View Full Version : Whats your phenotype? post your physical racial type

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Mn The Loki TA Son
03-27-2017, 05:40 AM
As the title says. Me from what most classify me as in anthro forums/groups. Alpinid-Berid and Amerind admix or Alpinid-Berid + Atlanto Med and Amerind mix.
Here is image supplement of my mix phenotype
https://scontent-lax3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/17435959_237350970005743_196217164703609650_o.jpg? efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=a483e87fd91c4e8ee2765360fab78efb&oe=595E6686
My Amerind admix was said to be Pueblid/Istmid.
Pueblid-Amerind type
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ7wqNwbGVsQRTPZOHWPsIaWtcGS4cJL ZxO62QVTqMHi7OOc1PK
https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQnYibAEBlPImZC3nB1DXrs9KU13Zoh4 KoFA-_weHkfXMQ4JUGd

03-27-2017, 05:43 AM
East Nordida pride darkies get out of europe reeeee

03-27-2017, 05:46 AM
Halstatt Nordid

Mn The Loki TA Son
03-27-2017, 05:48 AM
Halstatt Nordid

Bro, this is a legit thread asking for your phenotype. So lets not give a bullshit troll answer here.

03-27-2017, 05:50 AM
Bro, this is a legit thread asking for your phenotype. So lets not give a bullshit troll answer here.

its in my profile how i was classified

03-27-2017, 05:52 AM
its in my profile how i was classified

Don't fear me gypsy, I just want your tears. Give them to me or I will take them.

03-27-2017, 05:53 AM
Don't fear me gypsy, I just want your tears. Give them to me or I will take them.

is that a tatar tradition?

03-27-2017, 05:53 AM
cro magnonid + armenoid i guess





03-27-2017, 05:56 AM
is that a tatar tradition?

We treat gonorea with gypsy tears.

03-27-2017, 05:57 AM
We treat gonorea with gypsy tears.

sounds tatar

Mn The Loki TA Son
03-27-2017, 05:57 AM
cro magnonid + armenoid i guess

By Cro magnodid you mean CM Berid

03-27-2017, 06:00 AM
By Cro magnodid you mean CM Berid

maybe you're right

Mn The Loki TA Son
03-27-2017, 06:06 AM
maybe you're right

That would be my say by book. Some sort of Berid type

03-27-2017, 06:07 AM
Anatolid (Armenid + Med)

03-27-2017, 06:17 AM
Dunno really.

There's two possibilities.

Alpine/Atlanto-Med + Amerindian


Alpine/Berid + Amerindian

I'm leaning towards the first, Alpine/Atlanto-Med + Amerindian.

Mn The Loki TA Son
03-27-2017, 06:22 AM
Dunno really.

There's two possibilities.

Alpine/Atlanto-Med + Amerindian


Alpine/Berid + Amerindian

I'm leaning towards the first, Alpine/Atlanto-Med + Amerindian.

Your phenotype, Euro side by look that I see looks to be Berid to me mainly.

Even tho your part Anglo/non-Iberian too, you look like a Berid + Amerind by look.

03-27-2017, 06:59 AM
apparently i'm east-med/berberid according to the experts on TA.

jokes aside, probably keralid + indo-brachid.

03-27-2017, 07:16 AM
There are disputes about my phenotype , here.
Some says that I am borreby, some westbaltid, alpine, etc.
Nevertheless, everybody says that my look is typical for the area what I came from - Central Europe

Charles Bronson
03-27-2017, 07:21 AM
Old Classification: Med-Turanid.

New Classification: Caspid.


Philip Latinowitz
03-27-2017, 07:23 AM
There are disputes about my phenotype , here.
Some says that I am borreby, some westbaltid, alpine, etc.
Nevertheless, everybody says that my look is typical for the area what I came from - Central Europe

Borreby-alpine IMO. You have pretty neutral look, can fit in west Europe and UK with ease.

Mn The Loki TA Son
03-27-2017, 07:52 AM
cro magnonid + armenoid i guess





I will take your word Alpinid-Berid CM + Armenoid I guess.

Your look kinda remind me of myself, more in last pic. But me Amerind admix...

Mn The Loki TA Son
03-27-2017, 08:39 AM

03-27-2017, 08:55 AM
My present looks is more or less like Antonio Bandera's on this pic, since I'm wearing beard right now and taking into account the difference of ages. But it could be said we both are, more or less, of the sime "tribe". In fact his stem town and mines are just 15 km (10 miles) distant from each other.


03-27-2017, 08:57 AM
cro magnonid + armenoid i guess





Mira que eres preciosa. No alcanzo a comprender por qué te minusvaloras.

Guapaaaa!!! :)

03-27-2017, 09:12 AM
There are disputes about my phenotype , here.
Some says that I am borreby, some westbaltid, alpine, etc.
Nevertheless, everybody says that my look is typical for the area what I came from - Central Europe
Look up KISS
You're alpine. Textbook.

03-27-2017, 09:13 AM
Neo-dan00bian + UP

03-27-2017, 09:29 AM

03-27-2017, 11:27 AM
My phenotype is North Pontid or Pontid/Uralid according to most replies posted by several forum members in my thread I've created a couple of days ago..

the native areas of phenotype on the map


03-27-2017, 11:57 AM


03-27-2017, 12:05 PM
Most common classification for me is Atlanto-Med + Dinarid.

03-27-2017, 12:07 PM



03-27-2017, 12:11 PM

So many self proclaimed CM's, but sorry bruh, you might be CM influenced, but I don't see how you're CM.

03-27-2017, 12:15 PM
Mixed people tend to be wrongly classified as "alpine". They ussually have roundish face shape, which is caused by the amerindian input, not real alpinid.

03-27-2017, 12:45 PM
Most people on here have classified me as some sort of Atlantid/Alpine/Med mix so let's just say Alpine+Atlanto-Med.

03-27-2017, 01:12 PM
So many self proclaimed CM's, but sorry bruh, you might be CM influenced, but I don't see how you're CM.

Due to the fact that if you take my skull out,it would not look all that different sitting next to the OMOCM in a morphology comparrison.

03-27-2017, 01:31 PM
Due to the fact that if you take my skull out,it would not look all that different sitting next to the OMOCM in a morphology comparrison.

Whatever bruv, I can just tell. CM's don't look like the idealized version most would imagine. I don't get why people want to be CM so desperately. This is probably one of the best CM examples
Wide bigonal breadth does not equal chiseled jawline. You can be alpine with a much better jawline compared to a brunn or something.

03-27-2017, 02:08 PM
SubNordid + slight Keltid admix.

03-27-2017, 02:11 PM
SubNordid + slight Keltid admix.


03-27-2017, 02:18 PM
Mixed people tend to be wrongly classified as "alpine". They ussually have roundish face shape, which is caused by the amerindian input, not real alpinid.

IMO, same with women.

Women are overclassified as alpinid due to rounder features.

The Illyrian Warrior
03-27-2017, 02:25 PM
Dinaro-Pontid mostly, but lately I was classified by Robocop as Dinaro-Gorid.

Mixed people tend to be wrongly classified as "alpine". They ussually have roundish face shape, which is caused by the amerindian input, not real alpinid.

That's correct, many have grown a misconception about round face by automatically assuming and associating with alpinid, which to me is terribly wrong and naive thing to claim, Martin's and Potentia's face for instance are hugely diluted by native influence and often gives this pseudo Alpinid faces, many latinos with huge native blood fall into this category as Martin and Potentia I'm sure.

Purohit ji
03-27-2017, 02:29 PM
Indo brachid/veddoid/cromagnid/australoid

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-27-2017, 02:58 PM



Heather Duval
03-27-2017, 03:02 PM
cro magnonid + armenoid i guess





the last picture is the best picture of you
you look like a girl when u show your boobs and they seems a little big

03-27-2017, 03:02 PM
Mixed people tend to be wrongly classified as "alpine". They ussually have roundish face shape, which is caused by the amerindian input, not real alpinid.

SSA influence too. OP is like 8% SSA.

Heather Duval
03-27-2017, 03:02 PM
you should put fake hair and dress like a dangerous woman plus makeup
many man would die for your body, your body has future!

Heather Duval
03-27-2017, 03:06 PM
SSA influence too. OP is like 8% SSA.

Lightshade25= Free dna test

Heather Duval
03-27-2017, 03:06 PM
OP spat on lightshade25's face and we have his dna results

03-27-2017, 03:09 PM
Lightshade25= Free dna test

He posted his results, fucking tranny.

03-27-2017, 03:12 PM
Indo brachid/veddoid/cromagnid/australoid

stawp pls

Heather Duval
03-27-2017, 03:12 PM
He posted his results, fucking tranny.

It explains why are you claiming nonsense SSA traits. You TA users keeping faking classification for people

03-27-2017, 03:15 PM
He posted his results, fucking tranny.

LMAO he's a textbook mongrel. Do you know where I can find his DNA results?

Purohit ji
03-27-2017, 03:27 PM
stawp pls

Many anthro experts said that.

03-27-2017, 03:28 PM
pontid-med i guess...

Mn The Loki TA Son
03-27-2017, 03:28 PM
Mixed people tend to be wrongly classified as "alpine". They ussually have roundish face shape, which is caused by the amerindian input, not real alpinid.

Yeah but my case I must have Alpine, if you seen some of my relatived who look pred. Euro, with minor native or some dont show native admixture from my dads side, many look textbook Alpine French look.

03-27-2017, 03:30 PM
pontid-med i guess...

you are beautifuloid and can pass in my heart ;)

03-27-2017, 03:38 PM
Many anthro experts said that.

Because they're stupid. It's the same as saying this black dude has CM influence.
There are several wide-faced types that are not European or cro-magnon.

Mn The Loki TA Son
03-27-2017, 03:42 PM
Due to the fact that if you take my skull out,it would not look all that different sitting next to the OMOCM in a morphology comparrison.

You look very CM, your robust body type says CM mannn.

03-27-2017, 03:47 PM
Look up KISS
You're alpine. Textbook.

But my eyes are light

03-27-2017, 03:59 PM
LMAO he's a textbook mongrel. Do you know where I can find his DNA results?

Pardon, 6% not 8%. He's not mestizo but tri-racial. His results got deleted but read this:


03-27-2017, 04:05 PM
Pardon, 6% not 8%. He's not mestizo but tri-racial. His results got deleted but read this:


Absolutely hilarious. He is 60% white only and his 6% SSA only pushes him further genetically from Europeans. That's funny considering his posts.

03-27-2017, 04:06 PM
from Medvedoid ("you look like Medvedev - russian PM") through South Slavic and Nordocromagnid to Atlanto-Med

03-27-2017, 04:09 PM
You look very CM, your robust body type says CM mannn.

How much european are your parents if you score 60%? You wouldn't know if they're alpine either, they're probably also affected by the Amerindian or black input. Theres no way for you to know what your 60% euro is. To say your euro is alpine because of some relatives (who are not even your parents) sounds quite ridiculous sorry.

03-27-2017, 04:10 PM
But my eyes are light

Alpines can have blue eyes
Anthropologists liked to keep it simple although they might mention sometimes that a alpine might have a "nordic strain/ med strain" etc.
Coon mentioned that this guy is alpine, but claimed he had a minor nordic strain
The same case might be in you as both you and the example above have a chin that's typically nordic. Keep in mind that such differences are very minor and today/ throughout history you won't really find "pure" types. You have to keep it simple. If you are broad faced and showing typically alpine features, it's mostly reasonable to just classify you as alpine because you have no other strong influences.

03-27-2017, 04:14 PM
Gracile Mediterranean

03-27-2017, 04:27 PM
How much european are your parents if you score 60%? You wouldn't know if they're alpine either, they're probably also affected by the Amerindian or black input. Theres no way for you to know what your 60% euro is. To say your euro is alpine because of some relatives (who are not even your parents) sounds quite ridiculous sorry.

All triracials seem to be alpine-med influenced lol. I've tried explaining it before, but just because you're brachy with a wideish face doesn't make you alpine, sry.
Being brachy + wide faced (with "infantile" features)= alpine only works for caucasoids. The same goes for being CM.

03-27-2017, 04:34 PM
West-Baltid + some Turanid

03-27-2017, 04:34 PM
Dinaric and Pontid/North Pontid(Not sure which some say pontid some say north pontid) mainly but some Alpine and CM influence

03-27-2017, 04:43 PM
andid + angry negrito

Heather Duval
03-27-2017, 04:45 PM
Alpines can have blue eyes
Anthropologists liked to keep it simple although they might mention sometimes that a alpine might have a "nordic strain/ med strain" etc.
Coon mentioned that this guy is alpine, but claimed he had a minor nordic strain
The same case might be in you as both you and the example above have a chin that's typically nordic. Keep in mind that such differences are very minor and today/ throughout history you won't really find "pure" types. You have to keep it simple. If you are broad faced and showing typically alpine features, it's mostly reasonable to just classify you as alpine because you have no other strong influences.

Isnt elle fanning alpine? someone has said on TA...
to me she may have some influence but not 100%, sorry

03-27-2017, 04:46 PM
i dont know..i think alpine

03-27-2017, 04:50 PM
I generally get classified as alpine+dinaric+andid. If my alpine classification is false, is my dinaric one false as well? I don't think Spain has too many dinarics.

03-27-2017, 04:52 PM
Isnt elle fanning alpine? someone has said on TA...
to me she may have some influence but not 100%, sorry

Why should she have any other influence? Obv. her hair color is quite atypical so she might have some nordic influence, but it's very minor and not visible besides her pigmentation. BTW alpine skin tone was supposedly greyish-pale and she shows that skin-tone rather than the nordic rosy white skin tone.

03-27-2017, 04:54 PM
I generally get classified as alpine+dinaric+andid. If my alpine classification is false, is my dinaric one false as well? I don't think Spain has too many dinarics.

Just go for ~60% caucasoid and ~40% amerindian. It's impossible to tell what sort of Amerindian/ Caucasoid influence you have when you mix the two.

03-27-2017, 04:57 PM
Why should she have any other influence? Obv. her hair color is quite atypical so she might have some nordic influence, but it's very minor and not visible besides her pigmentation. BTW alpine skin tone was supposedly greyish-pale and she shows that skin-tone rather than the nordic rosy white skin tone.

I have greyish-pale skin. At least in the winter.

03-27-2017, 04:59 PM
I have greyish-pale skin. At least in the winter.

u r txtbook alpinid

Heather Duval
03-27-2017, 05:01 PM
Why should she have any other influence? Obv. her hair color is quite atypical so she might have some nordic influence, but it's very minor and not visible besides her pigmentation. BTW alpine skin tone was supposedly greyish-pale and she shows that skin-tone rather than the nordic rosy white skin tone.

Her hair colour is fake. This is her natural hair colour
she bleaches it

03-27-2017, 05:04 PM
Her hair colour is fake. This is her natural hair colour
she bleaches it

Light brown haircolor is usually nordic/ east baltic, but I found out that she is only 18. She might be borreby influenced, just not fully developed yet
In recent pics you can tell that her bigonial breadth is too big for her to be purely alpine. I think she's more borreby than alpine actually.

Heather Duval
03-27-2017, 05:06 PM
elle should stop to makeup her eyebrows
looks terrible here and too dark

Heather Duval
03-27-2017, 05:08 PM
Light brown haircolor is usually nordic/ east baltic, but I found out that she is only 18. She might be borreby influenced, just not fully developed yet
In recent pics you can tell that her bigonial breadth is too big for her to be purely alpine. I think she's more borreby than alpine actually.

If this is light brown you are clearly blind. Another picture of her hair before she bleaches to platinum blonde

03-27-2017, 05:10 PM
If this is light brown you are clearly blind. Another picture of her hair before she bleaches to platinum blonde

It looks dirty blonde I guess in that pic but haircolor changes with ase often.

03-27-2017, 05:11 PM

Keltid as Keltic actually, not Keltid as "Keltid Nordid". Why not ? It is Robocop's classification for me and he is known as best classifier so I trust him. Ask him why, he would explain better than me then.

You classified me as SubNordid, you think I have no admix ?

03-27-2017, 05:17 PM
lol at people taking this pseudoscience seriously :rotfl:

Heather Duval
03-27-2017, 05:18 PM
It looks dirty blonde I guess in that pic but haircolor changes with ase often.
We will never know, she started to bleach in 2010

and in a recent pic of her you can see she is not pure alpine

03-27-2017, 05:19 PM
We will never know, she started to bleach in 2010

and in a recent pic of her you can see she is not pure alpine





She looks more borreby to me than alpine lol.

What is borreby : http://www.theapricity.com/snpa/rg-borreby.html

Heather Duval
03-27-2017, 05:22 PM
She looks more borreby to me than alpine lol.

i agree
she is english descent

03-27-2017, 05:25 PM
I'm a gracialized neanderthal.

03-27-2017, 05:36 PM
HM+SS combo
hairy med + some minor shortness + heavy swarthyness

03-27-2017, 05:52 PM
Lol @ OP (Mestizo Number 1) the pseudo expert in classifications who claimed i looked NA despite being pred.Gracile-Med (+ slight Berid i guess) a big clown anyway.


03-27-2017, 05:58 PM
cro magnonid + armenoid i guess

You have zero Armenoid. Dinaro-Med + Berid to me or Med Berid.

03-27-2017, 10:55 PM
IDK, since I am not an expert. So I will speak for what I have been classified by some forum members, who are said to be good classifiers, and to whom I sent in private some pics of mine.

All-In has classified me as brachycephalic Nordo-Med

Robocop has classified as mostly Baskid + some Alpine and Atlantid

Sikeliot has classified me as mostly Atlantid + maybe some minor Baskid

De Burg II has classified me as Alpine + Baskid

I am sure I have some very slight Brazilid influence, even though none of them detected it, which is normal, because my slight Amerindian mixture is not easily visible.

03-27-2017, 10:57 PM
IDK, since I am not an expert. So I will speak for what I have been classified by some forum members, who are said to be good classifiers, and to whom I sent in private some pics of mine.

All-In has classified me as brachycephalic Nordo-Med

Robocop has classified as mostly Baskid + some Alpine and Atlantid

Sikeliot has classified me as mostly Atlantid + maybe some minor Baskid

De Burg II has classified me as Alpine + Baskid
Off course he did :rofl_002:

03-27-2017, 11:03 PM
Off course he did :rofl_002:

What do you mean?? :confused3:

And what is so funny about it??

03-27-2017, 11:08 PM
https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/16640914_1218696284915363_1285889931380068934_n.jp g?oh=a03d95035c6bdd010f5ca8a88bd406c0&oe=59449DEF

03-27-2017, 11:10 PM
What do you mean?? :confused3:

And what is so funny about it??

He classifies every Iberian as "atlantid"

03-27-2017, 11:11 PM
https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/16640914_1218696284915363_1285889931380068934_n.jp g?oh=a03d95035c6bdd010f5ca8a88bd406c0&oe=59449DEF

Just shut the fuck up forever or give you body to science.
Thank you

03-27-2017, 11:12 PM
He classifies every Iberian as "atlantid"

Got it :thumb001:

Though I am not fully Iberian, but mostly Iberian, with a bit of Italian and a bit of Amerindian.

Mn The Loki TA Son
03-28-2017, 04:26 AM
What do you mean?? :confused3:

And what is so funny about it??

His a dumb Romami-an idiot who is also a Italic clown member.

Mn The Loki TA Son
03-28-2017, 04:27 AM
Got it :thumb001:

Though I am not fully Iberian, but mostly Iberian, with a bit of Italian and a bit of Amerindian.

He like his Italic clown pals dislike the "Atlantic facade", lol.

Mn The Loki TA Son
03-28-2017, 04:28 AM
Just shut the fuck up forever or give you body to science.
Thank you

Why dont you shut your mouth wog kid. Thanks

03-28-2017, 04:31 AM

I look like the less attractive sister to this model, she is also half finn/half arab. While I wont post my picture, I have higher cheekbones and a sharper/straighter nose as well, so I look a little bit more European.

What would you classify her as?

03-28-2017, 04:31 AM

I look like the less attractive sister to this model, she is also half finn/half arab. While I wont post my picture, I have higher cheekbones and a sharper/straighter nose as well, so I look a little bit more European.

What would you classify her as?


Mn The Loki TA Son
03-28-2017, 04:35 AM

I look like the less attractive sister to this model, she is also half finn/half arab. While I wont post my picture, I have higher cheekbones and a sharper/straighter nose as well, so I look a little bit more European.

What would you classify her as?

Looks like a Atlanto Med/Pontid look almost. Maybe Nordo-Gracile Med

Purohit ji
03-28-2017, 04:47 AM
Because they're stupid. It's the same as saying this black dude has CM influence.
There are several wide-faced types that are not European or cro-magnon.

Ok little bro.
But one thing is for sure you can find more indians with cm type wide big jaws than African people

03-28-2017, 05:06 AM
DinaroMed-Alpinid- I do think I have minor CM too

03-28-2017, 06:37 AM
Looks like a Atlanto Med/Pontid look almost. Maybe Nordo-Gracile Med
But it's hard to classify right? Total mutt.

03-28-2017, 11:08 AM

I look like the less attractive sister to this model, she is also half finn/half arab. While I wont post my picture, I have higher cheekbones and a sharper/straighter nose as well, so I look a little bit more European.

What would you classify her as?
Pretty sure those are mong traits, lol. Especially if they are prominent

03-28-2017, 11:09 AM
Ok little bro.
But one thing is for sure you can find more indians with cm type wide big jaws than African people

If you say so, I have no idea TBH. I just read anthropology about Europeans, but it doesn't come from CM's it comes from something else.

03-28-2017, 12:07 PM
Pretty sure those are mong traits, lol. Especially if they are prominent
Nah, they're nordic. I dont look mong at all. I look like a rather perculiar med honestly.

03-28-2017, 12:09 PM
Can someone show me the difference between cromagnoid and mongoloid cheekbones?

03-28-2017, 12:11 PM
Can someone show me the difference between cromagnoid and mongoloid cheekbones?
IIRC, Nordics and some native Americans have the highest cheekbones

03-28-2017, 12:14 PM
Can someone show me the difference between cromagnoid and mongoloid cheekbones?

I found this. I dont know how credible it is.

03-28-2017, 12:15 PM
Nah, they're nordic. I dont look mong at all. I look like a rather perculiar med honestly.

high prominent cheekbones are mong derived:
Nordics don't have them

03-28-2017, 12:16 PM
high prominent cheekbones are mong derived:
Nordics don't have them

That's not what I found. My cheekbones are more like the bottom than the top.

03-28-2017, 12:16 PM
Bottom one does have high cheekbones, idk what you are saying.

03-28-2017, 12:17 PM
Can someone show me the difference between cromagnoid and mongoloid cheekbones?

Mong derived
Notice that even if CM's have "high cheekbones" they are not protruding.

03-28-2017, 12:18 PM

I found this. I dont know how credible it is.

Well, it is much better than what I found :laugh:


03-28-2017, 12:18 PM

That's not what I found. My cheekbones are more like the bottom than the top.

They might be high but they are not protruding....

03-28-2017, 12:19 PM
They might be high but they are not protruding....
Mine dont protrude, they are just high. The Nordic you posted has cheekbones similar to mine.

03-28-2017, 12:20 PM
Mine dont protrude, they are just high. The Nordic you posted has cheekbones similar to mine.

Congrats u ain't mong fam.

03-28-2017, 12:21 PM
Congrats u ain't mong fam.
I dont look mong, I am a strange hybrid, but I dont look mong.

03-28-2017, 12:23 PM
Congrats u ain't mong fam.

My nose is also like that one. Decently prominent and straight. In that I look european. My hair color/semitic waviness and skin color suggest otherwise.

03-28-2017, 12:25 PM

My nose is also like that one. Decently prominent and straight. In that I look european. My hair color/semitic waviness and skin color suggest otherwise.

Just make a classify thread already, lol.
No one will find out you have a user here and even if they do, it's not going to hurt you if you don't say some really non-PC shit

03-28-2017, 12:33 PM
Just make a classify thread already, lol.
No one will find out you have a user here and even if they do, it's not going to hurt you if you don't say some really non-PC shit
I might make an alt and do it honestly. I'll try to figure something out.

03-28-2017, 03:40 PM
I might make an alt and do it honestly. I'll try to figure something out.
Another alt again?

03-28-2017, 03:40 PM
Another alt again?
Im quite curious as to who you think my main is.

03-28-2017, 04:29 PM
East Nordida pride darkies get out of europe reeeee

First of all you are not Nordid but depigment Mongoloid with big head,
Second Blondes are not Europeans but they came from Asia

Real Europeans are the Cromagnon Med's

03-28-2017, 04:37 PM
First of all you are not Nordid but depigment Mongoloid with big head,
Second Blondes are not Europeans but they came from Asia

Real Europeans are the Cromagnon Med's

Meds are the antithesis of CM, whether you accept it or not. The first CM types had dark hair, skin and blue eyes. Closest pop to them genetically today are basques (although probably not looks wise).

03-28-2017, 04:58 PM
I'm Squatchy as fuck.



Mn The Loki TA Son
03-28-2017, 06:20 PM
Nah, they're nordic. I dont look mong at all. I look like a rather perculiar med honestly.

Dont listen to him. That Romani-an kid.. His a moron.

03-28-2017, 06:31 PM
Been getting Corded + Norid or Nordid-Norid intermediate most of the time with more or less CM influence.

03-28-2017, 06:39 PM

I look like the less attractive sister to this model, she is also half finn/half arab. While I wont post my picture, I have higher cheekbones and a sharper/straighter nose as well, so I look a little bit more European.

What would you classify her as?

That one is Gorid(Balto-Alpinoid) + Arabid

03-28-2017, 07:28 PM
While I can give fairly accurate classifications to others IMHO (without using imaginary types that have entered internet-anthro vernacular), I honestly wouldn't know how to accurately classify myself, as I constantly change opinions about it. So far I considered I have mostly alpinized UP + possible Atlanto-Mediterranean influences.
Under my "taxonomy" field is classification ("Cromagniform") given by Grab the Gauge, whom I consider well-versed in anthropology (obviously not another internet-anthrotard Agrippa's disciple).

03-28-2017, 07:38 PM
med + minor ssa + minor mongol

03-28-2017, 07:46 PM
BTW, too many non-existent types mentioned in this thread.

Whatever bruv, I can just tell. CM's don't look like the idealized version most would imagine. I don't get why people want to be CM so desperately. This is probably one of the best CM examples
Wide bigonal breadth does not equal chiseled jawline. You can be alpine with a much better jawline compared to a brunn or something.
You hit it right in the center. You learned, it seems you are on right track in anthropology now. :thumb001:
It's just that there is group from TA (+ some other sick "looksmax" sites) has weird faggot-like robusticity-obsession, and they don't have a clue about how Upper Palaeolithic Europeans looked.
Indeed, chiseled jawline means nothing, as it can be quite narrow yet pronounced.
If you take a look at men of UP types from Coon's plates, you'll notice that they rarely have "chiseled jawlines" or "sharp" faces (even though their facial measures are often extreme). Pronounced facial muscle relief is actually a classical Nordid trait.
Guy from older "Neanderthal" forum on zetaboards explained this aforementioned phenomenon really well:

[...]You were one of the few people over at The Apricity who actually tells the truth when it comes to this. Most everyone there posts up metrics that are orders of magnitude larger than Neanderthals and anything else ever measured, because The Apricity has a weird fetish for what they consider "robusticity."[...]
My point is that no one who lived in the Upper Paleolithic, or Mesolithic, had any of the features you describe. Most of the people who get classified as "Cro Magnons" nowadays look nothing like the Cro Magnons at all. That includes even "good" websites like The Apricity, which are totally incompetent. A lot of people do call themselves "Cro Magnons" as it is considered fashionable nowadays to be "archaic," and a lot of people are searching for a convenient answer to their strange, aberrant features. This is particularly true of central and eastern Europeans.

This has to be the biggest shit I've seen in a while. Presenting overgrown East Baltic on steroids as "UP", plus inaccurately ascribing them many traits that are polar opposite of what they usually have.

03-28-2017, 09:22 PM
First of all you are not Nordid but depigment Mongoloid with big head,
Second Blondes are not Europeans but they came from Asia

Real Europeans are the Cromagnon Med's

You have a funny retardation that is visible by your ugly head and low mental capacity. I must have hurt you good since you are still butthurt. You are not CM you gracile med gaylord.

03-28-2017, 09:24 PM
That one is Gorid(Balto-Alpinoid) + Arabid

Nope. She's just gypsoid.

03-28-2017, 09:25 PM
Nope. She's just gypsoid.

Who is she?

03-28-2017, 09:27 PM
Who is she?

I don't know, ask Sekarotuinen, she posted her first

Damiăo de Góis
03-28-2017, 09:41 PM
Everyone's favorite types: Atlantid + West Med + East Med

Squall Leonhart
03-28-2017, 09:52 PM
Broader Irano-Afghan/Indo-Afghan + Asiatic Alpine + Perhaps some Turanid/Central Asian influence.

03-28-2017, 09:58 PM
Nope. She's just gypsoid.
I agree man.

Bell Beaker
03-29-2017, 12:22 AM
He classifies every Iberian as "atlantid"

He classified me as Berid-South Med, so not really..... :rolleyes:

Bell Beaker
03-29-2017, 12:50 AM
Btw, asking to the OP, I do consider my self a Hallstaat Nordid just pigmented.

Yes, many people have been classifying me as Gracile Med, Berid, South Med......

But the later two don't really exist, while the former is suppoused to be of small height, meanwhile I am tall and Dolicocephalic. So I am either a Berberid or a Nordid.

But if you search it with quality, you will find that Berberids and Nordids were already being associated with each other, each makes me a Honorary Nordid.

Yes it was a long journey to search and to find my real identity, yes it was hard to find the real truth, the real phenotype that my face expresses. And I can say to all of you that for the first time I will admit it, with all my heart and happines.

I am Southern European Nordid, a great example of the Keltic Mesolithic migrations to Iberia and a great example simetrically and cephalically talking of a Exotic/Aberrante Nordic from Iberia! I would not pass unoticed in countries, such as Norway, Denmark, Sweden, UK, Germany, Benelux, Austria......

Well a Nordid type of it's own! :)


03-29-2017, 12:53 AM
He classified me as Berid-South Med, so not really..... :rolleyes:

Congrats, that really proves that atlantids exist.....

03-29-2017, 12:54 AM
Dinaricized Alpine-Med... or Alpinized Dinaro-Med heh. These three are in play.

03-29-2017, 12:57 AM
Your phenotype, Euro side by look that I see looks to be Berid to me mainly.

Even tho your part Anglo/non-Iberian too, you look like a Berid + Amerind by look.

Yeah. I could agree to that.

But, I have quite a bit of Alpinid phenos in my family. I honestly think, after looking at my family as a whole, I am Alpine/Med + Amerindian.

Bell Beaker
03-29-2017, 12:58 AM
Congrats, that really proves that atlantids exist.....

No man this really proves that Sikeliot doesn't privileges Iberians because he has an hidden agend to whitewashes us. He used to do that, but he returned now to his origins, claiming that the Portuguese compared to the Spaniards are some kind of North African version of them. :rolleyes:

03-29-2017, 01:26 AM
No man this really proves that Sikeliot doesn't privileges Iberians because he has an hidden agend to whitewashes us. He used to do that, but he returned now to his origins, claiming that the Portuguese compared to the Spaniards are some kind of North African version of them. :rolleyes:

He has his own opinions I care little for.
Everyone's a victim of big bad Sikeliot. He is a victim of his own ignorance rather than anything else. He has a obsession with PCA plots and interpreting them in a certain way he sees as real then matching that with anthropology. I'm sorry that you somehow aren't happy with how Portoguese looked, but if you wish you can look up Coon on Iberia and clearly see that he never mentioned any other than a very minor affinity of Iberians with the Welsh due to them having meds, not the other way around. I feel like there is something incarnated in some Iberians that you guys want to be as far as possible from the moors so I guess being more NW Euro like does the trick? IDK, don't ask me. You're literally a nordicist and judging by how you look, that's not something egotistical like, but rather inferiority complex-like.

Bell Beaker
03-29-2017, 01:49 AM
He has his own opinions I care little for.
Everyone's a victim of big bad Sikeliot. He is a victim of his own ignorance rather than anything else. He has a obsession with PCA plots and interpreting them in a certain way he sees as real then matching that with anthropology. I'm sorry that you somehow aren't happy with how Portoguese looked, but if you wish you can look up Coon on Iberia and clearly see that he never mentioned any other than a very minor affinity of Iberians with the Welsh due to them having meds, not the other way around. I feel like there is something incarnated in some Iberians that you guys want to be as far as possible from the moors so I guess being more NW Euro like does the trick? IDK, don't ask me. You're literally a nordicist and judging by how you look, that's not something egotistical like, but rather inferiority complex-like.

I have seen as much of a self hating attiuted from me as I've seen from you, with all of your denial of Gypsy and Southern Asia blood in Rumenia.......

I know how the Portuguese look like, and it's not certainly a north africanized spaniard compared to most Spaniards......

03-29-2017, 02:09 AM
I have seen as much of a self hating attiuted from me as I've seen from you, with all of your denial of Gypsy and Southern Asia blood in Rumenia.......

I know how the Portuguese look like, and it's not certainly a north africanized spaniard compared to most Spaniards......

The thing is that you have absolutely no proof of that. I'm sorry. Eurogenes K13 is one of the best calc. out there as of now. Create a GEDMatch user and run this kit (just a random one):
Then go to their spreadsheet. Romanians score 0.55% south Asian. I've said this 10000 times to lazy folks that can't seem to look this shit up for themselves but you have a much better change promoting Romanians as asiatic (mong) admixed rather than gypsy admixed, but whatever. Portuguese have more west+ east African than Romanians have probably south asian + mongoloid. I don't see why you'd attack a half-Romanian that would cluster in central Europe (somewhere around Austria) with "muh Romanians are mongrulzz". I could be a dwarfish negro with downs and what I said still holds true. You need to deal with your inferiority complex. If you truly recognize Nordic superiority, you better recognize my superiority over you.

de Burgh II
03-29-2017, 02:12 AM
People usually said atlantid + brunn.

Robocop = atlantid + some paleo-atlantid.

Needless to say, i dont take phenotype classifications seriously because genetics it what breaks down one's ancestry more precisely via identified population markers.

Squall Leonhart
03-29-2017, 02:12 AM
Dinaricized Alpine-Med... or Alpinized Dinaro-Med heh. These three are in play.

You look like Zak Bagans from Ghost Adventures.

03-29-2017, 02:19 AM
Needless to say, i dont take phenotype classifications seriously because genetics it what breaks down one's ancestry more precisely via identified population markers.


Bell Beaker
03-29-2017, 02:22 AM
The thing is that you have absolutely no proof of that. I'm sorry. Eurogenes K13 is one of the best calc. out there as of now. Create a GEDMatch user and run this kit (just a random one):
Then go to their spreadsheet. Romanians score 0.55% south Asian. I've said this 10000 times to lazy folks that can't seem to look this shit up for themselves but you have a much better change promoting Romanians as asiatic (mong) admixed rather than gypsy admixed, but whatever. Portuguese have more west+ east African than Romanians have probably south asian + mongoloid. I don't see why you'd attack a half-Romanian that would cluster in central Europe (somewhere around Austria) with "muh Romanians are mongrulzz". I could be a dwarfish negro with downs and what I said still holds true. You need to deal with your inferiority complex. If you truly recognize Nordic superiority, you better recognize my superiority over you.

I didn't even need to put much effort on me, and you are already with "Eurogenes K13" calculators, and Romanians score more like this than that, and all that garbage on me.......

Portuguese are what they are, which is not surprising considering their history and their geographical position. What does really surprises me is how countries like Romania or the UK hold so many swarthies or people that are unbelievable dark for their geographical and ancestral origin.....

And where did I say that Nordics are superior compared to any other ethnic group? Caution in what you say...... Don't put words on my mouth nor don't you misunderstood what I said a few time ago in other thread. It's not my fault that you have some hard time in the skills of reading or memorizing.....

Bell Beaker
03-29-2017, 02:42 AM
It seems that latitude didn't interfere the Romanians from being on par with Iberians and Southern Italians in terms of extreme dark skin, and I appreciate it, dark skins means more exotic girls, I love exotic curvy girls, do you have those dark skinned Romanian hot girls? We have a looooot of those here.

Most Europeans have light skins, the fairest are in north western Europe in the region east of the Baltic. The darkest skins occur in Portugal, southern Spain, southern Italy and Rumania. A distinction may be made between depigmented skin which tans readily and that which only burns and blisters or becomes coarse and ruddy under conditions of bright sunlight. The latter type of skin is found in northwestern Europe.

- From, Coon, "The Living Races of Man


When the hunter gets captured by the game......

Mn The Loki TA Son
03-29-2017, 03:10 AM
It explains why are you claiming nonsense SSA traits. You TA users keeping faking classification for people

His a stupid ass hill billy redneck from the hills in a trailer park.

03-29-2017, 03:13 AM

03-29-2017, 03:23 AM

03-29-2017, 04:17 AM
I don't know, ask Sekarotuinen, she posted her first
Just some model who I have a bit of a resemblence to. Though obviously I'm not that pretty.

Donia Idrissi.

03-29-2017, 04:23 AM
I'm Squatchy as fuck.


I think I found a picture of you.


03-29-2017, 05:59 AM
Alpinized atlantid/atlanto med

03-29-2017, 06:00 AM

03-29-2017, 07:04 AM
I think Cosmo classified me as Borreby Atlanto-Med or Alpine-Med

Carlito's Way
04-03-2017, 12:49 AM
my phenotype looks similar to this nigga because girls tell me I look like him, my eyebrows are a bit thicker, my nose is a bit different and im not blonde but dark hair

so im not sure what he is


Carlito's Way
04-03-2017, 01:08 AM
How much european are your parents if you score 60%? You wouldn't know if they're alpine either, they're probably also affected by the Amerindian or black input. Theres no way for you to know what your 60% euro is. To say your euro is alpine because of some relatives (who are not even your parents) sounds quite ridiculous sorry.

my nigga, you can always look like a distant as relative and not even like your parents
i look a lot like my grandpapi, not like my momma or poppa (well my poppa is a mix of his mother and father)

i have a friend who looks just like his great grandfather, exactly like him, he doesnt look like his father or mother

who the fudge says you gotta look like your mother or father? that shit stupid
like Jessica Alba who looks like her mexican grandmother and nothing like her parents
shit happens

grandmother and granddaughter

04-03-2017, 01:30 AM
my nigga, you can always look like a distant as relative and not even like your parents
i look a lot like my grandpapi, not like my momma or poppa (well my poppa is a mix of his mother and father)

i have a friend who looks just like his great grandfather, exactly like him, he doesnt look like his father or mother

who the fudge says you gotta look like your mother or father? that shit stupid
like Jessica Alba who looks like her mexican grandmother and nothing like her parents
shit happens

grandmother and granddaughter

Sure you might, but there's no way he can know for sure, and far from it. He's just 60% euro, that means his parents are also mixed, maybe he's got a pair of full euro grandpaerents in the best of case. Still impossible to know, that was many generations back and amerindian component changed the final result of their faces. So, yes possibility to inherit a phenotype from your grandparents exist, but it's a wild guess. Quite ridiculous to claim that. But of course you're entitled to think otherwise

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-03-2017, 01:32 AM
my nigga, you can always look like a distant as relative and not even like your parents
i look a lot like my grandpapi, not like my momma or poppa (well my poppa is a mix of his mother and father)

i have a friend who looks just like his great grandfather, exactly like him, he doesnt look like his father or mother

who the fudge says you gotta look like your mother or father? that shit stupid
like Jessica Alba who looks like her mexican grandmother and nothing like her parents
shit happens

grandmother and granddaughter

Yes. Excatly brah. I was going to say something about that but was a bit tired to say it and I thought this hould already been known here. Especially those who have read about genetics or about family three stuff.

This is basic facts info that one can read in Family tree DNA and even 23andme they say it. They tell this even in schools here.
Anyway, talking of one's Alpine, her alpine must come from her middle eastern ancestry since shes mix and and she must (or part) Asiatic alpine or some middle eastern input.

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-03-2017, 01:37 AM
Sure you might, but there's no way he can know for sure, and far from it. He's just 60% euro, that means his parents are also mixed, maybe he's got a pair of full euro grandpaerents in the best of case. Still impossible to know, that was many generations back and amerindian component changed the final result of their faces. So, yes possibility to inherit a phenotype from your grandparents exist, but it's a wild guess. Quite ridiculous to claim that. But of course you're entitled to think otherwise :thumb001:

Yeah maybe, some wild guess. Like you who put Alpine with med influence, but how do you know that, to be Alpine with med influence, when your alpine can be from your non-Euro, your middle eastern ancestry since your mix and and must be Asiatic alpine or some middle eastern input, like Arabid or something. To me you dont seem just med influence. Could be more Med but with Asiatic alpinid or other middle eastern input like Arabid. But your light skon, so pseudo look.

04-03-2017, 01:38 AM
Sure you might, but there's no way he can know for sure, and far from it. He's just 60% euro, that means his parents are also mixed, maybe he's got a pair of full euro grandpaerents in the best of case. Still impossible to know, that was many generations back and amerindian component changed the final result of their faces. So, yes possibility to inherit a phenotype from your grandparents exist, but it's a wild guess. Quite ridiculous to claim that. But of course you're entitled to think otherwise :thumb001:

He is either blind or indulging in his wannabe white fantasies. He looks nothing like a European. He is only 60% European(and 6% SSA). To expect him to look European would be laughable.

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-03-2017, 01:41 AM
He is either blind or indulging in his wannabe white fantasies. He looks nothing like a European. He is only 60% European(and 6% SSA). To expect him to look European would be laughable.

Are you stupid or what kid. Read my info. It says what I been typically classify as. As Alpinid-med with Amerind(pueblid-istmid) dumb ass.

04-03-2017, 01:43 AM
Are you stupid or what kid. Read my info. It says what I been typically classify as. As Alpinid-med with Amerind(pueblid-istmid) dumb ass.

I don't care what internet anthropologist classify you as. Alpines have typically infantile features, globular heads and short faces. That's from your amerindian mixed with SSA and European, you have no "alpine" influence, only a mix that results into something that resembles the alpine metrically in some ways. You only need eyes to notice that you're in reality mostly mongreloid.

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-03-2017, 01:45 AM
Plus you idiot, it says my mixed ancestry info, dumb motherfucker. Cant you read you Romani-an kid or you just a idiot like that.

04-03-2017, 01:45 AM
Plus you idiot, it says my mixed ancestry info, dumb motherfucker. Cant you read you Romani-an kid or you just a idiot like that.

Olmec rage or SSA chimp out??

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-03-2017, 01:46 AM
I don't care what internet anthropologist classify you as. Alpines have typically infantile features, globular heads and short faces. That's from your amerindian mixed with SSA and European, you have no "alpine" influence, only a mix that results into something that resembles the alpine metrically in some ways. You only need eyes to notice that you're in reality mostly mongreloid.

Just as I dont give a shit what you say or think. Truth talk to you.

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-03-2017, 01:49 AM
Olmec rage or SSA chimp out??

Nigga you look like a light Algerian with SSA influence. You got some nigga lips kid.

I look mainly what I am. Euro and Amerind. I dont really look SSA admix. While you do, which is odd. Maybe its Astraloid from some Gypsy ancestry in Romania. My guess

04-03-2017, 01:55 AM
Nigga you look like a light Algerian with SSA influence. You got some nigga lips kid.

I look mainly what I am. Euro and Amerind. I dont really look SSA admix. While you do, which is odd. Maybe its Astraloid from some Gypsy ancestry in Romania. My guess
LMFAO your SSA is mostly overshadowed by amerindian as they're further from SSA than Europeans. You can make shit up until the cows come home, you still look triracial and I still look half-Romanian, half-Norwegian. Capisce?

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-03-2017, 01:56 AM
LMFAO your SSA is mostly overshadowed by amerindian as they're further from SSA than Europeans. You can make shit up until the cows come home, you still look triracial and I still look half-Romanian, half-Norwegian. Capisce?


Mn The Loki TA Son
04-03-2017, 01:58 AM
You really crack me up kid. Entertaining to say the least. Keep it up. Your a funny guy. Anyway, Norwegian your ass. Even if you part. You look exotic, just with fair skin. Because you look like one of those light Algerian exsamples posted in anthro forums

04-03-2017, 02:00 AM
Yeah maybe, some wild guess. Like you who put Alpine with med influence, but how do you know that, to be Alpine with med influence, when your alpine can be from your non-Euro, your middle eastern ancestry since your mix and and must be Asiatic alpine or some middle eastern input, like Arabid or something. To me you dont seem just med influence. Could be more Med but with Asiatic alpinid or other middle eastern input like Arabid. But your light skon, so pseudo look.

I know that because Im 93% euro and the rest is caucasian, so I can be classified. Also, Im 56% right from the alps :p
I dont need to know my parents, grandparents or my DNA to get classified, its just about looks.

Remember phenotypes are about looks, not about genes. People inherit a bunch of euro genes from 4 different grandparents and their faces creates a phenotype of its own - when there's considerable non-euro admix, (specially not caucasian) is just impossible to classify because you're not in the euro range anymore. The most you can do is guess the percentages of each admix. ie; 60% euro, 40% amerindian, but you can't claim a certain euro phenotype because the euro info can't be read as the amerindian got in the way. Of course you're entitled to claim assumptions as a legit thing :thumb001:

10-14-2019, 11:16 AM
Dinaric probably

10-16-2019, 03:07 AM
IDK, since I am not an expert. So I will speak for what I have been classified by some forum members, who are said to be good classifiers, and to whom I sent in private some pics of mine.

All-In has classified me as brachycephalic Nordo-Med

Robocop has classified as mostly Baskid + some Alpine and Atlantid

Sikeliot has classified me as mostly Atlantid + maybe some minor Baskid

De Burg II has classified me as Alpine + Baskid

I am sure I have some very slight Brazilid influence, even though none of them detected it, which is normal, because my slight Amerindian mixture is not easily visible.

Update: I already opened my classification thread, and most users classified me as Alpinized North Atlantid, except a user who classified me as Brunn.

10-16-2019, 03:15 AM
I don't feel like posting my picture on the internet. I also don't like comparing myself to women but I don't pay attention to male celebrities since I am not gay. I would say my phenotype is this with dark hair and dark brown eyes :


10-16-2019, 03:18 AM

10-16-2019, 05:08 AM
Alpine Mediterranean with Taurid hints

10-16-2019, 05:22 AM
Atlanto-Dinaric. (Or properly said Atlantid dinaricized)

Envoyé de mon ALE-L21 en utilisant Tapatalk

10-16-2019, 05:30 AM
On account of various recent taxonomy threads lit by the Tukish Question, and, granted, in concert with a kind of magic.. more than ever, I feel affinity, for the fabled Anatolic Spectrum.

10-16-2019, 06:37 AM
Most have agreed with East Nordid, but also with Baltid and Borreby traits.

10-16-2019, 07:19 AM
Baltid-Atlantid mix.

10-16-2019, 07:22 AM

10-16-2019, 07:37 AM
Most have agreed with East Nordid, but also with Baltid and Borreby traits.

Who are the dissenters? Name them and shame them. Let's get fucked up tonight!

10-16-2019, 07:42 AM
East-Med is the one i mostly got

10-16-2019, 07:52 AM
East-Med is the one i mostly got

I can recall your aesthetic.

Let us say, for aesthetic's sake, that, our respective shifts should bring us respective passage, to the same land.

One night, you'll walk into a bar.. and.. I'll, perceive you, my friend.

Perhaps, as I light my cigarette.


10-16-2019, 08:01 AM
I can recall your aesthetic.

Let us say, for aesthetic's sake, that, our respective shifts should bring us respective passage, to the same land.

One night, you'll walk into a bar.. and.. I'll, perceive you, my friend.

Perhaps, as I light my cigarette.



10-16-2019, 08:11 AM
-Almost everyone in the apricity: Gracile med+Alpine

-My classification (Made by myself xd): Gracile med+Alpine+Minor Pueblid and Margid

10-16-2019, 08:13 AM
Pontid + Turanid
Pontid + CM
Pontid + Dinarid

10-16-2019, 08:13 AM

Hey, why you have a cartoon who looks exactly that me? lol

10-16-2019, 08:18 AM
-Almost everyone in the apricity: Gracile med+Alpine

-My classification (Made by myself xd): Gracile med+Alpine+Minor Pueblid and Margid


10-16-2019, 08:23 AM
Robust Iranid+ gracile med I think.

10-16-2019, 08:45 AM
Hey, why you have a cartoon who looks exactly that me? lol


"I'm just a prawn rustler."

I begin to build a cigarette using one hand, the other holds my horse's reins. All the while, I'm watching you. Above, in the sky, a star is shooting.

"I drift from Manchester to Bordeaux, most years. Seems to me, a man ought be well acquainted with himself."

10-16-2019, 08:51 AM
Atlantid, North Pontid, Corded (with dark eyes though)

Özgür Adam
10-16-2019, 09:08 AM
Pontid aesthetics brunette & dark brown eyes :hitler:

https://psv4.userapi.com/c856432/u305213348/docs/d13/8cb09b345261/MOSHED-2019-10-16-10-53-20.gif?extra=_j6Fyg8OozXJuuhXh-NqnodJpPyNhkl7c3VEZarIrooAQCLuL9D6J0j3Ja50UXL6zlP0 g5aCW3KkUWglZLHeujCraryZFBtBluk-dpkonlGauE9tmwzinT5Hq4YvInpZWQy7KHz9s_K0OfYuicRkbH XjLA

10-16-2019, 09:08 AM

With sudanid too :p

10-16-2019, 09:14 AM
With sudanid too :p

Now, you roll two dice, and if your combined total is in excess of 5, you will then have the Initiative, and get to have a set-piece of your own.. If you roll two sixes, as a bonus, your character will automatically be able to see in the dark as well as any panther.

Pater Patota
10-16-2019, 09:15 AM
I don't have to open a classification thread.

I'm Alpine-Dinarid-Med/East Med.

I'm 50% pass as Greek and 50% pass as South Italian.But I'm non of them.

10-16-2019, 09:19 AM
Betaface approved

Atlantid 72,8%
West Turanid 68,5
East Med 68,5
Atlanto-Med 68%
Baskid 67,5%
Gracile Med 67,1%

Atlantid+EastMed I would probably say

10-16-2019, 09:21 AM
Now, you roll two dice, and if your combined total is in excess of 5, you will then have the Initiative, and get to have a set-piece of your own.. If you roll two sixes, as a bonus, your character will automatically be able to see in the dark as well as any panther.

And what if my total is 4 or less? :confused:

10-16-2019, 09:22 AM
Pontid aesthetics brunette & dark brown eyes :hitler:

https://psv4.userapi.com/c856432/u305213348/docs/d13/8cb09b345261/MOSHED-2019-10-16-10-53-20.gif?extra=_j6Fyg8OozXJuuhXh-NqnodJpPyNhkl7c3VEZarIrooAQCLuL9D6J0j3Ja50UXL6zlP0 g5aCW3KkUWglZLHeujCraryZFBtBluk-dpkonlGauE9tmwzinT5Hq4YvInpZWQy7KHz9s_K0OfYuicRkbH XjLA

You're an idiot.

10-16-2019, 09:25 AM
And what if my total is 4 or less? :confused:

My character will have the initiative.. I will bind you, maim your horse, and make you fight each other to the death.

10-16-2019, 09:26 AM
My character is a serial killer, bro.

Özgür Adam
10-16-2019, 09:26 AM
You're an idiot.

I HATE YOU TOO :thumb001:

10-16-2019, 09:27 AM
I HATE YOU TOO :thumb001:

idk man but you're just an idiot lol

10-16-2019, 09:30 AM
Sorry if I disconcerted you lol :tongue

10-16-2019, 09:33 AM
My character will have the initiative.. I will bind you, maim your horse, and make you fight each other to the death.

That sounds very interesting; I like this result...ok, It rolled and my total is 1 (I throwed two dice lol)

10-16-2019, 09:34 AM
My character is a serial killer, bro.

And mine is the old vident that can know each movement that you do xd

10-16-2019, 09:41 AM
Sorry if I disconcerted you lol :tongue

Oh no, in fact it's funny ;)

10-16-2019, 09:41 AM
And mine is the old vident that can know each movement that you do xd

I know, right..That's why it would be so fucking cool for you to have panther night vision, bro.. you could do so many activities with that shit, man..

Özgür Adam
10-16-2019, 09:50 AM
idk man but you're just an idiot lol


10-16-2019, 09:54 AM
@ Hello Guys

Here's the deal with my sessions, though.. and I only have the one rule, but I'm kind of aggro about it: You cannot go out of character, until you step inside your own house. So, like, when we as a group - usually there are at least five players around my kitchen table - decide to conclude the night's session, I don't want any, "Thanks for hosting" or "Nice session, man" or whatever.

Just leave my kitchen table, exit my home and stay in character until you step inside your own home. If you catch a train ride over to my place, I don't give a flying fuck if there is no one else in the train on the ride home, stay in character.

10-16-2019, 10:00 AM
Porque si te alejas una pulgada del personaje, en cualquier etapa de tu viaje a casa ... te perseguiré y torceré tu pezón.

10-16-2019, 10:02 AM
żTenemos un entendimiento o no?!

10-16-2019, 10:15 AM
I'm sorry, I've, not been myself lately. I cannot seem to get out of character. Not that anyone cares, but I'm playing a deaf Portuguese warlock in the early years of the Spanish conquest of the Aztec empire. I was sired by Damiăo, a hard man who often me disciplinou, muitas vezes severamente, e me ensinou como pescar e ler a mente dos cavalos..

10-16-2019, 10:20 AM

10-16-2019, 10:21 AM
I think I'm mostly between Armenoid/Taurid and Asiatic Alpine(I'm Toppo900):

10-16-2019, 10:44 AM
I think I'm mostly between Armenoid/Taurid and Asiatic Alpine(I'm Toppo900):

Welcome to the forum,

You remind me of another member we have here from the UAE.

10-16-2019, 10:51 AM
Welcome to the forum,

You remind me of another member we have here from the UAE.
We should report him, he uses another arab member pics as himself

10-16-2019, 10:51 AM
Welcome to the forum,

You remind me of another member we have here from the UAE.


10-16-2019, 10:52 AM

Just saying, you remind me of him..

10-16-2019, 10:54 AM
I think I'm mostly between Armenoid/Taurid and Asiatic Alpine(I'm Toppo900):
I would say Taurid & Med, perhaps with some Syrid elements. I do not see Alpinization. But overall, you are Taurid. Weight shouldn't affect a phenotype.

Wait, is this the real Toppo? Cos he requested a two month ban. So I doubt he would make an account as he's not banned by the administrators. :confused:

10-16-2019, 10:56 AM
I would say Taurid & Med, perhaps with some Syrid leanings. I do not see Alpinization. But overall, you are Taurid. Weight shouldn't affect a phenotype.

Wait, is this the real Toppo? Cos he requested a two month ban. So I doubt he would make an account as he's not banned by the administrators. :confused:

Hmm, I was called being Alpine all the time in my previous classifications. Yes, I'm Toppo. I took a break to study the bible more, but I decided to come back early due on the fact that I'm finished reading most of it. Yes, I did not abandon my faith on Christ :)

However, I created an account because there's no way for me to contact Loki or any of the mods here to unban me. I need to have some posts here to enable private messaging.

10-16-2019, 11:01 AM
Hmm, I was called being Alpine all the time in my previous classifications. Yes, I'm Toppo. I took a break to study the bible more, but I decided to come back early due on the fact that I'm finished reading most of it. Yes, I did not abandon my faith on Christ :)

However, I created an account because there's no way for me to contact Loki or any of the mods here to unban me. I need to have some posts here to enable private messaging.
You're automatically an alpine if you are a bit chubby. ;)

I could swear that you were a staunch atheist. What happened? :eek:

Something is fishy here. Just saying, man.

10-16-2019, 11:05 AM
You're automatically an alpine if you are a bit chubby. ;)

I could swear that you were a staunch atheist. What happened? :eek:

Something is fishy here. Just saying, man.

I had my confusion in faith, that's all. I stated that I was an atheist due to my doubts, but as I read the bible more closely, it had strengthened my faith more strongly. I guess I shouldn't jump out of the boat too early. Can you show me any Taurid examples? I mean, it sounds like a rare phenotype or something.

10-16-2019, 11:08 AM
I had my confusion in faith, that's all. I stated that I was an atheist due to my doubts, but as I read the bible more closely, it had strengthened my faith more strongly. I guess I shouldn't jump out of the boat too early. Can you show me any Taurid examples? I mean, it sounds like a rare phenotype or something.
It's not a very legit one for sure. Just Google Image it. It's somewhere between Armenoid and Dinarid.

10-16-2019, 11:11 AM
Alpine med or Irano-med-alpine

10-16-2019, 11:13 AM
It's not a very legit one for sure. Just Google Image it. It's somewhere between Armenoid and Dinarid.

I tried to find some images, but I only got this:

Can you explain to me what is the Taurid race?

10-16-2019, 11:16 AM
I tried to find some images, but I only got this:

Can you explain to me what is the Taurid race?
Armenoid/Dinarid mix.


You don't really sound like Toppo. I know how he types. Lol.

10-16-2019, 11:19 AM
Armenoid/Dinarid mix.


You don't really sound like Toppo. I know how he types. Lol.

Well, I don't know how to prove it to you that I am Toppo.

10-16-2019, 11:36 AM
Neo-Danubian/East Baltic

Crimson Winds
10-16-2019, 11:49 AM

10-16-2019, 11:53 AM
Something with nordid

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-16-2019, 11:56 AM
I'm some blend or mix of Dinarid, Borreby, Alpine, and Alfold elements as those are the main elements of my parents (as determined by the TA brain trust). I'm not someone who fits neatly into a single classification that's for sure.

Vid Flumina
10-16-2019, 12:14 PM

10-16-2019, 12:23 PM
No clue, like Mr.G I don't think I fall under one specific phenotype. People on TA generally seemed to think I was predominantly North Atlantid with some kind of Cromagnid influence (although people couldn't agree on what that was). Betaface usually consistently spits out North Atlantid, Faelid, Brünn and Keltic Nordid as my highest matches; so even though that site is generally to be taken with a grain of salt, I'd imagine I'm somewhat of a mixture between those aforementioned four types.

10-16-2019, 10:00 PM
Well, I don't know how to prove it to you that I am Toppo.

There was a guy here yesterday who looks very similar to you, also from the UAE.

10-16-2019, 10:10 PM
Gracile Med. Sicilian variety.

10-16-2019, 10:11 PM
No clue, like Mr.G I don't think I fall under one specific phenotype. People on TA generally seemed to think I was predominantly North Atlantid with some kind of Cromagnid influence (although people couldn't agree on what that was). Betaface usually consistently spits out North Atlantid, Faelid, Brünn and Keltic Nordid as my highest matches; so even though that site is generally to be taken with a grain of salt, I'd imagine I'm somewhat of a mixture between those aforementioned four types.

Is betaface even accurate? I get Gorid on there.

10-16-2019, 10:13 PM
Is betaface even accurate? I get Gorid on there.

Where can I find betaface?

10-16-2019, 10:19 PM
Is betaface even accurate? I get Gorid on there.
Not really. I think it's good for a rough indication but it's not something worth taking completely seriously, especially as the 'classification' can change wildly depending on which photo you use. I've tested with about 20-25 photos and have had everything from Trřnder to Pontid come up as the best match depending on the lighting they were taken in, and so on. In my case, N.Atlantid/Faelid/Brünn/KN are simply ones that have come up so often that I think it's possible to draw an (albeit tenuous) correlation from them. I definitely wouldn't take the result from one single photo seriously, though.

Where can I find betaface?

10-16-2019, 10:22 PM
Not really. I think it's good for a rough indication but it's not something worth taking completely seriously, especially as the 'classification' can change wildly depending on which photo you use. I've tested with about 20-25 photos and have had everything from Trřnder to Pontid come up as the best match depending on the lighting they were taken in, and so on. In my case, N.Atlantid/Faelid/Brünn/KN are simply ones that have come up so often that I think it's possible to draw an (albeit tenuous) correlation from them. I definitely wouldn't take the result from one single photo seriously, though.


Thank you, I'm just trying to figure out how to generate a phenotype/classification..

10-16-2019, 10:22 PM
I will try Atlantid + Dinarid but I'm too fine featured for both types. Anyone has an additional phenotype who could fit well this characteristic ?

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Daco Celtic
10-16-2019, 10:31 PM
Paleo-Atlantid or something
