View Full Version : What is Hallstatt-Nordid?

04-03-2017, 06:28 AM
This is an artificially generated concept - which in reality does not have an independent position.

No One knows - if these people have Celtic or Germanic roots.

There was an overlapp between Celtic culture and Germanic ancestry 3,000 years ago in Central Europe (recognizable by the distribution of R1b1 - U106) in Southern Germany and Western Germany (west of the Harz up to the North Sea coast).

Ok - you can find Hallstatt-Nordid persons in Hallstatt (I live not far from Hallstatt - about 150 Kilometers ;) ....), but you can find persons of this phenotype everywhere in Central Europe from the Atlantic coast of France to Poland and from Hamburg to Vienna.

Grab the Gauge
04-03-2017, 06:51 AM
The Halstatt Nordic as a living racial type was invented by Carleton Coon and was said to be found only in Scandinavia, having left central Europe ages ago. You won't find any Halstatt Nordics in Central Europe, rest assured.


Grab the Gauge
04-03-2017, 06:52 AM
P.s. please stop using the very, very, very gay term "Nordid" and just say "Nordic" like the original authors intended.

04-03-2017, 07:04 AM
I use the term Nordid, cause I am German speaking. And in German - this is Nordid and not Nordic. I am sure the TA forists will undestand that. I also have to accept the term Noric that I do not like. Norid is a low-rated type of germanic-looking people in Central Europe because they are partially mixed with low-rated European subgroups (like Neolithics and Mesolithics) ;) ..................)

Grab the Gauge
04-03-2017, 07:21 AM
I use the term Nordid, cause I am German speaking. And in German - this is Nordid and not Nordic. I am sure the TA forists will undestand that. I also have to accept the term Noric that I do not like. Norid is a low-rated type of germanic-looking people in Central Europe because they are partially mixed with low-rated European subgroups (like Neolithics and Mesolithics) ;) ..................)

Actually -isch is the German equivalent of the suffix -ic. The real reason you use the term is because everyone on anthroforums is a flaming fucking faggot who tries to change the old suffixes from "-ic" to "-id" to try and make themselves sound up-to-date and informed, and you simply got in line and did what everybody else was doing. Dinarid, Pontid, Mediterranid, Baltid, Alpinid, etcid. Even English users do this. People just can't bear to use original, clear and concise words like "Dinaric" or "Alpine" anymore. It might make them feel manly enough to pull the electrodes out of their ass, and restore their countries' Patriarchy.

04-03-2017, 01:23 PM
I asked Google for "Hallstatt nordic phenotype", and I found a lot of persons who should look like Hallstatt nordic phenotype.

I found the pic of the Swedish model - Vendela Kirsebom. I classify her not Hallstatt nordic - she is Nordid (Western German or Western Scandinavian) - typical for Saxon in the area Hannover, Kassel, Hamburg up to Denmark.


Also on the list: The model Jusienka who ist Baltid

04-04-2017, 05:19 PM

04-04-2017, 05:26 PM
A gracile and extremelly subhuman looking phenotype

12-09-2017, 03:33 AM
The Halstatt Nordic as a living racial type was invented by Carleton Coon and was said to be found only in Scandinavia, having left central Europe ages ago. You won't find any Halstatt Nordics in Central Europe, rest assured.


Is that really true by the way? Did Hallstatt only enter Scandinavian from the Iron Age?! Seems a bit unlikely to me, considering Corded people were in Scandinavia way before that...

12-09-2017, 03:46 AM
Is that really true by the way? Did Hallstatt only enter Scandinavian from the Iron Age?! Seems a bit unlikely to me, considering Corded people were in Scandinavia way before that...

Hallstatt Nordid is a (virtual) imagination - not real.

It is thought that people from the Hallstatt culture emigrated to Scandinavia about 3000 years ago.

But we do not know the appearance of the Celts from the Hallstatt culture.

The mediated picture is indeed reminiscent of men who still live in Austria and northern Italy today.

12-09-2017, 04:06 AM
Hallstatt Nordid is a (virtual) imagination - not real.

It is thought that people from the Hallstatt culture emigrated to Scandinavia about 3000 years ago.

But we do not know the appearance of the Celts from the Hallstatt culture.

The mediated picture is indeed reminiscent of men who still live in Austria and northern Italy today.

I disagree that it is false, I think that's pretty ridiculous to claim that given the abundance of Hallstatt-like skeletons, showing a clear origin in the Unetice culture.

It's just I don't believe the Scandinavian Hallstatt is derived from C. Europe.

12-09-2017, 05:04 AM
I disagree that it is false, I think that's pretty ridiculous to claim that given the abundance of Hallstatt-like skeletons, showing a clear origin in the Unetice culture.

It's just I don't believe the Scandinavian Hallstatt is derived from C. Europe.

Why do you think - there is no connection between Hallstatt Nordid on the one hand and Hallstatt in Austria - Central Europe on the other?

12-09-2017, 05:08 AM
Why do you think - there is no connection between Hallstatt Nordid on the one hand and Hallstatt in Austria - Central Europe on the other?

Because even though the types are morphologically very similar, one big difference is that Hallstatts in Austria would have had lots of red hair, whereas red hair doesn't really exist among Scandi Hallstatts.

Also, Coon said Hallstatt = Danubian + Corded, which I agree with.


Danubian and Corded elements were already in Scandinavia!!! Danubian farmers made it into Scandinavia through the Funnelbeaker culture, and Corded "warriors" through Battle-Axe.

12-09-2017, 05:09 AM

this is Hallstatt Nordid - Austrian style.

Franz Gasselsberger, Oberbank, Austria

12-09-2017, 05:10 AM

this is Hallstatt Nordid - Austrian style.

Franz Gasselsberger, Oberbank, Austria

Lol okay nice trolling :P

12-09-2017, 05:23 AM
What you think is not real - this is an imagination of your mind - nothing else.

There is no relation from Corded to Hallstadt

Corded is 5.000 years ago - in the area of Poland, Czechia, Belarus, Russia up to East Germany - they had been R1a1 men !

Hallstatt Celts had been living in Central Europe 3.000 years ago - and they had been R1b1 probably (U106 or U152) - and in company to the Upper Class Celts - the Neolithic- and Mesolithic-followers had been living in Central Europe at the same time as the servants of the Upper Class Celts.

12-09-2017, 05:24 AM
Lol okay nice trolling :P

I am not trolling - you have no idea what happened 3.000 years ago. This was the time of King Salomon.

12-09-2017, 05:34 AM
What you think is not real - this is an imagination of your mind - nothing else.

There is no relation from Corded to Hallstadt

Corded is 5.000 years ago - in the area of Poland, Czechia, Belarus, Russia up to East Germany - they had been R1a1 men !

Hallstatt Celts had been living in Central Europe 3.000 years ago - and they had been R1b1 probably (U106 or U152) - and in company to the Upper Class Celts - the Neolithic- and Mesolithic-followers had been living in Central Europe at the same time as the servants of the Upper Class Celts.

Don't you understand, the name "Hallstatt Nordid" doesnt matter - it could be called anything! The type seems to be Corded (or something Corded-like) + Danubian (or something Danubian-like).

All I said was that the Hallstatt type in Scandinavia could not have come from Central Europe

12-09-2017, 05:49 AM
What is Danubian?

Danubian are people living in the area of the river Danube.

About 5.000 years ago - the area of the River danube had been land of the R1b1-men - they had been Indoeuropean and followers of Yamnaya.
Just a small number of R1a1 L664 invaders migrated for the Balkans - River Danube - area of Germany today - to Scandinavia.

Zitat Eupedia:
"The R1b branch of the Indo-Europeans is thought to have originated in the southern Yamna culture (northern shores of the Black Sea). It was the first one to move from the steppes to Europe, invading the Danube delta around 4200 BCE, then making its way around the Balkans and the Hungarian plain in the 4th millennium BCE. It is likely that a minority of R1a people accompanied this R1b migration. Those R1a men would have belonged to the L664 subclade, the first to split from the Yamna core."

12-09-2017, 06:12 AM
The R1a1 Invaders:


12-09-2017, 07:34 AM
Because even though the types are morphologically very similar, one big difference is that Hallstatts in Austria would have had lots of red hair, whereas red hair doesn't really exist among Scandi Hallstatts.

Also, Coon said Hallstatt = Danubian + Corded, which I agree with.


Danubian and Corded elements were already in Scandinavia!!! Danubian farmers made it into Scandinavia through the Funnelbeaker culture, and Corded "warriors" through Battle-Axe.

Genetics would support migration from Central Europe, as R1b in Sweden is probably derived from Hallstatt area.

12-09-2017, 07:57 AM
Genetics would support migration from Central Europe, as R1b in Sweden is probably derived from Hallstatt area.

More from the Elp culture - Hallstatt was likely U152.

But yeah, Elp was still R1b, the only thing is - how can it have had brought the Hallstatt type to Scandinavia, if the Hallstatt type is defined (not entirely ofc) for its lack of rufosity?

Also again - the whole Corded + Danubian theory, which is very likely to me, doesn't need the incursion of U106 (which, firstly, isn't THAT present in the Hallstatt core of Central-South Sweden), as Danubian farmers and Corded invaders had already moved into Scandinavia long ago

12-09-2017, 08:38 AM
Origin: aleximreh.wordpress.com .... the pic is from eupedia but they dont allow hotlinking of the newest graphic

In this graphic you can see that the Celts emigrated from Austria > Southern Germany > Northern Germany > Denmark > Southern Norway, Southern Sweden

But I am not sure if this graphic is true; I guess that people living in the Northern area of Germany - invaded Scandinavia 3.000 years ago - not sure. They had R1b1a - U106 < this is the Germanic marker of R1b.