View Full Version : Spain's surnames to be in alphabetical order

Comte Arnau
11-04-2010, 09:11 PM
Note: In Spain, a person has two surnames. Traditionally the first one has been the father's first surname,while the second one was the mother's first...


A bill by the Civil Registration Office plans to abandon definitely the prevalence of the father's surname in the order of surnames passed to children. Now, unless parents specify this otherwise, the judge will place them in alphabetical order.

The reform of the Civil Code in 1999 already introduced the possibility to alter the traditional order and place the mother's surname first. But if the couple didn't agree, the father's one continued to prevail. If this bill is passed, the situation would change: if the couple doesn't reach an agreement, the order will be alphabetical.

Article 49 of the bill also establishes that the alphabetical order will also be applied when the surnames have not been specifically registered. In other words, unless parents specify otherwise, Aparicio will appear before Zapardiel, no matter the lineage it descends from.

The surname order given to the first child will continue to be the same in other children of the same filiation.

The bill introduces another factor. Those who have suffered from gender violence will be able to change their surnames and abandon the aggressor's one immediately, without need of a dossier, just by means of a warrant by the Ministry of Justice.

The law, which will not come into force until 2 years from now, will mean that the individual is the only social unit. The traditional Libro de Familia, a booklet recording details of one's marriage, children's birthdates, etc, will definitely belong to the past.

Opinions in the street are diverse, many finding this a little absurd. Others complain that this way the surnames beginning by the final letters could disappear soon.

11-04-2010, 09:44 PM
For me it's not only absurd, but a good sample of the kind of humiliations that we, as traditional Spaniards (as Don'd tell) , have to suffer by the hands of the bastards we have to suffer on the Government. Curiously, Spain was one of the few countries (to say more the source from them) where women does not lose her maiden surname after marriage, and not only that, where she passes it to her sons as second surname. But obviously for our fucking Socialists such things do not suffice.

Pd. I'm counting the hours till corrupt ConservativeLiberal alternative (Popular Party) would free ourselves from this bad pseudoprogressive nightmare.

11-04-2010, 09:50 PM
A new PSOE subnormality. Changing surname law is stupid. It was acepted by everybody , and you could change your surnames later if you wanted. It is a new feminazi law , to say that PSOE is progresist although they are economicaly more liberal and capitalists than PP. Chosing surnames by abecedary is also discriminatory, and bad for the survival and variability of the surnames. It is law created to satisfy a pair of feminazis like Pajin or Bibiana Aido.

11-04-2010, 10:05 PM
Dios mio.

I was hoping it was a joke of some kind at first. This will be a pain in the arse for genealogists. More importantly, it's just an attack on tradition, for attacking's sake. Fucking Communists.

I'm surprised that the picture with the article still has a male and female couple. Rather old-fashioned, and due for imminent reform, no doubt.

11-04-2010, 10:08 PM
I'm surprised that the picture with the article still has a male and female couple. Rather old-fashioned, and due for imminent reform, no doubt.

That's not a woman, it's a transsexual holding a footie ball.

11-04-2010, 10:15 PM
A nightmare, a real nightmare, what about our public image on foreign friend countries? In fact, till recent years, I was almost proud of my pass voting (beyond ideological boundaries) on pre-Zapatero PSOE (Almunia and others). Nowadays, still acknowledging it was another level and another intelligences, I tend to think that to support a party able to and already generating the pseudoprogressive-radical-feminazi abortions we're suffering now, it was a gross failure of judgement from my part.

11-05-2010, 06:25 PM
A bizarre update from a former mild socialdemocratic newspaper of Spain, in fact the long-time bestseller of Spanish press. This is the offensive way to begin the new about it:

El apellido paterno como bandera

El apellido paterno se convierte ahora en bandera conservadora. La reforma de una ley que termina con restos de la sociedad patriarcal tradicional ha encontrado fuertes resistencias. El proyecto de Ley de Registro Civil, en trámite parlamentario, termina con la prevalencia del apellido masculino, una medida en la que algunos han visto otro ataque frontal del Gobierno contra la familia...

"termina con restos de la sociedad patriarcal tradicional"? Really? Then Anglosaxon countries where bride lose her surname what the hell are? Tabilan societies? Another laughable excuse from socialite Gov is that former precedence discriminated women...it would be respectable argument if not were because of recent events like socialists changing penal law to punish more domestic violence when offender is the male one: no wonder Feminazi term spreaded in record pace at Spanish lands since Zapatero ruled it.

11-05-2010, 07:37 PM
No comment.

11-05-2010, 07:57 PM
No hay ningún problema Don, no te preocupes, es opcional, o sea si la mujer o el hombre lo piden, quienes merezcan que su apellido perdure lo dejarán claro antes de tener un hijo y quien no simplemente merecerá que se pierda.

El mío no se perderá, sin importar que esté al otro extremo del abecedario, alejado de la "A".