View Full Version : do Central French look closer to Spaniards or to Germans?

03-30-2017, 08:17 PM
everybody knows that Northern French (North of the Loire) are basically hyperborean people from Ultima Thule with insane levels of depigmentation while Southern French (South of the 45 parallel) are like other South Europeans but do you think that Central French (between the 45 parallel and the Loire) are closer to Spain or to Germany lookwise in regard of pigmentation and facial features? my personal impression is that they are slightly closer to Spaniards though they might be closer to South Germans when it comes to eyes depigmentation.

03-30-2017, 08:20 PM
It depends where, usually southern France is Atlantid land with lot of Alpines, Noric people as well and Meds, Atlanto-meds are found too, mainly.

03-30-2017, 08:20 PM
Depends on what Germans/ Spaniards you're talking about. I'd say that the average would look in-between the average of both.

03-30-2017, 08:22 PM
Depends on what Germans/ Spaniards you're talking about. I'd say that the average would look in-between the average of both.
Spaniard users are 100% positive that there are no regional differences in their country unless you use an electronic microscope to look at people.

03-30-2017, 08:24 PM
Spaniard users are 100% positive that there are no regional differences in their country unless you use an electronic microscope to look at people.

This nawt truu.
There is no such thing in Europe. Especially in large populations

03-30-2017, 08:33 PM
Germany even if they don't look typically German

03-30-2017, 08:37 PM
Spaniard users are 100% positive that there are no regional differences in their country unless you use an electronic microscope to look at people.

There are differences between ethnic Spanish individuals, going from swarthier than average Spaniards, to Spaniards who are as blonde and pale as the palest Scandinavians, but the regional differences between the frequencies of lighter, medium and darker types are small.

Also, I find it very simplistic to ask if Central French look closer in looks and pigmentation to Spanish or Germans, without including the phrase "on average", because in the three populations all individuals are not the same. There might be southern Germans who are swarthy and could be mistaken with Swarthy southern Europeans, as well as ethnic Spanish individuals who are as pale and blonde as the palest Scandinavians, or many ethnic Spanish individuals with a fair skin/hair pigmentation (not too pale and not too Nordic) who would not stand out among southern Germans and other Central Europeans.

03-30-2017, 09:17 PM
There are differences between ethnic Spanish individuals, going from swarthier than average Spaniards, to Spaniards who are as blonde and pale as the palest Scandinavians, but the regional differences between the frequencies of lighter, medium and darker types are small.

Also, I find it very simplistic to ask if Central French look closer in looks and pigmentation to Spanish or Germans, without including the phrase "on average", because in the three populations all individuals are not the same. There might be southern Germans who are swarthy and could be mistaken with Swarthy southern Europeans, as well as ethnic Spanish individuals who are as pale and blonde as the palest Scandinavians, or many ethnic Spanish individuals with a fair skin/hair pigmentation (not too pale and not too Nordic) who would not stand out among southern Germans and other Central Europeans.

You're using what I'd call the Roberto Grande fallacy. That because there are atypical people in populations that should change your perception of the average. The average Spaniard with have dark hair and eyes, the percentage of Spaniards who portray fair features make up a small percentage of the Spanish population. Germans are majority fair but not by much, however even those with darker hair and eyes usually look more central Euro, not south Euro. The French are majority dark, but with a significant pop. that portray fair features, somewhere around 40-45%

03-30-2017, 09:28 PM
Intermediate; for Central France, maybe just a bit towards Germany. They are still not particularly close to Germans on average.

03-30-2017, 09:37 PM
There are differences between ethnic Spanish individuals, going from swarthier than average Spaniards, to Spaniards who are as blonde and pale as the palest Scandinavians, but the regional differences between the frequencies of lighter, medium and darker types are small.

Also, I find it very simplistic to ask if Central French look closer in looks and pigmentation to Spanish or Germans, without including the phrase "on average", because in the three populations all individuals are not the same. There might be southern Germans who are swarthy and could be mistaken with Swarthy southern Europeans, as well as ethnic Spanish individuals who are as pale and blonde as the palest Scandinavians, or many ethnic Spanish individuals with a fair skin/hair pigmentation (not too pale and not too Nordic) who would not stand out among southern Germans and other Central Europeans.
average was implicit.

03-31-2017, 01:23 AM
everybody knows that Northern French (North of the Loire) are basically hyperborean people from Ultima Thule with insane levels of depigmentation while Southern French (South of the 45 parallel) are like other South Europeans but do you think that Central French (between the 45 parallel and the Loire) are closer to Spain or to Germany lookwise in regard of pigmentation and facial features? my personal impression is that they are slightly closer to Spaniards though they might be closer to South Germans when it comes to eyes depigmentation.

We need pics of French carrying baguettes under their armpits and wearing Basque beret for a better response.

03-31-2017, 04:15 AM
You're using what I'd call the Roberto Grande fallacy. That because there are atypical people in populations that should change your perception of the average. The average Spaniard with have dark hair and eyes, the percentage of Spaniards who portray fair features make up a small percentage of the Spanish population. Germans are majority fair but not by much, however even those with darker hair and eyes usually look more central Euro, not south Euro. The French are majority dark, but with a significant pop. that portray fair features, somewhere around 40-45%

I never implied that most Spaniards are pale as fuck and blonde.

And when I talked about swarthy southern Germans, I didn't mean fair brunettes with typical Central European phenotype, but really swarthy individuals (who I know are very minority among them, but who exist).

Of course, there are higher incidence of very pale and blonde people in northern Europe, and a higher incidence of swarthy individuals in southern Europe (but still minority, not the norm), while Central Europeans would be in between.

In any case, in ALL the European populations (and Iberians are not an exception) most people are not either swarthy nor very pale and blonde either, but fair brunettes with a fair intermediate and very pan-European skin and hair pigmentation.

07-19-2024, 02:59 AM
As someone who has met and seen a ton of French and Germans, it's obviously Germans by far. No doubt.

07-19-2024, 03:05 AM
As someone who has met and seen a ton of French and Germans, it's obviously Germans by far. No doubt.

Just out of curiosity do you travel to other countries or just live in a diverse metro area in Canada? You have apparently have contact with people from many different ethnicities/nationalities.

07-19-2024, 03:07 AM
Just out of curiosity do you travel to other countries or just live in a diverse metro area in Canada? You have apparently have contact with people from many different ethnicities/nationalities.

I don't travel to other countries but I've been to many places in Ontario and I've met a whole bunch of different people from my experiences during high school, university, etc etc. Met a ton of full on French people as well as French-Canadians/Quebecois

Johnson Reed
07-19-2024, 03:26 AM
This nawt truu.
There is no such thing in Europe. Especially in large populations

Ireland has essentially no regional variation.

07-19-2024, 04:53 AM
If we believe these threads, French people are not very different from Spaniards, even those who are from Center/Bretogne: