View Full Version : Apologies from Ross

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03-27-2017, 01:49 AM
As most of you know, this is Ross. I want to make this short and to the point. The purpose of this message is to apologize for certain and specific insults that I have made in the past. Everyone knows that I troll, that's just what I do. I don't apologize for basic trolling or defending myself against insults made against myself or my ethnicity. I will continue to defend myself against these types of insults and I will continue to troll in the same way that many at TA troll everyday, this does include basic tit for tat insults and generally provocative banter against other ethnic groups, the same as people do on a regular basis against myself and and my own ethnicity.

While I will not stop this type of trolling, I do apologize for certain types of insults that crossed the lines of basic human decency in the past. Specifically, I apologize to Sarmatian, UkrainianGirl and any other Slavs/Russians who may be unnamed where I have taken insults as far as mocking or celebrating the genocide of their people or relatives during WWII. I also extend this same sentiment to any other ethnic group whom I may have crossed this line with. Sometimes the internet brings out the worst in people and these are not my genuine feelings. Whether I, personally, like or dislike a particular ethnicity it was not my intention to take insults as far as I have here, into the personal realm of invoking and mocking war crimes and genocide as a means of insulting people. I do acknowledge that crossing these lines is not only distasteful but also serves to make me seem as reprehensible as anyone that I may have been insulting.

Apologies to anybody that was personally affected. Please do not use interpret this as a sign of weakness and waste your time trolling me in this thread. Just let it be, accept the apology and move on.


03-27-2017, 01:51 AM
What brand are your glasses?

Anthony PV
03-27-2017, 01:51 AM
Are you white or indian?

War Chef
03-27-2017, 01:52 AM
No mercy bitch :aufsmaul_2:

Sweet revenge will be mine

03-27-2017, 01:52 AM
You never seemed to attack or insult me.

♥ Lily ♥
03-27-2017, 01:54 AM
Action speaks louder than words. People can apologise for something until they're blue in the face... but if they don't show they're sorry by changing their actions, then what business do they have to apologise - unless they actually mean that they're genuinely sorry and won't do it again?

03-27-2017, 01:54 AM
What brand are your glasses?

I wear contacts, but I think they're Armani Exchange.

03-27-2017, 01:56 AM
I wear contacts, but I think they're Armani Exchange.

Get Gucci glasses.

03-27-2017, 02:02 AM
Dindu nuffin. EE's never accept apologies. It shows weakness. Btw, nobody here gives a fuck about your brown subhuman background. I highly doubt Slavs create a thousand plus socks per day to troll Indians with off-white dilemmas like yourself, or whatever you are, online. Get a life.

Colonel Frank Grimes
03-27-2017, 02:16 AM

03-27-2017, 02:24 AM
And would you believe I never said one thing bad to him about him being Indian while he also added me to his ethnicity insult list later after I quit putting up with him. I am far more tough skinned than he will ever be. No thumbs up for this thread sorry boy. But your writing sure improved.....

03-27-2017, 02:27 AM
Yeah, I know im kicking you while you're down and that a bunch of Cyber goons are forcing you to do this...but I need an apology for the shit you said about Somalis aswell.

Yes I am behaving very much a jackal/hyena while the cyber goons are the lions/tigers, but I still will get an apology surely.

de Burgh II
03-27-2017, 02:28 AM
As most of you know, this is Ross. I want to make this short and to the point. The purpose of this message is to apologize for certain and specific insults that I have made in the past. Everyone knows that I troll, that's just what I do. I don't apologize for basic trolling or defending myself against insults made against myself or my ethnicity. I will continue to defend myself against these types of insults and I will continue to troll in the same way that many at TA troll everyday, this does include basic tit for tat insults and generally provocative banter against other ethnic groups, the same as people do on a regular basis against myself and and my own ethnicity.

While I will not stop this type of trolling, I do apologize for certain types of insults that crossed the lines of basic human decency in the past. Specifically, I apologize to Sarmatian, UkrainianGirl and any other Slavs/Russians who may be unnamed where I have taken insults as far as mocking or celebrating the genocide of their people or relatives during WWII. I also extend this same sentiment to any other ethnic group whom I may have crossed this line with. Sometimes the internet brings out the worst in people and these are not my genuine feelings. Whether I, personally, like or dislike a particular ethnicity it was not my intention to take insults as far as I have here, into the personal realm of invoking and mocking war crimes and genocide as a means of insulting people. I do acknowledge that crossing these lines is not only distasteful but also serves to make me seem as reprehensible as anyone that I may have been insulting.

Apologies to anybody that was personally affected. Please do not use interpret this as a sign of weakness and waste your time trolling me in this thread. Just let it be, accept the apology and move on.


I bolded relevant parts for the egotistic jargon.

To put it bluntly; you reap what you sow. Meaning, you had this coming so now it is time for you to see the consequences of your own doing. This site isn't some protective blanket to coddle you because you don't want to take responsibility for what you have done with your +100 sock accounts.

You didn't see all to concerned when you pissed off the wrong people all this time until they gave you a taste of your own medicine. You've been spamming this site for 8 months straight with your own inane antics.

This is something you should sort out yourself; and yourself alone.

This is your problem alone; not ours.

03-27-2017, 02:31 AM
Yeah, I know im kicking you while you're down and that a bunch of Cyber goons are forcing you to do this...but I need an apology for the shit you said about Somalis aswell.

Yes I am behaving very much a jackal/hyena while the cyber goons are the lions/tigers, but I still will get an apology surely.

Yes apologize for anything I have said about Somalis. The ones here in California (and other East Africans) seem to be decent and well behaved individuals.

03-27-2017, 02:32 AM
I bolded relevant parts for the egotistic jargon.

To put it bluntly; you reap what you sow. Meaning, you had this coming so now it is time for you to see the consequences of your own doing. This site isn't some protective blanket to coddle you because you don't want to take responsibility for what you have done with your +100 sock accounts.

You didn't see all to concerned when you pissed off the wrong people all this time until they gave you a taste of your own medicine. You've been spamming this site for 8 months straight with your own inane antics.

This is something you should sort out yourself; and yourself alone.

This is your problem alone; not ours.

Good point but not trying to be egotistical at all.

Anthony PV
03-27-2017, 02:33 AM
I need an apology for the shit you said about Somalis aswell.
You expect people to apologize to you?! :lol:

03-27-2017, 02:33 AM
What community do you belong to btw? You said your surname is Patel, but how are they kshatriya?

03-27-2017, 02:35 AM
What community do you belong to btw? You said your surname is Patel, but how are they kshatriya?


Patels aren't Kshatriyas you are correct. They come from a landowning caste in Gujarat.

03-27-2017, 02:36 AM
Well buddy. I'm not gonna ask for anything. However, I hope this has been a learning experience for you.
It turns out if you talk enough shit, someone is gonna care enough to smack you back down.

03-27-2017, 02:37 AM
Well buddy. I'm not gonna ask for anything. However, I hope this has been a learning experience for you.
It turns out if you talk enough shit, someone is gonna care enough to smack you back down.

Sorrry for insulting Americans and you specifically. I like living in America and damn glad my grandparents decided to move from India.

03-27-2017, 02:38 AM

03-27-2017, 02:41 AM
You expect people to apologize to you?! :lol:


Somali proverb:

"Oh Hyena, it is Eid. The Lion has left his den open...you can search for bones in peace today"

ie, even a scumbag like me can expect a few morsels or trinkets (apologies) from time to time...

03-27-2017, 02:42 AM

Somali proverb:

"Oh Hyena, it is Eid. The Lion has left his den open...you can search for bones in peace today"

ie, even a scumbag like me can expect a few morsels or trinkets (apologies) from time to time...


03-27-2017, 02:44 AM
Ross are you Indian for real wtf i hear?

de Burgh II
03-27-2017, 02:44 AM

Firstly, its not a "good point"; its a fact.

What you should do is log out; and don't come back until you reformed your behavior. If you troll; you will be trolled back regardless if you like it or not.

Requiesce in pace.

03-27-2017, 02:47 AM
Sorrry for insulting Americans and you specifically. I like living in America and damn glad my grandparents decided to move from India.

*pat pat*
All is forgiven dear.

03-27-2017, 02:50 AM
Low iq incel your apology is not accepted.

03-27-2017, 02:50 AM

03-27-2017, 02:50 AM

03-27-2017, 02:52 AM

Ok mom.

03-27-2017, 02:54 AM
Ross are you Indian for real wtf i hear?

And like any real Indian he gets beaten up all the time by so called "Menas", "Southern Europeans" "Mexicans" and what not. "Indian" and "Incel" mean the same thing.

03-27-2017, 02:58 AM
And like any real Indian he gets beaten up all the time by so called "Menas", "Southern Europeans" "Mexicans" and what not. "Indian" and "Incel" mean the same thing.

You forgot to add cow piss drinker and rat worshiper ;)

03-27-2017, 03:03 AM
I feel lonely tonight :bored:. Am I the only one who does not know who Ross is?
Ross for me was just a faraway 1001 sock accounts hearsay :dizzy:

03-27-2017, 03:07 AM
And like any real Indian he gets beaten up all the time by so called "Menas", "Southern Europeans" "Mexicans" and what not. "Indian" and "Incel" mean the same thing.
You're putting the boot in while he's down. What a hard lady :laugh:

03-27-2017, 03:20 AM
Ross if you go wash in Ganges river and drink 10L of cow's urine, maybe you will be forgiven.

Say something primate, dont stand there all shy :D

03-27-2017, 03:23 AM
Ross if you go wash in Ganges river and drink 10L of cow's urine, maybe you will be forgiven.

Say something primate, dont stand there all shy :D

Do you want his cell #? you guys can text each other.

03-27-2017, 03:30 AM
Do you want his cell #? you guys can text each other.

No thx, I talked to him on TA chatbox and i feel enough dirty already. Brown Indian with mental disorder you say?

Grab the Gauge
03-27-2017, 03:44 AM
Ross is God
It's not over yet

03-27-2017, 03:59 AM
Ross if you go wash in Ganges river and drink 10L of cow's urine, maybe you will be forgiven.

Say something primate, dont stand there all shy :D

blah blah blah, we can carry on the usual trolling in the other threads, Mr. Albanian. This thread was meant strictly for the apology.

03-27-2017, 04:01 AM
Do you want his cell #? you guys can text each other.

Why do you have my cell phone number? Anyways, I will be changing it.

03-27-2017, 04:02 AM
And like any real Indian he gets beaten up all the time by so called "Menas", "Southern Europeans" "Mexicans" and what not. "Indian" and "Incel" mean the same thing.

Why are Greeks and Southern Europeans not as educated as Indians are in the USA and Canada? Or have the same income levels?

03-27-2017, 04:03 AM
Why do you have my cell phone number? Anyways, I will be changing it.

So I can order curry in a hurry.

03-27-2017, 04:04 AM
So I can order curry in a hurry.


03-27-2017, 04:05 AM

Makhani and make it snappy.

03-27-2017, 04:13 AM
Ross is God
It's not over yet

Apparently to those guys who were doxxing me, I am worse than Hitler, Himmler, Heydich, the NKVD, Stalin, Lenin, and the Chechen jihadists.....

Or Russia's current enemies..i.e.-NATO, USA, the EU, and whoever else.


03-27-2017, 04:16 AM

03-27-2017, 04:20 AM

How about discounted hotel rates at any Holiday Inn, Comfort Inn, or Super 8 in California?

That I can definitely do for you.

03-27-2017, 04:21 AM
How about discounted hotel rates at any Holiday Inn, Comfort Inn, or Super 8 in California?

That I can definitely do for you.

Free gas and a snickers bar.

03-27-2017, 05:35 AM
Awww come here bro

03-27-2017, 05:46 AM
Looooool! You need to get a life Ross no one gives a shit about you here or irl.

03-27-2017, 06:02 AM
I wear contacts, but I think they're Armani Exchange.

Is the Russian mafia after you?

03-27-2017, 06:16 AM
Is the Russian mafia after you?

If I continued with some of the graphic comments I was saying I might very well have....

Philip Latinowitz
03-27-2017, 07:08 AM
Nobody is even trolling Indians in here dude.
My point still stands you need to get some help. You know yourself any sucessfull Indian professional with fulfilled life don't give a shit what bunch of strangers online think about him .
think about it

03-27-2017, 07:08 AM
Is the Russian mafia after you?

Not yet. We will see if his apologies are real deal.

03-27-2017, 07:50 AM
Not yet. We will see if his apologies are real deal.

I still have the right to voice my opinion on certain matters..i.e.-who the best and most productive immigrants in California are for instance. In the United States, it's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

I agree I crossed the line with what I was saying about your relatives in the the Great Patriotic War.

03-27-2017, 08:00 AM
The so-known and so-called Ross should be beheaded.

No mercy.

03-27-2017, 08:01 AM
He's to be beheaded.

No mercy.


03-27-2017, 08:02 AM
Spaniard boy.....howdie.

Howdy, but you should be flesh for guillotine or at least for flames :)

03-27-2017, 08:02 AM
Howdy, but you should be flesh for guillotine or at least for flames :)


03-27-2017, 08:03 AM
I still have the right to voice my opinion on certain matters..i.e.-who the best and most productive immigrants in California are for instance. In the United States, it's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

I agree I crossed the line with what I was saying about your relatives in the the Great Patriotic War.

There is a difference between freedom of speech and noise pollution and terrorising people here with anti-European sentiment

03-27-2017, 08:04 AM
'freedom of speech' is already a so prostituted expression. It means nothing.

03-27-2017, 08:06 AM
There is a difference between freedom of speech and noise pollution and terrorising people here with anti-European sentiment

There is also a difference between trolling an online forum on the one hand and DOXXING someone, hacking into their computer or cell phone, getting their personal information, spamming their pics, and threatening them physical harm.

In my country, this would have FEDERAL AGENTS knocking on one's front door.

03-27-2017, 08:06 AM
Furthermore, it's known from very reliable sources that the forer knicked in the past as Ross is chattin' from India.

03-27-2017, 08:09 AM
There is also a difference between trolling an online forum and DOXXING someone, hacking into their computers, getting their personal information, spamming their pics, and threatening physical harm over the internet.

In my country, this would have FEDERAL AGENTS knocking on one's front door.

Stop terrorising people then - perhaps the federal agents need to knock on your door.

Report Online Extremist Material

If you are reporting a crime or emergency situation that is happening now, please call 000 immediately.

Use this form to report to the National Security Hotline any material that you’ve found on the internet that is violent extremist in nature or could encourage radicalisation towards violence.

This form will only take a few minutes to complete and reports can be made anonymously.

Extremist material online could include:
articles, images, speeches or videos that encourage hate or violence

03-27-2017, 08:12 AM
Just appologise means nothing at all, if it's not accompanied with a firm purpose of amendment.

Knee down and swear it for Sheevah.

03-27-2017, 08:12 AM
Stop terrorising people then - perhaps the federal agents need to knock on your door.

You wish. The USA isn't Europe, you can say whatever you want so long as you don't threaten anyone or CYBER STALK them.

We can even deny the holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, and say Slavs are inferior. I can say all Greeks are low IQ morons who shouldn't be allowed entry into the United States.

I can say that in front of FBI headquarters in Washington DC, and it wouldn't be considered illegal.

03-27-2017, 08:15 AM
You wish. The USA isn't Europe, you can say whatever you want so long as you don't threaten anyone or CYBER STALK them.

We can even deny the holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, and say Slavs are inferior.

You can deny anything you want - hate speech, extremism, inciting violence through hate (as you have showing people beating other people) is bluntly illegal.

I personally don't care as you are a entertaining for me, you are someone I like slapping around - but attempting to justify what you are doing is incorrect as you are obviously upsetting people with hate and extremism.

03-27-2017, 08:18 AM
You can deny anything you want - hate speech, extremism, inciting violence through hate (as you have showing people beating other people) is bluntly illegal.

I personally don't care as you are a entertaining for me, you are someone I like slapping around - but attempting to justify what you are doing is incorrect as you are obviously upsetting people with hate and extremism.

Doxxing/cyber stalking/hacking is considered a serious crime in the United States.

Saying Southern Europeans and Slavs are inferior subhumans is not considered anything. It shows the ignorance and stupidity of the individual saying it, pretty much.

03-27-2017, 08:20 AM
OK. That is the same as to state trash is not guilty of being trash. Understandable.

03-27-2017, 08:21 AM
Doxxing/cyber stalking/hacking is a serious crime in the United States.

Saying Southern Europeans and Slavs are inferior subhumans is not considered anything. It shows the ignorance and stupidity of the individual saying it, pretty much.

You don't get it - you are not only saying that you are saying much more. You are trying to justify your behaviour through free speech to espouse your extremism and hate. You have obviously hurt people - do you understand?

03-27-2017, 08:21 AM
OK. That is the same as to state trash is not guilty of being trash. Understandable.

Another reason to keep out all Southern and Eastern Europeans from the United States...they don't know the concept of FREE SPEECH...lol

03-27-2017, 08:23 AM
You never offended me but I know you did with some members here and it is just sad since you didn't need to tell them such things... You are often able to apologize, which is good thing only if you honestly mean it and dont start again later....

03-27-2017, 08:24 AM
You never offended me but I know you did with some members here and it is just sad since you didn't need to tell them such things... You are often able to apologize, which is good thing only if you honestly mean it and dont start again later....

Believe me, I have no intention of starting it ever again.

03-27-2017, 08:24 AM
I am fascinated by your perseverance.
Aren't you bored with your non-creative scenario?

03-27-2017, 08:25 AM
You don't get it - you are not only saying that you are saying much more. You are trying to justify your behaviour through free speech to espouse your extremism and hate. You have obviously hurt people - do you understand?

Uno es responsable de sus palabras y dueño de sus silencios. / One is responsible for his words and owner of his silences.

03-27-2017, 08:25 AM
I am fascinated by your perseverance.
Aren't you bored with your non-creative scenario?

Yes, its old and stupid. Just making some clarifications.

03-27-2017, 08:27 AM
Another reason to keep out all Southern and Eastern Europeans from the United States...they don't know the concept of FREE SPEECH...lol

Hell's path is stoned with free speech...

Uno es responsable de sus palabras y dueño de sus silencios. / One is responsible for his words and owner of his silences.

03-27-2017, 08:29 AM
Hell's path is stoned with free speech...

Uno es responsable de sus palabras y dueño de sus silencios. / One is responsible for his words and owner of his silences.

I don't feel like turning this thread into another RossBeaumont trolling show. It was meant strictly for the apology.

03-27-2017, 08:32 AM
Believe me, I have no intention of starting it ever again.

Well, I have no lesson to give just maybe advice if that can help you in some way... in this current thread I saw you starting to argue, a bit, once not agreeing. We dont have to agree with everyone of course and debates are sane things. But maybe sometimes we have to let it go and dont confront.

03-27-2017, 08:34 AM
Well, I have no lesson to give just maybe advice if that can help you in some way... in this current thread I saw you starting to argue, a bit, once not agreeing. We dont have to agree with everyone of course and debates are sane things. But maybe sometimes we have to let it go and dont confront.

Agreed. I am no longer replying to anyone in this thread.

03-27-2017, 08:34 AM
I don't feel like turning this thread into another RossBeaumont trolling show. It was meant strictly for the apology.

Apologize without a purpose of amendment is worthless.

03-27-2017, 08:36 AM
Apologize without a purpose of amendment is worthless.

As I said, I'm done arguing about this.

Mn The Loki TA Son
03-27-2017, 08:37 AM
As I said, I'm done arguing about this.

You should be like me, apologize to obsolutely nobody. Right or wrong

03-27-2017, 08:37 AM
As I said, I'm done arguing about this.

No. You've included some comments on this thread that point at the opposite direction.

03-27-2017, 08:40 AM
Furthermore, it's known from very reliable sources that the forer knicked in the past as Ross is chattin' from India.

oh...so he's been lying about being in California all along?

03-27-2017, 08:40 AM
No. You've included some comments on this thread that point at the opposite direction.

Have you seen any good movies lately?

03-27-2017, 08:41 AM
Have you seen any good movies lately?

Yes. It's called "Ross apologising". Very funny.

03-27-2017, 08:42 AM
oh...so he's been lying about being in California all along?

No, he is in Cali. Area code on his number is in Cali too.

03-27-2017, 08:43 AM
Yes. It's called "Ross apologising". Very funny.

Cool, must be a 4 star thriller.

How's your job? Do you still do night shifts?

03-27-2017, 08:44 AM
No, he is in Cali. Area code on his number is in Cali too.

But I doubt he were born and raised in Cali...

His english is too academic to me...

03-27-2017, 08:45 AM
I think you suffer from a inferiority complex dude. The fact of the matter is that Romanians for example use Indians as an insult, and I can only assume most eastern Europeans see Indians as the worst of the worst. The thing that probably bothers you is that you see what to your eyes are these poor eastern Europeans and they can thank their lucky stars that they're not Indian at least. That really seems to bother you. You're part of one of the poorest people on earth, you have the highest public defecation rate on earth as well as a dismal respect for women having a problem with gang rape. I don't think it sits well with you being Indian.

03-27-2017, 08:45 AM
Cool, must be a 4 star thriller.

How's your job? Do you still do night shifts?

Are you intending to tame the fiery perhaps?


03-27-2017, 08:46 AM
But I doubt he were born and raised in Cali...

His english is too academic to me...

So how's the weather in Andalusa? I've never been to Spain but that's definitely on my to do list. Why does every American talk about Ibiza?

03-27-2017, 08:47 AM
But I doubt he were born and raised in Cali...

His english is too academic to me...

Who knows? He lied to me since day one. I would not be surprised if there were more lies I did not uncover. Plus, you know him as well as me so you could be right.

03-27-2017, 08:47 AM
So how's the weather in Andalusa? I've never been to Spain but that's definitely on my to do list. Why does every American talk about Ibiza?

Speak with me sincerely, Ross.

What is your problem?

03-27-2017, 08:48 AM
Speak with me sincerely, Ross.

What is your problem?

How different is Spanish cuisine from Mexican food? I eat Mexican food from time to time but always wondered if it has anything in common with Spain

03-27-2017, 08:49 AM
Yes, its old and stupid. Just making some clarifications.

Why I don't believe you were just trolling, respective why I think you were serious with your opinion about EE/SE ppl... :)
Honestly I don't care I'm a tolerant person if you want to call me a subhuman I have no problem with it. What I am sure about it has no potential to influence my life in any way and yes your hate has no potential to make your life better or change something in the world.

03-27-2017, 08:51 AM
I think you suffer from a inferiority complex dude. The fact of the matter is that Romanians for example use Indians as an insult, and I can only assume most eastern Europeans see Indians as the worst of the worst. The thing that probably bothers you is that you see what to your eyes are these poor eastern Europeans and they can thank their lucky stars that they're not Indian at least. That really seems to bother you. You're part of one of the poorest people on earth, you have the highest public defecation rate on earth as well as a dismal respect for women having a problem with gang rape. I don't think it sits well with you being Indian.

Indians are considered superior to Slavs and Romanians in California, with the exception for physical appearance. We have lower crime rates, higher academic levels, higher earnings, and we own every motel and gas station on every street corner.

This isn't my opinion, it's others.

Indians consider Eastern Europeans (Romanians and southeastern included) to be low IQ day laborers. Yes some Russians work in IT/science/academics but they aren't very influential and we wouldn't lose much if they all moved back to their 2nd world shithole.

again, this is NOT my opinion but other Indians.

03-27-2017, 08:51 AM
How different is Spanish cuisine from Mexican food? I eat Mexican food from time to time but always wondered if it has anything in common with Spain

Why do you suffer from those sudden change of behaviour?

Which is the main reason, Ross?

03-27-2017, 08:55 AM
Why do you suffer from those sudden change of behaviour?

Which is the main reason, Ross?

I'm hungry and in need of sleep. And slightly hung over.

03-27-2017, 08:56 AM
Why would 'Eastern Europeans' even have an opinion on Indians(and vice versa)?

Ross does not represent India/Indians as he
1)has never been to the country
2)doesn't even speak the languages(including his own 'mother tongue')
3)doesn't know jack shit about India

He is an American before anything else.

03-27-2017, 09:00 AM
Indians are considered superior to Slavs and Romanians in California, with the exception for physical appearance. We have lower crime rates, higher academic levels, higher earnings, and we own every motel and gas station on every street corner.

This isn't my opinion, it's others.

Indians consider Eastern Europeans (Romanians and southeastern included) to be low IQ day laborers. Yes some Russians work in IT/science/academics but they aren't very influential and we wouldn't lose much if they all moved back to their 2nd world shithole.

again, this is NOT my opinion but other Indians.

This is true. sorry.

03-27-2017, 09:00 AM
Why would 'Eastern Europeans' even have an opinion on Indians(and vice versa)?

Ross does not represent India/Indians as he
1)has never been to the country
2)doesn't even speak the languages(including his own 'mother tongue')
3)doesn't know jack shit about India

He is an American before anything else.

Its obvious many are just using his autism as an excuse to unleash all their pent up venom and contempt.
Even in this thread he is already slowly slipping into his autistic routine. I predict within 3 days, he will go back to his silly obsessions.

03-27-2017, 09:01 AM
You should be like me, apologize to obsolutely nobody. Right or wrong

And I would love to see these tough guys from Europe threaten to harm YOU or your relatives, rather than me.

03-27-2017, 09:02 AM
I'm hungry and in need of sleep. And slightly hung over.

Then, it could be stated that you are a good boy when you are hungry, sleepy and have a hungover...

And when not?

03-27-2017, 09:04 AM
And I would love to see these tough guys from Europe threaten to harm YOU or your relatives, rather than me.

Wait not saying I want them to do that, meaning they would NOT have the balls to try to attack a Mexican in East LA as they would some Indian living in the suburbs of Silicon Valley

03-27-2017, 09:05 AM
Its obvious many are just using his autism as an excuse to unleash all their pent up venom and contempt.
Even in this thread he is already slowly slipping into his autistic routine. I predict within 3 days, he will go back to his silly obsessions.

I've learned my lesson. No more.

03-27-2017, 09:08 AM
Then, it could be stated that you are a good boy when you are hungry, sleepy and have a hungover...

And when not?

Look, I don't hate Eastern Europeans, or Southern ones...or ANY Europeans for that matter. But it seems this sort of rhetoric is now associated with being Ross and some expect it from me and find it entertaining. They would think it's strange if I stop saying all negative comments about these groups and others.

03-27-2017, 09:12 AM
Its obvious many are just using his autism as an excuse to unleash all their pent up venom and contempt.
Even in this thread he is already slowly slipping into his autistic routine. I predict within 3 days, he will go back to his silly obsessions.I agree. But their 'hate' seems to be baseless as well. It's just overused memes like 'street shitting' and 'gang rape'.

What these people don't get(and I've stated this numerous times) is that ross doesn't care about what people say about Indians, ie none of that shit gets to him.

Just look at what he writes :

Indians are considered superior to Slavs and Romanians in California, with the exception for physical appearance. We have lower crime rates, higher academic levels, higher earnings, and we own every motel and gas station on every street corner.

This isn't my opinion, it's others.

Indians consider Eastern Europeans (Romanians and southeastern included) to be low IQ day laborers. Yes some Russians work in IT/science/academics but they aren't very influential and we wouldn't lose much if they all moved back to their 2nd world shithole.

again, this is NOT my opinion but other Indians.That part in bold is him clearly trolling Indians lol :lol:
The last part is to grab their attention again, and divert it towards Indians(who obviously have no opinion of the people he targets).

03-27-2017, 09:12 AM
Look, I don't hate Eastern Europeans, or Southern ones...or ANY Europeans for that matter. But it seems this sort of rhetoric is now associated with being Ross and some expect it from me and find it entertaining. They would think it's strange if I stop saying all negative comments about these groups and others.

I was convinced of that. I do know you're just trolling and it is even funny to me. As said, I've always laughed with you.

But sometimes it seems you get really mad playing your supposed rol.

Which is the cause?

03-27-2017, 09:16 AM
You got to stop:

1- talking about the stratification of Californian cities based on ethnicities. You've said all that needs be said
2- talking about predominant careers/professions of different ethnics of California.

I have a feeling you can't stop...you have an itch, just like a compulsive cleaning of the house to mention these topics, and you are slowly, itching, chaffing, rib-cage constricting to talk about this pathetic subjects and no amount of Goon threats or ultimatums can overwhelm the yearn/need to type out what you need to type out. Your family will get harassed, they will have their phone called 24/7, etc...but because of your pathetic (yet powerful) tick, you will not stop. Your mamaji will knock on your door, begging you to stop what you are doing, as the doxxing is giving your dad and uncles a rise in blood pressure and causing domestic problems. Your family will start disintegrate, your sisters will be forced to do humiliate things to support you, yet you will not wake up from your trance, your obession.

I hope my nightmare scenario wakes you up.

03-27-2017, 09:18 AM
You got to stop:

1- talking about the stratification of Californian cities based on ethnicities. You've said all that needs be said
2- talking about predominant careers/professions of different ethnics of California.

I have a feeling you can't stop...you have an itch, just like a compulsive cleaning of the house to mention these topics, and you are slowly, itching, chaffing, rib-cage constricting to talk about this pathetic subjects and no amount of Goon threats or ultimatums can overwhelm the yearn/need to type out what you need to type out. Your family will get harassed, they will have their phone called 24/7, etc...but because of your pathetic (yet powerful) tick, you will not stop. Your mamaji will knock on your door, begging you to stop what you are doing, as the doxxing is giving your dad and uncles a rise in blood pressure and causing domestic problems. Your family will start disintegrate, your sisters will be forced to do humiliate things to support you, yet you will not wake up from your trance, your obession.

I hope my nightmare scenario wakes you up.

That reads scarier than any Stephen King novel I've read (no joke either)...and yes I agree.

03-27-2017, 09:20 AM
Indians are considered superior to Slavs and Romanians in California, with the exception for physical appearance. We have lower crime rates, higher academic levels, higher earnings, and we own every motel and gas station on every street corner.

This isn't my opinion, it's others.

Indians consider Eastern Europeans (Romanians and southeastern included) to be low IQ day laborers. Yes some Russians work in IT/science/academics but they aren't very influential and we wouldn't lose much if they all moved back to their 2nd world shithole.

again, this is NOT my opinion but other Indians.

I don't really care about that. On the internet, Romanians/ EE use Indian as a insult(mostly to gypsies) and that somehow bothers the shit out of you... "How can he use my folks as an insult when my uncle Patel owns a motel and he's a average joe?!" <--- that's your thinking....

03-27-2017, 09:22 AM
Yes apologize for anything I have said about Somalis. The ones here in California (and other East Africans) seem to be decent and well behaved individuals.

So what made you write bad words about them?

03-27-2017, 09:27 AM
I think you suffer from a inferiority complex dude. The fact of the matter is that Romanians for example use Indians as an insult, and I can only assume most eastern Europeans see Indians as the worst of the worst. The thing that probably bothers you is that you see what to your eyes are these poor eastern Europeans and they can thank their lucky stars that they're not Indian at least. That really seems to bother you.

Stop bullshitting and don't speak for romanians/eastern europeans, eastern europeans never think about India, they are just irrelevant to us. You're a norwegian from Norway, stop associating yourself with eastern europe.

03-27-2017, 09:29 AM
Ban Ross and this RN97retard too

03-27-2017, 09:32 AM
Stop bullshitting and don't speak for romanians/eastern europeans, eastern europeans never think about India, they are just irrelevant to us. You're a norwegian from Norway, stop associating yourself with eastern europe.Don't mind him, he has shitposting tics. He gets all twitchy when he hasn't posted utter nonsense for five minutes.

03-27-2017, 09:34 AM
Stop bullshitting and don't speak for romanians/eastern europeans, eastern europeans never think about India, they are just irrelevant to us. You're a norwegian from Norway, stop associating yourself with eastern europe.

Aren't u central yuropeen anyways, why do you speak for eastern Europeans like Romanians, huh?
I'm not going to look it up for you and I don't care what Hungarians do, but Romanians do indeed use Indian as a slur for gypsies, look it up yourself dummy.

03-27-2017, 09:40 AM
Don't mind him, he has shitposting tics. He gets all twitchy when he hasn't posted utter nonsense for five minutes.

The more twitchy, the more he types out like how Jar Jar Binks speaks

"Whachoo mean dis aint no Baltid classofickishion mayne...Homey I dun play dat ya hurrd"

very annoying writing style...no offense RN97, but it comes off as try hard. You are Norwegian, you are a polite soft spoken people very prone to forgiveness :wink_002::033102to:

03-27-2017, 09:47 AM
Aren't u central yuropeen anyways, why do you speak for eastern Europeans like Romanians, huh?
I'm not going to look it up for you and I don't care what Hungarians do, but Romanians do indeed use Indian as a slur for gypsies, look it up yourself dummy.

No, I'm real eastern european you are just a wannabe, in reality you are just a nordick with an identity crisis. You will probably grow out of it.
And if gypsies are called indian in Romania, that means they are called like that in other countries too(we are speaking of dozens of countries)?:picard2:
I don't know how romanians call gypsies and I don't even care, really. It's not relevant to my post. I don't see how having a romanian mother gives you authority to speak on behalf of half of the continent. I'm glad you're in Norway, stay there pls.

Hungarians, and eastern europeans generally don't think about India more thean they think about Falkland Island,Polynesia, Tasmania etc in other words they don't care about them all, so don't write nonsense like "over there they consider indians subhumans" and stuff like that.

Speak for yourself only, don't drag others into your inane shitfests without their approval.

03-27-2017, 09:57 AM
The more twitchy, the more he types out like how Jar Jar Binks speaks

"Whachoo mean dis aint no Baltid classofickishion mayne...Homey I dun play dat ya hurrd"

very annoying writing style...no offense RN97, but it comes off as try hard. You are Norwegian, you are a polite soft spoken people very prone to forgiveness :wink_002::033102to:

I've previously said that I consider myself culturally more Norwegian. I still have ties to Romanians as my mother is one. I don't see the problem, whenever I talk about Romanians I always say "they/them etc." never "we/us". I've never claimed to be representative for anyone.

03-27-2017, 10:02 AM
I've previously said that I consider myself culturally more Norwegian. I still have ties to Romanians as my mother is one. I don't see the problem, whenever I talk about Romanians I always say "they/them etc." never "we/us". I've never claimed to be representative for anyone.Don't wanna get involved with something I know nothing about(something you should consider doing too....),
but what I can infer from all this is that, you are about as Romanian as Ross is Indian.

03-27-2017, 10:12 AM
Hey Ross how did the Goons hack you? through apricity?

03-27-2017, 10:14 AM
Hey Ross how did the Goons hack you? through apricity?

Yes I think so. This group of individuals have been monitoring my posts for a while I think. They somehow got my phone number, residential address, IP address, and they even discovered what email domain I used to sign up for this current sock.

There was some sock pretending to be Italian several weeks ago (who everyone thought was ME), I'm also quite sure he was one of them.

03-27-2017, 10:31 AM
Yes I think so. This group of individuals have been monitoring my posts for a while I think. They somehow got my phone number, residential address, IP address, and they even discovered what email domain I used to sign up for this current sock.

There was some sock pretending to be Italian several weeks ago (who everyone thought was ME), I'm also quite sure he was one of them.

Seems like there's a security breach on the apricity...only someone with access (thru hacking or otherwise) to the modcp can see what email domain you used to register here. Seems like if you were able to get hacked, anybody else here is just as vulnerable. But at the same time nobody deserved it more than you as you admitted, so the goons seem to have altruistic motives. But having such access to hacking capabilities surely must be a tempting thing.




03-27-2017, 10:41 AM
I almost thought ross had a concious

03-27-2017, 10:50 AM
Seems like there's a security breach on the apricity...only someone with access (thru hacking or otherwise) to the modcp can see what email domain you used to register here. Seems like if you were able to get hacked, anybody else here is just as vulnerable. But at the same time nobody deserved it more than you as you admitted, so the goons seem to have altruistic motives. But having such access to hacking capabilities surely must be a tempting thing.




I have reason to believe these guys were paid off by someone or some group of individuals. Not sure though and can't prove anything, and never will. And yes I think anyone here is just as vulnerable in being hacked.

It's time for a longg vacation now..lol

03-27-2017, 11:06 AM
Stop bullshitting and don't speak for romanians/eastern europeans, eastern europeans never think about India, they are just irrelevant to us. You're a norwegian from Norway, stop associating yourself with eastern europe.

Apparently the opinions and posts of one Indian from California is enough to get 50 Eastern Europeans to cyberhack me for my personal info and the few photos I have ever given out.

Do you know how much shit I've said to Mn1 the Wise guy or RMuller? The difference between the latter and the former is in California people don't care for online BS or talk.

03-27-2017, 11:47 AM
SOMEONE LOCK THIS THREAD NOW. I'm no longer taking responses.

I stand by my beliefs.

And the need for the USA to shut its door to Slavs and Southern European immigration (and Western European Immigration too).

03-27-2017, 11:50 AM
SOMEONE LOCK THIS THREAD NOW. I'm no longer taking responses.

I stand by my beliefs.

And the need for the USA to shut its door to Slavs and Southern European immigration (and Western European Immigration too).


03-27-2017, 12:07 PM
Stop bullshitting and don't speak for romanians/eastern europeans, eastern europeans never think about India, they are just irrelevant to us. You're a norwegian from Norway, stop associating yourself with eastern europe.

Come on. One thing is that almost nobody cares. But to claim that EEppl think about Indians that they are better people...
Dirt everywhere, burning dead bodies on streets, the caste system, poverty, backwardness, etc. - typical stereotypes about India that are common even in EE.

03-27-2017, 12:11 PM
SOMEONE LOCK THIS THREAD NOW. I'm no longer taking responses.

I stand by my beliefs.

And the need for the USA to shut its door to Slavs and Southern European immigration (and Western European Immigration too).

Pansy little prick arn't you?

03-27-2017, 12:22 PM
Pansy little prick arn't you?

наш герой еще видимо, когда открывал свою унылую никому не интересную тему успел станцевать как это часто происходит в Индийских фильмах :lol:

Philip Latinowitz
03-27-2017, 12:33 PM
Come on. One thing is that almost nobody cares. But to claim that EEppl think about Indians that they are better people...
Dirt everywhere, burning dead bodies on streets, the caste system, poverty, backwardness, etc. - typical stereotypes about India that are common even in EE.
Not really true. Average person has no idea about Indians except that they have lot of people and are poor, and looks similar to Gypsies.
If you ask any 20-30 yrs old college student they'd say Indians are good with computers, taxi drivers and speak good English.

03-27-2017, 12:39 PM
Come on. One thing is that almost nobody cares. But to claim that EEppl think about Indians that they are better people...
Dirt everywhere, burning dead bodies on streets, the caste system, poverty, backwardness, etc. - typical stereotypes about India that are common even in EE.

Apparently I have OWD for saying I prefer NOT to have more Eastern/Southern/Western Europeans immigrating to America.

I am also said to have OWD if I say I prefer Europeans (Western Europeans, Slavs, and South Europeans) immigrating over Mexicans, Africans and MENAs

Don't know which one to choose.

03-27-2017, 01:03 PM
Not really true. Average person has no idea about Indians except that they have lot of people and are poor, and looks similar to Gypsies.
I didn't say anything different.

If you ask any 20-30 yrs old college student they'd say Indians are good with computers, taxi drivers and speak good English. Are you serious? lol Maybe some students of Technical Universities ... - btw. nothing new that Indian students are in EE's Technical Universities - my parents who graduated from TU almost 30 years ago had many classmates from India - but they still thought that India is....

Purohit ji
03-27-2017, 01:07 PM
I didn't say anything different.
Are you serious? lol Maybe some students of Technical Universities ... - btw. nothing new that Indian students are in EE's Technical Universities - my parents whograduated from TA almost 30 years ago had many classmates from India - but they still thought that India is....

03-27-2017, 01:09 PM
I didn't say anything different.
Are you serious? lol Maybe some students of Technical Universities ... - btw. nothing new that Indian students are in EE's Technical Universities - my parents who graduated from TA almost 30 years ago had many classmates from India - but they still thought that India is a wonderful paradise where everyone's uncle owns at least one motel

They graduated from theapricity???

03-27-2017, 01:09 PM

Philip Latinowitz
03-27-2017, 01:11 PM
Are you serious? lol Maybe some students of Technical Universities ... - btw. nothing new that Indian students are in EE's Technical Universities - my parents who graduated from TA almost 30 years ago had many classmates from India - but they still thought that India is....

Seriously, Indians tend to have more favorable reputation than Arabs and Africans. Not speaking about India as country. I'm afraid not so little European ethnics enjoy worse reputation than Indians because we know about them more.

03-27-2017, 01:20 PM
Seriously, Indians tend to have more favorable reputation than Arabs and Africans. Not speaking about India as county. I'm afraid not so little European ethnics enjoy worse reputation than Indians because we know about them more.
To have better reputation doesn't mean to have a good reputation.
Well it seems you don't agree with me; What specifically you disagree with?

03-27-2017, 01:24 PM
Seriously, Indians tend to have more favorable reputation than Arabs and Africans. Not speaking about India as county. I'm afraid not so little European ethnics enjoy worse reputation than Indians because we know about them more.

In the USA, African-Americans and Hispanics have the worst reputations in all areas of life. And it's not even close. I live here so I'd know.

Anyone would prefer living in heavily Indian populated city like Cupertino or Sunnyvale over Eastern Oakland or downtown Los Angeles. If anyone says otherwise then they are lying and most likely crazy.

By the way this doesn't mean I think Indians are perfect or should immigrate in high numbers to America.

Philip Latinowitz
03-27-2017, 01:29 PM
To have better reputation doesn't mean to have a good reputation.
Well it seems you don't agree with me; What specifically you disagree with?
I disagree about specifically negative stereotypes about Indians in Europe. Many Brits would prefer Indian immigrant over Romanian or Bulgarian because they're ignorant and think that gypos with EE passports represent those countries truthfully.

In the USA, African-Americans and Hispanics have the worst reputations in all areas of life. And it's not even close. I live here so I'd know.

Anyone would prefer living in heavily Indian populated city like Cupertino or Sunnyvale over Eastern Oakland or downtown Los Angeles. If anyone says otherwise then they are lying and most likely crazy.
I believe you. Indians / East Asian are more desirable than Aframs/Latinos.

The Illyrian Warrior
03-27-2017, 01:33 PM
I was never offended neither I did care for you honestly speaking, what you wrote right there however bothers me since lay out great weakness and cowardice something I wish I never see on anyone esp. in a guy.

03-27-2017, 01:35 PM
I disagree about specifically negative stereotypes about Indians in Europe. Many Brits would prefer Indian immigrant over Romanian or Bulgarian because they're ignorant and think that gypos with EE passports represent those countries truthfully.

I believe you. Indians / East Asian are more desirable than Aframs/Latinos.

This might make me seem OWD..but I also do NOT want more and more Indians immigrating to the USA. There has to be a limit at a certain point

The groups who are actively trying to take over the USA demographically are the Latinos, Aframs, and Asian-Americans (at least in California)

03-27-2017, 01:44 PM
I disagree about specifically negative stereotypes about Indians in Europe. Many Brits would prefer Indian immigrant over Romanian or Bulgarian because they're ignorant and think that gypos with EE passports represent those countries truthfully.
To prefer some immigrants over other immigrants is very often the choice of the lesser evil.
This doesn't eliminate that negative stereotypes exist. We would have to ask British people how the Indian reputation in Britain is. I doubt it will be extremely positive. Btw. I first of all told about the reputation of Indian people in EE, if they were seen as better people.

03-27-2017, 02:29 PM
I disagree about specifically negative stereotypes about Indians in Europe. Many Brits would prefer Indian immigrant over Romanian or Bulgarian because they're ignorant and think that gypos with EE passports represent those countries truthfully.

I believe you. Indians / East Asian are more desirable than Aframs/Latinos.

Many Brits and Americans don't prefer EE immigration at all. I can't speak for the others here but I know this holds true in California.

03-27-2017, 02:31 PM
To prefer some immigrants over other immigrants is very often the choice of the lesser evil.
This doesn't eliminate that negative stereotypes exist. We would have to ask British people how the Indian reputation in Britain is. I doubt it will be extremely positive. Btw. I first of all told about the reputation of Indian people in EE, if they were seen as better people.

Indians' reputation is UK is not bad at all...

Here is what someone from UK say about Indians http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?201342-Best-and-worst-immigrants-in-your-country&p=4238549&viewfull=1#post4238549 good immigrants

03-27-2017, 02:34 PM

03-27-2017, 02:36 PM
Yes apologize for anything I have said about Somalis. The ones here in California (and other East Africans) seem to be decent and well behaved individuals.So what made you write bad words about them?
Ha-ha, I've just got a message from 'Ross' with his comment on Somalians which is quite the opposite to the above one ^ I guess I shouldn't believe one word of this person.

Colonel Frank Grimes
03-27-2017, 02:41 PM

All my dance moves are from this song.

03-27-2017, 02:43 PM
Indians' reputation is UK is not bad at all...

Here is what someone from UK say about Indians http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?201342-Best-and-worst-immigrants-in-your-country&p=4238549&viewfull=1#post4238549 good immigrants

An official survey:

03-27-2017, 02:54 PM
An official survey:
Can the surveyed people even tell Indians from Pakis and Bangladeshis? Most likely not

03-27-2017, 03:05 PM
Can the surveyed people even tell Indians from Pakis and Bangladeshis? Most likely not
Could respondents tell apart ethnic Romanians and Gypsies?
Odin I have to say I don't get what your problems is.
Do you want to tell me that EEppl feel inferior to Indians or you just don't like RN97?

03-27-2017, 03:10 PM
whys your name Ross? arent you an indian

03-27-2017, 03:19 PM
Could respondents tell apart ethnic Romanians and Gypsies?
Odin I have to say I don't get what your problems is.
Do you want to tell me that EEppl feel inferior to Indians or you just don't like RN97?

EE people are indifferent to Indians.

03-27-2017, 03:29 PM
EE people are indifferent to Indians.
EE ppl are indifferent to all people who are they not in contact (once again - it doesn't mean they see them as better ppl or they don't have negative stereotypes about them - well - maybe in Hungary/Ukraine or where you are from - you don't have it; the situation here is different..)
Why ppl in EE should be interested in Indians/Native Americans etc.?
Tell me are EE ppl indifferent to Native Americans?
Do they think that Indians are better ppl than Native Americans?

03-27-2017, 03:31 PM

03-27-2017, 03:32 PM
well I see you're not able to give me an answer

03-27-2017, 03:35 PM
well I see you're not able to give me an answer

you are uninteresting to me:shrug:

03-27-2017, 03:40 PM
EE people are indifferent to Indians.
Confirmed. Here, they aren't associated with Gypsies. Actually, here, an average person knows little about them besides funny Bollywood melodramas and yoga.

03-27-2017, 03:43 PM
you are uninteresting to me:shrug:
I am not the subject of this discussion if you haven't noticed so far ; -).
I know you have. You have and that's the reason why you thumbed me down :).
Be honest you don't have any answers. You decided thoughtlessly to claim something and you don't know even why... (Let's leave aside your aversion to RN97)

03-27-2017, 04:00 PM
blah blah blah, we can carry on the usual trolling in the other threads, Mr. Albanian. This thread was meant strictly for the apology.

Dont you "blah blah blah" me fuckin primate, now i talk and you remain silent in shame.

You obviously dont get it. And your apology is fake! Your insults are meaningless and you know you never managed to insult me. It even backfired at your alter ego.
What is really creeping is you chilling with people for months in TA chatbox, talking about a fraps and Starbucks and roleplaying white Americanized kid.

Maybe you think its funny but i think its creepy.

03-27-2017, 04:03 PM
Dont you "blah blah blah" me fuckin primate, now i talk and you remain silent in shame.

You obviously dont get it. And you apology is fake! Your insults are meaningless and you know you never managed to insult me. It even backfired at your alter ego.
What is really creeping is you chilling with people for months in TA chatbox, talking about a fraps and Starbucks and roleplaying white Americanized kid.

Maybe you think its funny but i think its creepy.

Mr. Albanian, they've known I'm Indian for a while now. What planet have you been on? And yes fraps are good, I drink them alot.

03-27-2017, 04:04 PM
I am not the subject of this discussion if you haven't noticed so far ; -).
I know you have. You have and that's the reason why you thumbed me down :).
Be honest you don't have any answers. You decided thoughtlessly to claim something and you don't know even why... (Let's leave aside your aversion to RN97)

Are there even any Indians living in Czech Republic? I doubt there are any. As Odin says, Eastern Europeans are as indifferent to Indians as they are to any other group they have limited contact with.

I have my own opinion of you EE's because of your immigration into the United States.

03-27-2017, 04:08 PM
Ha-ha, I've just got a message from 'Ross' with his comment on Somalians which is quite the opposite to the above one ^ I guess I shouldn't believe one word of this person.

Why are you such a snitch though? Not a manly trait... Of course Ross is not gonna change his views in private...He wrote them to you away from my eyes, why did you expose him? What matters is that he's afraid of me enough in public that he''ll keep his filthy thoughts in private and away from me. He knows Im also a kind of goon.

My question is, what is with your obsession with Somalis? Are Somalis flocking to Adyghe-land? No? They are flocking to Western lands with rich pastures (social benefits, highest standards of life on earth, very liberal and welcoming societies. I do not think there is a single Somali who gives a damn about your group, but I consider it a personal accomplishment that I got you obsessed so much with Somalis.

03-27-2017, 04:14 PM
Are there even any Indians living in Czech Republic? I doubt there are any. As Odin says, Eastern Europeans are as indifferent to Indians as they are to any other group they have limited contact with.

I have my own opinion of you EE's because of your immigration into the United States.

There are not any Indians in Romania either but most Romanians learn that gypsies originate in India so they have a negative opinion of India for that very reason. Some say "go back to India" or some shit like that to gypsies as a insult. I'm not saying that the average joe Romanian does this or anything, but certainly those that are more conservative and not so fond of gypsies.

03-27-2017, 04:17 PM
Mr. Albanian, they've known I'm Indian for a while now. What planet have you been on? And yes fraps are good, I drink them alot.

they knew, prolly since the time you disappeared from TA and when your personality changed to much worse. Yes its a while.
But still, you chilled with me, UG, Barbaro on TA for months before that. Roleplaying polite white Americanized kid. Fuckin creep.

you are worst OWD i even seen on this forum. And your insults were maybe funny and trolish but your fake friendship that you invested so much time in it, is something to worry about. You should visit doctor.

03-27-2017, 04:18 PM
There are not any Indians in Romania either but most Romanians learn that gypsies originate in India so they have a negative opinion of India for that very reason. Some say "go back to India" or some shit like that to gypsies as a insult. I'm not saying that the average joe Romanian does this or anything, but certainly those that are more conservative and not so fond of gypsies.
Tbh, why should we(Europeans) be fond of Gypsies?

03-27-2017, 04:19 PM

03-27-2017, 04:19 PM
Ross is probably schizophrenic, bipolar or suffers from some personality disorder anyways (dead serious). Notice how he apologizes then 2 minutes later, he starts saying the same old shit he has kept repeating like a parrot for months over here.

03-27-2017, 04:20 PM
Are there even any Indians living in Czech Republic? I doubt there are any. As Odin says, Eastern Europeans are as indifferent to Indians as they are to any other group they have limited contact with.

I have my own opinion of you EE's because of your immigration into the United States.

There are a lot of Indian students. Yes - Indians study in EE - many of them and yes it is already tradition.
As I said - one thing is EEppl don't care about Indians (= are indifferent to Indians) - the other thing is that negative stereotypes about Indian ppl exist.

03-27-2017, 04:21 PM
Tbh, why should we be fond of Gypsies?

I certainly agree, but I've learned not to hate them. It's not like they're causing severe harm to Europeans of any group, they're just bothersome IMO and don't integrate well. Just them forming their own communities and voluntarily separating themselves from European groups I think solves the conflict and hatred between the two.

03-27-2017, 04:23 PM
I certainly agree, but I've learned not to hate them. It's not like they're causing severe harm to Europeans of any group, they're just bothersome IMO and don't integrate well. Just them forming their own communities and voluntarily separating themselves from European groups I think solves the conflict and hatred between the two.
Yh I agree, but it's just their attitude of going against the law of the countries that they live in which pisses me off as if they don't like that country and it's laws they can just piss off back to India or something that will be more suitable for their attitude

03-27-2017, 04:24 PM
Ross is probably schizophrenic, bipolar or suffers from some personality disorder anyways (dead serious). Notice how he apologizes then 2 minutes later, he starts saying the same old shit he has kept repeating like a parrot for months over here.

That's because as I said before its literally ASSOCIATED and INGRAINED into the RossBeaumont name, at this point. Most everybody here expects it from me, some even see it as entertainment. If I stopped they would think its strange and odd. I know this is a pathetic explanation but its true.

Porn Master
03-27-2017, 04:24 PM
Ross why don't you go to masturbate somewhere else instead of flooding this forum?

03-27-2017, 04:26 PM
That's because as I said before its literally ASSOCIATED and INGRAINED into the RossBeaumont name, at this point. Most everybody here expects it from me, some even see it as entertainment. If I stopped they would think its strange and odd. I know this is a pathetic explanation but its true.

Sure. I don't even get why you pick on Eastern and Southern Europeans specifically and not on WASPs for instance.

03-27-2017, 04:30 PM
Sure. I don't even get why you pick on Eastern and Southern Europeans specifically and not on WASPs for instance.

It's a common thing OWD nonwhites do. They pick the poorest of the whites (today the poorest Europeans are in south/ eastern Europe) and then they try to prove that they're better than them and therefore somehow "whiter" than them and more WASPy. It's the same shit that MN1 mongrel guy does with Sicilians. Only he goes after phenotype cherry-picking the most exotic Sicilian to prove he's whiter than them, Ross seems to care more about social status.

03-27-2017, 04:30 PM
That's because as I said before its literally ASSOCIATED and INGRAINED into the RossBeaumont name, at this point. Most everybody here expects it from me, some even see it as entertainment. If I stopped they would think its strange and odd. I know this is a pathetic explanation but its true.

so you risk your family getting cyber harassed; just so you can continue roleplaying this Ross Beaumont persona? Just to fulfil some entertainment?

Anyways just from this response it is clear you have little grasp with reality.

03-27-2017, 04:30 PM
I believe a slippery beggar like you is the last to lecture me on manly traits. I feel no moral obligation to keep in secret a rep comment of a snake. You being a kind of snake should mind it too.

What makes your dim mind think I am Adyghe :confused:

You might have noticed that I mostly target the ungrateful migrant beggars aka Wadaadoids (when in the right mood). The African Somalians can shoot each other as much as they wish.

Why are you such a snitch though? Not a manly trait... Of course Ross is not gonna change his views in private...He wrote them to you away from my eyes, why did you expose him? What matters is that he's afraid of me enough in public that he''ll keep his filthy thoughts in private and away from me. He knows Im also a kind of goon.

My question is, what is with your obsession with Somalis? Are Somalis flocking to Adyghe-land? No? They are flocking to Western lands with rich pastures (social benefits, highest standards of life on earth, very liberal and welcoming societies. I do not think there is a single Somali who gives a damn about your group, but I consider it a personal accomplishment that I got you obsessed so much with Somalis.

The Illyrian Warrior
03-27-2017, 04:32 PM
I certainly agree, but I've learned not to hate them. It's not like they're causing severe harm to Europeans of any group, they're just bothersome IMO and don't integrate well. Just them forming their own communities and voluntarily separating themselves from European groups I think solves the conflict and hatred between the two.

They may like to be accepted subsequently integrated but their behavior have left them where they are at present in shantytowns and rightfully so, no one can go far with their lives or be accepted out of pickpocketing, begging or ending up in welfare like they usually do it.

03-27-2017, 04:34 PM
It's a common thing OWD nonwhites do. They pick the poorest of the whites (today the poorest Europeans are in south/ eastern Europe) and then they try to prove that they're better than them and therefore somehow "whiter" than them and more WASPy. It's the same shit that MN1 mongrel guy does with Sicilians. Only he goes after phenotype cherry-picking the most exotic Sicilian to prove he's whiter than them, Ross seems to care more about social status.

I already KNOW Southern Europeans and Slavs are WHITE people, there is no possible way I'd try to prove Indians are "Whiter" than anyone from Europe.

My arguments always have to do with educational levels, income, professional, and yes social status.

03-27-2017, 04:36 PM
They may like to be accepted subsequently integrated but their behavior have left them where they are at present in shantytowns and rightfully so, no one can go far with their lives or be accepted out of pickpocketing, begging or ending up in welfare like they usually do it.

Well I think that in Romania prior to recent times they used to be makers of spoons, kitchen utilities etc. They weren't thieves mostly, that is for sure.

03-27-2017, 04:37 PM
I already KNOW Southern Europeans and Slavs are WHITE people, there is no possible way I'd try to prove Indians are "Whiter" than anyone from Europe.

My arguments always have to do with educational levels, income, professional, and yes social status.
I'm pretty sure that in India, Indians aren't as educated and smarter than their counterparts in Europe and America

03-27-2017, 04:37 PM
I already KNOW Southern Europeans and Slavs are WHITE people, there is no possible way I'd try to prove Indians are "Whiter" than anyone from Europe.

My arguments always have to do with educational levels, income, professional, and yes social status.

Yes, but you don't seem to care about looking white, but being associated with what is associated with white in the USA; I.e. having a high social status.

03-27-2017, 04:37 PM
so you risk your family getting cyber harassed; just so you can continue roleplaying this Ross Beaumont persona? Just to fulfil some entertainment?

Anyways just from this response it is clear you have little grasp with reality.

This is a point well taken, which is why I don't plan on using the type of venomous insults I did before.

For example making a mockery and jokes about their relatives being genocided by the Nazis, which is what ticked off the Russians. This is what set them off in the first place.

There are limits and boundaries I should not cross, in other words.

03-27-2017, 04:41 PM
I'm pretty sure that in India, Indians aren't as educated and smarter than their counterparts in Europe and America

Umm not every Indian living in India is a poor slum dwelling "street shitter"...there are middle class Indians with university degrees too.

03-27-2017, 04:43 PM
Yes, but you don't seem to care about looking white, but being associated with what is associated with white in the USA; I.e. having a high social status.

lol.....Is being SUCCESSFUL associated with being White? So do Indians suffer from OWD for being high achievers and ambitious?

03-27-2017, 04:44 PM
Umm not every Indian living in India is a poor slum dwelling "street shitter"...there are middle class Indians with university degrees too.
I'm talking about the average. IQ maps show that India has a lower than average IQ although some IQ maps are wrong and fake so they may not be right.

03-27-2017, 04:45 PM
Sure. I don't even get why you pick on Eastern and Southern Europeans specifically and not on WASPs for instance.

It's a little harder with WASPs, but I can do the same. Also, WASPS generally don't respond except for ones like Etain.

03-27-2017, 04:46 PM
lol.....Is being SUCCESSFUL associated with being White? So do Indians suffer from OWD for being high achievers and ambitious?

Who is typically the rich upper-middle class American?
Not all Indians, but you seem to want to be accepted by those folks really bad.

03-27-2017, 04:47 PM
It seems Gypsies are disliked everywhere.

And yes they were "created" in India. Their position in Indian society was very low - they didn't have any opportunity to get better life - with this "basis" they came to Europe and naturally they started not to be accepted by European ppl - it lasts till today.

And yes, even here Indians tend to be associated with Gypsies.

03-27-2017, 04:51 PM
Umm not every Indian living in India is a poor slum dwelling "street shitter"...there are middle class Indians with university degrees too.

Cool story but I doubt anyone here even cares or thinks about Indians on a daily basis. I don't see what you're trying to prove to anyone especially by making so many obvious socks. I've seen you trash asians and Mexicans too but it's obvious you're owd when you call Greeks woggy Arabs and slavs subhuman, Indians are true aRyans etc you seem frustrated in general xD

03-27-2017, 04:51 PM
Who is typically the rich upper-middle class American?
Not all Indians, but you seem to want to be accepted by those folks really bad.

The only thing any Indian does that's associated with Anglos is play GOLF..lol.

You'll never find any rich upper middle class Indian-Americans going to White dinner parties or signing up for country club memberships. The same is true of the east Asians and Iranians.

WASPs (or rich White Americans) don't accept non-WASPs into their social circles, regardless of their income.

And Indians at least wouldn't care to be accepted anyway.

03-27-2017, 04:58 PM
The only thing any Indian does that's associated with Anglos is play GOLF..lol.

You'll never find any rich upper middle class Indian-Americans going to White dinner parties or signing up for country club memberships. The same is true of the east Asians and Iranians.

WASPs (or rich White Americans) don't accept non-WASPs into their social circles, regardless of their income.

And Indians at least wouldn't care to be accepted anyway.

That's so 1950s. Upperclass have no color, religion ethnicity or race nowadays.

03-27-2017, 04:59 PM
That's so 1950s. Upperclass have no color, religion or race nowadays.


03-27-2017, 05:01 PM
Wadaad, a proud Wadaadoid in the West adds to the regress of the West. And I am pro progress. Worldwide. I hope we're clear here.

03-27-2017, 05:04 PM
Wadaad, a proud Wadaadoid in the West adds to the regress of the West. And I am pro progress. Worldwide. I hope we're clear here.

Shut your bitch ass up, this is Ross's thread..

03-27-2017, 05:04 PM
Cool story but I doubt anyone here even cares or thinks about Indians on a daily basis. I don't see what you're trying to prove to anyone especially by making so many obvious socks. I've seen you trash asians and Mexicans too but it's obvious you're owd when you call Greeks woggy Arabs and slavs subhuman, Indians are true aRyans etc you seem frustrated in general xD

The internet is a bad influence. Most of these insults I hurl at South Europeans, Slavs, Mexicans or Asians is what I read on other websites.

03-27-2017, 05:06 PM
Shut your bitch ass up, this is Ross's thread..

In your case it's also the same. I would be lying if I said Somalians are as problematic in California as are African-Americans or Hispanics.

Most of the insults I've used against your people are stuff I've read on other websites and forums.

The Illyrian Warrior
03-27-2017, 05:07 PM
I think he just wants attention guys.

03-27-2017, 05:08 PM
I replied your question the best I could and you start barking like a mad dog in response. Proving my point once again.

Shut your bitch ass up, this is Ross's thread..

03-27-2017, 05:08 PM
In your case it's also the same. I would be lying if I said Somalians are as problematic in California as are African-Americans or Hispanics.

Most of the insults I've used against your people are stuff I've read on other websites and forums.

Your true sentiments got exposed by a snitch. As far as Im concerned, they (goons) can have their way with you :)

03-27-2017, 05:10 PM
Yh I agree, but it's just their attitude of going against the law of the countries that they live in which pisses me off as if they don't like that country and it's laws they can just piss off back to India or something that will be more suitable for their attitudeGypsies have nothing to do with India/Indians, and at large(99.999%) of Indians are completely unaware of their existence, let alone their origins.

They are far too removed from Indians/Indian culture to be called anything Indian.

03-27-2017, 05:12 PM
Ross, are you democrat or Republican.

03-27-2017, 05:12 PM
I replied your question the best I could and you start barking like a mad dog in response. Proving my point once again.

For a Russian you are quite a loose-lipped snitch.

03-27-2017, 05:13 PM
Gypsies have nothing to do with India/Indians, and at large(99.999%) of Indians are completely unaware of their existence, let alone their origins.

They are far too removed from Indians/Indian culture to be called anything Indian.
They originate in in India and they do have some elements of Indian culture

03-27-2017, 05:14 PM
Ross, are you democrat or Republican.

Independent I'd say. But I support the Republican's fiscal policies.

03-27-2017, 05:19 PM
For a Russian you are quite a loose-lipped snitch.

I remember you barking at Russians as well. Go fuck your makake neighbour, you ameba. No respect to both of you.

03-27-2017, 05:19 PM
They originate in in India and they do have some elements of Indian culturePerhaps they do, but they have been in Europe for thousands of years now, and are Europeans both culturally and genetically(well, they're barely Indian in this sense).
Calling them 'Indians' at this day and age is preposterous.

Now, whether they have been able to integrate fully into European society is a whole new issue, which I cannot comment on as I lack the knowledge. This is something your governments need to tackle.

03-27-2017, 05:23 PM
I remember you used to say you were a white american LOL. Why? Are you ashamed of your ethnicity?

You talk about free speech but it seems you dont think that an indian deserves to have his own opinion...

03-27-2017, 05:23 PM
Perhaps they do, but they have been in Europe for thousands of years now, and are Europeans both culturally and genetically(well, they're barely Indian in this sense).
Calling them 'Indians' at this day and age is preposterous.

Now, whether they have been able to integrate fully into European society is a whole new issue, which I cannot comment on as I lack the knowledge. This is something your governments need to tackle.
Ummm no not really. They do have Indian/Asian cultural influence this is obvious and they don't "barley" have non-European but they do have a lot of Non-European for a population that has been living in Europe for over a hundred years about 40-70% of their DNA is European and the rest Non-European

03-27-2017, 05:26 PM
Cool story but I doubt anyone here even cares or thinks about Indians on a daily basis. I don't see what you're trying to prove to anyone especially by making so many obvious socks. I've seen you trash asians and Mexicans too but it's obvious you're owd when you call Greeks woggy Arabs and slavs subhuman, Indians are true aRyans etc you seem frustrated in general xD


03-27-2017, 05:26 PM
That reads scarier than any Stephen King novel I've read (no joke either)...and yes I agree.


03-27-2017, 05:31 PM
Telling Gypsies to go back to India is like telling Indo-Europeans to go back to where they came from.

Ummm no not really. They do have Indian/Asian cultural influence this is obvious Unfortunately I lack knowledge here, but perhaps this has to do with Albanian gypsies in particular? Can you state some elements of their culture that that are of "obvious" Indian origins?

and they don't "barley" have non-European but they do have a lot of Non-European for a population that has been living in Europe for over a hundred years about 40-70% of their DNA is European and the rest Non-EuropeanAgain, this would vary a lot from region to region. As far as I know they do not have much Indian genetics, I have doubts on the figure you have stated.
Based on their appearances, from the pictures I have seen online, a very small % of them resemble Indians(perhaps the rest do not resemble Europeans, but this is another question altogether).

Even then, keeping all this in mind, they are still European as they have been in Europe for thousands of years(as you stated yourself), and they have nothing to do with present day Indians.

03-27-2017, 05:33 PM
Telling Gypsies to go back to India is like telling Indo-Europeans to go back to where they came from.
Unfortunately I lack knowledge here, but perhaps this has to do with Albanian gypsies in particular? Can you state some elements of their culture that that are of "obvious" Indian origins?
Again, this would vary a lot from region to region. As far as I know they do not have much Indian genetics, I have doubts on the figure you have stated.
Based on their appearances, from the pictures I have seen online, a very small % of them resemble Indians(perhaps the rest do not resemble Europeans, but this is another question altogether).

Even then, keeping all this in mind, they are still European as they have been in Europe for thousands of years(as you stated yourself), and they have nothing to do with present day Indians.

Indo europeans should go back. Gtfo

03-27-2017, 05:36 PM
http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/065/082/270.jpgBeing from Palestine, I don't think you should be commenting on India.

Besides you don't seem to understand that all this stuff that you say about India has no effect on Ross.

03-27-2017, 05:39 PM
Telling Gypsies to go back to India is like telling Indo-Europeans to go back to where they came from.
Unfortunately I lack knowledge here, but perhaps this has to do with Albanian gypsies in particular? Can you state some elements of their culture that that are of "obvious" Indian origins?
Again, this would vary a lot from region to region. As far as I know they do not have much Indian genetics, I have doubts on the figure you have stated.
Based on their appearances, from the pictures I have seen online, a very small % of them resemble Indians(perhaps the rest do not resemble Europeans, but this is another question altogether).

Even then, keeping all this in mind, they are still European as they have been in Europe for thousands of years(as you stated yourself), and they have nothing to do with present day Indians.
Yh, I was talking about Balkan Gypsies. The elements in their culture which is non-European is Arranged child marriage, their believes about death and purity(which are derived from Hindu traditions), their hierarchy system etc. Mortimer posted Romani 23andme results and some of them even had higher non-European than European the highest European I have seen them score is 77% and this is from Mortimer which is a mix of Roma and Serb

03-27-2017, 05:57 PM
I am loving this funny thread and so do the 24 current guests who are watching xD

03-27-2017, 05:59 PM
I am loving this funny thread and so do the 24 current guests who are watching xD

Yeah those Russians who were planning on cyber harassing me, or maybe even my relatives.

Squall Leonhart
03-27-2017, 06:02 PM

03-27-2017, 06:02 PM
Yeah those Russians who were planning on cyber harassing me, or maybe even my relatives.

Thought you also agreed was best we didn't talk to each other online either? Hmm...but if it is an exception...your relatives could be watching? Why? They were not hurt or involved right?

03-27-2017, 06:05 PM
I remember you used to say you were a white american LOL. Why? Are you ashamed of your ethnicity?

You talk about free speech but it seems you dont think that an indian deserves to have his own opinion...

Longg and complicated story. I used to browse this forum beginning around the summer of 2015 as a guest basically only to view the posts of Butlerking and one other Indian nationalist type. So I figured one day to make an account but I never intended to become an active participant. Just to be a poster who agrees with everything Butlerking says and this other Indian poster who I believe no longer posts here.

Around this time is when the crash happened (last July). And the rest is history.

03-27-2017, 06:20 PM
I think he just wants attention guys.

Believe me....that's the last thing I want..lol

03-27-2017, 06:24 PM
To the 24 guests watching this thread....I love Mother Russia, I like Slavs, and I think Slavs are superior to Germanics.

03-27-2017, 06:28 PM
To the 24 guests watching this thread....I love Mother Russia, I like Slavs, and I think Slavs are superior to Germanics.

You have finally embraced the love for your cousins.

03-27-2017, 06:28 PM
I am loving this funny thread and so do the 24 current guests who are watching xD

Why dont you guys lift the email domain ban like gmail. I'm sure alot of people can't register because of that.

03-27-2017, 06:40 PM
Why dont you guys lift the email domain ban like gmail. I'm sure alot of people can't register because of that.

Gmail can register...I think....but I know Kaz does domain bannings/liftings and maybe admins do too. Mods don't have this power.

03-27-2017, 06:41 PM
Gmail can register...I think....but I know Kaz does domain bannings/liftings and maybe admins do too. Mods don't have this power.

You should look into it

03-27-2017, 06:44 PM
You should look into it

Lol you. But yeah would be nice if mods had access to know which domains are banned in some section designed just for this. Eh.

03-27-2017, 06:45 PM
Lol you. But yeah would be nice if mods had access to know which domains are banned in some section designed just for this. Eh.

What's funny :noidea:

03-27-2017, 06:48 PM
What's funny :noidea:

You are always funny. Plus the guy who talks to the guests who watch his thread lol.

03-27-2017, 06:50 PM
You are always funny. Plus the guy who talks to the guests who watch his thread lol.

I see dead people too.

03-27-2017, 06:59 PM
This guy who must suck all the dicks of the ethnic groups to be forgiven :D

No, but you have the right to think that certain peoples are inferior to others on certain points (IQ, morphology, etc.).

No matter, I do not know you and I never talked to you. So... :p

03-27-2017, 07:13 PM
Longg and complicated story. I used to browse this forum beginning around the summer of 2015 as a guest basically only to view the posts of Butlerking and one other Indian nationalist type. So I figured one day to make an account but I never intended to become an active participant. Just to be a poster who agrees with everything Butlerking says and this other Indian poster who I believe no longer posts here.

Around this time is when the crash happened (last July). And the rest is history.

my question still stands. Why coudlnt you agree with Butler King while saying you are an indian. Do you see indians as inferior and therefore not worthy of an opinion? Do you think that the opinion of an indian shouldnt be taken seriously?

03-27-2017, 07:15 PM
Russians and Slavs are great people to have in the USA. I admire them as most are highly educated and they seem very reserved.

I mean this sincerely and not joking.

The only thing I dislike about them is the way they sometimes talk loud speaking Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian or whatever else.

And the same is true of Southern Europeans too.

03-27-2017, 07:24 PM
my question still stands. Why coudlnt you agree with Butler King while saying you are an indian. Do you see indians as inferior and therefore not worthy of an opinion? Do you think that the opinion of an indian shouldnt be taken seriously?

Yes good question...hmm I figured the opinion of a German/Dutch would carry more weight on a Eurocentric forum. I know this sounds lame but its true.

03-27-2017, 07:25 PM
I like Slavs and Southern Europeans.

03-27-2017, 08:58 PM
I accept your apologies, because people here are offended for not much, whereas most people insult each other, troll among themselves, and so on.

03-27-2017, 09:02 PM
Perhaps they do, but they have been in Europe for thousands of years now, and are Europeans both culturally and genetically(well, they're barely Indian in this sense).
Calling them 'Indians' at this day and age is preposterous.

Now, whether they have been able to integrate fully into European society is a whole new issue, which I cannot comment on as I lack the knowledge. This is something your governments need to tackle.
Top kek.
This comes from a guy that constantly advocates for me to not talk about subject I have no clue on.

03-27-2017, 09:06 PM
Traditional Germanics have always been restrained in sexual matters/drive, unlike non-whites and Southern/Eastern European wogs who will fuck at any chance they get.

@MA: yes MODERN day Germans are mongrels.


Neon Knight
03-27-2017, 09:06 PM
I see dead people too.


03-27-2017, 09:19 PM
Perhaps they do, but they have been in Europe for thousands of years now, and are Europeans both culturally and genetically(well, they're barely Indian in this sense).
Calling them 'Indians' at this day and age is preposterous.

Now, whether they have been able to integrate fully into European society is a whole new issue, which I cannot comment on as I lack the knowledge. This is something your governments need to tackle.

Genetically they (local Gypsies) aren't European.
Culturally too. If they were, they would be integrated automatically.

03-27-2017, 09:29 PM
Genetically they (local Gypsies) aren't European.
Culturally too. If they were, they would be integrated automatically.

They practice shit like child marriage..... I can't think of another group that does such a thing... hmmm..... They have zero respect for women and again I can't think of a group that does that.... This "gypsies are basically European" is just a myth started by Indians that are butthurt due to being associated with gypsies. That being said they are certainly not Indians either, but why respond with "they are Europeans". They're their own group, simple as that....
On 23andme I can't find many of their results, but it's usually around 48% Euro, 15% south asian and the rest is middle eastern......

03-27-2017, 09:34 PM
They practice shit like child marriage..... I can't think of another group that does such a thing... hmmm..... They have zero respect for women and again I can't think of a group that does that.... This "gypsies are basically European" is just a myth started by Indians that are butthurt due to being associated with gypsies. That being said they are certainly not Indians either, but why respond with "they are Europeans". They're their own group, simple as that....
On 23andme I can't find many of their results, but it's usually around 48% Euro, 15% south asian and the rest is middle eastern......

said the romanian wannabe who's butthurt cuz he's associated with gypsies.Gypsies are your people, your problem not India's,accept the reality and move on.

03-27-2017, 09:43 PM
but they have been in Europe for thousands of years now,
You're wrong.

03-27-2017, 09:49 PM
said the romanian wannabe who's butthurt cuz he's associated with gypsies.Gypsies are your people, your problem not India's,accept the reality and move on.

He's half Romanian...

We can not designate a person as "Romanian" if he or she is not fully Romanian. Words have meaning; It is as if I designate to a Hungaro-Negro half-breed as "you, Hungarian, etc.", you would be the first to tell me that he is not entirely Hungarian and that therefore he should not be designated as such.

RN97 is half Romanian and half Norwegian genetically speaking, that's all! It must be designated as such. If you want to deny this, and designate it as "Romanian", then you deny reality and you join the leftists on this theme.

03-27-2017, 09:51 PM
He's half Romanian...

We can not designate a person as "Romanian" if he or she is not fully Romanian. Words have meaning; It is as if I designate to a Hungaro-Negro half-breed as "you, Hungarian, etc.", you would be the first to tell me that he is not entirely Hungarian and that therefore he should not be designated as such.

RN97 is half Romanian and half Norwegian genetically speaking, that's all! It must be designated as such. If you want to deny this, and designate it as "Romanian", then you deny reality and you join the leftists on this theme.

Romanian gypsies are Romanian. Hungarian Gypsies (and half niggers too) are Hungarian. Now it is time for you guys to stomach it down.

Philip Latinowitz
03-27-2017, 09:54 PM
Romanian gypsies are Romanian. Hungarian Gypsies (and half niggers too) are Hungarian. Now it is time for you guys to stomach it down.
Would you consider Soros a Hungarian, as well ?

03-27-2017, 09:56 PM
Romanian gypsies are Romanian. Hungarian Gypsies (and half niggers too) are Hungarian. Now it is time for you guys to stomach it down.


Fortunately, Stear is not present on this thread, he would have had a heart attack!

You have a very anti-racist vision. xD

(I love how people get to divert the thread from its main subject, it's always funny :p). lol