View Full Version : Classify Kazakh president Nazarbayev

03-24-2017, 07:36 AM
Look at charisma. Lol. Is there any president charismatic as him in the world?

http://i.hizliresim.com/nRjDj5.jpg (http://hizliresim.com/nRjDj5)

http://i.hizliresim.com/ALnbnz.jpg (http://hizliresim.com/ALnbnz)

http://i.hizliresim.com/dP8J87.jpg (http://hizliresim.com/dP8J87)

Grab the Gauge
03-24-2017, 08:42 AM
The base which forms him is Tungid however he lacks numerous key characteristics of that race: low vault height, maxillary bossing, large palate, etc.