when he included those definitions.

03-23-2017, 04:32 AM
There is no skullshape but Borreby and Grab The Gauge is his prophet.

03-23-2017, 04:41 AM
I am an Atlantid. An Atlantid means someone with a long Nordic skull with slight Med admixture which usually means a shorter distance between the lower lip and chin than that exhibited by a full Nord. Both me and my father have pasty white British-Irish skin with long skulls and dark hair despite having Viking DNA.

03-23-2017, 04:48 AM
Mediterranean :cool: